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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1893, p. 5

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t,- ~ -r "t 't J- tA/V/ùI,ýtN MA4KE AME/Ci NSTYLE Tho eretn of Fit, and linr i h sokQ * anY enterprising shoe dealer. * A.T. E5te & C,, ock Island, Que. T E-EYE. Theý oye j the mnost delicate or- ~an of thie human body and yet, we ~n4manypersans who exercise far m.îëcare in selecting- a coud of -wood or a-n yard of cloîh than in j)uying a pair of Spectacles and the ïeu1t i t' hat very-, often wc flud those who hlave h1ad their siglit prermanlenFly iue by taking the advice of peiais or others who, kne"w 11111e îehe aral;t n ;, he1 uauJ o4f the goo.dîs they s, id or still less aUbout the coDnstruction and require-* mâenta of thie eye. \Ve have spent ycars of studýy oan this subjeet and liave rraduated- in the three mast snoted collee in U.ý S. and net only give each customner thie benefit of a carefu1 examination fr'ee of change lut we selI ouT goods at the lowest possible prices as we buy i awge qutensitis direct 'roma the faetory. S'-pecira vaine in gold. STOTT & -JURY, DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN.1 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. FiOWMANVIILLE STATION. OING EAST <lOI!< WEST ~yr .8 S9 arnl Expre8..... 20 arn i~rs .07ami Exproess..... 6Q7 a in p-,, -,r....2 4.w " 0 Paonenger ....s 39 arm JP&Bsergý,r,.. -. 07p rnmIPassenger .. ..2 29 p rn Farres.. 95 prmn1Expreau ......830 p ro W H EN 'YO0U GO0 TOe% BRITISH CLiBA M IOBEUROPE, UNITED ST TES, ors any p ;ne111Ca ada 51at STQOrI Muity'5 ru toefor Ticketaaud Ififor- Mation regardfiing l oweet rottei and best BOWÂ1VLLEDEC. 6, 1893. Mr M.7r. sidiug Mr, Johte Staey bai beeu laid Up wth Au a stt inni with a blinding snýw a biief epell at hout a severe co!d. - strmn prea 1 d ail daýy e2d3 mk Mr. C. W. Sous-h an. sEra The Town Cunr 1 proceedi'gs c rh ugv.yfs 1-,. hi n of Mt. V,,mon spent Sundsy in ts.wn. day ni,4I t were chiefly of a routine che Cf-t elsnwiortî setn Sholda od ' b is~ r uri~2 ctr.Rev, 1) J. Mac ,oune;l, B-. 1D , theý Rt-ad the article on inside page Torch or A by Iuw is ta b rzuhmtted to the free- pnn etrs t nrw- brh Spade? holders erantin $5000 ta a L-nitting fact- To onto, wil qpetk tînO htý auspies tiof Mr. Goddard Fleming is home nuraîng orY in Bowmanv le. tht- Y. P S. 0 E. in St. PUisa church-, a d seamed grrn that bas cauveo hlm much Safnta Cl- 's e -t a biz lfsad of Christ- on Monday Diec. li; subject, -Couses-. a v n sufsrig.. asîrs~tstoBî 2 litwek.Lokvatim and Progrees in the church.' l v ie bought the entire stock1-L "The use of Sat in Agriculture" 'is an out for p j-tc1îTs n-xt wee',. ruia tga Uhi nhu ilpe o ± . ~ u u o e3 ,£ n y .x O athclei ed e nswicksu died .coe te dyr n.ightginao8 o lc .ofBoo s tat/Uay TFncy û..s artile n ihs isue natever femer lion. John Boyd, Lieut-G-)vernor oF'SilVer Collection at the deo",er.f ± Iisss ji u ~ .- Ray. R. D . Fraser, M. A., and Rev.' ap-piexy alter ri'turning from churcb.2OsNwPo ier. 3 'T 171' TC 1 W. S. Pritchard, B. A., excbange pulpite Mr. J. B. Mitchel han leaaed lhate Big 2a's New e cordial t next Sundesy morning. handisomne brick resideuce froni Mrs. -V entl eio , it h rnIl a nd s e otj ~N_771ocII Mrs. Donnelly spent Sunday in îown.Tiero ocuedb MiJKacehebsnsmeoU ornnleMr - She bas a fisg mi[lînery business in To. Elgin St. the bsnessAlen asfhe nwpanopie r.o rota 3dorswat f pain Ae. o Ap!easant social was heid ab Mr. Jno. Big 20, book and etationety store, ho n(.'7 ôooV U.