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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1893, p. 8

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VAR/ET Y!H As I have decided to quît the Stationery business, 1]i offr the whole o fmy s to ok' az.t prices that -will astonishl you. If you want oheap~ bargains give us a eall. __Et P. KENNER. LE OF _EST DURHAM je.-fi ttýed andi moved into tho promisesi lately occupied by ro'.1 bave opened out a large and varied assortment of J4roceries, TEAS A SPECIALTY.j .~RITS you will frnd the choieest branda of Cluster Laye-Lrs, .Usatels, Sultanas, and othor Raisins;- Choice Cases Vostyza S; Fias, Shelled Almonds; Citron, Oranae and Lemon Peels ; -, Lemons, Walnuts, S. S& Almonds and Filhert.s, and a great ï, of other goods suitable for the Christmas Trade. iFIS. -Finnan Haddiep, Bloatti s,Kippered Herring,4, Cal. Salmon, L 1 4do-ltrings, White Fish, Trout and OYSTERS. The c N and LAMP Department you will find replete with J t deigs oF Dinner and Teýa Sei,, in China and Stoneware; Hang- i irr and Table Lamps, and at general assortment of goods us- titly kepbi-n a first-class Chin'% and Crockery Store. Thi esablalientfor a great many years hadl the ieputation for the bes and the greatest assortnent of the aboya Unes of goods 't'i ý th your, assistance we Lope to maintain that hiùh ebaracter, 1 fl nieyou to CaU, lain bought in the rigbt market, poidsJ esdatbottom prices. î;ictoriaý Building, Bowmawvý ýMVïYOT'Jr PIOTURE TAKEN. Wehave aSSeSd te our stock of inatru- it m~ aVcry fine Hf4wkeye hanS camerai pro lre prpared te f ake snap abois of p l prtisreidences, or animais ai ntc.We wll go li h on try.esed Vo ie ta'ýko phetos of cemoatcry Plots a xy lowr priais. Drep in anS have good rcabýinets baken of vonrgaif ail 'tli lunown .ngalery. TAIT & 0. M souare, Bowmanville. 23. Loyrs c,! a goocu p of coffeea wiil get t eai Cawkar ï, Tait's, the general 53etkdl yonr ïnaine and addreas on s pot aicrj lte Taï WIEKLY NEws, Kingsto, O st ad yen will receive The Kîngato'n Yp 1VN ews until January next f reaef Iwscrcd of painful Goitre by MIIMt'SLINIMENT. QCh4Labam, Ont. BvÂt RI) CMcLLaIx. l w as cured cf inflammnation by MINARDS LINIMENT. W15ah.Ot. MES. W.W.JoIINsboI, l yïas careS of facial neurvlgia by VIN'AnwDS LINIMENT. ~arkdie, Ot J.H. BzuIi - P5jkars atchea ara al new and yeu ~ ~o bearf lus lan ind and ha sellai îtýbnte thLrd ef the price yeu Iirwen lai ihbit cf paying f r thrna SIiNEN MAGAZINES IN .-ONK. ST, ICO AS for yougfoks hms i- "4WideAske now InE)rgedi in iti and la enOl, ed bv 200 additionmal pa1ges in the vumeni. 1Evorything illugtrat,-dÀ. 0f ail publications for b-oy, andf girls, 'ýt Nichola, conducted by Mary Mapea Dc.dge, is unqnesvîionably the best. It has basa praised by the pregs and the people of îwo continents,-its circu'atin Ma unprecedented amona magazines for younagfoîlke. Beginnng witlîthai umber fý r Novembor, 1893, iî is etilargeod by the addî-son of ah nu 200 pages in the volu me sad1for 1893 94 fi wll have the greaveat pe isa in its history, includiug a natur- ai bistory eries, bril'iantly îîlusrated, desýcrL)ïng the quadrupeus of North Amertca in a popuilar way. by W. T. Hoi naday, rtzcentlv chier taxTdormst of tht- V. S. national museum,. 