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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1893, p. 2

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A ~ £~ Who furmerîy tesiriet InbCuniticut, but Wvho note residés un Honalulîu, sritcs: "Fat 20 yeans pasi, Ttty iifa andti1 liasvi cod Ayr's Hait Vgor, ,anCdsic ntibute t the sarlCai liait whiîob îbc anti I now have, s'tleili lun- ;1 dreds of ont noquiatit- mucus, ton or a dozen yuarsî'oîînger iban wi are iter giay-headed, a Y ~ , siite, on bld. Wbmn tsiîd Liate ut bain lias ___ ainiti lis clot and .j~ .~"-.- fulnuse, tee reply, 1iiy th-ile use ot Ayeî-'s lIait -c~s-Vigor-notbing mse.'"I II~ "Iu litS, imy alfianceeti c't-"sas n.eaîly bld, anti .-~' . flictue ain I ~ " J»ing ont Ayer's Haîr Vîgar, anti very saon, il nul onîy cecoketi ny futîcitlosseofaibain, but praduceti mn entinely nesi gnawth, whicb liasi remaîneti luxuriant anti glossy ta Ibis day.1 1 caoui ccomnîîd this preparaian teaml lu ueti ofa ageiluine bair-nistutmt. Its l l 1 tisatiti is claimefi ta be,"-Auitauie Alarrma, Basttap, Tex. A Y ER'S3 QNTAH'IO LADIES' COILECE, WIIITBY, ONT. ticttlYfirst-c'ass je al l is applmtiante cand etinational ativaagaies. Provision nmadei fan 81lb th c tacâera- certithcates and fon Un- is esila' classes trangh the ineshinan. sapho- more anti part ai julan yusar4 ai Tarante Uelivenelty. The literary stalli comprises îhe hrges nuimban ot University specialists a! faeyLidie' Calege in Cînada. île musical, fie art,ilacutian anti cammeraial deparniminis are eqîsally well sustaineti by theniost gituti ]acietssa. PlYsioal culture la taught by a speoimlst frani Boton, A nets- gymnasinni andi alkinilsoa! u,-doar amusements. Puptîs hias-e the ppntunity or hains t13 gneat atists that visit Totonto. APjly for information ho 2-lyr PRINCIPAl, IIARE,IPh.Ib Mrs. Doncaster lias just opened out lier Fail Stock of MILLIXERY and iS 110w .;howing, an attractive dis- play of OBLTV ION, -A MONSTER- T Il El UIIÏAN PAc nFIN DS A CE ME- TERY IN FORGETFITJLNPISS. Oblivioci a Coniugs-aiiun ln WhlIls Ev sy ihimugis Censuieed-Bat It Bas U9s De- riais-03i1s-Sou unes Net Scvallow Up M lestiait Bifes- .5uf 5ne Removîli. BPoamtevN, Non.112, 1S93.--Ren.-Dr. Tli mage ta-day premched m sermon ai unuen st' and mannîlous consolation ta thc usumi tbrangs, after îlîey liati sang: Thete i., na cantate that Huas-eu cannai bal. Time sulijecitewas Oblivion anti lis Defeats. Thbm texis selecîod teure Jub-24,20: '1Il" sbell binao mare rcmecsabered;" cuti Psaims 112, fi : "'Tchglueaus shall e lu evînluet. ing numemuibrauce." Oblinian anti lis Deimats is my subjeut ismn aid ýnonstertbtissal- lotes doten everytbing. lit crunches in -i- viduals, familles, comnîities, staice. nations, continents, bemnisphunes,_ worid,. Its tiiet is made up ai yeans, aI centunies,of agis, ai cycles, ai milenniums, ai aeuics. That maneten is eaitmeC ay Noahi Webster anti aIlailier tiictioasics,Oblivion. Ili len conflagration in whldh evcrythhug is con- sîîtie. li l a dinge hintelich ahI orchestras play, anti a periodati a hiol evenytlîing stops. Itit l the cemitiry ai tIse buis" race. lIt is thc damain of fungutfuinesse t)blivian ! Atuimes i hi lîots a shadote aven all aI us, anti I teulti not pranounce i- to-dcy, if I Cuidnt comu stuC in the' cirengul ai the Fiencal Gati ou youn belali ta aiîack ih, ta routi h, ta dîmolish il. Wlsy, juat look ai the way tIc familles ai the eanît ilsappear. For a teiie they are tozîther , insuparabie, junti, tamaccl aiber i-ndispensable, andti ibmtbey pari. Sanie by nianniage going ta esimblisb ailier hom1es, antisaeu eveuis liii, anti s century is long enougli ta plant a farniy, deneiopit, prasper it, anC abliierateit. Sa île generatians vaulel. Walk up Broati- Way, Newe Yank -, Stme sîner, Bostan; Cihesinut streci, Philadeîphia ; Thc Strand, L:mndpa ; Prinoess sîreci, Eiuburgl Cban<s Elysems, Paris ; Unter den Linden Berlin ; anti yau eili mceut lu tisycan eilgI- tein lundnîti anti uinety.tlnee not une persan wtelaekt ibre lu île year savon- temunnddandti nineiy-îlne. Whaice.