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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1893, p. 3

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GRA EFJLC \I.iTIN T E I'F" E uE E3E~ prayed homse to Go I by Pions mothers t 1ý takes the piace of large dîivirirodeý, wheio THE BRITISH NAVY- THE m , jETHE BBLE. stand up, tliera woufd hbc S,res that would yent fold for the last sleep the st ill haun 5 Stand, and if 1 shsiild asIe thea te give O' e siihato ococ verkIIJ DR. ~ 13 PRA E A NIU testimony of that New Eagiînd son ccnm* -as rie planning for your welfae a', ubeqe iishtrSIletsCsleic te in~~~~~shore fron t b pi tbes&tdyeirs, or you close tne eves of your miother, euThi alsl. A- wb:sling ship. My inuabler pravol me i ho bias lived in your life ever since before T ie t rtt atesi etr B'IEAKFAST-SUPPE1ý. bo eebrTh rtslbttesi etr "By a thorongh knowledge of b nla'sa 4fieve *àl For,"~T5t'Sts ~ Aohe 3he"f Gtd'E ?i bocause she wiii have clona" vision in thi e ori asU seu fteCiasain laws wbichgo-, ru t e orationsoetdfssSt, 1 - ! 'i-, s "e crdix hcnstliwhn'rsvthbomue te wic1 aile bias goto, orY' i heenyndito- altror&cn tend nutrirts 7a fà ILts aooliýts i lttii5 'ipeslyfrys~e btiu- the last ies to the chil'ssi' ~t the tins e taîi, trial un le fored draught thse fine propertie N11~eestI aa . onc*~ tsLe ' ùm" fo ,tess1 poies'ed to so ne lýflowers that pile the caekot, and 1o~e -s'r es1sw in tbe -)pinioii ot British rEps bas provî-deui 0cýr braiest tablai wit ntrinlUIlsase dirs-nn rsiiesteeeelo ofuesOf dlcctely fl-îrared baeraye wich meel' ssva BR00tLY , -NOV ov E-In tbe iasrace t n fol~r and eb ip- like loaves of %trlilfeikassl vrdd sss'stauy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ij h 1", "itoi bil 11 a, ly MIS tdssos' w r aiug efce r s sud, "'If Thosu he tise Son of in the eradie, tben the orilv religion exrt ý filid'esithIstah o r iud' ions use or Snob. a'-tioes of dbt thLS a n csfssu' -am n'eisrm sCoc'stnlhît tb eie stons bc lu ade anv'l tnuisl the riiaho e ligion or fTeCntrs y e îairte canst1turion may bis gralauslly bui, up un il ele t is1. rEtrong enough. ta resiat every tenKi8cy te frocsn a text never before pneavhaIl froin. ,breaci. " Titat wa's aprosras for 3satan the Gospeliof Jesus Christ., 1 wonli giv' the Royal Sovereign type,an i eost £12,000 you have diseace. ltedredï o? snbtie maladies are Snsec-Fe"s" o? the Bsie. The text te tbe fathor of Llitet " Ii'of cis',crednility, mosr~ ae a crisis for anc of the proie iyeta ieslfte itj.Ter r floatiig aroussi us ready In atzack wh'ms cmeswc Eous 32 2 I lounu oendpb se"f lesadn ressed je isalf a ver -e of tise ld Boo'. Sii'htiy amraller dliensians in tbe c-ntlrton there f!sa veak point, XVenma7 eoses ins' -tI chse ha ýîO 3 2 ft' fatal aat by keeping aurselves welf fo -titl> j forgive tbei'- tins--and if nobottIon the wet and slippery deck of a fisbfng than for a whohi- Iihrary ail the cns-idftiR doeîo e , with pure hiosi aai a praary nourishrd pray Thee, ont of Iby bock."e snack o? Lake G aiiee, lie saw Christ ak-productions of ail tise c'bir religics. big ofri ar twe-pnie oystad ofsxy ~rm.-Cii Servuice G,;-yto2 orel' r .utn Eo lbtngulge a sm3,ii in, on the sea as thougil it wore as soida tiens.