for alcoù.3 ~o~ AGRICULTURA.L. The Old Pioneer. In sum mer 1 poke roun' ont doors An' kinder help te do the choree; I try fto b.. so.nie little good An' chop an' fetchi the kinclin' wood; 1 ildge a mLu sbouid st be brai e, L2ýngam le keeps outside the gra-ve, Au' poke about tilil ho sinks down An' darkiness cornes ani'covers ail- An' so I poke an putter roun' as.the grain, and a very large quantety of WINTsxrTIAmTION.l silica. That expiained why roots and grasses should follow cereals, as they did flot take out the same elernents. It wa A FSchme to Extend the Sealon on the St not difficuit to decide what kjnd Lawrence. of manure thcy should use for any - crop. Farni yard manure was by far the Navigaglon te Open li May anhd Close in best and most powerful, as it gave back to Decesnber. the soil most of the substances that had AQebcpealay -A etngo been taken from it. I t- yspinldbalt .=-Anrmeetinga îoR regnlarly on the mnne eap-ï tb" her, y the St.. Lawrence was held the other day, fixed the ammonia, which was the mcst the object hein, to gather information and vainable chemnicai for the iand, but very n.lrenr ead- ete rciaiivo 1 c15d leio~ go;'the night is settlin' down. meddo ls,,vntari a'so'e' üP"" -with the greatest-interest. ±n.n scFooD, IL. . AeJ-'L. - .1 Zp- L5,An' p'raps they'1i mies me w'en n nr orties. Sait did nlot enter plants asaWaterY lt je bel'eved that the great raiway Lowell, Mass. 111Se.Po.xford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. eHW3. î7 hoh lhe' man pokes an' putters rouin'. solution, but fnrrned new chemijal combina- sniaei eymc neet n i oda in the so u ws rvdthttesolutiontiooand hat hvr 1Castoria le the hest remiedY for childreu of "our physicianc ini the children's depari- __sec of sda njee provedmnur o thesasation d that Ise which 1 arn acquainted. I hono thoyise efot ment lnoespoien highly of their exoeri- Doyou 7-C TVL Z The Use of Sat in Agriculture. necessary to get wheat and bariey* 'n poe e hi aifcio httepatiewt atra !dadroul3bY booniand eed; nd ots, iiouh ty'r navigation of this part of the St. Lawrence fur distant whenmothers willconsiderthoreai once iu theïr outsidoprcc etCsoi, Undr heAupiesoftheFoortin fvl o into 05:5; andboom ithouhthsie s aynyouruDcmeradMrh inîerest ,of their children, and use Cast>ria in- and although ire only love amnng Our N. K. FAIRBANi C Co., teLnahreFros socain n-wonld gfliotearsod Sloia ws osit i mast, t is luNovombor and _'day they will not steadlof thevariousquack lOstrUms wih alo~ idclrpie htl unna eu Wellngton z una Anu n icts, land, a lecture was givon in the Techuical portant for strengthening the straw of lhositato in shipping millions of bushels of mosrie oothinsrV nd o efrngophlim, riofct ore freeas wonese ltokt the moliTS<EA j1, Schooi, Blackburn, by Mr. W. Chrimos, of ceroals, and thus preventing thera from grain throngh the St. Lawrence via Que-' agnshm, otheingru and her lomeria-ful n'ere ffCtorabswnus1 ohw Winsford, Choshire, upon 1"The Use Of Sait being laid by xaather, and as sait was the bec. ta pent dwnthelgIrae"thoreby acnding avANr tipon it." in Agriculture," which we give, as fol- onîy substance which hadl the chemical Bom1 rmtr rvs"UsIE IS'TL~i Yston, eaav, ORUN ows: power of separating silica, they wonîd sec MRRYMOMENSTS. D.J F cna, rBoston, C.s=1, ae& '£ie lecturer said the subject o atwsteiprac of sait fo orsig h owy r LstC riTPo. one of the mont important that could be stems of coreals I ets etuatkeprwocnut OmxnT .n'n fot ~wYikLLy OR brought bofore an agriculturai or scientiflo business on a band-to-moutb basis. ARMERS audience. It was