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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1893, p. 8

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OVER 45,000 NOW IN USE IN CANAD.A. ANDEVEY OE IVI.NG cL1n COFOtTASN» EcO)NOmy. i The"HAPY HOUHT"range is diff*erently eou-stru1cted to any other. If lias been rn-.anuftured for tlie pa,ît twelve years, and is 'the sarne aioW in construLction as at first. ht is tEe3 only range t1hat lias steadily grown in popularity for sucli a length of time. ilundreds of other -sfew ideas of rangus have corne and passed, ouly to be - rnembered as falrs The "Happy Thougtht" range will positively bura night and Fi r sme as; a seif-feeder. The flues, are so constructed that it W'ill oeil oný the whole six holes at the saine turne witlu the fire box only haitf fil of coal. It is the onily range made wiîh the transDaront oven door, throulgh wiîich you cin view ihie foodi cookinz without openiug the oven door. 11fADINTHUME h11hl and paror etox-es, with and wthout oveus. single and dule heater, bave beau manufactured for the past twerty Toc beenin theleaS. SolS only at IEEID8J~M. Ta'.JS lowinaîîville. Odd, Peouliar ancd Quaint Gamnes for old and young. Fuli assortmen't of the fol]lowing in stock. Oheckers and Cheeker Boards, Home Base Bail. Punch & Judy, Fortune Telling Cards,Boys of New York. Nations, Authors, Conver- sation Cards,Cut up Picture Cards, also a fine lot of A. B. C. Blocks at Varie3ty Hall. E. P. KENNER. a, 20 PER CENT. CASH DISCOUNT. On I Saturday, October 2 lst we will begin a great Clearing Sale of ont eniti're stock of DRY GOODS- and CLOTHING, our ehiof object being to raise money quiekly. Goods will Le offeredat puices that will astoish the public. If the necessities of the tirnes demaud it., greater redu2tious wi be made as the season advauces. We are overstocked iu TWEEDS, CLOTUS, CLOAJCIN S, FLANNELS. DRESS GOODS, M&NTLES, MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BlOYS' OVERCOATS and REàDY-MADE SIJITS, etc. These will Le, foreed out no matter at what sacrifice of price. Cuso.torners xiii please refrain frorn a8king credit duriug the sale. Due Bills xii bo taken same as cash. à ',_B,-The store will be closed ou Friday Oct 2)0, la order tO compete Ee emarking of stock. ELLISON & CO. Bon~uvllOctober 16, 1ffl. 42 '7'~(Ceude~edfîornflue Ne ws.) 1,1; Ida SWnDal 1g t, hasheon,._Jï7 visiîi-a, ai Mr. F. . qL ir, s Miss MaryGanyisviig fiiends in tho City.,< ii indo v we k. ,-_u "A clienical auccoî>s alad n dical tri uripl," soe arls an eminent phl-ysician n reterenco tea.Aye3r's Cherry Peýctoral mid the oulogy was nlieo te îreng.. NO olier snedicîne is se sate and efficacious in ail dîseaFos cf the ibroat and lunqa. MiFs Ettie Li"nton bas teen viLiting fri ends in Newcastle.'Y$.-'. î Mr. R-shi. B03t 8sud James Waddel were-ia Cobourg receutly on the Grand Jury, 'lseeht medicai authorities Fay the proper way te Ireat catarxh is -te take a constitutional remcdzy like Hood's Sarsa- seriila. Mr8t. S. Mlascil, Newcaetle, sud &aster, Mfiss Vennor, Orillia, 'viited at Mr. H FL. Odell's recently. Mr. Janmes Linton visttd friends in Scarbore and Torcnto laEt week. Mr. Lewis Tourje lie hass ad in- flammation oft tie lun2s is recovering. Pal pitation o et heart, norvounsue tremplingm, nervovs