k LUGH-In Osiawa, -Nov. 6atme içîe uo! Mr. mounce, o! a daugliter. ,NNN-Ini Taunton. Oc. 23, tie wife o!f lie sells the liesi Watches no. Wannan, of a daugiler. ruittie-Iu Taunton. Nov. 5. tia wite of Fred Drink e, o! a daugliter, at about one third of thse RirGE la E"st Witby, Nov. 8, the So Mr. Mark Burrldge, o! a daugliter. -'rcstou have for meri" LL-Sear Enflald. Nov. 6, lia 'nifa o! Mr. E t' J J - Hal, o!adauiter ___ paid for them and Ally guar.. Ics-PRiNs- At the home of le bride,$ C -at d en, Nov. 1, hy Rev. 0. Parker, MîssLII anee. Also souls iRinge, ,dnugliler of Mr. John Perkins, Bowman. aud Mr. C. Hicks of Grand ltaiplds.Mici., Chains, Silverwvare and al erly o! Bowmauvilla. DliNTON' lu Oshawa, Nov. 8, John John- iaged 46 years. rnnD-In Oshawa. Nov. 8, Margaret J, Dved daughter of James Ptudd.taged 25 Yrs UNis-In Oshawa. Nov. 3. Srah Emily, oved wxfe of Wm. Johns, aged 49 years. ViLSuR-At thie family residence. lot 'I, l7. D)arlingtofl, on Friday Nov. 10 ChloelD ni. beloved wl! e of Mr. Thos. A. Wllbur. 1545. years, 3 montha. ;Il daye. In'erred nt ,on cemetery, Oshawa, on Bunday 121h tuBe ULLs-At bis son'a residence, Markham day Nov. 10, Richard Grille. !ormerly ot rlington, eigg-d 71 years. Interred ai Eben Son Sanday iflî inst. / I. c a. E jgîve each cas tomer tise benefit O a 'B. ., la reziding at San Pedro, Cal. Royal Templama ara bringing hlm 10 BOjW oua uf the exciting Ihings Of liteian uSi careful exanination free of charge M iss Nina CcI lacott, Salemi, was guest manville and are fitttng up the Quae-str. ill-fltting boot. At Trelaven'a yen will AoE ,but we seli ou r goods at of Mies Penfouud,â,Shaw's ilsat Sabbaîh. Methodist chumch specially for thesa two find something entirely uaw lu foowesr. A, . the lowest possible prices as wve buy I eau make it te yoor advsutage tu bny meetingsa hTon al tha, Hia new winter stock le now openad for Mr. Jr gin uihfdytenc wdstha Cal,.at t in large quantities direct front the uofme if you wtheogi.nMayuardd t r.hector. dsilvar coll ato IInspection sud lie las someîhing Ihat as DRI aewller. . ... hedr fr. exHectr. STak lectin t S ures comort for old ladies, styla for M. n factory. Special valuie in gold. UnoJhnsiigsrvc nTiiytedorfrepwe.Tk Tî o aiscs ad'aifcinfr BuR UnonThîiagvlg erîc l IineyMOAN'1s advice sud -go earîy. You wiîîyug aisics u1stsatinfrwi!e0 church,1Nov, 23, Rev.C0. Parker tu preacli want tu hear hlm on both niglits. tender footed mou sud boots suddalices te HAI aI il U Y9 et1 a.m. . please and fit entire tamilies. Have YOU Rici. DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN. A big, stock uf firet class fors et modem rosad hie advt. ou firat pageî ate prices nQw showiait Couch, John- Cma.atH 1.Buhwsguest R QRAIDTR NKRALW Y. aln unurueman's.of ex-Mayor Gabraitli over Souday. PST RiaIST il an Crydr PASORvilleT Rev C arkr wIl raah nxl un- Morpa Davies & Co., tes dealerp, To. PBOWMANVILLIE STATION. day eveuing on "The Devil" and requests oto, have euspeuded paymont. Liab-il. The Rt. Rav. Dr. OConu .or, lishop uofnrme bis heareme tu rend np bis history this ities about $6000. Paterborougli, sit hoid a confirmation ý_rýNG EÂ5T 1UoINO WT waek 1 mi. J. L. Brodieansd Mr. W. 11L s-rvice in the Cathoîjoc urch, Bgwman. J *8.io2am rýiras. ..I 7 amn Patrons of TaiE