astonishing that a sub-Brdofafteroudetrfocon stance whicb migbî ho cailodl a life Parm Notes. of reach of the bonnet makier. Whsn Fou ses an Adsertisemsnt like th'is proservor of man and beast sbonld be un- Besranpu ltos Speaking of coincidences,1 il is worthy nf d' - rstood or vaiued se littie. Cato in 150 Besradpuaitos carefaiiy unLder remark that kies, miss and blies rhyme fei D ON'T BELl EEm Il eC. recommcndsd sait for pressrving shoitor beforo îhoy are rnsted or otherwise citeuî.FRSi.EB .UIMBTI. OB~ŽAVLB b u ' If y o 1e u i e ay.i g r G ro c e r ie s , h a y a n d w a sh i g sc a b b y s e e p . V irg il d a m a g o d . raI ni e i o s l a fo o t-b a l te am it is a w a y s a l o w a b le F ORS A LE__ _ _.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L 1 ourqur aytig nmsntioed it as beneficial to cattle. Ln In building norn cribsie teost kick bof ore and after, but not during the Stapie Dry Goode, Patent Medlciness, 1748 Dr. Browning wrote : "It fertiiizes from the ground bîgh onougb to prevent match. To o t u iness and Shorthan College Tinware,. Garden Seeda, etc, cal' at the soil ; it arises in vogtabies and from rats harboring under thorm. Jilison says tbat the maan who is habitu' FTorontRo Bus*PT.nd SOLINA STORE where you wiil find a tîbem is conveyod to animale ; it le the uni- Provide enougli bedding for your animais aiy on-ommtaibasunEusiessou. Èrst-clams asortinent which lian been versai condiment of nature, benehotiai te se they wiii hoe comfortabie i coid weater. p o-cor ta basnuieso bouglit for ca'4h, cnnsequently I arn pre- all creaturos sndowed witb life." Wben Leaves, etraw, etc., are gond. lie. odle-rt fnd tvr ar ok1 ci aaa' fice qnalitysait was present in the blond of man and Cotnetedann ni o r onslent my hougbts. Maud- "Papa Saye itlaComeria1Sooo Amceraicatny aaino.iay iohraiae(heebigmr hn5 or the weather stops further work. Under' aîways difficuit te recover siail amounts." Leading CoEmATeEcPART E N T *jtook. 1as~rt a cali and yen wil Per cent, cf sait in the aeb cf blondi, its 'O 1' weco n whthryo b y orne. imprtance tolife was ai one percived Treat the fart band iumaney but 'ni' thirty or frty ou my ads." "Nonsense,"T Ail animais were fond cf sait,. utepoeupnb htIi wr'îs edne "l1t's s fact. I'm thse warden of a prison." MANAGEMENT B SN SEN LS N. B. Filioct's Rouler Flour kept. United States cf America the bords cf wid regularly, boneetiy aud tboroughiy., Wife-"'The doitor says I nee ne FACULTY H R A.D TL G A Y J -T.W LL A S scrc c sai arbe, r "ai lch."In sue in your neighborbood ; take part, and as if we'ed bave it lu a fowbheure." NMETFODS SPECIAL PENMANSHIP Our own country catlle were fouind to prefer thus heneafit others as weli as yourself. Yager-"1 I made nute rîinggspeech in Iage opesTahr pcait sait marelles. Cattie kepb without, Sait Have a box in the back part cf the nomn my lufe, anyway." Chorus (deisively)-Lags and most coaempletsn sufere gratl, ad uils c rok sitwagon and mi ib rosi the beet formed Il Where, wben l" Yager-"'Tbe nigbt Ifcitis lr sbould ho kepi witbin their eacb ai ail ease. Dry these and put in a soecure placepopsdtMr.agr' tues. Ilealthy action of the organe could for seed nexi seaison, Viopsiloe r-" Ha rk .htmsth nte not exist wiihout saIt beiug introduced intoVite-I ak1Ttmutbantr 1 1 1the system. The proportion nf sai in the Try tacking soine cf your corn fodder naiîroad collision ?' Ros-"l Oh, n, That's NO I E Thora is on1yonue Toronto Bu&snoss sud Shorthni Coleoe. 