- gulîmeni ! Ahi the ardinary e'orts ai pin- peination anc Cuti failunes. Walîet Scoit's IOlti Montality" niay go roundti tlils clisci ta recut the fadeti epitaphe on tanili stones, but Ohti Oblivian las a qicker chisci svvitm whiclheccan oit uatithsousaîct epitapîs teile Il OIC Mortaiity" is cuttîng .inconue pitapl. Wicoie libranies ai lia- gr-aphies' devouruti ai book 'worms, on unreati a! île nising generatiaîîs. Al tle siguoftai tIcres asti tarehous!,s of gruat firme liane clangeti, unîes île grand- sans tlîink thatith is au ativantage ta heep the olti sign op, bneuse thc Dame a! tle aucustar was marc comusendatary than île nîaine ai tIse dicentiant. The city oi Rouie, lItaly, stands ta-day, bui dig down deep enoug, anti yen came ta anothîr Rami buried, anC go CIown stili funiber, anC you tejîl find a ihinîl Rome. Jerusalern stanCs to- day, but di- doten deep enougl, aud you wiil find a Jcrosalcm unudîrucaî, anti go ou anti Ceepur down, sabthidJerusaieni, Auex. antila, Egypi, an île top af ilexaudria, andtihîe secondi an top aiibthti. Mauy af île anclîni ciis are buricdtl lirty feeu deîep. Wlat teas tIi mattîr ? Any special ealamity? No. Thc winds sud waves anti Aberdeen granieisu iis wurid, tiien %le)a wanld l in ýg!t af aur strongcst telecape oimiioraio o!tbe fact that we eýver lived or dlied O mn eartb is sr" wiîb decatb. IThe axie- trueaio the consteil- 41tions will break and lit dowa tle pu iuons ut ather worlds. Stellar, lunat,"ýolar- irtality. Oblivion !I li can swalaw andî wil swallow wbole galaxies of worlds- as sasy as a crocodile takes down a fro,-. Yet oblivion dais ual rumave-or cwai- oc anyîbing tbat bal bitter nlot bu ru- nioved or swaltawed1_Th le idntrieris wccane ta bis muai. 'Obis world wusd long ago haveicýn ovicrowded if netfor the m"tecif ni removîl ai nations arnd genirations. ,Ybai if al le books had lived tisai were writîen and priutcd, and pnblished. The jibranies would by ihcir immunsity bave absinucted iutelligenîce ancd made al ne- searcli impassible. The fatal epideni o ai ceake was a meniail epidenil. Msuy af thie Stbates and National tibranies to-day are uuiy morgues, inhi huI dead books are w aitirog for srmeanetaccre and recagnize ,hem. Wbai if all ibe people tibat baC bien hotu wene sill clive?'tWe wo-aldhavî bien e'¶owed byon mîscestons of ten cenuries r igoasd peop!e Who ouplit ta bave said ihein iast word tbncî tbousand years ago, would enani at us, eaying: "IWlat arc yau Co'ighebeni [ie would bave becu tic r=umta tutu arauud. Sanie ai the pasi g"neraîîans ai mankind were not Worth ne- ussumbîrring. The first oseful thîng that many people did was ta die; iheir cradie a misiorinue and their grave a boan. Tbis world was hsrdly a comloniable place ta t ne lui belote the midCle ai the lasi cen rury. Sa înany thiage bave camne ia the wonld tbsi wers noi fit ta stay in, we iought ta hi glad thîy weîe put oui, 1The watersai Leibe îhe fonutain ai for- Lgeitfuinîse, are a buaithiol drauglit. The hisîory wc have ai the world in agis 7pasi is always one-s'dîd1, andi cannai bu 6depended on. Hisîory is fiction ilas- tratîti by a few siaggling faut,. In.all the Panibeon tle weakest godldess is Clio, tle goddesi of- Uîstary, and inistiad of being reptesrinted by sculptons as holding a surahl, miglit better hc rcptesenied as linspiug ou crutches. Faithiol bisîory is tie saviing i a few îhings oui aifsore ibinge at The immortality that cames fron pomp- ai obsequies, on granite shaht, or build- ing rcamid cIter its foutider, an psge oi recognition in somre cucyclapteldia is au, îromuntaiity unworthy aI oue's ambition- for i ill cease, arud 1, ua mmortalitiy -ut ail. Oblivion ! A huutired years. rBut while I recognize this uiniversal euhý- 1mergetîce ai ihingseiartbiy, Who wants ta hi iotgo ton 'tNot ana aI us. Absent, for a liew weAks or mnon île from home, r t cheets- us ta kuow that we are teen- 1bered theri. lii is a phîrasu wc bave 0l fpronouc"d:-"I hope yoen issed me." .Meeting sanie fniends ironi whom wc bave 3bien pgrted many years, we enquire : B"«Did yuu unit