headache,cold bauds ard foot, pain in thi back, and other taimsaet weakneas are reiieved by Cartor's jIron Pilla, mado specially for the blood, nervos and complexion. Miss Berllis Pope entertained a numî- ber et hâr young tîiends -t a brîliday party ou Mouday evening et lasi weeie. Mr. Jeu Prier lias lessed tise Staiker milla for anether terni. Mr. A. Leigli is suffriug wiîh neural- gis. .:ZýWE ABIE CLAD te lcarn that the "PAIN KnLFt" iî bavivng se large a sale in our city. W0 bave every reasen te be lieve it te be an almoît never-tailing cure fer pa'u aud is a medicitie thet ne tamily shotuld bo wihout. Oaly 25c. for a big bottle. Miss Bai tie Stap'e, Moafoi-d, is viit. ing friends bore. Orono chefse factory cioseel at week atter a very saccetsaful eeaeon. BuRDocyR BLeen BITIERS -BUrdock Biood Bitters is a modicine made trom reet@, bark and berbi, and is the habst known remedy fer d yppe pain,const ipat ion aud biliou8rsces, and ujîl cure ail leed diseaaes trons a cemmen pimphs toe i worst refîsions soe. Mr. Price Sanders of Negw Mexic3 ii Rpending a tew davs witb old friends atter au abser ce of 13 yoars., Mr. Thos. Und' rwüoàd teddthe, tounerai ot bis enuiis Chas. iMeLoan ou Snnday week ati I. odsny. Muýs E MePiiersfen lia,- returnod from Canningtor. MÀN-Y A Yeu so MAN lien ifrom iover- work, pesbysssirted by au i ihleritedi weakios.s, the htalh fails and test or modical troatînont miust be resorted, te, th(-nl110 imed;-iie cap hoie eployedc5witîh the sraine bs-uefie.ial resisîts P.s Sctt' Mr. A. Teumjbîva wen thosepsae ofali whest "aaSinVlvet Chaf" brand, at the Port Hope exb thib yoar; lie also ~vou wiîli eight et bi3 fine rthoreuglibred Sh î~phrs sheep at the diff8rent fî which lish3exhibitedl, tweny prizos. Guelphi. GUELPH, ON1T , Nov. 6.-Tise desp itch f une i ton, Man.,,isat wotk, ceuceriug Jarmes Brydon, toruserly efthiis city, ix- 1cited much intorest bore. Mr Brydon1 lihas re!atiei bore aud left this city only last MNach f r 'Manitoba, se t;at ho is weil knowu. Tt was aise cornmonly knewu that Mr. Brydon suflerad aeverely f ioin kidney t i ý! ble snd was mach r e- dîs1c ýd by t e ase. of coursail this is noýw eb Iii a recont latter, Mr. Brydon asys: '1 bsve baen agreat sut- forer frexu kidnoy diseaso and pain io the back. Sinco I began usiug Dodd s Kýid1 ney Pilla I amn a new mat,, witbout paini or ache. I think th se 1iII have doue more tur ma tha ,eould ho oxpected frorn sny sininm'. I râd thons tbr'reuglily. Tiieycanitbhot o highlyrecurmonided." AUCTION SALES. MWEDŽIESDAY, Nov. 15.-Mm. W. JolI, lut' 13, con. 4, Darliogton. will seli h is f ars stock, imploints, etc., as bo is retiriug framflh*CAL&ÂW e- ---jas ....,c huse grade c tue ýand Shtýopshire shoop 1 Sale at 1 p. n. saap. Seo large ers. L. A. W. ToctE, Auctioneer. 1831 THE CUILTIVATOR 18 94 country Gentleman TIIE BEST 0F THE AGRIOULTURAL WEEKLIEý DE-VOTED TO Frmi Cr015 and ilProcesSeg, Live Stock and liatrytflg, While it aise includes ail miner delpartients of Rural interces, sucis as Poultry Yard, En.