/'r OUR TOWN AND COUIÇTY FIRST: T iM WORLD APTERWARDS. rEUs¶S~<-81,5O Pus. ~&5~PUh5 A. AYMXS Esiost rs. Prsssi BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO.- WEYNESDÂY, »NOVEMBER 22, 1893. VOLUME XXXIX. NUMBER 47- fl ENfUI ~STYLE, DURABILITY, nil LL i!JPL ECONOMY. are now showing ti fine range of Fur Muifs, ~__ a,ps, Collars, Collaretts and ' ÂDEpa n31Â101ymae h C~I -i.f States, and z.srpass iwearingr qual- a;O(30ppossul2s, Ohi e ancd oorfort any madeina- D ada. 4SIC your dealer for FOS- abilI erianLambA1a1za ID1?E' sSi:S. Sold everywhere. rlaIe, Greenland Seal, etc. Arse~Cock1adQA also a fine ragof ra geI Walter J. Langniaid had a vl4' Lister's, Seaietts in six qual-hos tlnTupanitwih a Mtes. Imported direct from ýmr e. Vicei improvinz nicly. .ý h church opening at Zion un Sund"ýy waa verv largely attended. Dri Galbeairb the.man iact rer. o Toronto preohed excellent sermons. -Division euhl makea rapid strîdeu, 12 initiated lasi wek... Mroe, P. Werry Anrd ju s t opened out a flub e -rceived a nice box of friesh fish frons Fenelon frienda lasi week.... Recent vis. ass rt en o Me s B ysA. J. Reynolds, Sabm;Ms aeso tmeft ofVLens & oysEknice Awd.', Toronto; Gen.Awdie, Boç- ,dm%& o-%. IS m1nt-lits; Webley C. A&hýOn, 'Newcsstle, a m Miss Mary Macro, Tfmoneç. O V E R C O A A BusiNxss LaTTER -T. Milburn Co., Sir.-Pleasie ship ai once thrse dczen B. B. Bitti-re. Bos @iniig in, ail classes anid qua5 es medicine in ibhe shop. Sl ee ae U.d>LJ.J.~ to-day. Yours trnly O Thom.pson, Ti- , sonbuny. Thse above uampie te but mie Not withstan.ding the un nrecect- ni hnnsdred- of aimûilar expressions regard- ing B. B. B. ented sale of Nanties which they Besi vaue je Black. Green aud .lapen h.ave, had for the patst two months TeauO* fiees, stc. Qu&Iity unequalled. __ MUÂTRDO tb.ey'lare still sb.owing a very ne1 stck of ]ovely fittinûg GERMA.N MA.DE goocis at ail prices No botter value anywhere. Ail Groce3rs Due Bis taken as, Cash. COUOHI JOHNSTON & GRYDERMAN, BO WMANVILLE. Y OUJ WILL find the place for it when you se3e our FALI and WINTER display of quality and elegence. Our seasonable stock laeks nothing, but buiyer. 'They wilI. coule. They will be satisfled. Thley wi'l buy at the fairest pices ever made for such qualiiies. Vis- itors arc flot sedto believe, but are shown goodî to convince them that we are eadingý the trade ini BOOTS andi SIIOES, RUBBERS, OVE1U$HOES, SLIP PERS etc. if you ççïshý to seeý the 1atestn i.,oveltiee and newest ideag for the soissen corne and wo u8. If yon wis3h to ice the very be8t in Standard Styles anîd reliabie niakes colne and e us. If yoii wanit vane for your rnnney corne and seo us.' Truth brnda oui' gool)s "ilonteït Qulity." Fashion pronounces themn "Correct Styles." Economiy rec,!mmon"id8 our L>w Priceq." If you want to enjoy the full. purcbasiug power of vour dollar spend it with BOUNSALIL'S M0ARBIE AND GRANITE WORKS, BOWM N ILE ONIZT. <stabihed 1857.) yiihdGranite _Monuments in -stock from $125 te $500. IIÂND8SOMK DESIG'NI3 A',,1 BEST MÂTERIALS. 