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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1893, p. 3

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-1, LUI W 4 ýVe are talkin, about a" shorten- Fot ing"I whiçh wi11 not cause indi- ges5tion. Those who "hknow s, thiug Rean or twvo" about Cooling (Marion U1thb *Harland amnong a host of others) .are uslug Iduni 9 ~An'1 ÎÈ But, i¶nstead of lard. 1'.one u te H *purest, heaithicat and cicanes' 11e'l] iugredients go ta tuaka UP Coi- tolene. Lard is't hedlthy, and is AÂ not always clean. Thcse who use Wht Cuttolene -,vii be henluhier and The -wealthier than thosa w ho use lard-Hqealihier because they will An' get ",shuter" bread; wealthier An' because tb-y will get (eshorterý Tn groccry bils-for Cottoleue coss Bu no mnore than lard and goes twicc is as far-so is but baîf as expeuszive. physiCians onCd0orecit Che-lfs praise it 1 Agi coocks 3extDl it I the cou Houeeivosadv AiÀIve Bro ersSl !Idby the hav -.K. FAIRBANK &COweiiug LdZn MON TRAL. It1 nec DRTUNE 18ý ARMERLS gi When 11you seo an Adivertirisent like this sel DONT ELIEVE IT je' ~but if you reqnire anything ins Grocce-ý, Stapfle Dry Goode, Patent Medeejues, ar Ttw, jGarden Seeds, etc., c13 a SO IN STORE where you Will find a tel first-class assortusent which bas basa. thi bought for cash, consequefltly 1 arn pie- lbi pared ta solii t close prices and flot sacsi1- fice quality. hi Âsxerican and Canadien cil aiways ir, li stock. -", eee glive me a caland you wil stl be welcoms whether you buy or not. v' wl N. B. E1ioct's Roller Flour kept. th J.-T. WILLIAMSte re J, is another name for and Hypoandspit&'. Eglhs, C su atW'sin Dsass ÂZotasd ppalbf spile. P jpre ny b àScot & Bo nBleie oneral dand Nerous Deity l JWealcness of flody and CýIIIl Cld an at roi orExceses i Ol Almst s pNotble sManoafll Propaed oly b RScotà ored. Heiaen- an aHrgos e nd tegtl SW eak, UudefeBody n OrgauEecs ofd r- mos e-eeis i n Oa orda. utestif rr Nole Stas sd foreig 1Careun treWrtethem. D esa ciptive opex Org pansatnn artsrofs ailed (Hoeale) rea- DR. W9O'S. Iehm ' c i ln t i e l n 7 - e a i i i vn t u e s a l l e P i n e ofailir pectoalnbasd barks. g PERFECT CURE FOR COfJGHS AND COLDS Hoarseiuess, Asthme, Brouchitis, Sore Thnaat, Cois pd sda HOAT, BRONCHIA.aSrdI ILUNG DISEAS ES. ObstiniaIs couglswhichj resist allier remiediea yield promply ta thua PRIQ $5, 'à Sc00 PE.R BOTTLE. MTT771 A 'vailsi s-' N -:5 iý î sd a ceitis every -year. There ar-e maore 'than, 60 lisaf lu it tu-day, sud yet, thouglu iIthsy liave beau coufined iu It ssci wiutav, theli whllofa thai part ai the year, there are no iudications of diseese ta, be floud ilu lias 2,000,000hbas f aicatule, la proverbial J&for îhe good heeili which se unitormly ps- in th's live stock thereaf, aod yet ~ lie made into such cattle as wil.l seli at top AGkUOU 1~ U k&JJo veny 1 The Farrner'aResolve- t i s the advertsemen0t iu a cîtr imac 5-z5i5than ome. uew patent medicin'e-they calli tut Tiredine- said a quart-tan dose8s-55 the sunes, hliwe, kisd a' cure truth tlsem whose inclinatlais Ianrn'unir ,vasprove natiser pon. conte seis ta me thatthath st1îa sl forIan m ta isoce go ail' bey whiel that y oung son o' mina ta take an' sort 0 We' make Ihilm spny -C eeads a therer lis-scia' up wheu isay hune tha qi camnes around, Camp hougli wliau sh la runulu' gasd hboa prettY liva siick au' aouad. mc s'nu why it la thai boy kmn taire a baavY wik fraus ten ta tweuty miles and thiuk ba's haviu' tua;M Iwhen thene's suthin' for ta do that's lu the M piowiu' lina yaark loeant even serin ta bava the symptains of Scier aspine. aulti i take lu a Il the picnles au' b"'i1 wo ir like Be ait passes. cd eggsi pishin' acsps fon country girls, but neyer la pr lias no chesi bras. ie"t C.nusps s ",)tin'up the bey or gather- lu'lu tise wbeat- F evýý- id of utthai soamsta knoclt hlm off mafs hie lest. heiný au so tbýnk l'Ii go ta tawn an' samPle that for t thene -ituif, sud] Lmebbe boy a lat for Tom uons boulle elu't WatE dloses May suffico ta put su aeage man Bi lu trim.