GRAEF L~cJM ORTNU mn~w n C¶lAlP ~ an death and to spread desolation and ORA.ND RAOY. books, with stubsj. The sender of the w CflU à,-'ïrVU HF0 TO UR lJJIE ? [pestilence over the humain race than do ail postal-card cana make memoranda of its 1u dd5 of thou,5andi -1 U el, ý Imn's ngeuit an. igorace n eerycontents on the stub, and cala have this 1- , cuta orhbt9 h aa Brie? passgraphs or' Iater"It te ail. stamped at tho post.officebefore the card is f 5 Fe rs are rio0W te cnuit hanit igorn e fatver ~huJ aBotybeBuieorBune-? deinsion that the earth rendiers harmless Tefrilonsweisedt 8. dtae, ohaaverifled record of the and innocuona the corpse ruet bo dispelled. ,The Dhes of Fil an enhsatccorrespondence cala be kept. 3n M A T FPl BRECPA -SPPE. Gavoard utToironto-Do ThcY Monae Incontrovertible proof of the fact that thoueio lei ensasct Mr. George Samuel, who beqneatbed Grvyrd raInlr £300,000 to Baron H1. de Worins, was the F rrn Bya th own-hknalg t23n f the na1,ril flh t lsbI1c Nalth ?-,-,- eliover la cre 1Vnia1ty of gravoyards is unhoalth y is super- !awswhiahgovern thi mion fliscesses thse "Docep, Daeinl bundant. " The Matabele, it is saidli always slay 'flrst Englishman of Jcwish descent to dis" ' ' I ' and auriinsd by a q reful eal oaým Cell cî'.d he.ewerMetod oincine'a. jThe sentimental aspect of cromation, the thoîr prisoners. tingnish himsîf in the British diploatieý ai hter tinoeproperte of wf'tI--lc% Cia V.MIfeinstrhchec nivda iw The first steamer was bul. in Irelanfi in service. He always remained a bachelor, hsy provod our bralt sa aica îi av W..B Awrtninaren sueo this methofi of dsoigof huaiysdis- 1820. under somewhat romantie circnmstances. n h avy do--tnr; b!1l4. It lý by tué W.S B . rtigia een sse tenements muist of necessity remain ho d ttcios Having fallen in love with, and become u s s ?o snch articles or diet that a the Empire defends cremation. We do not ardoedhr esn] Bot thero muet be h modern 8ysoîn of foriiatin engaged to, a Christian'lady, bis father atltion mtay bc gradusjly buil, in untîtl believe that thig method of disposing nf théatoehrpesnl adopted abont 1500.eatdapoiefo l hth ol enongli to rJiteoy etyt dead is noces ay aven from a sanitary disposai of saime kind. Big bouls are noxv being mnade from steel, bxce aî Prms bro ddm Thtle o liondreds o snubtleo maladies aroanpit Iti Not long apo a grave was opeuod in a lanover ma.rry oar ntil bis fathor ied. Te' th arond ns roady Ir) attack whcrever tapitbt as the writer gives saine, Connecîîticmetery, and the coffin a o rm elmtl latter livefi ta the extracrdfinary age or 100 lee nt wa pontf hf He, ekepoin. emay escpe mr n eetil inormation Ou the pointw îond to have beau transformed into a don Mme. Albani beao learning music when yoars. ata siat b kepngonrselvcs well fortifiai reproduce the aticle :-About 28,0(,OléCOol fu er li heei ose ar-rpud si Iliiebodaad a prly nourishýd humant bodies liei orot'gavyds of biacksnakes. sewsol oryasod iee salbtrfr-rpud si SrieGazette." A inXitt Toot' moad.OF THE REPTILES S8oit hands indicate a charactor laciting is calied--12 miles in oxtont at Southport, Â.L dsimpli wiîh boillng wao rmtHwmn ui fo fpionsgss nergy and force. Me. This pudis the most successfnl on JOdII lpces yGrocer8 labaUdie, thus the most nuxious knowii ta sciene hn were kiliefi. It is alse rocorded that when ouf hI~EPP ~tCe. il neoiîtIiC ISOo'you, are given off' in a year by this great a grave was opened lu Trinity chnrchyard, The barbour of Glasgow will aman have th.