A ~IUALTO.AGROU TU AL fîr aild sli his preducts with inteli- 1 may ba othr years wlian wbeat will he MY S ECIAT, HE tAETYgence. Wheu he found haehad a surpbre . 'ar-low yeu wili want. to feed i. -lI UF UEx sell 80 or 90 par cent. and store thie lanoa However important it may seem te you rh-l Ri L~e n this agýet steamsbips and eutii. h gteet large Morley crope from your farmn ******eworld carriee but a emalI eurplzi i for tliè proeent, yon cannot afford te follo-w-- Oh wbare is the friendlY rail-fenca corPSY chid- frou anaud te mouth. There will hec years any syetem wbhi2hbas nlot due regard for XAk'1T Dviting the crrnfild frosa the highway? whien this farmers' surplus wo0uld be- a the future of your land. Agricultu bnre is a 'XT Surrs-anding the mcadewý tho, Pasture, and bles3iug te the hungry man. matter of futhsr conoae than this year or w i W!iîl-we7od, There is ne reason wby the tarme- r held next, and auy one who takas a short-sigbt- indfuriShný-sheterta he hý,niik s ne bcfil metboughtful and intelliigaFnt ed view of it will do se te bis future sorrow. SOu? is perfectliy pure, From il;t th meadow larli, bine bird, and robin in our land; he is surronndad by nauire'e Wban planning for any nrcp, ask yourseif anS cntain ne uai- Poured forthiheirnotesi.'naCS JO ae bfutinofaiikn 0 eldga, andI bas wbat its effent on the land will be, ami1 wîsh us Chemicas-1 te injure And ils friendly oit top-rail, smosîýh voc n tilue for rafiaction ; sbould he the leadler in wbatber, frein that point of viaw, yen cau y3ur bande. Greatet Invited te rc't, the cern-heaiug boy, ail great questions, pltciadcma-afr ego t cara i§ exercisad in is That frieniy nid top-rail. uiit easy nid top- ciai. )lyýetn There are two sides te thie mattar of manaturesoand ciated Wrs t yte at ftwayfrai, nview ef tha great reponsil hiity efor ahnndant erops and low prices. Let ns quait i soapreiatd oi smoh y te ens o te ear1 frmou the farmer it is timaie eboniu bnko look at the workingnaan's side for a moment. orb.h public that it bas boy. bimseaf and ha the leader for bis cuntry s At the present relative prinee ofwbeat and Scap in the Worid. The day of the rail lance Ns paqi pasi o e.prnsperity and fr0bewe 'ae e ' an labor, fiva days' lahor lu tihe harveet fleld ait Ilagacded n more for the gond t hbaC4011e: kn- 7Its p aceinseanly given te barb wire and - -d- wbeat stacking, or igbt days at any lahor, ohdes, wil provide bread for ajamily cf five foc a L~~en O [-IQ\\J iketcod,hintpil l aana- ilcaRecruiting Ileadows. at year. Liveanad let lîve je a grand motte, And aven cny father, who ntan woruld chide ih bas heen saîd and wrîtnara-a nd tsbould b source of satisfaction te te nu itnstip fr Hi shaIftop-aie'institutes and inthe varions farm zjour- tbe American £armer thathliable iate Mo aveyr t ied For the resIP 1baor teaytp uoa nk h cniin flf oeg o h _____________SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask rail, n als lu regard te the waseafnl aud riosmletecniin f11 Oes c h thosa whoe i G vat Weud t tiacre for heur-s, discnssiifg with) rnien sligbyfnmtafr ntead vaet army et weckiegmen who are augaged tbe-y îhiiak ni it, thon try cnighbnrs.