~ iIn r7 1~cI- Q neen kt. Stephens%'Thanksgivinc, evening. About ohevi,.« l, neryY OK 1, gpurçha5sgç4 thç gtQcIIà,",' godtw-_l-A Mr. W. Law of Darlington hils bought $17 wss recoived for Ïhe Ladi3s' Aid oftQ elk~' sasîetfrgomw the home f fthe late Dr. Allison ad wiII Trinity chrcb. wshldi1onro Dobon & Maynard. Mr, Allen had BîU às h n o n m n s i t r~ setîle i town. W are gîad t welcome A fai eweial B. ans ihed iscipkao a thorough training in the bsnshv ibl--es,. PrayerBooks, Toys, DoUa, such wothy citizens 'ai blr LV rs5 Mr (Rev.) B. ntre D10 lexig ing sorve'ý kis appreuticeship in Variety X aa AL a temdMbarbe u atw ht q h çprier to lier dpr U eLeig allwith Mr, T. Yçlowlçeo iend after- X u arus, ' ricture n'raines, anu.Û ' i stee u, ieri atwih tn y, latt We3k. wards Was, head clerk fur Mr R. B. Au.n- --- ~ e c teL.ds us a uew subscrtber for TreE Mr. Warring l1jenne'Iy his been drew in the sbop hoe now ra-enters ai pro. W î ow S ades, e c STATESMAN and Ladies' Journal sud says brcught ont by the Oonservatives of To- prietor. la addition to having a thorough of the Jout-aal: "We have taken il; Ibis ronta Io oppose Mr. R. J. Flc.ming, thke knowledge cf the news, book and station- Wc wili take special care to satisfy everybody wpe haxe eo do w1ý0h year sud like it vcry much." It is a present popular major, for 1894. ei'y rade, MAlen ls a yourig man who and shail be pleased te have a ahare of your pattonqge. splendid publication. Mr. J, C. Vanstone bas bouphit the bas grown up imong us sud has always Don't forget Rev. D. J. Mtacdoiuell's large brick reaidenca ou the bill west 1f been highly iespected by our ctzeus Orders for Newspipers, Music Bok3, and I'ictut-e fiamning MwiU _ho lecture in St. Paui's church uext Mon hbis Rol.r ~îf onMy. j B. Mîtchsl1 ýgouerally. Hiae methodicai trainlng sund propl ieda wstre. day eveuing lltb inst. on "Conservatism sand wjîl move into it lat o-ce. It is one systematic tact and euergy wi[I do him nplfieda]wstrt. sud Progress ln the churcl." Mr. Mac- of the fineat residences in to;va. good service, aud we prediet for hlm n donneli is one of the best known sud Watcheis f or Xmg'! Tiey are so cbeap cnicef i l business acr mi ash WaTd LLE popular minuitens in Camacla. Silver Col- anid good at Rickard's fliat surely you cnfiec falorbsns anr ___________________________ lecion i the door. efford te niake your daughiter happy by with careful, persoosi attention and ai- RT . Mr. W. Gilbet, one of the oldeat sud presenting be-r with eue A lady's soli l ge soigareadhoinss ud anxeit.y 10yInDrintnonteSr e. most wor thy résidents of Dalington, hss goîd 14k case with Eiginworks for $1800 olg utmr, ei ue1 e aie ouaz-InDningon eyof n t h r l.. N coe nt) ow ý lvewih il snML woth$5.0.gaod ahane of patronage. Mn. Allen is th _ __e oMr.-ti1-W1olu--o-a-d--her iot twnr-ohv wth isso, M. onh $0.0~one of sevoral young men whose eourao Ms-ED John Gibert who now occupies Wood- TEukAtili SATÈ.