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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1893, p. 2

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I HOUSEHIOLD. There's Nthing ST DOE8 AWAY WITH BOILN BACKACHES SORE lIAEDS Day SuRiiglit TRYmIsn REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN' ESTABLI8IIED 1851 ?-1 pur anuum Lu advau3ce, otherwise $51.0 Subecriptione always payable as cu ilefla if ,publication. Advertising rates unimse by osei ýaau 10 cents per lino, neaiprie i .drs5 inaarb on J a 5 ents psr line each subsuqusos iu- eru.Locale, 10 cents par lice, M. A. JAMES, Publisher OF CANADA. This Bank is pruparod to do Legiti- mate Banking in ail its branches. A flresmakers Dîlemma. (Foundcd TJpou Fact.) I'm but a simple dresmaker lu quiSe a humble war, Who tries te do her duty and would nover dis- ubey A plain commandment givun in the Scripturus uieamec. For 1 road my Bible every night f reim al! -past nine tu tua. Now Uncle 'Jim wbe preachus lu the chapul uver there, And knuws his Bible backwards (though V've also heard hlmswuar>, Came ia tu me tise other nighî and eolemnlY 8" t down, And said: "Maia, lut me see your lest anfie- isbod guwn."' Iknew behated fashions, but 1 humblybrolsght the dress; He teck tbe leuves, examlnedltbem, and crieS la srhsmpb: 'Yes, I fuared as much; your style Lu gowns has gone from bail te worsu, Until et last you'vu bronght yourself beneath the prossisute e!" 1 lookud in blank amazemeut atmy unele ; was bue mad? VW bat couudie hu Sd sua avful lu a simple siseul- der-pad? This year. 'suce fushion willlcd that ladies shoulders shocldbu high, We had te pad the dresses- Paris was ta blamu, net I. HIe teck nsy Bible frum tbe shelf before my weaduring uyus, nSfoumd tihe tlirîeauth elsipter o! Ezekiei's prophecies, AnS ':Read,'" sald bue. "the eighteunth verse, 'Tbus saith the LoruiGeS. Wuu To th' women ibat sew plllows teail arm- Soles i' . . . . Is it sol" The iverds wuro tboeuas clear as day. " And ,.Jsew," saiS Unle Jlm, Jut eboosu betwuen the prophts curse and fagblon's latest whim ; 'Tis yen Ezekiel ilad li mind, te yen the Lord saith 'Woe!' If in your dresses frem bis ime another pad yuu ouw." Thus saying ho departud, and I turneS the l'latter ouer. AnS af te'- Slf an heur fuit nu wlser tIen be- fore; At last I thouucht Id ven Lure fortS teacse My troubleS sIinS, And ask o îr lmarneS Reter, whe le always very kind. I fouind hlm biL hs study, and in listing te My thought lie laughed a littho, thougli I could net se his face. And tbun hu epened certain bocks, and certain foot-notes ruaS. 'Tle aumiorized translation L e nt quite cou- rect," lbu saiS. The word tr anslated 'armhonles' should bc 'elbuws,' or lndeud, As sonma weuld hs-ve it, 'fSugcr.joints-tho bocks are net agrued. The 'pilliows,' as ht secnss, wurc charme, or else weru made te nase The women's elbows as tbuy prayed-Iike cush- ions for the kueus. Ia any case, yeu neS net fear; the prophet dons net dream 0f nineteu'sth-century fashions, howso'er gis- tu-que 'hey serin. I'm gluS yen caineteasec sme, and yaur nnc'e,I deciare. Fer exegosis enitu e, s 1e S siai la the course o! the trial t came ont thatE the boy bad been, as eue may say, living uponthese miserable haiPdimfe-n6ves witii - which e certain part o! the market is flood- ed. These bail been his oniy mental food,1 sud witis these hee bad appareutiy gorgeS bimsenf to an exteut that would have been reinous to a fer strouger mental digestive1 apparatua. then such a boy as he could biei expected to possees. Few parents reilize the character'of this class of literature or isnow how persistent- ly it is thrnst upon the notice of the young. Not content with exposiug if upors uews- stands Lu eievated railwey stations anS ou the siduwaiks, methods are used to force t upon the oSttention of the young,methods te which the efforts of tract Sistributors are weak indeud. HanShilîs and broadsidos are distributed by the qùantity from