1 C u r nblond wae fixed, aud if enificient was net Ibis year and soc bow much more valuahie Cîîarîie's colîege club in tbe barn prantic- NO ICsi located (n corner oni Yonge aud Sbut'3r St,,ets. Oldlest en given in the fond, the required qan it je than wben lbu in the field te ho dansm iga 1wyîl"tablishedbsns oig rmeei oot.Pto l"~a i >e h wasdran of mi he isuaurml aged by the weather. After the bawl.-He (lu aniger)-" I world. Suel eitd1 oiin.Wiefrp~1cu u te no'aiu will drive trengh and waste took plac'e, and Sonner or later anr Clean up about the baru aud yards don't know why we men marry anyway; Satisfaction guaranteed.WAIN R Prn pa --wllderve--sregt an - --nial-wol r-o g, - Sait- was most- enoving-almaîsunre and mutbîsh dolors it women are sucb oils. She (swetiy-AD lSO acquirerobusthealth valoabie sud reliahis as a preventivec rezsIt cari flot then ho baudied sud Tatsuthmaon aqierbs elh discases sud epilemice. Lu support of Ibis wililboa nuisance ail Winter. Mrs. Snaggs-"lWlat a noise tst donkey 3 SHUTER STRE1Ti by peseeriq Ue ftfhecd af statemeut lho read a pampblet by the Sonne- If the sîraw bas been stacked where stock ,Yand ywe horaypee c ass ggkey --tamy of the Aspatnia Fa,-mens' Club. AI- can ur about il fonce now hefore theamoghdm nml. tisough sait was muchirdosmer on the Con- ground treezes.Uebad, alsa Eastng hodmanima oies Tis hunent than witb us, it was far more largely or snob lîke, but iievor ire, as soine of the atr s iteRais- hsi nsed theme than lu Engiaud. Many yeams animale are sure 'i ho ijnred upil t gond, healtby country, isn't it ?" CVstr ago tbe French Govruruent sppoinbed a b"fore the Winter le over. io an-" Ya-as its healthy ennugiî, ef yeh commission tb invetigate the question don't put on ton many airs," f salt. The report presented said Even This Shall Pass Away. Chevreuil, the celebrated chemiet, il isO bhat sali sbould ho given te r Oc l - d~ sail, eas only two iigbt meals in tweuty- . ou b begneantseain ;thn ai 1 What aneditor thatirnuwould have cnnnteracted the effecte of wet pastures Graved a iuaxim rnI nsd wise, made. 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worstedisan 11%u,,-posheYad prevnedor ;thuit- icifehlm afo iseo 1--1-s-1u fnis-- crae aia sitddgsinand bas- cuneF;ganeletton te your friand ?" Se-li's al doue -SüiLngs of ai n -ïnu -for meiyyuoutn1ý - î~~~~eued fatteuing. One of the principailFit for every change aud chance, oxcepitishe postscript. " He-"Oh lbave ouitn os ~enyrecle a ..AVIo"~amcfnatiuts. reosos wby sait was good for taîtenin2 oenwrs u hs r hy the poetscipt; otberwiee you'Ii have teadbywr 0vrecle n nuie yset&OWîOcattle was Ibat it made thern eat anod drink "Even Ibis shahl pais away." pay double postage." Guieprsâ)ared bottercTotyougBoxenmany.anions Trains of cci bcaud ~ Aprices neyer more moderate. ba.vlean d h ai d.00.ts gIl rogbsmile," qad lie, I"my fiend, goesofar 50e an seonue te two ounces cf sait per day, sund bc Brought him genre from Saiuarcand Lîfe's sorrows te begile." ___________________oid oxen two tothmoe ounces pernday,bui for Fleets of galleys througih iiheseosTetorauwed"Rgtyure Two reasons why, you are certain to be bnettd f fatteninagoattiefive te six ouncesperd(ay was Brought hiii pearîs te match witb these, Letes go and take a smile."trdn atheod elbeG ns'uni in soeaethtw nI ton much. For a young isorse aur ounce But lho oountod nithie gain tKate-"Andth belon: be wents' away lie gave ar tU0 O ~ -aday -was abouit enough, -atnd-twiaoi ossTeauo f the ie'rman 'g" ~~ ep nreliablegosadte r old at lowest liin for an old horse. Oid animale eqired "Wha hl',)ea the b:king wonid s hoad onknwi;wa we---Di Hc pot more salI Iban young nues, as waste was "Even thie shah pass