M. A JAKJIII ILDIToR Arrir riio}-tiix¶cu, O WO N AN~D OOUI Y FST: THE WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. TIIRMB Psrn ÂRPUTL. ROWMÂNVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY. INOQVEMBER 15, 1893. NEW SRE ____ JOHNTON C YDE MN are now showing9- a fine range of Fur MuifS, Capls, Colla-rs, Oollaretts and FCapes iii OpposSsmOhioi __ 11 I~~sAlaska.< ICIIA'1N M/IKE IIMERICAN STYLE' S Tho Perfection cfît, aud * Style witb Soldd, Sub- G stantial Weerlng Quelities. O Soie 0 nlonoEblrtl cs :EIED M av c fo nd u th st o k o Che Coryell Seed ecompeny bave 120 girls employed.,...The wake ai Pat Sb'nusover thre body bnougbt from Port DeIhirou,'e was ohserved in due foný ,. Mrs. Ellis waB down from Toron- to. '. , L. J. -ýclrVell bas e fine sample of peas grown lby Mailk Bunidge.IN ine acrs yieldeýd itbrty four bushels to ihe acreý and broýugbht 7C' pente per huchel. ACRBFPt CouGcH.-Thera ia no reIedy ib.ai makeýs as large a peceutniage, cf perfect curies as Dr.,Wood's- Norway Pîne Sytup. lu neanly every casèe cf co ùwclde, atmbionchitis, boanse ne s, cro,,up}, etc., its curativý)e fe'eta are promnpt sud laig CL Mint :es... I. Th noorl b abtJe,.' o etrptîsing elice deiler Sa ble, Greenla tdSaec.i:îr2. also a fiane range- of Tha Methodiut cburc'r willbh eeopena alido Sunday Nov. l9th wireu Rev. WY. Lîstr's SOaiets inslxqu Galbraithr, M. A., LL. B., cf Toronto ities. Irnpored dirctfr iwll preacb the decicatcty sermona ities im'p rteddirec fro 10.30 a, m. sud agein ai -6.30 P. M. Specill üfferings fit each servie. Ou t emanufacturers. Mouday tbe ladies wili serve a splendid dinuar from 4 to 7 o'clock afier which Rev Dr. Galbritb, 11ev. W. J. Jolliffe, .A.nd just opened. out a fine B. C. L.., eud oth ermns dlvradr2 a s. Mis. Liddy vil ing a sol nsd thie as otfl n fMe ' oYS:coir:; ypre-Paring ebeice 1te-q assor-mentOf ME 's YS Evenybedy atteni d udburp to meike the mlu qM"iI A 1' 1ABUSINESSvrr T ib & .~~~,.~ IC\~~ I>S oc, irs.--Plêese" !hip et once ihree ~' ~'~ ~dozen B. B. Bitterm. Bestiselling .I medicine ru tire siop. -odcvnbt1e în- ail classes and uaite to-day. Vents truly C. Tirorpson, Tii. 'tL sonbury. Tire aboiee aniple ra but oe of hundrede cf similar ex pressions regard- Not,,Tithsandng)r th uD rE)ed-iug B. B. B. ented sale of Manties whicla they have had. for the past two mont.s' thre-ç rarec stili showinig a -voDry fine stoc i<_of Iovely fittîig GER]MANý No better value anywhere. AUl Grocers Due Bis ta1ken as Cash. OOUGHI JOHNSTON & ORYDERMANI BO WMANVILLE. KEEP'YQUR EYE OPEN 'r ~ YJ OU WILL find the placa for it when you swe our FALL and J.WINTERi display of quality and elegence. Our, seasonable stock lacks nothing but buyers. They iili corne. They will be satisfied. Theywl buy at the fainest prices ever made for sucli qualities. Vis- itors are not asked to believe but are shown goods to convince them that -e are leading the trade in BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBEJRS, OVERSHOES, SLIPPERS, etc. 1F you wisb to cee the ltest novelties - ud newet id4Fasi for the cacu coma and tee us. If you wish to see tbe very best in Standard S5tyles aud reliablo makes cone and ee us. If you want valne for ycun oe comle and see us. Trutb brande our gool)s "Bouest Quality." Faahign pronounces fthem "Correct Styles." Ecououry recommeinds our "Law Pricos." If you wait 1to enjoy the fnil purchasing power cf vcour dllrpend. it with BOUNSALL'Sa MARBLE ANLD GRANITE WORKS,' :BOWIMiANI,-VILLT-E, 0ONT'. (Establishd l$57) Finished Granite M,%onumlents in stock fromn $12-5 to $500. HÂNDSOME DESIGNS AND 13KST MATERIÂLS. 