house to boeuse is the more thicisiy pi)pulated dis- trints. Tbese bandbilis cuntains a por- tionaof the most thrilling ehapter of onue of these noveis, witb a notice aS the bottom telliig where the whule bok may be bougbt for five cents. A well-knuwn missienary lun New Yorkiseays that she bas gathered up by the armful, Lu the hallwaye *o! tenements, tbis propaganda literature, if it may be sa calied-these hendbiiis aud broadsides, of wbich the deliburate purpuse is to poision the moral life of the young peuple mte whose bauds is may f ail. These shoots are eageriy read by the cbiidren o! tenemets, their contents are re voived over s nd over in the mmnd until the niouey s obtaîned-nu difficuit matter in the iavish life o! our cities--for tbe purchase o! ihe -books o! wbicb they are a epeeimen. The books are readl over anu iroer, passed from baud Su baud, exchenged among the chil- dren of the public schouls, anS thus fiud a readiug by chidren cf the more carefuily nurtured class, cbildren wbose parents fondiy suppose that their ruading is onlv o! ,j the vesy besS. The berm Shat this literature dues is bu- yossd cacuation.Ne always, of course, > La the case cf youug Fai, the boy murdurer, but the springs cf buudreds of chiidreu'e y mnodaeupoisuned by thom n snoubhaway as te sap mural purpoe, ru weken tihe power of tise wili,and to lot Sewn sue whule nature to e lower place. The danger te the y manhood anS womanhuod cf the next sies- j eration is by nu means te be underestimat- ed. This fitn,because it burrows underground is net the leso destructive. r- TPe only way cf fightsnig fire is witis firu -wu must drive eut bail literature with ogood. AnS the gond must aise bu such as the bidren will read. Abovu all,wu shuuid loouei vli tu tihe ways cf our uwn lbouse. holdo, anS miale su-re that or own cildren Oare eut beiug poisoed by tbis purnicioss stuff. The uuiy safeguird is sch a habit o! perfect confidence btweeu parents anS chiidreu ibat nu bouis wll ho read mu su- cret, nor any subject alioxzed fis the child's mind tîsat b net shareS with uts parents- American Mussunger. eggs, add the yallts of two. Have the pie dish iined with paste and pour the mix ture lisit Bke tICÉ-aa-du sardpib ni il tbiek, but do nlot allow it te whey. iBeat the whites of the eggs to a stiff front with a heaping tabiespoonful of sugar, and spread over the pie as soon as it is removed from the oven then retern the pie te the ovon uutil the frosting b s tiffeued. AN ODD NUMBEP.. Every ether number is au odd number, of course, but one of the oddest of al the odd numbers is 7. 1 could not detail ail its peculiarities in the space that the editur would permit me tu occupy ; but I can oel attention to one, ot least, which is worthy t.he notice net enly of boys and girls who like to ceai with the curiositios of numbers, but of mathemnaticiaus aise. Taise any twu-fizurecl multiple of 7-that is, any numrber of two figures that is pro- duced by the multiplication of 7 by enother number-say 14, 42, 98, 35, 63, 56; multiply the left-hand number by 5, the righit-hand by 4 ; add the products, and the snm is another multiple of 7. Thus, taise 21 (a multiple of 'i): 2x5=10 4x1 4 14= 2 times 7. Taise 98, a mnultiple 9 x 545 4 x8 32 77=11 times 7. Taise 35, a multiple: 3 x5 13k a x4 20 35= 5 times 7 In the case of a multiple ot three figures, as 105, 413, 315 2 3, etc., multiply the two le! t-hand figures by 5, and add 4 times the right-hand figure. Tho sum o! the pro'lucts is a multiple of 7. Taise 833, which is a multiple of 7 83 x5 =41.5 3x4 -12 427=61 tiines 'j Taise 525, which. le a multiple: 52 x5 260 ,5x4 -20 280 = 40 timu s 7. Now here i sumoiethiug tliat you may use as au arithmeticai puzzle, while au thie sanietisme t may prom-pt yeu to louis into the properties o! numbere -a subjjeutt iat fha- buen wofuily nuglected uot ouiy by unr teachers, but by thisse who inake -aritb' metios for cr teechiers a3 wuil as for us youngstes's. Let your companion write clown a string of figres-as marny as ho pleases-arid read tbemn te you sluwly. Suppose you have asise tfur a string o! five, and suppoe e h The undersigned desire to th ank the farme rs for te +be sral notronsrc uvfenricldto ,,ii,1,-ri, of West Dzirharn ____ ~"-' ____________________ - ~ -~ S - - s' - t - ' - s' a,- ---~~ - - .