The eye isi gan of the hua find many perz more care in 'wood or a yai buying a. pairc resuit is that those who ha, permanently ir advice of ped lt ýw1iUe 1q £*ho goods ti about the con<i nients of the e Yhears of study 4ý ave gr-aduateý noted collegesi z ,: g 1ve eaLbc cit( careful examui but Ive E %,4 the lowest poss ilarge quanti factory. Se STOTI DR1u GRAND TI I3OWMAN 10eege..2 47 Pie er..7 117 Express ..... 1i 7 WHEN MANI11colit, or any place in JURYx'$ Drug stor mnatioa reVarding Local an money aaved1 &advt. Na. I hard Wh <0!bý) at Wir iý IF. (). Pet Eý ian Litutidrj -Lrýùia ifouf chutrechisrecel, lu order jeuthlýuj A. james Mr. (Jus.. Tod hie trip t. S, lodge Fs'iday nig A large choi clieap a-, Ig4uis cloth bo.ught heiç submeorib1ti nos lateet hoo, e3 Fair. "r~20"- The Brii h V Hlalifitx mil Jdlr at the çroet Office'# couoh, Johnj abowiag a brg >F-t oveicoati to ai Fore i8 a hint itorprt'aii,n i mksagood lie -4)f boots s îe oented wih auý thE7 Cgold wtCOI Fair Str.tdy ov Thierehabe vatear 8oaking (1 roogle by pu' ' iig a --c auid coemrs.ýM beeu 2repain-ig th Cai uF.0 pricea. Citll anti boýya ivatth Urol! uY Jewelh n. About h-f prewd h t WORLD'S FAIR.1 IN POWStANVILLE ToýNicouy. Mr.bry E fh~Jav xF e h. spent 5 dSO a man odyaird yet We ti' 4oft h, ce'eh arird White Cty econu- 'sous 'who exercise f>tr pn d 'ry a raphic, stir.-ng ana descrip- selecting a coud of tive iln'cratr-d letr s.dsrpicted by a new Lrd of cloîi than in pow rful douhli-> etroopticor sud of Spctaces an theoxy-et'hrrr lime lrgý t, the m set brillitnt of Secta<esand he ight knowu, comprliug boîh iword sud very often we find picture, s c ýmtetu buarory rf the great ave had their sight Ex',sÏtiou rtf 1893. Don't mies it-ouiy ujuredby taking the 250- _ ______1 lars or others who Fus' Guets and irlieCos-be ?gardirug the quality lot ai s mua bey so'd or.stili less 1 eau make îi, to yorur advîutage tu buy struction and require- of mu if you willI'cal. Mayuard the ye. We have spent Jeweller. t on this irubI 'et and Unione Tharksîiviu? sFervice in Triuity d in the three most- churchI4ov. 23, Rev.GC. Parker tu preach in US. ad no onl etI l a.m. in . S au no OfiY A big stock of tirai3 clas f urs at modler- orer the benefit of a lita prbces now, shvv, iag et Coudh, John- nation fr'ee of charge aton sud Gsydrmsn's. elour goodsý at HARPERa YoING oPEOPLE for N<vem- ;sible prices as we buy ber 21%t ileas special thirry-eix palze Lties direct froue the Thanksgivins uîumber. cial valuie in gôld. Patrons ut THE STATESMÂN whoowe, tor sdvers.ising, prîtnng or isubseripti4)ns are r & JURY', rquested to psy up as aoon as posible. Ous' terme are iuvariably cash. UGGIST & OPTIGIAN. Couch, Johnston sud Crydunînan report the bigg-te ale uf ladies' noats thr'y have 1UNK RAILWA«Y. even hait and still lhey have a fine stock of beaut>fol'y desrigned snd loveiy fittiog VILLE STATION. German miade mautles at ail pries. QOING WES The London papers contai'î long re- am Express ....... 5 20 s m, porte cf the delivéry ut 20,000 urne 8r M lixproe s...6 C7 a su nonuha' old tr ut by Mr. Chas. Wiliui-t ksnW Palseen&res'....8 39ea m from hie Credit Fos'l. ha'chury to ttiu p m Pui5snger ...2 29pm, p mn pE'proe ... 