- of feading tbe stock wbich are Ruppoed te iu othar industries. Thea best possible con- lifoynureif Thece- The marrefnIlhrssorirai e or far sala as .lOX ,wo llee,,,.o, aludThe cr umbiig chidrail-fence, tihe ccooicad odrtlnsuevlil eeet etes dition cf agriculture wonld lha that lu wbici ___________your ciothas xviii Lea al ete bt tehyapbst nct thska-tie farmier gt fair retucu for bis laher, Nvashed in fac lastimie, Facibitated mauy a trade and sale. ing up tisa strenigtis ef the meadcwe. Soeayat wltis sncb abuandant barveet'and sncb witb Lags Labeur, lwpie ht vr ietan nusrou ('1 i* Greater Comfoi. ad In poîitics,to, îhis fonceavas afactor, takre tisaextrema viaw that the tarmýariopicstavebnsanid5tîn III ewiihoiter thcn tbey Foi- weigbty discussions wore ield thora- sbold never sli a sear nf bey, but kaep it workingman conld ha weil and abundantiy ~ m~uiihave ave r bee'a bifore, upoil; ail te faad, and in casa cf an abondance te fed wvitb the hast preduets ef the seil, e'L~11~i~Jwhan yon used ordinar>'Poii'mS aspiring raclined-ocuits besoin. icras osek i cd f daplatir.g hie Whan thea a esfor food s i esara up __ sar. Who argued the questiens, the pro and thecresebis s eadpîc.sae Butpas isiregloyitsserice-'l ovrIn regard te ibis ultra viaw, it le oniy The prejudicaeof farmars' beys againet j And mIno squiiîteraieî, tisabu bird .neceary te rccalibat axieul among farm- farm ie will ha fcnnid te exist aliticet wboily T rnjin of thea crsre, tiebn ir n e sati ht dont pay te huy stcck simpiy upon sncb larme as ara givan np te a staady An1 thc boy's rasting Place at the end of the te Ilwiutac ove-r," and it will hae seau that roundi ef werk, wiih nc attempi on tisa part- rflcowpntn the mosi succasef ni steak gcoers deplata of tise parants te aford cppcctunities fer T hi -L~ hamss> nid rail fanetle apatie ral ather than increasa tbair flonts and bards plauec araion te thair bidren. Iu net the baut way to de- ,Waujoay at the end ni the long cern-rew. in the alu, and axpaîience bas taugbt tbat tihe samne aircumetaucas boys would take I~I d de thesalttct'5?Ilit .4Buckci a. in Ohio Far-mer. an animal can net hae hrought tbrougb tisa juet as violent a dilika te any other nccupa- il do by enquiug wjaat the wi'star iu gond noondition on bay alona. tien. If yen waut the beys te stay hy yen, exparieuce isenf those - -We arealal agread tbat te cnt cff cf a show thena that the larm le as pleasant a ecndl, by ' air f a hir -i ce F r .Mead w fi nm year te y ar and put noting place as can b e fourni. IL dnies net requie tri l ytyeax Ac e ai . a n, w ill soon w ar et the str ngE t cil, ruc b effort t e do tibis- m ainly a consid ra- cosiidin a-y waY A h eatarclua ogeeai nt la rtnc at remedy thie- is te tien cf the lact tbat tha boy cannait look ____te.us tha.soa;1ailvi hia -lte geierai chairman cf tbe cen- break np maadows evary third or fourtb epon work quite frem a man's pint of viaw, At the next washing 5ay. grass, bananI W. Aliaton, spoka in part as ycar, and sltar putting iu sea eariy bar-__________ flIiows -. tle weil known that our large vestad crp lika eSte, Ilsummer fallew " it * 01) * * 0 0 cias are burdenad te a great extent witb eresowte wbeaî, reseadin gat tbe saule finie, TfHB.EET11OUSA1ND BIT DUST. auiLanorant andnoproduictiva populationu, But ibis is a legs cf tinte that the larmer eewbicb lias naîther the cpportuuity nec the wbo caters te tise maket eau not afford, for Terrifie Lasses te tise ~1tbIs.rI5 THE