~ Tise other religions ate a sort of ove ecUtoi, wecn, adhe roîsoerIl P ) PL J CU moitb only in puckets. by Grocars a.1ad thues cojntio hc propose, hy God's a pavemnt of basit fron the adj s ning coao o em n dee le olfshes ss iu thickness, sa thut ut cls1 JASU s 4PS CO., il ssea¶1 tet ep ohaul onu' of ire proscrit in ignifican- volioc bis, and Peter cricél ont, "hi wbfle hereaveeint und misfortnnoe do thcîr qt' rters thero wil ir bthoc ifernc hUalv e, vou tried i~is, osîsioi. Engasisicy and set non tie thton lebre it belongs, it ho Thon, lot me came oe The on wotk o n eiiul ispiration, il- in the offensiv e or defensive qnaliny oi the et - - ~"~~" _____ - a'd tisat i the conjanction "f"tise watcss." W ut a peposterous "Iii1" issinatiott, erniparadisation. It is a mix- shps Concerning the Centurion. Theyo reI? I mai Thotsgh nacle oainy two lottes s i' h Whai hunsan foot wslvrs construct- turc of sunlight und baloijah. Do non United Service Oazette, (British) says: Voref It oio MaKIns pio n ,hceverything Isunus. Ail Cime dast iiansaer ? la wbat part of arlulterato it with one drap: af the tiactre "witlt engines of the uSr, thee asm ine d vey d and ail eterany ai-o al ite disposai. W c sirr the earth rhtd law' o? gravitation make excep. of increduîity. .oya yoeeg iste pe saml it lu our utterince, we, ignore it in our ap- niais t the nie tihan a insu wilî s'nk to tise Another Bible II J?," is the Il If" of eter- par ho-st greaeor, a resait af the displace- t d a o f WEDNSDA NO. 2, îs.~ preciation, anci noise o? nis recognîze it aes elhoev- sven ie touces the vavof rieor nul significance. Solion givesd i[ Chatp po met'igP,30isrlo 4,5 os the nss tremensdosw or( i fuail tise vs t5- or lake, uni will ssak still futthut uniless ho Il If' twice in osto Sentence, vheis ha sayýý, The origines worked winis great regulaniny fO O~ ~ ~ w y bnlary~~c orasid otoowrswfbc swim ? Bren isera Pter looks out opon -If thon ho wîse, tbon sisaît se wise ai' in tho tnial,aishongh thise rt generuily is'as DE. J. C. MITCHEI., descrîbe Deiny. If! Wihy that word tise frai fa the shape o? a man uiefyiag the thyscif ; but if thon ecorniest, Ci-on alone the faster-ruaafng engins, except toward CVCn beÎÎier - [ban e 1ý TEMPER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN wo tuke "a tran.ip amcsg worde uoev ap- migbtisctiaw of the universo, the law o? sheibean it." ChreîDgives us tisai -'If" th(, clse, lac te weather an rLidIer influen- a' Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. per srna,v appearng tisere, but gravitation, and s'uuîing ereet on the top whcn hoe says "If thoi baîst Ienswn fis ces, cansesjently in developed the greator X eV Offie and lesidence. Enniskillen. 