__ a-- GlUATE-ýFUL-COMFORTING. Bya thorongli knowledg o te atra laws whlhgoenteoeaonodgets and nurtoan y sr u piaino nut- a erpete o el-selected Cocoa. Mr. lpehsprovided our breakfast table3 with a d leitely flavored beverage which miy sive ustem heavy doctora' bills. It is by the 8nilu use of suoli articles of diet that a Constitution may bogradually bilit up until Atrong enough te re»ist every tendency to lseas& HRundred8 of subtie maladies are floatlna around us ready to attack whorever there is aweak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified wltth pure blond aad a prooerly nourished frm,- Civil Service (Gazette." Made simply with boiling water or mille bld only in pacleets. by Grocers. labnlled thus JAMES EPPS % Co., Horng5apatlilc Chae ists, London. Esgland, kllU ;tid0Uait WEIYN'ESDAY NOV. 15, 1893 BI. J. C. MITCHEELL, R3 EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICL&N .and Surkeons, Ontarlo, Coroner, etc. Offi0 and Residence. Enniskillen. 74. DB RBIKE SIMPSON, SARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &o. MOFRIS BLOCK, npstairs, King ýStreet. Bowinan- l. Solicitor for the Ontari Banke ?i ivsate MoeVcs loaned ai the lowest rate3 S. C. HIINKIXÎG T.IOENSED AUTIONEER FOR ,Ljthe County of Durham. Sales -attended Mo.o ehortest notice and lowest rates. Addrese lcaieP. 0. 36: 1fQýT. YOUJNG, V. S. 0' FFICE-1N THE WEST DURHAMN 'fNews Bo2k, where himself or assistant Will ha found from S8am. te 9 p,m. Night cails se residencedirectly opposite Drill Shed. Calls IY telegrapli or teleplione iili receive prompt stttilon l71.yr AUCTINEERAPPRAISER, Real tllesaitended in any part of Province. A.A. PONT, RCHIECT.Plans and Specifica. A tion Prearedfor every class of' building. Séilattention givea te heating by steamn asld hot water. aud to sanitary arrangements. Office: CO'rne locki, Whîtby 43-iy R. PeATE, Tailor Gentlemen'a Clothes Made to Order. J.M.1BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear of MeSsrs. Ufigginbotham n t., sDrug Store, (down stairs), BOWMVANVILLE EP~' " F~derel Lie As Comme ',alUnion. Ihe Lnoshr Fi Fde Clas 1- ofCanada., Gents'e Clothin,1g Cleaned, Dyed, Pressed and Repiaired by THO S. IPEAT r, Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, Vocdse warranted to be as no'one will know them from new when doue. Corner Ring and Ontario Streets, Bowmanville C. fiIARNDEN, L. D. S. Gradua,ïteo f the R oyal College or Dental Surgeons, Ontario. 01IC OPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. 'ÇjýýTAL1ZED AIR., New 'Tai1or Shop Thieudrsnd who ha" been carrying on file ts4iloring business in counectioalIwiil 1.04ton's' Dry Gonds Store for a number of years bas cmeuehusiness for hinuelÊ at his resId1enceý, KRingSte, where lie Is preparec to isake gent'. and bonys' suits in ail the latest aleand "t lowes)ýt prices, For those who wîehto'order suie iewil carry a fulnlinue of si ýle n ail 'Ihe new"eet ptterne. ive h- try to hw a Di steeand healthyû '{é Lrcpy w;fhout ser - "Th e aboue age, as good [dieseases cannot j hec/t/s when the exist where hidneys are Dodd's Kidney c/o gged, they are Pi//s are used." Sohd by ai l da!ers orcsent bymailoin rcij i'. E.A: , Sth& C.Toro.to, Writer- fo teh aled iR Riy aov. u.