-The Ladies oU f rfom boybood Tas STATESMAE lias wiatch OcnEa-13.eoîîT-On Nov, lst, at the varson- baÀe cottage, Mr. tJilerb cnjoys pretty Johu's-chuich, B,waranvïile, willf hld a ed witb admiration, suid therefore il in aite by Rev-. C. Watch, Mr. Lewis F. Octiè, good heeîtb sud uotwtbstandivg is ad- tan aud sa'e of fancy work ini thoe cho ol. wth the groatest pleasure snd confidence and vios Minuje Blight. o! Oshawa. vance agoand te loa oU ath auds e rcom onWodnsday sc. 3 Sal ha hat ~recomend lm 1 our oade -as Nov. 2OuNov 2udt athe pparonan H E E vance ageand te loa of oth andelie mm onWodneday ý3c. Sal ba 1at e reommen himte the Rev.raaC.hyWhe ev.tCcW. Mr.lrMr. ohoas is quite active. We hope ho Wll enjoY gins at 3 M p~. m. Admission frac. Tes wonîhy ùf their generous patronage. Lane, and Miss Mary Jane Gey, both o! Osha. town liec aid feel quite at home with Us. front 5.30, tickets 25 cents. 492.uem_______ n Fred Terny bas been appoinled agent Rov. W A. McKay, D D., of Wood .jFCN, O5 ConnisU -At~ the parsonge, by for the tawn for Koaline, a chemical comn c a ee us tLaeVladr South Ward Tabernacle. Rev. C. W. Watch, .Mr. Rtich-ird Jennings sud stý k bs ben gestat orneVila dr Mrs. Elizabeth J. Cornirli, bath of Bawnean- pouud which la guâranteed toesar.. 25 per ing bis stay in Bîowmanville. Hofiewl Tosrie fteSît ville. cetnt or oa r oo ndLetL- alspaki te l-Ini" tTyoSt.PauTé untrsrysrvceso'"hc.owauP oU dy oca;i sh o w d ntdstrosal s-klutePlbsîe tTroetsW srd Methodist Subbath School, will be vile. Nov.'22, by the Rev. R. D. Fraser. M. A. One of the wne~ oF thiis dealycol ai;itlealo srdth K a dedvy nigh' ln places wh-ee -iested bythe Rev.W. 8 S. ,George Brown mne whcn used with fuel produces s great- bas spoken the people have been deliglit-1 'md in te Tabernacle au Sunday sud [hall. of Toronto. sud Elth, second daughter or beat and causes fuel t,) ignite quicker cd. Tueaday, Dec, 17,artd 19.' The Sabbath à! w F. Allen. Esa, sud lassI i riger; it ais. proeonts clînkars M .Jae a t-tfo h fi-i - 1rOmi 8servie.- will fie in.erstinLy. Oc ALTER-WILSON-At St. paul's Iause, M. A.Jame È3 aerl, fo thefollwifi s ms-usvfile. on Tuesday, 23h November, an idr nteca.nu1y a pu ýlic'tea wisll b-i s rvad fr'in 103. 1v R .Fesr ..1IhoWh and ludrs u Ie csh.popular .leaiuîhip linfs-7-AlIan, Allan oook Sra ipor. sek- bE"q., auR.DCoraWseroM, oîlio!Townsahmrp Wr. are' npleasod te ha able te inform o'..i. .e.- .ii,>-AmarirAn (,, er '.1 the .l.L_.... oun rendors who bavo ruIotsecu 15 latly Ihat the Cobouru World is uow evo-n more uewmy anti intereting than ever be- fore. We fte) libre cvengatulating Mr. M. WV Williamns (brother of our respect- cd towusm nv, Mr-. M. D Williams) on the enterpriî o hais msîîîfesting sud we know the. go d people of Wei-s Northum- berland will appr. 1-lte bis efforts %'e furufili an up-to-date local papen. Titane araea few lifve a'lvertisers in Cobourg, Mr. Sm. Cake for ins3tance-, but as a clasa the business men~ are îuot very wida a. waka le tle morfleatif a live local paper libre the World as an adverbiaiug rmedium. A local papor that greaiaslto the beat bornes iu town aud county, arîd is ncad, is the boat advertising medium to be found. Coruî»-The favoralale impression produced ou the first appearance of the agrecýablo hîiquîd -fruit ramedy Syrup of Ir'ige a fais, yeers8 ago