'To.m Sawyeî Abroad," a seriai stcry jhy tlrk Twain, ln wbicb the gr-ar hum ci uat n famons creasions, '*Tom Sawyner' andluckiebrry Finra," vitît the ctastera t cînîsphore (ia a flyii machine); a saiesi on Amerc-an Anthors, by Brand er Mat. t ts w, îetting forth in c1tar and simple f-i Ërliehmain b1igrapbîcAI tact. as d the c1mef h'anarv qualities of famous men ini Am ia lit,,rature, including 1rvif19, Cpr.Bryant, Hlawthornîe, Emnerson, Loweil, etc., When Rudyard Kipling was a boy in md aii lie med, t-o read St. Nachoîas; and Jnow ho takes bis toma at briugiîmg delight to the thougande of young folk w-m mesSl it to day.- Re lias writtea for St. Nicholas a stries cf remarkabla @tories of boy and girl linfathe jungle and wth antimaIs. 11,eclIec ions of Wl id Life," by Dr. ,01 îleEi'man. a full-bloods-d Sioux Indinn, ai d a graduais cf a white mans coAllge (Dartmouth); a description 1of Indiats 11e, lui camp ana oa the war-uath, cescrbed frein the inside A noveliy in itera ur@. Papers on the Gîveraimant. fIow incney is madle (the mint), How the Treaeury is gisartied, flow the govermi- annit proniotes inigenaity (the Patent ýOffiam,) The clead 'ettar oflce, With the W~est Pîfat Cadets, How armies talle t,, ench othî.r, Life on a man-of-war, elc l Sari.-l storits hy Howard Pyl-, Frances Courienay Ilayior, James tits, Molly Ellîcri Seawall ani the suthor cof Ladyr Jaîse, and the famoîma Broavalas, by Pal. mer Cox, wili aise ho a featura of St. Nîcholas. Tho price (if St. Nicholas ià $3 a yaar. Snb,crubethrotîgb bwkaeliers anîd newi- dealers, or remit t,? the publiseneri by check drait. money, or axpreas-order. Dont mi ,s the Christmnas number. ,Tisa Century Ce , 33 ea4t, l7th St., N. Y \rîte fUr miniarnre St. Niclio&as, ý -fe op. Are you -A mbitious? Espechily, are i- an ambitious wo- man a'xious te k a career for your eelf ? Then 3-ou wi:lI Se îsrre than inter- ested in "The 1INoad to Fanie or Forýuit" publiîdhed in IL) morest'e Family Maga- zine for D -cembdýr, wLicîî is a faithfui chroniclo of how ambitiou% girls desimsus- of becoming Puccessful business women live arid lbor in New Yrk, gîvingsug- gesticos and vaýuable information that cannot fail to be of ire-timab'e boefit tb ail ta!ented am] himbitiou% girs And this is an ideal Chriàtïm ýs nimber, also,. The liàvely water co'or '*Dd i8ia Olausý Briag You ï" will appeal toý ev(.ryone, yoonug or -)d. "Çhiristma5 Ev8 at Beth f ehemi," with its numeroua il ustrations, takes one baok to the fi-st CSiitinas lEve and talls h ýw the traitionss are preserv- ed and what ceremionic-s ara obsorved at the present day. There ai e splendid (Jhribtmas &tories and a beauif ai Christ- mis car-)l with original worlai and musio, arranged eo thwat it Ï8 teppropi),Ïta ~f or church, eohooXl or the home cirdle; there are aumbekleesasuggesjtions for Christmas gîfis-, tha manv departrnenti areo fullto, iiverflîwn41-g wilh gond stig-z nd eviýry Who loves babies wiil Se .hre w.,iïh the portrai,î of nai a hua'-dred iho are comptititors for the "Baýby Psize" fIrdby ibis inagazine. Inde, the D.-ceernbèrnamba-r is a g9r.anr,,ui t-nty cents' wor h; but it is only a fair Rample of what la firîisiLîd twelve times a year for $200. CuIis~ by W. 