( A IPARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. Jabaz Kuowles, commonly callat "Oit Knowlee," bat beau Heat Libremian of île Aberdeen Free Instituta for many yeame. Inteet, the olt inliabiant wonlt have hecittatdbaereasaserting that lie bat ever trawn bocks witliout Jabez'e assistance. Se long bha iehaIdtheiapost eut eut se ra- tiret eut metiotical hie hile, that the mambars, witiont raalizing it, neyer tbought of hit as distinct fron theîle- bramy. Other tan rate eut clapi eut welk- et. Other men bat wivas and chidrau eut homees ; but oit Knowlas was e fixtura lika a dlock, eut ,wben the doors wera cioset and the lights put eut, doubtlass the bocks shook duet ovar lim eut ceverat hm up until the nexi memnîng. And yet Jaez Knowles bat vamy corn- fortebla bachalor quartera on e quiet street e mile eway fron thde building. Tiese consistat cof eittiug-reom eut bet-roont oc- cupying raspactively the second siemy frDnt eutndlace, witi closais eut bath betwaan. In thse front room thtire wee an open fire- place, wîtl eniurç)ns, crene, eut kettie. TIare werealaIs au appantaga almott as ctatienery in tle shape oI a eleapy gray et. luI oe wiîîtow tiare buug a bird. On ahi sites wera shelves of bocks. Aut whan cf an evening île hickosy luge were crackling eudtheb mellow drop-liglit was aglow, eut the cet pummet somnoiantly, eudtihe bird chirpad witl vivecîty, eut the katile was lurmiuig a promise of sootbing punch, eut oit J elez, lu easy chair, wae iu the meet intaresiing part of a test taresting book, lie Nas f ar diffamcntly siu- aatdtIen antombet in parclinent, île opinion of citizens to île centrery notwi th- standing. 1 Untemneaili tiesa recrus was an under- dakar's cabinet shep, ent lu its reer the home cf tle artisan and lie wile, a wortliy couple, wlo attentat to tlair lodgam's wauts and suppliet eut cervet hie meale. Sometintas, ilndeat, Jabez hîmself woult ventura on e poaclat egg or tome deviiet lien, forhi lie d tins eut condiments eut thinge of lis ewn, tlank yen, cn île tep shlf cf île righi-bantd cosai, eut then thama wag a pheasuirable cxciting feer of blunder, ealietty yat tootisone eatiug fer feer witls lukewemmti tIare mîglit coina teugînees, eut, cli, wliet a thomougi acoor- ing eftarwart ! A main reason why Jabez wae seldoin discociatet frein bis post wae lis unassuru- îug eppeerance. The paseere.by ucticet hi ne more tien theia ldw of a teweriug alit. Wby ehonît they? lie walket swif t- ly eut noieesly eut close te ttha walls-a bell, bout oit men, iuvariabhy tressat in brown, e celer akin te hie beartiase wrink- lad face. Hie presence wes ebscuret ,by île shate of lis Iroat lrim ; otliarwise, tit truly might-hava aronset attention, for hie eyes weme kiutly eut geutla, andtheîle hes cf lis monîli tanoiet patient waiting. Yet, wlet counîtssub au oIt man expeet except deaih? Ai, 'tie circnmstaucas, net tinte, tlat rage île beart, Oit Jebcz's nature, lîka grain sicoret in a pyramit, lad beau p'reservet front motl eut must,ade ut iCti tainet ell tle vivilying powere cf youti. Why shlî lie net weit, since the itoals whicli ilrongat bis lonelinase wema net yet reehizat, eut paiienihy, sinca that lonelines was happy? Pîolably, tue, peuple would have beau more censcione af Jabez'e persoeelity lied tiay kuni c f lis worltiy condition, fer lae was iel,rccclfront inlsaritance, nidli ront îlte naturel increasecf lis sim.ple hIFe. But no eues sueipectet sud dstncio, axcept, par. lpyoung Howard Casa, eue')f!hie ssst arts et thc lrbrery, wlo was levoret ly the olLI man's regard, and wlue lad e sbrawt labîi of ecquimîng information eut kaaping i, tee, iegeîier witli al l ice con tingent use- fuluest. It was laie eue wintem's evauing ibet Jabez Knowlae close i lis booki wiîls a sigh. Tic bird lied ite beat leneethi us wiug. The cet wes an inanimate grey bell. The kattia was intoortunete lu t caîl. I wes tinta for bat. Jabaz steppudt the closet and reacliat down e glass, e llask, e sugar bowl, eut e epeen. lied lia averwalked in hie cleep aeuottoItthece and founu ttent net in tiair usuel place, tisa shock would levae urely awakeuad hlm. Witb acritical aye hi neeturat eut the exact «"quantumt" whici wae