* ut tli ifTom I s hink l'Ii baiuer gai a dazon quarta rang forMbi. the i tiens, 'taserent parns F'asStc-Olflus Mlr. Thas. Shaw, late ut ths Oit'snio nîcuiturel College, witesa s foîlîowa i.dry, *Ohio Fermer :-iatraealing ubraugis gnou ,utry I eus accnstonsod ta riseassîre the poui [aucemeut made iluths live stock'anteneaslraie the usumben, the ase sud thse characlen f ai E ýbasemeut barn% that are fouud la lu. ibec tv fouaf thtisiwbere basEmeat bernasaofkejl ne ight cliaracter abouad, the live stock Ti Iustry is fiourîshling, snd alang viuh lufsuor eat may ha coniered higli-ciass farming. use, e s beau my observation tlist the cau-kir.( >ction bstweeu tise twa i su a0lose tisai13 oBut nse en au enu divorce between tham. lu ill -velag ubhrougiOhiou lu tise ssîuma aipler 12 my attentionu was arrested by the in- iri Iquaucy ith which lissemaut berna met iy gaze. I reardcd tisafestuno as 0o1e 0f ae straugesindications ai s rallier ian- *uslîiug interst lu hive stock, aud I thiuk ;old your tarmiera sa lu au article w rittea day mre limesiter, whilis bons upan tlis 1 aub- o act. or E Witli impressions snob as t hesp, yaur I eadars enu imagine my surpr a is oîekuag ove pTise Fermer aif Oct. 2Mbtl, ta finf an 3 13 iis auonbbuk barns wicisspoko depre- lati itingiy aifiseus, and lu the suroogeat le1sý rus. lu the artice swhi--h appazireI in U eat issue the lsnglsago was pscuisnly fane- Mu le. The fuillwiugquotatiaflsaresiasuplas: thse Not aseienluton osthe banie stables unier tiie iras are fiu quartera fan stock ai any kinil, ual asay nothasg aifuthe lierus dons ta fofd arad aboya, sud we have yet ta find hbit the, rry few uman wsio have lied muca ta duom ili building une whîa wsli (sut) confamu tht sein." Agein, IlTissse coller stables (goea- bei wally au the wei sitie ai the elevatiaus) ara :ce otuen cassapals aifuthe farliesikinf,- -eaking wltli dissase, iuducing poisososs8s asas, andf fane as a duangaisi. Situaious aIl ne rare lndead tiiet mey hae kept biglot sudlatu ry sud pue. The wander la that anry ca5 stock aveu wlth the strangeat vitsiity carist vercama the debiliratiug infisueuces ." 1 1 uaticed tise article ivas neti conqînfe 1, und ustnrsliy expeatef that lu tise ciosing ta sntences, wisen uhey appearad, there worlf fa se saima sottening oi the usj thfbo l heteradox opinions wsieh lied basa a1- W] vencediai previa us partions. But nu, the bc pes-verse vîews wers long up like fals 5es sungar-board a ta thse sud. The article was - t sigued IlGlen." 1 dounat inow ta wham st that uon-de-plume ratera. 1 hope ta aieet Il Clan" same day, aud lu tise fnienliest ai cuanuar -possible îalk aven the question of m hisunorthofoxy ou the baie-baru qu'o- w tien, but in the meautime I dosire, if 1 oau, -le ho smash the opinions advanced by hi-c as with the sledge-liamussn ai truth, ta nLnrid sI them iuta powdes andf strew tlimoui tise s: waters ai saime river wliara tley nssy siuie n inua ias sefiment uusver ta ruseaegain. ti Thesviews hagard as e mure iangeras aP menace ta Ohia than its ragweef, i f toy il cama t> ha genereliy accapted. They woulti a clog the wheeis ai liva stock improvemenit sa that they would