1hFL ETRE. AND GRAY RUJB1I,A.W SCOTCH ROE,1tE AN URPES EDE ................. GW INTE BLE EAL--,uýEUUADPEARL ...... Fr.NIjSHEFD MAUBLE MONUMENTS in stock fromn $45 to $2-00. 1 11ALTME BEST KINDS OF MAaBLE AND L&TEST DESIGNS. ~B~Ie paciing your order, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and 1S ECý f .T YOU ARE BUYING. 7-lY E . BUNSALL, Proprietor. ORSLE OR RENT.-Eouse and IT RENT.-For terni of years, '"Glev fU1 cr or ale or te reut. oitnete on I Dhu "-300 acresý,2 miles ritem Whtby- l3cugog treet nloril.Tieprmses consi8t of good buildingi3and s3oîl. Admiraible or stocli a gooci housffwiïh evory couvenienqDe. dtivLu o dairy. Chance for goiug extenalvely lnto ihed, table, etc.,n gardien contains a lot 011- Tor-ote ilIr businue or stock raising to ,ossessincEn rt e aiv ren. or attieicosapy e ed cau lv.dJ.H.eDw. itbv.capt t eae chicet fri c.foail tiet. Iei.ae p AmetiCaPl marks..I MeDow. hth capiteu in W. FISIILhIeliBowmanville Ont 49.t1 f uquire of.V. A. Ja'ne3 for iarriage Minard'aLinimeflt tire betHal Itrtorricensee. Bei value il% Blao.k, Green sud Te Tee ee, t. uhiyUnequ PETER Maroraat Z!ev. tramea pu ,tone of oer Cabot, \ t, formeory cf Dalton, N. R A Faithful, Pastori Is held linrigi esteemt by bis people. aud bis opi*n.in upon temporal as vell as spiiitl nmatiers is, valued gneatiy. Tire fol!owing le from a clergyman long lufluenthal lun ew Enigland, uow spending well eanned test lu Cahot, Vi.: C. I ood & C., Lowell. Mass.: IlWe bave used Ilood's Sarsapa.rlla uIcn !amliy fer mny years part, witir great herPn- efit. We have -c 11h confidlencereom menrled lt te otlers for tirir varroîrs a-,I mente irirrict al cf îvirom have certifled to grea4U'bnef1t by tiruse. We eaur Honestly anid Cheerfully reconnnend it as tlire h est blo.d puriiier we have aenr trieed. o have usedioiee butnorre wlth tire ireneft4,t1r i effecte cff lo' Irise, we deom -Tnd 1illesud Olive Oirt- ment inyrrînable. Mrs. 8biie] say1h caunot deorithout thin-rur" 1v. -Y.r.SoE Botter than GOMW Mr. Geo. T. Capp, of Eastondaie, Mr. says: "I arn 82 yoars cf age, anrd.1fr years have euffered wlth rwrrning so -son " cf ury loge. A few yoars ago 1-111(la tote- imrprtatod, phyiclans sayîng 1 wassuer rrrg fronSgangrene and iad but A Short Timo to Uvo Eiglit mentir aago ae a necigirbor rrgod ime, T begana taitAxg Iloodes Saraparilla. Tire x'rPart cf ry le, r; Ifoot cas a son', but rt hue aUm' i e<rýPletel1Y î "iid Icurtrrîtifuiiy say tar am n c licath Vt' ru I have berri for rnany I have tua.