IIsuffii" for bis uightcap. He stirret lu thcenuger, lic reechet for ils beiiing watem, wbeu thera wes e rap -e rap cn hie sitiing-.roont teor. Sncb au uuiowart avent se contrery te precedlent, affectet Jabez like tIhe Gorgou'e leat, lie stoot hlaf-baut over eut rigid. Ha dit nef enswar. for lie couit net. Tire rap was me- peat, anut tus tirne beekat iy tic lent- lady's voice. IlMr, Krsowles, oh, Mm. Knowles," if cniet, IlWau't yen cotne dowrs stairs te once? We ton'i kneww sveitte with the poor dean Uitile creatir." Jabez, tespite e chante cf trecsing gewii eut slippers flIng open bis door. III pareune, Mrs.(aie" lie begen with saverity, II that semae extraordinerv casan elty isthticadéquate ceuse fer this interrup- tion. " Il "Coma do arn, cota down !" continuai île matren, lier hant avincing much exý icitamenit. "Casilty or ne casilty,she's thse sireeteetlitile tIi g I'va teothis long day, eutandsha's well nigu Irez te deati." ýt Wiîb a sipsbot tignitLy 's icli contratict. -t et ittaîf, Mr. Kuowles tesceudd. "lMy man feunt lier," île got wemrne ipensisiet," when lie a s e-iorkinîg up foe She stulet, andi ler voice, ihocighfeintý IIwes tulcet eut affecting. I "Wletetaar, Crut face !" sIc muriured, 1 trust yen," eutdelie ucetlat beck on i I lant liCe e tiret child. VIcarry liusr-up-stair5,"- e-thie- db gîtùt libramien.-Il Sle'll le more cottort elle iliere," Ant, aiteustat IF île surpris Hofiw was it that a faw moments late. 18 Eunice came in, and, 'net noticing lier g uamliin et hie task, stocA within the , jdeap window casernant lu e revery ? If faid tW accuntabie for ail thinge clierget te fate, if an is fate the embodiment of cun- r ning and crulty 1, IEnnice sighaed, ah, se pitaoushy ! Ohd e-- Jebex ,n a rmble frein the-sexrnd,-ce t.bahut lier aut eaid : "Wliy do yen sigli s.Ennica? Aren't yen happy ?' LCl' - 1een C ry 'foi- __________________________________________________________________________ s h i e I~ fiavor, purity. niild- ed, yet aympathetie couple, hie bore the maiden to hie room and placad lher in hie easy chair, fia turaied up lights and piled on ceaie and flung open the door of theCacp- board, dieclosiug its treasures. Il A strong cnp of tea, Mrs. Gainas," lae directed, Iland a piece of toast, and a bit of something dainty ; tbere's canned corned beef and a Strasburg pie up there, and then a bot batb and to bed, and to-ntorrow the poor chiîd will lie as right as a trivet. Dear, dear, snch a littie tbuîîg 1 I'm off to a hotel. Cet out, you wratch ! (This to the cat, which had ventured a lorgiving mub.) IlIf the bird disturbe 'lier, throw it out of the wincw. Thare's my purse for any enter- gency. Good-bye, good.bye ! The pour little thing !" And away Jabez plodded blrough the snow, nor did lie diecover until withiu the room assigued him that lie had gone ont in hie lippere. The next morning there was a discussion et the Institute. For the firet tinte dnring hie connection witb it, the lilirarien was absent at the opencng hour. As fine spad by al ether conjectures lIed, and hie assist- ant-s agread that lie mnust be dead. They even made sundry small bets as to bis ucccessw, and quarrelei ovar the division cf hie officiel raiment. Could they have seen Jabez, they wold have persisteà in their mourning, relnsing to recognize Iiim in le elderiy lut gallant gentleman, wlio was lingeriug over a breakfast talle, listen- meg to the history cf a pretty young girl with snch intentuess tha'c now lia wrung Elis withered lands, and now a tear trickled 'fom bis nose. fiHer e'ory dîd net seent unuaturai to a recluse wbo, as a master of business, lied hean erraminiug romansces for the past lorty yearq. Fier Damie was Eunir'e Meadowe, she said, and