1~ t r i ve~- B~55O S ai ~2l01, 1~I -51-.- w~ j~ Agent ~e~±nact~EaL~ acter from North America was suglrly fairs, tht m otmuher4o whom G('od b as iu ~ Antrlcs-5u b~s~ &raiyf~, trs-~d srs4~i & ZI '=LLLJIi =Yffi ~- M~npt.~tturno ou~v at -Tn'ite-TTiiTTK8WaYS- TaBac ISSsNST I -.-'~+ ohn'1lCI flP flOhlfll'O. t-' 11115111-$s INIt-ti. uuec¶UUU 011e uVt1UUtlL 0,1e1& 41> îlOt v euunur tcîîîijucîv±ulio Utîdu oit, oux,îî Inhducu o~nd Caîts ai Messrs. H(YNEY & McMURTPLY have purehased tise oeunty of Durham for tbe beat Wire Feucesin Ibie Country. It is il wsilI nt be-lu rredý b-,o-W, eaý ,cus or -Win S, [t -wiII tuürnHersFjes, O4Cttë, S1tep~llesDogsansd-Poultry----It- la a- net"work wiîhout barbe,. sud-wfil -not -in- jure stock in any way. It la muoh streng- er sud moe durable than any barb feue- Ing, beiuig closely woveu, Fence put up sud Farm aud Township rights fer sale. Apply at CENTRAL -Iyx. ItY, Bewmauville. W. P.' III, Clarke P. 0., haviug bouglil Clarke Towahip, is prepared te put up ici-ce. THECOK5SESTFIEND LAPlGEST SALE IN GANAbA. ,*» - -4 -enough-tu- suur>en- suelîl uoipicu ' Usy ar -thaukle, but jffstsficient te prervent he usual bLulgiug, iwhich-maltes-theuï se- un- Isightly. Side pocketsinutrousers save the waish- pooket" cempels the lifting ef the side of the waisteoat whenever the baud- is piaced therein, _which wesrs off the edge or the of tise-waisteoWt-at-tha hoiicsv ef thewaïst. During hhe-nigh- the-tusr fudbe piaced-over a-cbair iniprefereuce to-hanging them up by thse hnckle straps. The latter course, te some degres, draws them out ef shape, Throwing them carelessiy ou a chair produces wrinkles or cr55555. The use efthtie modern trousers-stretchers dees te somes extent preserve the shape, but uniess properiy used it does more harm than good. The wajsteoat shouid be laid flat oa thse table or elsewhere, instead cf huug up at thse shoulders. Using a table upon whicb te brusis gar. ments i8 p1-eferable te auy other course, sud a littie househoid amo u nis sbould ha usefi te rem:sve spots whieh thse brush or broom does not dispisce. Careiessness xvhile eatiDg produces these ,spots more tissu any other cause, particu- larly with portly gentlemen. fisose who are careless iu thîs respect should aiways cover thesir chesh with a napkiu while est- sng. Tise cuiýt ef keeping oue's ciothing in good trder is trîflmng, either iu tinie or uwney. r îcately rneiiuailuenganwnsch heacourpani- witli expressive gestures ait plan tive-exeiamnatious oet 10Ta pauvia tote, nia pauvre tete' (my pour headl, my poor head)." Thse Ietort Coirtsous. Pardon," retuarned the -gipsy 1 had net no6ticed thaýt msdam's fortune had&been old yearsage." J:'othing as a (Jommodity. What are yen doiug ?" saîd thse eierk in thse hotel. Il De yen want te asphyxiahe yuurseif sud die ou our bauds ?" Wisa's the matter with you V" "You've gene and blown eut thse gas." 'Nuthin' uv the kind. l'm eutitied to the use of this gas, hai't I 2 Yes." Vieil, I can'h get sny satisfaction Ly ligihin' i-. Tise eniy way I kmn git my mnoney's worth is te set here and srell it." Bîeght Word After Ail. lincie Mse-'I don't like dat yalierunig ger dat's callin' on my daugihêh for a cent- He am oo emucilaginous." V' _11 Wl at ini thunder de you n'ean hy s iy rsg that be is tee mucilaginous V' Uncie Mose -" 1 meaus dat hfs stuck on hîsseit, Oh co'se.' ,Pittherl'Q castorîl -beiling, aïâ 1 v ~ttesceoked -sudl masised through a sieve, i union sud 3 well- heaten eggs. Wisen it buils up once add butter the size ef an egg, sait aud pepper; stir well. An Excellent Stew.