-,n no etrn nericino and *orsidun tirat I1cxi..ail nry lmprovenient te Mood's Sarsapariïîa Tt hiober tran geti." "19I1cheerfuhly Vceif y t abeve statement cf Mr. Cla"pp Nvhrm .I have knowu 30yoars." J. M. Howý- HOOD'S PILLS are prrely vegetabie. Vegetairto Pills are prN mate demantt fon a ih, efcite erntdirol-rile famrhY PirysicTIreY areý pin eiy vegotabie, eoitaininrg no ebýl eaolerne n rcunv ,or mineral -q-b- 16 stance cf any kindj. Hood e retss art iîpen 'tIretemacir, Ilver, and aiirenltary canai, nmd cure Liver Compiaini,Cnipaer \,alrsca. Btlioless, Ileadlacire, Indllgethotn Ir Sera iDstress aflen Eatlrrgý, Jaulndieý okt rnaiy ho broken up ird afoyeir preveuýrtod Hood's PUS Are pre1,ý.nrd by C.,I.1 cd& Ce.,Aotrcre J. 0- - d w tcontiueps very lowC r. 1. . .West cf IPort '] ourf sebool next year. . h itle Laas seaured e gondg nto,. . r. PRobi. Asb f witb ber grand daugbi. , . Fran k, the six yeer 'h( s. 'Shortridge, died on) r from dcipbtberetio acre Fral took place ou Mon. yeat isa atrying season e. Thre maîy celeilklss, s &ci deprecaugly, net y' ou býih old and youug, t o re-enforce the vital ,yrs Sar-napanlla-tLe SHÂ WA. rd aud party returned ut Dvitirfi bvodeer ... G. ne te Mi'llbrook, Sam. ladership cf the 34Ith raxe:çs pai-d tb Nov. lst. 4,13 The town bas no ni at the bank .... The -Y basbeen solI to Mr. ton. Tire purchaser Îis ai and iniends te puisb this w houeetiy, subsonî,rbers r yon th;inik we deserve at eut from you ? Are we' ÀOLAMESXXXIX, B UMEPï 41 d age aocg by h si thie rateofrsixty pýure sud frte ftoîntire acid enlach, causes niiles au hour, Wheu Penny Davis made tire disease,. Ion cm rely upon Hood'd e~ pepaatin fr tire medicinal use of Sars>aparilla as a remedy for rbeuoeatismn I- ~farlly, over lb! iy yenas ago, nxeither sud catarnr ,alho for every forua cf îcrof- 1b nor auy iman ims6gined tirai it would uIa, salireu, boita sud cirer diseases p ýw sold in every Liad, sud proviâ te 1caused by Impure blood. It toues sud b ltbPÂNKiL o f the world. Tire vithizes tire wirole systemi. Dnýw bg botle, nid price 25c. Boodsà Pille are easy sud gentle in effeot. TA UYTOIN. A coveerb will ha given lu Teunton PONTYPOOL. hal, Tbunsday evening Nov. 16tb, by tire Royal Templars of Columbus. A Tire body cf Joseph Douglas wbo was good general pnogna e a auouuced sud drcwEed near Party Sound bas nôt heen a pleasýani eveàng's euîeniaiumeut xusy found yei, $500 his been offored for tire fie confidently expected. Admission 15c. recovery.. ..Our teacher, Mn. Robert Courc catly,f ar sets wili be ai eraiua Giliiee, aitenided tire Toacirers' conven- aften 7i o'clock. Begin3 sharp ai 8 tiou in Bowmanville. Mre. Gillies sud o'cloekElaten, Miss Leitie L.Ligh, accompanied Report cf S. S, No. 12, Datiugtou. ma... .Mr. Robi. Morrow reburned lir, 4ith-îlerbert Staintoin; Elle Flintoff; homle froua Bowmiauville sud book sud- J r, t-Ae Noble, Maud Arnot; 3rd deuly Ill1... .Dr. Phîllipe sud P. Cromar -Agues BaRlior, Cirarlie Staiton, John atteuded tbe Note Cieucir concert iu IllrLutirer Ccruieb; St. 2ud-Mor- Bowmeuville .. . . Tb Odd fellows lodge alWasingtou; Jr. 2uad-Bertie3 Glasp- rs progress rapidly bere. Thrnea candi- cil, Antiul tno, Beatnice ýLeacir, dates last meeting. - Norman Bannat, Guy Flintoif; Sr. Pt. LUigmaid; Jr. Pt. II-Elle Noble, Vel- stra Lç,eb, Gertie Laugmenid, Mamie Mn. Cee. Jacoba, 1r., was hEre last MeeDotlgaîl. EuITriRrGr, touchot. week te waii ouniris fatbet afier bia ne- cent accident ..,.Miss Bell la improved A womrau tiratis weak,,nenvous and lu bealtir.. ..Prof. Kent gave a scientifie lee pe ss, aud who wbo basz cold bauds ard lecture lu tire usie hall te a good sud. feetf, cannai feel and act like e well pet. ience .. . .M. Chas. Lockiransd family con.