~coi hne10tC0 lbtr r Sayon tunnetl. bynin shris e. pped eacb year. The pound is formeS iid~i. _____magazine of mouldering mortalityl New York, it was iound te bo tenanted by svntnesrnngner by building a solid dam across a tidewater pey3 TIIE OBJEUTIONS vo CREMvrTON a largoesnake, gorged with, the contents of The average supply of flsh at Billingsgate cave. The dam dose not quite rise to high the coffins. Makti 0O' tu ot.aater mark, but across the top is placed a a ,n are mostly sentimental, but somo People ihpA .Cx na ril gie The nations ricbest in horses are the fonce of wiro rodas, pormitting a daIy express______- opposition upon religious gro.nds. cremnation iu The Forum, March, 1886, sys: Argentine Republic and Ulruguay. chng of water, and preventing the lobsters t.5 o UCh prec- The sauitary aspect of the question demands IlChristian civilization substitutei -for the Tewrds~m saîg ,c DB,~an in~ lîcfE view of the proposal to establish a asleep. To the secret and decent cbomistry On au average the lotters received by pCANADA Sn è5certai th Ol.J .MTHLcromotory lu Toronto a few facts bearing ni nature the Christian surreudered bis the German Emperor unîber nearly 600 a 11 O îne r ][sjcc eSlvrtelteTn fIt oplri EMPER OF COLLEGIf OF PRYSICIAN upon the question will ho opportune. dead." Every mon tn bis tasto. day. o? Oreci Oneseofe Sinv tee ten cus S e.und Réesidence. Enulskil@n. 74. A GRAVEreARD STiJDY. An eyewinsniemanuay: I M.adrwkwehelaiheo- ______ ___________have sîood before the dont' ni the crematnry board, earus mnney ai. the rate ni $1 a, Mr,, Robert Macbray, ni Montreal, who ~~~~~~r forK a Ou bheve y eta aetre t requipe. 0wt aîrn er. aetebea iue . triet of West Konteuay, B.C., has returned sud MON TREAL. CAN. llRISTFR, SOLICITOR, km 10F RIS yrsfrabytoeteydeope.the thouguît of using lire baside th2 forsiof, To avoid payiug a lîcense, a mou in to that city. Iu an interview Mr. Machray PlK, upfstairs, King Stre8t. Bo Eigbty-flve per cent, ni the buman body le one wbom 1 hadl loved. But when, lu obedi- Washington sait beer as snup, len largo said: The Kootenay district is di dey TT' flollolor mant. nar Bu fluid, sud thus it happons that ia body hoe ence te bis own dyiug request, 1Isaw the bnwls noînseinatadWsKoea jj ale lioney naaaite oeîres xhumofi ai ter a considerable per4od it le door ni the cinerator token dnwn, its rns The J{owaiiau alphabet bas twelve letters, With the easteru section I am nt person- AE ~~. ~. RUM~~lNG - ind te lie in o quantîty ou black lîquid. light shine forth, sud bis peaceful form, on- blieTatrnis ad up i20 alyaqaîd;utIhvsetsvraAN - S. C. HUNUINGThis, if the conditions are fvrbe ill robed lu white, laidý there at rest amîd aweekseTrtra s aeupo 0 a lcuaited westrn a spe, eaiANDy I*QEN GED ý!AIJT ION E E R FOR permneate the soul, especiaily if it hoý saundy, lovelinoîs that wos simply iascinating, 1 characters. nite ig ueks iniu the weten'seo-ln mîuîg vi1 lT I Uthe