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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1893, p. 2

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LaYa tttocl E. STOCEWELL, OfCelster- fied, \ H., "I -'Vce afflicted va. lji --! extreinely sevete pail tic tuas wr part et thse ct. The teeliug axwas as I n tun TFiv lht aas laid eut a spot thee sire Oftrenybaud. Dur- ~ s c~. ingîlie caciis, the ,~ ~ j , stand tic drops oit -~~ ~ ( MY ae a nd it ttvas - ;<' a'euiy tut use te Sniaise suficientt effor-t eveis te avîi. î! pst. Tiîy came suddeuty, et auy ( ~ leur of tIc day or S nigit, lastîîîg lien thinty minuies te hait a day, leaviusg as suddeilly; but, fur several tisys aller, I1aas qulte pros- t-rateti anti sure. Somptinses tle attackse aereas et daly, tîten lesfrequent. Ater about four yeats of this siufiring, I1aas taensadoavu 'ail bleonstypisoiti fevet, andi wlien I begen te recover, Iliad tise muret attack oet my ldtrioruble 1 ever expemîsuceti. At tise firt of tise lever, may reotîer gave nise Aycr'e toctor recommieudiug tissu as ieing better tItan aytling he couid prspas-e. 1 eontinuedtinerg tiseo ]Pils, anti su great axas tise benefit deriveti tisaitirrirsg isariy tlirty Yeamls I bave tati but oeeattacis ot rnyforumer troublse, miel e'ilded readitly Voetire samne remedy." ersparcd by Dýr. J. . Ayer & Co., Loaveli, Mae. Esery Dose Effective ONTARIO LADIES' COLIECE, WRITBY, ONT. Strlctiy irst-clase lu ail is appatuseutî anti educatienal ativantazse. Pzovislea madc fer al tisa teacirers3 canifloates aud ter Un- iversity' classes through the freeshmn. sopho. more anti part et je aio es- ysa-ofetToronto Uisversity. Thc ier-ary staff cemprise's titi larges5 numbar uf UniversLty sîsecialiste ef any Ladies' College ln C cuala Tho mu3icai, flue st,eioction sud commsercial deparimoutc are eqnally weii sustatueti iy tise ust gilted pruteseors. Plysteal culture ta tangît by r speciatist trous Boston. A nsw gymnestun anti ail kinde of Out. door anususee. Pupits have hs opportunits' er Iearin. thse great artiste that vislt Terento. Appîr fer information te 3-lyr PINCIP&L MIAE,tP5LII Mrs. >Doncaster has just opened out ber Fali Stock of MJLLJNERY and is now 3showing an attractive dis- play of Bonnets and ail styles of head-gear for the comitig season. Cail and see for yourseif. Hats dyed and re-shaped in ail the latest styles. Orders taken for thae LON DON CORSETS. MRS. DONCASTER, King St., Bowrnanvi1le. V TRTE COMMENCEMEIt0 OF AN ATTACK TAXE A - TEASPOONFUI. Of duN.rHîEC-UREîSO SUODEN TUiA.% HE CHILL Death Pheferred to Siberia. A tragie incident las jut oceurreti et Warsaw ou tise occasion efthe trial ut s youug ensigu efthVe Novebrinsk Reglusen 't, whIe was clargeti mith having stmnck s âcntiu"l on duty. While tIe sentence of the court mas beiug esti ont, coudsmning hs accsedt te sluesetfal rights, degra. dation Voetise tanks, aud exile to Siberia, tIc pioesutitely drew a revolver tromn hie pocket anti eht himscht mitI fatal effet Wetre the miitary officals preseut coulti interfee. PILES!1 PILES!1 ITCIIING- PILES. Sympsrxis-Motature; intense itching anti %tingiug; moat at night; worec Bcratching. If allomedt o esutinue uns ors fottu, mîch otten bIe sud ulcerate, becoming verji sers. SWAX'NE'S OINT- ciENT, stucs île itching sud lcedimg, heas ulceraticu, aud in muai cases removes thc fumom. At druggistq, or'ly mail, tor 50 cents. Dr. Siwayne & Son, Piiladel- plis, Lymani Sans & Cou., Montreati, WIe-lesa]c Agents. Tir- quantit ffruit in Soth Lincoîn. sbire, lauglaudtVis season les exceetict ail pres ions y cars. Some tarusers su tIe dis- trict liase Issu feeding theirstock ou apples anti pecm. "110% TO CUREt ALat SKIUN 