7,,bavinisgto value o? uts owiu, when it realiy o? the liquid. Yet the incrdtomion Peter niais thy day, the thinge wlsichbhe'asg nta power,0,773,e-gaiost 6,401 for the stanhoard, ~~ ÏWRKE ~~~~ bas a miliionuiredom ai words, und in hts cries out ta the Lard, IlIf it ha Thon," thy pouce, bot naw tlsey anc hid I--o frasu and tisut notwitbsteadiag that the rilsanJ.BPAET ACO ., OMNA5 train waift ail piaetary, stotlun, lunran, sole' Aas 1 for that jacredulons " If." It us Chine eyos." Pui givos us that "If widn for thoes fouraur onsly sisowed a digference and MONT-REAL, CAN. ~# RISRRSOLICITOR, &c. MOP S Io,,tïnios. Ia te otofluos ue vrking us jaerulyi the latter part nf lie says :"If tbey shalh enter loto asy rost." aI one dec -nal point, the port ruinaig10. vile petirs g Sh tree Ban nan water-tigbt, i vrilbI infant Moses ecil tisis nineteeunb Christian century as Il didl Ail those Il Ifs" and a score more that I rovohttiasse per minteue. The average total fi Riiyte iloneva oaned ut tha lows ~ rat sthel nt oad Etonk, ovf evulhv o l h si ar fts ietCrsi snfgb t io oenl p ut sv Cheit' wbolc airessusbi5ypw re inote wst13,174 bores but heT H S Istuef otaEypl ltho Red Sea bul tu'y. Though a sasali canjinction, il is thse o?' au savtoPoE Rreve.Cns' il irpesr ats toeal nhs S. C. IJNKYING net purnel for tise osccupe of anc host, and biggest block Ca.duy in the way af the fegneas ta pardon -. No "If" about Chat. jalthougli anly about a hall wbut evas aiiaw- fIC-ENSED) AUCT ION EE R FO hncts oehrfrthe submeorgenco Gospel chariot. " If ""If 1"IehaeCrist's sviliugnesc ta belp s Na "If" about ed bv coatreet, ln itigli. Still, tise isighest- th nîee smatsy2 of Duha.aes -attenus5, of a inothe oswl 'the Bouok a? Exo- theological setninaries whicb epeal most af thut. Reaims o? giory uwufinga the speeà evili only be rosornel ta in emsrgoscy. ~ hg L Jolia " te on shorest noticeand lowestrates. AdressUsus shiphtveirenCimetaul Ifptheystheireileuraiagd unIonig'eitoonsnNag "ni"iabosout:tNout.lThaboutlyhat The oplyTheosp the f esheeva e'l eeelsds'18,1noti, Lrssse P Oon wbioh Columbus sailed for, Amen ce tnoir genins lu tho manniactaring o? Il ifs." "I1f" in ail the case ssartb a moi-ont's cois- but it shareld ho montianesi tbat the conli- bail gone lown su an Atlanti c cyclone, WfCh, thut weaponry is ussailol the Pentu- sideration, f5 the "If that attaches itselî to titie of the Crfiul evere tnost bavorahiethere O F TORONTO, BOT OUNGI V. S. .-o sub ogrwaitbv ,en for teucb, anI the miracles und liviiaity ai tIse question as to wbether e wfill accept, being at the tfnso neinter evial mer sou."' ewsC INck Ther WiielT oUrHasan the liscivery o? this continent? IfJisCrs.Am vrbdy is chowing whotisor eve evil repent, whetber eve The new British wsr sbfp Bellona o? the io largely 36-pag Ilute~ ent t vvJNews iou k, fenberm. o.9p h nssif h rasisn Grouchy liaI csme wlth reittforcents ou un " If." Wheu mnany a man bows for evili beliove, wbetber e weul rfso far- Chennel eqususron evas subjectel to a dock io M nyw bdde sen at ide e. duifrem ca, top pmgit Drl hdculs intmt ieteFec h ;tr tpayor hoe puts bis kneo on at Il If." The ovet, Is it net Cime Chut ee Cake oser trial recontîy ta dletermine il un aiteratianan ades ty teiegrssph or Clophane svfhl roceivo prompt Waterloo, wbat vruld hisse ieen the door nhtongb uvbicha peaple pais iStO eternul future oil Chat sevivel ? la it la the furnace bridge evould provout the O IM- ' attention 171*yr fate o? Europe? If the Spuîsi3h Armada infiîelfty ad atbefsm unI ail immoralitPes net Ciie, Chut we oxtirpgte Chut l'Ife' boler tubes from choking. ArrangementsFO