Ccnua.,ý 0f Durham. Soles -attended sud thus, where tbuuisauds nof i. have talS, and say su, still, Ibis method, bo. The Dake oi Oporto, brother off thfKnlUvstgtigthflsà-lca iî shortest ïi ce and lowest rates. Adilress beeu "llaid te rosi " wiîhiu a iew acr es the, yond ail enethods I have seau, is the most of Portugal, is one ni the finesi Sluie players camp. Kasîn is at proseut the chief town TheI LadIies' UUJoua v.O.36: hodrinyb able teimagine "',,,,,i(lto ploasiug e the seusos, th most bhrmn in the world. ni Ibis district, aud uoiwitbstauding the ROIIT. ~ ~ ~ o thN,~ ~ iiis ares aiter the lapse of years. 'The tu thé imgntp u hems rtflt The population of Italy la very dense, Motp n iher inos live litl tw tur AF TaOeRONgeliTO.eaFa A~'~O I HEWSTDRH~ spirit oi sickuoss sud disease wbich honis the memory." thero boiug 276 peuple tn ovOt'y square mile Mt fthie nes l wthese themty Or n AVothy lagw6- eIllusbe sent toý FFews INck THEr WimST oRHA s tanti gravoyards is net laid, as some may Mauy people entertain a fear, sud nit of tert'itory. tiprtan are "io ao Sft tar " Monton aonhy, il ad e son 'Ibeondfrnm wer ta im s el p. Niht coll bbiuk, by the covoriug ni five good feet ni wiibout reason, as abundaut ovidence goos ARumnaldyiaibronepseCof"Th Wabgt,"ThIao" at Nllïdece.direeiiy opposite U)« Snit (1o. Colissu aî,SrHn' hoporiso usoibcghnSoie ihcaa ceusîructing a railway irom one ni bier es- Il The Dardanelles," "The Payne Group," OII,-TEIf by elecîraPh or teléphone will receive ul-rusupi of elnibaI surgery lu University College, tin this le impossible. Nul usai tatas ta the ngaresi hown. "TeCabî ru, h ol 0i lin 7lyr Loudon, saiS: "lNo dead bodai over plae- BIUNINO ALIVE Somne ni the fisb lu the Royal Aquarium Five," "l The Bine Bird, Il The Rea- oinuedlau Ififeen 1, L A. W. TILlE. ed lu the enil wibhout pollutiug the earth, susiuted, bu il1 isolymt retunnn n St. Petersburg hove baenc xiiin cn Tercu h îooortsou,' yI c e r eîoand~ ~ 1 lUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Rosi the air sud the waîan abnve and about it., centsusees foar gh "w ThpEapaenSnhes Ti muug Estae ýent Boninvile, ataio- la thoreayncta the public eat Culosis t haurleS victimi realîzes ore more thon 150 yaars. TeErk"adehr.Ti mn hilreattended lu ouy pan ot Pro ie, lu 28,000 sncb 1 Tnronio's> wator enppîy his awiul position anS lives but ho endure The oldest railway lu France rm e o camp is one of the richeet lu the world anS Coul oud sc a somplo copy nf A. A, ~~0~-~~' suppun niou agraoyaolusio bte th tonnants of ball, sud in a crematory tween Paris aud Havre. Il wos but more so tarisni hall ,prospecteS. BnSiesoniore Th L djs Jo ra » PoW i upprae f or ravyads bu smefurnace witb 2,500 Segrees ni héat thero is thon hall a ceuîury ogo. laid bore by the swif t descendiug glaciers Th a îs Jo r l IICilITECT. Plans sud Speciflea- Amenican citles are not se fortunate. Phila- neelien tme nr oppnrtuuity fer a retun Si er Bessemer, the greet luivento a 1re plaiuly -evposed 1 on the mntain aides. ll uîetn ia ilItrS lions per dfoeycoseetuidn.deîphua, ib is saiS, bas too lue .o in Ai lowtet averag nlae l bsdititi evory womaan iu tise land. ured fo 'vr clmlu uliniI 1886 the Pope forbadle cremation, but wh anwi