EOVER 45)000 bNOW IN USE IN CANADA. ObNOIMt.i Goundensud from fthe Newv.,j J.109Heuiry is improvin-1 bis residence. Di2trict 'Divisio)n S, cf T. menets bocre Ifsick baacaid misery, %That are Carter'. Littie Liver Pilla if- they wil positively cuire it7 Perple who havoie used them sepiek frankly of their Wo)rthi. They t1re ama,1 nd ea,%y to take. H~yBowen la 8sikilaWinntipeg w itb F )-or, tndMr. Jasper scot'ahi auiion s ilo on Thursday, 'Nov. . Th a4est <"cat-boil" ioi lrge erno ()ug'i tsho)w thalt he bloodned prfig awrirwhich,if uuheeded, i-aay result, flt in more boils, but in somethirig very m'ich worre. Avert the daneoAr in time hy the ue-n of Aver's Sarsiparflia, Cured others, will cure yon. Màra. Rich. Thornton, Girdenihill, was ihonfrom her bugey aend badly injur. i - j Mr&. A, Leigh wa3 in Belleville asat -~ ~ eek tr'dinR the funeral of ber hrcilier AJanes Kyle, who died in Detroit. f Tiaru ÂME s LEGioN-There is nn AND VEIY OE GVIN SOII) OMFRT ND CONMY acktf eo-eglled curta for <he commnn -3VEY OE GVINGSOLD CMFOT AN) EONOY.alimont known as corna. The vezetable, Th ciI ;-Py THiouOHT" range is differeftly constructod to tny other. animal, and minerai klngdomns have bpeni Iibasben manufactured for the pa4t twelve years, and is the saine ram sacked for cures, t is as nple matt- ;win oscin as at tirst, leiL k the ouly range that has stteadily Pr to remove cerna wit-hotit pain, foýr if K i ouaiyfrscl eghc re Hundrods of other yen will go to any druggist or niedicine ;po~iv icas" c ryforre hvecoranen pahedof to emmbrsd dealer and buy a bottie of Pulnam'a pain ,îý',w de-s" )f rme4 hve ameand assd, nlyto b -,raebom asles. Corn Ext!actor and aitilv it as direct-' Ltâiures. -Thje "lappy Thought" range wilI positively humn niglit and ed the thing is done. Get Putnama's and saii e a a self.feeder. The flues are se constructed that it will nco sher. on the whople six hdoces at the sainetimes with, the fire box oniy haîf fuo cioal. Recent viitors: Mrs. Brad'ey,Kar sas, it (à the only range made with the transparent oven door, through which you c'a at Mr. R. Hughson's; Miss Melita Mo, Vléw the ýfilod cookiD2 withont opening the oven deor. men t of WVktiby Ladies Coilege, home: ho blý and parler stoveo. with and without ovens, single and Mnr snd Mis. W. Wilson, Bellevili'; Mrs. acd "RaDENaT HOMbenE" double heater. have been manuractured for the Peat Iwenty C~ .BwaDnds tD cn- d wçearay be in the lead. SolS only ai .BwaDnaa .MCl J~J ) S A L L' Bow anile- oc's Mr. CQ B. Lockhart, Victoria. B. B-mavil .; Mr P. Connel, Toronto-, Miss Kçittie _______________________________________________Morrow of Erin at Mr. J. Watscni's; Misa Mary J. Watson, home. 49 I ffâ MI A Ià I v~rrfr i r NAILLO As I have decided- to quit the -Stationery business, Il offer the whole of my, stock a.+ prices that wil astonîsh y ou. If you want cheap bargainis give us a caju. E. P. KENNER. .PflIE HEIA.ILTO \1 SPECTATOR. lîub)scribo fur '-ý4nada'& bepit family pis- 'rv the Hlamilion WEEKLY SPEoTATOI, v qrgd impr-oî'. Oont-.int al the tnets, maiy tipcîal feattres, (rifp and ïeinted c,mmoent@, the mr-st entertining etcies@, the cheiceFt literary matter, eveinTythinR for everybody. T.his groat paper front no w tilt ihe le' CF n~r,1"5-12 pages reýdng mat- te~weely-ndour groat preminni pic tnx, "atolngthe %Vieela go Rund" for only $1I 00. Liberal comi8ioîn to aet.A !,'o0 -aetfor ttia idistriect milntea atone otWho wil takea an inîe,eit iii pu3hiugl th ppar a: 'l wlI mak1e w thiorough can vaa oef hi& district, For t un"mF and particulA-s address the fipctrorPuLshigCo'y., Hamitom, (Dur Forty Ininortab . b.P7L~WITII V!ONFV 1PRlZE1S. Sias Came froin Toronto. ASHLAND, W14., NOV. 20.