drag lieavsly. Tliey musttisut therefore bhaellowef te pesa un- cliallenged. Il or ana in tan of the benie stables un- den bane are fit quartera for stock ai auy kind, ta say uathiag af tise feod atoref aboya." And Fat in tise leadiug liva stock lu centers af Ontario it la the exception ta flud a barn without a baseusaent. Thinieofutt if, many ai the higlisat wiuunere an varions liva stock classes were naared lunilicie basemnent barne ; tisati s ta say, they wse wiuteref lu tliem. " Young Abliotahuru,» the unconcjuerabia Shanthoru bull, wss reared in s basemeat baen. Tise samneis true ai tha grand sweepstakes liard ut Jas. Russell aiRichsmond1Hill, Oui., of tise prize-winniug Ayrsiiires ai Jas. Druammon d ut Petite Cote, P. Q., ot the Devons ai W. s J. Rudd ai Eden Milîs, Ont., ai the fat stock winners ai Adam Armstrong, Fes-gus, Ont., sud of meny othar animaIs wicl won reuowu ai the greateat fair the wanld ever i produced. Neariy ali the 100,000 beasf ai shîppîug eteers saut ancssally Iraus On- tario ta EHurupean smarkesaare wiutened lu 7ecm nequiref tise iiglucat tempereture. IlIe fist year of a cache lite determieSa e gresu degrea, its vaine as an anal, )r profil. If it s paruituefl ta run wiul e cows, steersand alfas- caille,. wiere il jili bs josuief about and made ta stand iek fs-rn tha e efL unlil suais a time as it an gel ta teke up tlse rainselait ailes- thai tracr h-ava uhoîr chose, anu isprafitable, uniefoeil willhactise resuli. Imaginse tise ivrif gettiag alaug wilh- ilt anunuvarying faut ruie-writs ane liai iglsu ha iie luchaes or tismea lest. That as tise'condition ai tise dais-y world hae- s-e tisa fiscovery ufthtie Babciek test, ss-ordisg ta Professas- Roberts. To say iii,% "my cow gave 160 pounde ai milk" se es-e nonsenase. Wa uvant qualty-lat- io wsusr, chlhansd tale. This test sets se pare foraver. Il asupissizes tise ius- urtence oai auulyiug ths cawa. Il grases se pedigree endt dos-i more for breefers isdfteeders tia aything else aven did. FainNotes- Tise lig wili fa Weil in tisa re stacie. Ksep tise f g oui ut the ca-v pastare. Nons but a*weil ur-inef cole shsonf hieala- lwed sboot tisa cattia. Bicuiesi yaun hanses early sud il wlll gîve themn e short, sîse coat. Tise New I-amnpasire experirnt lanu fisd5 that siilie frut tiese hutcaws coats lý entsa quart, tram this ais omsai, 4ý cents, as bu Oasis josi as nîncis ta feaf ithe smsÂlest us-aducar. Tise ranges are sandiug mare sud puas-ar caide ta the mas-ket tiss a yean ea. Thia afdicahas tisai tiseranch la daclhning lu useai-uneking sbility, sud tisai close times for usauay compalled salas. Good, lest are tisa iouudatian, lu mas-e bhan ana sense, oi a gooflacs-se. lu la ci, e rofd harse eau nu mure stand ou baf let ;isan a guaf hanse cen stand on a bldfon- dath'on. Ses thai yatis animal is souaf, 'ram the grouaf up. Wa have net any sus-pins ai prime basf or- prime parie or prime mutiais, aven if we have ai whaat, as sa appear 'ta thinie; tssu il sees a raiunal proposition thet 'vs sonîf tus-n sumaai tisawis'ati mua mesu, sud sa eqoalize matie-s. Saes-amars ara elreafy doiag this wih goorl resol ta. Regular fssdin g ai ail tise stock is ana ti the importnt thiage bn carefisi sud ps-ai- tahle management. The isoL will tell yon plsily if you have paesed bis finner lions-, but samae ut the ailier animais, wisich maie icas fus5, pras-ips, notice tise negleci just as muai. Tise stailion ehanîf have regular axes-cise, tn davelop iseeltis, vigon sud goof repro- ductive pawers. Not une-half oai hem gai tisa exas-cise tbay shouid have. The mares, tua, wilb bsacf etter if kepi