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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1893, p. 2

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MTs. C. J. WooanRIDGIC, Of Wortham,ý Texas, saved the life of ber child by the use off Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral. «IOne of rny cblîdren had Croup. The case was attended by our physieiln, anti was supposed te be well under control. One night 1 was started by the childs bardI br*eathin ý, and on going to it found it stran.- giîîg. t~ had neaîly ceasefi Vo breathe. eieaL-ing that the child's alarminfi condition bad become possible in spite off the medicines given, I reasoned tlîat sucli remedies would lie of no avail. Ilavlng part off a bottie off .Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the lieuse, 1 gave the child three doses, at short intervals, andi auxiously waited resuits. From ithermomnent the.Pectoral was given, the chld's breathing grew easier, andinl a short lime, site vas sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The ehild is alive and well te-day andi 1 do Dor hesitate te say that .Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral eaved her 1f e."1 Cherry Pectoral Prepareti by Dr. J. C. Ayez &Co., Lowell, Mas,. Prompt to act, sureto cure ONTARIO LADIES' COLLECE, WIIJTBY, ONT. Strictiy first-class in a Il its appointments and educational advanlages. Provision made for ail the teacbers' certidocates and for Un- iverslty classes through the freshman. sopho- more and part off junior yeara off Toronito University. The literary safaf comprises the largest number off University specialists off any Ladies' College ini Canada. Tho musical, fine art,elocutionand commercial department3 are equally well sustaioed by the moat gifted professero. Physical culture -la taught by a specisilat from Boston. A new gymnasium and alkinis off out-deor amusements. Pupils bave the opportuuity off hearinx the great artiste that visit Toronto. .Apply for information to 82 lyr PR.INCIPAL. HÂRE,IpI.D Mrs. Doncaster lias jusi opened out lier Fali Stock ol MILLJNERY and is nom sliowing an attractive dis« play of }{ats, Bonniets anal styles o-f liead-ge'ar foi tlie co ming season. Cali and see for yourself. Hats dyed and re-sliaped hD ail tlie latest styles. Orders taken for the LON DON CORSETS. MRS. DONCASTER, King Sb., Bowmanville CILS AT THE COMMENCEMENI 0F AYATÎACK TARE A TEASPOONFU[ Of WOlTHE CUREie fiRE SUâLïEN THTE CHIUb, That Aters Thle Caqe. MlTevesSS (at breafasf-"b1 Vltiyen Vo ilweya baket hs potatoas, net fry themn." BRInOET-" Yî, MUM ; bot i'Sneot mesilf that eau ste hatet potetoesivttluntemonin's lu the wet." A tomnestic aqoabhle causred Bbuffort Flemuurg, ef Wabash Couty, Il., tVo bave bis famîily wsuty-trce yearsaego. From thet ime eothing waa bearti of hlm uutii ths ether day, whauî iis enger bat cooheti, anti ho returnet, but hie wiffe refusedt û ses hilm. FlLES 1 PILES! ITCHING PILES. SY.T-tirIs-Mcîture; intense itcbing and itieging; erestat et ighff; woresbIy ocratcbieg. If allowed Vo c3ntiuattm- ors ffrm, which offte bIet sund ulcenate, becoming t-ery acre. SWAYN'S ONt-- MENT Matone Vhs itcbing anti hheediug, beahe uiceaticu, ani in most cases remoete h Vuors. At tiuggist2, or by mai], for 50 cents. Dr. Suesyne & Scu, Phiiael- p hift Lyman Sono & Co., Montreai, Whfehssal a Agents, t f 1~ r HOUSEIHOLU. Where the nid pin stands se al aud straight Goerdiugabuse its dyiug mate From the winde which sway ilt t and f ro, Audt hs erolswinters hlliandi suow. There staunds haît hii, 'neath living andi dead, The loge that remalu off hs oltiHomeetesel. The path la wiuding that leats yen down F rom hsoI stage roati te that secred grounti Andt he fiewere pflautet inludays of yore Stili bloom as eweet by he citi cak door; And he ivy yet by nature is feti And creepe esc Vthe roof off he old Homestead Oh that the years miglit turm lu Vetr fliglit, To look from to-day backito t hs niglit! Bring back he scenes off hs dear oit homo, Anti place cadi ferrm 'round ths aid heartb. stone, AndteV hear the voices off these