STATRSMAN Who owe for Brock, ut Toronto, spent Suladay at M.vlî,- andi wilt aiso preach at the moru- sion. 2 seg r,.pin 45 p es3nirer ....S 39 a m aavertlsing, prnting or suoscriptions Pre ... irhint ng servic on Sunelay Nov. 19. Christ- Ru] Pasngr.. a ml-'asegr .. ..2 29 P M t-rMmW bhl ..es. 9 5,ýP Mi 4 12 P M requested to pay Up as 5000 as possithi-riW.L.Law,Darliugtou, bas r-ceîvis'ana ut alil denominatîina ara cordîally lu- X~ p ess 10 7 m xpî 8ss S30 P m un e m r uv r s a hei a w rd for seed w beqt a t the o d' vitedt e l attend A i bis lordLh-p is an alov Tînt STATESMÂN wauts five canv.it-fers Fait, hie name being second on the l,3. eloquant preacher aud profounti ltheolr'g- wl MA at oca-one eacb for Bowîuauvili'-, Dar- PATRONS' MFFieiîo.-Aa wiil ha sIMean Ian, bis sermon canut fali lu intereBt ail con W IilIEIlI, CartwrigGt andE-jet by advertïaemeut in Ibis issuep, a miass ltbteners. ____ ne litiHE YOU O TCOarje, Crtrihtan__e DUITISEl COLUMBL., Wbitby. Muet ha respunsible sud huptInmeting of Paronti of Elu-sbandry wil -------unio MANITOBA, EUROPE]Ias. Big pay. laite place beo next Tuoaes. Mr. Laurier's Portrait. - GiR UNITED àTÀYES. ,d Couch, Johuston sud Cryderman report Corp. A. Hobbs la cronflned lu beti with al or, aiy place in Canada cal t STOrr & the igg asteale ot ladies' coats tbey have a severe attacle ut inflammation 14r. The Montréal HRoald Co. bas pubii eze Juiy'. Drug store for Tickets aid Intor- cier liait nd stîll hey bave a fline stock FreI Barnies in pet t.rmnîî is du'tÏies as ed an excellent porrait of Holi Wilfrid -mation negardiug lowotslrsIeq sud beet of beauift.ily designed sud lovoly fitîing janiuor aI lb- Central schoîîl. Liurier, the Liberal leader, whîch il iA rtcGerman made mautles st ail prices Sp cal revival s>rviceo will bagin at circu ating aeot oft u mailing with the ---"The îî,Osî -lriginal and accepta,.ble the DiscipIt a Ch-urch, Sundiay Nýov 19 vleA ut mkiogu the face of the honorable coilored teniperance apeakr o! lhe day isnsimd be con inu (d eve-my night, Saturd(aya g1 m%,ua a familiar ona at every fieside eàt1ata r>9AtIoIIaueRev. J. B. flector," awn asys the Netw exceptad, cill iefomthe-r notice,. The lu tbh- Dumînior.. li leprinted on a FLo. York Heratd. Du,)r't fail to beair bim'lu pubic ae c .iaidly inv ted. slîheeî 18x94 inch,-s sud la prunouned su Wrj lie Qa7fen tit church Thtnradm3 aud Friday F. C. Pthick bas sr ciîîmed the ageîîrcy aiiutl<k-nosa ut Mr. Laurier. Auy BOW MANVILLI, Nov. 1.5, 1893. nighte. for the "Parisien LVSlrdry" utf Toouîo, reader ut the STATESMAN moy obtain a _____________________ The STAilAlmanac of ". entre al for 1894 um ut de b.îtlalondrien u in ttDomin-cn;pybyasendiiog atidresi anti six cents lu bias 450 pager. Thirty îboîsisud t cie ion aid ila praparedte 10tak-, ordara in seacunp 1 te the Montreal HeraîtiCo., 603 Wli twetythusndeujets ltisth junrig f it inm t ibabû 2opCmaig St Montreal, Que. Red L.ocal and Otherwise. anlee. tbtusran aubjuttera litula te laditeg BIthniaihsbrbrso _________ greal 'ptrAm oo the dsd lpieietaPost Office. Puîcels rewson-C R F H N S Moi3ey oaved by readtng Maronsa new is ut surprisi g that the demanti for it ablo.CAD0 TH NS ~~~4vt. ~~~~~sBO enommous aven before aSsinigle copy Tic Daughters outheia Curcli purposa S .Hovet EQcaagrMta