---------- pov]BpTy PENNYCOOK, Meanwhile in the chamber of (ýeath two TWO 13DS OF WOLF. licols and haros they boat and gored and ripped and tramp,;l the yelping, howling, are boing, bit'terIJ7 contested. Dr. battles W snapping, snarling wolves that struggled -- ---- -- Pennycook, face ta face with the las' great Tite Biped and the Quadruped Varleties- in the bloody ring from which thora was R's RW b-last, there- -was--nothin g- Aý, 9911e's aye been a a czrïf îf's jean, but fiht Éor' the salvation of a seul. lything happen tao hirn an' he'd be "StrangethatI shonlc1beýdyingat 86, He and Mis. Friends Showed Gratitude left but flattened carcases of ail that savage let or gey sait missed." Wilson. Ne'er-dae-wý_,els in the pairish a' for 1 he Serviee Donc Them by a lier il pack. Thoir enemies annihilated, the bull l'Oh, aye, Betty it'l81, a gey p-ir body Bridlemains are livin' (;c)t their worthless of Ellk. elks, bellowing triumphantly, mingled with that's'io misoed. ý,The clacrian , owerbye lives ,t ninety. it's ýý,j richt Wilso the herd again, and for a time there was "One season','three or four years ago, a Marg great snortîng and pawing of dirt by the hasna been the saine sin' plait draft et Il was the first finie ý1)e docùor hâd spoken pack of white wolves laid siege ta my ranch entire bord. That phalanx of bail elks bail wis ta'en awa' ; but it'o a lang time till the in an bout ý>,ud.the words full feeý1y train and saine of the neighborii 1 ig ranches ardlind. in a 'short time accompliGlied whe we had de'il dois at the dyke side, an' l'la thinkin' Ilis dyinglips. that the head of the Wind river," said Milesý th It Doctor P nnycoôk is no garin Minister Wilson aý the bedside on his Holdeni , been striving in vain ta do, and what t of Mentana, ta a reporter, «'and ý in ail likelihool never would ha' ï, î way ye - knees in Lyer lifLedhis heaçl ât the first va doue. pri played hab with out cattle and dheep. aurai and gtaspeil a ying now it came ont turn ta show out "But he's raide seek, Jean, and they tell a the hand of th il « L Ci ý white wolf id big«er and more ag - The, "And gressive me that Maister Wallace, the lawyer, wis man. IIIù is the Lord's will, Pennycook; yet týhan the black limber wolf. He gro gratitude ta thora for that great service. uý in makin'oot hie àviill last icht; but dinna hie will ho donc." And how nobly we dicl it ! As the con- tell onybody 1 let ye ken, for they can , 4i-But ta ho almost as big, as a yearling calf. His '7- it's ne richt, Wilson, an' fine ye strength is almost extraordinary. quering halls stood in a group receiving the a burden, an' As fleet congratulations of the bord, eacli man of us carry a tale that canna carry ken it. it micht get me intae lule end. a? trouble. as the wînd, lie defies all pursuit, The doctor's eyes were now wide open if lie were net sa swift afoothis re-andeven picked out crie of the finest of the lot the wull?', markable 1 ; M ' i, and lie spoke with ranch spirit. Alas ! it cunaing would simply serve him in eluding magnificent leader among thora, and bored it throngh ne sixty paces with a Winchester 4:Aye. was the final spurt of strength. his pursuers. This big and tierce beast of SPeaks through the Bootlibay (Xe.) Regî8tpr, 4 Does Poverty Pennycook hae a wull?" Pennycook," said the minister, yen bullet. prey will kill a cow with case, and a pack Thon, as the unsuspecting herd, of the beiieficial resti' he bas receîved frorn ýJ Aye, an' some folks'Il open wide their know yon are dying ; do van die in peace panic stricken at the new terror that had N of bilera prowling about the range, will sana a rogular use of eau when Pave ty Pennycook's wull d'nos moka alarming inroads on the size of a man's yer's pillsý He says: r Wilson if you werena an aulà f reen an' lain six of its leaders low, turmed and swept Nvas feeling sick and tired and my stomach the licht a' day. " the only ither daecent man in Bý-'dlerna'ns herd. madly towards the sheltering woodo, six seemed al! ont of order. 