long deati Ring out once mors lu hs oit Homesteeti! Ses Graudma knitting lu her cld arm chair, Stccking, anti socka for us chiîdren Vo Wer; Wble we for whom se mucli was doue, Thouglit littie off work but lots cf fu; Anti usvsr wsre rsady to goVoelied, Up lu hs attic off the old Ilomesteati Grandpa with pipe te readtog hs news, While mother le grsasiîîg hs chltrsu's shoes Anti Rayeront side with bis piplng hark Is keeping vigtlauce lu the dark, Filling Vhs hearts of those vvith dreati Wto corne at niglit te the olti Ilmesteati. l'How calm 1V seeme liere,"-has IV alway been sol? No; things were quite different a f ew ysar ago, When ws fishet lu he ree t eths foot offth, MILl Wlsose waters turneti slowly hs wheei of Vth Mil- The miii which at that ime clothed anti fe t The gay littîs onsinehe s ldi iomesteati. So 1 bepc yon may stand, oit pins trec dear, A seutinet yst for mamv a ysar. You've heen so faithful, indu andtrVc, To moesthan te oeswlieplanteti yen; Anti befors yen dis just how your heet Anti trop thare a tsar by hs olti Iomestead -[Les H. Rose. A Wise Mother. "Don't tell mother. Shs'Il go off iute fit if yen do. There's not te slightes danger, but as frets ever uotiing." The speaker was a boy off about ffurte years off age, aut bis audience consîsted o several compeniens. As lie apoke a lad, happenedteVobe pasng. Il Frets over notiing V' as repetet, a as went ber way. Il How many mctheu there are of wiom Viat bas been said bi their children, and witi ruth! IV la ontieniehly tVms thair hs motheri wio fret onnecesaarily are noV he ones whe have hs greeteat influence over theli chiltren. The reason la, tîtat by allowiný themselves te fret avec matters off ver3 littîs consqocuce, hey are apir te los theii power cf influence Wbenu t la reelly need ed. Tiers la a wise mother whom we knom who la almost centinually exerciset [in hoi mmid on aceount off ber exîreme nerveus uessa. One day a lady visiter, makinga casuel caîl, fouud ber se restless as te bý qoits uneble Vo attend te ber regular dutie ahout ths hous. II Vhat i. hs matter?' aseasked. II any oee siek '?' "No," replied hs mother, haîf laugh ing,habecryieg; "eut I suppos1 am ver: faalish, The Vutb la, my boys have jusi erectet a traneze aethe. hack cf tic bouse, andlIam grealy dspressed with the feai thet ons off thsm may liekillet. " «'Wby to't yon compel hem te tae it town, then 1" seid-Vhe visiter.II ahouit lite te ses myseif werrying about a trouble sa bcaîthasoe asily remoede Yeu are snrprisingly wek and foolisi about thos boys off your." Rer voles was se fucll off accru that it aroiedths mothe's spirit, eut taking ho] visiter Vo the Wintow, asepointodteVoa group off boys wbom asebat just caughl igit off. " Ian't that boy le Vhs hrowu cap youra V Bhe asitet. Ys wasaths reply. "Anti Who are hs other boys?» I rely do't teow ; bew shoobt I1?" "II do. They are Tom Burgessetn Dici Styles, Vwo cf irhe wecat lads in hs place. It wcuit burt me," as continest, "Ve have my boys ceeu lu their cempany.I preler te mrn hs riat cf their failing from ths trepeze ; hs danger ja no greater." The visiter tuueti, witi a c'scy ced fae.s - Yen have teugbt me a esîsen, " mie sait, "Pet, I teonnVtsa why, il u enedeavr tet keep or beys et hoer, wa sheuit aihose hem Vo bave amuseaments which are e souce off werry Veouentites." IlVery narvons peeple canuet stand every sort off hoyish play," returneet the mother with e sigeiflcseV amise. II keow that I arn natîsraliy nerveus, anti disposet Vo futd danger in et-eryVhing. I ala'> tuuw that iîr la perfsctly naturel, foc beaithy beys Vo enjey play ie whlch there le an ela- ment off danger, eut that Vliey will ha ure Vo engage lu IV seme tinte, wiîrb or withot consent. If my boys muet perform on a trapeze, I wcult rether iV would lise t home, wiere I cen give hem imînediate attention lu casa off an accident ; anti as 1 bave couchodedte Vo cesptirIVas cne of the leamer et-lis, I uIo net intandt te poil their e,,. mtme." Weli, I believo ycur beys are ct-ntier- fnl stay-ei-boes," ait the viator Vise ugit- fuliy. "Anti I tnow that I bat-s their confid- sos"repiedthVe înotbsc. IlThey eau mea' rigit gcet fellow,' anti say that I em as gotd as e boy sny day ! Plray would lia surpristi if tbey tcaw how much trepita- tien I bat-o enture linrty affecta Vo enjoy witb Viem wbst tiey calli ' jely geeti fu'" This simple incident neesane comment. Tiers are sursly some methers Wbo neet' ths useful lesn lb teaches. TrietiRecipes. A Potato Sahst.