HE A.LTR. when the sljver is thrust in there, itE~ ITEETN. is équîivalent to an inoculation of pus, for when the germa are carried Pd ows and Gonsumptioa- in there, suppuration begins very quiekly; itm bU ieasnd Things thse Worid There can hc no dolobt that -the use of whereas other portions ofs the body which Oves'. the flesh of cowis and of unsterjlized cows' are thorouighly cleansed would flot be so Tesraeo aeSpro s62fe mil lanueet he oa wieiyactve auss able to the action of germs. A ruisty rail, above thle ecean's level. of consomption, and one which bas been thrust loto the foot wîil produce lock.jaw On an average there are 10,000 advertise. very aptly designatedl "the great white in many cases ; and this îa because, on the men ts a week in the eleven London ring- plagoe ef civilizatioil." The facit has heen seiled oeil there are ofren present germa of papecrs. known to the mneica1 profession for many tetaius (germas whicb produce lockjaw), -lcric light is being used as bait by yeara, and yet no very radical measures and the rail carnies themr through the skin fishemnt, pyter aln ln h have been taken with reference to the sup. ootefeh Now skins of fruit, beiog Paciiltcat pression of this cause of disetise, whicli is infefsted with gerMa, when eaten, carry Thr ae ,801,00bi,4,0 a-ontbeaally for many titres more those germa down into the stomach aiongae 680$0,0 il, 485z deaths than choiera or any other of the epi- with the fruit, and these germa then cause bis and 47,324 $1,000 bis flu cir- lemicdisese.culat-ion l the United States. hene ieae.the fruit to decomllose. Maoy persons are .J Beeisteak la censumed in grelter qean- flot able to eat rawý fruit for this rollier. 0f the officiais iu one Helena, Mont.,, tities than ever, oig to its prescrit choap- cha.rue the preaident, secretary and treas- nes, and cew' milk la swaloe tal fa~r fEîn r3 ra urer are saloon-keepera. tiiocs and at ail places wi4thout the sightest Thle only wooleo miliinl South Africa is ioqoiry loto ïts antecedlents, ami without v.Bosiauthsmdafrsh bat of lit Natal. It produces an avrerage of 1,800l the sIiuehtest ioquiry loto its antecedleots, bread the subject ot minute investigation yardsý of cIltb per month. aod wthou theappliatio of ny m anad the resoits are interesting. New bread forohe ehtectdesftmrcucvoiomcroosfn is aallat art, l seioctobesrny-a Tpi facorylu ew orkrun frm 2 The wo't mok an oter hil thy cn gt OD CiuMeve iftC' vleh the lactile fluid may contain. Dr. flexible, aud glotioous, tbat by mastication a.mi te 2 p. m. six days lu the weok, and have to beg or borrow it, for there is no othertobaco w if hsues E. . ruh all te owIlthe wet ourse it is with great difficulty separated and te- tourus eut, 2),000 pies a day. o thatco hchasue o.f Bosh ptoeIlsad the sthefoliog duced ta maler parts, and la less' uder Britishi coaýh ad carniage builders im t coo00, mild, sweet srnoke. z . Rl- n - - Co., Menuffactusers, Montsea. Y hiid for d1fânep it csutioservatin male nýe rela- the influence of the saliva and gas tric jnices. port frein America the choiceab spekes, tion oft ows to this dread disease It consqoeorly forma itself ioto Isard balla bobs and iba fer wheel manufacture. çýs