ýftdv. isready for A.' offemiog for sale a nuinnen o! useful and S .HOEEqMngrMte Mn,. Alun, Orono, violted hier dauglt- Hon A. 0. Wlfenbargiir addreeaed fancv eliles lu the 8chool Room 1t, Benefit Association ot Illinois À et Mrs. R. .J. Rowe, Darlington. lreadaua li rhbto lbaPaul'a Cbumch nou Fmida-y Nov. 24 et 1. f: Dxî.U SiIboa lu ackiowledge rie- il 0r F . Petlîok lias the agenc? for cite lu the town hal onu Tuesiy nipast thrai o'ctock Evemybýodjy ;leIn ited ceipt ot draft upon the Canadien batik of Rii PArtise ar jtuudry. «et bis prices. W-îua igisFa eaudar anatu coma. Thi slîgl be s ) ngood upporî. ýnity commerce for Q$500 lu paymeuî of niy Bu Mn, S. R. AreslnoMg s. Ad 68213. 1I beg l thank you sund the offi- 1 ~ es, h1an beel n o*, dt(q or t hepl t UcRoa Tmlaa E"IyrVoslifet hoica hiîms ese am ouotldiailtvndrphc N.P appoiuîa4 tuwn lark «~iîraiu - r ided at the fint ai msio re.Teil as L cn f tht) Cuvnt Mituul Banefit As etoe'boro. Dr IeLýýiii,3. ùimtr - a e to e ~oîk ftr sthlcb h arg t2 escainfrls rmtcsof psymeuî, 'S, R. fl, Wartier, W0oodstock, 1 B ade. f~binorly theektqwtrdaa ,ý. home after a smRîý at rllrraîer ieia i u ail It&5 f q ~~%~ oiyroîp 'iî y ee Mir. T-ias. Thorntonâ, Clî4Aûha.la. Nov 15, thea nstefjjo!: CI«slou n Mr. Wt. E. et'ckFow(u;. Ailan6ge choi"ce cf new Tweeeds very Four horses front the famous Hackney lo i-g ditnce 1tcuuk )hes wlfl le reýVist3L m re yur draft. 1 h dl take grezi-, plase- Po cheap et Maaon'a Clotbing Store. Ail Slnd utfER. B- ith & Co are lun New York andi on distatic -s ut uover )O mil. a ratEes u-e i5 ric nmending your Company antILB cloblh bought heme cul free ut charge. aI 'lie Conmental Borne Faim now lu wil be sighly increaseti (uhie raot D0T, bMn Pethick as au i gent, lu my friands- Subacnibe now for JosaaliAlli's wite's ptug-ess thibre, wîera ley sutl comreta nteluwlt romain lie sasme), but thereastio dIh, publie who wanî reliabte lite lu- isetbook, Saimantha at the orld'a agaînitht lewurld. The blisbk horse, wiîl bha4nrduction onshort dstiiacc4 home uâceWshnxth sscâi h Covesations teruca Wîahiui'lic Assolîlon Ili Fair. "Big 20" agents for Bowtnanville. Jubili"e Chie!, ibat won the sweepstakes Crad stiîî l ous with1c.uH L.S ise le soîi:CeS i ltearves, I romain very îmuly fy- Pont Hope bies b ught a new Seth at the Woltie F-ir stas left i t home, rYis, Ou1roHb Filsxlca ÂLE T JIMSIN !lhms ondckfr$85 ub paeithuse taken being Ottaw»,biyAbeî-wdetsn, manager, Bsll Teld. Co. W E , io o Ch Thoruuiug tonde;antioran78.0tlbbbellfor Winnitrad, sud thé yearling, Banquo. On Thursday eveuing at the prayer Whitby, Nov. 9, 1893-Chroni. 'B, înrvi232. ead n80 b el o Mr. R. Bailli, M. P., sith Mn. Jno. meeting lu the lMeciodiat lecture room TLechuch t ZonDaringonbasWyllie anti M. WOB143Y Kîmght i li tangea Rov. C. Parker gave a hait hour'e5 laltk A GRAND MASS MEETINt* Thachrci I io, aninlo, asaccotupanieti them. We Lope 1t ear o u nhis récent visil lu, Chicago sudIbh Go had a fine schioi.room builttanti heen thair batielg sl-comers agaîn. Moody Iristitute. lie was ea guis raudar the auspices outhIle PaIr-,ns utfIn- othenwise imiprored. The re-opeaini HLDE N la pesgt vo tiistreiniuïg aclinl for évengelials dur- dustry, null bc hldd lu tbe Town Hall, ,next Sunday sud Mcntiay. etlDEacin EndJsoY iepleas