CANADIA.ii TATESMAUU disposition te eantise dutias and eijOY ittakes time and pains and strict boesty Losses SlIglàt. tise priviieges of civil Mnd religions liberty. taesetablisb a paying marktLfer any pred. Fnrther datails of tbe Britisb victory Sncb ie tisa nature of agrîcuisural pursuits uaL, and bavin gonce found a market, tbae ver the Matahelasan KngLhuel F.STABLIjiED 5S~il iai a portion of theafle of avecy fearmer fere an notkeep bis customars waiting in Snuth Alcica, stata the iaf figis- et Var annul lu advance. thîrwise aI.> i can couveniently lha spant lu ties edy oni1wbile lha renews bis rmeadows. ieg eccurrel hetwaan Hope Fonîîtain and Enisenrptîosat i îs payal3is ai tlse offlîs s)Êthe institutions of bis country and cf tise Tisa prescrntarticle is intended te ehow Bulawayo, wbara tis a MtahalebaS cen vu blîcatîcu. Ada ertîsing ratas ula4î by ns s branches nifilamming meet useful and agraa- bcw tisa faîrinrMay taise a isaavy bay cetrated lu fore. Tisa Matahales vre ,acc, 10 cents par lina. nooipvuie ).tlrsi ainùable te hlm. amp evary year, selal abt anougb. te armedprincipally witbtisirIiative wapons, Leutand La,0 cents p naeai n.q 51 Tise attraction fmc farm îlue ceuld lha in- winîe r hie îcam and a cew er twe, main- assegais anS knoît erries, altbougb some cf M.A. JAMES, Publisher creaaed,pariicniarly 10 tisa wintec menthe, if tain the strangila of bis maadows undimin- îisem bad rifles tisai povad cf lîttie service _____farmars wcuid cealize tisai lmon and wonman isbaS, anSdIhave mica clear meney eaccisteaîiem. Tise natives fongisi braveiy and ~A wavre creatad social bcings, eacis givan a vear tisan tisa dairy farmar. Hew may we Made desperateatatempis ta etgai hisn TAN ~ ~ ~~~~~~dSura fer social improvamant and for gain. keep the sirengtb or naeswieterkn itnc fts risls atr O F CA NA DA. Boys andi girls shenid oavn emetling in the thiar taking au anfercad vacation avary bowaver, witb i thair superior accus and t rt, it msy ha emall, but it sbould ha iheir thsrd or foutus year Tise quecy may ha ibair Gatlin ge ns, word able wviîbout taplinl pald UV,~e, OO $.e),10) 'iC enthe Sasire foc gain wold set tsmasardi ordtp.Srassing. h troubla e f)kaep thora fmm getting miet thiuking ni hnw te gain moee nowledge i, obvions that we muet supply wbat tisa dangarocisiy (lose quartars. Daciug enaet This Bank je preparod te Se L"g'itt- aud capital ;hotb are essantial in lita. grass bas aken frmmthe soil, witisoui dis- 1tIsa figiseMjrF eclm adeonde mate Iaukiug lun ail its branches, if tisa tarmar wouid giva bis chbireln tumiinQ tise soS. and iL mustibhaua agent onlaugbtnuon tisa Matahales and Sastroyed Farmar's notes discountad ; Depositesomaîiing wbicis weuid hectisir OW, tIsai wil act quickly, and aitbe precise bal cf a ragiment, uumheiug bundrade ef semnetbing te encourage iisam to work. If timie te give tisa grass a vignrous growtb tisa natives. Tisa Britisb logs in ail tise au- recei e-d and Interest paiS on acceint h, ol see be uaragng -sre ahera tisa Scy viastiar of summar coes gagements a slgs.Ts aia cf q5 anS upwards in Savings Batik piaasant recreation, seulie social antran--on . IL bas bec proen b>' sucaselul aex- flualiy lorcad to retreat, folbcwad by tise Departinea.nt where tise boys and girls aee brenigis perimeni Ibat a sîrnng phosphate appý-,lied