- tornoiogy. Be-koeping. Greenisolise anti Grapery. VeterirryReplIes, Pars Qcmtion andi Answers, Fireside Reading. D .esie Econoimy aad a sumntary of tisa News of tha wee<, IDs Markt Reports arc uusually com- plote, anSdrnuch attention is paiS ta tise r- pactse ftise Crops as tisrowing llght upen on. ef the f051 t portant <of ailquestions- ;Wihr te Bivy andi When te Sell h Isl lberally Iii. ustrated, andi by Recent Enlargement. con . tains more readiag matter than ever befere. The Subscriptien Price is $2 50 per year. but we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our CLUB RATES FOR 1894. Two Subsriptloiàs, ila ne- remittanco . . . ,4 Six sbscrlptlofls, do deo 0 s Ton SubscrIbtl0fl5, do do . .5 IffTo ail NEw suibseribor& fer 1894, paying la ativance new. we will Bandth ie papor WEEICLY f rom our receipt of remittanca, ta January let 1801,1 wlthout charge. AW Specimen Copies frec. Atidres IJTIEÎTIJ(lt E4SON, PuIct'liîe?-9, The 30c. offer made te ladies in STATETS- mAii on Sept. 13 Etill boldo good. blinardsa Liniment cures IaGmippe- t~CVYAzT~ ~oot OV ERCOATS, Worsted, Melton, Frieze, Venetian, Beaver, Tweed, etc. OVERCOATS, Black, Browyn, Fawn, Siate, Drab, Grey, Oxford. OVERCOATS, large and smal], wide and narrow collars, with velvet and witbout. OVERCOATS, heavy or liglit, long or short, D- B. or S. B. OVERCOATS, in fur aud fur lined, a nice lot. OVERCOATS, for Men, Youths and Boys with or without Capes. Wce believe tbii is the Lest and largest lot of overcoats ever shown in town and Lhe Lest value vit, have yet ,bhowLi. Cail and see thern at TuIEIEJCOIIŽI01E T. G. M A SUCON, - Manager, Baby's Burnýing 8kIn yY littip gji was trouled ýlwitls ftchî, buningsores Dco -. clle irItalan rch Hodotored ber tbrýee ottddfltd er any odEey parut 0f ber pr son wascoered wîth sores, ex- ceptiIng, head. After taingVUI - Cîjit REME Il to w@sthe itclhtopd aud in four wees tho, sores were, ail go011e. CHAS. 21. CRAUEL, Cosohcon a Baby suffers Creatly My baby boy sfee front birth wth czema. BIs îttIo . î1,raw suad expoo m scIf roi and hut'a iled esh. lUs su!5er- ngs woro inteînýe. lNe rcst for- uis day or îight. Dociort u3e torliv. ried CUTICUItA. lu worzed won- drously, rlief imniediate, cure complote., WN.A. GýAIDN-ER, l84 E. 1M3it St., N. Y. Baby's Ski Peeled Off Short trne after birîli baby ',roIre ont with eroption. 'Ihe sknwias peeiodoff, ~,the face vas almost raw. Family doctoer said nfot ranch to bc done. We trie severai remedies, -ail RmEDiEs. Did flot think flicy âol mount toenîucb, but the result waa ,wondferful. One set cureS the child., W. A. JAG 174 William St., Newark, N . J. Baby'so Awful Eczema ybaby a ieczema. Oh, bis torturIng agonies! 'TrieS tiiohos- pilais anS seven doctors iibis ~, city, no benefit. Tried CUTICURA iExms relief vas ixumediate. In nine weeks was entirely cured. 1Now as fair a boy as any roother coutI yish. Mas. M. ERGUSON;, 866W. ]lrookline St., Boston. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS And Ite cures are the ntost te- niarkable porfermed by any blooS -andi skin remedy of modern t times. )Parents, remonber that cures madesin înfancy and chilS. 4ÉCý hoo aresfedypermanent anti Sdtbroughont ths oPle -,1 - CuTIoTrt, Lovers et % good cap et cofféeewill get, tho stase at Cawker & Tait'a, tbe general grocers, Bowînanville. Ladies' Waterproof's lu ail qialîtie-u,1 aiso Misses iin a number et sty les ai Coisch Johneton ord Cr3 derman's. I was cureS et îainfui Goitre by 1,MINABED'S LINIMENT. Chiatham, Ont. BYARD MCMULLIN. 