sec mu belon 't' and tnhey asay, "Viso, " andi ccii us by name, anC etc fiel a deligliil sensation îbnilling tînougIs their ha-s into aur banC, and rnnniug up eifrun elbuw taebouider, aud tiion pnf ibte une connunt ai deligîit scnding ta tle .bno-w and the athen desccnding ta ths foot, i iuning roun d sud roî'nd in conuentriu 2circles util enuny nervi anC muscle andi capacity of bady sud mind ansd seul is peir- meated witi'deiigbt. A few days agovissjr, 7ing the place aI my boybaod, I LatPi 151wbom I bad nai sein sînce' we played eo ,l1geihsîn at ton years ai agi, andi I lbad 1culiar pleasure in puzziing hlma a liiji i n. fnw.aT w ,,-ad I eau ha,-lv dose. rlS top aI theni othîn Bnaaklyns antiNue Analher diluèai ai Obinhon wilhlcIan', f11 andail styles of liead-gear for, Tanks anti Landuns, anti aniy aiter dig- in the claacter ai thase whom tee nescîiu> the oniiigseaon.ging anti hoing antI h'asîieg wiil thc sncb- up1iti or Bave. Chrinracter is etenns.l1 Seaon.telogist ai Ian ditant centurjiecamentiaten Suppose Iy a ight inîflueuce wc tzlid Cal an se fo yorsef. ai fan as thueiigiest spires anti donas anti translanning' a ad mnu mia sgoti11n ne Cal an se fo yorsef. torrets ai aur prescrit Atuc-an anti a tiolanamus mian înia a hîappy man, s£dci IIats dyed and re-sliaped in Ennopîn ciise. Cali he tllaif île rmes beateneti man juta a counageous nas ail the latest styles. aI Baldwtehîe Finit, an failtes Martel, evury sinake a! thai wank Cane wih iu on of Malborough, or ai Mithntdates, on aI immortmized. Tberc may om eve ,o much Prince Frdcick, on ai Contez', anti net oui as one liaeinh a netespaper reganding it, ea' Orer tke fr heLO nscver siil yoms lieut. Stand iheniilu hue no marial teuguemay es-en hisei i nm DON CO SE S.anti cii îlhe roll ai îhe one millijon min in Iunan at, but teheneven thi tsoul ch hal DON CO SETS.the amnmy of lIhes. Not onu muswse. go, yaur 'Mrk upon t shall go weren,ý Stand h ten in liai, the mnilion, cenen boin- lIat soun tises yonn wotk an it vs-l 1nse M RS , ONC SE , ddtisonsant i nr anC île tea bue- anti se loug as tîmi coul elîl lasi,' yonr , Cneil lbausand cavîlry ai the Assynian wang on ilwilast. Do you suppose tilC77 King St., Bowmnvillu. army ondin Ninus, and call e roll. Not teili cet rcoae sud au iditiel lapse lu thus- men ai S.sstris, thc one million tea forgut thai yau invited bim ta, Christ, ths~ bundredti toosanti min ai Artaxcî-xe yau, hy prayer oetGCaspel word, touibin i 41 't 1 R Cunaxa, tptîîw'u million six hun- anounti Itou thesvîang wmy tae ng~ Y dnmd anti tlausanti nen onierway 't No sud hinsanîty svih e_ 'ssmtJ* mu~UHuîS '> Xuxis ut Ibenmopyla', sud esl thcelîeavney cittin. It 1is ot balf5 was h long rail. Nai oui ansteer. Abthtcone rl utn that ChristphrNra * peing of ont Civil Wart ils en oI tIse pianneti ant iîli St. Paul's as 1Vit ii b NotereanC Southern armues tecne talC knocvuuilual Heaven tisai Youu-ro il ii j', jC wouid unen er cfangotten lby their canu- île sky. We îeach amSabbath.utas, or puit tny. Outtoa the nmillion min anli feli in a C ristian tract lu île lantis ao apssr battisanrCiCd in military hospîtals, you y, or testify fan Christ lu a ptayunîneitingL,il i PBES REMEY FOýR j cannai cli the namnes of s thoossut, ifot on pruaco a sermotn, anti go home tdî- the names aifine luntint, non île naines cauttigeti, as tlo'îgb uuthtng lad b-c ofNS R I nec undreti, nar itce name,- fai fly. aoc'cbpiheti, w-len tee baC bý,i Oblinjon I Anc île fee of thei Cancers csanacuer building witl s nIutni. CAL S ~ teo vsetatîîcbaii ai îhe Du"heof ai RcI ibat n'o Irosti o rtnquake an nling o(.l -.'mondi Bussels tIc nighi belon Xatet- tle centuriecan tdamage an brin, Co,,i21 CU S"io ai stit 't Ail stili. Arc ail the cars Thsne la no sublimer art on eanîbtIsa.,._ lu 4 'dtht beant the guls of 1Bunker ii m-i arciecture. Witl pencil anti mb an _________ ______ ~demil? Ail CeaI. Are. thee ye tht site camipass, the arcliteci its tclo'n alan" is Faitlfîîl etty.thc coronaliou ai Ceurge the Third ail in silenîce, av.t! eî'clvels irons lis uten b Faithul Etfy.closet il' ll