-Cut ccii potatoes inte mail sicesa. Tîre mae a dressing as foi- lows : Break twe eggs n a tish witb eighV 'abiespoonfuls ef viiegar, oee cuntîug ablespocefful cf butter, on-alaf tesapoon- fui cf mustarti. Set hes uainlubeiiing wster anti stir coeteutly util off the cee- isteney off eam, att pepper anti sait, pour oct-ahVe pouatoas aut mix ligbtiy. Saumon eut Potate Balla. -A"Ite petate thet lues heen masheti Wibb a ittis craam, one third effila huit of caneedmsaimon. Mix Weil tagether, seeson witb a lit Vie sait eut pepper anti mate inte amail fiat caees ; tip these in fleur aet put hem i nte Vhsect-en Vo hrewîî on a Wei but ereti pan anti turu Vliem se that bti ides wililibe irownst jumt alite: Il' preferet. Vey mey bc hmcwneti in the fryieg pan ou top off he steve. Lunceen Ceke. --One cupful off suger, nes-haif eop cf btter workedtoteasfiue creaml, ans egg, oescepf ci cf sw et mutk, two cupfuhs of flour, hee Vaspoonfuls off hatiug powder. Fiat-or wiîh grtet noV- meg. Bats in a sa llow pan 'Weail lineti wiirb butîrereti paper. IV ie ageet way te froat hs top ef thia cake anti decocete it wiVb Englisi wiinut meats. Coru Grittihe Caee.-Sift a plut off cern meel, att sat Vo as Vs sud a tahleapoful off lard, mix witb eweet milt into a thin s s 'y ir Ibatter about the consistency off boiled cos- tard. Beat three eggs separately, add the yolks, and just befcre you begin cookin2 1- sýnusehiUft Ithe ttUuU cLy. '-Ue t a,'titnw ~-a baby, the cnhy iufantile specimen le hs )e Ned berne- was lu the arme off ira dotine , meVhsr, who was loottnp for sanme new "i\l/ portion cf its pint anatemy Vo tissansrId [s admire. SrsIdanly thare was a scceam, fellcwet liy a hystericel haîf an heur, whie -the servants were sent lunlireathîsssarch -y for hsfamilydotentr. When Vhsgrava cit "s'U AILE O-NE WOMAN IN A TIOtSA nD tb physicien enteredt he reem hespoor'Woman NyrYnnta sr euîa od ,,was waiting te eut fro lite oes utractet, They cugbt te ho erretet for Iying." br pausing new eut then Vo grasp ber nrowtng At o ltifnî ttetbe"ce chutVto lber, then replacingit inluiVsaleis nt t irs. Bewser."thctb la"st-sm ete resumne lier cervoos tresti, weepieg etjand rh. Vmaî m Ie nr ecm wa nis brbna fortalile ant isl a bat .exemple for aur "lOh, tuctor ! My poor baby ! Set-e chîlît." -hlm if you enu ! But I new yen can'It. Oh, IlI fut fanit aetVhs table ! Mca. Bowaer. h îoy poor chut il do yentnw what vyen are tling about?ý For fivs minutes or more this conitinnet1 l'Il give aeyhody ,l00,00 ho eau recali 1 in'spite off he physieian'a efforts ta learu ans word cf fenît-fi nding, " ýr what wes the matVer. Ha examinedths "lAnd ynu get fada, Mr. Bwe. achutd,5saw nothiug titat appareutIy aihet lb, 1"Fada ! Fade ! I ge t fats 1I1I caver bat and tiet sat, witb patience almeat gcns, a fat in my hie. l'il giva you 0$1b,000,o00 insistet upon an explanatioe. Compesing te mention dresfît." horseif a uitile, hs irightenet ucother final-' IlIf wa shouit it down Vo a quiet geme ly saiti : cf cuebre," continnet Mrs. os'er, lit "Lookt.iVa peer ittie beat, doctcr. woltn't ha two minires lefor- There, rigit on top. See the scft spot, IIBef ors yo't1 upset ns !" be sheufeti. bow it is heating. IV hasn't stoppeti foc IlTbat's yourr way ! If yen can'V beat me k moe than an hor. I tnow aomethiug hy fair meaus, yoo wii by foui !II cdreadici is bhe malter, but yen mustn't IlBafome yoo'd geV mati, Mr. Bowser," rke"p il ffrom me. Pell mathVii warst et sIre finishei. "lisheffaet is, yen are s very once. nervces, irritable mari. I wish you't mae n To hsundying hcnor off that doctor, a gratter effort Vo .controlycurseif." bie dît noir laugh. Ail ha sait was : I"My " I nens! -Irritable I Mrs.,- Pawser, do *deai lit Vie wemfan, pray that thast beating t-ou tee w that yen are taltIing Vour nus- - wiil continue. Shonlditlbet-cc stop, your haut? 1 teny your ailegatiens. Ye' a' i beîy wll le deti."cite oessingie inýstince cf nervoussesas ar v irritation ou my part, sud yen kncw it. BHODDINGT OVEebTRj IJLE'S. I'm righV the other way. l'm eltegetber -- toc placît anti got netumeti," A IPensisylvanla Laidy ~IscsTise lesper' "Yenasaket me wbat you couit de, te ats steîlsa u Ceutul 'asînfle mae thinga moe pleanant anti I was tel-. 