regularly at les-m wore tissuif allowed ta geltelatand iazy. If you have a hall dozen good breefing aaws, sud are lu the business ai hog raisial ta siay, yoa shonîf aiso keap a boas-, sud a goof uns. Tls time sud trouble ut borna,- iug cosat about' as mu-.i astise expause o ksepiag him, sud il je ual alen that he hast une eau lie hos-sowed. Fermera whu hava flgured au il ciasely say il costa nions ta s-aise a four-yaar-olî cdit than aases- ai thesaieaea; but we ail kuaw tisse e atvasi différence lu 1he prias they salI for. It is a sale chisoce ta s-aise gaod driving liassa, wlicl will weig] frous950 ta i,ouiopounda. Auyuhing lighter 1wiii ffeu ta sal au a saiisiactury figure. For thAulis ps-puaoaibeef making, we doubt il scrub caitie aven pay the- ---a.7-l'e-, eaunu, wthauy amoant ai cane sud ieed, fgDOES ya'ft SACP.EO BUL L ORO\VL wantes- cum along, but I jasi tiaf s rap arounuf isanecie an' made limu. He's lied up-ta fat ires aber dan a' 1 racieun yo' an- tan gimma 'bout lwa bite tus- My trouble." About fluly ut us went up tIse nuef wiii tisa olf usan sud e quartas-ofa amile awsy, lied lest toa epesabin n res sud laaking mbghily diagustef, was the higgest lion of lhe menegerie. "lDunssa if it'F an elefant, us- a nasces-une, as- a giraffes," saif the old daniey as lia wenl up aud hagan loaaning tise nope, 1"but yare hoacm, an' hein' as lhe kbhiaf My dawg, an' bin' as1Ihalie da-g hbu al de way alias, usalie yo' wîll maka il fa' bits. " IlGreat Suait, ma!' gespsf the man- ager as ha gave tisa danky a silve dllas-, "fif ai yora kuow tisis was a lion, sud tise fiencesi ans af tise wlola lot ?" INo. Neblier don ieuowed whsl ha was. Jasi gob aope au' made hlm cus along, a' when lia gsowled au' noref 1 hemmeref hlm wid fdis stick. Mach obisegef, sais. I wili nu, go- Oui an' ses if I can'l don catch suntisin' wif wings ou lu." M. QUAD. Good forOCnada . Canada lias long ago sliown tisa Amas-- cens thet as eprofi,,sceagauf man. Lunulie asat few yeass le lias astonished thsm liy thie magnifiasut specbmaus af Isorafiesis whbch aIe lies sent ta the Nan' Finie lianre fshaw. Ceuidisu auera heaed fthe prise lista un alusosi every ciasa. Tisa judges 'es-s, muait aio lieus, Amaricaus, sud Canada got, s lai. fielf-nuthing mare. Yet tisa breafers of tisa country scored signal vicias-y. The -Ansarican uewspspers ah spaak lu terma af admiration ai tisa Canaf Ian exhihits. The weaiiiy harslanciers purcliasef usauy a Canadien prisa wiîsnen. t The usa-aalIofaIl thuis iàtisaICanadien 1, breadans shonîf strive ta miniain tise higl s entation wiich lisay have alievef. Tisey d wilbe able o ta ies monay sud Issue b: keeping up ta Ilie standard whicis lhe3 ghave set lisamsîves. Detenionctian wil gplace theus on a levai with thea Americar s breadars, wliaus lliy have deteatef ir *i may a show. ----OangiiigiA. i-lie led w Wahn. 1.sus,'U, anis su y le il )t ty " Your pesonality s the nasi haruiný lu lie worid," lie saif, earnestly. Withasîi thai wlst wold Wu othinie o me ?" sha ased. ,I caunnitbink of you ai ail." "No?" se qiseriaf. "Da you las-gel Ils -mv pEes-oality waulf remaha ? wa wdradully pao n ad-OdIlogichi ha f elt tisaIsise w-as au ta him. irg tpropor tockuttseo ,aim tale ar e itenbctlea lBela o inrg propormint hars nmleaeprices isuheopen market, yet they have ýd i baemen bans.taken the sarne care, longer tima ta mature, may ba a littîs liumiliating ta our na- and as a cuasequanue mure fsad than would L pride tao nceade that enother country have beau requinad for the weIl bred auj- ours has a lead in live stock pro- mais. These fsets are perfectly apparent