1 il l ii MONTREAL- 1Çarada'5 ýreat ÇorQserva0ixJ Jeeýly ýewspaper B letter thar E ver!1 i'ore Newsy than Ever 1u TEGAZETTE is the Leading Conservative Newspaper in Canada. il ~.............Every Conservative should have ît. It contains alil the latest Canadian News, Fullest Market Reports, and a resunie of ' zverything of interest throughout thec world. ~THE WEEKLY GAZETTE ... Il . .... Is offered froru NOW tilt JANUARV ,Tst, 189, for __ONE DOLLAR r OO' 1j AGENTS. We want men or wosen to act as agents ini every un- _________DisritiCaada__ offer positively '4ie sost liberal terms ever given by any publshing bouse. Write us at once for particulars and outfit. There is rnoney to bc imade in (bis by goodagets. Address, RICHARD WHITE, Managing=Diretor, IONTREAL.q OVER 455000 NOW IN USE IN CANADA. <flWN Le. (Condensed from the .Ners, The fali session of Durham Districti Division, S. of T., will lie held in Orono on Wednesday, November 22nd. Mr. Janes flaleit purchaaed the John Stewart farm of 100 acrez, on the O;ths con., la,3t week. It is no easy thing to dress harsb, coarse lisir so as te nike i' look gracef u o;r becoînîng. By the ns) of Ayer's tlir Vigor, ibis difficulty ta removed, and tlie hair made to assume any style or arrange, nment tisat may be deaired, Give theý Vigor a trial. Mr. T. W.* Jackson has leased the fbrm owned by Walter Renwick, Esq,, former. iy occupied by 'Mr. Sol. Hammn. Mliss Ida Beer ls viaiting at Mr. E. ID. Gamsby's Toronto. R2cent visitera: Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Ganisby. Mariposa; Miss Minnie Troul, Ontario Ladies' College; Arcli. Green, Rochiester; Bert Ballagh, Toronto; Ciar tnre Andrus. Chicago; Miss Hal!owell, Starkville; Mr. Thos. Ferizuscn sud son, Mid'land, at Mr. Amos. Samis'; Mr. W. *P. Fletcher, Queen's ColUege;- Mr. Thos Cronkhite, Wisawasa; Mr. Lewis Patois, Toronto. Quics ADvEItTISEME5NTS are a nisanec and we thcnk ib behooves publishers te. examine in*o the nmerits cf înany articles3 puffed up in their coua., We do net deny tbat many inetitorious remedies are properly te lie casse! under this heading l'alt the bundreda and thousands rle ed from msevere auffering by the nse cfî Poisons Nerviline ; would it net bis un- ý rea',ionable te expeot them te condemnn that far-famed reniedy 7 Now we itnowr fur a fact that Polaon's Nerviline ie witb' out exception thse mûBt powerf ul,,pieasanýt and certain reînedy in the world for pain. It cannot fail, for it gees riight te the bottera cf pain, penetrates te Itis nerves, Eootlies thern loto quietGess, and oforda prompt sud permanent rd-,ief. At th8 social at '"Mapie Avenue", the beautif ni resideuce of Mr. A. A. Ganisby,i on Satorîay evenin4 lat, an enj syab-lei time was spent. ,After refreshmniit2, short and hiappy speechies were deiivered by Rev. J. A. McKeen aud Mr. Percey Fletcher. There wai aise a gogd pro.ý grain reudAred hi' Mears 0. A. Gains- by, F. W. Rotherford and others Mr. W. W. Truol ccupied the chair. Govern ment Clerki Use Thei OTrÂWA, Nov 13.-Onea triking feature ci the Dominion civil servants is their, Iesprit diu corps. The actions of one mm n bt'r are Euro te fid favor ln the eyes cf ail the ethers. This la trkinz-> illusit- rated byan inidetthitucccnrred recent', iy. A clerk i eue -f the deprtent i found himelf the ubjPet cfkd erder. 