iseti. Obliion ! A buis- a cteda! ar a national capital or a rnia'ný Ne Girl "Young mmn lias caledtet sec ri-i ycarc mous non, Ithe aili nai bl i e hune huiore bu lemavus lIai table, au-ati yen, mn. a bcbng on ilia cmiii tuai knew wc evîn thr'n lbugucc oui anti unnails hie plans, uî Miss Miilau Langui gancieig t card) :lived. calîs carp"nîene anti macous mmud arliz ns-lu M. Fiez-James McStab ! Crachons In someaid fancuîy record a descendant ofa srita executti is design, ant iLhin-f I'm not f', ùtbctacen! Tell hlm, Betty, stadying usp the ancestral huDe may spili hi is finisiîed bue waiks aneundth îe v'mst i tat Fin--Oh, slu's gone 1" oui aur nanie, anti rmn the uusniy fadeti structucre, anC sees île completion afI thu Ne Ch'rl(î marnent uuîer te Young mass): ink, titI great effort, foC ihai soaierpi. wark ss-hb igh satisfaction, anti an ai "Tyes, sir, sI' in, but, gracious ! sI', son by ont name tees born somebhene hi- sionu ai soma cornet a! île building île f fiai fit ta hi sen. twecn 1818 anti 1890, but thuy telîl knoote rclituci's niune may lbcliieit. But r]ie no marc about us tIa tee kneteabsut thi stannis Ca ibeir wo-rk, andt ime tbat takes -'~ -~Z~ -~---a cloraof a chilt', eycs hotu imî uilîi je a Cou-n merythimsg, wil yt take doten thi' P'ILES!PIE ! ITOHING PILES, village iin Patagauta. Tell me sonehing structure, until thenu shah foit bc anc stane i about yauer grect- grand faîlcer. Wbaît eeu leli upon atiaibun. But thenu is a seul lu-, Ss-mrvaccs-Moiture; intense tchîng lis features't 'uVbsti dtlic do?'t P/at feavun. Thnougb youn inctnmmentaliiy o mund singiug; muai ai night; woae 1y year titi he die? lndyoor g nem-grand- iilteas put tIene. Unden Cat', gnace yau scnatching. If luteedto itcntinue tum- matlhmr? Will yau cdescnibe tIc style of are the anchiteut oa! h, etennail aîîpine'ts. orsforiwhih ote bled ndulcrat, heu bat ibat sIc teare, anti botedil chu 1 Tour nane is w'itten, net ou anecocrnetr af beuansing very sca.SWAYNE'SOI- anti yaur gneat-grandfather gct on lne esdl its nature, but inw.rought iuia itss-ery fibiu tIc tclng ati le I NT-ias. ther's companionship 't Pas h Match anti enitgyý Will e stuîs af w'utrs bIlET sousteîraorJune? Obivion ! Tbatîssouaiaims tash austIhe stomy aifvs-at yan have t: niceration, andtiun mort cases renioves île surgc ralils avgren vcytîimsg. Es-en thie sro ugît upontîsi et pitual structure ? No: ' tunsn.At 'u-ygusta, On bY MRil, tari pynamitie are dyiug. Not a day passes lut There are no starme in ibat landi anti tIen 50 cents. Dr. Sffuayne & Scu, Philadtiu-tc;ui cieudafa lpaiia gaic - the-rO e& is uahseldof aven o hlgant.isnsuotinter. WilI tme tecanaut tIc iscrip- c ih%, Lmn rIne& C., Mantreai hsaitriampiîing oerthc land, andti ton vs-ic shows yaun fielity ? Na. Tume Vu,'haesîle Agents. tebat is going on ai Coumy Islandi is ging is pasimud it le an- Everlasting Ne. Bui an &aaound île w'oriC, andt ttcocnîtinents inua thc iaundation of that impunshabll A case aifsvel-eat-s basket ai dham- anecrcumhing juta Ithe avos. Anti wiî structure, bilti mua its pillars, Inil inti is 1 pa g ne. ibis is ttanspiring on thc onisîie ai ceapîtane, isyour namre, ithen lIcnanie you-ý Lad Coin ampellis n ocepi le siatit, tise'lot ehi"eh oI île iutenalhavlianearotb uor the raaie hy wiomn'clis. tLand Coliunloicî jem cxcepaiyfine is digging unden tîme fonînttian i tîis shiah cliyou. I kisowte Ibible says p gla ati tntioingooi eraoie, vadpsays the eat.b anti cutiing is csay ont ta- in anc place that Coti is a jealous Goti, buit grat attul nianc butte aro n.jeaiwtards the surface,.it surprises mu la tht refers ta the work of thase teho ean- w'ay teîl u aivace a îl faihas. eur people ssy îîmy mia netai nnthîe ship sainieather guti. A truc failer is nai '110W TO CURtEsALL SKIN iISEÂSES" teonîti teilfiuaiiy le bunneti up, ten ail Ij"calous ai lis chiC, Wih wtebal ge yen Siniply apPiy "SWAvcES OvyvTMENT." scientists tili tell you that i bas iar agis show the piciure yaur chICd pencîhei, oran Na inenineibenqiei u e ein on fine. \Vly, tbene is onuy a ctueltay-shp your cbsld