412 pinLondon guin clubs' filîuz r-'eonby apeci- p mn Exirresse...8 30 p mu al car. What Wimot dun't Lnow abs-ut filh isn't worth knowin.g, Y'~~W OUGOTOM>rnt! fron the Atwou-d Brie tha:. IBIAasd b, oie busno a which ho estnb'iehedi UNI'ED S.ATE ansd the fiee sa'ys "by dm1i of penýeveraricu UNTDàatSr&asd close applîr-atioîî<o busines bas esc- Canada ëalla TT ceeded irà ketpiniz in motion with profit ne0 for Tickets aud Infor- and hie depant ure wili bu kee.uly regret- g~ow.sî¶ ud eetted, sm ho va.ft.rniosr eitevery w.rthy euterprisu sand su officer lu thu Brrp ret - - chunch. Be i3 s wh'rle sonled, gond fui low srictlv uprigth i ail hsiries4 n t-nre. dian 1tt1u v .,at'oîi. Friuud !"u rie waxchiefot ,s'mr t>ýr (itthe M c htnica' luaituto sud bs-e discbare'ed th- dution of secrrtay with (L&. Nov. 22, 1893. marlcod sbiliiy sud credit. My'a. Neads __________________ s-e- .*u dusut fied uith sînnoat &very chris larit d hian bropie movemunt nd Otherwîse. Glsdto ho-iichm kind expripagîot. utfa by neaîiug Msson's% new Tho itcriainument pivon by thei retig- lotie w,,rk o mnnitee outhe cEp boat i& 46 cents abuahel worth Leaolu nchu Methodiet cdurcI irioMan, lectu're rrtonu tucsday avening wax irll nips>g, ttended. A good prograinu WSi, givuins ýthiok his the agencr for consietiiug ot SolOS by Me J. D. Keachie y. Ceot bis pricas. sud1 MNiiss GI'verv; piano diiet, Minene uoo around the Dipciple Norticoru sud T;lI.-y; rendjones. Ms' E. yoed a ca of pnetty gneou Wo'ds n surd MreFFrank Trebilcocle; a chou-us by esesETebNoc 4 . M. et' reas tsaereuet d daine, K'-liiF. Tillsy, bM. -N rrli r cilher parera from bM. cala e n 1r ýmvsra F. Pr rk-r sud F. Treh- ilcock: a,, eàay ru"M n du y tar God" ýd wiil givu su accolint of by lMieEnnuily Coueb; Miss Joue*i, oex- lfant aihîe A. 0, U. W. plaineti whst the Epworth L-4rrguer soci- ght. es J e sud wbat t ine domL; sud Ray. C. ce cýf îew Tweeds vr Paeen gaçe a short atidrees Dr. J. M. r,',> ClothiLig Store. A>'Y Brjmacourbrý pruridedin i a very affitble re rt fre ofchare. ianîner. Proc-ed-da oves $11 t,> bu used 'o cre foc u chage. in r-ievino_ rhs> saute ot thneedy. vfor Josiah Albiu's wifri: CHiLDREi N E'jty the plessant flevor, nmth,-e aiths> Norld'o go' île sacti4,ui ansd sothing ecielarot Syrupe eLAte or ,)wanvlle ofFigq,uhun i need of, a laxative and if _Valle for despach frointhe fathur or mottirs ho coîtivo or bionsi, îU)g :he winler le closed tie ru' et grâtifyiug reasoir felUrw its fuge, r here, ssch Ttiursday atoth~lati t l he inurt family remoa'y Inown sud uvery family shouit have a boule,. nton & Cryderman are Very iow prices for Suite for culaia -tsck vt mun'a snd boys' Mnseous.. rize& and qulties-uew Friî tas> bet;tove un the înarktgî boy guud value, th o Haury Tho gît alt Edsall'e S AT S t fr-r ou rudustîoi sud ,The 30c. offerrmade Ita ladies liSae. n itt this iown. Thor n su ui on 8-pt. 13 et!! bode good. au wd %hot maken uho Ws>rkly Giobe tu end 'ut 1893 t'o euh -lil rod by se;sisiig Ceut sosbei ton 1894 at STA&TESILLN ,rice. lurjg thum iai. 50 conte per The. Radieiit Hoime sinte tsvonirietuvrr for huscxug pnsrposeï. You chou d lave rke, of Oejhawa, se prs- thoie -hàau.ome eaves at Eda!,',. They adds' sae n2rrsset inu aa1'e asegc stý rehi 3;e lum'uaied albumsud s goia rha r bus'e î atd dhainby the st»if of Alth'rugh