1 tried a number l'An' dais ye think he'Il leave onything pd pit ye cet. Dinna bother me aboot mare bullets follavved the flying elk, and Me V E "This is j ast what this pack was doing of remedies, but noue seemed ta gi tao that liminer a' dochter o'his?" religion. Thatne'er-dae-weel precentor a' the semait. 1 speak of, my naîghbor and my- four, more of the lierd tell dead. It was ýî "Waal, it's no for me tao bc sayine for yours is twa shillins in my de ot until the last one of the fleeing elk relief until 1 was inducçd ta trythe oid relia- î i7, ý ; ý bt an' bas self had spent mach time and ridden many 11 ble Ayer9s Pills. 1 have taken only one my words ha'e weicht on that, subject, beau sax months came Martima terni. It Miles in fruitless efforts ta hunt the maraiý« disappeared that it occrirred ta any of us ............. Bodin' as my dochter is servant in Maister wad suit ye botter tao shake hi8 Ithiiiktliey ,14. Hammerly, a well-known bu8lneý9 man ni for hein' dors down. They had inflicted hundreds of what an utterly despicable, treacherous, are the most pleasaut and easy ta take of *01 Hillsboro, Va., sends t1ils testiýony ta Wallace's hanse and kens maist a' the a lie tao hie religion than tac bothel a dae" dollars' lads upon us, and the way they wore cold-blooded act we bail committed, It aiiyiýliiiig 1 ever used, being sa finely sugar. the nierits of Ayerls Sarsaparilla: gral private affairs a' the family. Oh, aye. centman. Mercy me, Christ wis would have been a wanton and inexcusable years a a, 1 hurt iny leg, the injuryleavi This latter remark was Pair, but keeping up the raids they threatened ta ac coated tlipt even a childwill tak-e them. 1 asorew-ýilchledtôerý,sipelas. Mýs fferin ng brought ont by a lie cominanded his followers tao pay tri« break us all up in business before the war t if we had abat the elk before any wolf urge upon ail who are ta peed of a ?,=,aüfve wère extreme, ni leg, from the lieue ta t la surpriFied look on the face of Mrs. Jean. bute where tribute wis due. But I suppose was out. More than once we started liait appeared on the scolie. Ta slay thera ta try Ayerls Pills. They wili do good.'$, ankle bein soýid sera, whieh began ta ex- Oh, aye, she's a smairt lassie, is MY ye'-Ve got tac speak for appearances' sake. follow the trail of theme wolvez, dateront ta after they had slain the wolves was but tend 1. tlier"parts of the body. Âf ter tryllig Bella. 'Kens a thing or twa an' can ke6P Ah, Wilson, y c'te a oly dowg." mined a various remedies, 1 begantaking Ayerla ta bring thora ta bay belote we let up, only little botter than murder. The Ieýnst 1ý'Or &11 di' 'ses of the Stom Ch, LI rbarsaparilla, and, before 1 had 11nislied the lier mooth shut an' lier con open. But as 1 Pennycook, Pennycook,'do yon die in we coul d do was ta bury the slaughterd and BOwel-, "'ke fir t b 1 experienced great relief; the said before au' can say again withoot lettin' pe te came back foilod and, ta find that while animals, which we did in one immense 7 coiid"U.Ietýle affectect a complets cure.,, cet ony secrets, the doctor'Il leave dame l'eln ponde? Why sbouldn'ù I? l'va had we were pressing in the wake they had been grave on the bank of the stream. 8lit we Ayeres Sarsaparîlla thing that'il surprise folks, Jean." trouble wi' nae ane." returned home from out wolf liunt feeling Il Weel, it's aye been a oustom 0' mille Ah, Pennycook, the old trouble lie- spoiled it of several head more of fat cattle. that we were worsethau wolves ourselves, Prep--redbyDz-. J-C. Ayer & Co., Lowýý', M. J'repared by Dr. 3. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masii. in 1 af terwards learned that""no one bail ever iver tao say ill a' the deaël, ait' I'd botter tween Gad and man that Christ alorie dan known a white wolf ta bc caught or killed and I feel sa yet." Every Dose EffeeMvo CUreS OtherSWlll etire yoU say non, that Poverty Pennycook nivver mal, _Ie up. Pennycook, the blond of jelus by either of these methods. lef t onything ahint him buta blicht an' a Christ God's son, cleauseth us front. all sin. il A Boom in Whitewash. ourse, an' l'un thinkin' he'Il no break the Look b At last, after a more than usually des- Christ, Pennycook. Ask (ýod for tructive and comprellensive raid on the A missionary statioDed at one of the - - - ------- record aveu for denth itsel'. Betty?, hissaketoacceptofyou. Yonknowitallas ONTARIO LADIE COLLECEY Aye.11 well as 1 ; even now i , t is net tao late." ranches around us, a half dozen of, us got ta- South, sea islands determined ta give his Coý-nbinîng the Shades. :: Dae ye think they'll gi'e bila. daecent gether and resolved ta take the: warpath residence a coat of whitewash. Ta obtain In combining colors green appoars a3 the WRITBY, ONT. but Ye speak tao me, Wilson, as if I was a against the pack, and ta remain on it night this in the absence of lime dotal was re- all-in ial bad man. Wha ha'e 1 wranged that I and day until we either wjped its meuliers duced ta powder by burning. The natives iportant factor, as it is the aile caler pointmonta Il Gad alane kens, Jean. Whèy?" should ask Gad tao forgie trie. Behave off the face of the earth or drov thora ont watched the proces3 of burning with inter- that goes with everything. Green and Strictly first-class in ell its an <1 Waal, ye min' that his brither's funeral yersel' Wilson, behave yersel' thîs minute, 0 brown, tan, black,..gray, purple and even and educationaladvantagea. Provision made of that country. We startd ont thorough- est, beileving that the coral was cooked for for ail the teachera' cortiricates nd for Un- w1ona even respectable. Sandy cam' haine sir, or ]cave my hoose an'me in peace." blue will lie dodo, but whon undortaking aan, sophe. that day, an' a gey, angry man lie was. ly equipped for the crusade. We called thern ta cab. Next morning they beheld am ftrersity classes through the frashm Pennycook, yeti break my heart. All 0 binations re-nember thore are shadcs but, from the way the missionary's cottage glittering in the an more and part 1 air junior years of Toronto 1 What's wrang, Sancly,' said 1. 1 Wrang,' have sinned and -orne short. Yeu have oursoives wolf hunters, . . g suri white as snow. They danced, d shades, and where a yellowish green University. The literary staff comprises the said lie. 'Weel may ye say what's wrang. led an honestlife, but that is net enoughý the haut ended we should have been called risin n y r a grayish green may harmomize ad- jargest number of University aciallets of wolves inetead of hunterl, fat wa were they sumy, they screamp-1 with joy. The eny Ladies' Collage in Canada. 11ýhemusica1, 1 nivver wa3 sac insulted in my life. 'In- God asks you ta came to, hirn through guilty of a most blood-thirsty act at it3 whole islýand wa% coiifusîon. Whil-ewash mirably. The neçv old rose shades will go fine artelocution and commercial departmonts vitin'folk tao a funeral an' they didua ha'e Christ. Came, Pennycook came now. ", close. We deserved ta ho hunted down became the rage. Happy was the coquett, with brown, gray, green, black and purple, are equally welf sustained by the most gift6d a drap o'whilsky in the hoose.' " il Poltava yersel,' Wilson bc quiet ; l'va like wolves ourbelves fer it. UlItil my who could enhance lier charins bv a daub of but if not b'essed with an eye for harmony professoro. physical culture ta tanght by a "Waal it wasna that way at his faither', Fiome'thing'tae say tac ye. When Plu deail in colors, gët saine one who is, ta put ïýuch specialist froin Boston. A new gyrnnasium funeral for his inithpr bail the management dyingday I wili ho ashamed for baving the white lirush. Contentions aýrose. One iandallkindsotout-dooramuseraents, PIIPÎIB ye'Il find my wull in the bottera drawer a' l rank ; another have the opportunity of haaring the 9176at a' that, an' naebody could say that 1ýIr8. that desk in a black tin box. T here's ton had part in it. party vrged there superio shades togpther. Golden browns an ',lie, artiste that visit Toronto. "We atrack the trail while ib was fresh. obtained possession of the brush and val- light greenish blues look Weil