-MrS. GEO, Reauv, cf 2111 East Thïrd Street, has bee i pbr ealh or om yer~ le- eneraetic disposition made inmalid iam du-ubly irksonie to bier, ro she sought f ar, pind wide for a remedy that would mako hr weil a2ain' lier effinrts weort unavail- ing until ahe began using Dedd's Kîdney1 Pilla Now she i. on the high road fio health ai;d attributes the resuit to th- use vf these pilla. Eeery day makeaiL more apparent that inau y (,fthilso whlch wornem are subj ýct are due to imi pair.-d action of tI>, kidneys, if noL to actual diseage cfth organo. The repu- tatlîmn of D-îdd'i4 KidnËy Pilla as the ugretest u'peciflu. in ail disorders of the kîdoeys ia now irrevicably establishied,go that all ufotunnate victims oJ kidney disease may use them ih the utrncat cîtfidencc. Ih may be cf interce tot staite thet Mrs., Reaniy ta an olId Toronto- i n. STA REVILLg . TRIE AMERlO AN AGRICtJL-. Mr, Wm. Billagh hadl a sale of stand. TURIST. irg timiner Wednegday. . .. Misa Faro TURIST.cf Guelph has beeni visiting Mn. Sylvestr Ho owel... .r.Tho,%. Simpson iq iii, H1aving a farm, a gardon, a village lot, with infi ,mmation. ... Mr. R'>bt Sharpt, a home in the city or village or coutàtry, han been re-appoicted post master _at or expecting to have one, it will py you Starkville. weil tii secnre the invaînabie heip, the best information and thou.saud& of -pian practicAi, useful hints and singae-tbous in the AmEiè? -aAenîtCrVIUnIST. .ah Pr.-. was cured of painful Gottro ty pared by th'îroughly empenîenced, neli gent men, who kno w we!l what hy akmINALID'S LINIMENT. and write about. Chatham, Ont. Bx'Ânn MCMULULN.ý Ninohunredengrviîgs n o o 1 -t RB curcd (À inflammation by umne, bring clearly to the under1taning MNR' IIET a great variet>' of labor-savingy, labîýr-MNR IIET Shelping plana, sud contrivances, hilustra- Ws1lh Ont. Mns. WJoNr . tiens tif animal; p!ats, bi'dingi, lrbious a ue ff-ilnuegab hold helIeansd convenànces, pleaeing MIa8cRed' LINIEalNT. wIiab pictures for o!d sud ycu:toc-, ttc. 'MNR' IIET Ilt .imb si for anyene to consui Parkdsie, Ont. J. H. BEiLFEY. these Pageaswahct ateriUg min>' hmts ard suggestionsr, eachoeof whidh ie worth many tstLa 1he amti est o? titist Journal for a whole yer-ul $.50 Aotthe short arties that w l ap- poampaifi. Sample c py free on applici lptr n itht Novemuber number of the tion. Clubbed at $2 Wiîh TirE ST XE- -th American Rtiviéww ~il ho"The mAN. Address, Th e American Ag ion)0 Wobh ini Polit.ics," by John E. Owens; tîit, 52 snd 54 Lafayette Platce, New "E'&gs Etcetera, ln ConRress," b>'Eras- York, N. Y.