Riekard bas chunged hie ad. 9mmjisalon aet ihe Wcld'e hohâs> iknt chaigeithi. pries e el al. TCr GCons.ut yrrur uwn jinterniet and own in- iug. teresi sud driyurur desling witb hîm sud -reauî trouble waith the tIns se m ey 'hu is' roof owiug to the avm îy wýhr i rnrlus or thsws Cawlrur & Tait h-ire the. huaI 2U. Tua the ,ît hu~les. M, n. ihle cntr'y. Cal and go. a sa-mple. as -eeoud lemalter Dues your furnace nord repaiins 1 c inm uthou gutters James MoLiri. n caui putl i fl od ondes', r. RZ. Trenoirîl hanie aeo Cali aI E48,0%l'a toire. le.. .shçte roof. Eaveatroughing sud j,.bbingutofai Pthcek fon launds'y kjuds ine lin sud tron doue iu a firit-ce.s 1_u 1_ Je.McBrjn, EAsil11 sî--u, CF G.Peu bickbha. stecurelthtIe agent y ofa ourstck 15> 8%5; 1foste PaisenLrass" t u'ono dresa go di u adeijon tre -tluAdin lGîe Domî ruw- We ha- Vu-l-ea-tct-a ouiaurd te pepardto tks rdsse u linos s&t hin.k weCen Ulauudr iug (of a] m asaihi' barbes' shop nmney in bupylnj Ibm. epprès Te Puai Office Pcos neasn- ChîldrfAi Cry for MISS IT. Bsiness Changes. Ms'. Jay Doxseu lectures bers> tonghit onu the Wý rld'i Fer'asd grves 150 vruws 0UR CITlZIZS ARE ON TESP MovE. by ln ligrI..Tie p pý-na in Pu-ertoro, Portur e oarut elsewhere whers> he bas Ws> have Ibis weerk tu îuotce e 'me Iet we itbrsnuî exeepi rusgivuingi chianieis tlat are occnriug aciioeisu husin' -i, pruas" - f ih, mi Our'readers lu towu sud mou in Buçwmsnvile,-sumu have snrrvtd c- .irisry ah- Ul Irnt f-i!ltu b'-r hrm ths wesanasd thers have " at-su I 1al Wr.drrvad.ryight. Tickets 25c i neapectftnlly iniVite STSTESMAN s' ade Sto cal! sud sua tàein iu thIrs'ewquresf POULTRY WANTED, MR. JoiiN Lvn.. A short ltime agu thuit fiue briîaiue.. E1ijgher-t pnieu jîed at rhe We3t Eund- block ou Ksug sI. kuown as Victorial H -osie, wî.1, for R-augî Dre88eet Buildings, occrîpiud fors'm-ar.y Vuars hb Pcultry. Murdoch Bros., wse ecld tu Ms'. John G-so hous>stu rut. ppl b M A.Lyle sud las tirssinice bettunudrrgriug G)odhôuas t ren., APIYto H A.iupnovemente hy carpeuteresud pairîtuns James. untjl it looke almost as spic sot open as Mr'. J. LeRoy of Oshawa speut Suuday a bran uew building. We are plad mthi iu town. thie woil known .hoadqusntue for grocer. Mre. B B, Cronyn ut Torouto je at Dr nos. provisioni, crockery sud glaesware McLaughliu'È. has talIon imb suob entorprising asud R'-ms>mbes' hie Sale sud Tes lu Si. capable bande;, sud ws> teel sure thai My. Pars'a chooroo ou s'n.y.Lyle wili strive to make tino business in Patiln scoolroni (n Frdy.ail ruspacte worthy of ils paitgrrud usme,4 Ms'. T. SIc jdarj, Oàhswrr, spent Siunor It alresdy looks like former days sud the day with friendea a Maple Grove. ladies will bo deligîtet to kucw tIat Is> Miss Edil Allen la t,) ho manried in le making the China Ili a speoiat at St. Pseol'a church ai 12.30 to-day. 1 traction wilh nomaet(iîlte meet heuitif ai The STA R Almause ut Montreal ton 1894 dinsuer sud tes sets evor asen in- Bow in> juet puilishet. Neediess 10 say thora mauvilie; also a veny lange as4ortmeut ot in s great deuias.d for il pns>ty lampa of ail Wunds. We have no Howis oursiou IIf oa eed~>-room bo say more Ibis week, bunt direct How s Vur tov If ou eedanyattention tu hie new advrtiement on our repire pues s' rîrrPre yoo may fut