together, and Pennycook was near begaun. My mither thoosand pourids, a' that 1 hae been able It led us a wild and tortuous chase all day lantly held it against all corners ; a thid a dress of the lovely Merisette is rrenchy Apply for Information ta bas often said it wis the finept funeral ever tac save in sixty-three years' practise, ad ta camp for the night we tri Il te IIP3et Ye ken in and when we II the ýub ta obtain saine of the with a vest-nothing more of it- f the beld in the parisli a' Bridlemains. ýp 'tîc. Ta quiet the hubbub more white en shade Volga. There are sa many an Edinbairgh batik. There's three - gre bia dinin'.room at Beath Hoose 9 Weel, thoodand tac yer kirk an' five thoosand tao didn't suppose we were anv nearer the sly cOýýro 1 sq'ilow complexions that it is well ta know, they hâd twa table that tan the lenath 1 a' you; for ye've been a guid freen tac me, marauders than we were w7hen we started. ý'-ash wa3 made, and in a week net a hut, a th&t both yellow and old rose shades tend that. Au' they had twa kinds a' winisky and twa thoozand tac pair Jean ; Cod for- We halted in a narrow valley, which was domestîc utensil, a war Plub, nor a garaient ta make one look fairer and cloarer. Shades cloded ab one end by a border of thickly but was as white as snow ; net an inhabit- an'fower kinds of wine, an'beefsteak pies, gieherforthepgst. Takeguidcareo'my 1 orange are only becoming ta a pale, braý', M growing bushes and had its hoad at the alit but had his skin painted with grotesque an'short bread, au' kurren loaf an' guid are, Wilson; she basa a faithful servant. font of a eý The greeliidh blues eau bc worn býý 'r high bluff. A little stream flowed figures ; not a pig that was net whitened - nett kens a' what." Gulid-by, Wils,,)n, l'Il surely enter heaven through it. We camped on one edge of and mothers might bc seen it every diree' blondes alerte. 4 1 That wis something like it. It's aboot l'va niver wranged a sowl." î this valley. We wore astir by daybreak, tien capering joyously and yelling with the last honor-ye can pay the dead. But lit i the contemplation of the superior Ris Holiday. here comas the ininisterthe doctor maun bc eager ta -tort on the chase again. While delig In Remembarel Distiiiotly.' waur." we were egting a hasty breakfast we felt a beauty of their whitawashod babies 1 .ýMis- P iiotographer-ý-Look pleasant, please, Betty pushed back lier stray locks - and Slie told him when lie asked lier if she carious trembling of the ground. One of sionery Chronicle. Sitter-I'11 bc blamed if 1 do 1 l'ni a floor Mrs. Doncaster has jUSt straigh Lened lier white apron. wGuld like ta go out and s-e the football Our party, an old hunter, said that it was walker in a drykoods store and this is the I'Guid e'ènin' tao ye, Maister Wil2on,'ý' game that she would lie onlv foc glad ta go, conseil by a bord of animale of saine kind Up in History. Tirst day off l'va had for six months. becr.usoshehadn'tseenonýfortwo years, that were corning ta the creek for water. Mr. Johnson-Dey, say de cap'n on disi ,openiEýd out her Fall Stock- of Good evening, Mrs. Duncan, and gond when Charlie Joy took lier, and told lier all We hid in the bushes ta ses what they yere Viking boat discovahed dis yer kelitry 17amilar With the Procesm- ing ta you, Mrs. Pye. 1 suppose you MILLIN-En-Y and is now evel, dos of Our gond frielid, about it. That pleased him immensely, for might be. We had hardly doue sa when a 'fo' CoIumý1Is did. -Swelker, have a glass of cider with Ve dS hava beard of the illn lie didn't like Charley a little bit, and did pair of great autlers parted the bushes at Arabella (championing Columbus' cause) rue ?" showing an . ;ý1-tracti the doctor ?" dote on a girl that kriew something besides the J.,)v7z-r zuid of the vale only a few rods -Vdas ; bub ho didn't discovgh it oz many 11 Mibbs, I can't. My physL r ýtn donfines play o*' Aye ha'e we, au' we were jist lamentin' embroidery and carainels. Sa they went, it," spake Mrs. Jean. 