159EiSEI', Siusn'y appîji "SWAvsaa'S OINTMaENTç.'; Nio internai medicine equired. Cures lutter, cczerns, itel, ail eruptieus on VIý face,'hlieds, nuse, etc., leaviug tIhe kin clean, awhite sud lealtiaj. It3 great heal- iug sud Curative powers arc posessed bu iso c thtstemsdy. A4sk jicur drugzist for SWAYNES OINTXIErNT. Lyman Sens s Co,, Mo,î'ttsai Whlesalc Agents. SAE ET UP A NEW G-OD' mirepreentatiou ut individuel ancieent S. > TIse trouble les hat we have in VIls couinrry - - ~~~~tavu great mauutcoismntcet5 Tc) REPLACE THEE ODDESS DIANA lies-the Repullican manuuactory (t lies OF LD ud thc Dcmocratic icanuntctorji oflie 0F OLDandt îîy are mun day aud n!ght andt iy - - tutu eut hlita dezee a day aIl euý,ipped1 Ands Tisai GeV le 5'olittrsî Pariy-And 4,11tjsud ready for fnll sailîug. Large liressud( Arceeietem Isemes andi Wensltsi maililise. Lies pivacc anti ies public sud lies pruient. Laecnt lias anti lies ecut Et-Or. Talmasge Preace it e Anierleian diagonal. Leug-hiusbed lies sud lieswih PeIiic~ta iseIin'idaY abenacS. el-back action. Lie comnpliuscntaryi BsO-iesicac', NOv. 5-Lu lis sermon thiesud liese detamaierji. Lieibhat saine peuple tonenocu1, Rsv. Dr. Valmags toucleti oun bIcieve, aud lie tisas alVIe peuple believeý topi axicbis uetnewupprmot, îia anti liese that nobody lelieves. Lies miti VIe agitation inupoltical circies le tagiug i hsp like caussîs anti scaleselîke crocodýi les ail parte et thc land. Ths sermon la pe ln anti neckease long as stomks, sud tees seý tinertta sneelul, anti is laseti on tIe text : 1swittas su autelop's,and tinge like atiticre. Act 19; 32),IlSome, tîcrefure, cietioeeLie aw sud ecallopeti sud panueti sur te 19;d anea32, frth 3smlyseed. Crawling lieseand jumping lisand thi cgnti seanten mor e artecshly oaingles. Lies witI attacîment screwt wae oufast; ani tc mre prt newnosanti ufflers anti braidsrs anti teaty-wonuîd wlcmefere ileji mcîe couse togetler. Autin bisdisli îira epeah thcy tircaxAlexandernuo teIcmultitude,11 obn'Le hyCrsinpplwe thc Jewe puiliîsg hlm forwamd. Anti Alex- nevsr lic except turing electiene, anti lie' entier leekoect mthVie lasst, anti menîti by peuple axhn always ie, but lest tIens have aiehsdfneut h epe selves lu a pliticai campaigu. mawhntie lie deftnce une tIc sope. I coufese I1issuashamedt Vuhave a torsigis But, iut ey kceabuti Vethe sas sofJew, cmvisit thIsecountry lu tIsse times. I ebontd ailr mieue oies'Ghunt VIes iascef et o hinlk heamonitstand tiazei, sud tiare no, Eplesians'." go ont nigîte ! Wlat mili tise Inudredesutn Ephesu wassupsitisdommu. IV was about Vleuseutis ot toreiguers mIe ceuse here V( the silver queztion. A manufactarer et live think ef us 9 WIst a di.4gnet hey muss eilver luxes for holding leaisîcu images have for thc landi ot their adoption 1 TVI bad callet i ielaborers oether ru diecues enîji geodting tIers te about iV is hs, the belevior et eue Paul, asIe lad leu lumauy oftterncasot tierstaudt iEglis] pnblie places aeealtiug lmage-morship, anti lauguage. But I suppose tIc Cerînsu, au( consquetly erymucî dausaging rîat Italien, anti Swediel, sud French. paper parsienlar business. TIer.-axas great cx- tsla otir el ndcnile. thinen cicement lu the cty. People etotdinlukuots 8tf otersbcies sîonîg rIe streets, vilentîji gesticulating, Nutbiug but Chritiauity aili ever stel anti caling ecd other lard naines. Somne sncb a floodi et incleussncy. VIe Cînistial eft he peuple favometi she policy ofthîe religion wili speak afses a avIlie. TIý silvenemirh, other peuple fayorthre policy lillingegate antd low scandai tîrough whlîc ut Paul, TIers mene great moral questions ave matie slmost evcry autumu muet be ns invoiveà;ti;lrhese ddtnet lather rIens luketi