'RED PE1?ELHIEAD AND GRAY RUMISLA.W SCOTHI - ROSE, REI1 -ND P UR PLE ;-W\EDE ............ý.) BLUE PEARL AND) EUIERALD PEARL ............___ Fp,,sU1? NAwlLE MONMET in stock frein $45 te $.E200. V_'r LL THE BEST XinNOS0F 'MARHLE ANI) LATESr DE5XGNS. ~Beor" paeing, your ordrsr, CALL AND EXAMINE, IV STOCK, and SEE, WtlIAT YOU ARE BUYING. E.R.BOU-NSALIJ, iProprietor. F ORI SALE ()R R T.Hueand j r(. RENT.-For terr of years, 110lev 1jO. acres for male or tc rext. eituiate on -à Disu "-MO0 acre8, 2 miles tror Whttby Sogo treet nrli. Tise proises, coiit Of i good buildings and sal. 4dmiraleortoi a goe4 bo1use with every convenlience, drîin I or oi!ry. (Jittnce for ýoing extesiveiy intO Llhed, s5table, etc. Tl'ne gardon cOtains at lot Toonto milic busi!ness or s;toci, raisingý roi tu chôicei4t iu rit ai variti, 9. Iminediar nmierioan Marküý. Moen witts capital only ta W. FeeB31LEIGU Bowmanville Ont 85>41r if nquire of M. A. Jaeior m2arliag Mr.ac I rS. F rede cr ic k For Scro' hem a, i otherf~nIl. rietocblood "f ~ ..~ ~odsSarsapa- r. ~ ~ r o . gIthat w v i. se ~ . ' i.. 1'o.Pt of- other Our girl v~ab 'Mb'y fir and plunin I d Owý-. ]. j os ePs was two year3 oi. Sores b'ýý o ý-4. lbÎie or cars an(! spveod rp.iffly c- i"r huvlail forehlead dowvn t lier c',and loto ler nec',.. Vo üneltde ü o rUblJtliysiciaflain Brooký- lyi, buit sothing did lier auy good. Thse d tor 11, w I oas cr ydUva serofula lu)nrori la tbý',5boy. lierhcad.1became1 burnil it , - -i itP, 1-'hadt e i; lr o nd ' ' '.tsrtlnn. o \'i Gn Dn~ *-ï ---Lis" utt' lias, -, - - '*- p 1 sau-sr of an, e i-t - tis Dit trn - - atr !II.Ja lfic ~in-. in - le doîn tg i t' -ïgIo iý '- p-upaeS I-'. 1,<ue : O., PLt !l, c.stttîtlo Mî-;5i Pi u1,c ep s-odt3eions: Mrv. William lGilmore, aii old rse~ adiedCI, *1t w e k"M e S ar. W. Oversa, S N. JoeELTonsn Boen Dickenson end James Caswe'l returned frorn a. very ~uccess,ýfui hunit up the) Severin river, wvithl s ix deer. o nter sraailahscqualed alod'sin the relief it gives in Severest cîse,3 of dyspepsia, rick headache, biliotis- neezý te. - -------am - LLR Mjss UliaOsborno will teach bssol suiother year... Clarko church aýnuiverý sary was beld on Suïi*d a and Mondny. On Sunday Ee'-rons 2were preacheýd by 1eW. J. Tiiom, oif Ptterboro. Mon1day the use upper was 8erved by the ladies, follosved hy ia programme o! addresses, mnusic and singin. Many people liiffr for years frorn tcrubiesiomne audt repulsiiives ores, bous aud erilptioiss, 'Vithout ever te.,txog thei mnarvelons curative powers (Jf Ayem's Sar.s1parîIla. The expomimnent ila certaini- Iy woýrth tryirg. Bk sure you get Ayer'd srtarlaaud ro other. MYsý . W, A Knowles, Guelph, ta vilit. in, 3t Dr. Phillirs'. . . . Mis S. M. Fee hia gone to BowlirŽg Green, Ohio..... Mr. Thso& H. MoLesis, who bas auiiceedi-d bis brotter as general agent for NoxonBo. of Iieslwaa hors recently .... frsa Falili of Hlaydon hpe been visiting at Mr'. 3 Hana'S.. Mis Liýzïs aton r will teach Oaacd e'school neit ye;rrs. .Mv. John F. MoGfll lhas taken ,IATIs.