the best 1 ever aie. "Seref nIonsfemales in the human racebyaresadhaymstcto and- The property ownied by New York City r Thaks o OTTLEE, housualiy secrets an abondance of milk ha- giutîtïgu, becomes coated olver with saliva la, estlnated to have risen in value from a cause in scrof oie there la an uuustia1ten- and lime, and i0 this state entiera tise $277,U00,o00lu 1871 te $559,000,000 lu i; Ds-w and Luccessful shorteffiag. deucy tel glandular enlargemient and au-stm h.Tegtrejiebngabee183 tivity. As the mainmary la theIiiobeut peustrate sncb bard masses, and being Hnaylaatewrdl h rde type ef glandular tructure,it fa stimulated scarcelytiable even te act snobpsoarehe surface LLQU to iocreased action. A srfuescow l of them, they trequcntly romain lu the stin ofglase.j ewel, sncb a are used wt V L ICU" CU uulythe largeat milier, and the loseat tomach unchanged, and, like foreign enti l yasns.Thwokidueams DIPHTHERIA, QIJINSY, COLDS NDC U H ASICl VOUR kind et ceusaogminity bas been practiced by bodies, irtt n incommode it, inducing GRCRcattis breeders,wiîi the object of predncing everyspecies of, soffring,-oppresaien et The wold's hep crop this year la estimat- aOERasenefulous aiimane ecue 'ieatha steniacb, pain in the chest, Idisturbed ed tobe 7,000,0ponds less thanlat er, ___,ýM FO srfuosbu ecue h prtcla or i irculation eft t'e hloed,cengestion and pain aithough fthe United States crop is 4,000,00l FO R ero uleu , b t b caus th pa ticu ar erm inl the bad, irritation of the brain, and in . perm ds greater than ast season. J I ' ~I£ T.mn.We End, te, that cosangineus flammnation, apoplectie attacks, cramp, sl Leýndon bas a big appetite. It devours S Ls r ILH breeding lias been aleége 1 as one of the delirium, everyv year ever 400,000ï oxen, 1,600,000 causes of tubencuiesis in the luman race, sheep, , 500,000 calves, 700,000 bogal fewls wbere it nover eau becenducted with se To Frevent Takineg (Jold. luoum1ierabhe,aodcensumea 9,800,000 gallons close sud lutimate bieod relatives as lu thé One et the very beat means te prevent of milk. =4 WT1 0 0 yr-~ - -uý'- jade onny b3r dairy animais. takinz cold ils te malte yourself proot tlpvard et 60 per cent. et the earthquakes ' = lVi..,..L%. ./L... N. K. FAIRBANE & ÇQ "The absence et pbtbisis lu bigb, èdry, against colda. If a person is frequently duiut he bsix corle ehave e cr, wed, o se n V'eiilngtoand An Strett;, meuntainous ragions bas been accounted taltinccold, thare la doubtiess great su- 5 rigt heislestn b * J af te rOfCohT edW st san MNRA.for by mason of the altitude and absence uf tiltyt changes et tamparature. Dr. tl ]ax,ýimnm nombor isu anaary andth 'M-NRA.moisture lu thse atmosphere but fbore eccursetBiiit ter as I o r att iiiu nJl.Suitings of al kinds, for men, youths a somewhat curions tact; na Cly ht th, take cold by gettîn g yonr feet wet, thon Misfor the use etfres dsrbn cwlcsnttivin meidy, Maa trmesdesribogand boys, were neyer excelled and ____________________________ o d es tri t ni e in h ig0 , dr y, motin -get yoot fot w t every day. Harden y enn. the che(mical qualities e the ad lu varios eus rgon hee te mitself te i,-i onadptyour f lu inparts et the cutyand niigthe boit ditics7.tl7', wapbl t-atdousd0u