ljithat religion wiid speaks tror et ail. VIe unîji question about whicI lsy ie smo greatnseuubaius, front une mnutai seemedt Q le luteresst. mas conceriug tIc intgniug VIe commauti,Il Thon shaît ni wsgctt andtihVe salaricti positions. TIce' est taises itues agaircat rhy ceigîbor,' silversusllsh anti lis corupeers had put up anti trous he other mounit makîng pics fi tactenies et great expeuse for hs mnakîug k«ntines anti love sud Ilessiug raVIeý oft VIesilver luxes, anti nom, if this new tIen 1.cntsing. O, Christien meu! frein unei poiicy is tu be inaguratefi, rIe business aili *poiticai telselooti 1 Reussser tlat a polit 0go doma, tise lalsiers will leaIlromu nsn bal lie is as black as anji other k'ii ut Lotcspoyment,audttie wholecity vilcuffer. 1ie. Ced las recortietial rte taleotis tht Wall, mlat is olea doue? Il"la scenven- ls vc Issu Vlti t tIc city, eVats or nationi atien" sys soesone ; ton in ail agas a conven- electione since VIe teuntiatien oetVIls Co' ýt tien Isas beau apanacea for publice vils. Vhse cruent: andtihengh tIc, perpetratore au, convention is caileci, aud, as tley meut tle their victime nsay lave gene into tle dust largsst ruent in tle city, theji take VIe iuntIc ast day jastgmeut iile awartied VIchatre. Haviug tIare assembled, tleji ail Vire talscroo that Aarn}rhct u meuwat te geVtIchefluer, andt îey al wans Vo ths cars et BicnnerhasseVt, tle lautiere t V3 alk at once. Yen know mhat exciîsusent Lieutcîsaus-Gcemeal Cage proclaimeti aIes thet siwaye makes in a convention, mIens a Ceurge Wasiiiigto,tîs uisreptaeatatier great mauy people ment se talk a conce, lu regartot James Monse, are as tresl a Sins cristioes ding, soinse cried another.1 CodTe book to-tiay as the lie that wci tSomne mantedt t tenounce, souse manteti te I prsuted lest week about unr local candidatsý -realve. A ftier a mie a prorîinerîc mans "Anti ail liens sîrîhi have their part su ti gete tlisefleur, anti le legina te spcak ; lut lake mhlelh urnetb ailI ire and brim3tuni VIey vemy ceulhiesa lins dou, andt te Vshicî le tIc second deatl." confusion ises ie m orse upruar, andt îey Again, 1 coiucil jion as Christian meni legin teshount, ail out Vl"ustegethet, anti1 set jiosrselves egainetthVe uiesuses oe theji keep it usp until theji arc re inlusths lui politicai campargtss. Oh Vhs thou lsan' tacs antileses in tIc tîreat, fer Vms long ut dollars sîrsadji speut thîs autumu, lie hohurs cryiug out, "Great. le Diala outhVe lunchlouthte ausount tic yen suppose Iu ~Ephesians ! Grieat le Disîse of tIe EpIc. beau propcly useti ? Yon have a ight' sîass1" epenti money for the pubiishing uf piiti Vhs mIoesecens remninde me ut the cx- trac ts,tor tîle stablislnss ut eorgûanizautid citeunent me lave lmoar cvery ai for thecarrmying eut ofet sa on cous 5thseections. Wlilc VIes gotdes Diana Vo le tIc lest ; yen lave a ight toari las hus ler momeipersansd lier templestateIe teson etfumau îy argument1. have goe n m he Veduet,ounr American peo statieties sud ly tacts. Priun ýg (Uflf ple pi ant Vo set up s goti in place ef it, andi ing ut public halls antipolitCJisad VIey meut ns al Vo bosv doavu betore it;- ceet roneji, but le mIe pute sab, à- andt tat ge istePolitical Party. Cousitier. the lanti utfa votr'npesma iug our super-ier civilizationI 1is,ýae o imencenii .yanti entmui motvý dedns o yn tat le d pesin ioîan is snagintCedr su% t hs S ,rai's i p. 