otflavr, -gbs oor n h iyCt n geute ctin sd sothng ffeta t Srupxngîs ojuîmulu ie ind Ciy atiBowmanville, on isho i veniug ut Tueetisy, ex Coucl, Johnston. & Cryderman are ut Figa, when in neeti of a laxative and Iif hat excel ,-n-ý uppotutiieis for sitlesa-INo 1ttwhctepulcaeori. âhowinig a big îîock of moute anti boys' the father or mothon ha cotive on bilions iiig the spLonditi work lu progreas notionr i.2s uwihU ulcaecril cirercoai Ù,a sl ises anti qualities-liew the monst gratifyîng neanîts toîlow its use, Mr. Mody'â direction. Ele paiti a higli ly invit'a, The meeting stilI ba atdmrens r gootis 'latiera gooti value, sethit inla ha best f amily roely k 'w tribuwe lu the lractical ati gouti work eti hy Grand Vice-President C O. Cutriu- Setivornae nt tirea t 5pOIanti every tamity sboulai have s hottle. hing doue anti spoke ut the ulmtei-dotaa ilwoPlh1 ea h M cardt lu myîs WKELY baS Kngtn, V r o r for Suits for cish ai fieldi ton chnîstian effort ihe great Citypulcqetosfthl adiusd an nt i yo li i N e ws, héKingaiton, VAry pricasprescrits.Ha diA nul attemupt a decip. pbi usin fIadydsust -Ont ,,e receivaua exTfKeegof MFoin'e l toe nth ake u ion of the Wold's Far, but cooflueti aboulai maha il a point lu ha présent. Wejakly awa thelJanapypy ~eeo Fx tuh t aelthediakat boy i& add ess lu tha Moody 1, aitute anti Chair laken at 8 o'clock. tre R.p-R.Thought aeeEtioflt'e the Columbisn Christian Campaîigu car. Br ORDER ExECuTIVE 0COuMITTE. 3 Mi,.W, 1. eiti DautyReev utthe Weekly Globe tu anti ut 1893 tu suli- ieti ou by the gréat evangelîst dcîing 4 w towis1hip ot Clenke, was chosen es theaoiel o 84a TTSA fie teps umr h aoso e. 4 w tihralCone~vivocandidate for thessbestn19aITTEIÂNtfca 'hpsiumr. haaosutRv Lsgilstue, l plca utf Ur. John Dsvoy The Radient Ruina l is t fvç,nite stove Dr. Pierson, Rev. John McNrill, Rev. AGETO~E? poînai a cnenin ilt u o-for basting pumposes. You shou!d sec Dr. Iuglip, Rev. J. Robertaunp, lenmy AG E T0iF R - lanvilteOct. 3 lut. tiiose haudaome atoses at Edisal'. Tliey Varlay' anti éthers store brouglit in e- WVe ara lu a position lu offer Tiîntv - The big Canadian cheese exhibiteti et ~ sgoia hyeehidosve.Alpet a'-y't hetIkat STATESMAN andthle FAmILY HERALD AND thaeWond's Faim bas benan hippeti~ AîugiRcadbscagt aadapims s ai ra eit oua1 WEEsKLYSTAR, for ona yaar tu-m $L80. Munîmres1 anti aflor being exrhibtedt tire lie bas nul chanugea iebi priais ai al, other tlik would hac iven at a 'uure This offer cul-s the anlsrciber lu a Il 'wlihashppciabar te iln innCousult yourn o t lularand ownulu. meeting ou ocher feýatureÉi ut Chicago lite cocM!datogra rmnu îe Lanrelt-in, tlu purcharers in Englanti tercet anti do your tiealing wltb bîm suad anti the Faim. hy the piiuihli of the FAMILY IERALD wisreIl il h exhibiteat liough the thus save muney. Thesq p-emiam3 are the "SvÂîe!uALîANAc voun ny.Cawlier & Tait have the as 2bc Te Anoîher large lot ut Pipas jusI racciv- for 1894, a superli book ut 450 pages, or lunilie country. Caîl anti gel a sample. cd. if pr*-feret a copy o! the giest FÂriiLY0 o ?C. Pathick for launtirs'ot nadscth hiew a Dos youm fumnace need repaining C e niscilecor ecn HERALD SOUVENIR PICTURE whieh retails James Mca3nen cau put il in gooti ordar. jive you trom 100. lu 60a. at îwenty dollars. The premiums-Al- Boys'Sut