ou outy naigprices neyer more nmoderate. O R T U N E r gien, w ere the ucculen and us cold w ater, th n lu hot w ater, th n lu co d m anure a for oah section, have been pro- T o r a o s w y y u a e c r a u t e b n f t e i i grasses grew, is the place wbere thse cow trsuseopedifan. flourishes, sud it la in thesa ragions aIso e rthon lu bot water caiT oraluwyyuae eti o b eeitd i OR- ~~~that tuberculosis abounda in both tIse boy- repua ting te eperatien. los.ving the feat Ont eto seventy.six Irish kings whio robed tradingath lreib Gnsfuihnosoeaeta w ARMERS lue sud buman subjecta. jhna n ogr' cl aotlynbat fven A.D. 4 and 1172 ne fewer tIsa a h i elal et'funsigsorir ht 'ila keenf the- 10ne.Id water for iait an fltvy-two dled violent deaths olther lu hattie keep only reliable goods and they are soid ait lowest living Wheu yen soe an AdvertiBement like this heu.r. IfYen got a coid by the wiud blow- by monlider or by thuoderbolts (by tIse latter eo n yîuci tge M os.Que te hie ar on three were slis).prft D N E tE nMI iyrek with a pair et bellowa, and thon Emp-,erors sud empresses, king8ansdO r st esea 'd en o etig welm eg l Thse writar quite agneus with Prof. Ke, desisitors, minute or twe, and blow again; qudfens write te eacb rotherasbotersdOu st ie audpn o gttlp e-m e g l but if you require anythiug in Gronceriez,teemotP idî satitsu longer sud longer, until yen cao stand the oaistasar -5 Stape Dy GodePatet Md hes, hmsteduh ferhatan eur wîthouis ad Fter -, reiguing grand dultes aise enjoy fitting and stylishly ctcohn tpie osi i kt surgeon, wbo assents that every physician bowiug pnviegewbn ddysifgkir, Fut uesofTaenC1lroCui' raesHankechef Tinware, iGardon Soeds, etc., eall at should have as perfect ltuowledge et the tFkil cold.ssovfrÏgus nt possssing oyal hnora ae ) b>, H nkrcif, etc SOLINA STORE where yen will i nd a kitchen sud the propan rnotbmls nf food sdeigaved as cousin oa onr r firmt-olasa -assortmeut which bas been préparation as ut drug-stores snd the Styes. The iseharge et a -river is the volume et If you want a suit this Spring you will please us an0 bouglit for cash,' cousequently I an pro- methoda et eompeuuding medicsi agents. Styla are deueer-sigas whi,-h a mas~ water it peurs loto the sea within a given benefit yourseIf by looking through our miagaificent stock at pre d t la t l s p i e dntas c 0 ktey w o , nthe kn w e g i etet iion sud ye p ots ut, s ying o h m , Y e o g it t e tim e, us a iy xpres ed as s e m any feet per th e " S ta r" tw o d o o rs e a st o f th e P o s t O f ie0o wa v l e fiesd qu ii s d o key o red, lu aethe n t he op non, ho go te an culit ;" they show sa strain ed col,. second. 1v la estimatd by finding the fi e o n a v l Amino andOauadian ol aiways i on ubmr vlab nts n w-ditien et thse eye,-tbat the porson abould breadt h, thse average depth andi the average îtc.Please give me a ca sd.you wil odge et druga. BotIs kinda et information go te au oye-dector sud have spectacles rate etf a river et its moutb, sud muitipby- P wweicome whether yen boy or uot. etfod t Is udt tse - d te bis eyes. tanýiLy B. arefimor tufanbu thoirelatiotnewiedthécass ae stion ainig t e yutig need of he ody ust e o inetihich exhihits itself lu A boen