1 was clired of inflammations by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Walsh Ont. MRs. %W.W.JOHNSTON. I wa3 cureS et facial -neurplîia hy jMINARD'S LINIMENT. Paikdaile. Ont. J. HW]3ELEY. G--ET YOUR PICTURE 'lAKEN. We have added te our stock ot instru- ments a vi ry fine Ilawkeyo baud camera aud are proo)ared te take suap shols et oicnic paiî1aq, rosidences, or animais at short notice. We will go iilote court- lry if desired. We aise take photos et cometery plots at very low prices. Drop in and have soeogoed cabinets tkeu of vulîrself'at the well known gallery. TAIT & CO., Market Square, Biowmssivill&p. 23. DO0 YOU BUY CA EFU LIT DO YOY KNOW 'IIIE VLE0 OE Do you want to -et thie iost for the mo Uey oi la ot If yeti bave rnot beeni n the habit of' deýaling wth'as you bhaeb e2e akîiug a mistake. Most peoie haLve proved to teisatis'faction that it is to their, advantague to deal with us. f y o uar o onecof the oddI(1onIEaý who ha-ve not found thi-3 out it is treyudiii, Dont 'oe obstiate. Listen to reason. We hýa7e e largest stock ir select from. Ouir expenses are low whiehL enables u1S to sel! ti small profit. We buy for cash, direct fror tbse na.nufactvrars' wheM5 possible, and so our prices are lowcr, quality conside-red. Dress goods, ail the lateststyles and material« We vr-and wil con- tinue to be headquarters for fashionable gos utiessple with fashion sheets ecdi ronth free. Ladies' and Chiildren's Coats, German iadàe, ftbatfly rc very low, considering quality. Underwear, Ladies' and Gents. TbeLêtaueee hw in Bowý manville. Give us a call- we were neyer in a '4tr po'Il 0o tos)i t -'eo in iI classes of goods iu our lino, JO'HN ,-J. AS P'URS, P URSq PURS. Nothing like the Furs at M. Mvayers Fur Store, where you can find the larg- est and best selecteci stock in the coun-' ty, composed. of ROBES, COATS, JACKETS, CAPES, COLLA.RS and CUFF.S ol ail description and size au.d he is de- terrnined to seil as cheap as the cheap- est for cash. Also a large and well selected stock in Gents' IFurnishings, Shirts, .Underwear. Ties, .3race$ No trouble te show goods, se corne and bîgyu red with you. AUl kinds of furs altered and eard PRACTICAL FLTRRIER, BWAVLE We charge 10 cents a line for aIl notices FRSL.Afrtcaafr of AnniverEaries, Concerts, Lectures, and c e' t 125 acres or 115 acres oiLcÈ In tlaise entertaitiments, for whjch ne printing haq, [îtwnship efEasst Whitby isI eox 'lts 15 az( been, c r is te lie orderod at this officeIt160on the Base Lino, about li miles fremoAIl wastton. 2 miles from Whltby ad 6üýWjro when an admission fee ià charged Or Col- 1 rmte chool bouse. Largeroomy buildiürco lection taken. The saine charge is made main barn 93x36 f t. Iplenty nt fruit, soiehty for il usiessnotcesapparig aongloara, sltogether one of the best grain farrms for ll usiessnotcesapparig aongon the Lake Ehosre. Ne his orqtone3, Abffiit news items. Correspondents will kindly 10 acres or wood. 75 acres in ipasturo and fr0h state this te ail applicants for such notices seeded. Termis easy. Firsi pbewlng dcàs. forwad theFor furtisor partloubýars appiy,,,ta A. Azçrn% and whenoer possible fowrd te shawa, ainount with the notice, or tate te whom the accounit is te ho sent. Né competizor ean under3el UM, Minard'a linîmenit is the Boa'. Ellison and Co. Il fi

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