ýN; yeg, asd NUAOÂtee y rolte3ved aud ofieu entirely the iise of Pain-Kihlem. Try it. ý;cw 2 oz Batfle. ivation Armmy will give a social one' Hall, Thundày. Nov. '23, iving D.sy), wben offiscere f romi loct qand EnsïLgn and Mes. Miles preýsent. Bowmianvills 3Bras.s iis unih ue. ciifrom Ip.m. Tisalets for social and il Dwa o akvîille is Vis3iî!Dg lter. Mis. doo? rcow. ,. mr. n eut on aeflhnitic g ...... .Mar. ea sud A B. Wemmy bave rotumu. Ltheïr deer hunt bringiopg witb s fine deer and lota o! partiligo. Camsweli Divibion met Monday The Patrons: will maint on Wecl- 7Vi tii week-. . . .Rev. R. McCtsl- ione, preacbed Very practicel and mg senron or on Sunday.. Ecobool noon bhas been remed beezer and a neaw sed seotzed in Thons i.5 now continuons ehed at-or 250 feet. oi BýLooD BiTTRas,-Burdock ittera ia a medicie made frosu 3ak snd herbii, andine the besi -emnody for dy8pepeis#,consiipation iousisees, aud saut cure ait blood froin a common pimple to the ýro inBore. IVERWCASTLE. hîsper Sctt laý givissg up farmning 1 ba,-ve a big anction sale o! hie i farm sFtock, machinemy adim- es on TziuradaîNov. 30. Fermiera1 attend tiis exteniîve saie. The ls ose are visiting iu Tor-an- lies Wilkiueoni, cf Toronto, la h iNIiss Minnie Bell wbo îe il... oP, Jecobe je t-aiy sick rand hie ve boý3ssa mmoniedi home... .Mrs. b as netunmsed bersi roansthe Olil t,.... MUesme. Robcrt i ad George Lhfad a succeîseful huuit in MuRko. 3lýd W. à1clnto-sh and W ". Brent. eusa aud Jue.iPoowero 10asXf ý£- 1csing ibeir dogeanaxd captuing 'y e"ns'y cm, WV. ,h prie, b.ý roasi iew pasi ed by Jaunie tiai and r tae p rd by b Ys A g ody that enýfeoft c pi and te Cana My sutni lion to ýicaliy c and ve er Sutidey Republican saysl PEOPLE OF WEST DURHAM Il Having r itdand moved iitL theprenmises Ilatejy ocptdby [Murdoch Bros'., I have opened out a large and v4ie.dasomnto first-class Goeis TEAS A. SPECIALTY. IN FRUIITS you ill find the choicest b-andsz of Clu 4ter yr, L.oose IVuscatels, Sulttaa,and ether lRaiinF; -,ChoieesesVostyz, Crnt;Figsý, SeldAîmonds; Citron, oran2e andl Leme-n Peels; Oranges, Lernons, WValnut,, S. S. Alrnonds and Fillbert,b ai a great variety of other goýod, suitlable !or the Christmasý Trade. FlISH.-Fi.nnan lladdiei, ,BIot-rCa)rd ern , 'S. almon, Labrador Herririgs, Wite FikhI, Tr-out arnd OYSTERS. Thie CHINA and LAMP Depatrtment you wiIl find replete with latest (Ins of Di;nne--r a-ad TÜea Sets in China and Stýonewvare-; Raîg- _=l T and able-ad.a-aas- men of us-. lal1ly ke p n irist-olass Chin% and Croekery Stbre. This establishieit l'or a great any yeari hil the rptainfor lieeping the best and the greatýýst assortrnent of the above iunes of goods and with youir assitanec we hbope to maintain that liï.]_h chaLracter. 1 cordially invite you te cali. Having boughit in tie right market, goods wilt be sold at bocttom ipiices. iJN L1Y LE a Victuria BitdAig, Bowinanvil!e. Mmr. J. Il. obbs, of Dssiwojodc1illi toach our sculol this.cominz year... About 35 uinmarriejd onesmt aie.uT %Ashtin'3 Thursdlay evening wtetkî the iomates by sutrpýrise and speýnt aunon- joyable evsniiig in the new bou -se....' Mr. Oco. WtigIn bias ?rmovued tePoatiy pool .... Mr. ThoB. G sî'dman *113gein seï turning tb bis ma'ssixiin our laîi bise- Cf)L UMB3 US Mr. Lot-i Elli'îts had a succs-s3fnîl ïbuk- ing bes leitt wek- ý od t1e arnýL. Geoýrge Wickott vis§itsd bis parents ai ,S >nYa a ,%4Siindty. . Mr. B.