11e begari using Dedd'a i Pilla and i hnlm a o Received on Thurs-Àay Nov. 9, 1893, --114L- BDOY' Sf i bUIT The best lot we ever had, They wiI be iz-oId at regu- lar wholesale price. You cari't beat these--see them, Our Stock of OVERCO A.TS is very complete. A new lot of BOOTS and I SIIOES --- very choice lines. I TUI ENT LCILOTHIIN-G STOVCRE TGEO. MASON, Manageri T3 TilE C ULT[ VATPI{ 89 ountrv 0 ànueq DO UY A E 'LU The"HAPY hoU iT" rangis differently constructed to anïy ofin t Lias been manufactred fo îr the past twelve years, and is thte, amý now itü construction as at first. It is the only range that lias steadily grçIV in popularity for sucli a length oft' ure. llundreds of other "(newe ideasý" of rangTes have corne and passed, only to ho emembered as ftàiures. The "Hlappy Thought" range will pesitively bumn niglit and iaY, Sale fas a self-feeder. The fines are 80 constructed that it will iboil on the whoie six holeý at the sanie time with the fire box oniy h alf full of ceai. lt ià the eanly range made with the transparent oven door, through which yen c in viewthe food cooking without opening ithe oven door. T . dg rlT flU"hall and parlor etoves. with and witheut avens, sngle and HE1 RAIN OME"I double heater. have bison manefactnred for the pasi twenty Yeats and have alwaya beau in tlhe lead. Sold only at IEJIJ ~ S 3ownanvile ~. ~- As I have'decided to quit the St-ationery business, I oi.Ffer the whole of my stock atprices thatwîll astonish you. If you want oheap, bargains give us a eaul. E. P. KENNER.1 ENNISKILLEN.t Viias ;as Windell, Pentypuol, Mîr. aud Mca. J. Beacock, Cartwright, ai Mr, A. Riggsi'; Mise Abrahami, East1 WlibMr. B. Mothersîli, Oshawa, at M.Ir. Ï. Mil'; Mr. L. Wiliiains, Port' if pe P4edeI Sahool; Mrs. Remmer, Pick- eisat Me. F. Rogers'; Mr. Ed, Houck oBH. S. ai the iParsonage; The Misses ï;ýy3ens, Mapie Grove, ai Mr. Oeo. L. S»'ýveur'. .. .Don't forget tbhe social sud !iture b>' Rev. H. Strike on Wednesday evening 22cd ot . -... Mr. John Lie bas al s chool ln Pickering ... Misa . G-'rimha will teacb ai Burketon; Misà K. -PWg-ue at Union; and Mr. L. WilliamB ai Verrîman's scisool for 184.. .Rev. D. S'. Houck prisaclied an able an in8tructive sermon for the E. L. 0. E. in the Mets. odist cburcbhst Sunday evenîng te a large anmd appreciative' audience. Tise. sitar was beautifully decorated with flo.wers sud planta b>' the floral commuttois -... . Mr. H. Rogers bas purcbssed tbis ld Metbodist paraoage and will make big home a our village. We are wel pleaairîd te bave such good citiz2iusý. -. We congratulais M. Jue.. Young on bis e- c,-it ilection as President cf the Durhami AsscitIn. Ieivlimake e l efên pre8iding officer. Seof nia eradicated sud ail kindred disea cumed by Hood's Sar2apurilia, whicb. by la vitalizi'ng aud alteratîve. afecs5uakcs pure hod hiAPLE GROVE. M. Gie. Allun sbipped four car loade ef buckwhcat asat woek .... Mr. S. C. Ronlis d aims te have taken 1,500 bush- els of Turnips front 1ý acres..... Mr. Chas. Axford sud Mr. S. Snowden, jr., bave had sneces-f n husking bos.... Mr. Donald McDrnalfi was thrown frein bis buggy but was nec aerioasiy inj ured.. Mr. Wm. Foie>' was kiclced in ibis face b>' a ccw. Resuil, a very bisck oye. - .. Miss Addie Cle bas had ans attack cf la Grippe .... Mr. sud Mrs. S. C. Roucile, John aud Brie Muds>, visited Cart- wrigrht friend..,. V istor-Mre. James Reid, Brantford; Miss A. Sooch -and Misa A. Trenouth,town.. .,Risv. Ca!eli Farter bas consenîed to address or Lisague on Chisitians Aspects efth(le Werid's Fair tbis Wedneeday eveniug. I was cured cf painful Goitre by MINARD'S LINIMENT, Chathams, Ont. Bixxm» MOMULLIN. 