'cceruy. o~et Io uo1 l, Chîisian mo,îloeaantiin bouspoitca uthugtedomîsud a% în. O Cilristiex parties, anti mIe couse inte VIe autuisuel man 1I Fling it trous Vie ballet lox. Ha elecîions esolving te serve tîsir stase or the over te Vhs police tle macnalesitmp nation lu the lest possiliîwaji, i lave Vo ramper mitl jieur vote, anti reutetal nuticeti aIse ilat miîsh uanj ilils marc cou- ber thit electiena VIes canuot leca3.rne test hetween VIe ims andt heouts-tIese j ithont bribes uregt nsvc te lebcae mIe are tryiug te sray lu anti kecp hs oute j t ail. Again 1 ask jirî, as Crsi oui, sud VIos mIe are out tryiug te geV lu ussu, te set yenslves aganet the diis8iý sud Vîmct tIc lue out. Anti eue parîji crics, ions that lover eveî VIse ballot box.1> Il Greates i Dusoa ths Ephesians 1 anti ue say tîsi ne mess cen afford Vu go isus VIe other parîji crics, Il Crsat is Diaca et peiîicailîtfe aho le net a teetotaier. lieý hs Ephesas 1" nither et tîcus lunest politicai discussion someleax creates se. uni enougl to sai, I" Creat le my pueket. saturel tîlmet, sud IcuncretisofethVonaaud book 1" et mers lave gense dovîs ie tirunkenuc, Once or tmice a jisar it le My custons te tîrougl polîticai lite. Afttr an excitini ta]lk o VIe peope about public affaita Irons canvace tîrouegh ths evening yen mur.ý ilat I caîl a Christian teutiposut, andti s " take eometlinug," ant i ninlueIcmure monning I lave cbosen tor that duiji. I iug mitI leses aommtion Vlan usual yei hope tesayia practicaimord. listes-ytelle muet "'take somthinug," ant igug us et s sermon oneespreacleti ami 1eV hs smong jieur costatise tîrough sthe rceur Highlandis et Scotland-s sermon Smo leurs c jon mcci politucal trieutie, anti yen mus long-ou VIe sin et lnxîsry, mîcre tIers "tae souscshing;" antinsutIse atterneon yc mers noV moes VîsutIres pains ot suce sunmecs ether peitical friantie, anti jou mue tIe audience ; anti dnring our ast mer asI" taesSaneird"; ct etors nigît ha gooti man ment insu a hospital disriînîing coute eomcchiug les teks" yen. Tiere ai tracts, anti gasýe a tiseat n"VIe Sincf lut tcw cases mîcre men have bleu elle i, Dancing " toa amais lotI etfahose loes I sattandi up againat tth iàsipeViis et politi Issu aspuateteti ! But I luisetVIls merng cal lite. Joseph mas e plîtîcîsu, but h. Vo presect au apprepriste antiatiapîti m.inîainsti lis iutegritjy. Danilmasi mord, as nexi Vuestiej, at tie ballot box, plitic:ac, hliihale msa tectotaler te tIh grear affaire are te le settleti. Vhe Rev. lest. Abralaus mas a puitician, lut i Dr. Ensmons, lu the sariy histurji of ourmas aliveys claracteti7et as tle tatîs country- lu Massachtusetts, prescletiofeths taithtui. Muses mas e politicien abut île election et Thomas Jefferson tle graudeet tftIens ; lut le honoretiCoý te the Presidency. VIe Rev. Dr, May.- more tIen le didths Plaaols. An leax, et Boston, in tIe cerlji cajis et onrthtîre areitundretis et Christian umennom Repullie, preacleti about the repeal ufthtI in VIe peliticel parties, ruataiuing rIei Stamp Ast. TIers are tioles mIen minis- iussgricy, aveu mIen tIeji are obligedt( ers et Christ muet look upen public affaire stand auistaths blisteti, lecherous ani anti dress te e. We neeti go lack te nu hathesonse creax 51eV set"imss surrou aexemple. Es'sry man is, Istore Ced, ne- tise ballotr-box ; tIsse Christiani rmenrs tu spnihle frîeoudii fVeNn their political dusy, anti tîcu cemiug laSL megisu boaste ut lis huse et tecks, andte tIcte eprayer meeting anti Christian circleý tSibsarn le pleasedti ixl is lent ef perpet. as pure as mIen they mens eut. But VIa ual enoax; if tIec-Roman theug-ht that tle1l etosths ordinarji circumstancc ; thist i mutidj iber mas tle tavoreti river lu the the eception. Ibm utten jiemasec mei ced as unprincipleti anti enegate. A smsariitilVe nayngrnmrss -Jlie wiîî stars in tle corner ut s country verse ide is fsarfuh, sud I ma yen agaîni y nemepaper,aud keep on running unuiil it las is t Ir capturedtheVîspinliug presses et tIse msole Yen neeti net go tan off Vo fiat eut Vte Scentinersi WIat gerbling oet speeches!Imomnt politicisu. lisee i., stumbliaj Wha Wlmuirepresentatien of motives ! WlaV along he highîsy, hie limbe hardly aIle t It sbeulti, aitisout delay, communîlcate aitis t 'he u'-, ud yen W'll eccîýv' b«I lest business mtaager, Mn. A. H.Dixon. Nos. 4lanti Prctty pictur,, lie te advsrbLejng a~ I.Whou Baby waia stck, ire gave her Casons. 