hewudt, ora reritc tle tatter, eczeuna, iteis, ail ertiptions an the bttecen us andthîe Iînnaces inside reging ne udeeC your chiC accanaplsîi, anti face, hantis, nase, etc., leasieg île akin ta. gît ont. Obivion !'leTheauolti hsli Cto e ewsjesions o!f asîaunever te, char vslit anCîî" lt ~ l tllirailmiah a easly s aacbaibo's e1lus of a Paul, nuet er as juahaus oaila cler, hie ad eath. 5 ts gea i5 i- ndia-ribler bailurelis doten ahll, amatiFranci Ianergal nevetws.sjealaus afs.,mass ing anti curative pateers are poWssesset b! ice"In aur teonit goes,,iiisoeinterlockcd hy or teornamu %," trieî ta huaealwunde antid noa othen reniedy. Ask yaur tiuggit fin the liteai gravitation tith thîrrl-ans ipeateay iears anîl lift lurdens antid n SWS 01,s OsraNV 'N. Lyrnan Sons & that they weil go too,aud sa fan maoin lIaving somis, muid salue ail s oai once, and yooIr Co., Mautre0i WboIesale Agents. or on mîry petîtetuateil ay a monument of seif-sbaegatiag uttetince i ashobu "Net 'n ,h au M. il or rii tu nrl bE w b( ai bý ti Yi g] rE t b, l' ti ir 'el SI si rr ri fi Wben Baby was sIPk, we gave ber Castoria. -Wbmn slhe wus a ChIldl.isetried fot Casionsa. Wiicmî sue licenceiis, sIc, cliung ta Casions., tVbkcn î'îî baC Chiltiru, ie inCast onia. quite a Itu-ge 'aniauni 0ffîs5000y forilrgh t manuf.acture anti sel ber remoedies on thig con, iîseni but she profits ta kcep the ra'S' under ber own co-atrol in ortierf;, insu. i puritv andi open au agency ntls enunic t, eariy stage. i' -g mn an- aenuo wrtafo it"dîS nt ds tr.atli Besant, Trat~tu. Crrcaencecnidit r, ito us, not cauto us, but unta Tby naie! bh, Lord, givu glory !" you shall always aIe"-heaveabj eatislxccion in- cverygae,,d4 îiog yau did on eanîl ; and if iconoii- Iaem, berne, fram hbeucaili, sîcoulti )rak tbraugb the gaies ai heavene Christ îvonld take ane ai the nails )f Ilis wn cross sud write soumswls 'te ou 1c crystal an the amnetbyst or the jacilih ) the chrysoptasus your name,auti josiicu- etr it tle inscription ai my texi : Il The -ghiuous shallhoie lëIluineverlasting ne- lumbnance." Oh, ibis characier building 'au aud, I are evcry manient bnsy lu that 'remendous occupation. , on are makiug. le bptter or worse, sud I ams making yoo mitter or worsm,,sud we shaîl, throngb ail -ernity huirthe mark ai ibis benediction if btasiing. Lot ailiers bave île ibroues of esycu, thace wiîu havi morcernightily wrought iar God sud the innili, but it vill bc heavîn enougl for yon and me if ever and amon wc meet salue radiant soul on tise oulevards ai île Great City who shahl say: Yeu helped me once. You îucounaged su wbeu 1 was ilufearthly strugglu. I ao noi kuow that I wauid bave rcachud bis shining place lad il not bien for an," and we wiil laugh wib hcaveniy glie, and say, IlHa 1 lia ! Do you really imiein ib at taik 't Do you rumeni- bun tbat waruing 't Do you rernîmbîr bhat Christian invitation ?t IVhat a mita. O y you banc ! Wly thai mnst bav- bEen doten thîne iuBSroaklyn or New Or- lans ai heast ton ibausmuti imillion yeane ago. " And the înswer whll hi, 1" Tes, ih was as long as thai, but I nemembîn it as t'aIt as thugih it were yesterday." Oh, lhis charîcter building!l Tle structure lasiing hudepeudenti o! passirg centuries, udupeudoni ai crurnbliog mausoleuîns, ho- lepindeiîî of the whole planetary systeni. Aye, if tIse matenial universe, wbicb sîems .11 bond togethen huke anc piece of machsin- ery, sbouid seule day rnîet wibh an accident luat should senti worlds .cnashiug iîîto esch other like telescopcd raîlway trains, sud ail the wvelis of constellations ancd galaxies, shooid stop, snd down huto ane chasmi of hmmensity ail tle sons and maaue and stars sbouid tumable like tle miduight ex- mies at AsI tabula, thai would isot tondl us, sud wauid ual burt Cati, fan Gad is a spirit, and obaracter anC mîmary are im- nattai, anC aven thai gravi af a wreck'sd naterial universe might tnuttîfuily le s'ittiu : Il The ighteous shallhi beld n evcrlasting remcembrnuce'" Oh, ime, wi douy ihuee Oh, Dusil, cni stamp iheu ni thc duof ainumown sepuhres ! There is anatiser and a mati