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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1893, p. 3

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to the ÇWTj or lr to5etod. Yes, Soloirpmtls riglît; thats xi îr" the good ' oulsekeeper ex îrywbec does, lintI pariricularly iii Cai ada. -But ba-rivrs are netalx old vvays. 1lu fact iii lias dil ca-rl 1 îeary tusatisfa tory o wuivs. ±For instanice, to-days À-- 15 using the New Shortenling, instead üý lard. And tliis is ini itself a rc- son wliy "she looketh well "ï'- another senise, for site eats ru lard to cause poor digestion a.-,, a worse complexion. C0 rL£-Nt is rnucli bettc than lard for al cokin i- poses, as every one Wl s tr i- itcdJares. 1have you tried ~For sale everywhere. Made only iy, N.X. FAIRBANK & Col, MONÀ PEAL_ Whecnyo see an Advertisemený like thisI DO'TBELIEVE ITI but if you require anything in Groceries, Stapile Dry Goodi,, Patent Me0dicines, Tinware, Garden Seeds, etc., eall at SOL12NA STORE where you will ûind a first-cla2s assortment which bas beeti bought for cash, conseqaently I axa pre- pared to seil at c-loze prices and flot sacti- fice quality. Ancricen and Canadian oil always in stock. Please give nie a cal! and you wil be welcome whether you buy or net. N. B 1 sita cie lour kept. J. T. WI LLIAMS ronie [Pui-sons afficted with these or ai),". throat 'or luîig troubles sh uuld resort to t1hat Mst Excellent Reinedy, i--cotts Pof Put-e Cod Liver Oil withi Hypopluosphites of Lime and Sod-a. No other preparation effects such cures. Gcnine pejsred byScot & Boives, B elsiid by Il druggsts. 50c. and $1.00. as1,Qikly, Permanently Restored, Weakness Nerv- Cusuess, Debility, nd al the train of evils fiom, early errore S or later cxcessee, thec reSnlta cf cverwor, i Sickzness, Wry t Fulsrength, dvlp ment and toue given te every organ and portio n cf the body Simple, 1 naturai niethode, Im- ruediate imprevement e seen. Failure impossi- blhe. 2,000 references. Bok, explanation andi proofs maileçi (sealed) frec. £~1EMEDCALCO., Buffalo, .Y) Rinl e i- healig irtues oflise Pine h Xtnt'slithe sthi-g sud expectorant p",heres cf thor petoýral herbe ont bonks. APERFECT CURE Foie ýOUH$ AND COLDS Hcareenese, Actbma, Brouchitis, Sore Throat, Croup sanal THROAT, BRONcHIAL sa LUNG DISEASES, Obstuate conghs wbtc h neuds other renedhe', ybId pnomptly te hues ptoeaulpmony synmip. PRÇ OE i ii.AIL O.F-RSOT H-oUSEHOL'D. The ]Hapny RU83htoll- It' 'shen the biute go piping anutheb' dayltgbl sic vty bre ak-, 'hat, etarneing for hie dm-uc-r. oui p)rL'osi baby wake-s; 'heu ira îieeptc noira fer baby, znd il'-, ctocp i noe assue for lune. 'or, wbü t'eu ho auts his diener, wby iii dinuor it nust tic! Anr et thtlac-teat ft'uat ho partsaira i stb geat ado Whilc grau'ma laîsghs. Ansd grau'pa tacgbs, And vife lie tan cir And I weti 1 la ugh tee' ieu'dthbtk te sec o-s carrying on abui tisai htte lad, That, tike ai nsi, the h-sby 'sas the firsi we'd es'cîhad! But, cstucs ail c-! lie tîn't,ver lise pcepic- suake Sluise ' Ae if the onby baby bu the o so' haul compte Andmorntiig, uoon, and nigbi dUsse, wbatec'er hoe miv do, Grftu'nca %ste iaugbs, Granupa hi auglbs Wire Sb e iaug ls, And i, et courso, taugia. toc t But once -a tike' y speil ago-when thal poon litiirec-hic-k nrom teetuin.g or frote suc-b iiletfiutau cy toit sic-k, Y'eu 'soultisi kusew os pepic-as tbe samie ihat weOit about i. toclin' geod al! 