laid au cgg on ishe bricltwerlt eta e. . Ebiott's Roller Fleur kept. noodaiottféeihodymuais hoetninestiabiy the t 1 he pysbolierha tiuinHisPont, N. C., recenisiy.On JgreaisLLerA vS1 auted tIs hysicenIs to- j hdayst weelt it said that alittle chieen J T . ' V I L L I A M S f mtiy o n gh a iîse d I em oat br ough a.P om tl onw as noticed on th s oiler, sd it isa claim ed M i r b _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _ stu y et i~ar acy s d maons m dicaj Pr mptly Doue tIsath exa inaton sh wod Isaisthe oicltn . Nthcro e if Ç ille ahsiins frequentiy prescnihe îr0n forj The "4Histenical Records etfh 4d ad i,en hatched from the béait oRrce the bodsdgvatn u teght h hl ytn ausem8ie cendiens%,wthoeutensiderng that Lbght Iofantry,'" that tameus regimeot rbolierth bod cannois ho made et ren, but must be' ihpae oiimotn atl .g- Th e - rnoetBurîsh have thei r ur 4jCro e Ihiier la m o f t ci, fns n tI e fd , s t6 r y u h n 1li s w a rfa re d u r in g vIsa la st q u a rtie r o e t t s n g s-iiun rl loste reu e il a e laamsi nveslyadiiveo 'egtthenud the oanly part et dies s ;rosains are temporarihy disposadof alht l ir fI * ht tIs century ~Gives bnoyaucy et spirits, strangýi th ad helitebiurstI, remedy for weak oervos, thse fltacthat thenwineteentn, coutbs tirngIciet uiloe rmore marniagea eau Iho anrang- norves annt11 ad fsrnhi lg, etiprom ia incMenc hgoe.\'anruaeestbaruivhet ctoo hîhavrtd tragedy. ed,, il lthIey are disinterred, agreait eat o e ik e You ntg eFoîabttk tgeed e1tnevsah mpeed Worn onut wivb a a Lrdmanch, thseBliade î ; asdihetoeri eviesprpol u' o" i,'ca u ae o eur î.sbment oniy. Iu preper ne Brigade PDoa th-s(1b.esuse 'ta mainseonstituent is O prpr ts cyI troder Captain Lloyd approacbed tIse cou- perUformed.î oiatiu6t î fer uoa lyilthcOls ronbc maladies. leevent et Bcoavente, where the cavainy sund Amme tth. Royal Mteor.ogicai thse importance that the physician sho nId jrsroail oaodhpn o hetn e y baM ipcnmotbdontIs sze t ei Aèbe thonoughly pesteli on thse subjecis etTofveedspoitd Ie couenot dopwIicb vary frem a speclt se smali sdisikealnexplntrd d 551Ime1 r, matons aWmenÎania. If saodcotn was occupied by seversi tboussud iotantr37, 1as ýte hab almoat invisible up te s diameter achool sugxpomeod ichncouid'na- sud thse bowen gallerues were se deuaelyettolceDpat Iesmazed ±v cr b t_ cennected witb eveny mdical coliege d paclted witb thse herses et cavainy and un- nov lwyscetain thse same amorntit ofi iie ovor stoeut a rouire te ako tillery that lv waa lîandly possible for amnaise ofetthe langeas drapslire l h raotfoi e le o u es vrpolcl thrubcos tisrcinbih-te malte;bis way smeng isbam. ahheollew. ou--fo I-d onsu wm3 avrK oucl thoouh cure o istrcton lt l Two efthvIe officers steed ooling ilulet Engiish-speaking countnies have tour M.%jicrobue ile practîcai sud theoretical cooltery, sudtIedbespopcthuhtIe5gbdtèntmltseoinrmlet528 oePr orwegian Cod Liver dietetica, s revoletion ln thse methoda o et dbospopc hog h igedf>e,1 ieteodnr ieo ,8 tneaving disease wouid quicly foîîow. 1 doo tIsais gave îîsgness sud egrosa. A sud- foot, aod Ise geographicai or usutical mile Corrects al bodily diserder a Esily, if talioni time, uiod freeIy. 