i.Aw TL, hal aoC been n-eckel off the cos, haw bias leva loorposts, unI the anc is mu le up Chat, miserabie "If," Chat bazardons svero mule for steamfng ut tbree-fif'bs- of P)i UCTINEE, AW. RASE R Ro differeot wvanl have boon many cbup- o? the latter "'asd the othor ofthe letton lllî?" We wouni a lloýv Chie ncertuinfulal power for tevelvo heurs. Before steam Only ouedallar and ilitoon A Estate Agent, Bowmuuviiie, Ontario- tors in Fnglisb isitory? If the battie of "lF." "If" te stay long lu enlythiog else of ius- bail been ap eigu' baursitevastfourni nseces-cetfoChtw nssass eae teddin euy part of Province. Hastings, ar l'he battde af Peltowa, or Thoro are aaly fout stops beteveen strong partance. Let sornleone say in regard Co s sury te draw fines, as nmistakabie signs af Cail and sec a sample copy af A 0 Tthe kantie o? Valmy, ai tise battie aI faf Ch ansd complote unolief. First, surren- nailtoau bridge, IlI bave nousous for askhng .choking ere obseivel. Up ou examina- A.A O'S IMuaiirais, or the bannie nu? Arbelu, an the dor the Ideu ai tise verbal inspirationi o? tîso if Chat bridge Ilae"us o vulno in h eriseor on oh navr The Ladies' Journal ROITOT Plans unI pciia batthe of Chalons, eacb ote o? whîcb turssed Scrsptures, und aîopt the îles Chut they cross it. Lot sneotte suy 'lI bave tessons bal condition, sotue compietely, ald the .A.i I s ro tfoeeycieel. 8piig b bal been dociedr tise evere ail geuieteiiy stipsîvised hy the Lord. Caukj hteesati Cutatt, atîr a pubictinta wil te aten i nien t by other wuy. If bhk ep a l nover be u S co nd surreoder tise ieu Chat the y evere yan, evould n t ak passage on i . et furnace pb r tie iy, a erdin n b a na o etr.ud ta salrir urrosisnets. brfote i-aa ai Huodei h-l nover ail generally superviseil hy the Lord, ald aome ans snggesn lu regard ta a property ner thut the flumes evere deiiectel frots- the The regsbar subscription prioe of "IThe Ofie:0 iGo look. Wbtbs 43 _îy Iaie' oessei anor tbfe paer isd ~2 _______ -been horn lot msusic, or ?itf au bal nover Iadopt the theory that they evere net aii,but tha yo r bn aprhs," uesnes' ensJIeallosf ruh u en ournal"tan teisr bec-s hotu for painting, or Thorwalsi bad partly, superviseil by the Lord. Tisird, ho- reasan to asIe if Chey cau give -a goal Citie," boliet neessary ta get the required steam IR. P A TE, aîl - een aro far seniptuno, or Esîtnunul liovo Chat ty are the gradual evolution O? unI you wvanld non puy a dollar lown annil pressure ere more suban suicieenît -to count- 'Gentlemen's clothesMfade te Order. Burkeblsve enhtfocoqacrtegeuIiuert a'sis ateyo bal sanie skllfu boai foîa ayr eloueto thy henefi aenved lt-ar thet slight kllulrideta Sensi yoor 1-oey a--s ddre,,e Lo tbds office, _______________________________Socrates bal nover been bora for piioso- evieloos o? Che trnes itz wlich Cbey lifse(l. examine the titie. But I ailovrel for years lefiection al tise fianes. Tise trial farnishel, T ?iV 1YDT1~îVAfl,~Ti -1, phy, or Bluekstone hesvI nover been isora for Fournth hefievo nhsetttthe Bible is a bail book a? ny ifoie sIsuoo o aeuie-i srpreeoel vdnet olr J sIV.B I A ') M I - L the ieev, or Capernieue itad nover been hotu anI s-at oniy