1 wVA çureçd of inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT, Waisb Ont. -Mas. %W.W.JoliNsloaç. 1 'was cored of facial neuruîgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. parkeale, On t. J. H. BEILEY. happen to have diseased kidu ys, this remdy. GET YOUR PICTURE TAZ We have added te cor stock (if menti§ a y' ry fine Hawkeye haild z aud are prevared te take snap s picnie paruies, resîdences, or soi1L short notice. We wiil go into thtý ery if detired. We aise take phiotos Of cemeterY at very low pricea Drop in and erne good calicots taken Of ors the weil known galicry. TAIT Market Square, Bownianville.- AUCTION SALES. WVEDNESDAY, Nov. 15.-Mr. W. JoI, lot 1,con 4, Darlingtcn, wili sel!l hs îtri stock, iniplements, etc., as li larttiring frons farming. Hoe las very fine heorses, grade cittie and Sh.-opEhire sxee-p Sale at 1 p.ni. sharp. Sue largo post- ers. L. A. W. ToLE, Auctioneer. to a speedy, perînane-" econornical cure, whcrst physicians and alil edies aau. CUTICURA Wonders, and its cures1 of 0r turing, disfiguring, and humî111A iating huniers are the moý3t wenderful ever recordcd. 4 Seid tbranghaeut theawoid 1OTTzîî âSND>CHsiE_%.COR., sole prepS., iiOS1îii. f4-'J Abut thse Blond suddiskin," niati.d ic. 44 ailBlismIshes, fa5l*caý pîs baby rasSies prevented b'- Z' t-II Muscula tues tue neýrve u henni cre ar Mhbarda L".imist cures TBUE BESiT 0FY T IlE DEVOTED TO airnCroseastiPrecesse%, lierticulterat .& Fruit-Grouliig, LIve Stock and al arytuc. ~Tseit aisea includes ail miner decartinents eýt Rural interests, such as Pauitry Yard,. n- imology, Bee IKeeptng. Greenho'îse aud, u uavery, Vterinary Replies, Farin Qiestions Ilid Answers, Fireside Reading.,Doniestlc iconomy and a summary of the News or the 0,tc. and mach attention la psld tohoiepros- pimLts of thes Crops as throwing light upan oe or thr niost important of aillquestions-WMe to Bst and lWheen fa Self I&taIB iberally lil- iitYated, and by Reccut Eni&rgement. con- ~tissn, more reading matter than ever before. fTL. Subacriptian Price ls $2 50 per year. but we offer aS PECIAL REDUCTION in aur CLUB RATES FO1. 894. ,1. Il subsecriptioflS.,uincneremittance ..$1 i'ubacrii'fliCIs. do ,do .-lu Ts" 'Slsbîcribtl51t5 do do . .,5 'To ail NEw Subscribers fer 189.L psyiucg te adv snce naw, we will seud itis papor WctExLy fr0l , our rececpt oet reniutanco, to Jnunary lt 15jwitlsautcharge. S ~pecinien Copies free. .ddrisas TIllAi TUCRIER ,e SeerN, rn57i,,!eii Albauy. X. Y. 1)O YOY KNOW T.îE VALUE 0E1.ON Do you want to get the mnst fo 1r the money yen, laY o0tA If you have not been in the habit of dealing with us y on havec beel> raaking, a sistake. Most people have proved, te their satisfaction that it is te their advantage te deal with us. If you are one of the odd onee who have not found this out it is tirne you did. 1 Dont heoebstinate. Listen te reasdn. We have tihe largest stock jfle town te select from, Our expenses are low which enables us te sou i smnall profit. We buy for' cash, direct front the manufactu ers' wlheX' possible, and se, our prices are lewer, quality considered. Dress goods, ail tihe latest styles and materials. We are and- wilcoiF tinue te be headquarters for fashionable goods. Custorners supplied. with fashion shoots ecd month free. Ladies' and Children's Coats, German marie, fit batfly Pricec very low, considering quality. Undorwear, La-dies' and Gents. The best value