'ocen, just le be-n bite crew and c-bort; Aut, theugh the dec-rr sîahot cur fears and said lbet psitl hies rhirough, Oit grau'uua cttod, Aut granupa crs 't. «And site, sbe cried, And I-yes, 1 cric-t, toc! Iiniakc-s us ail feel goodtoe avera baby on thc- place lVîuh bis evenlaîttu' cre'sing ant bis titepttug, du'sspliug face; Theo potieofetis pinky toc-t mate muc-icocery- And 'scho lisakes Ihese flsis cf its, guet b5 O te ovory cire, No marrer w'bat c-un trouble is, 'shen ho bugles te cee, Oit gransuia laugbs. And graun'pa iaugb" \Vitf'.she iangba, And 1-yeou e, 1 iaugb, bool Baby Olothes. The hardening procese, se cailef, cf slighl ciothiug sud expesef iegs--the io's neeke sud short sic-oves cf oui graiiduser arc- fortuuately eut cf fashien- les adangerona oue lu ibis cliate, sud these 'she pracrice it shenif c-iesriy undera rouf tisais child se treoted may ha entireiy froc- frem c-lfe, yot sunfer ficm the effecis cf ihufficieut c-iothhng Lu the ferun et lees vigenous gro'stb. On the other baud, wnites Dr. Tow'ssnd lu the Metheu's Nursery Guide, wc- muet by ai uc-anc avoif the opposite extreme et toc iuuc-h cicuhing, cppresebug the baby hy ils 1weiht as e o as hy ius excessive warmlh. 1This, usutortusuately, la a commnioumîstake. Suc-h babies are icoo warun, lhc-y pc-rapine frcqueeury, bac-us reqenusi eau rashes sud arc- particniarliy hable îo lake c-old. Avoid the twe exîrencos ;ibe baby 'siIb eod bonds sud feer anf c-bluet loge nec-fa more protection ; tho baby frequeuîiv bet oufn penspiring le tee warniiy c-iad. SThe ordinany flaunel baud that ia phunet bhbluf le bjecticuable, as there la aiways danger cf lus heina pinuef tee tigbtly. A cireular oefe f-sthc 'solen niatrnalishate be proferuef ; ibis c-au ho kelîtet or made cf 'secen 'soolen. But the oit-fa3hienef nurse 'siilsay tbenehisueed cf a Iightly piu. uc-f hinder te provenu rupture. The anawer îa tharthe tîhbly phuned bluter is mono ,hable ta cause rupture, ouf for thc-îe rea-, Jlutnre, or lic-rnia5,iq a triegoL1t',udC1-r tise skies, oftseinepair, ofstthe howels freni ph-roper PLI _awýc--e: ' tl'iIidcnacvel or in iic~sr groin, the latter hC-iug mono commUuUn. New 'shen a baby lakes dec-p breath, s if in cryiug, the ho'sela natnraily moee aud fe'su. If ibis moe-menu is hindi-nec by the tight binfer, the bo'sels seqk soins onîlel, sud may ha tercet dowu ibtronci lise canais lu the groins, c-auciug s rupture. Wlsere there ha a tc-ud2ucy tc ruprure at the us c-cithe ordinarv tienb inder airbongi oct oifiug iu ut la sufflîlenite oprevontrusp- tunie : he pinuieg bianket bas cc-versl uc-rius tacite. Iuthe first place su geuseraliy c-cc-c-n the c-bea wltb cetioner linon lusteud oi 'scel, aluisugb the latter le sonuetiine used Inl the sec-ouf place, ii reqeires us be piinef ; auf given a garsusenu te bE piunef, sutdsaivoman topin il. uhe occupant etfItse gannient is sure te setier freim c-mý pressiou, which le geuc-raily greater tus greater the wcnian's neatuis. The pinniug biauket offers a specislin-o deceuntuta teight piuong t,, rote the tac that ila otherîvise hiable te slip down bac- iug uething con rthe ahouiders îe o it uop. Tuhe-aueragd weman la, 1 thints, incapable of raliingthe tigbîueess of a garmnt being ai'soys ue-fte s uigbu gormnflr.i For the Coolie- Bakef Cabbago. -Vake asamalfirm boas aufd'sith a sharp kulfe cut oui the bearù 'sitbeuitbc-hrwise c-titloc I te c-abbage. Crsubie a sufficient ameeni cf breaf, adi sait, pepeo nsd butter ant moisten 'sit bohilusg wster ont ff h the cavity 'sitb ibis, IPlace ni s bakiîîg dish with s plut cf 'sell saief hoiiug cc-ser n d a goofcl ivet bunul o f butter. Cover sud balte9 for aul heur