complet e de- fest for Obiivion, aud thatis, in tle hean of Cuti himel, Ton havi sein c sailer -ail up bis sîceve and shaw yeu icis atm tai- toaed wiîh thu figure ai a favorite slip, pet. 1tps île firet anc un whieb lihocet rsalled. l'au have sien a soidier roll up hie suieve and show you bis atma ttoaed teith ibe figun ai a farines, where lie wms gannison- td, or tle face of a gneai general undin ,'bonhe fought. Yon have ceeu many a liaind tattoocti wiîl tle face ai a loned une cabýfre on aiter niarniage. TIuistatti)oing is almaosi as aid as thc e oriti. li esauone (oiored iiquid punctuneti into theî il se S inideihly thati mîtlcing can wcash it ant. It iay bane bi"n thîni fiftîy vens, bu, wteît t1hc inan gais huto is collin, that pictune ý,vil ;go wîîbhlm uic baud or atm. Naw, 'lAads ssv at lRc bas tattooeti us upon fis liands. TIen eaube noother mcaning in tise vcny-nsintchaptctolssiah, whereizodsiys Bîbýold, I bavc graven thie on tlbc paînils of k3y biauds," lIt was as mach as ta saly, 11 I aisuntopen sny baud ta lîeip, hii tI think of yooi. I cannai spnmsd abroati y auds sus bJcsýs yau, but I ihiuk o! yoo. Whenever go' uip and down the Heavens I take ilese tvo, pic-tunes of you wiîb Me. Tluy are se ssiwruugbî îuto My bsiug ibat I canait lase demn. As long as My banCs last, the mu- toDry of you whll iast. Net au tle back of Miy bauds, as though ta anisunce yau ta nttiers, but an île puims ai My bande fat lycfta looa ai; suctudy aud love. I\'ot eu th-e pamni a! onu baud maoue,but aoi thc ~os f 1b-th bande, fnorehile I arn laoking uipoine 1O' lanCd andthinkiug a!f yau, I must the tIcailer lbaud fric taO prateet you, tree to lift if you fall. Pihns ai My 1- ansds Ji.2ibity tatoacti AnC though I boid thc wiudcs lu My fist, nu cyclone shahl upraat scinscription oi yaun namne anti yasr lace, md ihiugli I hbld tle occan lu thc boliate a kll b hanC, its hillowin2 ebail not wssh oui Lb reord oaI MNy reininbrances. Behald I aune,,vý graven theean tle palais a! My apse"Wlai jy, what hanor cao tIene cecoiparabli ta that ai behng nemenibered hy tle niigbtiest sud kindîsi anC loneiýesi, ald tîmderest anC mast fetionate behug aiîeunîverse. Tlsink of it, ta bold an enhlýssing place in the hîcani i of o. The stno! GoC I Tise nioc beautiful pal'ace oil,ý tu imense. Let the ancbîngei baili îouce ,ýpaace as grand as that if lie can. Lot' hiim ,,tuiable up &Il tle stars o! yesterday igtassd iu-nirrow isighi, and put thîir coihnas niasaics fan sucli a palace floot. 1--u i u take ahl tIc suusets of alh iseCys. dîlie annotas oaIaul thceisights. anC mîg :1mas upholstcry ctitli wiutiass. Loi î i; ï,take cail e ninrs mn I aill te tes anCdmail e a'eas, aud tues tlsrm ita 1î-lie lountahns af ibis palace court.1 rIci him takomail te gold ai ail thi ileand bacg ihinsu itsc mlane lier, &id ail e pearis af ahl île ceas anC uit1 tIc diainunis ofai l tIse fields, aud w itb ins md achtise duanteys of thai palace:, anC t1hen invite juta it ail île glaties thai [ailier t-vîr siw tec a Pershan banquset, or Dan;ci tvî2r salked am'),isogsinuBibylaîsian. usiles, -,r Joseph even wifne3ce'lin hu Psmah's, some Weil-Known Persîns ina Whicis Yeu airi Iiitiii>td.,1 Patti is onulber way ta thils country te mnake another fareweli tour. R'sbert Peel, a son of Sir Robert Peel, has >aeen adjudged a hankrupt, witb liabil. ities of £57,000 and no assets., MrA. Bila P. Stuver, of Portsmsouth, Me., recently set-a new fashion hy haviug lber grandmotber's bridîsmaid officiate lu the same capacity for bierself. 