0(1 and lypophospbites. clou cry et alarm horst trom tIse lips ofet.ue fet-,085 teet, maltsng a difereuce ef about M c o e IIiI t wiiI STRENGTHEN W EAK LUN OS, Ood flandsand Fast. L o bn , o cbd onig eo n-eoibbv euts w. Then there M c o e K l e Mayprasi orhat betisle aks et thse berses, la vIse'Scotch mile et 5,923 foot, sud tIseé Manyersnsipeebeavh re tro 1ed rAttiaismoment 0onetftIseïiside wooden Insh ile et 6,7201teet. I. tact, almostPuiestebodudtseaydrvg tthlvn 'rm STOrp THE COUGH, AND CHECK ail ovcn during the sommner and eeriy feu aboîhuters horst ise flamre. Horrifled, te isbaPurvfiyscthe ry basndliassuesstandard mile. thaicrobegK i lier WATIG ISASP4Arearabe meuths, by cold bandsansd feais. These officers ioolted ait the bnrning shutter sud A. lLorpire5dc» Mr be Kl r plsbpodce ndi i amstasPla- limbasbehuid ho educated, if possible, ta reaiized the hopelesaneeIsle situation. Il;t hvorbcfeor thvIe oscillaticn ke p t e s l e a i o e t f proj etiles as be au obtained by Pro -.a e e u i a h u a i p o f e u e u r n e l f l e. s p r d u c. e re t i o t a Ptah eo e i h e s e v e w a î n f r a i n y a s o n e w o n d h o i m p o s s i b l e o g e t it h e s i x t h o u sa a d Hfe s s e r \' e e sa s a e t B a r b u . E t o I s p r o j e c t i l e S a l e e l a b l a s f l k B e s u r t e g e t t h e g e n s u e c a n e t h o e ff e c t e d b y t o a s i n g i l e - s i v e r a , m n s d h r s e s u t , a n d v i e y îm u s t a d y W s o l l e o w , o fu t s i î s i n g a e n i t i v oe l c ,t eF ob x &Sn puit lup lu almen-colered wrappers. sova on arogistur, or hy vakilsg a hbohitie snd sec their comnades perlIs miserably. which Pa ray et iigbv pgnetraved. From th(e F r S le byAGENnb TS FORnB &W SnL Pnepered only by Scotts & Bowne, Belleville. or bsg vo bed ; aIl these methoda malte tilel Thora was ne water near, and if there Word, curve descnîhed by thse luminoos peint on 1 FRjW AVLE collder stterward. Priimariiy, the cause et bew gev at tIse fire through those deuaely tIse plate tIse oscillation ofthtIe axis and tIse Prices $1 sud $3, according te aizo. tha trouble is wsnis et exorcisa, se ail thse crewded herses? L flD xoncisO pesaible mruashe iaken. But semle TIse flamres cropis upward teward thsep cinth Ie projectile ceuld ho calculated, ST ui FAINHOO, .. says, The mre exrcise take, the cold-: attos. sld hthwero found ta have bd quie un- Wn.RAD GROBE KIL R GO, lMIEO or I get. Tis as duo te s reflex contraction Il"Good heaveus! Someising muais ho expected mevements.M A A M H I K W E 0%,L IT D Donerl an Norous obiliy, lte abdomen are conlecised wish tIse blood witIs a motion te those outaide te ho quiet, BUFiiRSýTITIOII3 ABOUT BABIES. vessels running down ilito the legs, thse brave captain îeaped on the baote se f Weakness etfliedy and hy nombena ef sympavbevsc nervesansd noanesis herse, sud stappiug from baclt te Somnfotie <Issue- Tlsinzi[%uolass qet fMOhe Mmd Efecî cfEn brnchs, udwhen there is sua n -ri bacl th Ie animaIs, rau te thse blaziug lirive t>e;ie Fer ceetuni s 417 ; nons on, Excesses ln oîd tation et thse abdominal norves, tIsane la shutisor, itore it froru its Iinges, I su ivhd lul:ina ot nd e Wra'sbi o o ng. Robu , a contraction efthte lood vessel, thiss con.