ý Doolitti, a o!ý-w ti.U, sud Miss E. Flobbs i fCan. JA NE l'rlIl E. mars died laai week. Ward, nst a very ssîdda deah hast Ifyou once iry Carier'a L tte Ut-oer %eek. A etumpigusachii se et which ho Pille for silk bealacbe, bih 'usacas or «!Mi p Ssd îmok Yoa aho t Ume WhIO lonstipstion, yon CHllnover be wijthju;cr-9s'tg 'i lOi Lfz5 îrm5 iel 1, brokeqA.dont em. They are pumehy vegtablte, emal) of! lie h-at-y upri-aip asfell .siking and easy te tsi<e. Mr. W.ùrd ïou s tr hadkjling 1%ýak îs- ____________ aÈnily.Tiâtisil ueen wàmDadeh i ih 1,ld in thePr yeinchurchast 0.30 .Li . a.m., Tak Diig- Dy ... o-.W r. W Jew5l et Sbagy'ovisited at W. Joil ffe, aiBef anihedisgbted the' C emeî,tci,'à ece11tlý NI'. M. PRob1. MoIr- congregation of ihe MoboCiet church on mof Pieiyp sol, fa-her o! Our popular Sabbath nighi lait by hie excellent doct. b'ackmmiLb. ià rocovsrinýe fm ihie rocent inai sermon. . . . Rev. D. S. Houck wasei: iseis .. . M-. Alie. L wk lshrt, ofA Mlie, giving au extra ormon ia conuection New Z-jahand, ia vîiîiog Mr. Tisonssa with the speciai serviýces at Eafied .... Ilencterson. li a ava u ma n rtp Mme. Wm. Bingharn la viotiiog ber round the w:ir'ai. Ha ià grcatiy pieasen daughter Mme, Fîrgueon in Poerbomo'. wiih O sîmînlo; th.s cfinats hthiinke le "SÂtmsrÂTos. RssLrs.-So ay e q -i I!1 oui aperior ta iii et of &Dy couni. SATISACTOR 1>ýEULTS.-So S y'; lie tuas t-lait d. inclusiing C lïfv>rnia. Dm. Curleit, anaid ud honored pmactitl . . MlisLm Powor le visîii-g fiondsata oon, la Belleville, Ontanie, who wriee;Y-îk and To-ont'. ih4 past sud Present "For wasting Diseases sud Sorofula 1, wa3nk . . TM. . lPi>Wers bap, reiurîed baves used Scott'& Emulsion with tihe moatim'>r._ sx weeùks tlau lanthe West, matisfaciomr' resuits, .peuiug zpax E of the tinq ai Chico, nd with frits-nde et Aurore, Beatvia anid St. IIAMPTOzV Charls Pi11 rettomnng vie DuLtroit, Laon. Me. John Brunt is il. -... Mr. Frtad d n. St. hoaei1rowîsavill», Brtnutfomd Niobols buried a child on Satnrday... a.d Tormnt-'. Il-n was accompassied by Doge bave been detroyiag saep nonib Mm Ea. W. Spa-ing, of Galt, sud had a ai bore lately .. ..PersonB who attended very pleassatil rp. Zion churcb opaning Sumday got braud. ed--too f reel..,. .Mm. Thos.Peters pur. lI 1,%ej cg, rr 'i inal quajities, chaed part ci Mra. Ward7s prapenty ai aiea Misses io) S jnber of fstyles azi ouch the sale lest week; expeci lie vill bu"IiJhutnadCdea's on it in the 'Spring and retire boe. .. Mes. Goyno paseed neacef ully awaty on Sanday ai a ripe age deeply r.