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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1893, p. 1

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?ERMB8:-41.50 Pim xyu. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY I-RBT: THE WORLiD ÂPTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAM ES EmtoB A>1;'~ o ~4uwE3E1ESBOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 13, 1893. VOLUME XXXIX. NuMBEP" ý are showing a splendid assortmnent of NEW G CHRÜISIMAS PfiRESENTS. Emi-lroidered, Initial, Hem-stitched and'Broche SiIk H'kfs, Fancy Cot- ton and Linen H'k'fs of al kincis. Neck Ties, Neck Scarfs, Gloves and Hosiery, Some loveiy Dress pat-I terns which wvill be sold cheap, Bea-,utiful stock of Linen Goods,Doyles, .L'pk-ins, Tray C"lot hs, Û arving Cloths, Five O'Olock Table Covers. Table Liniens. Also a fine stock of Ladies' Furs,Mluffs, Coflars, Caps and Capes in Oppossums, Beaver, Greenland Seal., Grey Persian Lamb and Sable. And uotw\ithstanding the big sale they have had in they stili have too m&ny on hand and as they must be sold they have decîd ed to - duce the price no w instead of wait- 11b ItiII after Çhristmas. Tbese Manties must be sold regardIess of cost orl profit. QOUGH. JORNSTON & ORYDERMAN, BOWMANVILLE. Y OU WILLL ~find the place for it when you sec our FALL and WINTER dý,isplay of quality and elegrence. Our seasonable stock lIcks nothiýng- but buyers. They will corne. They will be satisfied. Thy i' buy at tise ffairest prices ever mnade for such qualities. Vis- î 'ti-s are not asked t,) believe but are shown goods to convince them tbd, -we ar eading the trade ini BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS, OVEUSHO1ES, SLJPPERS, etc. if you wish to sec tha ilatest noveitias and rtewest ideAq for the season corne and seeug iIf yen wiah te smecthe very beat ln Standard Styles sand reliablea makes tcêin and see us. if yobu waet valna for your mnoney corne and sec us. Truth brandIs our gools Lfonet toality." Fashion pronoueces thena "Correct Styles." Jllonolny reomad ur "Low Price." If you want toeDajoy the fulIl punchasing powe-,of vour dolflar spend it with BOUNSAL'S MARBIE AND GRANITE WORKS, BOWMAN";VLnLE, ONT. <Established 187.) Finished Gràn-ite 'Monuments in stock-from $125 to $500. HAlND8OüME DES1IONS AND BEST MÂTERIALS. RED PETERII,ýEA.D ANDi GRAY RUJBI'LAW SCOTOLI ROE IRED ÂND PURPIE SWEDE..ý............ DlR A NITh! BL }PEARL AND EUIERÂLD PEARL..........ULUI FiN;isHïi ýE» AULE MONU-MENTS in stock frorn $45 to $200. IN ÂLL THE BEST KINDS 0F MÂUBLE AND LATEST DESIGNS. Wefore placing- your order, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and SEE)XV IIAT YOU A-RE BUYING. 7-ly E. R. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. ORe SALE 0OR RENT-Honse and j * * * * Ba trýet nortB. The premîlsce cesiof od Bouse wih every couveutenea, drvng choelces,-,trut-of anltk. Iiemiate iersAom cen be gîvan. lFor pniuappiy e lge, ToronitoOnt. V. Fstuuil ltowmtlaeviile On, 411.51 *UnquestenqbIy Car mereial shoul$.C pnhupu c!fleneuro r mne 11,dt1-ce stmata damand.pdfr i art epon thfliostonachi, liver, anSimnto canai, and cure Liven Cepiilaitt, Cieîain ?r Stomuich, Distrasse attan EaingJandce -)Id may be broien 11p)and t c ýeveprCevCete hrmeptiy takieg Eocspille. uuuui m 1 ir yen went-a sait on s viii suit yon, in everywva' ,recut t] iXfl vur- éýR Y D- LE L., ý'Jl 1:% M S~OLINA.