1 A mysterieus case, andtias esparatesoneing ycn," she sait nsas pictetiup Vhs at irat, off attempteti suicits was matie a -ther stock. Niagara Falls recenîriy. A mitdile-aget "Ves, anti I was au as 1 The minute a wcman, nicely tressti, was disert-et hushand softens up a bit bis wife is reatiy watelr4ng hs traoksaet the New York Cen- teeau hlm allear, lite'rds-iliain blue rai station, anti whtn e train camaetiash- my peculiarities, I suppoe, but--" ing aroundtheru curve tirew herseif ce Vire "Yes, yen are pa'uiier, Mc. Bawser."l 5tract. Pie sugineesasw tire actinlu ime te II Ideny iV ! Yen ca't peint tVoe s top bis engins, asdthVe weînan was remet-- single instance. Horesast tewn witi yen et irom bis tract, lb 'Fas itarnat that aseVoespenti e pleasant evenilsg, andti s is wasstepping atîreFelîslieuse andt hsprop. Vhs resuit! Beceose 1 spots lovingiy te yen ieter was notifier?.Plie eext hrsartioff t hol'um e vili aIBecausea I etet ar a buabauti wcaian s was flyîng eleng near Vhs staee sheuiti l'm nervaus, irritable, fafei-ntiag reservetien towerts Vhs capitis. Reserva- antil fuloff fada' ice Officer Anthenyjumpet inacarriege sut Mrs. Bewser sigliet anti tspt suent. p'orsrred hs wemau. Ile caoght ber baffe "If lentsncb s villain," growied Mc.t as reecheti tris hautanti succeetedinluBowser as ha walked areucti witb bis piecingliter lu ths carniage. While ha wa anda coter bis- coit talle, " why iset get ieg in Vira otiaer titis she escapet egain, separete? Idto't chalutotble perfection, t anti,rushing towe tihe aut, wag ce ths but I_1 peint ef jumpiîîgintothe lioiiing rapitis anti-"No, off course yen are net perfect," she 1 beieg burisle on over tho falis whec A n. ceerpei thoey cauîght ber tradeut ceured hî "I1aint, eh? Ph"n who ile? PbaV's elea She wtas forcibly aten i'n hs carniage er. sert of tait for a stifs Vo gîva i"r bushant Va hs hebel. Suie refosadtVo give lber It'sico wonden I'm nerves anti irritable.' name, but toîti Preurieter Wbitiusg te tels- Pie weeter la Vies l'vesnoîr lisent-ren toce graph ta Chenlea Ecytien, cf Orwigsburg someè teapenate test. 's. Powssu-,"m yc Pa., bier huabaîrd, te which attirais3a ti0' é iawyer mey cali this evsuîng. Have ths îpateb wes sent. Thra lady when takenîtot girl showt- îim inte tirs iiirary."i ths irotel kept moanînug, anti stating tîrat But next mono_ ing Mr. Boawiecsemedti oc absst-s srcythut as tti ct ub ercîfhave forgetten ail elieut Vhseupieaaantues.aa cuanay Siesasitisite wassrootiug cver Aftsr breakfast haiecok cut bis avallet;1 trule. louko til ahi es, andi slsctiug a $2 bill w lit a corner borei effit, baudet it acresa Vo s M1rs. Bowssr witlî Vhs rcn'rk : British (Columbia Salmon. "Yen ara a very lavel-heatut ema 4 Six barge ahipuienta cf British Columbia Mca. Bowaer, sut I týilutyen ciii do abont i saîmon te Eugieud bave lisse mate 1Ihis vear. as wsil i wîtbibs as I couit do myseir. f i PThe importance cf this trate te he Peci- tbere's sny change iefV you e au psy tie fie Pret-lues maybha satimatet from twe inufoc linging ilte sceai anti my weekly cergees whieh lait Victoria a few tisys ago paper bil-" M. QUAI). lu aailing vessais. Plis salmou on lutht-es. t sela was consiguet te crtec. Onea cf Vem- A (ihinese Legend.t Vhs Formsa-nontaiaet3,128ccases, vaiued Ther s la sstrenge egent concereiegth et $191,880, anti ths other-the City off e lntgcotiu OVh trthe e Cariyis-earrioe 37,381 cases, rspreseeting once ut-et a very pions bermit who pasetd $185,905. Aitogetlîer, thia mipnent off the greater part off bis time iu prayer anti saimen wiil bring inte Vhs