firet page. whaliyou watit ai Edeali's, Buwmeuville. Rs>v Dr Smith. of Port Hope, je tu MRi. W. H. OSORNE. pruach in St. Paul'e Clurcl on Priday It le a ploaeure lu note tins advance- aftirnooln rd uveninc, prupans tory lu meut of a local business man. Mr. W. the qnrtneny c.usmuniois. Fi Oaborne openet ouI in the grocery MIr. S-d Seobell wili lecture lils>h S. sud provision tracte a fs>w m-nntbe ago in A. Bas's'c'ks ou Satus'day eveuiug nDoit ou a usodesi way in tls> oit Express office Stan,!, y in Atm-a-e, il uslraîing lie Inavele building, buit hie burinons lein iproving s- d cuuery by magic lauiturn operatot hy ent prosýpecte brigît so ho las moved into Ms' A. Taylor. Silrr'r collectiou at dos'. there esat shup jujtlu Neaci, brick Go eas-iy as t void l e rusi. Procuede bliock whcre lu laq more noom for his tur' Suit Deulai Puad. gnocery business sud tlu sh3w hie stock to Mr'. J. C. Vanstone roeeived tle bigest much buter, advaistage. Ho drus 5a car 1usd out Mar-îîrb-e wîeat oves' deliven- strîctly cash brade, btiyiug in tle beel et hure. T;,,. cýr' ntainied 10<10bua4he'>s narukets for cashsud selliug on close Noî. 1 lard. Thîe frt-ight aloue was $282. m-rg-n ifor cash or produr.e tetken ju cx- It coite 45 coiurîas s nsllfor the ggrain change,. Hs>bas carnet a p-out reutoî- aid 47 cents s 100 Ibs, us' about 281, cents ijon fut chricuflaoredtotas sud iie q'îile s 'nrshr-i lue delrer il. the thing now to huas' ths remartk oves' PuR.s ! Fis ! Puns IlEasing bougîýýthîe table '-h ibis lovuly te% froui Os3 larbl st ~ ew.s '~s e, dd îl1 br ?'aItIlbas such s deinciotina flivor- ît 'r-k mun-'.ho t i1 have cc>mmenced jelît luke hie tuas." Mn, 0--humn wants ,uiviiig 10 poer ce' t d sc'un- o lu a htîarra rswhc haveeciver gee-..ý,1,4jko or cnSlomers,è4 , r> e usnu sLo., rd Ibniug tbe-wusshooal1 bujepipne ,ýAti2hî friedi winh yorn. Tcsc eiagssdetprnca lu tow; aud everybody wlo A-ç)ue. Ni. MArYES. The Portier. uses grocern ca eatisd sue Williani in tle '--- -- 1 1- - - . nus. bsiend. .11mety friersîe'wl',readd Tup STATES- ?£AN 'is inverd tri suist hier-a 'e sud ad drH-for t s' e opi -c'îteluTire BreedeIrs' Gazcette, 358 Docuboru est., Cnhcsgo, M1 Wu kînow "f nrs humer weeklypi.per far ail gotierai ts'rers. brs'edtis, dairymeru srsd uîh,ra wl-o ar-r lrsndliue ng listock Wc aore gisd lu 0dlea n tMrEruest Downvro, laIe senolont of 9-r.C(-' I arrdî on, L.ÎV.S.,,las passeetbià priaueayexF inallon aec(iut nu Inone in Chica'go Dut ai CulIle-ge, uhicl coter e gruat cro(die p- ,in ipreceptor asdfut er il', sd ei te cluering b bis parents. W-> rwimîl in equ-àl auccosa jus hie colle-g cur.- The West Durbeen Miojtna s-ea ti-'u w-.s s'o'ojgauuzut nu Triîy 9O-u4ýà Mondsay aternu o0. Thuie ts e,.l-c oet are: Pr sa dent-Rýr. R. Mcrlrcb y- roi-e; Vio--Peqtrdrsu-Rv R A. Bu.ri,-s; S.-cy Tr- as -Rov. R D Fnýreur, M. TIr. ur'xtîmo t.hly nir'ortne w;i> h le i'in the Vos s'y of St. Paui'a ChutaI ou Mm-- day, Dec. 18. ai 2 30 p mn. The Epworth Lgague mai pres ted ovwen M,-ntay ulginî Iv Dr. Brinaomihe. Mise Bouatleanr ad r-le Soepioe ssna. Ms QG -ovr r d Mr. K selle eaugz, Me l G uid sest s* g-rotpapes' on thi T 'i ~Guuîurus'.4r. Le Flle s'd Ms'.N, M.-Dor-nîd necits'd. s-rs Prusideni MaLusu and Miese Jon'-ee ap km britfi>.'