bas beau more thanx confirm ed hy the peassxit experience of ahl wh' bsvec usad it, sud the success of the proprief ors sud manufacturonsalte Californis Fig 8vrup Companiy. G'ood bouses 10 rent. Apply 10 5M. A. James. Fer Coats sud Fur-line.d Coats- -a biLg lot aI Masou's. 1For the hoast slve lu the market bey' the Ilappy Thougbt aI Edsall's. 1- min), Anchor, aAod Haoburg An-ries. Packet Co. ADi imlrmiati-Fiabotr r.tes and sailings ceau ho bncion applicaItione the STATICSMAN - -fiCe, Bawmnan)vîle, pers.snally or by letten. 5.-verni youug nienane igohng to Engl&n t for hbe wînter q. A ýJamesb hs s. :d a lut tof stearship rîok..ts lately. Mr. ti'eo. Jsrckmau, Mr. Thiom. H. Tock and1 John Colwil of Dtrlinglo-n weul by the Or, gon ",f the Damiyiion Ltna lest n-sek #àid Mn IHerbert Asintaeo-f Clarke sud Mr. John BrIieht of Dnrliugto.uha bY Ntimîdian of the Allen Lina ibis wesir. Mn. Oscar Lal3elli baes-e etr frîîm, .miltosîi baviug compiaecd b)- course cf aludy at H ,miltonBaies Collage uid,-r the auiervisiou of Messrm Speî,cenr & McCulion-igti At his rtcent exarInantions ho recerveýd iho highest pe?ý î'entaecasd was wrd Diplomnas ln t! C qmmerciai C ne, Shortheud aà- Speciaf Pt nmausýbip. We wish IIia. every stccoase. Bell's Gïft Carnival and Concert Co"% who have been payîn., to the capacfty otf Ope-raflouses îh1otýtsbouL Ontario and who aràm favorably spoken of by the pre- a, stlI opcu a tbrea nlght engagement i, the Towrî Héll h.'re. on Ttîîîrsday Dec. 7 Th~y give nlong, refineI acc h-,gllh enmsng oli'-f epeciaties each night wtb chian e, .%ud alo gf vo away oee un- dr r1 nîlsonme and c.sèt Iv preseanto niezht n- wAJ b, -Presew.Liaublt. Ucgets rfor L",yand Gent, 250;e; i Igle riu, 15- eh'Iildren non beLjnrgi 'g te th o ,0e I c-rdial invitation it xnn.- brht-1 t--tchers sudofi t 1 ibei, f rieudu te bo The Bisbop Returns Thanke. Hie Lorcdabip the Bishop of Peterbor- ugh jée-s very g-reteful for the spirit A . tA c--s sud e lortesy sbown to hlm by ai; n e dansd classes, , îieusecerit visit -to B .wrnanvizle In vfew of t ho m-[ -f bis own flock, ho wa-' deeply grati ied n his firsi vziît ti. this town at tht, greot- ng, ho rocceîved frnt sucli a large con- -ýugâtîon, rnainiy camptîsed of the tiiffan ntChristian denominations, wtiolibtcuod .vltti most respeerful sud noveront arten i-i au 10is moruing ,t:,d ove ýing sermons. The-Biehop rgalhlbas an ev-idenca of 'e adivaciîîg powe r cf Chist;,i» sler. - c-and cha. ity wbich ajyrtuli ,miark the w ,al and religions IMtorcout-ea ,bor.#'.ori LbIhl-istiau boduos in this countny. Af, the l0.-vico here in tIb, CatholioChurch, <'n .'.u day lasi, Rev. Fàtlher Collins mad.e publie aeknowisidgtaonl of his Lordsbip's gtitude and thanko. An Attractive Shap. Vie muet ceriainly give greas prais'- ti, WlrJ ýeI nA h. t.ff,,f AUf- rth. ilocval and Otherwis(ý. Weekhy Globe taoud of 1893 t-sub. "'Spe al adrniss ionlOc. sud scibers for 1894 aI STATESMAN office. lBowrncaulamaifsio . nduig cup wit a attrcia Hall 5'HRow ta keep wrrnkls" in an article Cawker & Tait bave the bost 25c. Tes m'stestmabl"e _chafs o oiz-'es. WÎe a r ) tBeiChinagHllurî tr thue paper for gentlemen, lu the country. Cali snd go% a sample. plcs.eed tabrances-aolb itiRevi. D. C Mc , -ke pretîy r h A New York man bas lued a lawyer for Ieau make it ta your advautage to buY Dowoll ha-r bau-oht tbe cisy brick calta.,t gifed up by Ibth-] e2,000 for giriug hlm baad advice. ofUtme if yeu wfll cal]. Mayuard the ucw cccupiad by M.