WASTE 0f MONEY. Mr, Charles Wilmot,ý who for years bas -bee- fishery inap7lector -for the Donioni(-, ed the position to superinitend bhis own trout nurseri, s at Credt Fonts, is an acilnowedged authority on the ishery question. In conver 'sation with a Lon- don .Advertisor representativo Thursday Mr. Wi!mot said: "The îmetbods used by the Dominion Government -in seeking to preserve the fisheries of tbe country are wrong and fruitiese. Millions of dollars bave been iterally tbrown away. At an enormous se -y---- expense tbey batcb trout at the nurseries and the fry are (deposited ln the waters, only to be devoured by the larger fisb; or, if not eaten up, tbe trout are distributed 1 7 where hywil defor waut of proper Effl BY I~ food.e llo satisfactory resulita bave yet been obtained from the Gyovernmnert's fishery policy iu this respect. Tt is a à à% waste of money." oUn This statement by a man wbo is an ex- rin hsery matters and who bas beer î he truste4 agent cf the department at Ottawa, the Advertiser rightly tbinks, St. nhué esUlt in a parliaiiientary investi- ____gation of the wbole question. 'fhese MANVILLE. leaks are altogether toc plentifut. THE TAEORERS' OPlNION. BOWMÂNiVILLE, Nov. 15, 1893. e HARD ON PROT£ECTION. The Weekly Advertîser, a London,ï (Eugland) trada journalj says:-Wc er ( net now iufinging tbe domnains of poîtiesi wbon we express au opinion as te Frec Trade, because bth of our great politicai parties bold, witb regard teoit, pnecisely tha sanieviewa. Ko Liberal on Conserva- tive at%tesman of any standing aud influ- ence ini Great Britain thinks of returning te the bad ld ditys cf Protection. On the other baud, America, oeaof tbe youngeat and most progressive cf the natios slavishly adhcnes te the antiqua ted aud obsolete -doctrine. Thea resuit ie that she s îhreatenad with national hank. ruptcy. Tbcusands cf ber artisans are almins tarving for want of, wonk and wages. Tha printiug industries in nearly ail the barge cities are in a state of sptag,- nation. SHOULD BO WATOHED. The "m-ixcd and enuddled" ebaractiti' o those resolutions passed by the Teuclienu Association was rendered yet more "i cd and muddlcd" by TEEF STATESMAN typ- who undertOOk te nevîsa the preof, uni tbe Sun, copied thern in the saine mixe( conditiocn. Tbe discussion on thesý clauses. assumed such an animated chai acter that the convention broke Up ii confusion, and thene bas beeu confusioi in the public mimd ever since becausa the conf uscd condition iu wbich the elaul es appear in pnint- The first tbnec clu es as published lat week %vens adopte, by the convention as a wboie, but th: founth was supported exclusively by Hig Sehool -teacliers. 'Ne ne-produce tbi clause ccrrected: Resolved,-.-Tbat tbe utility cf oun -Hig Sehocis is înuch impaire4 by the muli plicity cf subjecta required te ha taugl tharein, the resuit beiug that the gne majority cf pupila wheu tbey are suppe cd'ite iava cumpleted thein i-igb Scco, course ana possessed cf littie more tban supenficial kncwledge cf a grecat mar s ubjecte. Ve hope tbat a. ulu immedief neconsidanation cf the curriumf Righ Sehools will ha made and resuit a lange reducticu of the aumber of su i î.ts and ~w.' hune that wheu a thercuý Tmorar neapup'iI' utou fonitux as beau made Obma pern agaixit wich back taxes are cbanged1 nence niay ha cbtailidal tbttee than cîtizons are avane of, Wa S&w a tînl burtfh cni aigea of tba paat nMay liit the other day tîitt pened oun cyes.1 avoided. Thera isa a wbola block ou Kiug-st ou whicb taxes have net beau paid for years, Cal, up the Primary Clasa. and a great uany oCher prepentees that musmt eventually be soli, for taxes if tha BoîTeR STTESAI.