'JennTinmga Doororeîs,15 l' ýt et 4h St, . w York. ville. shaimed te lie Seen. Four - , _____________________________ Doctors but Little Bervefit. AUCTION SALES. Taui.SDÀv Nov. W0.-Mr. Gaspec Scott, lot 20, con. 3, Clarke, wil eil hîs ex tasîve and v4iluablo farin stock, mach insiry, împleents, hay, etc,, înc',udiDg threshing' machine and horsepower, !sl aýsay barvester, Maxwell harveaier, aimd Toronto mewer. Healhas fsome good cows, shecp and piga. Sc large postera. Sale ai 1 p, ni. sharp., L. A. W. ToLsi, auctioneer. Darlington U'ouneil. ITown Hall, Hampton, Nov. 25. Reg. ular meeting. members aIl preseat; min- tâtes read and confirmed. Tenders accepted: C. J. Thoran'a te furnisfi timber at $11,50 par 1000 feet, aud Ceo. A. Stephena' for cedar--anal ones at 28 cents aad large loesat $1. M. Mundaîy and Robi. Fallas had dog tax reîitted. Mr. Cllacott's complaint ra lino fance b-tween hlm and H. C. bar was refermed te the Reave and Mr. Brent. A By-law was passçd providing fer holding tho ensuing municipal lec- tiens. Orders were passeS as folio sa; for sheep damage-Elîjah 'Rca $4, W. Gibson $3 33, Rebt. Reynolds 83.33, Breat $10.636, Jno. T. Clola $8.00, Chus. Rogers $3.613; 1. Metcaîf, aerviag notice Ravision cf Votera' Liat $18; R, Wndatt, expenses in cenriection wïth saine, $26; Ge. A. Stepimens 25 boaSa gravIre $1.25. Iadige.t-B. Wilson $8, Jane Wilson, Branton simd Curtis $5 eaci, 1Maleit and Lewis $4 eaeh, Laue Staples, Wilcex and Jane Stacey $3 each, Spreul and Camp- bll $2 each. Emma Stacey, Cemnîah $4, Webb Scta. Council adjourned te Saturdaýy, December 16, at 2 p.m. P. Wizoarx, T. C. iFor aboot ten or tweh e yead have bece2 Uou;bled vvilliscrofula. yha was a1wa 's soo eface aa dry ai t~,, auzburae'd liko f re nmost cf tise e. body Lad i 1 1redspot oi O , à aind I diil 1no Lk3oon aat ru do. 1 avent to four diite.eou' (idoctors andi tbey elsx.d Mo ai first. In the fbu I1 ot wirSe, an;tiea 1 trieS1 otber re;medý1ies, bur tbev iCi nie muno good. i vvas asharieS to go into public. I1iras a_ v uSsay, IlWhat is the mat- ter, v;hý don't you take soe- thing? Even at mny daily labor I had tevear a sort of cap te keep filie dirt frorn qetting into the acres. After 1I amuiS svasfl, aould lie coiered i vith big red pimpies ail over my neck and face. Some tise or ilirCo people adised me te try the CUTIOCRtA RE.uE- nIEs. 1 did try them, and amn glad 1 have done se. Clad vo say am-a well man, and in the best of lsealth since. 1 cannot pralse the CsYIcuIU ia Lnnsto Ighly. 1 enclose mny portrait. LWSW. IAXON, Larltsville, l'a. CUTICURA WORKS WONOERS CuTicurA IEOVErthe miv Blood and Skia Puirifier internaily (vo cleanse, the blood of ail inmpurities; and poisonous elements), and Curv- vijiA, tihe great skin cure, with CuTIcURtA SOAt-, an exquisite Skia lPurifier and Beautifier, exv- ternaliv (te clear the skia and scalp and restera thse haïr), cure every disease and humor cf the skia, scalp andS Simd, with loss ef hair, froem infancy to uge, f rom pimples to scrofnla, when the beit physicians, anS ail ether remedies Lail. sold thronghout thse world. Prîas, CUTIrRAfi, 5C-; SOAt-, aC.; RzSOLVsarvT,81t5 OTovvzaDUJ A1sa CMax. COUP.., Sole Proprietorm, Bostonl. 