Iwliolaaale Cent price. Cahl et Eâsaîî's store. The langesI stock i town, manao anti Picture--will ha raady about Seo T. ýGeo. Mý'ason's naw advt,. Eaveatronghiug anti jobbing ut al GRAND CENTRAL. the cuti uf Novambar, anti silI ha ton- Osalni buy a %linnîing casa soliti goltid ni uln niituduei frtciw ardet inluthle order in whici Ilie sub- artch ton ouly $15.00. Maynard the manuar hy Jus. McBrieu, Edsall'a store, Ail woî Shirts anti Pauts vamy healvy ariptious ara eciveti, Subscriptions telu Jastelen.Bowmaîîil. the paper mas' begin ai once. Remanîber A lt c nidr3s ood selig' ff tnIs' 50 cents. Sac hem et Mascn'3 he offer ut a choice of, premiume ois about Iuvie abtrou guotis allin f Sec the extra %valua lu Factory Cotau If yauuwant a suit or au ovarcoat Ibhat gooti onîy tu peuple wiio suhacribu turing abot hitpnia a Cucl, Jlisto &now beimg ahown aI J. J, Maaen's Dry wil suit svon lu ave amy ]c lave your or- tia autumn. AMîerwards lia choice stili Qrydaîman s. Gootis sud Joweimy flooe-fully lc. a demrai Coucli outn& rdma'. positivals' ha witbdmawn. Cluh .îînni -mka 0c-6for $1. at yard lesa tbaît usual pices. Maynsnd thé Jeweîler can sali you the 2'.Paper cos'ared novels Just lu at the West Endi Utuna, Buw- stchem, docks sud jewellery cheaper A IIA Y S B E T 10 cents OP.~~~~ manvîlle, a fina ine of oan Overcoatinga. than, anyoeelentwWbJBcas if ;ulert -r aovea put no nîghl Cull and m.ai Ihznn. Pricea ight ant i4b stock was bought ai 50c. on the $. cal ou Jameq iulîîAIEdsall'salorS goi its guarrateed. Cal. Richard'a watceeaarc ail new anti Yon The place tl usuyyourmémats mlat I0. andi youm iii dei-r w-ll reýýceive prompt allen- 200 or 300 austomars wnueti at Sherin want lu bear Ibis lu mina anti haBella M. Cawkem'a where you stîl indotihIe to.& Co's , Reid'a B ock, King Street East, them aI about tone Ihird ufthIle p'eYl hieîqiîîs i ait'l h ot PIc e ion. uaiyad ait n h on in Giov-, our, Undamnear anti Buwmanville, tu rak away stali paper at have beau jinla habit of paying ,fir hem You wilt int inl stock Beef, Lamb, Pork, goua eut(if tuati we have exception cosi price for the nex 0tiys. elsewbere Veal, home-nenderati Lard, pure pork ail1y gond value ii ail, vers' large choica. Tht,,--i ovely abovieas ! ia he nuamh COr Teas cou tiimua lu give ttie hast ut Sausagea, ail kinds utr ats t. Pou- Cailantiare.JohnJ. Mson.very traquaîitlynmatie hy-ladies passînu slBactio.Tyo40a. Young IHyson îny, I, r Srts iqut sre rssing tor Edsaî's hardwaroestor.TeHpy ohn u i xe'iulygoi Ha bas Ito Paddting waggons going ~~ antihldîeo'sl ic. A1so Ilquiti Thoughl ange has nu aupeir lu tia value, iCkwU at hgoas Bw bog h on niwl alo n ,lcigfursi,- ng wîl rus hnte vý,.m ille wh wll avrd. nwîtlhair patronage ondiia5y'w7y. Mnutlacturai hy A. J. Whou y n buy a sealeta yen may as LA Dîxs-Ask for Huoks otl Poliah hy Iesving word et tlie shop; Ordene are HouE, owuucville', Ont, stoîl buy the hst-we b.lieva Listonera foabote'daba. a oohralso taken sud dalivamadtel any part of ]lave rou a baugiDg Iamp ? If nut, Ihe beet. Wa importt hemadirect trotanti yon vu-lJl b ia sfied wi thlb reenît. the iowm. why ul Dut ou kow Ias'are liemaunactuamesud re suwig thm -FRisll buM. T ralavexu, D. Davis, Juo. Yo --p-roa--wil-h;1 bnkf1-e 15B onîz-cTerkeym for sale for breeding murposes. Price $!.M53 cd, D, J. GrusoN. lot 31, cou. 3, Clarke. 