43 East Bluet St., Toronte, Canada, anti incluse -ciauî rnig ii ecnes stamp for circularer xpliiiug l'îl new tret- ýýeIwrf rmn. Ti su itWhen ase was a Chilti, seecrieti tom Castons, ment. N.B-Sufféermc rous cetammîal troubles wa jtgisedcrorste yoam i onie. The eoap Wliinsesbecame Miss, she clung te Casionsa. should ca-rctnhly neadthet1 abus e. i' iscbet in tle markiet, andi it aili When BaebhatiChildresegave them Castoria. France now las 44 8, 000 places fer 1, Le 1,i" 1y test le. Postage te pend - in VIe et liquer, an increase et nsarly 90,000 Ï11 r'Nic e ifr ddoa cn le a Icedech i ~~~~~~~~~tweuîy years. , i otaire ae l~ hiold him up. Bent over and paie with ex- BIIEF AND IgTTEILE3TI.G hiausting sickness. Suriy to anybody who accoatshlm. Ifs lastdecenft -article of --Whitêisthmurig eer-aha, apparel pawvned for strong drink. Glad if, Japan,.and Siam. 1when going by a grocery, sorne low accluain- Honey, kept ini the light, granilates. 1q ' t ance invites him in to take a sip of aie, and Therefore, the bees,always store it in the ý_ then wiping lis lips with his greasy sJeeve. dark. *Kicked off the steps hy men who once were Queus have been worn by Chnamen 4 ~ ~~I fproud to he his constituente. Manhood since 1627. They ware tirât worn as a aigni e;bliterated. Lip blistered with a curse. of degradation. ncars of brutal assault on cheek and brow. PosRsin efo s ieneas Foulmouthed. A. cronching, staggering, of the sanctity conferred ou the dove iu the PwheezinLy wretch. No triends. No God. Scriptures. Ne hpe.No eave. Tat s yor wrn- A five-pound nngget of goid was recent- ont politician. That is what soe, of YOU ly miued at Mojave, Cal. It ontamned wili becomreunuless by tis muruinge s waru-$ilO wrPUo pregod s ing, and the mercy of GQd, yonr stops are arrestedl. Oh, there are ne words enioujýh T he Swîss postoffice convoys anything ,l ceusuming, enough damniung. to describe front a postal card to barrels of wine, î the horrible drunkeiiness thatlas rolied BcYthes and bundles of old iron. -over this land, and that has beut down Australian rabbits have iateiy become Isorie ef the uscks of the mightiest intel- tree-ciimbers, and scieutists note that their leets, untîl they have been compeiled toe laws are grewing ]onger. ETLTR» 5drink eut et the trongh ef lestiality and A oail mine at Nanaimo, British Colm - abomination! I waru young men againt lia, has galierie8 which extend twelve E YN V pelitical liÉe, unless they are teetotalers miles lamder the oceau.' and consecrated Christian men.Chns brgrswa ntasrpe I Agin, conselyenthat whn yo gocothing and arttnliy braid their pigtails ýt to the ballot box at the city, or the State, fullî et fishhoeks for obvions reasons. d or the national elections, yen recognize ýo God& and appeal to Hlm for His blessing. . A wondertul pig is ewued by J. W. Car- 3There ia oer higler than the ballot box, risen, uf Flat Creek, N. C. Itlbas two heads, y.L Hammer,]wi-uwlbsns r ke tlan the Gbernatoriaiechair, than tîe Presi- twd taiis, three eyes, and six legs. tiemerits ef Ayersarsa~iia t dential White lieuse. It is high time tlatwe Forty-three women were recently inter- years aý I 1burt uiy leg, t' j w: ;i: lea ii hl putiesseerîfidence in politiealplattorms and viewed as te the animais they feared most, aseee tee rye, tloàthaýne