-. John Fosror, Lîb t,, bcauty and atîrac ead Poverty Penny Cook ou an insidaJle r iyS;.,nd wil soort)y movob ers fmr nllyenbarced. A page if yenu enjo-y a good Scotch Story. A hi g stock of first class fans aSt moder- jPr- Pe.-ny. Itrle s uly a few weeke ag , si et the tampîtiaro Mir. T. B!a-stt of Be'wm4nviloe visited aIe priees.ncuw showing at Coudh, John, thar Rer. W. Jo1hiff, anîd isifo boudu o sud,ý look aI the lo Lisphdfrandard frme fllo twrî- ton sud Crydenman'a. ple-nseît; collage homo fnom Mr. J, Perry lîsrngir, ibaysr P an Mn.J. Hgguotham on Thanks- Patrons of Tas, STATESMAN who owe for on W,llip.gtn S'., sud eettled dtuwl quireta ep-ice of «lving Dy.Miltonî Reformer. advenrsrng, prîîstiug or subseriplione arc îuts' -00LPle who anc' iiveC lhste a, i- ïy te cmp Oea BLîsgi, PrtHop, aleagntrequestcd tb pny up as Boon as possible. nie nys Llad to rstlun. Thea arant-gp, s enr that are so ant fo'e 1o3efeaceîalcmou u am aeivnai ah of living in a town li4r Bowm 'uvulle art', agesiu3ly disptayedj fer redntcing thL c1neiî1mptifon of col sud 200 or 300 customers waubed at Shern u eopîuary ttl inowode s muyLyebas bat-mpint -Wood, fores!ie uie od C<îuîlas bas ap. & Co's , Rcsd's Block, King Street East,1 , p'horts lighoep easigat'xpimn poied Mr. Fe Terrv agent for Bow- Bawmauville, 10 ak awny wali paper ai Positive ccouomy, peenliar mentni -u aeiunt and Miàrnville ,anîd Dror coet pice for the nax 30 daye. woudcrft medicinmi power are alI coin- noce of big naw quei A eunty ct'resdeut sys thora are The Radienut Homo e ite favorite store hinod'sn cet A PoîltaaTryit 120 rdown tend 4 w;cdsuwer3 w'thiu a radi- for leasing purposes. Yeu shou!d Ssa ___________________A_________I us of haUf mk c Married mon muet those haud.vom-sstruves aI Edsali's. Tbey A'trlrgla fPpsur.rcir Rekutcn. if you lix( iun gronît rnis; ru thst cow-m'unty. We aoas good ne tbey are bapas me. Aohrh elto Ppz l ev Boa ruan ville thsoc v7ill back B1o -unil'.ie gairstas sy tawn The attention of aur ruaders le direct- i id.e oue of equai sie fo widowe s ud maniageable cd te the new advl. of Jno. J Mason. Came in sud sec the choice we eau ~I o r oe middetîa; t e are iutdiîent sud geod- Th-y are sbowirug special valua in Ladies' CLvi' .î frnt 10c. la 60c. hast tees, sugars, rë îeQingandxvoîldassetlu akig ay sd Msse' osS. Cli a re Im. Thc largest stck il' t.wn, 1(-lirterIingsin ireî 100'in ad -, id ý,ia n akig ny ndMises Cote Cal el èù thm.GRAND CENTRAL. kwest living cash p gQod mnan's lehpir Th'ýsa lovely slavres ! îs the. reraark f fr i and dairy pr savedy by reading Mason's naw vory frequtntly mado by ladies passînz MONEr WANTD-f-omi ail peractxs 0Wo B wmnnvil!e andi MocyEdaall'a hardware store. The Happy lue accou.ts et hTATEMÂN offre tidcly and tohiec nuo .C. Pothick for launudy Titoughî ran ge bas no supeier ru thea ravîlec Bov LYe ed ay i dta cal to e prîces. .world. Huisr a ur steor io ire 15you nmay is large ut-w shop You eau gelt ail widlhs lu stair sud tloor If yon have n Walch, a French Clock ,repa,, ppso, ia n yt a lsiNe' brick blosn Malori's. ~or any othar valuabie tiloe place wbich wbat Fou wlý ut et Edsal's, Bawrnanvilîe ýpca niaint e oy' uit a0woleal cat prce by anly enus bas gat out of onder or R, ad ha West Bcd flouse adrerlite-a delicious euinof te, at wolealecos prcebroke.tske t So Rickard's; ho eau make meuS if y- u are co'.t mpa inix biuyiug a te nmarket lIat h Soc T. Gcoa. Maso-n'fs uew ndvf. it ns gsod as naît. Jacket. '['ey b tnt reduced pnîctis ailtceutaper. "Ostuoru.