Ciartared Companly's eroces. Tbay fol- of Lepatsnuît togetiar cnia isatual grounds, wbere tbey liherally ever tisa antîra surface e'aaca ,cwd ie rmcd te Bulawayo, wisere, avary- 1> RA UI'TScould hecomea atned wiib oea anether dnav, in eariy spring aviila tish goan l is iing w-in tise greateat confusion, ru- 1e ue4 and Collections macolu InEurope and learu te entertain eacis otier in sema soi t sud yet soakad wiîis water, w1îU gie nrs.lomuiseil.scenaeof tisa flgiting baving United 0tatez, and Canada, mutuel worl ; establisis librarias fer tudy, tise grass an aarly anS vigerous geioW. 1that arivaS wiiis news 0f tise Matabeles' defeai. W.J J7aE~ iueingsciose, debating socitias, dancn laîne putiheyosidtsereacbn-f Srouts, Ne tanMaas iad a Buuwaccsudai Agscntsi-nenls, te give tise veunu people éase an suppliîns nmore eets o trengtb iiuîe tisa peopd. iving ai tise kraal' joined tha _________________ ,-asi dence-fer confidence. in cursalvas 1Le amp ramevea, thug consiantly rjnventin 'coing army iju the fligisi uertiward along O ~~~T.A.>IO B.AýK.sasary for succese in syccuiipa.it iesi.Ts oec pltioion-- is astisa foot cf tise \latoppo bille. Auetisarac. stictinast dc Gaara EakiegBn-inr5 fiq sneormason wiy tisefarmrer's soniianS filoýws.Fcrman or dinsary grin S]ii, m- cont Says tisaitisap fret stand was mrade ona daugisiar eeunet h sacrae elt lsv ie ets laîg ie.cs .di-Fiay bntiseMtble imp nd ~tssnsavîll ~1v isei mapues as tise 1 START T1f' uILTiliE disseatecs i- ne ~very vigoroosby 1.1L... ýA îLDegulate Àfeed as e precad abow SfS ou aïis akDprtetade or 400 Ihe ttes acre, aclcor:diýg as you',r staîne, but the enamy were uabia te ~acIvid I Svine LanI Dparmen eS W aI knw hattis suces n îy o s egood or peer. Ih bas beau ond Mata any imprassielsripuetise whitee, wbo ca. iand intarest aliowed atcnrmeni atas, Ne ealk. httescesutyby . payaleiwondrawanesem.Al eelssdeed isetetcl1n trig m ibat Ibis treatmneut will bring up aven liaiS ibeir positien ils Lasagar. Ts a ~aybleonSonand Irigit;-,than haiewil enaceed and gain a coin- won-nut maadôws te prcdnce tretous ta-lsweranm) vinSonueualilsides, anS EXCIÂN E pteny.Tise.farmar bas tisa hast oppor- par acre, nf fine baavy bey of uniforusi quai- fuil' deirS uili- very beavy bosses. 'E C A GEitnt. He aucangiva bis cîidten sa ude>eidunc f ie1eriizcs ai rebîmreenned teaalo Str liabins5soiS and DrattsissnaduipoinEuopotiigtesa tînibt, ua hud aIiL>,an hinlecoftefriz,ï,et s rp simdhetakonS -i rni1cd tats ndCanda aseodi, Siivar and thietaleart inrii vet, fordiie hud esaa5 tent t oliowing year, ',tiugis Say Mjor Forbes and tise combineS 1 lUaitdSta.s Greeback8bught ad sold the lader i this org, fr arasiobthetneed cniysubs arsua-aicolumne )yisuingolibanbewitfilonwiahfeawf milesesco COLLE~~~TI16NS dTi ferme efr man'tsan egie iecsasbye applications esci Sepring. Bulavayo, Tha baks fug'L wiih unex- CO LErIN cahasfanS ts anym'cbeniaa i es ciathehu lats ae lts uareptly made ai coment r srpuenailp p t inventer adtem anclgue, tor pacteS braver bt i prea o f tberia-e ct Great Brittain, the Unitedi Statea eau die rhey bava bufteS a isaavx'but dan of lahor bn rl n h rcs fterfe Due r iio feaCanada. îom lis sisenîders. I'ractioîil Poîntera- tise>' war neyer ahIe te gai wiilsin tritiug rfce~ApI raî'ftrsManytisauts araSnettbecssnt wiso Wban visa put cattle -op te fattan, ha anme distance. Final>' tise cttack waekened bas hongisi bis producte and excaangad anS have tits viera ti'ay wil ha quiet. aSts aaae ioe iu trtet N Mad'e for large et S11 ,1sa nisas 1nil al p r i reTell x m rn la e n t e s 'auuta Tlas t esnsiiiyadaîstsgaoJ4 tae tisem er gonds anS prodnctse hacouid net Tise>' ileci htteraniS gain flashi ua Ts ai uiepae ntsi as as-a'lvigis\ariioliaor the>'u-isast. odc. adiv niasses sud tise wbies instanily rusheS en sý ,iushas a nsanî. e4 cas y a I d I p e uc .r pîvwe a g v rrcr n y is lo a R g i ýiti, a fut's aadableat a 'tisa Prospamit>' ansd pmegressin tisscolinit>' le Every welregulatasi famm itseulid carry a mtnt cîempted te ostan ihesgronSliai pao 'h-zpaijeajr cit i ieba .diveit>' of laior, anS ail are antitied tea a lew sisaap. But de not mita tbe mistata f eta attmedestadw atisa ru aabu B.. T OciT P, UEO. MeGIL, faim compensation. Thefammeriscissavecy et ovcr-stoiaking witis îsam. Large stocks dmfe atîBiwy.l ii rci MIIanager. respnnsihla positioni, for lia must fead tisa neyer psy se wel Lu proportion as do emal-.drle akt uaao nti rci %veIdldisa is blessaS, boaraver, b>' holding, ai cnes, cali>' Secisive baifle Lehengueba bimseaf t fise mea indapendent position among tise BSts etecmotbytsswns.couamanded, pemsonaiby dîcectîug the issova- e-cnatiue l mukin. S the ~c-teai muorably ibnsif nen- mente et bis lîead san. TVie ferward Takcthi grat ci>'wîts bi ~,oo, or etuse ial up for leaSiing yon enu mate mea'remLen e ise roupene taided upen oep- :tata 500,00ui ont bew 'Snss tbe t-save cuber î'eed b>' uing iletaaep tise Mha-era o nel baime te raiby bis faieayitli-nip.wuldahrstc(i n oilral.aitak on Buluwaye. Tisera wae but lutile tac y aar esu>' latdiiginthe'a aouidcat fi-r TisabrooS mare and a ceneeq auntcli filislefiniutise Nlatabeles, arisefieS te have thmt ce flaSlsts cn eyfcacuyear ig aiseoenaetftisa items cf iva tbe nnti-wast witis Lobanguala. A flying ahomne tissu te ie ftis e hst meaisania in steck id fou loth a'mnked. A coluonanwaesent hn pursuitprvnthî Chcgwio ges 4 per day. natbc tisaiat t sisoîstei ('isicao, OLV Oi RR CE. colt gows rapidly inonMouey. Wiiiayen raiiying, alhiongla Dr. Jameson anS Major uowvo ITEoN liary LliS. are raisiusg it, abseaci gond one. Forbes helieva îbem te hae beatan anS cowed. 30 yacr s cf bad T u enatrmaclieuse Uniase yen are methng c spacicîr>' nf sortieLoisengnlaîs peower he utteily gene. Tisa euS areflnd ? 2Sacrtesfoiiaa;rahea 14 o ue tiing, as a comnmercial iseder, i wilossas etftisa Brithis weme eigii, anS waca W . W . D 1 K E hanwise ton ;i'-)sacreyoter sînattju;si aseyc4,confinaS mainily te Major Forbas' cobnmu. acres, cf cocu, e2van acres of coyer, tar e ws e dosi orsoc uta o TEiu ARYSURIS ~ arast ceiareaaccs o cas, wo cr doni your cop. De net gel t ie tyour Tisa lose efthtie Matabaea sismaeprted te ex- dcriles crern. Kacpesevf a cw acysiorn ead ibai yen cen only grow cnue iiing ai ceaS tismea tisonsindktIleS suddaounded. ORON, -ONT iled, orn a imeTise Imparial forces undar Major GoiS ORON, -ONVtbam ; raise te si 50 isog sewe braS ta Adamse macahed Bluwayc on tise day foi. Offie-Pst Ofic Bllck.coma iu Fahruamy ; a warns place te taep Tisa lîva steck is net muta given ta lying9 bowung ite ocaupation, and tok uo part ha Oilsb e.