provinca $377e,- vigils. Ha was, bowever, unahia te keep 9 785. Lest yaer hs otai production -of pre- awake as long as bie wished, sud of bte feint serveti salmoe in Canada was valuet et $1, bis eyea clomung whihs lie was in hs mitatt .130,535. BrittshtfClumbia la going to aweii off lis dtevotions. This naturehhy annoyedtit thse figures consitiarabiy thia ysîar, sut hlm, antioee aylu a fit cf wrath againat hy pushing its expert trade wilh edd te ita hs weatnesa e.flte fi sal, which ha sêeeat awn as weii as hs generai prosperity off thseuable Vo overeome, hae eut off hs offendlieg Domiuion. eyeiids anti casir them on tha grount. But Secon Tiouhtu action bat beau observet by a got, who Secod Thughs Bet. iîùmetiiteiy causeti s tes habt o aping Deacon Lowauta-"Tait about bail- up from hs spot '1thbore the sylda bat atorms ! I've sean hail-atones corne town falien. IV is in relereuee Vo thia, sccording as big as epplas." ire Vhs egenti, thet the lest-es offhestVa, Listee-"l WhaV sort off eppesa ?" plant are sirapeti liteesyslias, fringeti wiVb Deacon Lowands-" Wei-er-cfab Sp- lashea, anti poames Vhé power cf warting pies." off sheep. THE AUMTALIAN OABL5Lù. f r t,,,ýam UO.C5 SInVie OuatUUun whMiCV. fln, a grittie very hot, but noir bot enough ta burn, grease it well and put towu Vthe batter Vo cook in l 1arge spoonfols, one spoon- fui Vo a place, tomn over thbe cakes quickly. Spange Cake.-One large cup off sogar, four egs beaten light, Vhree tablesp)oonfuls of milktwo teaspoonfuls offbakiug powder, one large cup off flous ; flavor wît emn This makes a ameali cake. It shouit be baket in a ahallow, square pan, and eten fresh. Brownet Potatoes.-Let potatees bail util Vbey are neerly doue ; haif au hour -before teking your meat roast from the ceu put the potatosin the tripping pan [with it and baste tbem often with the meat gravy. Serve as s Don as they are a telicate hrowu. About The House. Wire tubh cloths are very helptol lu washing irauware. Mix stove pùlîsh with strong soap-auds-; this gives a lustra without too mucli bard work. Square stove cloths, macle cf beatty cotton or linen, are preferable lun mauy ways tojhe ordinary boîtier. A amail, durable match-safe off iron, costing a dimne, should surcly have its special place in an aspiring or well arteret kitchen. Two widIths off ese cleth as long as ths dining table will be a gooël protector. Sew the selvege etiges togather and hein the opposite suds. As yen wash ths tishes carry Vbem bacit te Vhs table instead cf purting theni ln the china close;, and set the table ready foi' Uhe usxt meai. Do net imagcine you are wasting fuel by cpaning Vhs win dows when the room is tee warm. Fresli air is essential ta a lisalthful 'atmosphers, but dampes s en umy.. An effective table cioth when well lan- tried is a heavy, psrffectly plain damask, wthicb in its unbroken expanse cf ahining Pnrity well cercles ont ths suggestion of sucvky linen. The vartoties and patterns in table linens are aimeat endiess. No linon damask is- made in this couîntry andtVhs hinen temasks to h bfund in every well equipped lînen closet are imported. The old.fashioned patterns sucb as Vhe " snowdrop" off our great graudmothers, the blockts cf France, the clover-leaf anI shr.rnreak, possemas certain elegance aunIsiîuplic'ty that wili sustaîn their pepnlarîtv. Thse flectr, te lus tredIl, <SU est Reugu at thse 'iatisr's Feai'e. There was a commsitou in a certain Rune on The Bank of Enzland. The haut off Eaglad bas neyer failet, theeghi tr as mare than once susoentei payntent sut set-oral Vîmes lias corne very near te ffailîng. lIn 1696, twe years af teî ut begen business, Vhseliant was cempeileti te suspend etyment, its notes lbeing et a trscount off 20 par cent. Iu 1745, on se cont off iri invasion off Prince Cherls Stewart, the yonnig pretender, tiers was a mun on Vhe haut, whlcb wes mot hy psy' ing drafirs and notes lu shillings aut six pennes. Int 1797 there wes ancther ruecon te liant, wbich Me. Pitteut Mc. Daudas feeret thai IVmîgbirnoV lie able no meet, mc on Sunday, Feb. 26, au orter iu couac!] wasissoet forhitding