lier parants bad beau Enghicli emigrents cf higli blood and uarrow means who liad conte h;ther ase tr anothar Canasan. Alas tlie lrad and honey lied provad a stone; the eagam liopes lad led but to the grava. She liad striven in hier lonalines and bereavement to support herseif liy lier needie, and so lied mauaged to eke ont a ntragre existence. fier necds,incleed, berre lew. Bat that nigut lier employer liad in- suitE-d lier, anîd she liedflIed bewildered through the darknass and the driviug snow nutil spirit liands seîuned to greet lier un- tii the cold changed jute a delicione dreamy warrnth, and she had snnk oui the soIt, featliery substance more alliing than dowu, lllld by weird yet soothing barmen ias. Then lied followed peace, the opaning of lier eyes on hie kind face, and tIhe con- viction of lier heart thet sire ad found a true friend. Jabaz neyer questionedl, neyer donbted. Ris simple coul thrilled with thanksgiviug over the ineffable liappinees that lied corne1 te lit. AI! the pent-np tendernescf years, ail their chivaîrie longings now an- compassed him. "Neyer mind, nty child, never mind," lie cried. "lYeur-troubles are at an end, The good Lord lias sent yen te me as a conso- lation to my old age. Yen shah lic nty daughter, I adopi yen. I have elready errer.ged witli Mrs. Gaines to have the reeins next te hart made comlfortable for yen. Bath there eud lare yon are mis- trets, and nty oua pupose ciel! lie yeî'r happiness." It was anr heur later that ýiIoward Case cahed ont cf anxiaty fer hie chef, and wirh mn-hoh stentatioaaly cenceaed sur- prise was introdnced te "My ward, Missa 'Iced ews" 'el fearet lest yen wereil," lie sa'id liertihy. "But 1 migli have-, saved nt eare Mc ike y-euar a har-dier race th.n we puuy yoting eihow. W ly, yen will Coninuestni utn oble r1ý ýl m1 nubear!ng wlian I am boweda utdcrpi.The oak gains strengbli eut rnansty front yeers." "lOh, 1 thiek se, tee," aaclaîmed Euice, >imaulsiveiy. Then she blushed, eud aId Jabez feit thtelhot blood epouding beneathi bis parclnt skie. XVas it se, cudeed ? Ditl lie stili bave a future full cf ile ? Miglit lis melancholy strehi te the grave brandi into green fields anl flewery ici ats? Ah, then, if with tic wisdere ,of yer~s lie retaînet the vigor of yentli, nighti net sudh a combination prove attractive in its reli- ant strengtli tu an innocent, tinterons young girl ? >\xs Dot love, laitne; eut was lic net ortby cf it? What if lier chance rentsrk lied btrayet-Oh, lie dare net think of i !J abez .ae, with towneast eyes, absentiy bilaucing a ferk ou bis fin- ger, a smile, pathetin lu its weekricss, loe)seuî ng hie lips. Nom wast Pil the enly sntile arniong the thrce, thsougi it. wae the ouiy wcak oue. "Conte," said Jabez et leng th te hie tgnest, "let us go te the library." As they passed dowu the street tlice *yeuîîg meu rentarket: I"Your wart bas evideuthy a streng, regard for lier guardian. t Ink ' ,"raplien Jabez, I"she knows that, 1 chn f lier as nty-a8 mv mest pradioas rpossesron." Helied been about te say "as iluy dautgriter," but au nurecogized aspir- ration forbade the phrase. Allter thts, these threa were vary mucli i together. Howaerd wolt corne of an aven- -iug for a gaime cf cerds or a chat. Soina- *tîntes they wen t te thc theatre andi thý-u people n ho lied neyer ialked began tu tslk. d Tliese tays were, tlicpheaantest of cît :- Jabez's lifa, bouinded as tliey were by twr- e light (n cre siele and opedity ou the ether. rThEý dust lay ucdisturbed on hit books ; lis b.at tempt te analyze lus deiht ; lie acceptad it like a chilI. lied lie, lic would have f ount its Yesti in thse contra.