ý1 Rev. fl. A. Stnike o! Tyrorec, wili deý live' a lecture at Eldad church Moeday aveeiug Dec. l8îh--subject, The Worid's Fair. The lecture will leac second pro- duction rot whet ha bas given t othar places. Ahlinivited ; admnissico eny ISo. Pud 10o... Mn. John Asiton lice movcd frein Wilbur's farna te the Stabbacký farte souii-easat of Columnbus. ... -Mr. and Mis,. H. L. Pascoa of Taunton visited at Gouni- ciller Pescoa's recentiy .. .. Messrs. Frank sart John Oncharct have punclnsed 10 acres of wood !rom tic Colton e.state .... Diviion ineas Saturdsy nlgit this wack .... Mn. Jas. T. Ruedie and mother hava bean visiting frIands near Lindssy....- Mis. Robiis, Mn. Ai!fred ilogarti and Mn. John Reynolds a're ick. Mn. Go, Vice is atili1 poor'y. - M 'Xill. Rundie, Maple Grevi-, vigited hiseister hiera._ Mra, D. HIo-arth bas built anu addition te hanr outbuidigs.... Pleaised te sec Mn-i Wmi. Vice borne egein .... Mr. A. Q.1 Handersea, P. G. W. A., o! Oinaghi, vis. ited Solina Division Fniday inîglit; guesb o! Mr. S. J. Williams . ... The following meanbers of Soita Divisicn S. o! T. at tended Grand Division at Pornt Penny: Grand Condoctor Miss Nancy Williams ccd Mn. S. J. Williamis, Cooncillor ced Mr@. Thom. Pascoe, BMn. Jas. and Mise, Edti Ruadie, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Pas. ces, Mr. E. aed MiFià Maggie Rose, Mr. and Mme. W. N. Pacoce, MIr. Miss H. Abrahamas ani Nl. and Ma.. A. L. Pascoe. To gat relief frt nigsin blos caeB, constipation (f toi1? d1 liven withoot diatnrhing the stoimacli or pinnglg the bewels, teke a !ew doses of Cîrter's Little Liven Pilla, tiey wili place. yoo. Yeni are ievited te inspectcOr very largo stock of Lad ies' aed IMen -a ieder- waar. Yen willfied et our store tic lare. est stock and beut vaine in town. ýVe havealml sizes in ciildran's goode . JDo, J. Mason.. Lovons o! a Kood cup o! coffae will got the saine et ICwker & Tait'la, the genaral grocors, Bowmanviile.. Iaqnire of M. A. Jantes for mniariage licnset. Kogf dc'c "C. I. Hood &Co_ LwalMrai "Gentlemen. lVhcn i 'va, 14 eiet;e 1 was conflnad te nmybe o r'r1ae~ by an attuick of rhennI"m, ls 1u- biIi p)artiaiiy racovaread1 i i nt has th sey legs, se t.t 1 at l]t o 1 ct.ý1 About c year biter, ero-fsc ttetrn White Sweî,lngs, appeared Ou vsiioffspar-ts')f Ilnb- . c for leven yearslIwus ari inraltd bes',nn 11110d f0 01bed six yenre s- atm ton on clavais of thes e s apeac d ih broe, causing me great paiun cedsufnîg Baverai times pieces cýf bo o rketffiutoi tha soes. Pyîtu i e epm u "I weet te Chicgo te visit a sitr asIl w-as thenglit a chiang ! ,,air cea ceu a4 h do me good. But 1 was ceefmiued te eîrbc eneet ef the tinie. 1-was ,,0 mese witts the succese of Rood's sa;lpailti iu casas siniltsr te mine thuit I deC1îded te try; IL, Be c hottie was bought, andf te snr; t f rstiletition the soes soon dacesed,! , id i a ýg au tefeal better. Thiesrnghec y fcitb lu the medicina andine-a short tinte !wý c Up and Out of Dicorsr To maire c long story short, 1 oluudl taira Ilood's Basîspailla fonra yeanwhn hcd I,coma se uliy reieasad from thahi,- c'~xathat I teok a cseation vwtth lth Wailtg Mfg. Ce.,alllud 1 , t i.u,uo, menet lest a inlge day . cto Hood'ls cra ra for It. bas been a great le ssing te me, 'ïýand te ulous. 