- Mr. F. . Peîbick han Sthe sgeucy for It la woi-derful e cheap Wall Papoea arcunci. word inu many fami Parisiau Lanîdry. Ge t ia pnîcas. alo't dw hde, nseMid The W. E-t End flouse h-s e dcided ou l-aa'y more to give it Cal- 'dri boy a lurting casl- aolid gald Pafuts, G'ass andi Kaisomixiti et T. Shariin cieirug uutta' stock tf Germuan made s rimeur oUf.ncyi -iatcit fan onhy 815.00. Maynand te & C.'s., îhe otd stand, one daor cet i t Jci-is boorý Xmas and to make tht-rn i t arrived for-t Jeweiler. R";ý,Ê's stoe Ete, go fas have plut the kuif- i0ao piets lU g--st pices fsor A Ail STÂTESMIAN readera are requested Coucit, Johnsloît sud Cryderman report and eulttithemdîwn-away down. See set. d and oîber kmncis ta order lIl other papers fromt M. te bîgg"t aSete fladies' zoai.stht-y have adrt. A ME S A. JameE- aven ha-i an'd etihlthey have a fine stock LADiys-Aek for HoIok's SoU-cia PolisiaAR ES A hlot -f cw cire s goods, sclling off at of beauliif,lly designed sud loveiy fitIiug for h ico-e a t-r and shoot. Ueo lio aller 0,bout haïf prrcsi et i2ous.b, Johuston& Germait made mantîca nt ail prîcea. snd you wiisle so -uttied wi'lte resusî. The annuai meelin Crydermaln s. We arce h.wiîsgspecial values in uran, F or sale by M. 'ir'.leven, D. Davis, .ino. hiatus Farmers' mastieu A large choc-cff ut.w Tweeds very Ladies' and Mi4ss' f un sels in opssmMcMuntry-, sud T. G. Magoîn. Mlanu the Couurcil Cluamit cheap a-w en1 ' Clthicg Staro.Ail Nutnia, Pri,'a Lanmb, e. AI-o special factured by-A. J. Hook, Bowmfanvilie. F'.iday, Dec. 15,1 Cloth bourgt bore cul f ree of charge. vain lu r's Fur Coats sud Persian Fus 1 Eues 1Fates I11aviutg bongit es-ltion of efllcere Cosueht, Jobnaton & Cryderman are Lambt Caps. Fuil unes cof Lamb Bo"s. argehy sud the %w'ather seoutile, the gbowiîoga bsg e ock af mo'a sud boys5 J. J. Mason. stoek muet lae old. I bave commienced ALBERT TAMBLY;," overcoants i ailt ize<s anrd qualities-new F. C. P ethick bas seeîured the agcency givîug2 10 per cent discaunt ta ai catitSec geodsensd ex'na goond value. for the "Parisien L-,indry'" of Toronto' customsers, Ro camte aloug and bring your Rict-i' it te lac t -by eddngoueofthebýt I-udria n te ) Mn-friands wtt ycu. Thte stock îa large sud SEAREHOLDI r sey ' r suilable for lady ion sud is pnepared ta lako orders lin -iOua. M.eMAER, Ttc Furrier or cbilAl, boueb direct f rom tle manu lSiundritgaf ail kinde as his barber sirop Oziý vU the exciting thiugs of ele a h nulmei faaturers. $9ring for $3. appaosite lte Post Office. Ptices reason. îl-fittiug boni. At Trùlercnt's you wilih if Daningtou Union ,l -ie. fintt something eutlrély uow lu foswear. l e helci on Tuesdey1 Rare yon a lau l' g amp i If Lot, Xhen y,,e bey a sealetta yeu may -t2 W- new winfen atsck le naît opened for 1for genIt-raibuainesa ph hetý are «B 011wmD-an the, ik(so well boy thttbest-ws boliev Liters are inspection sud bs' h4s sosArithiuig shet as ý iaia dTrlab eux >W mor hmdrc fiiErscamfont for aid ladies, sîyhe for cenrs. boislow eliirg. itan is flu tb nsoufa~oro.s nu arashow"g heot- yom' gladlthee-e ed eutieac'in f- 'B,!dostuoieur ire six- t 1ir- Tanli3bafines.