-I notice by ye anrrears am e nt paid. Wbat makres it la lat issue thiet a Suuday School acouvi teneting fer tbe occupants cf such prop- tion il a te fihld in Hampton nE enrties ie that thein goudca ancd chattels are mcontb. Lit me suggest te thea managi liabla te ha siad dsol4 any day f un that tbev maka a deperînia f r>mi 4- e tXeadieon the pprIcrty. I t might course taken itherte et lhavlin" nýî fo "6une- ul'tecf 3son f r4o0; Quda"y taxio,? oporttleS agaiust -wýhich thene ar sente te a pr ianv; clàei for tha banc aî.-noe taxa, the amount tliigte c f tt, eheactatvr m ri aacb and for whiat ycars, sud t qaire gradp. FrtR if thke statute nregulating thea al tends_________ for taxes,.ià being chservad esch-lu x cr. The statute previdas thiat arreane dcto for AN OLU FRIEND. tbree yaars shall ha havie4 by warrant ut the Wardeu te the cauty treasuren. In a saies cf interviews& with memb H-ais tiis beau donc asch yaar ?c f the Iast Cexîgreas, 31 eut cf 43 nrems ed that thcy wcra îeadens of l'le' Yoîî SUGGETION.Compaflioe( For dafiricsud trustwori A SENSIBLE G ET0 ý informatiou ou the question% cf iba it ie nreafly unique, while the high char Wec Lakd a tàlk the otlien day , - n r (f its s thisOe vide fieldsaccve S. AlUn.i Presidant 'f the Wcs. iDalicaic by uts special articles, ekud itas contril Agnuultursi Society, even enattens par- ici s freni the motai famon& wn*iters taiuing to the future of this society aud Eurcpe sud Amei.a, are wdl hua YiO tbink Mir Alun bas the correct idea is programme fer next year seama br i of wbat should ha doute te make the ex- e-m iban aven. Sema cf tbe iîqiporl iibitionà hlaI unden its auspices more 'tories arc: "The Desatter," hy- lai ;aatisfacteny sud succesaf ni. Ho wonid Frederic; a Talc cf the Great Matin: haveý a union ef effort bauweeu the farmi- îndilA, y Sars Jeannette Duncan; se ans tbno1Ugbîîut the riding sud lIhe huai- ý,l Romanceb cf the Ses, by W. C nasamnI in Bowmauv'ile and elsecwhcre Russell; Taies cf the Wan, aud of lu tbc district. t raquinca ail local in- Fronties in eaany days. Hlenry M. S testa combiued tcj accomplialu the haest lay contrihuteis two thrillhng narrai rasulte, and ha cau sacc oreason way All f ri Datkeat' Africa, aud Arcbi caunot unite te adreuce the intenesscf rîrbas wîtaa cf bis "1Closest Cal."1 the society. Lut there ho a conference of ai B ttîe ara dlescrihed by Admirais, ail who bave theafsfairs of the district at Miitar-y Life hy Generals. Then t beant ilu town sud country ,te talk over are articles ou Cboosing an Occupa, the intten and endeaven te re-erganize. Boys who sbuuld ne, go ta Collage,1 aud decide ou sema more succesul basîs sical Trainiucg, Racretiens of alIik cf operatien. Sncb a meeting shouid bhansd mauîy other praie 10e ubjecta. held early in Jauuany, if possible before othen pleasecut feature iii the char