-osî orffl ein eav ibspg u amvbefneaon i ae aei h onn.Ti o a li,.,,,,-fiel.sav feur acces, te nesture bis ,asilly determine la>' aisitiag thes.barnssabou1tthft-c Thiere is aiways a gîcat ruih for DAVIS &sSoNs' Cigar5 For thâï Brad Cough of yotits r-- -AL As a, Preventive and Cure of ail Throat and Lung 0Diseases. Eatn 4"aLo he undersigned desire to thank the farrners of West Dmrhamn for the 1iberal patronage extendod to us during the pastseon aiso to remind them that we ai-e still in the tiarke3t and prepared to pay the I{IGHEST MARKET PRICEj-P elivered a± our storehoi.-se cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hand a iarca stock, NEW ANF ÊRESH, )f Canadian and Liverpool Coasse Sait in Bags. Ro>k Salt for cit and horses, and Fresli Gronnd Grey Plaster in Barrels whiçh we are prepared to seil CE~IAIFFOE:0A8 Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLIEAN SCREEN 7 D COAL ~ ~vit~ ~ ~tinand gIaranteesaifton ýý Mnutactured nl>' aiT nîtA1as HOLOncW-I5Esc ABLI8sRiNT, 78, ' >cNV ~N e lea-\5 " 'ee' Eai urcaser shnila look Io tise Label Ou tise BOXes are' oiU. il tisa addreps le net 533, Oxford Street, Loudon, te4aSPufteMl O).NTAPbIO'S GOLI) MIN. . Mr. Owel ao cne nlrin ieae arbicissseame tn exisu bu Canada rardung AiMiniesa Mau fsys VaDe Net Appraia.te TIHE MI'NERAL itMOtTEIES Tiieem. cf tise ceunir>'. Re-la ys tisai a dietmisît - -i.. i e,,nin amine sîsnh as tise Opbli bege in atasum mer tim,tisraacres ot loi-ar deyiglît. Noxv, mn ina aeiui wînîM.er îîwenofîheuî-net te msow te seil bihe anars plant bis cern uLg ouibtie tn e nhu r- ~ t aec at c ..Oec h r tIssr&~ - ovE8 ACI5R i'E .'- afnrrow, oeespear in a place;- cutivata twe impatienti>' waiting toc their breakfast. "A ycar or se cge," saiS c yeung a, e Cslmr, haoissenet.Mm wu uaisroecotiein an ttifste vauabberin e_ n afliai surtace; ha amuiS caisa 100 bues- iFead tbem hetimes, se thet tise>',carn go afriand, 'Il spant c fear areakeiiinti lohcCnda yiLs a en inti- he Unatepdep ates n bteif ts (>pis aer els par acre. Ibis mannarcflemngce igisu on artht isir business of layiug on Coasi warmnS laces. Ona day I sar c matai>' connectaS withs tha mining business nts3ni jSae ieraut rasa - turne lil ace totesasoi anS would in-flash, madae arici home tise inscription:- 1Drop for necnl>' fort>' >'os's, dnring arbiaistiîrs ItmLsSvomataruifodie - < rssts femtilit>'Il.uis Soubtless balLer te tutus Lise cattie a penny> in tise sic sud laarn bow te mate his as visiteS lsigotd disticcs of Mexicoe, joining district wntis prospecransd ln- I i>, ~~Tisagrass salas arould ha : Fifty bcgs, itinte tise stait faelds anS bt tbem gai abat yonm tmaucers lest,' As3 I hcdn't a great Sentis Alica, and the varions Suustas. lhis' vastcm5ahb seeh hefnu utWu> -$00 ; lantter, $300 gardan, $100-,al bis 1tise>' enuetftisa feSSer, tissu te bave igodSab of moue>' I ibougisian huvsiment cf L, boareverbis firet vieil te Canada, lha sm Ica cf intareet, but aveunsa siost --a--- ,3 xpensas sisould net exceed $400, ecving aisoil>' te aste. But iL ls et oi d farm- a pen ny te show me isow te save tise pur- baving jutiompleted tise erecticu etca 20- antima ignorance etftthe existence of susci -f -*~fi ~- -,.