'A quiet, unoffensive away, and following thora a maenificent timas. me ta a vegetarian d,»et." man bas been the dector. I was jist tellin' andshelooked on, apparently in great;-,uer- bull elk stepped cautionsly through into Mrs. Pye as you dam' along, Maister Wil- est for hall an hour, and lie wassr, absorbed the open. He held his head hîqh in the air, A Wcalthy Wornan. .m ats, son, that the doctor left joy an' sunshine that lie almost forgot lier. occurred te sniffed suspiciously in every direction, and (From The Toronto World.) AL L IViiû'ý ýî__ and lie 7-% where'er lie wenb." him af ter a while thats ie was the. then, as if satisfied that no danger lurked Mrs. Martba Beýýan1 id suppose(l to bc one of Young, old or middle aged, who fïnd tLen Yes," said the preacher with a drawl turned ta lier. near, lie made a peculiar whistling sound the wealthiest women in tlie world and lier selves nervous, weak and exhausted, wha M onnetis î Il Da you understand it ?" lie inquired. and marched forward confidently. le_ ,,lth is due ta lier own efforts. She laiided and the remembrance of many a bard-earned lit Indic, a litLle over thirty years ago a poor are broken down froin excess or overworlz shilling that the wily doctor had squeezed -1 Oh, yes, she s3,id : that is, most of 8Donding te his signal, such a proccosion as woman, lier sole possessions boing a gond gen. resulting in many of the following sym- ït, but I'm a little rusty, I thirik and sorne ï eau never have had the gond f ortune ta ode oral education and a slight kiiow!6d.ge of me-di- ptouls and all st 3 of head-gear for out of hira ; 'Iyes, joy and sunshine. Well, ' u epression, premature,91à go d -1 î 1 Iýin gond people," and the of the terras 1 hear 1 don't quite rider, aZain came proudIy in his wake, a bord of cinO, acquired frOui lier father, who was a 1 sa of vitality, loss of ineniory, bad -;ýünùng 9' stand." âysiei*an. Knowing i;Ï botany, age, -0 ýr,1o the ho finding in the hills of india roots and herbs dreants, dimness of sight, palpitation of mIrDsýb, passed on dind. use wbere thirty elk, stately biills, sleck cows and - a doctor lay dying. What la- instance ?', glossy calves. All of the bulls were large sho learned were hig.hly valued by the the lie , art, omissions, lack of ellorgy, pain Call and see for yourself Weil what i8 a 'toueb down ?' and splendidly antiered, but noue of thon, r;divos for curiiig certain Ïroubles and purify- in the kidneys, hoadaches, pimples on the That is when a player touches the hall approached in majestio proportion or ingand enrichinàthe bloo,1ý sho devotedallher Hats dyed and re7shaped in and body, iteffing a.- peciiliar-seDsa- time ta the study of the modicinal virtues lace it matin bc twa an' sixty year sin, the back of his opponents goal and it courits the noble leader of the bord. of those plantq, anci -çvas rewarded by discover- foin abrut the scrotum, wasting of th« all the latest styles. doctor cam' tac the parish, f-r ho cam' here For a moment every one of us azed spel, , ing that iliany diseases proviously Éhought ta orgario, dizzinese, secks befor' Il Oh, yes, and what is 'put out ?' " 9 bc almost incurable were easily cured by the twitching of the muscles, eyelids and else- Orders taken for the LON th' year a' the cholera. bound on, blie grand spectacle, q1pi thon the use of Lliese herbs and roots when propqrly pre- It was Jean who spoke. She bail seated 1 hat's when a pl ayer of the side which brute instinct ià us asser,, (1, and pareil. So great was lier success in enring con- where, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, every man's rifle went ta hJ8 s1ýoïj](1er. But surription in the tint a-id E econd stages and aM lo2s of will power, ten(lýrness DON CORSETS. herself with Betty on a rustic bench in has made a 'touchdown' kicks the bal. ta a f the scalp player of his own side, the abject boinc ta In f re one of us could tire 'k ý,ý 1 dieases of the lungs, cat arrh, and diseases of and spine, weak a- -1 de- front of lier cottage and lier eyes wandered e a L ý)I.O _,pou woraen and Dervous deWlity, as also