thea annal meeting. We feel sure that pcture cf a yrung 14dy cf cooui 1 ti thb hxtiiea men will ho fuund ready te "Swcet Ctarty Il reproduced 'Iu renden any reasonable assistance and uve feon a liaintiT-ig hy Fë-rris. whïch is beartily endorsa the sonzgestion uf Pnesi- yited te a-I uuhcrihf ns etheset-d dent Allun'for aý confereica. $1 75 for a new subBeiption orsaeen MORE EGONOMY NEEDED. What vouldl the large body cof Aune readers do wiibeut tbe !aniiliar and Tun STATEItaLAN dce net attcmpt towslcontfL L" i 5LIVIN G Acï W lecture its readars, but occasiouaily gives oee las ail ho eeccuSof ýoreign pari( a word cf caution. De yen kuow, kind liîeare-withott . hi etas i neadcr, that the preseut bard tiies ahould ThoEeaa icustomed ta iti wtaikly teacli Canadiana a moat vaînable lesson- kt iow how w.'11 ni~bleuiipessible it 15 that cfeceonomy? As a people tre bave Wr hîut t. Approaieuig near the beeme veny wustful; as individuals wc - f itie fiftieth year i lobs a oue ara extravagant. F r yaars pait pur- f cemer viger sud ability, but le as1 chassbave not heen neulatad seiniuch lite, as ricb in chmm.ctair, as ceer by wba s le eded, ase hy whblneiglhuors îasteas duing a'-y penîod ou t utaxis have. No uater if ha bastWcee on l- Lateie lss'ccontam n pupe:s cf n ceme, we must keep upla appeanance. value;timuily eutentaiuiutt sud iuu'mx If man ia cnly free when ha iNes witbun Take th - iugle waully issue u-ew bis incume, wbat slaves va ail are ! for u> i.di nota the ichueseasd van migbty few cof us lira witiuiiun own lu- mis ecutenî: "Tha City cf Kcw 1 coma but many tny te lire utai othéas'Iaw1nD e- Ilya-e papier about incomes. But we nuualcnot alwrsys cx-around which clîng soeaof thei pacuteaget crdit, bec&use atcm'ey une mmofxie sud mesi romautie iucid( now abtiîsig it,._A heavy creditor of a Euglihhbisteny; '"The Coimte de F certain business mari w7a8 tolling bow "Au Euulibh Wüman iin Thibet,"j uearly bis patieure vas exbauied -tait- thtan srdiuisily iuteros!iig bit cf îng for interet ta ho pacd un a mortgaga, "Tk' Poet ry cf John Donne" hy EF and yet ho cen14 thon sec O rspc f G<n'-e guves us rn Vian of ene cf ti ts paymient. Imagine bisomazeet Elizibethan peeta, un rathar, pari 'wheu aà fcw daysa ftcrwandie luasdebtoý, huin imnadicte succesou; îDwe]' and hie wife àturprieed thea loug-suffini"Ancady," bv Anue Rirchie, is ado craditor by goîng aesy ini greali style- sketch wbioh ai] wil cjev. "A aven greater style va. are W.ld than any Pageant," by David Ker; "Tha other pair who hava e fron thia townut ha Machanical Poerrs"; icLînes'1 -ta the \Yenid's f'ain, aud enDjoyed a 5hridi xi"; -witb the uutal fiction, grand tume at ether people's cxpansee good, sud p.'iaetry, always readablE Wbat au objecq ct lason à8 bee-not of plate a riuiibtr which the reade eccuomy, but of te extravagance that reeme i but eueetf titt'we chanactenizea ce3rta3in uipnpcleId people. ail cqually good, sud sema botter Many othesrmih a hait1' wlo ane go te makie up a year's zubseiptiei havie g a goed týimo aetlieir ceditor'R cx- ail titis for ouly $8,00 a year. L pente.. 