1 thînir Heed's Sarepaîflli l t king ef ait madicneas." WILLIAM A. n, No. 9 Nentiîl tailroad et., Kendalivilie, Sud. Tho ainual genaral mootirng of the shtireholdera eÀ the H-ampton Butter and ~lheesýa M auufacturmng (ompally, Iimited., ~wil be bl inta te town hall, Hampton, ouTburkday, 2lst day (-f Dacember, at 2 o'cloek p. m., for the purpose oce clecting is Board o11 "ircciors toetsrve fer the an- -uig year and the3 transaction of such -tAr bus;iness as miay properly coma hae- fore the nmeeting;. F. L. ELLLS, Secreta.y. Ilampton, Pao. lith, 1893'. 50-2w rFO RENT.-For tara 0f vane."Glein P. ( n(k aat Miss Dickeon, Port Ilope, at Mr. Thos. WilbLur'a. . .. Mr. Absolore Abrabamancd sistar Miss Etta were at Port Peryy at- teeding the Grand Division.... .Rav.D.S. Houck preached a vary able discoureeeon the 1ebiscita campaign.- A-c lonE AND) ABRoÂD.-Physicias, fravailers-, pioncers, settlers, invalids,aind ahi classes of people of avary dagnea, tee- iify to the medicinsi and tonie virtoce cf 'Bundock Clood Bitters, the maost popular and E flective nirdicina axtant. It cures ai disoasas o! -the stomach, livr, bowcls and blood. ýk APLB GR0 VB. Mliss Ida, and Beatrice St-3iens are viz- iting eat Euaiskilien.... .The Plabiscite comimittea aneaet work. Mapla Groea sýtands well for Prohibition. . .Mr. W. H., 1Gay bas mrovad on te the Elliott farrut near Hampton. Mr. John Cîsyton han rantad the Crawford faran vacsted by Mn. Gay,- . ýMr. Mark Munday attended th-e d-rand Division at Port Penny.. The contest la the division will ha reauna. ed on Tuesýday eveninc .... Mr. Thczmas Kiýrk-ptrick'shlies ecompleted& TEE CHXLDPEN'S E Nz)ty. -Scrofula1 often s3hows -3iteel! la early life and- is charctanized by swe!lings, abcesees, hp (1seaýe, etc. Con2umiption 18sorofula o! the longe. Ia this cbasa of digease Scotts EEmulsioii le ut quastionably the mont ne- iiabla medîcine. COL UMB I,ý' Mm. Joha Aýhtoa leiniproved ie liealth: me te Mrs. John Harper. Who wes da.nga'eualy iii .... .Mr. Gao. Wickett, e! OSI1awf,speat Sunday waek he... .Missi ffawttie Meeore ie visiting relatives at the Leke. . . .Mr.Stephen Hugo ia sisk suifer. ing from liven comp'aint .. . .Mr.Armour, touacher, iis .-... . Mr. W. Ponves is suifcrng from. la grippe.. .. Mr. Joa IAc1sms bas bacc trying te break the ne- corde, ith his fest herse. Reaut-his çtter kbadi? demolished, FOR SEVIuSE CoLr>s -Gentlemen. -I Ëïad a severe cold, for whicli 1 took Dr. W,,ood's Norway Pine Syrop. 1 flnd it au excellent remaedy, giviog prompt re1ief I~d plensant te taire. J, J>ÂY~NTxn, aitsav lUe, Ont. ERNNISKILLEN. Report-of Enniakillen Sohool for Nov, th claas-?EWmshingten, E, Brown, W Vlirtue; Sr. 4--E Petter, K 'Virtue, W1 ýogorE!; jr. 4-M Stewaet, N Morossey, ù~ Gilbert; Sr. 11-S Potter, E Stainton, 14'Hoakin; Sr. 2--E Stewart, F Virtue, E Stevenm: Jr. 2-W Thompson, 1 Stain. t.on, K Meore; Pt. 2-D Thompeon, A &maintou, il Virtue Pt. 1-0 Stevre, A Bel], H Stainton.' Averageaa tsedace -,57. - J. YoiN(o, teacher, Miss B. Cowle, Teronto, il, visiting liera., . . . Mr. S. Siamon, Winnipeg, look@ vtry n-atonal indaed. The climnataeout týhera appenra te agrea wîth him.... .Rev. 1). S. Houck gaveamn mnnivensamy addres inïlce St. church, Oshawa, Sunday. 