in. Let us look at the matter calmly, ta any man -wiio will take the trouble ta -ver,sunttrtastaueysa observe cerefnlly for himaýsif. If you have hacasa t my fr th tie hiugbeau trying ta makre a profit frein scnubs, unpaletable trath. By tie lasers ina or tnyinig ta foui yourself with the belief st, the time is always we Il pt that that you eau do se, you had better give it rsupied in a close suudy of thaesmrethodB ih have made the winuuars snceessful. P. -owell thon so give mostcarafl sttidyto The YOUn)g anima&Is are the anes upon uestion of hasemeut barns. The mare whicli you depeud for your future incarne pletely that it heaumes sngraftedoau ur aud profit. If this expcaini ab stock miethods the greater wîll be the fuily reaiized. you must now give go od sune of the success that will iollow. cane, aud sa ley the foundation for future -- - growth sud de'Telopment. If yoeneave thern ta shif t for thamselves, they wll Foultry Pointera- brng yen ouly loss and disappaintmant. .ny pouitrymen say that a hieu af tio Do yau f ully understand the value ai gaod li as doue lien hast service. eornfodder, sud do yeu act Up 9ta your .ctfi- iafo:,n 1ta's0 i s; tknowledge un teeding yaur stock?. Iiiis a ry is am yst but scanty. fact, that the gaad cornfodder, eut up, will autama mid iso sale in market and theIr he eatanas dlean aud more cornpletely di- are suever sold, but they lay largai aggs gesced then the best of timothy ; and 80 apartion ta their size than ausy ailer muah mare eau be growu upon an acre, sud i. it is consequently so mucli cheaper ta pro- owls that have sarne age on thern are duce, that ut ss foliy net ta use it. Itonderen aud the fiesh mare jniey ly There is nat much question but that the ig kapt ooufined iu close, clean quarters spring pias make tie cheapost park, but wo or tli'eewieeks balaie lising killed,' fall pige are the best af breaders, if you hsving uotlsiug ta est hut corn and pure muet use pigs less than aisie year aid for ,er. that purpose, sud it la wall ta remembai rda af ail degrees are equally carafisi that wheu a pig is a good breeder for one esn toilet, sud doniestio towis hsudisd yesr lie will be just as good for five or six lily, suifer net only axtreme tei'5'ii at yeans mare. The moral ut this is that msoment, but discomf art and mortifici- when you have s good une. _keep it. iwhon they have time ta review thaîr )dered plumauge. H11E OJED SUNTRIN'. 'Nothiug but lesas," bunitissasme dadlbaves whlclî naw caver the ud are joat the thiug ta use lu the fuGHaCnuisi ait Weor araAMoan. ty houc lu wiuten, -snd if yeu are ~ rfeo in l" inoun day sud geueration, yau wil A ciraus train had beeu smnashed up at "up barrls ot thesu before thev lie- tha junction sud mauy of the cages lied mre wet aud store tlia'n where they will beau brokon sud thair occupants given a ýdry- chance ta escape ta the woods sud fields. 'h alu lsof dry aarth lu tba fowlhouss, Whila wa ware waitiug for the wreckiug a espacially w bore woodeu floors are su craw tri alear the dabris away an ald la it notgenrally appreciated. Auy darkv wlth a business look about hum ap- îd ai cleais ioain, or day-sal, wiîliauswer. prosolied the cureus manager sudsaked il saossld lie gthered naw, befane the "lBoss, do I git anythin' if I catch de rasas rensdier ilhsavy snd soggy, sud giraifée what got away last niglit?"