li di more confidence in God. Sec wlat, a weak aud net oeefiet hu nmed the moruse. aîîkle, being a se id sors, whlclî began tueDex. s thiug is human toresight. How littie our A speciai trolley car in San Francisco la tenidte otiirpartsoetthe body.Ale ris ýd wise men soeem te know! See how, every intendefi te carr-y the dead te tihe cemeteries, varions remledies, 1 began talriing Ayirl thouand etmen ho re lamb whle he o~ mrs ollw luothr crs. Sarsaparilla, and, before Iliati Iluis!isetithse autumn, tosnso e tr cab hl h oirer olwi te as iret bottie, I expericnced great reliict tltê Serîng up fer higler positions are turned Someone who lhas figured ou the work second bottie effecteti a comploete ,ur.", Sunder. Ged üupsets tlem. Every rnan, d(Ine at Pempeii since June, 1872, says - lq Severy party, every nation, has a mission that it will take until 1947 te uuearth A el as p ýE, hte perforai. Failing te perferra it dowu hie teetr unewt ihyfieue ok repared byDr.0J .. Ayer &Ce., Loweli, Mas, e.gees. ing every day. c Ureg oth rs qW 1 ,U c YOWi.U n Cd said te the lieuse Bourbon, Il Re- W8eppri h ..Sae eat Smedel France, and estahlies equ-ity." liese Yeeppri h ..Sae ea toe Bourbon would net do it. Jiown it weut. et fapiaecaatr l aeul Ced said te the lieuse et Stuart, "Make hnrned ins an open grate in the Secretary's omrOtwtdby Gi rthe English peeple tree, Cod-fearing, and1 O ierpoleem.ben ihu wr, TeCicg rbn rltstr r laýppy.'" liuse et Stuart wonld not (do it. ALiepo etsen ihn ok h hcg rbn eae h oi SDowu it weut. Ged says te the political thought he wenld get his hand iu at a new ing incident lu conection with the rush 1for ~.parties in this day, Il By the principles of occupation; se lie attempted Zocket-picking, the Cfllemkee rerritnry. A littie girl abenou aClristiaîîity remodel, gevero, educate, save and was eanght at ît. 14 years oid camse tîrongh the jam etof m ltthe people.' Faiiing tedo that, dowu they Peuple who feul te dlean their teeth atter andi hersez near tise boeths, disniontcd, arud di go. bnryiug in their ruine theoir disciples eatissg fruit invite early decay eftirheir tied hier herse te the hedge. Goîng te) a ~aud advocates. Ced eau epare %Ili the masticaters. Iu Calitornia, wlere fruit la cofee stand, sIc procurefi a tray autwob dpolitical intriguera et this day, aud eau clesp and plenty, sound teeth are rare. cupeet ceiffen and started for the denselý t , raîse np another generation whe eau do A flock et gese is usefi by Dr. MeBride et throng et meu abqnt thec boothe, nw t Ijustice and love mercy. If Ced couid epare Orange, Va., as a team. Iu wiuter tîey are least ftty.deep. At thcenter edge 1cr, oLuther betere tire Betormatien was doue; attaciîed te an iceboat snd draw him eover psping voîce was leard saying. lit and if le ceuld spare Wadshingten betore tc ataIeeltamiei tryigt "tlease miake w5.y, gentlemen, 1 lave it re3 gevemument hiaiti een fully testedl ; secondelnhso.l eek. iand if le could spare Howard betore more Shc siowly muade hier way letweeu the ~thrant eue ont ot a tloueand dlungeBons lad The peet Shelley teared heiug buried Stippers tuntil shre reached the magie cirele *s een allcviated ; and if le -ouîd spare RoI- alive. Iu order te guard againet it lie or- marked by bath wire. Tire stolid seliers Sert M'Cheyne juet as Scotianti wae gatî- dered lis leartremnved. Thîs queer relic on guard refused lier entreatîe, but when nering ,te lie ur-iud utteralnce; sud it le isestiI preserved at Bascombe Manor, ele said Col. Cellagler (chief clerk) wan ted cudsreThoisasCateeri ,ile yt Bounemouth, Eugland. bis lunch sie was 'a'lnitteid ahead ofthte millions et liis teilovi-menliîad ciaine mest- Frederick the Great