1. Joblin of Bowmnanvilla toek the ser- vice haro for Mr. Houck and gave a good eîn.Mr. Houck will preach. a ser- taon on the Prohibition Plebiscite next Sten3ey night.... .Mre. A. McLaugblin ie very aniouely ill. ... .Mr. Jas. Pye'e new residence la about cosnpleteçt, The fata- ýiy miore la thie week. Koep the blood pure by takiag Hood's Sareaparilla. lf yen decida te buyllced'a Sarspnilado net bca parsiuaded te take *any othen. B.d MPTOV, Mrs. E. Hiastings je improving nicaly. In.l. ElioLe, Sr,, wss quite siak SuindaY.. .Sunday Soho)ol Convention in the ,hchci laeFriday sftaýrcoonanmd eveniag this week. Four slaigli loads are ëevpected frota Bewnianvilla and -a very lntemeEting pregrata lei praparc3. (Colleo- tion et evenlig meating..A mixed pregra for Chriielmas Evo. ,Parîcu'c'-, later .... Annuel meeting of tha Chaee Çou Dec 21. Sec advt......A chid of Mr. Wsa. Buttreas died la-,t waek .... .Mr. Thsomas Paters lias recectly purchas3d the H1oidga >r"tate...-..Mr. C. Evamett Brown ie home from Porc Hope. Notice to Patrons. A mei4eting o! the P>atrons o! the Hamp. to.i Butter and Cheasa M'f'g. Co. will ha held la the town hall, Hampton, on Thursday 2Ist Dacomnben, 1893 at oea o'elockp. , -ýfor îaceivieg the report aed closing up ie business cf the p-ast seascon, F. L. ELus, Socxatary. Hlampîn1(, Dec. llth, 1893. b0.2w Annual Meeting. BROOKLUY. Mn. J. B. Spencer is completing his course at Ontario Agicultural Collage.. -..Mr. Wm. Bond front. East Whitby bas, hecome a residan'. of out village. ... Miss Idm Fraye lias gone te Piarkdale tc raside -.... .Miss Danlinigton bas oomfflcted four yeare' Chautauqua course and received a diploma. .. . Mn. Jas. G. MicbS&, Paccota- panied by hie littla nothenlaesfamnily arnived with the corp'e o! bis wife frea New Haven, Cone., Dac. 6. Mrs. Midi- Pei wsa disugiter of Mn. S. Hoýnarn. "Whcu your heans le lad, sert your head le bad,and yen are bad dlean tinougi wlais a nedad l" askcd a Sundiiy Scieci teacher e! bar chies. "I know-Ayer's Sarsapisîilla," spoke op c lite girl, wiose. motien bcd recantly beaua restorcd te licalth by that madicine. MITCiINLL'S ÇORNEKS. Report cf S. S. No. 12, Darlington Sr. 4, Herbert Stainton, Etia Flîntoif. Jr. 4, Amelia N39hle, Maudie Arnot4, Estella Mutton. Sr. 3, Agntai Balson, Lotion Coraiab, John Balson. Jr, 3, Norman Metton, Charles Stainten. Sr. 2, Norval Washing'o'i, Norman Làçach, Jr. 2, Bertie C.lasepaîll, Beatrice Leach, Arthur Staintou, Guy Elînitoif, Norman Bennet. Sr. Pt. 2,' Arthur Icngmiaid, Herbre Oke, Fannin Oke. Jr. Pt. 2, Eille Noble, Gantie Langmaid. Wilma Leach, Mammie MeDougall. Sr. Pt. 1, Lileli Stminton,Albert Balson. Jr. Pt. 1, Roy Alîman, Iaene Glaspeil P' roy Langm:eid. EDITS Esoos, teaclier. That tirc, languid feeling and dul headache 1s very disagneeamblt. two o! Carter's Little Liver Pille before netir. insi, and you wil l ied relief. Tbcy nover laul te do goad. 0O UB T1U-. Miss Eva 1>rkin, Mloorefleld, ia cielS- ing han friends haro. ... Mr., D. H. 1lent o! the Model Sobool, Whitby, was goest o! Mn. C. W. Lei.t, 1'. M., Setardmy. . . Mies Lilhie Annis has nturced f rom vie- iting relativesa -t Lo)nd on. -. The Piobis. cite aomss meatieu lisld at Ebeneýz r last waak wwai fakrly weUl attendeï. -nI. .1. J. Mason, eecreavy o thi,3e c.ity cota- mnittea, gava, a vcry es'ccuraging ýrap )rt. De. MocLughlin floedwitn is neaR ai well pointcd speech, cftcn which R3v. Dr. MlcKay of ç ~tospoko l Itâe