indige oss the village common where the get into a botter position for a kick ab' the h isease sire ta sleep, failure ta bc rested by sloop, DIONCASTER goal. acr fisher- hescenebomethiDgtliatg,-tveýli-,ilýeanot et tien, dyspepsia, liver and kidney ci M men and miners were playinçf quoits, out ta aspect ta it, and rr.echanically ý,vý-ry man% rhoumat-ý*sm, etc.,-tlitit sufferers came from af constipation, -la M RS. -1 "Yes 1 sec," site responded in saine doubt, gun was lowered. An immense white parts of Europe to see lier and procure lier dullness of hearing, cou of the western canot lire, whoré - the la8t rays ' and what is charging ?' woIf modicines. Gifts poured in upon lier £rom voice, deqire for solitude, excitabiliby of King St., Bowmanville of the August suit. turned the crests a the That's rushin, forward ta si'eze t'âe bal! dashed through the fringe of bushes through weaiffiy patrons, whom elle bad rured, aile temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with ocean billows into caps ai gold. which the elk had just made tloir way, and prescrit clone of 30,000 rupee8 (kiLout ton thon- LFADEN CIRCLES, oily looking-skin, etc., or ta tackle a plaýýr." Twa and sixty years an' what pleasure with a frightful yell sprang uponacalf that sRnd dollars). Mrs. Besant is nov, in Canada are all symptoms of nervous debilizy, that Thon she waited a few minutes until a dia afiera resifle h., lie haen. He's denied himsel' the e of lead ta insanity uniess aurait. The -,prîng mI y - M st-ood by the qide of its mother while the 0" lier vay home ta In nsion every Ordinary things a' life an guid kens for lively tuuel was ended and lie could give three years lit Russie, wheremsihlyo. hAasf ebweent hther latter was quenchiug lier thirst at the creek. lionorëd guest of a, lier a moment's time again. The calf, bleating pitiftilly, went clown former patients !il Montreal bave offéred lier or vital force having lost its te what. For the last twenty year he's nivver able function wanes in coriscquence. Those gien a penny tao the kirk. He's nivver il Wasn't that perfectly lovely ?" she ex- beneath the leap of its blood«thirsty foc, quite a large amoiint of money for the right ta who through abuse conallitted in igno,ý facture an cl soli ber rem claimed, Il and how stupid of me. 1 rem em, edies on this came in bill th service wis begun an' the and instantly the wolfe's fangs were at ifs Inalla- tire rance, may bc perniattently cured. Send a tinent but she prefers ta keep the, manufaccon- your addiiàs and 10 dents in stamps for contribution plate was ta'en awa' au'Iwhen ber di8tinctly now that Charlie told me al' throat, and the next instant the whole under lier own coýitro1 in order ta ensure their an, sent 1 those points and that three strikes were out, pack came rushing and yelping like purity and open an agency la this country ta book on diseases peculiar to there wis a retirin' collection lie s ipped cet oý doutons nd when a man stolp a base the batter in lapon the startled lie dispose of thern. Her Medicine is supposeà 10 dors the service wis ower. An' what bas rd.' That this was seaied. , Address M. V. L(JBOiý, 24 Mao- lie the only known cure for consumption in the M O ho spent for claes? Re>s worn that auld top P'unded him for three hits, and when the the pack we were pursuing there d bc early otages. Sufféring men and women. should donnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. If îaý7r il ;D ýi! cille clSt severe cases cent buttoued up tao his throat simmer au, ball got foui they fanne(l flic air. Of course no doubt. Chased from the quest of blond write fer particulars and addreps Mrs. Martha 36-lyr. winter tac iave collars ever sin' I mind, an' I ought ta have remembered, brit I was fraie the ran-.hes, they had struck tle trail Besant, Toronto. Correspondance confidential. - - - Qf his shune every bit as lang. Widdy Ta , in- thiriking about somethiiiý else when we of the elk and had crept upon thent in that it seems Odd. son bas lodged him fixe an' twenty year an' "me out tais