.;f was a groiMtu'ing wibh large 'uîrvudiau ce. The Dau.mhten-s rrf île Girrch purpois> offuting forr@ale ae norben ot useful sand faoynrrvu-iem i ne chool Rortu rst , P4ul'oa luclior, Prnt 'yNov. 24 asitý1- paît Ir-o-' Evsrylsody la invitr to tioma, Thnis weil h- a good oppurîuuity ru select choies> Chinta nproie -te.Ad arisai- n rou., T.'awill bu8tme vat firereel o'cluck frS'whuclî s charge ut 25 cenits will bu mat-'. Onu of the exciting 'linge uf !jf&e l;ana i<"fittiug buolt. Ar Treievotj'a yuu <il fittd sornethinil rntir-Iy u>w jr, tror'wCar Elle new win'es' stick ilanue w rpened for in-speclioî sonhdIe %om"ýthwug iat as 'ores co.mfrl for oItd itWeyle ton yolin,'gldes, o-.a'aiA naýfcion fs-r us-n ut t'ot.-d me>sud b;)oraiautlh",e;j 10 pi"aetas'atfit enstre.f. nWies. IHavo'aU r-et hie advt. ou tirai pgei Roc. .1 FI. H closwias g, repteï wiîl, crowiied srdienrc-s i -týis olt BC. Choral ïw n igîts Iast, we- k. Ms' J. J. Ma3uns n'-e.-idr'd the frr ,'gbf-tnt Ms'.Johno Percy lhe sec- uni. Mr iH8tos'ieianor iginal speaker a t le ides nnmakiug nauly g -t p 'uI nte 'i e p1scupla hris hearer-ni w-tn bis td.> I es,ctei snd vi- ficj'mns ,Tbe Temuplare erf lTomper,àue", under whose a iip e ,s, e came ar.spl'ae with lhe succpis 0r lb he oiio'-s. A nothber large lot o.f Pipes jo r recoiv- 4-d. Corne in and tee t ho -h"ize w13 eau t'iv', you from l oc. t,, 60ý. The larçp'st. srs'ek ij ,wn. GR.AND CENTRAL. Rickard'- watelîý-s are il!1rsuw sud ysru wanu. to boar t 'ij nii rql an sd lho seLl rh(-'rn t son -ne tiîd ut th-. risyou have bu n i i he habito'f payirsg Lr iîhei el.ewhero, -Ciar Tuas c-'nt.irlue to give tha e)bent01f satiefae-îon. 1T y oun 40c, You. g Hysou aunneching Dnua-rud se-o' p îonaIy oo Value. Cwlikt r ,z Tit, the grocorsý, Bow snd you will buosatî'fied with thu nsuIt. Par sale by M. i .lean D. Da vis, Jduo. "V1cViUutry, isud 1T. G. Masv,. Manu facrured by A. J,1 ok loweiauville. Some io! the prattis-fit SmIvcrct'a'%eever off,. eà nhe pttibolest uopr dont ai Rnkr'.JraaS 44e s ing for ràdi.9 pr' Seats, ri>O, Bl8'oy CooeIrs ut $1.25, Cake qBa1,ske V , c. r 11,00jods aïe all new uugh irect from the lman- jà'actoýrcr for Wuit cash pn icusd worth do tho w monav., JAMRS MCBRIEN, Tthe uucourscomeui given t r s. J sa. MaBrie.ri incesha star-oit in business tfs' himaealtlias m'de it nec ssary far 'hum irs gel into as ueron whes'e the pubinuc-e, ha acc-'mmxcduît -aiy au-i p'rty Hoe basi jusImrvedit athebb OIExpress building juil vacaret hy Mr, . osfsnes where be has a fus>eituok utfbins'a e. lanterna, etc.,, which he jn goïig to selI es vus'ry choerpthaI hu is aune bu do a lar2,i brsein -ias. Ms'. Malrien le a mes us'ru ohauic and al claeus ut(i repsiinug ini hi,~ Inciughiug eutduvery lkand of tin wos'k wil reCe've a Ckretul %,it p70onniaýtoten lo Gai! ou hirui, W'ALTER CfIARTftAN.ý S3inrue tle fi,ýsat Nawos't.hy'a by a-liaI Ms.W-tcs' CI-ntraiu's barbar ehop war rendorat inhabitabl, obu as on. n-d i Ihl lancer Aip nex duos' c-al if M uîsu & D-êe'a haruesa ahop wleolu wiIl bu found turing ros n-chia - bouts reanly t)r attere th, Irwarls -f lis mauy euasîmrse Citizes-s waiîed on ai home ulen n---es arv. Ciltiug sui dresingilies' aud r'hilds'enî'sh iutr-sa jo i efal attention. StillinjuHuraoy'a block, mind you. P. C. PETEICK. With a vies. bu guttinsg a more eey and usraî ah 'p, fhl-. iP. C P thiek hs iernsd the airtinl Morrje.' Block, es i'land Occupisud Iy M.ynrdtheîleewelsr, wîich is leur g reova e-I ars flutdlin p'end-t style fur'aetotneonitl parloer. Ihwili hua vory usai saip s"d we feel sus-e Frank will ho sewardet by inceoset part naLte, as ho sdda 1teiau, attractive pirlù- <1.