%t betweAn >r Eonic's treataent of lim eut cf lHoward fard Case con. "ap "mnrmurad the girl, withont turning. "4Cen aven heaen le lappinass wliea npu muet leeve it ?' dWad yen meau ? Yen shaîl nevnr leave m. 'PeIl' ara envious of me, cf courte. Tlay îsay that we ara net elatat, that it le improper for me te live hame, tle more go sinca I show se plainly how font 1 amn cf yen-"1 "'What difference tees that make if it isn't se?" interrnpted Jabaz, fiercaiy. The girl turoat. Inulhem eyee cf infan- tile blua tIare was a weman'e louging. .But if it is ?" se whispemed, eat on the uarmow and ebrunken clapt of ae lier faim young heat rastet. It was two y.earîe later tiret ona cf the staieliasi mentions on the main avenue of Aberdeen bore ail the outwart signe of la- reevement. Withiu, ilie liveriet servants attastad thair olligatory grief by lonîg laces and slat.ewy stepe. Iu the Iront roont lay tle body of hm wlo lied beau chir nomin- al master, entronutat by the ahagance wihbul a ad net tasired, by the luxurias whicl lied beau eomfortiase to hm. lu deatli, olt Jabaz Kuowlas's lace lied e- gainat that serenity whici lied hat it wlien wiiaiy force bat ramevet him Iront bis booke, hie pets, hie easy chair, eut hie ira. Since et ast hle t peaca, se let hlîn lia for ne boest cf the wolt couit now intuca limt te elinquieli the forgatlulnase of the grave. in the rear oont the yeung witow ka pi bier seemhy saclusion, yat net elone. No, the br'st people,, emeng whom iu evamy got Gork sIc alid bean forenteet, ware faibhfnl in lier honm cf uead. The ractor et St. Srnton't an-i aveu the Bithop himself lied beau esgiduoun iegliesmly attendanca, aut aveu uow Mrs. Peter Bullion, the wifa of the bnker eut Senior Wemden, was censecraîing e chair by liem site. Into tle ingulmioue conversation tIare cama a rap like ain npon dnet. A servant entaret eut prasentedia card te bis ntistress. "Mr. Howiard Case," she reat. IlSay thet l'il le down pmsanthy, Watson. Oh, deer !" she cotinned te lier gnast, ,Il mustte hlm. Ha was in puer Jabez's confidence, yen kuew, eut thara are a theusand teteile of business that menti bc errmneg. Wealtb lias such awlul respen- sibilîls ! Bat nty nerves, tliay cant stand an exteudet airain. -May I trouble yen, mv goot friand, te initerrrspl ns in the lilrary, Say in tan minutes? Yen have sucI isretion-" 1Yen eu rely on mi, sait Mmes. Peter Builien, toutly, as tht looe aethîe clock, The youeýg widow slowiy antarecl the roont whare hem visiter awaited hiem. He spreng ,te hie feet. Il Ennice !" ha ex- clainted. IlWeli ?" Shie sintply sait. The conîmasi betwean tuent as tliay steodthius upreosad wes strenge eutdntarked; lie goeaee'-, se exultant ; sÏeos caliîn, se taterm_,ined ; and ya'c it was tlie centrast whicli elwaye exists ietween axpadlat ion eut possession. IOh, my eweet 1 eh, my tarliug ?!"lha eried. Il At lest ! et lest. Everyihing ies cote tG our waitinig. I have the wyll i wtb mea-" "Gv.it te ýrn," Ennice sait. Oua briaf, cenpr~ietie lane iaswapt ever the tocuintejnt. iThan he pleeed if.within lier les as olinfantile bine ebona as J ... althe IcStorias about li% ras do en man. - itlb tes net cenvinca me. to 1, rarc, î xpamt to heer cf bis ap- cnme it basite usa, deer, eutnd sa-l. sonie...unaxpactat place. There lae, ail noenses. Of course, in have lean se mnauy tifferenistorias about lielaveah is pssesion alt. Iis deaiclithat I ai e litihue keptical. iif ,ý wa _11cs '~y neigibor, I cen)tue Dit yen praler te fight the natives raiber hou . . hum, eau I? Oih, iii vies a ihan make treeties witl them ? g1(j enteu, a parînierslsip betwieen No, ne, aehliugi I arn put down as a love teeci e Hart in iti ileferance, firebraut eut oueaelways ready to fight, I bii wt , ýeet in uts eccoeeplisbuierts !arn misepreseniet. 