ci t'so. Jusi belonescerviug reniove c-oc-c-ndn brewn ao ihtie. Witb the aitcf as c-uc-i caret cliy remove, withouthbreakîuug,te a hot diab sud te the Mater lu the halting-dhsi off a ile foeur smoothc-t in coif -e'i ing po'stcr have bec-n sîtted, lbe gîsîsu Ipc-el ouf julce of oeeIoin. Creani 1h' bu-er sud sugar, att tise yubks et the eggý bosten ligha, the 'saler, hemion julcu sud chrdatnoufast the 'shites aut thefleur. Bake in jeihylina thon fibl itih eue c-up ol tP-Frwe-d csgas', uhe-wiiteect t'so eggsasu se "Hnmph !It I la't flic-c-aI ail, Il is Johu'sabilitiesas as tawyc-, nsd ue c-rtanly 'sitherof." bas lefibiei mark in the protession." as Il Well, m'am, it'a a geef 'white ines A premineut citizen nec-alla meeting tue -yen abked iii 'sas freah."hlalo Sir John very ofien lu bis hoyhood i das. The occasion was the p3riefical visit c- The birds, tbey say, cf yenng Ahhoiî te, Chathami for the perpoeo s Have fiown away ; cf colecting nsnts ou tue ssiguiery cwneed d Vot those thai please us most by the Ahhtî estato. The future Primo- * May stili he sec-n Minisier lu tisose days 'sas cf a jovial I Wiîb jey crens disposition sud deiightîcd gnesriy lu playing d- Servef dutil3-nost-.- praetiesi jokes. G -,n ,, -,PItcher's Castoria, the juice and grated rind of a lemon; sprinkie each layer of filng with cocos- H E U SA EM N nlut. Spica Cake-Beat two cup3 cf brown The Lamî SceeWas3 a Pamsab1e Ong. h sugas-, on2-half cup of butter, the ylks cýfl four eggs, and the whites of two (save twO , Uliu'ui[scenc or ftiae Di-parteil ae'eder. whjîes te ice the cake) tili smooth; a"'] At the moment cf Sir John Abbott's eue-aitccp f sur ilkeueuateg gat-desh, which was peacefli1 andi quiet, h vL ed, twc teaspoonfuis cf ground cloves, eue was surrouuded by ail the members cf his i teaspoonful cf cinnamen, nd two caps cf famIly. Hie conversed fýebly with them fleur in whjch sif t a teispoonful cf soda. idurin,,the early part of the 6veniug, but t Bake lu tbree layersansd frost hetween the bis weakness was extreme, sut he vFery l layera and over the top. ýoacu1'ps3d imu un.-oaaciousnes3, in whic4 Lady Cake.-Two cups cf fine white statehedd.Ntamvmntobi sugar, ene cup cf botter beaten te a cream part betrayerl auy snffering, and the end f add eue cop cf milk and three c-eps cf _________________ fleur la which tbree teaspoonfuls et baking pcwder have been- sif ted, flavor with almond and tben add the weil beaten whites cf the five eggs. )3ake forty minutes. Spouge Drops. -Threo cggs, one eup f S' fleur, eue teaspoonful of cream tartar, eue- haIt teaspooonful cf soia, flavor te baste. Beat the ýwhitea et the eggs separately aud P stir lu last. Havp email tins lightly butter- ed, drop a teaspeoful cf the mixture in ~ eachoene, Bakein a quic-koven.,' P- Pavilien Gingerbred.-One egg, eue cup à cf molasses, butter the size cf an ezg (mit cdl, eue cup cf c-effee, milk or flei water, t twe teaspoonfuls cf soda, three and ene- haîf c-cps of fleur. Tuambl er Cake. -Two eggs, eue tuimblerofa brown sugar, one-balf tumbler cf melas,Î. ,s, one.half tumbier cf butter, oeebta- ,/si speent (i cream tartar as uinehafteaspoon- , fui cf socda, eue tumbier cf stonefi raisins eue t3aspoont ul of cinnamen, clove, littîs 4C t. slit, two and one-balf tumblers et fleur. -a Bake in a denp tin about oee hour aud a a peac-eable- Since lasi Noeauîi-er, " hait. whic-h ime hie was obiiged te retire freru Sc-ambled Pork.