'C, Betten, ana the pubîsiears.1 The Canadiau bMagazine"for- VovR 1t contaiflB a rich variety OfcotIUi~f, aome of them of eemarkab!e and w-rld wide intere2t. W()e. Ooi1vie, F. R.G S5 ftri!ishew-tdiii ihirdinaent & th accounit of bis remsqrkable 3-200 mi le jouiney, "Dwn the Yukon aîd IC2 i heo Mackenzie," and it exce' dý,i i ntrot ;k bis previous ar'icleB. Alliîn Fre id o 4h ,1, Ixfisitute Lcf Jarnïici, col iri' ts 'a wt 1 - illustrated arnd Enu rtai"iing rt eon)ý 2 FUTUI1I~ ~West ___o8e GOQU JUDGMENT FOR SALI YOUNG & c Auy- Axn- urus- i b ir ewaI. enican aven- eodical alting. Visita ta do (f is full uf -ett in .ctive- bafore aety oi York," a City richest lentse i Paria" a niTE travaL he latei apa, c lama il ightf t Sitames Birtho by Tox alwa5 e, cei 0 uimoi r, whic ,ittel bihtýjated, or wb leti pim les- ndblotchusapa-ee tli warning in time. The "icv cny"1 sets ail the engans in1to atb action-.-specially the i;ver', fer- that's the peint Of entrInCe frths germs, then if the hleed 'is pu)Lre, they'll be thnown off. rfherels n1 1ik fitfal-t eeito uein ai cases cf impure blecd or inaùctive liver, y(e ur, meney is retuirned. T/te key te thie sitIfflîonf -fyou sifer frnm Ca- tbrhou'llfiud lin Dr. S a e' lec y . N o m t tan hew bad yeur caseý ma-y be, the pncprietcins17of the medicine promise Ite pay î$500 if they can't cr Fr Neuraittia Ue Minards Liniment 1 o Rbauma'i-m )f ~Use A1ilirds ,Liiment 1Fer Coughie sud coidas Use Minards Lin1imfenlt' For Barus nac3 Scalda Use Minards iniment Far Aches sud Pains Ln Use Minards LUniment sea For Fa1ling eut cf f1ai0 f1 Use Minards Liniment laFor Datempar i l Hea ru. Use Minards Linmn nt For Corn3 aud Warta et ~Use Mkiard's Lnmn ch pma3pa-d i-y OC. Fïichar s & Ce.,yar- id nmOutb, K. -S, aund '~For 2ale E,-veryw'nere. <W righ THÉ, i aIl y Le Souritetà fox cibly and ~adl o~~ srq iieh u ig DesGo ply te Mr. Err.Q.C .L.Py telle U3 bot' ayonn coch a vey ii e home of their nwi. The fic, 7i4),î~~I etik eh v i. W a number is b-i,4ht. -Theo 60dar . Magazine" begminais scu vlm5wt the nicest things to be had il a reputatiOn buthlu Anierica and E "1urop"e,ý- Phc ublsetbv plf>asîne -tG Canadiaf Lle. OLR 1 -Dress G-oods, anyway,and if yc Ltd. Toonto PuiishOg want the correct thing do nc TUîWTES"lgeowihyu-l ie. Ea licatÂEspbaLET p ass us by, Serges are great] 'Th Mýontreal gWitness is now ufiî*, g ocý9 ves yen tityyar.Well-marked LIŽIR OF Uta emande of he .neent earreeo fEAD denotes brain po er; clear JANE 0i3' ueIsibe frnx er a iden , r e , »tb omîeof in it tbis season, ]3lu am rrchý oh .iej enB e and B1ltf. I = b., fo 511era t ci ucssI ie bt ynmuet keep up with moderil ceurazÈt toie that pçxrtria.ieas te Win It. Yewillfldp en t heee iunE A EIT The bolli\V-ckly ad D u d a DemressàmiliyMagazine, se attractirely pie- h as ' sented Ilhat e_ ery m em ber of the fam ily ie ncter - bas duîn th >ear, adlopted w1-t aCiý "e-l,- tined. il le a dozen magazines in one. A CLEAit clars t be he udelfoiu, w' I -I , LNE F EART bepeaks tcfderness; a traigbit Em clas to be pab e .,e in, el h ' ý LINE OF' FATE. geaceful life- the reverse if emali coueuict raes, elng e , , crooked. A '.'ell*-efined LUNË 0F IEALTII by the possession c)fe ne of th O ie îot co- epares yon d cctors' bills; $0e nUl the belth blte ple e p in ing pre-s-F., (Ver built y tOie lu1 D erores' 1'No oter magazine ?pbliehs s plet priitlfg presnanys t . oiterest the home cirece,yoe ill H(s, of New Yr~ onmb.