qucot convincing taritan on the great anils o! initemperance and the duty o!f e lec- tors ln the comiz tesf. Mr, Wmn. Evtr- son,- chairman o! sub-comaa"t-te, -Na. z;. WHAT No F.ELLOW CAN Frýn 0cr- Four mon mey oat greon fruit with ita- punity, but a flfth may try the expeni- ment and an hour or so lJater ha tied up la linois with cramnpà and dysentory. Who the fifth sman vwill be le onae!fthose tige no fe1iow enu find eut,ad conse- quently ail should tae time hy the fora- lock, and prepare for suai au attack by kecping on Ihecd a bottia o! PERRY DAvis' PAINKILK which in a safe, quick cnd infallîble cura for dianrhoSi, cioleai, crempe, or, indsad, aey disorder o! lie tomach. This excellant medicine cana be heuglit et -)y rpntebla drug store. 2bc. wili punchase lie Big Bottie. New aize. Both the rnethodl and resulis hea Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta £gently yetpromptlyon the Kýidnieys, Liver and I3owels, cleanses the sys. tenu effectually, dlispels colds, head.ý aches and fevers and cures habituai constipation. Sy'rup of Fig2 is the ûnly remedly of its kind ever pro. dluced, pleasing to the tastE c'e ceptable to the stomiaci, prompt iii its action and truly benei&iai. in its effets, prepar rlon!y froni the most nuanyexcellentqua1litiescommndit to aUl and Lave mado if, the niost popular rernedly Lnowrn. Syrup of Fig3 is for eale li 75a liotties by aUi eading druggists. Any re-bw rg istwo May noI& Lave it on 1'and wiII procure it promptly for any one whylo wishei7 CJIIrFlRPJIA ERCýYRI P fl RiA YDON. The f uneral of Mr. William Slemon on Monday was Iargely attended. Ile was one of the pioncer éettiers and higl'y re- zpected by al who kne w him . .. Mr. Samuel Slemon cf Winnipeg ari ived here 'l-) evening of hie father's funeral... .ev. Mr. Strike wili preach on -Plebiscite here Sunday afternoov. BNFIELD. Rev. IL A. Strike will delivar bis pop- ular lecture on the World'r. Fair ce Fri. day evenin-j Dac. 22 after the social in in the church. . . Mr.,a, d Mrs D. Dyer, Columbus, hava beau visiting here. , ,. Messrs. R. Reynoldi and Johneton Nid.« dery each lest valuabie herses. Messns. R Pasce and Frai. Ashton and M-isa L. PaRcoe represented Enfield Division at Grand Division at Port Perry.. - Mrs. J. Huibuni,' Mrii. J. ýDyer amd MAlro. JbB, Gilbert visited at Port Perry. . .. Prohihi- tin speech at -Enfi, Id Hall D)ec. 19. . .. Mr. T. Toc'k has gene to Etgland f, r the. winter. Miss Mt;àr hala rvcy, (f Toronto, igý home viiting her moti er .. .. Three births in o7 e wpeek is very goo,ýd for LEs8karJ,... Mr. A. \V. Oarvoth lh., received at his mille a c-- f Mnt wheat,..The new cf1ici-rs of Tiue Blueo Lodg,-e No 8, are:-WeVrthy Maser, AgsStaîker; D 3pt. Miýatter, W, Rt Adsmný; Chap,, W. Tigbe; R e ec, Füed Robbi, s; !i. bec., E. Hawkey; Treas., A. Davky; D, of G-, John avy;Comwd teemene, S. Saunders, R. llavirp, 13To n .wn, E. Bradley, Z. Adamg, J. Ty!er, J. Prior, 0. Tyl'r, F. Jacksonv ; Anditors, 8. Fin- ley, Rieli. Wright anti T. Cmrnitlh. My ToOT11ACUJE 'J13Anlexclamation heard every heur la the day. Toothache is the Most commnill at of younigand old, and ine aagareg-ate le.Iflics mre bufferieg than perhapq iey other singIe complaimi-. A me nemivue cure isa jat what avery pers(n idesis te naeo Nerviline-nerve piin cure acteimnio instantly in 1 eigth-1 ag yad a sampnïle blotte affords a qutntity ifflioient for 100 apiain. 