uneeortby o? c'-edence, but ed for years ai yaur lifetinse, and'l "If' ta the use o? ferrabes fn tubes aI small diurne-, for aunronousy, or Luther lsai never bauen paraieious and lehusing and crueL Oîsiy stand to"eing up und down qIuestians o? ter unIon existing consditians. Incilsa Show- DEINT1IST. bora for tise reforunation 1 Oh, t1saf con- four steps fraus tIe a taut ?uîth fa evhicli the enornul desnîny. Oh, decide. Perhapi your el Chat tise Belliss is unable to sCeaus ut ftill juaictian "If le' Iiou much !uladpenlel martyrs liel ta the blataut caricature of ariaaoet-a sydclSrne po o oeCassxhus su h itCissstuniy e tl gratet ssun aIthethings Chan Chat have put ta flight farevor expiration of ubat tinse Cisc whohe aI ber - t 1 OF I E :ier o is ,tise iength of i, tise isneadth of it: thitu mu- 1centuri s. But the doar to ail! Chat preespi- nio"f ?ucrunytubesweould ho eliokel. rnesit ofrCh icin~y ? i, rho oaa ton und borror is rs,,de ont o? au 'l if." A few Sabbetis niglits aga,fn this citurcîs The Britishs cruiser Magicienne, one S maosore? It u nld swa ssp alytisin, but 'l'ie uotber ai unreet in nue natuls o? Clsjs i rna's pPsiî ants t ottshpei, ICs four Britise'- -ehir-preioat in the il xggiuotha~i z& Son's Drug Omnipotence. Boit1ImusC coasisea usyslt tiat 'peopole sud inlho,, evo regard eucrod sail to me: "I au a sruiner t rous -Englau,-'oobasnvlrvevfobse'ie no-day to the "Ifs" of the Btble, an-I lu do- Clisg8 us tIse "If" o? 'tcrelnlity. Ia 1879, an-d thon hoe pustiel buck hfe coat sleeve uit Halifax for a uoev three years' peniol o? 1AFELY AND suPL CRW~ GUR Q stor-e, (do-in stairs), ing so I shahl speaki oI the "'Il" o? aven- in Scatiend, I saev a lette-.,e isicisbl becu und ssiI: "Do yoo soc Cluat sean on My service on the Britiesh Nsortht Arericun and il pouverfng eunneetnes, tise "Il" o? incredui- i evnfttou rnan'r y ours ugo by Thomuas Carlyle urin I» saI:. "Yos. Yeti must bave WesC Indies station. Tise Magicienneba hinyN' tie"l'u.lta, ± h" ?as ta Thomsas Chaius. Carlyle, ut the Cime ha4 "au aevfre evounl Chero sartie Cime." Ho s aoev set of aficere and a oew ccoev. 11cr ___________ meuatio, te '~i aietenal ignîeas of o? evîng the- ietter, was a yostg as~n. T'he saiI: "Xnos: in nearly cost me sy life. I prescrit cosmmander is Cupt. A. C. Clartke. orMrsn i~ee"f"u aic oesttO vsnnt ophiie until aftr vras fa a usine in Englessî, six hîsadrel foot The Magicienne evus necosunmissionel ut ýs M 7bEPRESENTS the Feleral1e s in tle Cimre tisai uay ho reasanabiy alilottel tise clethof Carlyle. Ihis leat he-ving talkon underground, unI three miles fous Chue Portsouth, E nglaul. soolatian;U As- tis Lenaituai Lnc di-course. î plaeUhe lettes otugis ta bopublished. Itevas lutoCicmnnIarkbelum, The Britishs hatIe sisip -oe ievse - - .