-r cf piges beeuîlYjetý,tee rue. s 5of I hlepirits or deepeni- ifat will. The papt-r eriter. î,ypref at en lyUhave the GIRXILE 0F VENUS EE I two paeo roeb-u1o rt0 as magazine te reatu. y subscibiug te It for 18q4 - eured, sd hex..WaYrB c i ut yen will receivé a f al1ei !fexusite works of art 1) at liebtning ceei~ f~.!.hd, p sîed a' d cet. of great raine, bes dste~pr rnli1 iti ý1ýlý tn, 1),eed Il, 1~7x22 lche, Imaa DaIsyIli ile l o t ëe Beie he impoet i ontee ayade ei~ae ntu.ral but not very diesss reia hableinem ntuii 3p le equated by any in the Wor1d for ils beautif ii & w l-rse oti bOth i grphy, , e type Ig't v tewn lllustrations uni aulject'malter, that willi ieep derfu Linoype achin, w-aitlayen pstedon ai theiopies of the day ad all tihe A.w ldrse fo ti b i h L efnLi o y e m a h n , b c t ai ls a da différe t item s of nterest about the in thmpeaftr m x d csea f tiW hnced, oesgre ad gafrte whlef[il ;th e w ell-dressed effect of a of ttl'p, :Pf evr y ttie T e pyrpicir5 ad while Demorestla ile net a fashioe magazine, y m 1 invie vis t e t M ut, Cal to tee t hese Its f asiln pages ara perfect, and yen get with it, 'B1machines Tiie' pct-itieelt,,int b as I)fe fce, i hsatrs o htue th XNT e are getting ini new r oo s eve- ý8_ gre tly dev lop d i) ticW'lyear, a d lu auy xze yo se ou Ii greatîptio dt oqlopenly $.00, ndxvi het m ynow be fiiîly c aled tnilt us re ]y. )0 in a $2e Adre r t e pu - d y T r i f i n l n aer The WitItil As ha,; ini-v-d to he7cbr, W. Jenuengis Demnorest, 13 East 1411e St. a .,W rn fl n ln Yh ie uul-iiMrtr i h- îîcinNew York. If yon are unacinainled Wcith licelso b T1td b usetcre r o-ral1li, I Niapzine send for-a peciffieu<îPi' .A targeQýýtT. ~ cf Benny aîd S- PeterScre'î wth lA~GLEmeanehonety; iIeTAGE a n d b a s a s V rC " II I :b x l i n g e n erc e C 'FTt S T l \i v S ï O ' C F lI U M B n y P t st on w i ll, LO N G SEC N D D VIS gh thnmwih esi ore npeci aastine a litg fiiulîr. Tii.M' iT Oi F J UPITEIl CagSre,.e-u E H A V H ti- r n wpr i e siso ayw e e iÏnÙIiOIthat of SATURN, prntiýiuce: W'. - I--i IL ti Pr ùlic asis nywt,1J.Vo ulenlor: MARS. cicuri; MNoOc'" bt sean. The price of tbe Dailly 'Ntres tien;, VENUS'- love of pieasucre - am1 id >at is threa dollars, and cf the - Fy , utliell aile 0cr advice ane aboxe '_______________ W aekly W tture te pesesi the e at a nu i ot e 14 )- nes& oua dollar, while thei Ijîtie pîincer .eaiy )01 paper, the Ms sanger cotî only ii;ty v. . ~ . - . - - a cents. H $7.00 wiIl buy you a comlQinati ieTYR.ONE. ' Dinner and Tea Set of Ninety Seven (97) pieces. or Mr. and Mrs. Abram i>ouie, àIr,ý W. that is c.heap is it noV!1 We have just opened up si H. Williams and Mrs.Ge.Ptro, ab omnilare amofng the w- 1,'- vs-î TEE PBois OuwPA'N î lovely Tea Sets, Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets, also so ta- htors .... Mr. W. E. Bitgcolias g o " Ciion rýd i e s Ad Fine W ood thing nice in Glassware. Oshawa for a tinte. . Re,. J. Hirley cut-l Store-a .1ofShooli.Ue, Tarai SStrike's lecture oiu W,,it sF.ir o- ac .d Adv.'