iris banktVo psy cash, sud tVus orter wes approvet by par liament. Ou May 1, 1823, Vie bent agsiu paid its notas in cein, Inl)scember, 18'25, ln Vhe mîttie off another panic, a rue on Vhs haut hegan. The heek wouit prohahly bavE gous, unter bat noV a number off£Lt notes bsec tiscos eret lea box. These were peid eut, anetVhs paule aut rue stîbsitiet. Peei's aet of 1844 ailowed the bank Vo issue notes Vo Vhe amount of £15,000,000, baset on gev- emomenir securities, but fer everý note is- suet iin exeesa off Vhat emoueit reqrîiret acîrual g oidti te ie pt ut reserve. ID 1847 the bank waa iu trouble agein, aet Lord John Russell, the premier, "relaxet" the hanit set, so as Vo permnit fVhs hauktoeissue notes onsecuret hy golid,huit-uis relaxaticon was net evailet off, le 1857, turing Vhe pýnic, the act wes relexel1 a second tinte, ent £2,000,000 of notes were issuet un- scuret hy gol; sdasthird Vime, in 18&3, Vhs setwassuenled, alti oepgh a furîrber issue off eot(s wafount eeecessery. The P"oper Pronnuciation. lier neme la sspelled Liliaokalaui and la prenot.uce2,1 Lee-les waut-aw-law-ni. WHTIS CATARRH? rirom nVths Mail <Can.), Dcc. 15. parasite iu Vhs erna rg menmbrane ocf Vie fuse. This parasite e ltoîuy developeti tnter raveraale cicmstaîîces. anti these are : "' Mortiti ,tats of Vhs hlooti, as tise bliglitet cor- psasetle off tuberdle Vhe gerni poison cf syphlis, lu rnury, Voxemusa, fromVie cterîticn off Vhe effetsmat Vercf thle skie, auppre',ced perspira- tion, badhy veutiluteti sleeping apartmeuts, and etuer poisons that arc germninatet inutire hlood. Tieso Iroisons, keep the internai linln g a'rem- brano ef thetnoce in a constant stars cf irrita- tien, evor ceady fer tIre deposit of Vhes s ets cf V,,esegerm,,which eprea u-)sic hlisnostrilsuad deithe lances, or baci cf te throa- eotî'iîrg olceretion of tire Viroat anti ltay Parer uip Vh-, ssstacbiau tu bes, cartiug 0-des'c; lur cet-ing in the vocal cords, eaosiug bearsenesa; usurpieg the prcper struc'ture cf ttcelironehial Vubes, ending in psrlmonary copsuneprîcu anti rleath. Mnuy attempts have been madie te cure this distressîng dicease t'y tt s3finftclulîrbeoiut taenia, metieated veipors and ti ter ingeioss flevices, but iense off theso t -Catînîrits cin do a utartiele cf go3d uitil Vhs paruasites are' clther tiesLrol etor reteei roui Vhs e nsttissue. Sernetime stîte a well kuostu p'ry-ieirsttoe fcrty yeocre' ctandin;x, after muci uxperiueut- ung,. succcîtin iidisnoe ric; Vhs enessary crohluatien of ingredtita whinb neyer feu run sisolusVely anti permaueutly eredioatiug teu terrible diseuse, wicthem stàndin., fer ors yeer o- ferty yesrs.'[bosse -,%ho nîts liesuffering from CaVas ch, -lsy Foyer or CatasrihaI Deafuess beoulti, vithout dcisy, commuite with Vhe buisincess Yîoaaer, Mc, A. H. DIIxon.Ns . 41 anti 43 RasV Bloor Su., Torento, Canada, sud inelose V'rurp fer circuler expiaining Vbis slow treat- cent. Ns..Suffomers from Catarrhal troubles sheelt carefully reath Ve abeve. Rural Yeuti-" You'sheuiti stay eut go 'o a hîusting lies." City Malt-" What ih that 1" IlWe have a hig perty off yonng bIts2, utd efter iusking iris cocu we have a lance." 1"Ah, I ses. I presume that la wbere we get or tsrm the maiz-y waltz." Mother-"HI-asu't your hualianti always treatet yen gsuVly ?' Daugh Ver -"Yea, negigently." Mother-"'Oh." Wben Baby st-as sicit, we gave bier Castoons. Wlieu as was a Cuitd, criede for Castoria. 'Wien sie became Miss, seclung te Castorns. 'Wiea sii bat Chiltirea, smie gave LViem Citsteria. JUST LIKE A MAU' . Ms'. Bewser las te Basic IDow. Arisa, Gis- rnx a Great tfftaI. Mrs. Bowser satt tamning a bois -)n he hesi off Mr. Bowse's tact the othar et-e- ing wheho lait town bis'paper .anti sait: " Mca. Bowser, if sîl wivee -wers ite yen thora weulti ha but faw divorces le Vii worit." "élTiat's real goo f yen," mie repiet a aie ooketi utawitb a stîsils., IlYou are eue wcmae jen a iosnt," ie centinusti as ho rose np anti waeei roueti. " While huuticsds of wivea in hs owu are gadung erount this et-eing yen are lotk- ieg after your hushand'a weifars. I deu'ir always