1Padetewski bas announced hi, intention of abaudoning the field of the virtuose for that of the camposer, notwithstandiug hi, Ibrtîliani success as a perforruer in Europe and America, "lMajor" Deoker, who for years was ad- the smallest man living, ils dead. fIe was 44 years aid, weigbed scventy-five pands and was thirty.twa incbes higli. Clarence Hl. Freenian, cf Providence, Tt. I., ils cousidered the lest cheokîr player lu Anserica. He is 34 years of age, of Indian descent,,the blaad of the Piquais and.Nar- ra.gansetts mingiing in ]ils velus. The hein, o' the elder Dumas sill have au incarne of about 8'7,000 a year fram the sale of bis navels. Of bis 300 books the most popular are Il The Three Musketeers" and "Mante Cnisto." Miss Sallie 'Iatthews, wbho died lu Louis- vill e cenîly,was for a tme lu cam mand of an Ohio rier steamboat witb fuiiy a hon- dr cd men subjeet ta hier orderm. tibe was 33 years old at the time of ber deaili. Miss Lillie Howard is station agent'ai Penn, Me. be is attentive ta ber duties, the tralumen always bave a smiie and a pleasaut word for bier, and many a drum mer vainly attempts ta appropriate a slîanî af bier smile as the train wbisks past. At the huril of Miss Lucy 'Cotton lu the old Cotton vaultinluKhîîg's Chapel Cburcb yard, Boston, E. S. Cotton, another direct descendent of the Mayflower Cottons, aspent. Members af thai funaiy have bie urie-d lu the Catton vault since 1740. Sir Andrew Clark, whose active caereer bas been ended by a stroke of paralysis, was long regarded as ane- of the fareiaost physîciaus af Great Britalu, and was tbe medicai adviser of Mr. Gla.dstane. He is the fourtb eminent physicien lu atteudauce upan the Gladstone family wbain the grand [aid man bas survivîti. Quecu 'Wilhelmine of Holland, aged 13, bas a large collecions of doils, many af whicb are preseuts af savereigns. Among then are tweîîîy doils represen timg afucere lu full uniform -a kindergarten methb)d of teachiug the yaung Quecu ta distinguisb the various military grades. The other day she exprcssed a desire for twenty female Colis "ta keep these officers compauy, as they were Creadfuiiy boned." Saored Serpent, Egypt. A general belief lu the divine charecter and bealing power:t af the sacred serpent j, ta be met witb aIl. aven Fgypî. E ven the myîbs wbicb the aid Egyptiaus associate-d wî'ls the snke are sill prevaleu t. Egyp.- tians ýof ail classes stilli liene thaï, when "'a serpent' graws aid, wings grow oui af its body," and thai thiere are serpenîts whslcb kili by dartiug fiamîs is the victim's face. 1Jow aid such belieis are in ibis country need net hi repeated ta those who bave sen the pictures lu the Tambs af the Kiugs at Tbebes. The seref, or "flyiug serepenit," and the snake freim whose mouth flames issue are amon)g the columonesi ai the figures painted on ibir walls. lIi is not, however, as Kakodaîmon, but as Agatbodaimon, that the divine serpent of aucieut Egypt stîll maintains bis chief boid on the belief of the Egyptiau people. Enaclibouse stili bas its barras, or "lguard- ian soake," commoniy knlown as the barras el-het, "'tiseproiector af the bouse." The suake is fed wib îssiik and îggs, and cari is taken net ta do it barma, A s-ervant af mine, wbo was boru at Uelwau, inear Caire, bas oficu toid me about the guardian suake of bis fathber'sbous.e, h was a large oui, and uisei ta caine out ai nighet for the s-ake ai the fosod that was offieied it ansd ta? gîdî aver the bodicesaf the sleeping family. lIt neyer did any ai theus any miscbief, "as it was aîways, treatedt weil." Oie day a stranger suake 1,, cd its, appearance ai the door ai the bose le harras at once weut againstilh, ami afler, a short siruggle killîd tbeîùitrude-[Tbc Cou_ý,lteînporary Revicw. The MîleI1ht o' Oourtesy. The Q ien I aouylepassianatily fond of childrin, pirbapeD for the very nisn that she bas noue of ber owîî. According- ly, she rnever fa ils ta caries a taby when she gets a chance. Oisceg<wlsen îakiug a sîroli in the park at Dresden, site acco.sîcd a nse wiib a couple of splîudid babies lu iser anme. "Oh !tbe lovîiy pets 1" she said. "Twius, no doub t?" 11Yes, yor Majesty." "IThuir ýfathîr must lie vîny proud of Th Iis onî's fathsîn uertainiy le; but th'e other ane's father bas jusi died." IlBut yoa told use they were twins1" Thbn ihe nurse hlisshed and said, "Il beg pardon, ih was not mye'if who sei1, s bu, your Mai-esty, auj-I dido't date te conînadîci yan." Untien Surveiltuesc Logand Short ï,- ilat S. DAvis tîni Cigars have no Apial 2 il 'I Ten years of age, but wbo declines to give big nlame to tlle public, mnlïs this