-Take slices cf eold Publie life, ho bas bec-n suffering frem por - nt n nchwid srip. Wena canc-cr ci the bewels. aud Drs. Rodsiic-k peork ; c-ut luiuc-brwlekstripor. ben aný Browne did al lu their pewer te save thorouAghiy warrnedpbreakitweoe" tbree eggs Over it and stir ligbtiy utill well c-cv- hl.Aeertfthyîinc uln ered wih the egg. Cold hamn, boiled or camie te ibis country ou purpose te examine fric-,il excellent made wiib the egg gravy him, sud givo biini the bcnefit cf bis experi- meîîtiouied aboya ; aise geaI. with the - cce, togeiber with thai cof the able physi- scrambled cgg. -cians whe werc- lu attendance, but all ibeir cforts wore cf ne avail. Sinco bis trip tea Veivet Mffis.-Sift eue quart cf, fleur Europe overy succeeing day saw bis co-u- with a level teasponnfai cf sait in it. Ru h) dition grow werse, tiliat lasi ail bisa inte the fleur tboroughly four cunces cf chijîdron weresummouc-d uohisbedside. Thea butter. Mix lu witiihoee eacupful ef goa-,d decc-asc-d statesîman was in hie seventy-third" yeast sud ai mec-b fresb mik ase wl mlts yoarand hie leaves igic-hiidnen, four sousb a, very stulf bitter. Biai four eggi sepir- suad four daughtere. IMessrs. Hanry Abbtt moderateiy warmn place te rise. In ihree with bhlm lu bis iaw practice, as members cf hours ifwil hosufflcientiy light. Bake un tefm fAbot 1,pe' ec-lh oid fasbiened mili nI rings.1 Two of his daughters, Mrs. Philips, wlfe He WnteiSharn~ ,rns of the Rev. Mn. Philips, ef liswkesbury, He Write Shrini Ons. sud Mrs. liaaeker, wifec-of the Solictor cf One fiernoon I jumped upon a 'bus lu the Canadian Pacifc,were uc-ar theirfathen the Sec-en Sîsters-road.1 at the eud. An eideriy Freuchmsn was tihe only1 The f unenal teck place on Tbersday aften- other occupiant cf the vebicle. 'neen Isat from bis lte residence te Christ IYen vii net forget me," the Frenc-hmnau Cbuircb ushedral. Sir John Timpsousaud was sayiug as Ic-tcri. "II desine Sharing maiuny other meunhers cf the Cabinet attend- Cross." ed as well as the c-jvic- suihorities and ether III we't fonget yer," auswerel the, con- public- bodies. ductor; l"yeu shah 'ave yen Sbsring Cross. i sRÉINISNeC'açErS 0F SItJOHN. Don'î mako a fus% aboutit, Thai's thothird1 There are manv rominiscence,3 toid cf Sir time 'ee's 'ansi me net te forge' 'lun," lie John Abboît. . rernarked te me in a stentonian aside. hHn .E oiox aeAtre Il'Ee don't gîv' yen much c-banc- ocf do The leu. J.e.Mrbidouxistatioue it, c-c-'e. sr,dI: II was Sir Johnu's coufidenîlal c-erk Atth snnr aL-,, -read we drew j,, 1865, and was lu hie office f or three yoas. up, and our conducten bagan to sho' sftc-r _1 leftuhila when 1 was admitted te the Bari the. manner cf bis species. - have hleard cf bis death witb regret aud1 "Chari ng Cros-Chsrng Crss-'ere yoù\ ýivaocnly the kindiiest reminiscences cf are, lady-Choring Cross." il. As a uin uhe was, lu many respectas The lutile Freic-hmau jumped up af moat perfect I have met. Ho was prepared te a]igbt ; the cenductor pushed tegeod natured aud insinusting te a hlm bac-k. hide"ree. lotoscourse witi, hinu "lSt down, sud do't he siIly," hýe sai, uîaysVeý ýy p7easant, Sir John 'sas a Itis al't Charing Cros." ,Ihcoldejo'y aoeas %wel as c-ny Tl'le Feudms ooked puziled, 'bu, 'V of. Ireemerthatçeue daty î coc-n hall a er me " - - cded ouo iii' y. e ' 4 5xElWe<, r.Abb1ott rml a bcanse I hohdc c-orse, steprs-'i tkenteemec-ýh time. '" Yuencan deduot "hlariiC s"abue h onuur biit om my salsry," was miy answer sud up spraug the Frenc-bmsn, Tho c-uP-,uas 1 receivef nething hoe saw the ducter collaref hîm as hoe was goîring off.