revelutienized the tour hunes leld in check. Walkiug up te ~ing te the boe-tIen leeau epare anv mac, eavalryout is time. Ail evolutions were tIc iretdesk sic put dewu ber 1usd and îyand le eau epare any party. That mac wlo, execcuted at f ui speeti, and the clarging aud eaid ltlroughicowardice orblind idolstry oftparry, rallying et tIc Prussan cavalry were deem- Il I am an erphan, and, theretore, am tIc wfersekes the cause et righiteousuess, gees cd iniraculous. head et mny tamily. Il waut te registet." [sdown, and the armed battalieus et Ced A strang«e experience came te Thomas The men gathercd about loo0à~ upon this match over lins. Somers, a tesident et Brooklyn. A frîeud proceeding wtl glewering faces until a 0 hisetian meni take out yonm Bible was drewniîsg lu the Waleborst Canal, and great lulking teliow in th-c crowd cri eut tis is af terneon, and in tIe ligît et that Somars plunigefi in teosave hlm. He dove, I IBuliy tom tIc littie gal" 'TIen a hearty \r ord meke np yonir mîmd asl te wlat is and breegît up the body et a etrauge man. sho8 etn rn tcmnscldS i yoýur dnty se citizeus. Rnshetat the ABokyugrwieoaoeyset clearlyontwitted, and sie reccived Ii Shgeet kind et a p3àtriet is a Christian at nigît., ou hiem way te summun a docte r ctiiae ruiyIh talI-a h -paLtriet. Conescrate yourselves first te was approached by a owdy, who insisted passed out- te bem waibng Ihorse. lier nains Go)J, then yen will kuow how te cousecrate ou escorting ber. Sire planged tIc pointisCr iermSdg ckcnta i yonrseives te your country. Ail these oetlier umbrelîs ioto.hie eye, and destroyed a eru leewdoe oteoie bu s polIitical excitements wil l e gene. Ballot thc sîgît.ayerg. luoxes and Cubernatorial claire aud ceutin- Seme incautioi-'z bargiars, whiie hlowiug cls will emoke in tic finial conflagration ; open a safe lu Lebanon, Ill., nsecd such a Ar,~ E butith ')e1wollve Cod Lu1de tioir hest big ist ik,2tdynamite that ti erîlse - hah om te lustrous d iinater the sartled t'ic towu. Everybody sumdte onodo îdeacws y'l e &trs ave easd teir hînugand tIe lave Issu ewakeued, and the bnriv r ecsle sros e ocan iskave is last lillow, sud tIe easily caýptnred. k--e ouo vt Lýl cos3inkg tluut. e'-'> t te ndcmeut- ýmr -àdageâ twelve, etf 1 resniting lu mauy et the tollowî-ieg symi- sdy shahl toil at et' tunealoe N. Y., while iayiug lesr wraps 'ou the led, ptoms :Mental depresîee tsamr old a ord O, rear fr ha dy oit semetlsiug coid sud clansiy, It was a age, lues et vitality, lues0utalpieaonola d Ncxt Tiueeciay questions oft he State W"'l blacheriakeover six ieet log,. lils child dreams, dimn'es ut sighît, pliaino I le cettied but there cornes a day wleo the wa se terrifieti that shle went into convul- tIc heari, emissions, lack et cnergy, pain n questions et eteruity will le decided. Yon siens, and it was teared sie wouhd net me- in the kidneye, leadachcs, piucples ons tIe mnay vote rigît, aud get tie vietery et the cuver, face aud body, itessing or peculat ria tballet-box, sud yet sufer etemnal deteat. The gSultan ut Turkey is a menomanise tomn about the scrotum, w stsng OuthtI oa Atter yen lave ca3t yocrliset vote, wlere ou tIe suîjecîr et carniages. Hie las heen organe, dizziuess, seks li sore le eyes, twili Yen go te? Iu this country there are steadily engaged in m-ikiog a collection et twitching oth et tIc u-sc1e , c.s sud cisc- two parties. You hseng te thceue or tIc sudh vehîcles teor thc past twenssy years where, hîshfulness, deposi'.s ru tise urine, 5other et thera. Likewise in eteruity tîcre sud uew las uearly 500 of ail makes sud lbas etfaili power, teuderre s -ci tl e al ie wililbc tw's parties, sud ouiy ive. "These kinde. sud spine, weak aud fdabIy itsl