afternoon. There, sec that quiet vale. There were twelve in the pack, Another Graat Discovery- Whou a man is self - in ad a he is generall an making a home run 1 Ain't lie just tao pous elle tells ma that when ony a' the bairns in et one of thora less than five feet in length. First Traveller : -Why is that pain the first t:) find it out; but when ha Icas of wages. wad gi'e a bit hoast the doctor wad insist lovely ?" and the young man gave lier one True ta their kinci, they pouDeed ripait the fellow struttirig abont so- absurffly ?', e much disoomfort. long agonized look and shrieked aloud. makes a fool of himself lie is the last one on gi'eiW it a poother that lie could tak' a calf that the first wolf had kilied, and the Second Traveller "He fouad saine bain gnashing, snarling and saapping of their in his railway sandwich." shillill' aff the hall croon that ho had tac aware of it. gi'e for the week's lodgin'. Mebbe ý e nivver ------ great jaws as they fought for a morel of Only Partly Misainz. heard boa lie got his stockins. Well ye the meat was enough ta frighten an Indian How to geta"Sunlight" picturg. Friend-your son played font ball at ken when lie wis ridin' roond the plrish lie i front the spot. Before we had time ta think colilage, 1 am tr)ld. Fond inamma-Yes. wafi mak' his mare trot on the grass ta save Send 2573 ý'Sunliuht" Soap wrapper3 what it would bc best for us ta do ta Inake 37,riend-Quarterback? Fondmamnia-Oh, its alarme an' ivvery bit o'wool that a sheep out attack the most effective, a maïvement *ýVhen Baby was.,;clz, ire glive lier Castorflq (wrapper bearîng the w,-rd8 "Why Does wi' his whip an' amSig the buil eIL-s caused us ta postpOne Vý,rhe-,l sh, vasa Uhild, shý e-ied f,,-' -a Worlian Look Old Soonc- Thait a Man") nearly all back. He lost - only an ear bail cast lie wad gether up tha wisna able 43 Scott , St,,, ail . a hand. gietae Saine puirwiddy consideration of the attack. %ý71-,cii sac bocame:wss, she caing to Casloria. to LEYEP. BRos , Ltd,, I' , tao pay lier bills ; an' lie wad get lier tao e,ýIAt the first onslaught of the wolves the Toronto, and yon will receÏve by po8t t wnir a.'the wool lie zethered au' when she 'Wheil slie liad Cliildreii, slie g-ve tileni Castoria, pretjy picture, free from ver s stand as if paralyzed with fright or ad- < ad tisàig and wo7rked nicht an unday to-clay'!" an , 8 thAsts, and'three, oÉ the white demot, feil Winalow's Soothinu Syrup" for children e healthy. Its great hoal- curative powers are poBsessed b7 day for weeks au' nae a peeny wad he takl, Little daughter-11 Oh, no, mamma! to the ground disembowelled. The a- A U Sorts il the This lonI a play ; îVe a sacred concert." teethinD, is pleasgnt to the trýBte and -r remedy. Ask your druggist for 'Ir' sac mony men were hurt he brocht iùg bulle again reduced the cirule by &* prescription of one of the oldest and best them n' back tae health, an'a'for naething. YNE S OINTHFlNT. Lyman Sons or two, and the rernaining wolvesrýovèo,,ni' -t n d conditions of Men femalo physicians and nurses in the UnW wadna say a hard word aggainst Dr. Penny- -Whatebbah you does," said Uncle Eben huddled in a space that left thera little -noke the famous Cigars ed StateA. Price twenty-live cents a Moatreal Wholesale Agents. cook for aý the world. IVII be a sad day to his eldest boy, "doan be sahcanic, Er for action. They leaped against th N'Ii el, a womrn is too busy to glance over for the Pariýh o'Bridlemains when we dinna man datkeeps allus tryin' ter shoet Foll aain, to be hurled back torn and Él Padre and La Cadena. tbh'pttlw@'or'd. Be sure te e-5k for "MRs. olI love stry in a paper when she is ha'e a Dr. Pennycook tae look efter a' the ez ohe flies run or heap o' resk ob boi Sold by all druggiets Ciroughout n' Now the elks closed in the circle uF..i their 1 ,iling Luuse, elle Ls terribly busy. ills that flesti fa's lieir tae. hurt by de kick ob his own gun." foc& and waiterl for no furth.-r attack. Withi S.'ýýDAvis & FSzs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYYý ."22MI7