away." tie bell yon sow itKa e-- ?o ;I bd til oft asyQlckly, POrManOntly Restored. more rapid witb tbem. H-orees when ovor- In tb: revels of bis court dirent mci Fred's lips. " fatigued sornetinise bai iheir appetite 4 a At the zenith of the sport, Our custoniers eau depenci on getting, well-Madle, ghoî1 Weekiness Nerç- handful ni sait weli mixed with nats wu Id Wheu tbe paimes of Il his guosts The Conversation Fiend. fittingadsyihy tcoiîn atpce to utalpokt ousiess, Debiity, restore tiseappetîte. Sait îrnprovod thse Burned wïbb clapping ltailue lests, an" Goin' far, mister ?"riastosut al Ocý,eü su ad al lbhetrain ci coate cf horses, The Romans gave their Ho, arid bis figm and V7WluOi' u, lsyw ni atbid-lsscmprietFull lines of TÂes, Collars, Clinf, Braces, Hancukerchie(s, otu evils frou eariy errera dlocks cf sheep a regular alowaluce cf Sali, ('riod, "Oh, loving fiensofcfion: f the xpressesa rnuning f omaLumnotS o atasi hsSrn o ilpes sac or aler excesies, the sud il was aimaI aa law witb liii ihat Ploasure cornes, but flot tb stay;. foeoteepessýnigfo odnI yuwn utti pigyuwl laeu n h ' iVits of oewrti uniy hudb bevi.Even this shah b sawy" eLiverpool. The quetionura.s asked by overcrk Ibs qantty lsoid : oeenvd. oreFigtin oua frlos ~aloug-nosed, thin-lipped ian rith pninbed benefit yourself by Iookii3g through oui' magnificent stock a,ý \ C u s , w r y e t . E x p e i în o îît s p r o v o d l t h a t s a i t w s m r i h u g o a f r J s fie l , c h in , s a t w h i k e m e , a s io u c b b a t , s u d o sas f h P s Fhitff ve o alabe o e bptha t ierai as 5 nejavelin pierced bis sield, scuîy e oeso o o na nc. e a the "Star" tw o doo -at o t e P s O f c , B w a v le ment and toue given ta i l: uatity and quaity O n ierwitb a loud laisnent, hur aor thi e i oupoteonancothea improvedrSoldiedsporeion gdbis eeidonethe opposite side netto iveytigansud oniop tirrwool,preveuted rotas ite ees Bore hbu bleeding boe bis lent, crae bc etwspri cnxdb i of the body. Simple, Ih -vas advisabie te scatter grouud rock sait Gnoaniing froun bis totured mâte, a asage, wgc inat rey c lse suit.Tedpaa- )~ I atra iehoe.L- ever the pastures; it sweeteued the herbage, "an17ad1 en"b:cid ue drse tme atyann u If) mediate impmoement sud the animale liked be taste tbe sait. AI. " But witb patience, day by d y, took a look ai hie questioner.____________________________________ seeu. Faiiure imposai- îhough the value of sait as a manune was "lEven Ibis shail pasa away." " Yes, I ai goiug te Cnewe," hoe repiied. hie. 2,000 refenencea. genenalîy adîitted, ils Use was compara-Tooigi bpulcqae"Myusnsthnis1sl1frsaesf Book, oxpianalion and tiveiy limited, nbiiefiy because ils chemrinai wnycbt ntear aksok ips fryitrs nafr proofs naiied (seabed) action on ftic sailiwas not cieariy undIer- eet uislstear aksok ips fu neeii a stcd sd h gea sîen pvin Rose bis statue, carved in sIone, cf eighty acres ton miles foîin wu, sudÏ choloideilusetting niben substances frc Then the king, disguised, unkuoren nvet thue proceeds lu a clolbing etahiisb- bsd eenoxelooed. he se f sit S Musinfore bis scuiptured usume, meut. 1 au frein St. Abans, in Hentford- manue bgan ervearl inthe astingmeekiy "Wbatis fais? sbire. 1 got in lbe train thon: ai 9:35 Ibis wREMUCLG1 uflNY anupraed ban eoal ieb : Bsi and F ais is but a slow decay, morniug. t was forby-flve minutes behind Wj'iU be Ipleýased once in quantity, twice ini tual w- as prctisb heHrewse hrsdines Even Ibis shall pasa away." tue. My ticket frou Enaton cesi me 13s.j, D R . ' Û Lord Bacon n t b: 7îb century ec emend- Slmck witiî pasy, sene sud nd, 2d, Had iy breakfast bout an oum sec, h ee t n ie n P r C hO i s eC h ed the use of sali sud waier for land ; and Waiîing.aI tIe Gules ofThis cigan ceaI me àd,, Sir Hugli Plaît said that manuns laid onu Saith b:, with hie dyiug hfeabh, on five a shilling. 