îîitre. liïilnî:ciive P4pers ý Do you want a hanging lamp, we have thein ail prie Tbusdy veiuglat ta wl mr -îded <nAr, o4a ieInooran Ot- Everybody knows that the West End Hanse pays hic ~and la spen of vee-y b gh1ly r-l- c~re ns.adohe ujcsc bath eveuing the Rv.gex eg Ioa, I nre 'e iinense ist re-et t. o kl. prices for ail kinds of Produce, Grain, etc. sermon on 'Trua etrot Yt".x, u xasOsPPK Sabbath t ai100v. nm. nd 461 ». i. TLTOIE{N M cL\4URTR1ER ou' Rev. L. Phelpe . Courtic,ont il 1 st r, Excellen t See.bilsud Short Ston:eaR TR eu- will Occupy the lulpit ocf;the hditPape-ra ci. Douiesîxo n asiiý'àort8na t , hurc ,Tyr,ýii,. T la.,k8gi;rýTotic, NMsi, Poetry, Fine Art, let , phar wl b,,rTy one. )tha Il),giriLiter al uie e' ýC. Colonod Platesa and - - sons, willa i-er by thce 1 î.î tIt hed ion t'. Hallfer hc½ mi( cilr ha ilîu meEgarna es he ln u S ra ti.t ncu 19 an otherscbuc h ed d r0 e ct I ESUB O Ue ,-i-,'Tda!L e*" P p iaited~~~fo ailrrlor J.d s vîn, ..~ ~u îluil.u, tee, r-'", e-et.hesS(ýereal Ntoie, ,c 0,diug Leekard, teceit'y. cd Plaiesan u , o(l eut Illuetrations. _______________Tna SuuNDAT Hoi bers hAebq tndc coiltnd Raii.SotSoisadSece GREAT 3MANY CEIL LREZT Suas;, ,de7dîMag azine for Sabbatb In two weeks you will1 see soi otk-i Semos Bb' nuceTalles itIain g to your advantage, as v I other sk n dsss-a ChIL îcWo k-nsi; Süendav Exercîses thy fwell as thousandeof ape rdn ini iciigions îîtersas now. w e are stili selhnag ract,- Dr PierceS~ls d The2e gis hbave eceived the our large stock 3of W.atcÈ-»hes,Oloc bau- , icalDiscovery. Every dis- goetxal-ndo,litiiîi <f Clergymenii, neany Je.elr, Sl-r ae t. ýtu orden that cani be reachcd cftwhoni Aie coctributors. J w ley iv rw r, t. tbeuh hebee, Zdst Each of bovoinluMimthly Parts, price w .lsl igt- itt purini qualities. Be- 15 cents ; or Yeuxly Subacriptio-i ?1.75, h ls e prices- tans B, ides, i g w/tode$emd At ail Newadealers.__ Ths to k hch m t be ol rld flea/land istn-engthi; îlot Januaryhis stc was bomugst bat 50 jy-i merely fat like -Cocd liver GTIJa u r ls w s bo Lh at5 c cranr- cils. A scref nious con- -C- ,il -_ A liak1ditien of the blood in- the $ and we can afford to sel], chi the vites Catarh , Bronchi- tian- tis an i 'mtin er than anyoDe else. Nomatr'; bald jWe're alil -Pûsecl te E E - .i Nav- the germs cf cdflimp- - hiey tell. you in print. Some pe, ,and n Por rmalaria- SAiN ;bae yt he ea one PLE îs do a good deal of blowing, but it tien ~ xT,~ I ~ 'J navvou to inspect my goocls and pi 318- TelI off ,ket at1 b< eap- op1e riîces MAYNARD THtiE JEWELLEU ILLUSTRA'E l 32 pngesWekly. Pharmaceutical Chemists Addess TeChristiant at Werk, Just reoeived a ci or1 BOX 3359- Ties FBîdg.. N Y- lU nie of If yeu are entereed unAI TOH & yen ought te bu a subsenîber te PaINTenicS' INiK: s journal fonravatizets, aud lie fillad with contibuionsi and help-NA L 8 U I fui suggestions. froni the brightest ids li the tdvatisiug business. PRIKTE.RS' INK costs only twe dollars a ya. À sample copy wll ha a large stock of th e latest sent on recipt cf five cents. b s d r jADRESS b s dr FRINTERS' INK, swaneoQUG DEÈ,cP 10 Spruca S., -. eW Ymnk,Hal leS D lcou, ur t 1 i eoderfti the cbap Wall Paper, ar l s,, D li ou 1 C a alto Wtidiw Shade, Enme, Mxed A sk for a San ie pa éka 'e . Pans lB n asi eat T. Sherin -'D & Cus., the d stan d n oor asat oi G . P . E, T ic k e t & T e le g ra p h Rgid'is shoeastore. >lei 1 Eq ative., Office i/- i [y ,k, )of aul. ry .01 ote )me Îest èhe. 69 King 1, BOW