--1j ia ~ tbe net $500. Set trees around tisa onîsida iug te barvesi Se vaînaeiac amp in sncb a ciseseof etrimusers arould hae mahi capital stnsp mibl ai tIse Opisir mine,siritad near a propari'. Tisa Opiir mine aras fiestaS cf bis tarm, apples. cherries anS oiber fruits slip sised msanaer. Wa ara glaS te seeta ta put te a god osa, se I dreppad tise required tisa Bruce minas, in tise Aigoma district. in Chicago ad Dusluth las!, yeam. Tise Mesr. ONE)X & 'MURTYh utua ebs bo lis amuiS haautily hie tise aaste of cern feSSer is becemieg ha2secoin iu anS a carS appeared. What do yen Hagave amost htarastifg description of principal prmoters avare Americcueaad Masre. hcava home ; bie weubîl ha eking in îudapendanae eaccisyea, but there le still more chance suppose ih recommandeS as tisewac>'te matetise proeri>'. Tisa vain et geld-beccing tise bakoi th ie steak islu Americn pumhasl ie eun>'cf nrhm or ha omara wiisa ns'-lanifo1r Lusprovemauti. yonr irouser es "quartz bas a widhofb Ducit sixteen teai, bauds, tbeugh seveacisuiail blocks are isald best Wice Fenca lu tissCountry. IL is Tisis he asystaun are have adoptaS in I s npeiha iagewn flve "oen't arear 'aem, I suppos." aud tise miii tests sefac made gîve anl in Torouie. Mm. Owen cannet understând ltroilg, eamiiy lisasled aind orameptCî:1 Jîinois Jvie tise farm lntq f vo aqusI stoc tiro e n>'tet f culasf tisaei No."1)averaearesult et about $10 pet ton et frec wh> Cxuadians ebonid bave permitteS sunt ht Winî nom )oeinjureâ la nor, bhast, cold fids, Nos. i. 2, , 4 sud 6. flirst y-ar, ail i ra>'pavé tise ara>' tesUCCase. Mu " WbhaL 515it se>' . miiling gelS, hn addition tesasuIpisumites, cpoei't eeîsmbo vs'ts corarnds. IL aili tomrn orses, CileNo1,cr;2,en ; 3, grass ; 4, gcass ; Sapauds on tise nmn--more parbape than "ae or ceai anSdaraistcoci firet." aluis go about $100. lise aomk sInonproperties in tise sae district araelol Sheep, ils , D og e an S Pou hl y. htisl a 5, rbea c a d o is. Second year, N o. 1, o an >' ter factor. B ott he e are som e t e p o e t u i g t e l s e r b s d s n e e o e . A e i a i i g m n d thets not tuteoihtmn g on irWlerS aV etR Tis I Pr IC metwu k whiou i barb , an S arl i nt u- areat ; 2, c rn ; 3, co mn ; 4, grass ; 5e iigtsiats ie mgs a , g a l n i a tr ott and the Ettriot Shap- closeS a large body' ofn t ow fth mi e a juesteak insu>' way. IL le muh sLun- grass. Continue in tbis rotation. wyts' esces.Oneof isinge aEad uh rtil vaste i'liovtli& llal er ad moe duabl tha auybar fen- CO'SU-'ýITIO' Itis e fucnisising cf avec>' becScf yonnig Upon oua occasion tise Ettriti Sbepberd, anS tise charactar of the iead as a trncfls-aays tinS ceaS>' capital for ibair Sevabop.. ing, beiug cloiel>' anven. Wra bava taiseS large crops, yat con- stock aiLisa geod sire,.aiti tisa true araywcrdness ni a poet, teck sure vain bas haun proveS. Tise co>niaay' meut in tise States if Cenaduans refîteste Fence pot op sud Faim sud Toarnship ennipticm i Ias tapi up wiLtisahegreasipro- lisera is ena fine tiing about gmeaing umiscage ai SirXWater Scotfor seins ina- mode et opratioenis b>' unning tis e atakt iîei p.Parliapa oeereasor rthse for sale. Apply' at OliNiiAI, LIvE- dcton. Our tich lande bave beau ceducad stock-if propemi>' bcnd1ad ycu bava soe- aginar>' eigisior nagleat, aud refusaS for atsegstsescnssdmm iemiaSinantivit>'ibu minismg operaîbene un tibis ýprev- zivi~omsniil. -'- fil> on-tisrd er rodicin tie crass ;tiing altise lima tisat le tninng loto ione, lima uispeakt te lim. ls smni thtsoogis Fruanuer cosnntratotS, b>' inca, bc sys, le on acanunt of lbnt-eiag jrý :censunirare agrewingase lest as lever ; alilmorie>'. 