10 cents fifls e bill. Polsis'4 Nerviine le thri only positive rein fdy for tc Othache and ail nerve pains - Sfïd bv ,'l dealeis ln Medicine', l'ITB1Y,. Mr. F ea ~i a returned to WhitbY frnsuOieg....Mise Blanola Maylil11:.s bEeün vlei'ng feiends lai BowmnviI 1)tepet ee, ,. Et ýMayor Blow and Mna. BlOW,3Mn. 'Jas. MOIeIIau and o-lhýrs haive gri,. . . . r.S.W.Loweli the evýaporator m-,w,haa ônossEc the borti' or to sýpaud ChiýitInag,... .miss -Addlp0 Mow-,braycentartained ber friends p'eaa. antly at thlié)res;deec c)f hkramuet, Ms.. Fraink Lat uh, Dec. 1.- , -. Mr, J. B Dow slipped and1, broke i ;sw1i3t .. .. Mr. W. J. S'nhilh, of Torýoî te(, lias returned vikitiing frien.ds in NaACILstie and le visit. ing MriiT. 1.Bh. . Mr. John Hie.- lop 2lipped off te Littia o ti on Dec, 5, 1îi wrdded Miqi Sarih E. Ford, a ai- JfMra..Thos. Yatcs, o' this tewn. - aRe. W. J. Bark1we,31i %%o received acal frem the Whitby Methoýdit, has aise received one frorn tho Woodgreeia Tabernacl-o, Tùoonto. Confecrence' wilI decida. TnR SOFÂLA Liqoid se rsi~for Ladies' and childi on's shoasm. Aso liquid Bldickieg ,for plei wth brusi, ln the ordieary way, Aïnufacetured by A. J, 1100K, Bwnavlent. fic 1 PORT PERDRY. Dr. E. C, McDoweil anti'Mise Editi Parrish, bli ot t place, woro married at Wedeeday. The caremnony was coedncted by Rae. D, C. hMcDowcll anti J. P. Wilson at thc rasidence of Mn. L. Parrish, ln t 'ho preseecA ,'f about forty relatives. The brida s handsomnely at tired lnaa dress o! bloc cnd velvet, tandi, as might ho axpecteti, looketi very pre ty. Uer bnigit geniel spirite gaveonusual joyeunees te thé ozcuasion. The brides- malds wara Mies Shaw o!- Toronto and Miss B. Adams. The groom le wel known lu Port Penny as an able and promiig physician, and was hiterally wreektEed ile mi'ee during tic day. Ha w,ïs tbiy supporteti by Di. Bingicta, oe o! tic lecturers o! the inadicsi ho-pitai, Toronto. Tiha happy couple took tlit train for Toronto, Montreal, Quabac ced NwYork. The wadding pre3sents were niotaenecadcostly. 'Tic wedding lisechaenw-as aIl tiist could ha danirad. Wila the pîsrty weîe seatedthetic uc s-ine hnigitly upon tie table andi danceti ln thie prescoce of!ftic brida hctokanicg a happy future. Amnong the gueste werc: Rer. J. P. and Mn. Wilson, Brighton; Rev. D. C. and Mie. McDowell, Miss Addle McDowell, Mn. andi Mis. Robante, Mis. Dr. Bar. drs. D?-. Norton, Mrs. Palmer, Rat. Dr. sud Mn,. Hane, Mn. F. (C. 7are, Mr. T. 0. Nicbols. Mn. ati MIEss Adams, âMiss 8haw, Dr. Biiglissil, D,. Young, ani <.1 hans Dr. Youpg, o! Toout',,le atte)dieg te D:. Mcoelspractice-.. XiMn.Robent Spaelce'.s bouse-, rCatr tila schoîl, wrss tctehly destroyai by fine frotai a defectivc chme. Veîy !ill' i furituroEa enr.. J. A. M UIy nences himseif as îI. Candidate f, ie (4deputy.reevihip. ...The store o! Mn. Wsn. Willard, genaral moîchent, e! Port P(enn-, ii atm ûlosed. Liabilities, ahiut Ï8,000; anots, aboya theauram. Hie borotier ln-icw aneti lfm on sceount e! a nmertgage, ant ibe thareuipon decidetd o out of businesas. They make one ladl as though life was worth living. Takae na e! Carter'. Little Liver Pille aftar eistieg; it wiil reliave lynpe-pis,, aid diges;tion, giva trac Iand eigor to tha syetani.

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