- tus- Wiman, "A Tempting Thoory ln Practia," by Be2aie B. Croffutt, and - .."Tho Dacli ~ n f EWelou,.ticism " b t-<iy~ ~W ht tCanadiens Uan Do. WIZLEEE IIEY EXCEL IN ADVENTURE, <~'I N SIýjeý:-TELtIG. rOETRYANDi t We taýke p1astire in dinecting the at- t-ntion of oi, readera te TonesîTo S.v -~ ~XUEDAY N1GHITs CIIRxSraus NumllEn, ~1~ Thts yearly publication hais for years ~ y heen the spi c al tndy cf the pubtishens, and bas rio w roacheti s state cf excellence a ihurj15s ben ake Ia wiîch realy givos it a monoply cf the ÂWEL atvvc uihras te akdbya round over c!I chen publications. Thse i 'vo ewvYork pmutblrhng hbnseete write a'9 0,abut ho Fety Anserican Immortas. 1 pnmium picture tht. year la an cleograh i8 auho idiiis te unSertake the ourc. 228inchea, which will ho foun<d pested ia1tg1n. u ho ees not know who the fery -th,&bnofewagtsia wc1y .muiasare who. by Seeds or wonk, hrýve isop fnesaensiane eo~sfmnleedtheumselves as Sesenvediy te and which xnay be lift f0 speak for itseif. gà veý woun ltc onny highest places i le iscan 1 Vhat we shah eali special attention me ti istnry, Se ho aip) + te ho judèrment cf the ïzkaiist and ï, ii 0e et he Round Table. wvhc in the litorary featorea of this CJhristmas - hl oc QNADLtzN ZTATESMN, and AfraS publication. Mr. . L. Shaw, a Canad- êhe& inpa;ymient for ,sEan jmrgment. a $50.a a,-vsw theer Rno iem $i a5, sud fiine $1, iii primas tothe îwelve 5lgie hthoersRaom o. to ,ýerid lista8 be"arg ,'ho greateat numnber of iniscetaces et the Nile expedition in 1884, th~<otymime tanrecd-,vo he highest nuni. when an attempt was made o reame totvotes li hie Connteat jrafiludc olyntiveonrnaturalizsS cicizen3 of ChinmseGordon sud 'bis garnison aet Pthj Unired St -s. mon on women, whoee carý Khartoum. Mr. Shaw wau a brave voy o be ave been comnpleted Or death. The ae n i con fd rpi h oe is o L cea Le .au whe baye nt passeS hein lX,anhiacon ftetpistr efgheesihb rtiday. Ir yon have net and are mont hilaricus piece cf reading uao could i mniben or thei OrSon mentiontd, applyimgn. Fu nro Ceain e ïIAtrIEES YOUSe Pxic rni tna mem berahitp tittitcst. pplcatonmay ho sont with your teck part te that pontonus oxpedttion, anti liai. Thboereu e e ntrance or othen tee@. Mr. Shaw picturce the trip in jolI>' Wite t &i Res ce beloir anothen. nuritt od. ?oote gm t h.Chit tmcaise,-cutavely. anS place yeur fultametid.Vnohr eso hsCrs aihdre.ai top cf saule. net a ifrernt tuast number are: Two Old Hunters, b>' eht Ma l, is not lnter han January I. Octave Thanet;, Old Dîckson'a Yoong k8StLGt isrtsYOUNG PEOPLE, IiFranklin b1,quflie. New ïorin. and put ho word, R.)und Lady, by Eqelyn Dcrand; The Exodus T1able Ea i nho-bwer ïefr, hand crner of ihe ent. "f Cetrevilli% by Marjery McMuty; vetam. t ho head ett ite liai of came, place The Reuin's Lenue by 1Helen Greg rir- î. t04jure G-guoOSie. eýThe amnes <bat recalve uuIihetnmaur of voies and theretfore the Fleshier; With Munder lu Ilita Heant, b>' ier.ic <e.wlIl b publi#hed. wiLh ames eoftho E. E. Shoppard. Poonis âro contibutud tctîften prizo wnner-4-îhose wbo vote nean. clthia li-in Eas etirîy issue as possible altuer by 'E. Pauhine Johnson, C. m. Rincera, thoe i),<o ntoart on <ho date named. E, Hawthorne, Wheeier, Beems, Moffatt and thers. We tnongiy recommeud A Yar7d, cf ansossd car New 1.ren,- our neadoýra to buy ilais Onumber, as the iiamjPoctn for 25e. comibines benuty sud1 picture atone i3 ot tn times tihecocat lbigl vattl.ac za foýr tltetu- 3tauîps taken -50 centM. John H. R,>ymend. Wcnrtbington's Magazue f]or November fuit>' susteini the reputation gained by1 pret ions numberê. In the competii for prîpuir favcr this a apezine hoid aa I edinz place, being tright, fresh asrcd emîj -Iab!e in ever>' dotait cf its msiee.