4-w RAM ASTRAY,-OJaxne on lot 31, cou. 3, Clarke. a ram' lamb, The owoer ireqiiest.'d t prove property. psy exoanses and take binm away. D. J. Grl3soN. Bawmao- vile. 46-3W (' OAT RUG LOST. On Friday, Oct. -.X 27. in or near Bowmanville, berween Ilorsey Sr. and the ForkA, a gray goat rug a'lth dark ljning. Finder plerse Icave t. S'IÂTESMÂN Office and get iewar 1: 43-tf. OjTUSE TO RENT -A sei.detacheo JlJR brick bouse on Churci street lately occupied by Crpt Crawfordl, Ferms modera-e. Apply te A. YouNlE, or T. IINGHAM,. Bow manville, 45-tf. "j ARM TO RENT for a terra ut years. -U That desirable farm, baing the South 110 acres of lot Nuimber 16, in the third Cou or the Township o! Darlington. tie pr,.perty of Mr. E. G. flurk of Campbelîford. Fl'al particul.ars can bes had by applying te D. BuRieSimpson. Barrister, etc., Bowmanvýi;le. 36-tf TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1893. Tie undersi2ned will recelve teaiders for supplies up te noon on NIONDAY, NOV'R 27t1i, 1893, For the suppiy of Batchers' Meat. Ilutterg Flotte, Odimeal, Pefate ,es, Cordweod, etc., For the followiug Institutions during the Vear 1891. vis -At the Asylums for the lanjand- in Toronto, London, Kingston. Hamilton, imon and, Orllia; tie CentraliPrison and-Mercer eformatery. Toronto; tieaRef rmatory for Boys, Penatanguishone, tic iInstit tes for tie De!and un b, and iheaBlind inuBrantford. Two su8 cienti securitieswil ha required for tie due falifiment of eachi contraci. kipucîfica. tlons and formna o! tender can <.nly be had ou application 10te Bursars ot the respective institutions. N.-B.-Tenders are nlot required for the sup. eay t!niest the asyluniS in Toronto,Landon. eK»lln.n, Hameilton and Mimica,nor t0 the Central Prison anud Reformatory for Females, Toronto. Tha lowciit or ans' tender not nacessarilly ae- cepted. R. CHRIISTIE, M. F. CHAM RERLAIýi. JAMES NOXON, inspectera of Prisons and Publiechaiii Parliament Buildingi, Torointo o1, '93, thari haif their forcer J-prices, E-Keeps no i bis and tisus s-.1ls none. lIn 'ucatsyou ecan suited iut 1{c krif you can be3 suted anty where. Noone lik es to loose mnoney u-t yu Wlll buose if you buy elsewhere as Ricka-ui's s une wiso can and will give you satisfaction, )pticaiParl3r and 1 i-iG A D le your 1-e i. 1 1 gt des edfo0ac-m.er lx o! cbjmrga.ý and Optician. Need's iBlock. -'idi,-our Name. A UZZýLE, WITHI MONEv PRIZES. ti 0 > ci~ jei~5t Tiare are known to ha more han one uýti red Dasmes o! pemrsons. suci as Mry. Ieurs', etc.. lui tie shoe. rating by te King 'sMOe ini ciess, whlchIslaona move up, d,wn. rnkhl. left or diagoeuilly. HR ËiePu-'i Y uuti PR I' wuli divîde $25 00 smong tie live wio uln moat Dames. sud genemousty opens tia competu. ition to boys nd girs wo read sMlc STATESNAît. Ormiy chose maycsnd luinaer wio have ual pased tiem cigiteenîli birthl7,sPY aud thu-y muais mail such answems an o~ trt Du-caînher 7 tlu RAqPies YouNa i'ieOPlLý, IFranklin Square,'ewYork, sud PIuf Ie Word& "RoundFal"i the lowac- lift hi5.nd corner oftie envelope. Write 1uhé na'tOneý bolowanoti'r sud nîîmhar hem. Puitycur uwn Dame. wich yonar maI name speile& uI sud your address in fmull, allihe top o!fithe c5ýï sud aI lie iead. o! tie liai o! pile ananies