-1'jee sud laughed vcry boa] tlly for the a "ICarn't yen "eseif ymiue,len cî want remainder et the day. When, my tbreà iudignantly. Iyearae if'soien' wup, -I feund a letter lu my dc-ak iookiuîg aftc-r like a bloomin' kid." eue day from bîm otainiug seme gcod ad- "tIII'voui te ho put down at 2bariug Crosa3, vice, and a receipi fer my course at MeGiI, auswered the uitile hnmbly. hoe beinc- the dpan ai the timo. lu 'sas a "IYen vent te ho put dowu at Snarîug genierous thiug for hlm te do, aud I have Cross," repeatef the ether itterly, as ho(,always rememhered it. Sir John will yled hlm i bac-k te bis seat. III shall pl' always ha- rencambered as oee cf ibe clever- d yc-x dowu lu the n-iddle cf the noad if l'ave cst iawyera Moutreal bas had. Net only ý3muc-b more cf yer. Yc-r stop tisore u'îtil 1 waa hoe troug lu corïiercial cases, but lu c-ims and sliig ycr eut. 1 ai't likeiY te lot, tho defeuce cfftile Si. Albans Railers hoe yen go uuuc-h pasu yer Sbariug Cross, I shahl proved himseot cf great strength, and the She tee joily glad te got rid- ' ycr" peoraîlon et his - address wîll always ho Th'e poor Frenc-hman subsided, andi w, lookefi upôn as s gemn. AI] thinga con- ajeltdd on. At the top cf Cbancery-iane sidered, hoe was probahiy the mcci suc-c-se- the saino suc-nateck place, sud the uitile f el lawyer cf bis time. Ho had til-e great Frenehican became exasperated. knack cf pleasing hisclic-ta and makiug "IH' kee on Saying Sb 'aring Cros- theu psy ia focs. Hee iookc-d upon bis -Slaring Cross," lie e'clafiued, turniug te profession as a merchant decs upen his the cuber pissongers, IIsud i lsl net îSbar- business. Ail ihat hoe did he wantc-d teo aing Cross, li l a fool." paidfo fer. Ho rarcly lest a case for t'o l'Carit yen understaud," retorted the rason thai wben eue looked risky hoai- conducter, cqually indignant ; I"cf course ways luduced bis client te coule te au I say Shariug Cross -1man Cbsriug Cross agreement. Crosi.tha fuiman hat h l an îug i\Mr. D. B.,McCord, wbo know Sir Johu Cros. Thi maus hat" sn 1th nti- ey for yesrs, said : II'Sir John perceiving frein tihe blauk look iu the tntmatc- fne -altYs hih h d Fencmans fce heuttr iposibiityofpublic havebac-n in a position te appreciate. cver malin2 the matter c-anr te hlmi, he I have admired hlm more espocialiy as a turued te us with an appealiig gestuare sud ehairman- 1He possessed a gresu deal cf askc-d: tact auif a prefonuf knewledge cf human " lDes auy gentleman know the Frenc-h nature. lu wasas study te watc-ls hlm for bioomin' idiot ?" bondie a publie meeting. As Mayor et A day or twc atterwards I happenef te Montreal hoe unfoubtedly was tho beat -ut- IsI miusan presîding officer tbey even bad at the City rl - weI,1 sekel, Ilfid yen get vour HaIl.ln fact ie oversbafcwef the Couucil, d French fr'end te Cbsriug Cross al ighî" sud ihe recuit was usai mec-b that shouif nr "No, air, eb repiied; you'Il 'ardly bav originalef wlth the alferman suatefl ifbelieve ih, but I'd a bit eý a rcw wiib awlb e Myn uoccte etn hpoliceman jusL-befere I'd gi t ta the corner, was aiways a great pic-saure t:) work enfer ý1and lu pu'ioi c-ban ont ' my 'c-sf. Bic-t il SirJohn Abbott. Ha was the mcci ne- FALL FOLLIES. "Poor Choihie Ligbtweiglut le ieading a hauf-to-mouth life juat esew." "-'las lho los' hie position?" "Nope. lie's raiaiug a munstache." Many a mou bas lahonef sud 'stnuggiod Lo get ric-h sud failef, 'shile some other mssu took lite easy sud failef-to gel nlch. "Yenu may thinir ycu'ro csnr," said the tragedban as the audience pc-lied him wilh Laie lamonted hieu fruit,"lbut 1 thiuk you're ruaking some prc-tiy bail breaks." Ccmplaining Boarfc--"I saut uc-w furuiture. Nothing lu Ibis botc-i inbukecp- iug." ,Jopulnian Landird-"'I beg pardon, madame,.liouei-keepiug 18 Inn. keepiug." "Dou'i yen tlîink Leila's complexion la Loely," said eue dean girl te anoiber. "Yc-s; îhat's oee ulng 1 admireshot ber. Sh0 aIîvays beys the besl in the inkot." Mether-' 'But, Eddy, ouiy eighty-fic-e pc-r c-cni, lu mathematica? Yen cught le c ashamed 1" ]Fsîher-"'Vy ihouIdhe be ashamed ? 