-p Nothing botter, cltaner, more vwholesome.t and helpf il in tope for tho generat revd- ing çf the famiiy from Our casternto oun fan western coast could have brc on devis ed than this bruilant young rmýn h'y, which is so rapidly ext indin.g it insipir- (ting influence. A. D. Wort'hingtôn A& Co., Hlartfcrd, Coan. The Christmas number cf Fnauk ,La lie's Popular monthly (for December, 1893), is out, hright and oamy, with a richl>' iltuminated cover1 appropriato te the sesson, and a daitty colored front. iapieoe entted "Christms laye Oýden Time?' The entîre numbor i.notableUfr ias artistie beauty, a. well as for the a'». tractiveness and seasonabiiity cf its liter. amy contents. Amnoug the chief illnstrat- ed articles ma>'ho men tioined, 'çmistoms of Christmna8tide," by Mary Titcomb; To Jerusaleni by Rail, by George C. finri but; The B.leas'ic Islanids, b>' Charles Edwardes. 'Tîmere are aise short atonies, sketches, pooma, etc., by R'bntLoi Stevenson, Norman Gale, Chrts 1l Onandali, Margaret Seymore H all, r A Denison, Ethel Leitner, Cal- d mard Barns, W. C.. Camipbell, Nora Rinsb-.y Marbie, Virginia R. Coxe, and Send VOun nlamo and adân uapp po-la),t ai card to TMF, WEEKLY Nzs, îcgton, Ont,, and yen will roceive The Kîngancai Weekiy News unitil fJqury' next froc cf charge, j --114- GET YOUR PICTURE TAKEN. We have added to our stock 'fidintru- monta a vtry fine Hakeye hand tamera picle parties, resaùl,-ncea,' or aimais nt sihort notice. XVo will go into the coun. i ry if deý-ired. We alto take photi-s of cenîeteryplots3 at very Iow pricets, Drop ini and hiave 0ome good cabinets takeu of iyonruie!f at the we!ll known gallery. TAIT, C. Market Square, Bowmauville. 23 WVill be fnund an excellent remedv f(,r uick headache. Ca ter'd Lti Liver Pills. Thouands of letters, from people who have used thora prove this faci. Try them, Levers of a 2ood cup of coffee wil get the sî.me at Cawker & Tait's, the general grocers, Bowmaanville. Mfinard'â Liniment cures LaG-ippe. AUCTION SALES. TiUEPDAY NOV. 30--Mr. Garper Scott, lot 20, co i. 3, Ciirke, will èell his Ex terive and vduable faýrm stock, maci in-ry. impienients, hay. oe, including threshing michine aod- bo"-s,,power. Masseyijo harvtster, Maxwell harvester, and Toronto mower. He hns nome good cows, aheep and pigs. Seo larg~e pûaters. Sale at 1 p m. sharp L. A. W. TOLE, auction cor. SCROFULA 12 YEARS AiwayaSoie.Face Burned lke Fire. Ashaused te be scen. Four Doctors bmut Litiec Benofit. CU-red by CutCeura. aemy face v-as -i .r -tlk 711,r m- " y9 k'. ofeautIL Lbor1 bil t W ria sr ; ' )îk iruigttn nt ho ires. fe 1vul ýîIh,1wo e oered'%vi abig. r . ,.I ovr i," e adtfce1.0at. r -----' Dld ry;h iad scin glVa 1 bae -n lio lite Ie n sorfeaiso e thCUiCUUAi 1-pea.isd11.i '111y 1<nle MCt T ta it.loE ùî~s. did ty ttue, su Sr, gLatbvedu <o. ýV Gif osyianWcilia.O, amil lue, Ps. Purifier internally te cteaîise the blocd cf al imporitica and 1oisonous ecects, and CUTI- 1t vRA, te ereat ski" ecure -WihCrTCT7RSOAP, an, oxquisite Skmn Purifier sud Beautifier, ex- ternal (te dean tho skiu aud scalp and restore tfie bain), cune every disese and ibneor cf rihe skin, scalp anSdblcS, ttbloss cf bain, frein imfancy to age, fnonpimples to acrofuta, wlîen the best phy siciaca, acd ail otherz remedies fait. Bod tbrcng bout thle wonld. ri- e, CUTI-nCmA, 75C.; SOAr, eta.; flEsLvFOrtiTde' Vut uj ÂŽDCfzt.Ctu. Sole l'rcprea1'rO, Boston. 