de- gïhall go away into everlastiug punielmeut, Jndge MeDonueil, efthe City Court, sire to slsep, tailure te bc rested by ci tp, ilbut tIc rigîteons lute lite eterua." Savannah, was tardy in atteudiug court, constipations, duiliss et lcrinuE, be ef s-Tu whicl party wiil yen bslong? Ced11 bcause, lie lsd te stop at tle buse ef a aubce, desire for solitu'dc, excit l'ility (et ngrant that, while yen look after tIc wel- physicien, te bave a wolundedl arm dresaad. temnpcr, suiken eye'-, -urr ouii(l- wtl ftare ut the land lu whicls Ced bas gracions. Ou arrivio eat court Fe fined himsecf $10 for LEADEN ciseLs, oiy Iookinju cken, etc., ly iy set yonrr lot, >en may net torget te look Icing late, aîîd tIen directed the cietk te -are ail synsptoms et nervous deîrilicy, that' tt tter your soul-blood-bouglt, jutigment- remit the fine. lead te inosaniity unlass curea. Tie -prieg tbound, immorta'!1 Ced save tIe peuple! or vital force havicn c ljt i esion ecr The tongest Speech »n Record. fuscien waues lu conse<jiece.i'os The Hertfordshire Ilermit. Theugle much commen't ibas bn9een rgin- who tîrongîs abuisa conireittcd luein o l'c Ameuget tIc iandeîl properties Imouglît ated ly the fltteen hours' seech oet tIe rance, nsay bc pot'srsently cild 5n ?te tlic lammem wiclsin tIc past tew days American Seristor, Mm. Allen, tIc test ducs yonr address anti 10 cents iu se epelo was Elmswood, lunlHertfordshire. lu e noV at ail costitutea modern record. Five bcok ou dieases pecc ilia -'ta, cn s niali loeuses, uw demoisled, onutîisestate, years ago a member ufthte British Colmm e1.e. Adcîress M. V. LUIO 1Mc says tlseDadiy News, Loudoulive lier may blanr Legisieture deccded te talk et a bll donnehi Ave., Toronsto, Ont., (saa voire Janses Lucas, the "Hsrterdshîir, for tise saleutf certaiu lands. lHe rose C dOiii inlermît," wlom Chane Dickens matie tIceue 'clo"c ou a Nlonday afternoon sud wae A Rahway, N. J., widoxv, aho c ýd ctew- Ssubject et eue et hile Clhristmnas storie- ou lis teet talkisg ountil four lu the afcfir- cd away $500 sun sceali bils in aie ld burcan "Tom Tiddler'eCrounnd." Hie wac e wcli- nouesf et î"followiug day. Hie spebeh ivas drawer, die'overed tse daye &ge tîtat hem dedncated man whe iinlîsmiteti the estate ot no ai original argument. fHe preduceti s neaiti ad hecît corivertîd ittuf ýi, 1tieual d is tather, a prosperous West Indie moeslunge unudie et documents relative tue " urcncy Iy mices.The mural is that ocad- Ychant., lie eccetricities are sumissariseti discussion sud begais readiug troni tiremr.inget Iroiesenlunooks anti corners l8 a aw irnL ticsIl Dietieuamy et National Biogra- Twiliglt gathereti; the gas was lit ; mccri- way uf lairking. Ophy," which sys :-" lie refused te adi- bers sîipped eus te dinner lu relays; but tIc dminister his pare rits' wills, dcierrsd fer titres speaket went on. TIc niglet lowly passeeti ; or 0-ier .tî'ftv Yeýars dmentIs (wlen the sepultuire wa3 entercedi a and u ie aoiyeîpt n MtIe intormenteof lis mther, and Larricaded lu equade te breakfast, bat thc plUu'ky Sen- Mils. - 1-i-LoW sS cOril "ýç-vc a hi hieliuse ut Elmswecd, lu tIc kitchen et ater lseld on uintil ths timie limit caine ru a b2eîc" stad bi mnadîs o f -ut "nst Swhicl le toek up lie abode. elHc excludcd laffleti majomity sud eue victoriens man. uder cilîdret ilIe teethinie. Iflcîtutlo- f urniture, abjumed waehing, elepb ou a led Ris voice hadteuk te a hoaise whiïper, lis cd et rl'cuibui toti ctl is etcnesisdcohn hîstL a lous yesewere hieudslot, sud when tIec_,saiety ick tchÏIid slfferiug an'icrying i',is mInl oflake He ki nedigrinswtllis"la be eosedlefe lak nse- t ui .gTo ti en t nc ad e

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