1 nec-c-nmako more dan fitteen pc-r c-eut." Yen isyhele t badly bhurt inawrc worode. How lu thunfor conîf a man gel tui thai way t" "Ea-y c-neugh. The ouber feliew knoc-kef bum wiIh aounabridg. 'ed ficticnary." Hie (safly)-"« And if 'se shouid mec-t again nexi Summer, hîow wiil your love ho fer une thon ?" She (bueoyanity)-" The camneasaocen, feanie. 'We wihhgoociiwith il freni wber- wc bave off 00w. » George-"l May 1 hope, dearesî, thal at soe future lime 1 may bave ihe happineca I hope se, I'm sure. Fuminjsu about tiret seing feiicws for buc-ac-b cf promise." Au oid gentleman 'sas standing before s manhie statue whic-h 'sre ouiy the costume cf the 'l"ufelu art." Ho siowiy speilef uhe ulle-" P-s-y-c-l-e"- sud witb eue swc-ep- ing gisuce, hie murmuret. 1'Ah, yc-a 11 sec-, Physique.", The Duc- do Choiseul, wbo vis emark- ably tibm, went te London te negetiste s pec-c-c. "Have tbc-y cent the preliminanios of a treauy ?" askef eue Englishman cf sueuher. " Ido te&inow," was the nepiy ; "but ulsey have sont the ontiue et an ssi- bassafer." \ U~EURALGIAMUSCWR TIFFfESS,~j~9 D.&L. MENNTHOL LLAETER K Toronto 'Business and Shorthand College FALL TERM,- SEPT. 4. 0Canada's Leading Commercial School RLEORGANIZED. MANAGEMENT -U FACULTY N EQUIPMEN r facilitiers. .1 FIVE GREAT DEPARTMENTS. BUSINESS ENGLISH SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHf SPECIÂL PENMANSafIP Teachers are eminent specialiats. 'N ~J'1~Theire is only cnpe ToroB'asn,-,u~Sefi~4C-- Â1~JJjs )ted ou corner -ei 'o. >- nd - tbihdbu3isýic7lego praiseiin f{ron L. - c rauae worIcd. Students asslsted to positionsj Writefor prospectus and othier .an rI Satîsfaction guaranteed. ADD1ISON WARRINER, Principal, 3 SHIUTER STREET1. CO-uIR 1ýT W STOO«<- 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Suitings of ail kinds, for men, youthà and boys, were neyer excelleciand prices neyer more moderate. Two reasons why you are certain to be benefitted ini trading at the old reliable Gents' furnishing store are that 'v keep only reliablp, goods and they are sold at lowest living profit. Our customers can depend on getting, well-made, gool, fitting and stylishly cuit clothing at prices to suit all puekets Full lines of Ties, Collars, Caui, Braces, llandkerchiefs, etc If you want a suit this Spring you will please us and benefit yourself by looking through our magnificent stock at the "Star" two doors east of the Post Office, Bowmanville. Wibc1 pleased once in Quantity, twice iii Quýaiity3 and three limies in Price who inspcct the u7iequalled assortmnent of Slippers, Rubbers, Trrunks, Valises, &C., At ouir Store, W BEAVER BLOCK,m Bownulanville BJGGKEST STORE,' BIG&EST VARIETY., BIGGEST VALUE., lEver3body invited to cati and see our new froolivear A -%aOl~~i No other smoking tobacce seemis to, have supplied the universal demand for a cool, ni ild, sweet .srnoke like the " OLD Cýum." The name is now a household word and the fam-.iar package has be.- corne a memberof the fari" M ,,EAL 1

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