ever shwï nii Bowý rnsvillO. Give us a eall- -we were neyer, in a better position te suit you in ait elasqes of goodïc in our lino. JOHN J., MASOU>-ýN. Dry Gooda and Jewielcy /Hanse. Mise Shaw, leadher, bas bisenae for 1804. ... Mr. Hugli Ard, thresher,! hlas hand a biz run... . Mr. Ed. Bradley, New Parb, ws a visiter iin thîs sectionU Soua>'weu.. .M. &reenwood pur- cbased inost cf the app'cs throogh this section and pa.d fair prices. .....Sorry to~ iose our old and estesnied friend and ra Nothing like the Furs at N . Mayer's ident, Mr. A. F. Carscadden, ' torutw er yo Bowniaviiielest and bebt selecteci stock In the coun- ANTIOCII, CLARKE. ty, composed of Mr. A. A. -0,vens, Port Hope, %vastRo !Zuest cf Mr. Samuel SM, h ... .Mr. S IR BES J.Ti± Hiaminii8 moývin2 te thse Gamabi' fprns. *..Mm., Samuel Dobson lias a ziumber ofet iT , AP S fine bee'ers wbich lieî urchased uui<bCO L R wndC P .-..Mr Tht a. VicIte-s iiji eoll On hienvi bis mansion cousnpieted, wh;cli is aid I de c pto a d sze a d h isd bisou an extensive scao.... Aun knîal .c îp in n sz udh i e thief enterefi the prenilîps tf Mr. Tiss.t mito s las c an sth c ea Waddeli sud stolis a hive cf lices.. . .. M s . lem n dt elas c e p a h h Ap Grass cf Newcastle Higli Setcol, s t o a h A s a g n guest cf Miss Elva Buter.le t fr c s . A o a l rg u w l i CLA.RKE U.AI()L. selected' stock in Mr., Herb. Pointen disposed (f seule Gents' Furnishings, Shirts, caterecen75 ...Mr. Gao SkeldiuHU d r Te r is,2 a e purpsesworkngbis frm nxtyear.. In e w a ,T s 3 ac , Our popular teacher, Miss 'nu'v Prouît, N trouble te show goods, so corne a nd 'brin g yoU( tri-ends bas ergaged for ariother year . .. .Mr. Al N din A. P'arker and Miss Vinia Parkr! Witll you. Ail kinds of furs altered and repaired. speut Sunda>' week ai Mr. A. C. Allun's .... Misses Ada aud Maud Rlokie cf L . We'come caiiod ou friends here . ...Mr - 1 John Sandercock's foithfnl dog "Farnier" PRACTICAL FURRIER, -BoW3MANVILLE. killcd oeeof bis choice sbeep. ... Mr. _____ *I-_______ lamend Arch hlas aimoat ccmpleted -W. charge 10 cents a liue for al ntces R O AE is his husy aeapcn'a work wiîh the micca of Ansvermartea, Concerts, Lectures ad' f1 r14 aý s iat n h rcoflog. etertaiients, for whicb ne priniting bas township or East Whitby iticon, lots 15 and bean, clai te bie ordered ai thiS office, 11 on the Base Lino, about i~ miles fre-in Osha- tir1 wa station. 2 miles he m W httby and 5O'i'od3 Lovers cf a good cap cf coffeis wîll get wben au admission fie is cbarged Or 0col. frem the scool hanse. LarQe romy biiiIdlngî lection taken. Tise sanie charge'is made main barn 95x36 R. pienty or fruit. soit ea tise sanie at Cawker & Tait's, the general for ail business notices appearin ng loaini altogether anis of bis best grain fasrmu ~roce,IS oamnile on iL aes wor cNhre astore ".AotI01 Be manili. rews items. Co)rreapondenti3wiîî kindiy on1h acre sh aris . N h sronpursne, t.Arecs appis'lîcanLînticsseded. Ternis easy, rrt p!ýowIpg de5Vii Lade'Vaerproot's lu ail qualities,1 state tbis te allpi at for sncu ies, Torfurther particulars a-pply,, te £ý a!se Mïs2es lu a niumber of stylos at Concis sud whenever possible forward tise oabawa, JohuaBton and Crydermank's. amount with the notice, or state to wiom The 30o. offer usade-to ladies su ST-AZS- 1b ceu steheeen.Ne comrpetitor eanu cnderelAil 'tII on a sep)t. 13ý stfl holds good. Minar4'o Liient i.is h eat. Elicon aud Co. e4 ti éA 'LZ 1 W-- ré kvfA RI E- T Yý %P lu