i îhit or ewriteng 100 ounces în iba ton, Iu mnst conos luTingirsbeipinpieo Ts lastou ôgivon un heating by sieaum TRE auAROESTphy DEATR RATE hoýla issr o saide oo baes"cThdfeebs p p t4 lhot waier. sud tu sauîtary ernugemients. an auboblogrRAEapeissad e av sy. mdiSo hs-epa-oped pprties the resulîs are vary Ladies- joueruw', andi ibis palier is $2 per )111(: Gonie locki, Whitby 43 -ly frum byphoid f eyer nif the citles 0f America, ions and Catholies mnay ptea-e theoelves The doniestie pots ni bbe worid are ho mucb langer. Ouae sbîpment irnm tbe Dar. yeor. You gel 15e to for PL A TE ~~~ aud savon largo cemetarios are dra-ined mbt about it. ,ae lucry3 a et iiacmo danelies mina oi bweuty tous yialded over IFairnîiount reservoir. rof ession'al men ofitat A cromabin caste $25, inclndiug a ne- contagious dSuases from bouse te bouse. Once10tet.Tegnrach- citysoy ibatwhen ne drinks water from the coptacle for bbc ashes, ni the dead. The Quoen of Greece is presideut ni a acter of theoare body le galons with irnm Send yeur suonay suýd dese bu Ibis office. Oentlemeux',s ilothesM&de to Order. Scbuylkill river ha samplos bis grandiather. The cremator croaSe dates ouly irom sistem-hood devoted te the réformation ni 65-10 80 par cent, ni tîlven-carryîag leaS. JM ALI BI I IiCOf'%iI )_ showu tracas ni tbe oil of ceaa wbhicb came fessons Clotteni anS Castilion befono the ers. titi driiisoeoshs ihye DENTIST. expert solS; Thoe littie drups ni wator Issu lu Iîaiy, one in Germany, une lu Eng- il wjll take the world a thousoud yoors tn pressins in silven ms.y becomae aveu more OFFICE :-Rear of M sr.drink of il.ý' In 1888 Rt was Rtated ai the Congress oi Il takes seven days ai tir Seabb,accordiug Of course thane may be many disappoini- Reern eth oi, tat n 188po, 84,196 aremto u ow lualues i ovory l a cibye ni iham eni oite nuiswy IeSoc cutyl loa iencet Lliggnbotam & on'sDrug persans died in EuguonS, aud Wales freim were 50 crematorias lu the world. Theme Hevn u ryesaekp p durlng euougb wpnk bas beau doue tu show that cç .incougb, typhus foyer, malaril foyer, Chrisiendoni thorougbly organized ae- Since the bagiuning ni tiha canbnry France tise wonld." rbOe, l5uownf staiI's), diphlbenia,,maaslas, scarlet Ifoyer, chelems motion socioties. Sevemal crematenies are ba alnfn h eodbts onbPers-ver,îce in ingfl II a-Il ge rc > sud diariSmal Susses, Sir Henury Tbomsp- now lu openaîlon in the United States, sud place in point ni population amoug Eure- ecesoSagsee.*heacrsemd ~BO WMANVILLE sou wrube: AnS l--t ib neven ho sevaral tisousand bodies bave beau incin peau countries. TURNEbS AND BRIDGES.incssolngtadg.hra w -miê - forgniten tisai bbey iorm nu neceesary part enaied, anS lise'nun-ber le anunualiy lu- The Lord Mayors ni London duning tise oIposible and Ile seeord tiedly Worths svan? ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~of auy benita ge apportoiuing te tisa isuman -cncasing. Tise Japaee revy parial pstw ly oasbv cletSalbîeA lisTing Esagineor iieaed l'et a Tunnel FrBtI55sO ei$O RE SENTS la Federai (Mfe As- iamlily. Ouni biste first stape, an absolnbeiy bu oeomabion sud about 10,0W5 bodies are nver £20,000,000 for charnitable anS benavo- inlIdUa--Tsctgli CaneOucnmya JLVsociatuBu; sud tise London sud Lana. essenîlol step for attalument ni tisa iu- buned iu uhe tht Qrematories ni Tokin lent purposes. Bridge Sceie. FO we reoal i i, Conusleai Unionu, tise Lanoashire Fine estimable resuli I have proposeS is tise a- eveny yoar. Uwrso 800hre nulyde.o unli i ca ol otago om falkd fusrane tise Steama Boler sud motion ni oais body tise 111e ni whieb bas Tfie beautiful crematory tepe~ pad i1,0 osan ui dIel or A Inune lu miSuces wounnels a ndtnçsi-uo dt Ploie Glose lins. Co., of Causa.tepl ,a ara killaS in London, sud ni bse about daleatsnorga buludtise Iae MTI' Office ai Wontis's Hardware store, Bowm»an beau destrnyed by one ni bisa contagins Buffalo bastise Vivini system'of fumuace, hal-c-sbl cietor inf ity. Tise promoten bas s mind for above sncb details ~w~ tille, maladies." Tise source uS il Is ripou Ibis plan tisaI tise propos.eS féline trisa dovour bise greatan portion. as fixing bridges anS providiug againet : is s 0F RANT SEVERE rrînEaiIcS Torouto cremalony wvill ha fashioned. leakago. 111e ides, sas beau culîrely uîdne Pl 1p, nlaiat u laai s- > U'Oflt Uiotflna' l Oa bea racaS 10grvoadEIS.u184a ILSTTONELXN5. Mme. Mackay gives maguificent necep- by aothar inventer who tisinke tisaI a tube aftcr mInia -'1e 'iin.Lnen Ve t'b'o li ( be en pisyscia ni, Dea mk rs.Itar87 man Tise fire rtn is simply a gos lions, bdrair bouse witb finwaîs ta tbe of Ibis characlar culd hie fi abed' midway-~fçî FO ~cnupi o iuga tuy ttseceetnis i isI ouîr Igenator, whence tise gags of distilla. balue o hosads of ponds, anS posss. betweau surface sund bottous, -supporteS Trand cld rsei n eaie y iga dy ut bave conenrezo tsaI coute tin sud combustion of wnod passho the as jewelry valueS aI £500,000. partly by pions anS parbly hy lie on linoy ltow baSl ofien suiferaS with infections bock euSni biste iuciuaraling chambor, Iu Duicis Gulana bbe wemeu carry uipon ac.Ts intul unltssss Swbore tisay are niaI hy a curreut ni air thair persans ail tise fa mily sovinge lu tise pendeS lu miS acean would ha ni, course dis se popaatefom uril roude h-ateS lu o chamben outside tIse furuaca, shape ni beavy bracelets, auklets, neeklaces, Iremeudnus, anS tise tendency 10 sa eick- Dyer and Clishes Cleaner. anS in lise rural dim le asaiS i h aS un bie a are iguitod by a fine kepû hurn- 'nd aveu crowus af goid sud silver. nase wo'iir bc foir great or bisou any sceau 04106e warranted 1e tie as n nu wtiJnw tae 8eieis otyo yiotlg der, their point ai uînion. Tis Tise Spaniord, bowaver courbous hoe mai' huaI travelinig. But details ni Ibis kind are tever boo tise sme cause. Bunsen fiî'me Ibus produced la tbmown qVite ha, nover invites a guest te dinner. Iu nutliikely 10 Saler sncb wurke ni cunettue. Cornemromin anw wntcui dune oTisav penimt i Pýrof Gai an sem ose tise inicmerating cisambar, whera tisa îaly, ton, bise privacy ni tise family is bien, anS tise projeet le suggasbed wilb gresi ___________________________ may benie for upate tisei bcos. body lias covened by a clols saturated witlî saldominvaded attse liuiter hour, Tisa confidence, adsîjîl suvvbepîq,î hi pce a Solutin ni alune lu resb bise action of mambers eut in silence. Tecanlbigshrebsntbe anS utahdfinume a tise dame. Ib passes theuce by tise unden