-Two sud s hait peuuds ef mutton eut lu small pleces,9 puttos ndi eieiS ltedthie- i cups- pastry. Put a layer et m ntton inu-tise hot- tom et_ a saucepsu, then a layer et _petate sud onions with saIt and pepper sud sage te taste ; theu a layer et mutton,et. ovc tise aset layer with fleur. Coes tightly, sud set where it will cook sbowly for two heurs. Add a littie water and the steam sud fat wili make moisture. Coffée.-Three tablespoontuls grouud ceffea, mix te a par-te wYith t'li white et an egg, Add 3 plots of huiliug water. Poil twe minutes, tissu set t -wliere it wili keep but, until yeu are ready te serve it, Sweet Potatoes.-Boil sud p3el them, eut lu haires, place in a pudding disis, sea'>on with a littie pepper sud sait sud pieuty et butter. Add a very litthe beiling water and hrowu, net tee mnucis but just nicely.1"1 Apple Puddig.-Beat -ýte a crearnsa lump of butter tise size et au ýegg witisa eup of sugar, tbe yoiks ef 3 eggt, 2 sices et bread seaked in oiilk ; then add two appILs fiueiy chopped and a lit tie 9ratedI lemon rind ;wisen mixed stir in tihe whites efthtie eggs. Boil iu a monid steadily fo)r osïe heur aud serv e wth bard sauce. make a gowu -foia- stout -wojnsn nfiakise -as close fitting as possible, as bare et trim- ming as eau ha, sud nulle times eut eftheu, even if sise makes thse sleeves full at tise top, she fits theni lu, atter tise manuer of a glove, bea e hïatese~u tisIevrparricie etf flesh on tise an 15s held down, sud tis -of ýaight-fttiug bodi-es- is- a-re a as, cou- -sequ-entiy-tise stout-wermm-should flot wear-- onee, but -nsteail shoul salect- th!tt wisieh, whs0e it fits ber well also permits every ounce0et flesis te stay lu its preper place. Equaiiy uubecemiug te ber is a tiîght-fluiujg sit, sud for that reason one -1tis-ne only a litt'e fullness arouni týise top, but witis a foid or twu arraniasi across tise front tive on-board. the Red- Star Une stea u Pe-unsylvania, --wh-ihbas-ju st ars'le -frDnm Antwerp, creates a good deai ef intr est among al l aving any business on boar the ship and bias beconie a pet among h sailors. The strange visitor came e o ri the Pennsylvania Oct. 24, when abu 1_400 miles from the Er-glish coast. 1t fe juto the riggiug of the Penusylvania al' du tb ere~m rii -u g u exhausted ate", bad, ne-dou-bt,-beau carried off tro.s oatinagaie-et wind-[Philadelpjh Froof of Mental Capacity. "There's wan t'iug," said Mr. Dolau e! flectively, as he gianced at a laundvy elgr "thot Oi must rishpect theChoinese ifsr, ad-âs .11- -- 'hwat's 1-fat ' asked fis cîpuw 18 "Fur learnin' te epaka their ownix an A fleceptiva Title. gag1 Hes was about S years old sud was loukieg DentPy ortise booksiseives fer something te read, oetPy A volume- hound iu red atîract'ed iim. It IlWbatebhah yeis doas," sasid Unicl, eý was Pcpe's 1"Essay ou Man." Uie readi 1 for te bis eldest boy, " dean he saheastiW. a tew minutes andl thea threw il dowu. -"Jh man da, keeps aleus tryiu' ter shoot 'Ly may ha eay on man," he said, II but lt's sise tIses ruu or heap e' resk ob hein' br bard on s boy." by de kick obhbis ewn gun." Gonsiseucy 'urued About. 'Ilobson-"Wisat did your fiances say "Tommy, said bis heacher, on tise firAt wiseu you tolil ber vou were dead breke V' day of scisool, have yeorgtsslyi Debson (sadly)-"Sise said siso was foud kuew 2", ef consisseucy iu ail thîngs ; se she broke - Well," replisil Tommy, dtioftily, «I j don' exatlyknowall v-1 -f F il 1, ý-i- --'l1 7lý the engagement. ) ýi ,