~ r su sbire omcia Uion , tse odnaLancePus, Ffste p ? oervngn ouruest. a le'ter in evire T'homas Carlyle expresses cohaf lovlnrn offîtheocknedaeviairockstrude oer yo ug th Ferri s 'r'u a s lr husaunc Ce,, nI iseSio Blie anesos. My text g-vos it. Tis r'te tieortuires nf !uis civil m'In svhile relax' I evs bleediug Ca dals, suid hoe took a Spaan, evus ho b coînuissionel atChathaus, t r iiinen or ad, Plate lusa ls. Ca. a? Cnada.have been vrorsifong an, idol, notevinhi-sng hfs faitin l Cbrisniussity, wiîle at he Ciscnovpaper frosu uroan'd bslubeulo c.3,frsriei ieMdtruen ileu ot' adaesoe avu stanliug aIl Chat Gai bas donc for thous saine tirne, lue exprerss s usdmriration for hounn fît urounl my nouaI, unI Chien help. She evili have a complementoî 515 officors, ~)tty ___________________________________ cul -ovMaossefr h most vehleren u r hles ni i-ewic Call oils elm roaven Cisc threo miles underground teaunI msen. Previans Ca going Ca the Mieli- rnp.ret1r aiss -bat,'quic n prayor a? ail lsîstary, unI totos ripou un t'set ho bald thue sise, ?faith Chat tise greal iessitvsr ea itlCts on ernsuCs oeeiiucrpu ie atroeiie erfiu.Laen c fe G ~ C o h n llif s." "if tison evîr sorgîvo Coesr ainsi- Scotch inistet evideo'iy exercised. esot. th evsnat ueewspate ev tken topa rny anai sthekiron uils Wiucaîso t e fferti iiieitreri'se G n sand if non, blat meo, I pray Tisse, oct nI ing Chat Tho'.-ag Carlyle ever evrole in Ieore rouI nwsjr om tang om Chutsael ae wi beudr plac lus itier cbunnol ______________________ Cleuuod, I)îed, Pressedad Bepairel by Thy book." Oh, wviat an ovetwbeireing " Sarnor Rasartuu'e sur tise"'-rench Revolîs- ny -coul, unI ilwa one of a yoa sermans, equudrou eviil ho Caken by tise Resolutian. r-r ~"Il " Ineasusranc es nîay."if Iso ls," or hie 'ite o? Crouseeli,e' or bis fus- Cool nigbt," lie saîd as hie passeIl an, ey-. Tise neuv British tarpeo boat, No. 93 l- L,-s .& TZ I S. P E A T wiltuotpard on theon a ua pardon use; i mottaI "EssaIys," bal in il more evoudrosin tg me tnansfizeI viith gnaneîni eronion. bas beeu snccessully launchel frous tise if ThuFis-tsi brin3 thorn ta tise Promuis- powver Iu Ilsat latter sshich heevuilel bts Aul evio knaevs but lIse evarîs I uow .yard o? Messrs. Thornycroit & Co., ut Dyer und CloChes Cieuner. on Lansî; if thuey muus peniissho ust e perisit 1 own dauhuts an! e'rtolel tise atroag faitis Spaak, biossel o? Gal, uuyý reacli somne ICbtswick, Jsngad. evd arne ele sn n ilko itis Chenu; in thal book n'iere Ilion ne- ?aobr aea xc oya t evsollul deep dovin in tise black usine 'ho 110W lirst-class Britishs gunhoat . thors tvruCa hsna se donc lo cordest Choir bons, record nv dons; if -tîer, selitisen-esalnii hu Iss tîst ese evorîs rny ho bi-sesel ta Dryad evas launcîtel ub Chatham, EnglaI Ciscy une shut aur o? Iseaven ; let me ho joot hoc publi'sheI ruril ater Ieati ai Tissos. tise staanîcising aI tise vanul unI thue eter- an tise 5h ConrKsgudo tanl ts shmuoila ef tisey go Iownuinta larIe- Carlyle, bat, nctaroiug ta usy hotel i a. ts -n eteCi nten ____________________________noss, lot use go Iowveiînto luarknesà,." Wý hat Elinhuris Ï foin uïueasy- ieatsornoiof the1 snnlvp sitveul ret Set ' hi y m ut e LO1 IIOHUF NOIEYE -y--i - ~~vehiesuence cul holy n:-'klessness o? prayer boltter siiold g0t ont of, m'y passessionucu a sn owî" Br opts et"l"He -U'1cgalts 1'p~~cslSo EN TJ~m ~& I, en tb~e ae e bore whio, I have no b pOusblisledbaCier ires lime. Sa hUiok telI ile tad l la oy iIclsrll rpÎî osPesr rt l aia U a4L ivocgîyu have others savel, risisel tise sansa prayor, h isavicota il. Ail rnes's lot me3 priva c ry r