-.- ,--i~----- ---s--,,-~-~~ -r"'~ - -~ ____ t Iýjsmootb. Stir t imb a cupf ni of buling appearan-ceofe!the place," says one Wl-item', fraude of the past Secade ! Were theyTardiTe'- What Oui Ohildren Read. *saer Lu a saucepan and set it on the steve. "with its greusi, i'my, stagnant water, anS committed by members0 o! our broe erbeod? few menthe ago, in a neighboring ciIy, Wbeu tbLenS ieec utrtesu maay of £baeelinge uucouth mensture Ne1nuo11e." cannot uderatand why yen shed Serem a boy was couvicted cf murder, of a murder size o! au egg and a Saspounful e! sugar nuving sluggisbly about, is diegueticg Lu And the lady was so inapressed withbhis et the theatre. It 'sas une o! the mose. nrTrirj~the moreappalicg tisat there seemed to hoe mixeS weil togather. Stir iu the lemon 'che extreme, And it willong bc reir.erbered staement thatsheforgototwatcbhim close- wretcbed performances 1 ever es. HE '-.'-REND o. euch motive for ils prpetration as would ticS and juice ; ihen wheu the mixture is by me as the meet leatheorne spot I ever îy as ho passeS the chicisen bouse-en ovor- "o;ýYS but I wis fuel enussgh 1-payý fo; L.ARGEST SAL.E ui (CANADLn. bu likely to influence even a depravedmrind. coiS enougi sase hat il mai11 notcocis tiehe eeld."-[Cdsembers'sJ'ournai. sight whicla oRe subzeqnently regretted. m ticket." G ~~mi î ersCaStorîa, THE PUIPE 0F THE lFAIR. Casoada's Big Chsuese eon Its way te LIVer. pool. Canadas maimmeth cheese was in Mon. treal lest week, and wsas v isiteS by iuterest- oS crowds, Tihe great cheese weigbs 22,000 pounds. 15 je net, o! course, expoed to the air, nor couid the emnail boy sample t with augur,gimloî or gouge. Tise moneter ise oniseSup. It reste Laan immense cirolIe o! iron, anS bas tiseappearance o! an ab. bruvieted gesomuter. The plates are rsvettud, scruwed,bound togethcr su cioely tisat net uven the flavor eau escape. There wes a crowd, there was a tappiug o! the big cylinder tisere was sufinite curiosity express. ed, but satisfaction iad te bu fouud in the legend-"'The mammoth cheuse from Can- ada," in the paluf ni deciphurmunt of the naines o! Jone amd Smith, who, on tise wey !rom Chicago soughs ea transiesst fouie by being associai cd wiih a cruation wisich hadj us citeS the admiration o! two heispheres.~ Iu a word, the gruas Canadien cheesu wes sudulousiy concuaied freim the eommn viow, nom wil the eye behold itb tilli'P is lauded as Liverpoel, svbithem' it Le bound, wheu it willniaise is bow Su Brispublic,i and seuk for homagu, pesing in ail uts cor- pulency tili the firet Saiuty lady le observeS to sudduuiy put liser handiserchie te u er uos,wien-well, Shece Le nu knuwing what its slrimate disposition vill bu. Whiat fie Needed. "Why Son't yen cali me a donisey anS lia vu deie wiih it ? You've iinted et it long euougb," bue suarled eut. It wouidn't ho quise true," ehe repiied. I suppose ait. 1 supposeo1 ave't eare long uneugb for Suat animai," bu ro- SrtedS arcasîticeiiy. "Oh, yes, yen have," se returned, suweomiy. 1 Yeu Sent neS any more cars." «' hat doI neS thun V" "More legs anS a bettur voice. "Wili yoss give mue omthing tu eat for my children ?" "Keup your cbiidrun, W bat Se 1 want e! 'cm?" No other smoking toba,-cco sems to have supplied thc universal clemand'for aCO nild, sweet sioke 1ikýetý'I " OLD CHUM." The naine is now a liousehold wordi and the faniliar package h as -be- corne a mnemberof the faily. llavea Very Rad Cough, - I Are SuffeK-ng from Lung Troubles, Have LCst Flesti throLigh Illness, Are T reatened with Consumption, \ mmrn er that th~ jLc&.'w, IS WHT YUîEQUIE

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