'aiLiscultivaLed crope as yenm tnear bis man, sud saiS no tbing til Hgg's aviicis meacuethe cafracior>' constiunsiiso redutv,) io vmse n'knf'î W. P. ürc - Caa 1>--. 0, isving our gond lands arae ccupiad. \Va muet in. soie dapamaence, tisera ie a seasen alsan better feelings eracaaenad, anS induced tise ore are savad. lise miii as been in tre _npotu f tisera avare an>' ,0eIandie. boughr Clarke To-fship, is. prepaneS te creasa our production or tise nnsmars Of avarytising stands stili. lu tise aier ta I bu owrite a long axpicuater>' anS spoho- Operation about tare aeeke, arking fort>'But tisai argument avoiîs bots waaýS. Col. Pulut î D En c. tise aorid arihi hainwanat Of food. Hoar is a fine îising te go out te tise haro aud getin latter. Sic W aiîer' s aver aras lonis par day, anS tise canere ienS epsrat- XV. RWallace, avio waetise goifatiser cf cao iL ha increased ? Oul>' b>'a ietter arauclatise catie centeutedl>' faediug, aud isighmi>'cisaractaristhi :-"De-ac Jami,- ung ftisa orte te tiseir funl actent fcom theisemnîg tewn et Wallace, Idaho,îs, esup- c-tr f c ltivatio thataihi increase tisa kno a tiat tisa>'are a kabng moe>' oc ye, Noa tiat >'o have co mae te youm senses, noar on. rn e d to th Op ia d obse eg fertilit>' ci tisesoi1. aven if tis a arîb le asieep undar ils -sa-ite comae over te dinner-Yonrs, Walter Mr. Owen gays tisai in ail bis ssining anS ahilit>' is largel>' due tise succes whiahs -Farmars ebold bava an intelligent organ- blnet. Scott.", axpériance haelies neyer seau a minerai. bas attendeS the Sevaepmner4i of Lise prcp- ~ ~. izcion5net e inartam wii otbî me's jprospect equci te ibis preri>'. Wi' thare ar>. ys î -righis, but te promotea a httar sytea onhse liesnd basu wneitemareL Bairamence erai awienneteScve remar>'limaiveieba asnovr ai Mfoare aiilhain e or cs i ~ g~.. i N - arming, t e Seip home idsrt at Itisa prasaut bar pices, tmy taeding seaciei is mts0areoî.-ts>'aaia lsuaismagnitude giviag auyisiu and expeats te mata arragmnete Lotpla- lscm lit emnieaattractive la>'social entertain- etLlestrock, aspeciali>' te tise growing Pige8 eqicad te go iisreuiî'is erexs-mînation at lita suci geed assa>' resulie. Ha conmpareS ing machiner>' on savarai otiar gnlS prop- mene, e ncorag tea la tain-teanS sisoats. Seak t h isrougisl>heforie Scellais5Yard. Tise axrriuîetlen axuande iLt is ibheHomestaemina in tisa Black amiies ihottiseproviuce. Hascys thait Icone heauit>'tis ceuir>, teSienes li gasip an exact record of tisa gain te saisiowledge o et iacisif tierougbtaras, bibis, Dakt, arbicishalase a lamge bcd>'oet isa eh bas seau duing bis trp harge qnsin amano eoiaaefam tail, te made Item sncb leaSing, anS complare ipublic buildings, anS raila->'stations is free-miihing ccc, anS abicis, thouigis avecag- Sevabopmants are bound' te tata place as '~~E FR~Nu l~nwatisacondition oi tisa crope ni th iseatistisa gbin made on lcocu, sud yen ail1 anS around LondonaStemetxpd-igo>'450arounolbssilLssnasiecsaaarccrnaaaicam E NAD ceunir>' and o et is orid, seubat tise bave a guide for futureuea. Possibl>'tisera tions rouies te sud lrem uheni, oWuece milions ef dollars iln dividende. 'baomas genarali> knean, 1