1 neyer fight if I cen Ce ' týeIarlîng, cerna 1" poseibly avoit lb, but 1 always take came te Ku,.Jý'owles mintine licer posi- strike e Sharp and tecisive blow wlan I tioac the< c ardent yeuug man have te fight. My lollowere were mosîly g Soudanese eut as my baud wcr al seîmehi 1,;'_à'sîa sait, "for wîtîsyl claîl I vai, more frequanitly aitackedthtIn if I rip yccsc. T propringsncb aled bat a langer force. ce ne, yeu diocet me the value of Have yen treverset machi cf Aîrîca? în rl eiiwlîihI hli elievat. In au- I lave travellet ovar l6,000 miles, lui as vol Y..:? , teI id te with Mytyeragieta- rMy business wes colouizatiou,aeut e . v"lnj0 ! Y me my w gooi. l ave ploration, I dit net trevel rnarely for dis. aw 'ethe I value cf yeur affection, 1 cevery. I survayedthîe Tana district, r e bandouet boraver euy ulougît wiicl is uow e Briish possession. Tic ýf it.I have succeeclat, I lava crvon a Tana river je e ameguificeut Stream,, navig- 7ý,re-eminent position in tilt city. Noti- eble for over 240 miles. TIen 1 weui alI îug îlot you could say or te conît ever tic Kilimeuttlero, or Suow Mouantaîn affect di o owlat 1 kiugtorn. bave. Wbet can yen te ? Thtis is the ega liave yen sean u ncl of Ugante, Meelon. of chtceuery, net brutality. You may hate alant, on Matelele Lent? 'usa, Iil yen loe your precieus Self tno well I lavaeee goot deal efthiet, ail tirea. rie ictarepiany rolece-Ugente reuints nme of our own Tînningia, i ii "1cutwriug yeur neck," mutteredthîe muti u aly ed u u etl 1,eu plains. Mslonaleut eut Matalele Lent "'Yee, yen ennît, but yon dame net. Yen are cite richd ietvehueble termitoias, eut aiea e coward, liCe all prudent tee, Our Britinr wihl net le ikely te lai go an inch Per-îneisîsip is dissoîvet. Let me uever see eft cuber. Thc Maiebele have ne chanîce Ye5,,r sucaking faceeagain-Yes,Mrs.Buhlieu, of, eiog canen tporary ijufry te British tY' ,sr friand, 1 et cemnIg. Lkuew 1 prestige or British properiy lu Africa. s1h01u Id mesati cave my tegh;uMr Is there tucb chance for Canadien irada 3Case -ba jst sud u srngtmls ;bnt Mn. 'wi rAice? fiHe is 0-dered beoau foiddiugmcee w'. ll. 1canet 'y. Germnutrata we deF3ire, 1 rdevs:re ut ebrsd for ils leahîl. liore aut Britain wil teck lianown iniamesitIahre, narveý s re qute lterttrcgir urbut Airice willecau immense fiait for liushn1 V deair."trede, arît thet vany seon, tee. Iviariet a entny.Whetisleyonn opinion of Stanley? cilfîavaaIlhreart offtin wedldinýgq, cela- I nmet S tenkey receusdy, but I te net witb bratedltiftem tan ycars ef merriage, et te talC cf lit or iris work. It wouit not crystal, wettîngs, afier fifieen yeere , or le polite. 9lina iviv, aI ter tweîîty, of silver Tic treveller diii no, cane te enter ie afier tkvlenty-dive, et goît cIter iîty, eut the sîory of lia partonel atveuîuras, but cf tiar nt afier seeniy-five--or, as île admittet le led fongi Il tuaIs in Gem- *Ecrope ns c lelebrate it, afier slxty-twe eutdrnany, nine iii île cword eut twe witb a , ai", Bat île scale of celebratiorîs prsîeîs. ,;o- te extenît euy familer ; aeut I are an y of ilote duels fougît, ressent- eu. i het preclous tbiîcg vonhd le lyq sel .. k I1 give its narne ta a wettrug No, 1 bave not biat any duels ince 1 r an , recently cehebraed in Hunaruy lavaelicouris Afnica. 1Iaras cîtnoir, eut . ýl. Iiinredh nniersryof heI liepe Ihave more snetien tofiglit MM-!