Tisa Crown Prince ni Siam le among tise boeard ni for somne mouIs, sud, indeed, Dri Enocie lu EgpIa eSuTmiGrfor flue te tise foot ai the ciiny, wse' bise cears, but tise Franch promobars ni tise« forty ceuzuries, isaviug.beau planteS, bas byautisors af tise world ; hae bas writben Y n goses genenated by tise body are met byanyi spmoubedl in lufe. aoerinacnick bug wiislseveral stonies for E nglisis childreu's maga- tepiehv eie i u ies ay By wisat autherity tison," asks Dr. mke n fiam hav ta suds eau trite "'uan, lud a tm a tiser e pmmoa as a oIws lgie staeeip - Frederick Paterson, lu tise Buffalo Médical smo udsm aa o ' n i.nguiages. c1a ewe aesee n iepn NoisALT~COsg lEiit nSSurgical Journal (April 1891) cuw nîsgby pue-ified le everytbmug by ibis second urpe ta b eqtwee Maes e os d givepol ar shiOrc ü; andrla l)e Saat"fa i ea ges burning tisai où oulyl tisanhee netîbe ifainb- Tiseliluni elegraph lu Cashmere, ha- Tise bridge wouid ha bbirty.inur msiles long, Or' B1EiOLS, ttIDNEYS seI 55 ' y inuatn Hwdr wepenv estrace orsuspiciouuofany uupeasaut odorbenSnagrudCgirass an anwouldisel5Ofaelabvebig-waenlevai vaeb depuIs ni yelluw lever, familes, collneur toasanlce vsieaieaa1 alitd ni 2,09 ai a tie pasge ntlse in u pieeur60 nyrs éprt Ibis bridg e how INa Ar4 CyTM Ai ruiir C 0 1 Crot. oi Asialie aboiera, sa avery, year acausmu- ho seau issuing f rom tisa cbrnuay wiscn au Tragbal. h epaal ieiiietti.pls50o 0 ad prsdpuie ~ A 55SM 11 O gl lae udurssreupsmîîoxscnîî evrinacineration le goiugy on. AIl tisa ramin gpimulsbIawndfnsearcisligisîs aud wabcis bouses f roma eau-h 151 ACIDITY OF THE5 STÔMACN, CîJn.INl wisooadpi aueu Spstniaoxsd messe fa ttis eu ia omi e Sed of Patti boa beau sa pastered by tise heg- pie li dite ia ia rdewnd LUSNESS DySPE PSIA, C-ITADS. Whn n 75 atrnüe op-ito odLorlesa wite as. giug laItten writarbhsb abceno longer openîs bake ton years bu coustruct, and tisaI lb A CH ES, DIZZIN ESS, H EA R - Mu p &C. HARNDýEN, L. D. S. théiroffnine78, star nînls cuilomands nithe envelopas Sirectad te baer unlees bise wouid ansi $170,000,000. Tisa esîlmabe CONSTIPATION, HU AIM eNrduate i tisa Royal Collage 0f Dental nfPis nif eusoe , t g nid buia roud London Fo1icemn. wriîiug is a fieindly familiar one ; tise appears vory reosouabie, as bise plan in- DROPSY, SKIS DISEASEs, ,%AINÎDICg, Surgeons. Ontario. was doue lu wiuten, s nmare ni grave. ,Aller a greai spectacle, sucs as lise Dekea work is relegaled te hon maiS. cindes four paraliel brake, inol-pabis sud SALT RHEUM, ERY81Pý_LAS, Sono VFFCE~PPS1T EPRES FFIE. diggers waro stnieken witb Seatis on the ni York's iamiage day,whevisnmilliceus ni Dualliug in- Rassis bas heaumne su comn- caniago.w53 s. i wooid, seern impossible te FtiLe, FLUTTE RINQ OF THE HEAR?,' VFFCE:)pPSýE XPRSS FFIE. spob, su poisonnue were bise gasos genarat- people anad ihous-is Of cairnages tbroug nmn tisat tisa Govarument bas beeu cous- attraci capital toa projeetu ofisis ebaracter, N EAVOUSN 555, ANS GENCRAL ~VIALIEDAIR,.Siyls bodies, sudtisa proposition ta London streabe, my mind al'waYésrevente bu pelleS tn Seenea a savane coda ai pnnisb- but tise promotera profes te isave aiready DEBîIL ITY. Tmt:s£ A00 ALL evrdILAn anayz thenbaSboo banoud hcasethe wuuderinl disciplineansd judgirseub ni mont. ifsa duellsl kili au antognist il obtisined great eucouragement, sud thisat ÇOMP1.LAINTa GUJt5ILY VIELO TC TNC CUýROr N e i aîor Sh M o rae-igerwouid dore tu colloct the bise police. 