apeat cf thes liVtetheibtga, Mns. Bewser, bot I se anti f lly arecieire tbem uat hesasea. "I am giet ef I, Mr. lowsor." "Yeu areaslwaya home te welcome me; yen are slwaya patient eut goot-natucet; yonr home anti famnily are aiwa ye ur firat cere. b bat-e e treasanre lu yen, Mca. Bow- sec, la tiers acythieg Ienu do Vo mats thinga moespbessnt for yen? You choulti net mats all the sacrifices. If 1 havea ay faulta I arn cilling te cry ire eradicats them. How shoot meeey mettons ? I eldsm hiuîk Vo ast you if yeun neetimeney. I suppose you ceulti mate usa off soe." Yes, tsar." "As much as $2 or $3 ?" "Yas ; as mocli as $30 or $40. I neeti ot-er so mauy thing." Whist I Tlirty or forty toilera !" ex- eleimeti Mm. Bowser as ha begee Vo get et arounti the nose. " Well, 111 sas abobt it lu hs moreîeg. We cent efford euy ex- travagance, yen knowt. Perhapsi l'Il g: witlr yen Vo boy your thinge. They elwaya charge a weman abeout 50 par cent, moe than amen. Cao I de anytiing Vo mats itemoeapleasant ?" -N-e," asehsiatingly repiat. " But you thînt I eau. Den't beaffmaidteV apeet yenr mmnd. I mou-V bat-e my faulta thie saea a ahi teea" IlWeih, cee off yaur faults ma fault-findieg with Vire hicet girls. I ee't tesp oes es e mentli, andt Vlisay Vlîey leave ou yeur seneunt." "WhaV I Wiat's that " shotet Mr, Bowaec. III fut feuit wiVh he girls? Echoes off Society. Mr. Et. Green Away-"l Ah, Bsn, clear boy, yoeutndyur cbarmîug wife tit net attend our hall lest nighîr, Were yon towu te Chowhljss' social"' Mr. Bsn E. Dit-"l No. We bat a live- ly hall off our owo at ite, eut I was floor. manager." ALL MEN Young, oIt or middle aget, who flot thens selves nervous, weak ant exhausteul, whIî are broeon down from excesas or overworiî restilting in many off Vhs foliowiîîg aym- piroms : Mental depreasian, premairore oli ege, lois off vitaliVy, losof mmemry, bafi dreams, timuesa off aighîr, palpitation of tIhe ieart, emissions, lacit off snergy, pain in Vhs kitnoys, headachea, pimples on Vhd face sut body, itching, or peculier sq'sev Velu about the scrotum, wastin 'g o/ -i organe, dizziness, s?eekshefore the t, Vwitcbing off the muscles, ays nds et wbere, bassfulnsess, depesits in, Vhs urinti, Icas off will power, tendernesof the scalp ent apine, weak ant fiahby musces, de' aire Vo sieep, failure Vo he reatati hy slsp, conatipation, tulînsesoff beariîîg, bsio voies, desire fer solitLude, excitabWiLy o1 temnper, snk'n eyes, surroundet wîtli LEADEtS dItdLES, nsly fooingski, etc., are all symptoms of nervous te'hility, thai leadteV insanity unlesa cured. The spring or vital force beviag lest its tension every fonction wenes lu eonsequencs. Thii wbo Vrcugb abuse commttet lui ffgno- rance, -may bie permtne'stly curet. Senti your ettreas eut 10 cents in saapa, foi brok ou diseasea peculiar Vte -an, sent seaeti. Attiress M. V. LUBON, '24 ac tonel Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canadaý. 3-lyr. lie Envies the Czar. Grocer-"l Mr. Slowpay, do yen know why Vhs Czar off Rîrasia would mate a e.ue. coca in Vhe groeery business ?" Mr. Siowpy-" I deu't think I do." Grocer-",',rsll,' i's liecause ha toe3ui trait enyhody." Eow to get a' Sunlight" picture. Sent 25 'Sunýlight" Soap wrep)pems (wrapper hearlng the wc ds " Why Dees, a Womau Liok 0t Sooner Tit a a .ý' Lte LEvEr, Beros , Lttý, 43 Seet t 4Îa Toronto, eut yeu will receýve by poîït 'a preti y picture, frc frein edvertising and well worffh framing. Titis is sui easy isy Vuto ezrate youuchome. The suepi ia the beat ie tht' markiet, ant IV wili oniy cst le. postage tc Pend i l Vt 'Frappera, if yo ele te ensd.s ceeu. Write youm attiress carefuly The Perverzity o' Yonth. "lBolily is atteudrng te bis piano lîo' vsry faithffuily off late,' sa6it te yeit!'s uncie. "Vos," repliet bis moLerc;" I tion't bave any trouble with hlm about thaîr 00w." Il How dit yen manage it ?" "Soins cf the neighliors complinet off the noise bis e'rerra'ses mats, anti I tol& hlm about iV. New ha thinks it's fu te practic'." b'or Over 1liîty-Years MeRS. INSIOW sS 0EoNG xcSYRVIF bas, heoit uset by militons off mothers for their