P3aceý the figure 5-god aZ . HsRPER*5 Y0 Niý PRoPLE will pub;.Isi thiainge3t 11,1 sentiS uy ,Dîy cuumpctitor. wili names o! theprz ocra, ns soon afcerthte close o! lie conteaJ possible. A wide latitude lu nameaWýJ-c alluwed, provîded 'ou !ullow lis împoyriiv. ruie: niera namea thici yontutclude lnyouîîf liec areuncomýnon unes. give tdie spelltn-, d- opced by Bane persun bating snicb uiý no, e. hl i-i knowvn in perauûn b ono, or t10 anmpet! yum tricnds, youmîg or old. TE I MMO (J&- HARRISON , BUSNS AND SHORTHALIQ USNCOLLEGE, Oorner Young & College Stret;, Toronto, Canada, Standa lu tie veny front rauk as a tl~o îugh and practicai Business Traiungln,-'1n etîlution for Ladies anti Gentlemen, Bookk- apiug, Banking, Shorthaj £Vypewîiîng, Penmanship, Englishli Tetagmapli Deparîrncnts,open antira yËta%. Teachers, Aparîmnents, Eqnipnl a aia Location the very hat, Fecs Moderat,,, Enter nost. Circulars free. R. D. NIMMO, JAS. lA RS» PrincIpale. 3"; lyr. .A GAUCHANCE bmaefgo .t.$15 ta $25 Par week la sallieg our nlcv Scanadian Growu-Nursery Stoc, i Mhàýa sýalaries or cotmissions pald weeei'y. c 6lnpia. 1 te ouifttfrea. Spec'il instructlona ta obcgiBieTma. Write tIbis steak for termes to E.y. 0G1RITtisa NumeerPryman) , Forolo, Ont 3-e B ASFORSRIC8-ooul bned Yorksire sud LBemkshra Boara r 1kept fr service bv lia nndemsigued aetlot 1G. con. 4, Darlinglon. Thay are fist casiu iu avery repect, J. L. PAusoNs, .pitr BOWMANVILLE MARKETB* ,UR, P 100 Ibo ........ $1 60 to 82 30 ll@ rFail, e 'bush ... 0J00, 11062 éý Ru8sian,....... Je 0O60) if uoo,,00 il O55 li Colorado......O00 , 7 hite ,Fife, i...O0 00 0O 6 d il 0 0() 0 65 &BLEV, lebush, 'No. 1.. 0 00 0 40 '2x. 0 00 , 0 351 n n2.... 000 ,0 3o n Two rowed O0JO00 3 'rS, white......I... ..O(JO0 00O28s ilmixed............0 0 0 27. ,ckwhoat e bush ....... 000 n0 42 BÂs, Tlackeye, e bush... 0O00O11 O 62 ;J Mamnmy 0.C.1O t 0 58 àSmafkl, Ji .. 0 n1;0 55 ti tin, .. 0 O nOt651 ~fER bsttale ~lb,. O0 0 à O20 pjdo............ 000, 1 OTTR,~buah ........O11,2,5 ûO ÀAY. V &on. ............ C(JO0n7_001 A. S. TILLEY, M. D., C. M., i EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHY1SICIANS VIand Surgeons, Ontario. Offie, King St. irs.t door weS of Ontario Rank; Residence, hurch St.-8th door east or Meihodiat Churcli, Bownianville. 37 Ul EAORER WANTED for 8. S. 'Yo. 10. Darlangton. Addreua W. J. Roy. Tyr- one P, O. 45-tf rVEýCHERWANTED for S. 9. No. 1 , ariERfo 1891. Siate salary an, exprlece.PPI UPLONov. 25 10 ALEX. 3TioHT, Seoy. Treas., 13*winsnville. 46-2w* rflEACEHRR WANTED.-Secondl or l' tbirdl clse, for S. S. No. 10, Clarke. An plication stating experience, sý1ary, etc,, will il" Iec.cîved up to Nov. 25th. Address. D. P WALSH, Starkville P. 0. ~u u r ~ *~5'r SUBSOIBERS ATTENION! IGU SHOOL OTES. Mrs. A. Gnuis avisitiug Mis. Wua. RCKHOUSE aud 9-e ý cres le -d for Hw' orste lyoi need Any Wý,deWoodville. sae in Bî,wroanvilt, , b t ie e ,ppso u ure you May fiu I ti t i i ar'ÇI subîcriber who will obtain for us At the Lterary Society Thursd1ay sUer- Woî.de ,sfor next, Lord's dsy i sirable brick residoncc, httmes,,ad fD the what y tu %w nt aI Eaci ',Bomul Y E aib %mbr 3pcalywýîb t nSTXTES1MAŽ. for 1894 aI one dollar, and îcîc were: A îuasterly piano solo by îng, 'Why chrs.ilins should upen theîr mile ý,.t of Nursery Cot er. [here Ur 31, 894ivîlerowbe ae aprtio t e .Mr,. A B. Conosb; readiug by M'i soulsaraid lot the iig t of Christ in."A 8 rooms, kitchen and woodsh d al ach e 1,19,xlbcmda rsnofteKat, El jut ,; a violin and piano duel yn2î"m eshudbîgursc liard and sî.f i water, drivii)g os T he e ig the most delicate or- re i 14yie loefomtedaete Messrs. Jàs. sd Colin Colville. ï-ocghbora o Christ." A corial Ïvia I1 o ail in 2ood repair. S "0ýfle On oriW. Cthe H. x.Fcctors. 