-grettsd. y ail who kuow lhem. The intemmorit tok place ye5terday to theo oemeterybas94~ TYRONE. Mes. fi o. Blair, Thsunili, Meaioba, suirpnise-i ber parents, Mr. and iMe. S B sud, vncry pleiantly Monday veu by onienîng uaexpectedly. She with Mmr. Blair snd tumily haveosuened ne ot to mouids...Miss Mirn'e Haines, cf Bawmanvih as aetured LBethemndî sohoins for 1894-- .Mm. Jabez Moore bas pýur7- .F. and Mus. Allen Tburaday ai Re i,"ii village... Lirge co1neregi se Westminster Preabyteru in dosa greisd Rot-. L. Phelpa on Subbethl "q ira on South Tenus siroet, testifyîng in a marked degrea ta the os- nei wens weli filled ta greOt teen iii which aur haie pastor Ja haiS toi' and lis estimable Wife. Bath addreÊseî wemo emineutiy calcuiatnsd ibie dumirg the eai'ly pari oi ta o bee ficialis the big et sese-thai n e g w e wvas the addreass aiwelcosne, ai the morning being iplete wiilu cern- at the InOthOd.an. eUit h the pîett y youug elocubionist ionîing thou2hta ta the Clîiatian, whiie Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant 3Hill-,'n. The address was ibat aI thi et-euh g baS a- more especiel and refreshing to theotaste,afnd acts thec speaker rendened it vcry rot erence ta sîkira for salvation....... gntlyyet pOmptlyonthEKidneyff, It was pleasntly respanded Do n'u !sjrgei ilthminThaîîksgiving Day i go ilvr n 3oes icneïtes asie'. A nice tuncheon was ing ta be celebratedin l Tyr me hy anur exftm efibtually,dspl odea. âe ladîesi ai the society, af 1er cllent tee sud plaifîsrm apeecheî filow Iahsadfvr nershbta ucsts weni home prououncsinoig by set-oral promnineni cierzymeu. t l.-1ahsadfv-r faim a grand succesiu. Sons of Temrperanica havae de-ied te have' constipation. Syrup of F.isi u v-t Couoss.-There je no a literamy etraut'mîel)nngÏ0ny rmela tasan d e -cx.o t me1kes as largze a percentiaodcd laîgt h at toes as Dr. Wtoad's Norway i'Dersto rJ imur commeni- ceptable to the etomach, prompt i la nearly veoy caseo! 1111.11e1no,m aiSlas ileS bbc ;its action and trulybenefccal lu its astsm, mochiia bnn 'Winte icHlida)y iier"Ltl au un fetpeprdol rentems etc., ils3 curabie cfceara e lhy attractive isaue, tho fash'ions' eathy andagreeablesEUbstances itsq lasîing. ~~beirg approtsniate ta ibisves u, and tbe nnecinqal1eco edi readiog malter vali .1;'i ii0 oerûetiVg. v.alad -aei ti us Sien ~ ~ ~ ~~~A Alas o 84 uiniamesîiugarticle an Houae sund S reet:taiadh-omd Ltema fr19,priaiGon3 j f. tml nere t adessd oii&remedy known. seliy a gýazatiser oi Canadaf1wsiofPnrlitet acpqnd 0" i i ie heto!pua oficsi sabher timely ona is Fur Sets snd Trïim- ~rup of Figs is for sale 'M7a 01n wbhicaleSor noamesi Minga, Tho Tes Table >Telk fer the' Ulsby' al leadig druggists. ion Tis iaver vlualemonth is f il oiinformation. Thi aub An r bleYrg iwho iMay n04 fome eiton. 1'e liai a i nption ta The Déiiotr scl ai aeit or, hand wil procurem theRoieaICome, d'ollar a yoam; ingie copies 15 conte. Ad popl for eny One wvwihi niiide aud uememmeailerdroe eors te The Dehlinea5,or Puibliîhing aa1mtOieIa us-es bes Ste the Ca)., 33 Richmond Snroet, Wea%, Tomoat.o Yi. Mnfcue nyyti rolS Etandard dîeparînoeuts. --î-AIORAVG SY-RP -CL* o! jour neareet bo-selloi' or jAl wool Sirsand Pentu voeny beavy taCo' Car.Un ornt.ony50 &ns,~e thonsNai Mssonr, C,4CAL i[IV~-E T. NEW TOE, 7-2 1 1