chiltirsu while teething. If dlsturh' et at night eut broeteof îoum mest byet ticit cbild sufféring andi cry ing with paieâ of Cutling Teç,th tend et once and geV a bottie cf "Ms Winahow'a Soothing Syrup" for Ciiltren Tleething. It willl relieve ths poor littie sufferer immetiate- ly. Depeut upon it, motherà, thorae -, mietaeot it. It cure% Diarrhoe,,1 reguletes the Stomach eutdiBowels, sure, Wiîîd Colie, softeus Vhs Guma and re, ducea loflemtation, and gives tons anti eemgy Vo the whole ayatem. "M . Wlnihow's Soothiug Syrup"' for c 'ron teething ila pleesaut te Vhs e ste F the prescription off cne off heoldeit ;o td bat femele physicians and nurses in the UJnit: et StaVeu'. Prie t*enty-five centFs bottîs. SoIt by ali druggists hroughont Vhs wociti. Be sure to ask for "Mers, WzNSLOW'g VuQTHiIG SveRU."22417 Detater Ca5iiltfon aste tIse ýCst oethi Wsrk analII Ufflthe Slibsîil1es Could Be5 By the recenart Australian al Mr. Par- mecee, IDeputy Minisber of, Tra"de anti comn- more at Ottawa, received advîces of the progrees made iu Australia by Hon. Mc. Boweil and Mr. Sandlard. Fleming in the matter off inter-colonial co-operbavion in e h preposeti Pacifie cable. Mr. Fleming enVers into dletailed calculations cf the cost cf the cabie, the proposed routes, specifyîng four in number, the manner te wnich assistance can ha given and the revenue likely te be dleriveti, The estimateri cett of the cable by the lengest routa is £1,89-5,000 and hy the shortest rorete£13)00 ster- ling. VIr. Fleming manful'is grapples wlth the difficulty lnvoivsd lin the engagements of several off the colonies te subsidize the eastern extension coinpany. As is gener- aiiy knowu, ths five colonies off New Sonth Wales, Victoria, South Australie, Western Australie and Tasmania are under an ob- ligation te pay te that cempany an annual subsidy off £32,400 tiii May, 1899, and this fact has elways bec treeted as an obstacle to their enLeriug into engagecients in con- nection with a rival ca4ble service. Mr. Fleming~ proposai is that in the capital Sam to e raised for the new cable there shoiild be iuclnded a sum of £145,000 te purchase an annnity of £32,400 te pay this subsidy during the five years remaining onexpired from May off next year. This would net enîy free ths colînies from ob- ligation, but wouid britig in Queensiand, New Zealard,Fiji andi Canada te share pro- rata in any new obligations undertaken. Mr. Fleming shows from calculattons that these obligations are neceîsarily far lese than the sah5idies elready beiîîg paid by these five colonies, with the receut assist- ance off New Zersland, to the existing cable service. Briefly put, ths five cenitractiogaa colonics includet iu the recent guaransee for the reduction off the tariff have pait in echitoff ths past two years £52,350, oscnthi' in excees offte intereat requiret on the capital cest off new cable. As by the nee arranrgeet the cost would Vie divided emonz ail the colonies, the the incidence offthieburthen would be great- ,y due. Mr. Fleming calbulates that in the fe'ith year after the cabie is coin- pletet there would be a email surplus off revenue over expenîture, interest, etc., and at te end off 10 years there would ha an accumnulated surplus of over £250,000, after meeting interest on cosr and every othier charge. rihtLad, Teny:eai s off age, bat Who declines Vo give ii narre te the puibli", nmckes this authorizeti, cooftder,îial statemnent te 1us: "Wlie:r I1vies one vear olti, MY mamma died off c c c, u-"ptien. 'I'i dctor said chiat 1, < toe, would sooli die, and ail our nieiglibors J~ ti' nuç3tthat even if 1 did so die, 1 wotuld nu r i ue able to w v., î .ec iac s vw~cak andpunly. A g'îugfreiand brûle ii cer ury arn. I hurt m Ingeranti it gatliered and tljrrw eut p iecIosI et bons,. if i hurit uryself se as te break il,,themkin t v.-assuce u become a riehîiiug sole. 1 i ad tota tlze Ilts f medicine, but nerJingba done me se mucir gool as AyerlsSrsp. vifla. It bas n ade me well aisreg" T. D. 1.,Noie tuî, haus. Cures others, will cre -,yOu 1

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