- ski! utf a firat-clsangqati-t anud cxu givo 'uny ordiuary ri nu nIa air' of rSD pci hi ity ,f oniy all-wed buesave, lim aut drus- haS hae. obas tle sgecay for thut Parisiau Lsîur-dy sud ail,-rders ail! ha ps'onpbly d.-apit-ulet aud delWrv.-i1 C. NM. CAWREU,. TIc iplace to boy your mes-s in ai C. M. G-msdcer's abhers>yoo will flodthîe ali--ies't qu h-!y a 't varie-y ins île tua-n Yi"u will unin t îuk Bout, Lambn, Pou-k, Veul,hse-edud Lard, puoepnu Sausagis,, al kias rf- irred maris.Pl'cl !sy, ute, Huellas two Peddliug wazgone) goinig tîrougî ,hthe towu aud wîli e-mil on any wbo winil f-vor hlm wîtht hain patronage by lu'avi, g word It d'e shop; orciers arc siso taki -artteiivuredte10any part ut the tua-m. Yuur perniniage will ho îbauktully ru- ceivot sad ho s> siido lis te ugjvo satj',faaîj-rt,. A cal! soliciiet. Cash pait for Prnltry, Rlides, Talirra, S1er p sVimus ad ail fat s'o-k. Paties h4vnng gond fat c-tle for sale will fnud it te tleim adtalaegruCal! On C. M CAW- REFL. Stand. Tonwn lalIl Buildings, B-rwsanvillp. NwYuîrk, N v.,15. At the hors. slow therearnr- ut -la second tay'e judpnug eh -we tînt tise Bua-mauvi le hors,,, auj. qu - wa-s s-cond is thse hsckvcu- ei.88 b map Dca'. g-ltI1. Th-bgee,,nd priz-, ray Tue FL-rali, we- t teHon. RP.-rtPBe. h -if Outaî io for lis bro ru coiî Bauiqso, tarru -'f the Wos'd'e Pais' chanupuon, Jubrieû Cht-,. This wauan xc udîiugly nîce colt that kucs htl'-to o-o bi s fore feot, uu ids unîîsu-mlly a-el! inuaclet for suai e yu-gset, le a tairiy a-el! toppet one, sud asuit bu huard trous once a year regularly jn île aliowr rigglereaf tes. Hoori's AND Ot'Ho>u' -Hood's 8$saparillaia le cefly prepanut frun Sarsa panilla, Diaui) wonMaudrake, D>'ck, Pipie8es>wa,,JuUiper berresu0ther awil. kisuwu r,"metnesý, by s pecuirs'comabia. arios., poprtonsd pues givine lu H-rîd'e Savslaenih curative Puwura nul- outP-id Iy othus'.nutciicinr"q, h fct r- mas'kabl curs -onohcerprepa-timçra f ali. RLIOR q(icSE sut 9ý-4 . esolat for aB8u inBwm ireoeiesg rlatu ce- mirala bickruait-nos>, omneens-ad th IsoJos. Ni Clellan, lot 9, crsn. 2, quartes' mil eatî ut Nuaraory (Jorer, Tlero are S rcooma, kiteben ant wuusd at ataclet,1 nard sadd ruti watus', driviug bouse az!t ats -, ail lu g.oot tepaiir. Sple1ndd Ilcîatsud cardri, Apply 10', N. PR or W Ont', xocuior, 4-lt ÂLL 0OURHSHEUITr MUSIC Runcdte fi ceute' I yrmail f6 eouî& Cei 10 us eý mlirINIsMUHÇITU E DRTRITrMLCH -4'tt SU 1SCRIBERS' ATTENTION 1 Ever y subseriber who will obtain for us one acc-utl new subseriber for THE STATESMAN for 1894 at One dollar, and psy his or her own subscri tion to Dec. 31, 1894, will be nmade a present of the Toronto Weekly Globe froin the date thu order je roc ived up to the e d Of 1894. Tlhia offer holds good -nly durine Nov- ember, is made to incresse our c rculatit ru, and is onie of the best we have ever mnade. CASH FOR POULTRY. The un deraigood la prepared t&e psy tJ'e highest cash pnica for auy quantity of Prlry dressed in the fçoilowitig imanue,- B ,dies dry picked, wines, taii and heid unpicked, and uudrawo. jAlso Cash paid for hulans, ds'xed apples, eg!tr, butter, and dressed P'. S.