ý sti f uliv stored iway lu a corner or heap, "Nana ai the giraffes gt awa, a iae the poultry-liasa. the raply. lW ail, I cotahed sunthin' aber on mny place dat muet have gat away irom sosma- Daii'y Mattera. body. My oie wman donsays it's agiraf- A cali t1sat stands in a big, coîf stable ail fac, but mnelba it's a elef sut." ybieatîsg snd pullsug et a halter, la not Il Oui elaplisuts are ail liera, but ane af the high road ta make s fiounishing heifar the causals is gona." aprosperata cow. Il Melibe lt's a camel, but I dno. I The Wrurld's f air dairy tests necessitatad nelbaer ssed no camai. Ha hadu't gai no r 300 te3ts sud analyses par day sud over wsuga non nufflu'.' ,000 couris sil the record books, ai tisa Il Dues it, look lika a horse or s cow? ane one-hali were tise remt faiomre or "No, sali. My boy Henry says it's e ýseIborae caculaion.noceros, but ze a leetiespishus dat it alanoete clcuiaian. i't. " Thea da,5rymnia tae altagather tua IlWa have nu rliuacsnous, but i may bc ach stock iithe teachînga ai nature audauscrdbltosIdi" b it.d uiprftbe icw5ae "ues yo' sbalramdillgow ik. dw aibet labdnot pasfitle ta do wltau'Il so bisaesi ?" gow ik dw une as possible. IlNo.", The rat'on whicli ssch-animal cen use ta <1 Doslhe walk anound a nigger's cabin ehast advaeuîega wlll vary gnsatly. The su' tae a dog hy de neck au' shako de lite st economiesli hudivudual feading is givisag antan hlm au' ruer an' roar,?" Lesmauut hast cal-culated ta seaure the IlNa. Iii must ba ana at our lions 1 Yeu st resoîts.1 don't mean ta sey yon have capisured a The XVould's fair dainy tests disclosefl lion V" ne peculiarities lu the cliurniug tampan- 1"Cau't say, boss. It's sunthin' dat grawls mra ai crocus. Th'e urubadox figures ware an' roars an' switclies his tail, Hims didu't sud ta ha taoc higli et Chicago. In sae ,es as low as 40 ý5 was aund necessary et Canadla's Leadiig Commercial Shool REORGANIZED. MANAGEMENT FACULTY EQIMN EUIPEN Laget sd muaI comnploet facilitieo. GREAT DE PARTlm ENTS& BUSINESS ENGLISH SHORTEIAND TELEGRA.PHI SPECIAL. PENMANSfrLIP Teechars are mrinent spocialietFi. Tioa is unly one Toronto Business and Sirorhianî sl0, '. NOTI E -islocaeafou corner of Yange aud Shutar Sineets. Oldaiani tablishef huisinesa collage premiseain Tos-onta. Pets-ans aud graduate ai oves- lie w nd. Stufentess el lapositions. Write for prospectus sdale naiain Satisfactioni guarauteed. ADDISON WRIEPiCpl 3 SIHUTERSRE - Wili be pleased once in Quanity, twice lun Qa ii 1Y, and thrce tiines lu Price Who inspeet the or1 Slippers, Rubbers, Tr it OurStri"B VII-i BIGGKEST ~OE, BJG&EST VAIFIETY,1 BIGGIEST VALUE.' Everybody invited ta CManti usee our new if>)otwe ir TUE SHOE SN GAVE 1113 ALL-TRï-N DIEU- Mn. Ho;ward lied apant somne tisseun tisa ofilce of Lie, the greaciLandau iswyan. lHe was au invaluahhe afflue usan, ansifu-iing isis A Tronsto Meus Juiuslte Its Detii. sajous- nluTas-auto eaujoyaf tise hig's estau News lies jusi reachef Tas-auto of the ut bis emplayens. Wsseu bu lait LiProriro tncgîc deaili ut H. C. Hlowar-d, who we5 5a lie dif su mmely hecae ha deaisael a change former reident ai lIai City. ut acane. Mn. Howard went ta Torouta ousntLau- XVis his romous wcs examinedai al iasi don, Eng., about tous- yarsaga, sud, heving datis a wall-tliunules cupy ai BAllasys a lrge English legs1 expéience, sacuref an ILaaking Bcckwi'asf" vasbond lying a impartaut position linliaefirsu ut Blake, t h sopen desie. Lmslî & Caseiba. I - -~ M. lanard hlia smali fortune oa ish own, sud bsing a menaif mat gnal nains-a ENULAND'S FLEST. speedily maus red n dfs lu Trnto. W len - ha nturuaf ta Eugl'ud asitar spenfiug 18 ructaga EmiseilIne5iu- m ouiha in tisacaonts-y hisfriands auna lie-dFr ncea nsdt itu s as Na yiv sa linudrada af cilsaus. Ris departura nos tise accsian for a large présentation frousTise average s-sades-of aiEgLi3i