-1i frein tise wndow. T a o m d i spa~ daotacidtske e w y Nobl Maisod fîll tuîngtIs hied.Wheu a panscu is nan- way bacl totehIe door lu tIse saine ws', as says "B3byhue ,' andi genlic,satbed l ar o s d S r n s n t s r i a u n e s a n e rv s o fe t htIe r S e q u ic k ly w as tisb a sois p e r te n m d tI ais e m b b y in H o lla n d . il Weair, Uudoveloped ftmc assa otato thtIe hlood oven vIse sonses were scarcelv disisonbed. Rumiansan mothers tisi red ibbous and thre times in Prc who inspeet the Organs and Parts et vesseis. New wbena parson la nauseated, TIse building was savefi sud thone waa neoudtIse anles et thair bilidren te pro. Body. Absolnîely un holis net paie lu tIse face enly ; boisliho ja paule, IsicIswouid have heen as dbsaastneus serve thein freinbarmi, while Esishoulan ealng oeTct aeeo Ieotn ufc tvt oy - ta .fiies'- The captain's eyeoneansd muthers atach bits oet safsteida te tho uuequailed assortinent of» t-Bllfis i n a tbore la net s contraction lu tIse bleod moustache were sconched, but tIsais ovs ail. neelta et ishein offapring. day. Mentfestify, frein veasels only, but sîso 10 tIse bralu; there la "And they'li grow ag$iL," hoe said with a, tsii, ohr u ai tieg r 50 Satessud oreb nont freebod nuhteke Is en luh1,1i-l1ts rdi emnn h afiye Ou, the,, theo cie eis.7-dring-----m r.--- prepar j vuey ' iken besi. the e ast ides tsais aIe iotid sop e mu e'eta c hi t b o ies î s u n n g t a s t r e. M . J u s o n T u e d a y b y p r e i n s c h a rm , - la st c k o n b s f r - F r t G irl: * " I lik o a a i ns u w ifh a p as is,1 b u t s e d id . -'l iEFEC7' CURE FOR ' laxasytIsesaine as ith thse flash o e Isnt young Eye Il. te isba Congo Iustbtnve, Iesd. t fr.A tan ovish s pas la aways intoresting." jJack-Well, propose again, as if yen bcd C J H AD COLDS bunsan heing ; a libtsalier oili goisunder Colwyu -Bey, te ho tnained. Iru Spalu the inteut's face lasovwepis wîth Second Girl:- " TIat's truc; buis 1 don'isfongovisen Thtoho aeermc Hoarenes, ]Bronchitis, Soer omat, tIese at, under thse flssger oeil, asSoon -__1______ ife iree boogh tobrng good bncI.< thînt ho is uearby so intorestiug as the manenoogh teorefuse yen. -'ýOAT, BRONCHIAL and ove wilIbave aunabrasion, a sors, asudpu Mauy larvie et beetles sud other lusecisa- wihaftr.Ho'te 1-, 7G DS ÉSASFS. Obstinate cenghs wbich sd we wiii woneu htsc itet hýsln f uirlHu e ncnfo ana nesiis th emejesyet prm tlyt hi o tassnnaliih tig are used fer food ; tIse Iee givos beuey sud Ts oiu tateelbocks' bedsis Tliird Girl: "TIse man wovo intereats me s on p udfrev yf ur a a hl syu.ceuld cause snob eseore ; ihe roason is ihat wax, isbacrocons manne sud cochineal, itbe jusis 00W e ue efthte industries efthtIe North moat is tIse uan ovivb a poet"leas u on o vr oradabî r.a~ tniaih u abiseiy ruthaynisetup, ,JT'eeasreoda$èahn peunds et grain usad. Pctttu200 £300- oc.PZR OTrLff. germabavefeuud theirovayisbresghthatab pnzbfysbiaeigdu, Iegl uscs d.9Iebeaar odas$8dc u way to ef u a a trngsien;a a tileT Ie tite justice, applied t e sa jofgel buatuder the edge et tIse finger-nail, sud ot dress. Ia bat-ack or oveil ornament. e golden bi rd. -th .nil estome r______ h-r ilp 1yjui rcea-rave-orse-~een te, med jclIiiie PFtçhêtvs Castoria,