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o 'airsIo il eulz h fVictoria, B. C.,* ar-e yisiting Mn. W. cubticu.T. Lockirart, M. P. P .... Mn. Frank - Stuit, asistant P. M., in growing lu pop. OOURTICE. nIr favrn her..... Mr. sud Mrs. Tires. Tire Slvalion Armywill give a social Mlung were iu Toronto aitirhe funeral cf irn the Sous' Hall, Thursday, Nov. 23 lire ater, Mca. Cee. Shaw. wlrose ne- IThauksg2,iving Day), wheu officets fr.arr mains were brengbt to Becemeuville cern- tieDistrict and Ensigu sud Mrs. Miles etery for intermient. aili ha preseut. Bowmanville Brase _________ Baud wll furnisb imusi. Social frnN .A V 4V ;- te 7:.30 p.m. Tickets for social andNJWHA E. jubilee 25C. 2w* Sehool was well îttetrdtd on Sunday, Vi'sitera: Mre.A. E. Clemence,Tyrone: several strangets, being presen ..-.. .Mr&. Mýis Ete Thomae, Peterbono; Miss John Witheridgo, Long Seuli, aves a ro- PIotier-and Miss Mantin, Enniakillen,, cent vieller. - - Mins LuIn Power, Ced. gucata cf Misa C. B. Littlajobus,"Sunny- mrus, visiiing ai Mns. T. Power'a, bas ro. vjew"; Mrs. Doncaster, Milliner, Bow- turuad home......Mrs. J. Meicaîf meent. muvIhie, îZuesi cf Mrs. R. F. Richards ly prweneted bie. husband wiir a ifine lest week- M. M. J. L. Countice bas ne- baby boy... .Mr. C. Power, Carbwrigbi, tunned te Toronto te reaume ineurance vrs'itod at iis broter'e over Suuday.. . wtrk.. . . ýMr. T. N ichols had a veny suc- O ut ettleilrent was visited by twe femele cecful ceýrn husking lest week. ...Com- ' kigt m of tire rrad" lest week .. . .The m-i,%adentBootb sud Co. on' ibeir way b, rohrool lbeuse bas lIrely bren f uruisbed Osýhawýva heid au hour's service on Morîday wth uew toIler biadp. 0cr Eccirol- - Couuchlhon Countice sud wjfe apeni a bouse is kept veny cleats and the cane- dsyIý or tavo iu Tornuto lest week. .. .Rev. baker deservts prarse . ... Mn. TeulI Iras L,'. Pelpa gave e very practîcal discourse returued from a huntiug expadition bey- ou Christian Ltbe.raliiy ou Sussday moto- îng sacuned a fine deen.. ..-A plessani ingu... Rer. R. McCullocb, Tyrone, will soeial ibe-iig bock plae et Mne. Cen, cccupy the Ebenezer prlpil botîr services,,r-. . Ai, rr.t enjoyed tbam- Dext Sunday... -Mnu. Geo. Found, Pick. selves- eiug, came te ber falber'o, Mr. W. R. Oklest %week bo viai, aud lber 15 3005. Cocu HeusExEiNcuf r Novemberis eihld took chbolere infaniumansd died. nauraîîy e Thanksgiviue.cnruaben, and Interment at Ebenezer Sunday. . . The the spirit cf the New Eugland anuiver. remruis cfihe -ite Ricir. Grills were aay, uow adoped tbreugirout tire coun- broughit here for hunial from, Marlaru ry, penvades a lange portion of the con- con Suuiday, the funeral heiug largely