us ornst as tisaI o? Ma;sos in the -by Henîri Rouchefort. j:els idauyeis tnd w eurr he fon it is a tSMt5t no' il, belsh, 1 evisi il usigise h pub. noeotiss rayer aub tise te? n s M.f Horgohlrra ivls ogs c ail tsjasu witisut vaulti gotulhen Fl anless you are niiling ta balance 3-sun 1 lisised. Ses boavy evitis eustioti that il breaks lown Londan Chat bis opinions an the Britishs D - e secrelions; as tfe esme timte C et"tnal seivatiots on snob an "I. et Perhlaps tisis Ser-mon firising mes eay into in tise usidle. It w-as so eaunst tisai tise capital evould lotus vcry inlerostssg reul- riecting Acidity of t-he Stomaich thore hue beaus cases eviere a moniscr a Scotlihb borna , Suss sog t ils priuting,l tran sistors in the modern copiesofioil iug. Tise exibel elitor, bowever, bas net oU a BîiiousneSS, Dyspepsia, bas bsenu sa auxions for tise recovery o? a for tinit latter shtows more inghtily lisan evr hiehoptanak tagtlnyCptIis experienes acrasus tise Chan. Ilerdaches, Dlzzlness, Ho0 rtburn, evavevarî son tisatiber prayen bias eevuug cnl anynîsin,, I have ever rea I di cierence a lcsb, for an omssison Chat n 111 rover ha nel solo literary shape; but hoe bas rscontly Constipation, Drynets of the Slne5 treioblel unI poisel ou au "'If " like Chat tuevoon Cisc "I ksow" afIPaul cul lise" Il I ftlc pruî narp assc otibuitel ta lise Revue Illustree un artice aDiops5Dneeo VsoJîn aI the Coxn. "1?ual, blotuo, I prayTloe, 'lknonv" o? Job anI tIse"1 Iksow " of Thsouslas sulîcu nsppiug off ai tisesentence. Von on M. Siuet's art evork, fa whifc hoe ici- dlee, Salt Rheui, Er s? elas, Sero- ce -iThy-ook. -Cicnsnue e iss (liers3 un-thie-'I'-l-k-ssoe "'a, allss canna-t-panrse tnpi. -I-e-a--aff4es-- entulIIY ullulsC adulf."adi IIa, Fhlute?1nm of t e eart Nr T. IARNlDEN, U D. S. Lausha Book aI Life, or Cutra to tiso p),o eio ol evitis a dirus grip tise ald Gospel grammaticalbconstruction. But thut-asisput sacytietrnepsialesIwic yunss i- 'ne lDelty;h evhere ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t us an vserle e rseeî on the ane bauid, and the nnooing, h. ins by tise typesotters f5 rnigbtiiy suggestive. ~~b îns mosbot ecie~eeuI njoue iia enlsi 'raduate ofibe Royal Collae of Da:tai ut fosCy or -ixty yecrs ugo, cul evits 'the storrng ad tarturnig " If' aI inereîulity -"If thon evilt forgive Choir sin (thon couses udequatoîy. When, four yeurs ugo, I fehi yield to the happy îahlence of BURlDOCy Surgeans. Ontario. blaek ink o? ex eriasting usiluigis raem ou te cr I liSe rie positive faîish of t hue bush)-; "a nI if net, isiot me, I prcv liSe a&ýt uerolite ino tIis immense place, ~ ETBS FF narine. If hoe is Ca go loto sbipwreck, bont steamsbip Scorja, piekel up lu a hurricae cns ryr vrutrlcnlnlh esoape îrornT ---oîi Pau 874, ay alZ.Daer VITALIZED AIR. ruse o ossel aii lise same breakers. ifI "Go do? i " s-id Captafn Julkins ta bis pFscnwrposoinuolutue rench reîugee wbo bil long livel in Eng.