4Z-"Ilow to Cure Skia DiSeasee," msiled tree. PItPLES, blackisead,ý, nid, rougis, capped and ITolIy skia cmoSd by CuLv5cut& SoAv. RHEUNIATIC PAINS GURED. in aone Mntse thse CrstlcnraAnti- Pan ilaster relteves mhamsatlc, sel- ate hp idnev, cesot, sud muscijlua Mimard'a Liniment cures IdaG-Ippe. Received on Thursday 11 --14BOY' gov. 9, 1893, SUJTS,- 'The best lot we ever had. They will be sold at regu- lar wholesale price. You can't beat these--see tb.em., Our Stock of OVERCO ATS is very complete.' A new lot of BOOTS and SHOES---very choice lines. TUlE CENITRAL CLOTHMING STORE.ý IT. GEO. MASON, LADIE8,ý_A ISSESI MANTIES La1 OLOAKS& Our lino the present season is more extensive and of greater var- iety than ever before. A Ladies' Mantie is the chief article of dres for auturan and winter. If it is appropriate and stylish ber appear- ance is; everything that can bo de- sired. WNe can show such a lino as we bave neyer before offered. suit- able for ail occasions, for ail sizes to suit ail tastes to meet Che Cap-! abilities of ail pocket books. Oui stock cbnsists of a full lino of Ladl- ies Fur triming, Mantles in ait the newest styles auid shades of Navy, Seal. Fawn, and Black. Thoeo goods are, ail Ge rman made which is sufficient guarantee of the'ir style and fit, and beiag of our own importation we can give you the insîde prices. We invite inspection. WCe askç your special attention te our stock of Mantle materials for ordered work. WVe are showing extraordinary value in Sealettes. A largo choice to se- lect from. IRememiber our customx ers are supplied with the M etropolitan Fashion Sheets free'of charge. Aise fui stock of But- teîick Patterns. JNO. J. MAS2ON. DRY GOOD3 e JEWE MRY fOUSE. BeBt value io jBlack, Grpeen ýnd'Japan Te, C-ffcees, etc. Qilaiity unequalled. PETE'R yMuyEDocy, agent. alhohMisses l a lunaber of st>lers et Couch Johstn adCryidernk Manager, HAPà_U IàRNB OVER 45,000 NOW IN USE IN CANADA. AN EVERY ONE CIVING SOLID COMrOIiT 'AIN;D EO0 The "IIAPPY T.HouGRT" range is differently construCt1ed tO any olthur. t has been rnanufactured for the past tweltre years, and is the a-,Me now in construction as at first. It is the only range that ba04 S teadit1, grown in popularity for such a length of time. M ded fothor 'new ideas" of ranees have corne and passed, only to be menerd failures. The "Hlappy Thought" range will positiveiy Yhum niglit âH.t day, same as a self -feeder. The flues are so con struUcted thatiwl> oil on the whole six houes at the saine time with the fire box only haif faiX cf aOMI, t fa the only range made with the transparent oven door, througýh which you.u view the food cookiagz withont opening the ovan door. TH~I andDENTarlM"or fm toves, with and withûUnt ovfo -n9iaàe!G years and have aiways been la the lead. SakS oniy a; :EH] C» S BII'S-3wManiv le, Nothing like the Furs at Il Maye Furs Store, where you cau find the larg-v est and best selected stock în the coun'- ty, composed of ROBES, COATS, JACKETS, CAPES, COLLARS and CAPS of ail description and size and he is de- termined to seil as cheap as the cheap- est for cash. Also a large and well selected stock in Gents' Furnishings, Shirts, Underwear, Ties, 2races. No trouble te show goods, so corne anîd bring your Tfrieftý with vou. Ail kinds of furs altered and eacd PRACTCAL FURRILE K, WMNrLE j 1 1 1

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