46it-. ;an of the hurnan body and yet we iThis uffer holds, gud olu heed uf 1894.Ov-rdy h .S.F1 aIoenito xtnerchW.d aNd ed- s. 46pytuM ote god nl1dri é ov eflea-ed the Oshawa H. S. teamx in i e FuRs ! Fuas ! Fuies1 Riving bought__________________ ind mnany persons who'exercise far emibar, ia made lu increase our le rculation, miniutes by m4nkîng five ýoals lu noue andc ' largely and the weah-r sa mdld, the 1ele tRrb,2 ei;5arac~ . t~recaein selecting a cord of and is onta uf the best we have lever imade.«hnstltth>i of lan habi tokmstbstrihvecmeue ~*î;Dais, 25 cents, eab Iagls. » ncoming. -wood or ai yard of eloîli than inl back and forîh for anînsement tu kilt giving 10 par cent discoune to.aIt cash -but FICKE *09 CIIAIGE, %hï h buying a pair of Spectacles and the 'JIE T4 A P inmeand enlertain the Osha.wa boys (s1 custumers, su corne along aod briug your fssnsrai rards are prtfai ieda t. cilice* meut is that very often we find mc. frieuds with you. The stock is large and BIRTHS.R i thoôse ýwhoý have had their sigyhtt accourits due tha unde si2ed mutb -n. .M&Et TeFiwf ohraK L AR WP per nan ntl inurd b ta ingtie ptd t te h wre we aeb udo Rev. J. H. Hector Com ing. Commandant Booth and 23 newly ar- Richard Wood, ofadaugter. -dVceofpdiars or others who ing business, on or belure Nov. 15, sltar iBowmanviîle cîtizens sud others who iadEte Shoflicers cnutd meevgt and5Geo, Wanflai rnO!5f.No.5tiwie! r -ittleiegalungthheqS. At Barrhdcte uSsturdl aydoighs wlsubcGussoN-Iui Clarke. Nov. 2, *lie wife o! Hugi AND DOINGÀ knlew lti1 eadn ieqaiywih aeuîete c~îI ilb can coma lu hear Rav. J. H. Riectur Sunday. Thay areae very ordinary lut of Gibson, o! a son. of the goodis they sold or Stili less I placed iu ther bande for collection. Thursdayf and Friday uighls, Nov. 16 suid men and the question that agittes the MOCLELLAN-AI Whitby, Nov. 7, tia wi!e of abont the construction and require- JOLL & ROWE, 17, are sure uf a real tlteat such as i3 Canadiau offcis anssd soldliars is. why Mr Jas. McClellaii, harbor master, of a son. zoents of tise eye. We have eîdom cjoya . The Blsck Kuight, as ae heobDoghAlNIiscontyH ampton. Oct, 27, tie wife ofFI ST LA S T A E cent BowanvillaNov. lit1893. Iis une uf Natore's orators ta familiarîY plant Canadiauis who have workad Up BNHMI omnilNv ,tew! ofstdy olled is ver wity sn clquen colfromthe anksJ o!GfrArch.ii wa.onvil Te.Gov., St.t _ofsuyon this subject and For Coats sud Fur-lined C,)îts- -a biz cured,-lectarer yho iya n d esng ulfrm heFisîofMas. B a m s on-athe Te.O.,,S* ,a e oe etrrmgra enadosii ms fa Ss.Ti-ln O iaov. 6 h ieo.C 11ýeV uated in the three imost lot .,, Masn.imneauine nNwYokcotAMNBOTD mcb.E,,o. agt.r l ~ A eraeern Nrîneork, Mor t.1 Sm-tu'rla hw, o.6Yte' o .C ýý1 A 1 torq i TT S. nd nt oIv T .-A V,...immese ad. , MA BOTED.Sm lit, o a daugti br.