ÀsNo) butter vaîno ayste teemnsu ottade e; aProst. cohoin. wh »-re. Conclu, Jobuston sud Crçyder. t please sud ft entire familles. Have you' Miar'sLnln~t aesCacietc. bis advt. on firÈl pagel NMiDard's Liniment Childreri Cry for Pitcher'S Castoria. Uner they have fitfet and grocery in Victo lch's old stand. Pt day tha'ý, but when alectric light at î.igb itivenesa ara wonder paLkser by can hardly in it offers to g,, inmide .andsoine dîsplay of dtable latops, and in- the 101 other nice iplete grticery ds'par- tistioally and adysut. and arrauged. MI r 3r ecipient of many nts the past few days mulgnificent appear- arters. Invitation. ve within ten mile" of un.cer,îs ou, especia' ;holder and waut the raisims, currants, and le grocery Brie at the pices or in exchangt poduce. Th-e peoipla dWest Darhaw, ini ctively, ara cordially ae W. H1. Oab'ýrne, nt pin the eastetnd of k. 11e extends ai Sthe ladies who enj,'y te-no better tees hii ie ellsand none sold e's tes" is a h',usehild lies and he wantk t atrial. A fr-shas and sýaple g1rocerie- the holiday seas,)n A;siku and. red clover la id farn p1oduce. INSTITUTE. ing of the West Dur- ute will ho held in ber, B Wtnanvilhe, ou 1893, at 2 p. m., for and geucral business. JAS. HUNTEI,, cy, Preat. ElRS' MEETING. 'g of the shareholders aOheeise Factory will ,Dec. 19 at 2.30 -p.cs, l and election of ofli- I Cures Distempsr4 t; (;iH---lJLEY-At th(sî resid.-ue.- of Mr t, ,iUCtarke. Maille, ou Weduesday Nov. 22: 1893 , aRev. Gee', W. LDewey, aMr. Wiliam Ulb î: Wright of CartWr*ighîi and Mies Caro-. !u- 1,io.eldeit ianghter or thsî lat ù Ris-b- enil s eî -BrcS; DIED. -L.O-nDarlngton, near Raydon. on lr .uY Dec. 1st, William S;Omon, aged 72 eniAw-In Tononto on Sunday. Dec. 3, 1893, 'ýjge McClelian, beioved wifeofo! Mr. John taw' Interred in Bowmanvila Cemetary. luý Iey Dto. 5. PH-I0ES 1The wonder of Bowm,-a-ville. .OJgWANVILLE MARRLETi 1'uR VIU5 100 Ibo ....... $1 50toS2 00'Biught at î25.,. oit the d llmr of o)ý! Wusaî,Fai, 0 0. O 0660i 5 O me pr:ce3 forcsS'hnk~ I.F ae 0 00 F, 55 Çioi,>rnd 0) IF thim means, 1eBonney Vhit Fjf, i. .O 0 0 0 62 eau do no better thal ta.bu R IF i . Of) i 0 65 ibush, No. L...0 00 fiO 40 Rickard's at the' folioingij priceS:<j fo oi2x.. OOO00tg035 eiIF2....OO0,00 t030 o i Twa-rowcd 0 0 iO033 * >AS.,r whito...........O0 00 si O 30 GENTS $55,00 WATCHFS fanl- .~ -, mixad............ 000 ,0 28 F 5C w itIr., .......0 0 O40 " 5Çî 1> iBîîckwheaL V bushi...... 0O0 O 45 18.0061&ad taSm, Blackoye, V'bush... O 00 fi O 628-.0Caz , il Mummy F ..0 03 Il 0 58, 20 hi s si Sînail, la ... O 00ilO 55 LADIES' 35.00 WATCHES for $3 i Blue, If ...0 65 f, 0 661 I 20C0; ai-u, bosS table, ~l..*«0O0 IF1Il 20200 ~IlICKEN, rIt lb.........O0os8 ilO069 The above are, al Wallham ai ýnd C i p (4 ~doz.............0No0 o O 18 Wstche 'TATOBS, V bush.'.'.*'..O25a* 3 O ws1ful .1&y, V, ton .............. 6 0 f 7 00 1 $9 60 Cloc1ça, 8-day etriking f 'rS2z- A. S. TILLEIr, M. D, C. Il. M EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIÂNS and Surgeons, Ontario. OffIce. King St. door west of Ontario Bank* Residence. 