autlsorized, Coufidential statement to us: "Wblen I wis one vear aId, MY manima die& o! ceOllsulpopi. hie dl oÏ oslaid tlîat 1, te(, would soon (lie and ail oui- neighbar Ilougiut that, even ï, 1 did Dot die. 1I wou)tld Leer Le able la wat, -, u j, 1 i ws 5<> wveak mld plily. A gtîrn oadand broko uýntier MY erm. hutryfnean h i 'îee and tlîrev.z out pcso oe Il l ut mYself so als 'tobreuiîli kl, Wns sure-ta becaine a runnîîîg suie I îadC ta talce lots of mediceîne, but notiîg jlia (.oelleIe se iruli hgood ZaS Ayer' SýiaPa1- nus h bt 1s niade lue weil anC strug" T. D. 3M., ŽJorcaturi, Halls. CGures others, vilC7-re to r, A Ilegoti atioei. Heclvas a> emali boy, I Io"eha a about an a level witb the grocery coniterl He s vung a tin pail in aile band i ht iy clasped four pennies in the otheýr. "Pleatlie, thîr, how much ith a tint ao! Milk 'V" "'Four cents." lThen pisathe Lb e me taece lthenit',i Worth and a peppermint stick. My mte tba id 1 could hlave the chý-age, if th2Ere watb any, for caudy, and she întht bave known there wouldî t lie anyv. I ab fair." And the youug financier w alked gaýiiyl off with a large striped stick of ca 'yand a very little millk splasbing in th£ e oîom et the pail. Young, old or middlIe agîd, who fisnd t1em selves niervoup, wealr and exhausted, whu are broken dowîs from, cxce ss or ovcrwork resulting in mnany of the fahlowiîîg eyin- ptoms : Mental depression, premature aid age, ioss of vitality, loss of rncnory, baq dreame, dimuess of siglit, palpitation ai the heart, emissions, iack of energy, pain lu the kidncys, headaches, pimples on the' face and body, itcising or peculiar seusa- toin about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dlzziness, sèecks before the eyes, twiîching of ihé muscles, cyelie-s and lcisc' wbere, hashfuiness, deposits in the urine, lacs of wîll power, tenderness af thie >s,,%Ip and spîne, weak and fiabby msie<de- sire ta sleep, failure ta be rested by ' vs 1 q~ constipation, dîsllness of:berin, aý1 voici, desire for solitude, exîaiil f tîmper, suniken cyce, surrounded w-,ith 5LEADEN CSRCLES, aiiy loii kn t. are aillsymptoms of nervaus dhîlim , tùh lead ta insauity unless curt. The slpring or vital farce having lost its tentsion evcry function wanes iu consequeuice. Thase wbo tbrough abuse committcd lu igno- rance, may be permanentiy cured. Sena yaur address aud 10 cents in stamps fat book on diseases pîculiar ta m-ain, sent sealed, Address M. V. LUBàONý, 21 Mac' danneil Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canaua. 36-lyr, Among enthuisiastic tricycle rid, j, ste be caunted Miss Mabcl Besant, the sister of the novelist. She tl'itks uothiug of takiagý a spin" of tiity or forfy miles. li'or Over ýiVf*t«vYer Muts. rso oreur crbIm ben used by millions oý-fnohesfiï their chiidren while teetchinre. Ifisýturb- cd at uigbu eand broken cf aur reatý by a c§îak cbîld sîsffering and crying withi pain (f Cutting Tîseth seud at once and gîta bottie of "Mrs Winalow's- Soothing Sýrup" for Clsi!dren 'I'eetbiîîg. lit W:11 relieve the pooer litt1esiee îimmdiate- ly. Depend upon it, imolltrl,tbere ik! uo inistake about it. It ersDar~î îegulaten the Stomachi an'IBwes cure« Wizid Colic, softens the Gume ani re- duces InLetmatio, an d gvstoe and eurrgy ta the whule vysteni. "n Winsiaw's tsoothing Syrupi' f - icildren teething is pieas :01ta othe tsste sud ýi the prescrptionof ane af the o'deet a znd behst fenish phyaîciaus and nurses in the 'Unit- cd Statop, Price twenty-five c battle. Sald by aIl druggis!s thr; ugbî',ut the world. Ba sore t a sk for 2" 1Re," WIN$IOW'S SOOTHiY'O SYnUs." 2211 1< Pa,l" ioitc doni't Ith' rein car ranto. Aol t' sui'hure Bidgeui as-oy is it, sînGe t' hi tîrains foa The No Rear Cars Wanted. Noiw, Bridget, dean, au' for yesk 't e gain au,' sitin' af yîrFClf ia ar ofthtii irain on yer way taea lc iî's tbim as allers gîte sma,!bed ens." t-"An' Oi won't, iudacte. Buit, I, Pat, the îailrbodes nivîn liez îhd ýaftber leavin' thc' test cet off" tâ' or thi' af ety ut their iras chier, î

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