--Fowls to fast et least tweuty- four hours before being kilied. Kill by b7eeding well in the ntek; do 1301 wrinio the ceck. .1jAME3 MANN, Firzt doit caît of Bennett Houge, 47-3ri* Bowmanvilla. Mr. Lauiriers Portrait. The Montreai Il erald Co. has pubiets- ed an excellent porýraît of lIon. Wilfrid Liurier, the Liberalý leader, which it laï circulating ait cost of mailing with the leiew of making the face of the bonnrable gentleman a familier oue at every fireaide in tha Daminion. It is printed on ai aheet 18x9~4 inches and je pronnuuceara admirable likenese of Mir. Liurier. Any readur Of the STÂTESMAN rnay <ibtan a eopy by sanding addresi aud six cen.ainu etamps to the Montresl Herald Co., 603 Cs'aig St. Montre-%], Que. If yon tirant a suit or an overcoat that will suit yor. in every wsy leave your Or- dur et Couch, Johuston & Cry.derman'a. Mi. A. James je agent for the following popular teamship liues-Mllan, Allan- Strate, Dýominions, American (formerly the ltrme-n), Auchor. snd Hamburg Amricau Peecket Co. Ail information about rktes sud sailinigs eau be had on application et the STA&TCSM,&N office, Bowmanville, porsonally or b>' lutteýr. NtIres or 1Ilteis, 25 rcclité; llsrriesg. ri,! rels; thasChs. à5. cent. . eahInsertion -luft ItE 4Iii' <ItALGR, whs.n the t'userai eiedl ases. orinteel at thi.> ecle QiYiNLýAN-lu Dar.ington, Nov. lst. the wife of Ms'. Thoo, QQituls. or a dmu>çhtes'. Scorr-Oa whij by Tovu LUus. I>srlington. Nov. 18. tha wifn o! Mr. Jae. SeuIl, of a son. SLUTE-BÂTTLE -la riow risuvit'.. Nov. Sth, hy 11.v. Wm. Jouliffe. Mr' H. 8lute and Miua Eliya Battie. both of Darilngtoru. ELLIT'-0gaR-At the iesidence of th'- brd', atba jr, 17c Bloor St*. east, Nov. Il. by h.- e.Wm- .Bxii<gff D. D.. assisteci by 11ev. ..V. S i i. n, 1), John E. Elliotî.M. 1)., or On t' ln 8; - . yd Em i y LouiaeOrs', onl1y dau gh , c ra ot 1r.'rn, Il. Ors', manager of lhe IErus Lie I,.rn Cmay DIED. WCic~-Nv. l6t tereidt no0fhs'4o0 A. H. Weicfh, 47 Br'-clt Avenue T>'rrîtio. Mre. Ma1ry .Annu WeJ1,. e 8y9arz sud 10 otisý,j b-garesidient oî Toroto ovor 5 3 lesa,; MILL -l Mauers Nîv j.Martiha. wire o0f SImou Miii, ,aged 70 ye4sut MlcHlo'LL-Iu Seu<bog. Nov. 9, Ms'. flugi Me. H ni s ged 75 yeas'e Goyyj,- TuDarliugton. at the residleua o hile Bon-jn-Ietw. Mr. Jaoli17. 9w t9Ni 1 tiargareù 1Rîoer-iGayne,, ele& of tha Ist-i John Goyne, affed 78 yeari. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS- f es'rectesl by. .neiius'twy, cvery i ueday FLoTTE, e 100 Ibn ........1i 50 te $2 00 WHIIÂT, FaIl, P buah. O .0 ()0 O 62 l. Ruasian, s.....00,O 06CA te (JrOoot, 0 01) 0 O55 fi Colorado ... 000 f, O 57 White Fife, o.....O0 0 rl 062 Rd il fi.......0O0O) ofO065 tHÂfLzT, P bush, No. 1.. .. O0O 0 O 40 o , '2X.. 0 00,,035i, - r2.... 0O0 ,03o q# .ff Twtr-rowud 0 O IfO rO3 OÂr'S, whi,-........... .()00,0 28, fi mixed ..... O..0 00r.0O27 .000' 0 4 Brcwet'bs......0 00 I, 043 PrA, lilaokeya, V, ......O0 0 i, O 62 'f Muuimy ;à 0Oa ilr,058 'S mai!, 'il O 0 0 iO055 seBlue, 41 0 O65 If 0 70 Burnuz, boat table, VI lh... 0 00 ., 0 20 CuîicKErq, flb ..........O 0t>8 fr,0O(6q 'Eo, P doz ............. 