110n'w t uCre 'klo fisaesce" mitld free. PIMLES, lla4kbc-mis, nid, rough, chappW ando olIy akin cmýncd by CUTIIà OAPit. In one :l1nute tOin Cten Anti- Pain Yîlsatgettoesheuinatiîc, sut- Vainsa.mt ~ Iru-e. 2t!k. BOY'S SUT-r-g The best lot we ever had, They wiil be zaoId at regu- lar wholesale price. You carn't beat these--seE) them. Our Stock of OVERCO A.TS is very complete. A new lot of BOOTS and SHOES---very choice linee. TUIE CENTIRAL CLOTHTIN>G QSTýORE. Manager, DO0 YOU BUY CAREFULLY PO YOY lKNOW THE VALUE0F 1MONEY Do you wanit to -et the m3.St for the mnoy 3you lay out? If you have0 not been i'i the habit of dealing with uis you bhave beeu making a inistake. blost people have proved to their satisfaction thut it is to their advanta~e tu deal with us. If you, are one of the odd mnes who bave not found thii out it is time you did. Dont ho obstinaite. Listen te reason. We have the, Iargest stock làj town to select trom Our expmnses are lov whieh enables us to e ouýt sinalt profit. We buy for cash, direct froin the tanufacturers' where possible, and so our prices are lower, qualityý considered. -Dress goods, ail the latest styles and materiale We are and will con.. tinue to bc headquarters for fa>lhionable goods. Oustomn supplie4 with faihion sheets each monthfre Ladieg' and Children's Coats, German inade, fit beautifully. Price very low, eonsiIering qua:îty. Tjnderwear, L-idies' and Gecnts. The bs value ever shown in Bowý inanville. Give us a eall- -we were nover in a better position to suit you in CI1 clas-ses of goods iu our Line., JOHN J. MASONk. Dry Gonods and jecwelry 171U0 FLIRSM N'%othing like the Furs at MI Mayerýs Fur Store, where you can find the arg- est, and bebt selected stock in the coun'. ty, composed of ROBES, COA.TS, JACKETS, CAPES, COLLARS and CAPS ,c'X all, escription and size and lie is de- I erined to seil as cheap as th.e cheap- est fLor cash. Also a large and wvefl selected stock in Gents' Furnishings, Shirts, Underwear, Ties,2r28 No trouble te show goods, so corne and bruig yotur fri ends lwith you. -Alt kiîtds of furs altered and repaircd. IPRACTICAL FURRIER, BoWMÂ3iA, .LL-. We charge 10 contsa lino f or &It niotices R FRS of Auniverparios, Concerts, Lecturea, and l' f 15ces onC' sntertainmente, for wlîich ne printing has tawnahlnp ornHstnWl been, icriBi. ie hoordered et this office, 16 on thse S ae a, wa stRdion 2 mils fo when an admission tee isi charged or col- fron <hoe choo ioes. lection faken. The seiie charge iseruade main barn 95K36 ftp loaDi, altegethner cao for albasinieas notices appearingitg smeng ontho Lakne Shore, N news items. Cornespoudetîts wilit kindty ý 10 acres of woOd, 75 ac s8tate thi. te all applucants for snach notices i 5dOet erma eýy and wheaever possible forwand theO Gsha,,v.onprc aMount with the notiec n to ewe the accoui is to ho nt No competinr Miirnl'a Liniment '-;tho eatElhiion and Co. acres aituated In the M2ctPI undo A Received on- ThursdIay Nov. 9, 1893, T. GEO. MASON, FURSJ FURSI