newsspa- thiemsers outhtis fism ai Blake, La's & pers muaitlie la a vany confusef suais ai Casselskand ana of tisa sinceremi inleade lie mimd uanceruing the condition ai tise Brut- msada was tue Hou. Efwa-d Blaie. Isis dleat as comnpare-i wsi that ai tisa MR. OWAD ASINGE TXER navies aifFs-suce sud Russa. A tibleia ta waa pubislhef the otises day in tise Lou- Ms-. Howarf's especial hobby was tisaldon "IlTimas" givesstle impressian tisai siagla tax-tiseory, adlie was a passionS.te dunug tis a lst iour-eud-s.hll yeara Gs-et beliaves in the teaahings ai Edwas-d Bshiaiy Bs-item lias af fafonly twenty-vaur battis- sud Hans-y Goonge. Ha ifeutifief liluseit slips ta lier fleai, wisile Fs-suce afd Rossa eaapecialyiltisaheusure nadcal theoniats i heen theus have affed îhirty-tisrss to u ftis City. theirs. A corespondentai tisa Landau 1 Racently ha bas lval lu Sheffielf, Eng- IDahhy New," liuîvvr, pints oui tisai 3 land, sud during the récent stsikas haolias huais impresson wulf ha al wroan. A jbeen aise ai the masi fexiotef workers l is e cenefui examnîntiou ai tle tabla,lie sasys, 1 1causaeaioîe pon. siow3 tisatIl"siaca 1 889 Oset Bitain has t unuhe siumsaaitise City, whaereIl'lie aub- saut adlos ninaîsen uer irai-elasbaille. - 1usarged ltui" lias beau sxpeianciug tisa shipa, ,llh s grusa tonagea of 201,7-50 f dbstnesa uriug tise -isard limas sud tous ; w i i n butisaeaparia-i Fs-ees and B lise peahaysis aiflas- whscli hve cunsed Rosastoge'uhen hava launchad oaly fur- ,fEngieanf lais,lie w-as an untiing wvirkas-. t-Issu sud ship, wiuh a grasa tnnage af s Ha weuî eusuug uthe ife minerad investi- 121,675 tans. i is tms Iliat wben te a. gethtie vasisas ut th"hm uef. Always igliteen slips nuw ou papes- un tise naval ais extresneiy 'ompassioata man, tise sights afflues ai Paris sud' Su. Paiesbus-g havé a lie aw e, i mI bis seol. Haeivas crazaf been campîsiaf sud leunchef, tise propos- h with a fasire ta relieve maniuf aits sol- thouais y laninga. INaREASE OF TilEIl FIETS y 1119 SPENT IfluaÀLL. Sadays ts fet nismd its ver ours wili ha stated lu your coutempus-- il Sdepwsteefconismnofhes-ry, pnovifed tise Englislb Afmireliy f oas ,n général çoverly tisaI lie resolvaf ta speaf naet maies sny attempita a xtauf isu oid- su is suture lastue lu ahevlsting pulic neef. ing prograomme. But the il hs a mtler ai Ha soid or gave awsy ail his w rfroba fus- commun kuoviedge, farvodftrous the thsae purpasa, aDdafotutni5st go, w-leu speeches oi Lord Spencer sud M. Moriev, i seemef tliha hafdoua has ail, lie suds d as w-ell as Irous necauf ils eî R- - - bis existence hy a jump rousSisffied admira lias n - --,tnai oui' je br2ýý_Asud Wa wallowed up hy the w-tars eiig.11'a~ l l int oent ilnhf aIoftise nive. jconsifsning a us, programmie ai ahbp-bssîld- g AMOS0T UNSEUSÙu A. j sng. If Ihai programme sisould as 1 Sape Of A gentlenman w-liald een anaeut How il wihl, oreasse the sreugîl afI anuavy su and'e intimais frieuf s wlieu lielivafino bulT s-pitiu l tisai aiFrancs and Russia at rontsay tise rate whiah lies beau taainlanlfeipn -t "Il w s au n d neavsu m glt alusot hav 8 9 down 10 the lo nsat w hi sh I write, tht Y mgndfor paon Huw-rd-tu dis for the veris a pemangan asng us rught ta i imag. ieloéfof i s elofen-s otraassref." Whstever tie exact troîl i o ilproa. Hlaewa shé-sllussvamat hcs-sa alsp1iihl1exIa prooont 1 Ils knw-s lhme nalililuquestion lias heen maisadflor Pc iy purposea, ~~Aftber t>he Bail. There is always a great rush for DA-vis & SoNs' Ciglarg. Toronto Business and Shorthand College FALL TERM, SEPT. 4. unequaý

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