000 '0 18 POv.TToEs, P bush- ---- 25 *0 30 HAY. VI ton-............6 (fi) .7 (00 AL. S. TILEM > C. M. M EMBER OF' COLLEGE 01 F ePHy-iciÂOs sud Surgeons, >sitss'o. O.U li .'5St. Wrsi door wotit ut Ontario fRsnk. Rusideuce. Chris'h S. -Rýh ëduos' ým-o!,leîo-At hte> Cali i t iclcrrd's Optical Parlor sud have yoor Eyo ýS!ght tes ed. fre uf charge. TN B16KARID, WsVitch. makor. Jelwer sud Optialsa, *iad' oo. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1893, The Undetsslned will noe<tvo edrr sUPPli es up Io noon on MONDAY, NOV'R 2t,1 Por tire eupe!y et rgits'hers' mentut, er(', rCar, @same>x. ro*.&&joes, t'er!wo.4, ec,, Fori ho follo.aIng institutions du'- ïL tag tuETsr 1894 v z:-Ae tihe Asylume for r(lie I!neu* l Toronto. London, K>n so.Hmîlton. tnn, and Orillis; thre anri rsn sd >Leme Reformary. Toronto; ticefteformutory 'for Boys, Penetasgul.heu,ý: tii-r i'nes fqr tLJ.> Des!f and Oum b. aud tie Blind las Brntfonl the due filmatnnt or 05cm conersot. rpeclçe- n ns ud forme of tender ca-n Gnty bo lied CO applination to tha Burrare etthle rsety 108(tu 0119,re N. B ý-Tendenrsa r nul roItilred for rie sin-~ ry of e esa tho wea.yuunm, 1 ut,>no- UhInýttanL. Hanîittfa sud MMImloo. nos' CO ttLc Ces tu-si Prlin sud Ioo'mîsfor Fmbp Toronto. Che lowest or ariy te:ider Dot easry. cepred. pCI1TE 'T F. UAM RtA , JMSNOXOr4, Iuspectors 0f Prisons and Puiblie Ciaritiera. Psenl±smnt Buildin,.Toroutu, N 'v TEE M111&1A0ION BUSINESS AND SHORTRAN'f -- COLLEGE, l Corner Yonge & Colltge Stre,, Toýronto 'Canadi, S snad; ru the very front rsnk as a i#t- rugh sudpractîc llBsinessfim i~ ê Ilo,àkk eping, Bauinig, hnh rypew' itisg, Pnmna ip, Eugii u% Telegrapli Dupat- rts, op2il entinu ý Àï Teachertt, Apartmeuta, Equrpaim àI I.ocsýt en tte vrry best, Fetoc edoxat. -Enlt.-r now, Gîrculane freas. R. D. NI >4M0(3, JýAS. ARS B GARIS FORSEVO-To - "dersigxied h ýs for servies> on lotS. eon, 1). ringtonu Ian pirved VhGa r ed L3orýI ýBoas', esb'o a thoro' brpd Yoi'-lchfr., WliIs.. BuaR. M ere1.TCL>USC Woux3v, Trûs S a-ask k Candi ib larS ie ouret Mrie Msxrgale1 (Il OAT RUG LOST.-On Friday, Oct. Jý 27 ID or ne..r B wumievWle, betweeii Horseýv S.and the Y F iesisgray goat ruL w'~h ~rk iwng.Fiider piersE) lcavOfn4 brick house un Cburch etreet latelJy ùccupîed by C'pt Cr.wfotd. Terme moderate. Apply to A. YOUNIE~. or T. BINGHAM. Bow. IL7'A% , % TO lIEN F fi- s term ot years. ' AV 1hat dv..erste farin. birthe souath j14 ücreý of ot N,tn4,,rl6 lu t he third . m0ttf h T ewnship of D triissgrý)u. ieopr party ot I4r. E. G Pturk of OmbIlod Se artiu eau buý hd by jjp,y iu) tot>)*5J 5sim È'b. Barristes', etc., Bu)w.n&uvýide. 36-t! OUR 1%ýýwTM A is comintge RICKARD IS HEIR E AND POING A TFIRST PGLASS TRAD E. B-le selis the iCS/ Watches at abolit onle t1hird of' tb(h È-prices you, have foi mierly paid for them and fuilly gii'-ur C-anteed. Also selis iRings, Chains, Silverware ard àll A-Jewelry alafadts tha.n lhalE th,,i r focmzner U -pricesý s- E-Keeps no0 iiubbi3lî and thugs 53115 none. In Spectacles you cin jN yôu eas ,r suit~3cid where. Nuone likes to loosae înoy b'st yo)u wil l ]Ose if yolu buy elsewhefre asRikd' is one wiîo <an and wil IVO, you satisfa2,tion.