4-,.urch SL -8.h door east of Methodist Chtsrh, 3ostmanvîlle. 37 5Oc. Silver Thimbles .2e. La ýij0' $3.513 Fob Chalis for.,. 82,&0 Spoons for bec. îe al dzt CEDAR FOR SALE. 'fou are net a-keci Vo le, ierothq iý Ts-n acres o! standing Cedar for sala ini lots Ont investiation ab .! 4 j an wholo ncre lots to suit purchasers. LB- oncesinr 3,ilc. P. O. . 49-4wPM poit ondsaepo. TPi T7 - a o catlon3ll lgo n. Tua.0. 49-4Aw l oods narc prlow Itre- sight e'ed T. N ICUIXA LTAMBt STRAYED.-Came ou Lt 30) l'ce. Best va ueilu 'tech.mnakenRD LÂCon. 6. Darlington.a ram lamb. The o-rn, Go;d Spex, aud OPticien, ti. reuetuprove property piy exproses Hd sBîok. ts ae l way. Tutus. hARDY, Salues.suwvlO. 17-3w.- I '%RICKfLIOUSE at.d 9rs-ein o ALL OUR SHEEI' MUS< -D-eol Bwavs e engia ï1 ýt-&rced le 5 cents, hy mal 6 cents Cata. amirbe brick residu-uc,, bomje,5 tad of la nue froc. MARVINS MUSIC fHOUSE DETROIT, MIOR 43-t!, -laea. IClllan, toù 9, co"n. 2, q-un,4 ___________________________ mile east of Nuîrery ùCener. Teraý H -OUSIi TO RENT. -A semi-deî-ciîed8 r)orns, kitchten sud cidehdjtt«ach- -U brick bouse on Churcii errees latelYLicard sud soft v water, dnivilg buea ,cc-pied by CapS Crawford. Terme mode' ae A, a ýaqil, lu ' Ap Iy to A. YouxIE, or T. BixoRiAn. BaW lO odrear .InUu ues vilee45-s!. tctard and gro.Apply ta M Pea, g FIARM TO RENT for a terni ot years. 12That desirablefarm, baing the South M1 crt's of lot Numuber 16 in the third 0m, ot trie T.,waship of Darlington. the pp ,urty o f Nr E. G, Purk of Campbelîford. FEuh partieu àa ,au bu h.d by tpplying te 0. BuBKa Simps oN, 8lurrister, ec,, t5owmauville. 36- tf FARM FOR SALE. - àA rst uass tut ien &f 125 ac, es or 145 acres situated in the ct.wnRhip ot East Whitby lot con, lots 15 and 16 on itho 3asee Une, about 1i miles fromn(-Nha. Nva ttation, 2 miles from W hitby and 60 rodb froni the schoollinuse. Larueroomy building.. main bara 93x36 ft. plenty 0r fruit. su ay I >m, uiogehc mi0o the best grain farra- on theLaki- Shýore. No huis orstoa. Âboui 10 acres or wood, 75 acres la pasture anid freqh seoded. Terms easy. Firot plowing doue. Fo)r further particulars apply to A. ANNis TIUE MMMO&HARSI nSIN tSS AND 8SIOqTHANq Oll OLWLEGE, C( orner Yonge & ColIez-e Streets, Toronto, Canada, SLtods m the very iont -mnk as % thoî, îîgh and practical Busii ijTraiingiu, i sItitutiou for Lidîes and Ge ýomaeii. Bookk- eping, Benkiîig, ShOrthanid rypeweitiï;g, Penroanship, EaogLish ,i Telegraph Departxnerte,opoiu enitere ye Teachers, Apartimente, TEquipmeont i Locationl the very beet, -C'tie Uudeiaççi Buter now. Circulars fres.ý R. D. NIYiMO, JAS. ARt Prino palsI. 3G JJ4ar1HnLUIi 14a"St B [ARS FORSRIE-'b ~ dersîgucd ies for son vice ult8,o PAY YOUR TAXES AND SAVE srlgtnnr rurvdt-mo dY CO,TS. laTn'z. WOQPLT , UQn - -NOTIRE e s 'raiELItinluordlar -o DCACL filOr cnpeeMy datte;s wlthi lite imfJ 0 E ilU~ .A t~5prWeS15aedgor- me, Tïki larn i ufe iïsued ages-nstsllDiper Kat~L. sw uet ur IL sons v'hos e e ~arefolDLdfot l-s alartcesor commIons iuatd weokhyý. (ti ou1>sEM' e t me ree. Specý,Lai±u -3 o 10a e~u F. 1 ElLI~ Wrt suiwe ur or rm t l12 H~D1~Onh..~O7. 0, 18i* ~ j rîn ,Týq, t>

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