et-tee. is MaePec cotiue beïided. Rev. C. W. Watch preacired ou the leading papon, wbici le evoted 1< 'j "eave" cd psd airigr bibub te thbe grent national festival. Tirea l- dChrietian l'ffe cf deceascd. so au ahundance f practical malter, te- kç sud nerv'ous 3our wife la, And u hold. 1t promises numercus feutures cf wv thajC.:t r'8esitou-Pilla w il reliera I pecial interesi sud velue for tire comiug now, wby not ha fait about i sd year. Clark W. Brysu Company, 1 ra~' Sprlngfield, Masls. f e f familv ti Peterboro for.. the wiuter. 0 w- Ing te dry weather the latter part of the Reason for c-heeýse was verypc. Tho firat, part wab very successful... . Mrý P. Hlthaias oved froua the hotel to Mr.. Ai isorn T -h'r's bouse where ho temains tilI he gets possessimon f bis fara n aprirg. Beolhas always been very lpopular in the holel. MIeI. Clarke Latimore takes hie place... .Lsat week's paiper ahould have said noaither ecored, iu plice of N'estletcn in the p4ragraph selating to foot-ball between Poit Xerry aud .Nestle- ton. MORE BONORS FOR 'SUNLIGIUT."ý A Diploma aud Medai (hi.gbeat ewatd) bavi -,en rècelved by "Sunlight" Soap ab the orld's Fair, Chigo. The ma.au ufacturers, Iveýsrs. Lever Bros , Ltd., are to be c- ugratula'ed upon the long lisi of buccesses wbich "Sun! t"S'- ep h won for theni. Their aheeetat Chicago Exhibition once more pronvesý their claim to the unequalled quality of ,'Sunlight" Soap. They bave now two Wotld's Medals to tiroir cei-ai Exposition, 1889, and Chic,-gc. 1893;i be- aides 13 othen Gold Medals bîaied n diffroui parts of the wri. This isaa record-breaker in the soep hiegdlom. poth the nmethod3 andi resuits whei Eyrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant vmd refrcshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and, Bowels, clcanses the sys. tem effectually, dlispels cold S, head-' aches and feverg and cures habituai constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only rernedy oÏf Us ldnd ever po dluced, pleasmng ta, the taste n a- mtptable to the stomach, rmpt ii. ïts action rmd truly bý.er>ficia'in ils eifeots, preparedl only from the Most Lealthy and agreeable substances, its ,manyexoe1entqua1tiescomn-efldit to ail and ha-je made it the rmost popular remedy known. c, <'p of Figs is for saleîn u7.50 bott es by ail leading druggistff. .Any reliable druggist who inay not biave it on hand w!il rocure it promptly for any one who wishef; to try it. Manuuactured onaly by thoe CAIIFDRNIA FIG SYRUP CiL. SAX PRABOISOO, CAL. L9OUISVTTLZIKy,. I'EW TOL7. f- f l Im OUR TO'W Mi&s Barnard of Bailieboro visited Mr. Mr. Gèo. Vice bas haci a severa attack rD. Fallis.. . Mr. John) Piper lent a of inflammation, but in improving.:. ,aluable horse by inflammation.... Mr. Prof,. 0. N. Ruse has organized a siingP1 [enry Boy lef t Iast Tuesday for Rlunts- clasa at the Stonb' Hall,.