ý'I fJeeu Sztlmary eut lit wi[e. tas :is a . n te le a circurusince which Thre doctor cmilied as lhe spoke of lis tige, is 'Il trle dut et offiiaîly foirnbuîg, in Norathe anover, na Oý 0i;ý par isdul an oficialy ambrgin Ii!6ap( imconsequently only race l~aiugtakn pla' in Ms'y, 87 years of age. lie is about ive fast six 179 htinte, accerding te île indiet in Icigiu, wears re wliîskere, lies a race arcm f mariageable aea. As îi gît brown muostache poirsiet in the true infýI_ýaYa thiai tinte e Initegroont uilitary style. Ilicis ratIer sligitiy bui, ntust W,- laedtîle aet tweuty antlut wiry, eut, aicbercgli P. pleaant-Iookîog thea tlet of fil main, the pair must gentleman, whcu le talCs abent hsa work eut o a ~att ue lndre euttiretyih seents te bc ail on firaneutIis conîrten- TIdco nunt ret ndfil tean yearscoit. ence essumnes e set dteaminet loit. -ceeaou bu reianvasyws Haelias beau vîsiting tins Chicago Faim' ee -ie t ethîe town ef Zeombolyi, in the eut is uerv on, hie etumujernay. Ha did Banat, wlîcb bhas for a long turne allowet noîtpurposa ssýaying lu Toronto e ail[, lut is trie veu{erbie couple aensionin rcgi view eft sie beauty of thecocuntry le decicl- 9tien o011 their greet aeandutfideity te eaed to te ceToronto. FHe wa' tel*4gitet wiîls E aill ina ad beautibia. te sac, especially thie r venlthîe oltesi resiteuts cf Zeomblyl utae, ean strcets anc1île rapparenut effort lave Ilrj recollectien cf Jean Szaiclmary eut of ahI île ciseznt. "nie wifi), tien as olt pao nia. Net oe drûati-, cf ither survives. Tlieir century Iu lis isuntiug eitious in India ibis of welc Ife is se wel eut oifficilhy yeam, it le statedthiat île Anstrien AmIh- ales tcd th notables eut Humgrien tuka Fraus Ferdinand d'Este sliot2,800 ofciaies, t e île ýoanuivareary claîrs- bett of ganta, ircluding altosti very vari- tien, anl tient many preseis' ýety lof enirnal eut bird met ctinjutiai countiry, Atsengst the- e----gainta are five Le ti e, Dai E i .,ant covars r early thrmeeairpanats, oeabuffale, 43 black liucks, S? ecr -dwild boan, 20 tigars, eut 17 jackais. P - 'scastoria, ne-s e an r0 M4 how we 1 ' DR. PETURS,_OF AFIOA. The Celebrated Qermau Explorer Inter- viewed in Toronto. Tlituts Embn a lahe jeAliva-Euroelsee Settiers lu Africa-They Shaulel be Mlaster-Britaln wili eSaIse Ilgasda- Ifassie fluer of taubele. Wlieu liheicnoy of Aîricran settlemaut, foi the ntîssiouery enierpmîsa, contes' te be written, île records cf the lest two tecedes of tuis cen tury will lie principahly devotet te île doinge cf tînea ian, naely, fi. M. Stanley, Dr. Carl Paters, tint Emin I'aeba. Strauley lac bagunuthe stuly eI British poli. tics, tint las elneety fouglet and lest au alaciion. Emtin Pasia is raportat te have beau lillet ent eeteu by seina lungry Afri- eu, but Dr. Carl Paters te allye tint weli, eut seat fiva or six heure île cibar day in vîewin g Toronto. Iu île regiser of, tle Qaeen's letel wes ibis eutry . "Dr. Paters, German-Afnica," eut a reporter of the Mail bat ne tifficnhty in iocetiug itue ran wlose ection s once cm twice veny naarly involvet Br,*tain tint Gemmany in wan. Wiýoaver bas ceeu the portrait cf the explorer lu the illueiratet papere wcuhd laeane tifflculty in picking lit eut aven lu a crowtet liciel corridor. Haeires most affable, eut reaaiiy graniet au interview. Iu aneirer te quastioens, Dr. Paters sait le orgeuizet the Gaum'au Colonisation Society in 1S84, a charter fom which iras graniet IF Emparer Williamc I., wdo actat on theade- vice of Princca Bismaerck. Immediratahy tIe charter was racivet Dr. Paters preceetat do A frice, eut opposite Zaunzilar legan lis work. fluestaff consistet coftire efficars tint two nun-contnissionat officers cf lic Gemitn arîuy, eut bis firet tnty res te organiseaneu eqnip a force of native soltiars. fiaving9 g0, lis emal rmy reaty the -work cf exploration la-- gan, noi for île saenlaof tiscovery, lut for business purpeces exciueiveiy. Af tan mnay atventures eut saveael engry dis- cossions mihtic British Consul et Zen- ziber. Dr. Paters relurnedteto Gertauy lu l86, consultat witl île e