'liera is noua like tison, nouas wîil cosî hlm six yeasnu prison ; for gevera, expressions show s determination te again -rivr gt4FL.UaNi;5 OS 00 ~ .'i soiOP Iu 1744, ai Montpellier, France, in ail tisa world ion the realation of traffic wounding, tise Penalty wiîi bcettsrea yaars ; puas bise motter iorward. BITTERS. -he meSieS ri euîeriugafeydg anS bisa wali being ni pseagers. Thisar duel wilbout îujury, six mouIs ; prnvokiug___________ The ba(isiou-- busiess eu cnecin onl e nts iucssdlsrl 1 sagocahy about cnîmesal maliens isas beu a Suai, six weekls l tebrea mouIs. the unmetueiso s beý"OlecarriOng ongr questioned. but tg me lb saacrus uulikaly Tiaarnisn'ol Mason!e Dry~nS Store fora nume ut o hor w greaiealpoltnt-eaters arethîpope L03S Or Gain. lisc commnausos' business. for isimeeli ai hie GRAVE, DIGGERS I'EtISHgt, tisat mon sbouid show suds intlligence OSai of rmnsy sud Ba31iue. Tbeircousump- Muehonitisa lS joyounuess ni tise Irishs A T to mae eatýis' ud bos' weel rehe s eo lu Aîgahey d'o lu one practical malter slip h lio in ofltas vegetable overogas 1,000 pouuîls bsvnee.Ts i in u oeS tealtuc te, ïîu i.ýj,w si in ho tr fae~smiiarly i lgte, Env. Tisa poisonus destilula nfi inl another. AnS it is nul. pabnunfr rarsely T he uo ol tie ad traede style, Aa sud ailee Primes. For tisose wig gazes flow lise war into tisa îîewiy mode partafewfl iihtoe o ocms l annia four ens iso hvpse oar raieldo ; covesaln.Te anarrliv Wish iondersuiteho wil carr a ml linaof graes fnm Ihe aturaed soi, sudtisaytisenmeîves but scial ffairaof ai kînd. liseega n si'gyveay aim frm tis Gov-ocohygeergartionaS Thenw narnrSI. veinia healthy oity Dropsy." j P gy cothpee wer eamn no hîtsset anîhrn.bsh ue picnrs, is scene on he leOyfak hl Isn oui z -~ ~ hbeiog ~ n a wbea ficîe, a actnaoy hougis i "sWtbtsmode yn go mb isa army sud Tor easy iotake.OOu or ilw e itsrmalt it ho ut sewler- "The a b one Tisa commibteAý ni physiciau, headed y' brune tise living nias$ ni bnmauiby. On the wheab fiaiS, sudda sequadran ni cavalry Tom?' aeyu oit h riy n eyeayt ae neo w ii heas wheod diseases cannot Dr. James M. Keller, appoiubed bu 1886 by pMse ?ccso aan blSbdostee.s r aiopbrugsit areha->gslCe iow "WI,"reliS om I aSunwbe, dse Teyoblsi-îtandeetise dodS thdeisae Dodx ist wee ts neisyeia soito several cases ni locksaw -~1-- bo ospital, the wheat feli.sdivdwrlak O . Wissi k0 l for $ s. Sol aeyisa n ant 25 mants id ysaeDd'Kiny TO ENQUISE INTO TR QUESTION supposaS 10 have been caused y the etr France willd lassa ailk îh 1s soem Iu viole ait veodl c(yweBo e.ýnts:i olge5fmy arcilaaeead" o craunatieîs, sîtad lu ibair report:: "We isg bacS ni bise ueck ln ardar lu se the tor ma(o dp uitrsbu u uS oigJek a îeO~OMD~l~1. ~wYie SolS b~' ai ox or sxymunreep believe the honniS prodlica ni earbs huril Sacorations aboya tbemn.-[Jamee Payne, su_ codaeiîh suSl b ou .eoRe --ee5--m-e--e l. iL. A. Smii , Co. i ooto. nriat' Sue ropare luhedteî tise 2z ew -11-- iuepenei à crI -lUi he omo h-,I eJkS K.udney Tail'4 for Pitc