-..Mrs. Jane ille to winter in the shanties. . .. The te- Clark and son Wiiliani, visited Maripoa ffening s-3rvïcei of the Presbyterian fitnds the pant wcek... .Division still 1urcli take place about 'Xmas. pi gresing, attenianco lat meeting 1'20. BUlcDocIc BilOOD BI'rTERS-Burdock Mr. Wesley Brooks' younigest child met 3loo Biter% ina mdicne mde rQm willh a serious accident by upfietting a' -oot@, bark and herbe, and in the best pscheîdiug ing sdly. Mr . e rry nown remedy for dygpepsit,constipation scelebra td er uly.. MsW.sdayat tnd biliousr.ess, and wiflcure ffll blood en batnumer uof eladnes pent ascia iseases froma a common pimple to the weein a u'r of eîadvîe."pn asca forst ecrofulouis Bore. enig a ?VACRAE 8, CLA RKE. Visitors: Mr. Chqr es Triok, Cobourg;, MrWm.Notbctt ata vbualeMien Lonna -,Lne, Toronto ... . Mr. Ge)O, M ; . m . o rth ott l e n a v l u a l e C o r uish b a s m i Dv cd in to th e (J.le b o use neyear old colt... .MisseB. Barris of at Atahton's, corners.. . Mr. J.,F BMd C)akland in viitig ber sister Mrs, G. le han reited the AshUiton property in [aylr... Revival meetings are.being this village .... M. Jait s Banton 7a s ick hîeld bere now. The attendance in very and MrIs, Goyne j i:i very sick. - Mrs, 1ood .. . .Mr. Geo. Porter in working bis Eh Robi will soon ccupv the bouse fatm at Yelverton . . ..Mr. R. Brooks had occupied by M. LewiB ls us... àMr. A. n immense plowing'bee Thursday week. Stt j narigan aing ext .i If you are nervous or d ysepic try improveitetS rubis eiec...r Carter's Littl Nerve Pill. Dyspepsia F. A. Cole bas liid in a i4ocK f 1hsy for îrna1es you nervoos, and nervoustuesa hie driver aud ili~ xet' o zake posses.- mn,kea you dyspeptic; eiuber one -nders sin of the r, aidnaetely occupie d by you Mierable, sud these litle pilla cure Mr. T. T. ,lardne sbrtly ... v oimember ot.Me. W in Jll'il sale to àday-W edues,day. KiaU3BY. CARTWRIGHT. Mre. John Trewin fell on Sanday anId Brown'3 h is Ï8b ing greatly iinproied hurt lberself dn<oayowing te ler by gtading and putting on new gravel.. a«l.. . . MIr. T. Wo d of Lindsay visited 2,1r. A. Morrow was %called to Pouty- hre 1 tat week making îan angýeivnets te pool t,) iei3obis father who ia dangerously move on bis farm.. . r. W., J. Enacreon jîl... .Mr. IL. B. Powers, Eizbethville, 1,t aa aj.hoS it Week and iMn, visited fierds hete. .. Mrs Rockey wbo A. Spink, a remjanIb efelo .~r is living with ber daughter, Ms F. M., lm N Mnirhead ioîn into bis Brirnaombe, is dangenons 8y il, alight house in ]lcsoklty owiedlqMr. ibopes beirig entertained for ber recovery. ueo. McLa,ýughlin.. Mr, F Fimh of 1Mr. Rckey is now iu ber 79iii year. Chicago is. viaiting li3abohr Dr. Fish. Mn*. Monton returnt-d le-so eez troua an LEk$KA RI). teuLded vïlit to Ciei,...V*e~.F. M og, Thos. i nrd J s. ocdgîn e oing Miss R. L ifford, Orono, was tec lut to St Joseph ILaud tus ýweek . .. Misa gueat of M r. S. Saunders .. .. M sa Br- E. Part is e ergage 1 in Egypt Sclhool ab tie Staples, Orilli-4,vîsired frinds here a substatial incitease o ýf s ay. Dr. receitly. . .M . Price Saunders of R t- W. E. Tilhy, i petd C e r E utf on, New Mexico, visite1 bis brother Mr. Egypi ISebools lest week sud report temi Sam.rnSaunders. . .. Mn, W.IB. Tonkin e asdoing good wr,..n hlnTe. S o i n a K. , . r n A . f l Mi s M ena t o c h e r o t cvf i , . , , . , .a.. .i n B h i h l e ýS t VOLUME XXXIX. NIUMBEE -'ýG Il Mfi it