miehrsfthîe socieiy, eut neceivat increaset pewers front the Govrement, Raturning te Africe te- irarte tic latter part of 1882 le inirmatiate- IF cornrencad an extino fGerman influ- ence lu île 1"1DarC Continent.'" Se criticel din h îe position of affaire betwaen, Britaîn eud Germnany ovan tlia daims of ithe îwo nations in Africa become, btht elates were niset on the subjeet in tise Paruea- niants cf lotI cenr;tiens, but eventuelly cen- tain arangentents mare made Iy mîlcI peace was secuned, eut ou île 25 ef ttuy, tbis Fera'-, Dr. Paters eut Coccul Smith, Britaiîî's rapresentetiva in Zanzibar, cent- petet e treaty et B3rliu cvlich setlchs tIc territtorial questions letween île two Em- pires se fer as Alice is coucamnet. Er'IROPEANS IN ,AFICA. Wheu is youm opinion of Almiceeas e place for Enropean setîlere ? A tropical country le ueVer a cuccese for cetîlers fret Europe. Africa Iras immuense poceibilities for~ trate, se immense that ira canuset realize tIent, but Europeaus canuot do bard work tiare axcept in certain ehh. dafinet districts. White man geing te Af rica mu st go as masters or not et ahI. Yenuireut in scarc oe, Entin Pesle, toc- tom ? Oh, yes, I dit, front 1888 te 1890, tint I fount 1 li. Yeu kueir wbeu I irses n thaus seerdli n wâs repenbet I lad lien Ckilet, an.d runny papars irrota nty elitneny. IVien 1 1e oveîia needthtc mrny CLut thige.uisy ai# about pte irlen dleyl aftr m a Neerfmeuschirfren o ad;li, effects. -u, 5cnu as o .i1~I~ tî È.', !~ i~thie cloggod avcnîre.s Cn lRns vels, Induedrs and Llveî', ýy off gradualhy witlsu srhL, Lres tzm, ail tise îsunities .9111£fut lUnne4, cf theSascc-etiona; vtCt'r senri ý rr--r reetiii g AèMl1ty £ù?îth, yt:~f curlrg Biliouisness, Dstpl Haadacehss, Dlzslneiss5 IIeartbur-f £.one.lpatis m, yo et fthe SkL Dî'opsy, DiMnlesi of Vision, Jaul dice, Sait Rheum, Er s1Molas, Se-, fîla, Fluttei'ing of fthe Hearu, 'e; teeand irnany oib amiiilcr Pcrnplafn vïildtthlee inucrao UDO .bLOOD BIg RS. Flor Sale Sj e-i 1)ers. bn-k fleadedhaedri cltre inblesuncl- f'nt toca hilieus cce ftf srem, c-.ch as Dinzciuess, Narsea. r ainess, Distress aftrr eaînng, Pain ici trhe, & c. Wtil train toit reinarahe sue---, acL ransesn u ring Ileadache, yet CAuRERS LscTr sLîýVFR Pu'iS are equcly s îaiinruConsrnîieu. curin& and preventsug tln, annnoyviug corcIipni. whir< tlrey alec correct cýl diserders etft1rastorc stirnulate th ireaneu regulate riue box', aI L-au if they ouf' eret Ac hey ca-uit tic 0'nt pricelese te toe, areifrer frour e'is d.sressing cempl-Jut- toi fortunately Ils r gcodsess tsrn0endi bone ceneutthose sn lieonca try tirersi wi f und ihs i tile puIs va' sable un so rucnv rvrs that ilrcy c ll not b ha rin- te do 's iout thae" Biut citer acli cli liat t i the iae annyiaes it here ui vclrerh s;e ualce our pc-t oast. Our pilis cure it r 5rle otçprs t n ssCI 0 (-,RTeR'sacLnvvc tir- ILSuteare veny e'm.al cul very easy te TaLe. Onceor twaepilis iak c dose. They arcvoii ictiy vegelalile criddo net gripaor purge,1 I 1y t bur geuul- ' rsc-n fisa for $1. Soît oes fs're,c' erhyuc. i5e!ecting '-,)mo1i7nq baccoi, why flot .5moke, cabb-age Ieaveb or brown paper ? If Vou appreciate quàli[Y you wiliIa5kfor A,&5TIFFv PUT.l J. B, PACE TOBACCO CO., RICHMON, VA,5 and MON TREAL. CAN. -AND - "~e Ladies' Journal OF TOIION'TO. A lfrge 36-page MUuStrate9:1 P3,j ion Monthly, will be sent to any address OZNY1 n SOuly one dollar and flteen -cents for the two papers. Oel and cec ainPleOPY Of "The Ladies' Journal" It ta a publication that will Interest every womian in the land. The regriler suli-cription priec Of Et* Lîties* . aundar this paper is $2 pai year. Yeu get the t vo for Send your ntoneay and addrass te th; s office, napeatat. te yen." I