~ WDR ho eupatîorburnybiss in e1ti and c look otut for wercks. " BeltTsyhlI io rS ovte lad gave me this bnief description o? tise ~~e-w Trailor S1.op ho a pa-tnr io bis woe. I hae for sneny tise mute bal gone fat op tise ratlines hi ino eobs ar groans or silence. Col curçs Biii aia Ynko ai vlo yeans lovel Tisee, O Ced 1 unI it bas bseau usoutol, "IA wreck ! a evres'S." IIVîsero s-otnlg fo: tise syntux o? prayors, noliig course," hoe said-" Landon le its oxact op- Tise naidersigned evio hias beeen carryg o ny «xecano to iieihCnu nialavy1 ac ari oki "off the for tise risetonia aI prayers. Oh, tise word. pst. bsoIoiin1,nvrieeu Jh tlning business la connecliais eviitIS tise neleeiiee ut the banquet o? tise skise, port be-n " -nus tise unesver. Lufe hoa-tS lese prayers 1 Il tisey n'cro il up tisey doren.Toc acaestem Lonos Pbar s sr TT Ia ore'2 Dry Goads Store for a number of years but I ssoe give np iy prufe i e ntowered, cul ?qîty -s-lita Cic aîhtehu arse ts cows-îence d business for hai m e f t is utp r m i e tisee itten va sîera e ul reac e t e r i b w t a r h s ' i pi l p r e T h ccua e . Lhoran lon se Paris u s rasd e Kinsg SC.,evest. -uvs-re ho is premearesiatth feusr, unI nsy prousuel robe, ta put out across tise angry so thrane o? Col. A deop sih ray meun begin te open, Tise bouses, eviicis eitis ns taak ot'uIby uist i icîîs nI ney pronissol croevo, anI aey pro- for thse evreck. Tlsey camne bacS vrumr hnaeiaeliog.Ota ieas r Iofn saven sCories isigb, have lsera tev styles, und ut loevest pnicee.F- is, h mi sel -itn, neS John, unleus George, a oen sif ereekel, aul amang 1bunînel und sixteen thoneenîrd s aI tis laln'onahorge iedivr ir wihte orlon suits, ha evhli curry a ful1 lino afi uniose Henry, uie-s My rIaîln son ttuaboaItev ar."VoaeEsgish laguage Chers rnay net ho a word go0C tise le? t anI ours ta e ngs. try a hve a Diab ois ad I soueni wa ctin vilgsip thlti liSe s Cion as cames ta îisuot poo3pse. I bave bal hCBo tmi-Ts atcfn mie I436 os oe il r nityvgtbeuld lîerslthy cit y Drops a," Stool vatcîsiug, unI thue shi -nus fa tise ait SindsaI triai, cxcepisevoro unîproîong- oapuSeolxane-"ovilse900mospeerclu on1tu ton gus, laseil evh usn isu. viausnst sont0stz w/ atswr Tieab offf ng, cu fourbil storas stnack il al cu sickkuss, and I evo,,ll have been de" Inesîh shnt Lul-" sartsouctes atCahm Im.hrors ym! ovelign but-IB -atanVs ai._L b Lieo hon machinery culnd health ~ ~ ~ ~ si C.nth xst hestp aufl sroc S Mt niga, -M -M w-r i htngtte ohrpa,( o h ou- reigon 'bolers, tise vessel bas iseen entirely cau- t t îseah h hen the x/ t w Ai ChaI sons tise mott praefo tie on reigion w la i use o? prospery. l'Voung Splmsrger usel ta ho quito a struceo lu Chauthams Dockyaml, tise Farte ~? Giuyet, rse ui t s/S O6 UsO - 'ase nack ut tise cottage banr, ad tise Buloluiiss evill la. Cetts'cietisr hv o aud sut Irew- vis or gi ha ent te -ci- hebag tise firet ev far evory portion o? kidn~~~~~~~~~yrs~~~~ ar od8Kiie uet ?brsouIjs ut du-nu Chere Aony heiioeiid ds4r Leviics beelîafoo e ut Chsathamn Tue first exhbitioný of teR îaAc- e. LA. cnt 5s er.îo- XVtt Wt oueoulprymhos "îIwaîsi do. Bon svlsen thse uvar-s -esfutyos t o nae, shnelrlpa -ý Ue;vthon- )UreSoisn twTsi-tInn-eenhinen t6îueUoe oni A.c rctucd ft s-ie .Tcré Tails,~~ att ose in nie sissemblage whio hsave beea debames youn hein deol. w'mî-î busskrupCcyUon is aher." efi-ts.17 s-Lclc inyT l.i fthe. tfie

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