1 have been a sioken for barmen greund wonid f ail te enicb the "lLife le deux:, but what s dealh'î" abouit thirlien years. My name is Thomas urneqtualled assortin t of sain bu fo th sat prsen init.Bc-Thenin nswr t th k.Williams. Lai îhity-nin:years nid, have saore lforng the qsait ofsaeu sil. B-To na ethokoa wif e sud ur chiidren, sud ai a member tors ixin thequanily i sate lu hoilia auneai on hie ring,n b ogeainl hnb a om appiied, tbey shonid canefuhiy cousider t:he wn y evsl ay , ofiyathemingegt uionulh ai1 an named condibinuxe cof ihe sod, whai manumos had "Even ibis shah psss away," ryaceit u odott a ae behosupnevieusiy used, and whai crope -[C. B. L. Record. Teadway, sud I au net in auy business had been naiaed. Sandy souls required __________no.Iiwotpra,£,00 My more maalt than ich, h:avy, loamy souse. faîber wss a cooper, sud my grandfathei', a Su ll-.e s RsciPnhh ,Trn k l lTalkac 2iéýC,, s Sait consistedl of îwo-tbirds chioide snd Kid Revirer. sea-captain. Nly wife's naine was Carn b:e- ~ ~ ~ LI.PJ.L5 ÂLIL~3 A. iJJ a -thrd soium.fore I married hier. Hon fatber was a sur- sodium chionîde were iweuty tluesgreater, Was ui m," esaid lb: n:w servant girl. oe.omtiduoim Tesleu o:r f "ab a aknvr bdwii e B07îrn aeal a b ta hsofri a e stting re: saud "h, eanu îeyun ie , umps. chisiken-pox and messies. Wben I At Our Store, Ur'-BEAVE a BIJOCK, Bo mu' -. bsekiupth e ai wa ft he nreacllebbCrews I expert te0 stop a t an hotl." N or y P i e laxprieaknuthi ee aeta ftb:souheAn b: boter' ow"He toppsd. The lng1 ne in eard-B QG E srI1 s1 0i s mcd leles 1h ro- I"hhe's ail nght now ;but lb: was had e0l"o mmn ihinest u ative solveut powens o ain waten sud nitfrt.11,2 ere e corne even quit: tdhfo ak-ominta d isa tiiWay t ndB G E a solution of 10 per cent, of Sait, aud it was fint; utI ondbi ueicueuul: up e~dindis 'ati aud atb Rihi h ugbaig ite ftePr onud Ibat whîle the nain water dissolved a board." ynun axa do 1'L-7. ciD ie t h e 5ln~sctiigand expetoraPnt total nf 1,345 peunds of minerais, the sait "Found hie mnedicîne ! Gond gracions! Ion a ivun' proebied wofbthe seslaebnsdexpendeaxit solution dissolved 2,475 pounds. In ceeala Whaî have you been giviug tb: chiid? Selisbneas produces selfiabes ; indo- p opers er ectoCRE abrssdbka thons was a large prepondornce cf phos- Thene's ne medicine in lb: cuphoard." once incresses wiîb evsryhour of indulgence B IG & E S1I 'V'\fAL lnI..JL 1 EFC CR O phonoc acid, amnountîug teuealy 50 per "'Oh, yes, thon: is, ifli. 1le witlen on sud what is lefiunudone bocause, it is diffi- CoUGens, shS aEohitJD SoLreen, uwhatsurcl, udneni t enil"cuittîo-day, will b: doîxhly difficuli to. E r body inVited to cali anid se our new f 1 cHoarsenimasAsîin, ronchiAi, LTrad cent. un hari:y. Iu ail ots thon: wassa And thon did that girl triumphautly înnrow. er ya LUV'GIIISE.t&SES. Obxtinatecsua'bswhich 'large preponderance oi potasi, in poitatnes produos a hottus labelled II Kid P.eviver." 11__ r.3__ 1 ot A pntty schooima'm in Weymeuth, olaatheinsdisrp. e pbp eIi eshu eny 5 e en.l s u is.~as succeoded in taming the village1 asan.piAyriup. clover dthe most xmprtant cons 1 uuts wero The Ibill-boad"ma es aac1r gld;ïls terrer, tb: worst boy in tihe scooF and is ,D~ otash, lime sud milice. The ama, f uadbill makes bu ined. g îng e mrryhlm, TRE SHGE J censais contaili ed nesniy ball as i cch polashj u t'.