$3TYLE, DURABILI ECONOMV. ï, fo~ s b i tees ared com"fort oy(D"", l eda. A.itsk pou eter forj j A. T. Foster i Ce, ode acav ~0 lUOS itînas i and ,ad both in Special value in Leý Plu s,,h an d 0Oaýk Ca, Perfu1mes, Shavîng Muge-, Qold Spectacles. STOTT & JUI GRAND TRUNK BALI BOWMANVILLE STÂTIE Express . ,39 an Express ... Expref s.-", 2ý7 an i Express. .- rposssngr.... 2 45 p W IPassengrel pM50flger.. .. 7 07 p M I PaSsenget xrs.955 Pinm1 Express.. WHEN YOU GI BREIISHCOLUMBiV3A, 745~NTOÂ,EUROPE, UNITEDS etVLY i n uada eaU JUtNk ug tore for Tickets mation regardinlo(West rate, BOWMIVILLE, DEC. 10 Local and Othe Taxes a sur.,,htpacd by Dec. Stray animaIs should be udv Tho Aricultural Depurtmez $ie pagé ig Very gcod. Thoe Dominion tax on coas G. T. R. $360,000 a year. Wa ow&uit ý crrespondent i tepreaente d dàirict in WestI ]3aeinent 1bsrnl2 for stock. pro. Shaw saya abýout themc te ordêe' all their othier pape 1'ov# C. E Mapnnin Of CE ohas been yeriig heifer wth, whiileal ha, Whi osbt lher ? Darlirgtori --d Car-twvrî bae een pAyîn conder1h for h"ep kilied by dogs latel j-vs, £huiter and Croisale ivneists, ~eretumned Iroi 74,, Y_ enedttheir( ,Ttivs Street Ba.ptiat Chur, Iat week paîd "$571 in ax otrt'ien B aItébelief thut ehoid4 nat emu ou thé st.te. Itr.C, M-v. ciaiker gave Pasrty ' It Wdu ada t " tage" when -abnutt7Mg; . ve>' piessunt evenîag suad abi pltahity. The Wsrdvn h-- s mýadaua] ing officer r se.thu ottie has doue cm dIii t t kme toivu ho e 'Nsn e s«I that hé wili ncul.,uoe mu joli>'goo'd fio.foo Verylutileintrs T. N.Dony'meiuga tmy flia,Jngethtaii froua nlL'aume abar enn their namas, nvrsoi Lot the guod mci do coiy ather taiboir paet évil hi The l'-, te Bfil nonnoe Vé Hbds Pecemnber f ati 21h sd 3 1>' Whioeve.r meeebes HoFliday nuihers wichU sent Ont pa yeam ugo ulecd 's Usati 'abat The E-1 ress undo Uiée l-; sure t-, ha-4hefluet Thé public bsiaudt preus ut tus wrd 'ihu exp'ecLbtiOns îay lho pi.tchel l'hé ExPre3s 1produced on -thp fim-t appeurauce af thé e mýibership foi tahépîduto .at~~~~~~~~ hasue ageaeliudfutremedly Symup of fore thé meeting. To begin ut 3 o'co ertak'es lib1is Fige a few yeare ago habien more than I t aflite kind. jaonfirmed by thé plearant experience aof nr téJwiereusl take Thé Ex .ailv wh' have used it, sud thé aucceas ofI i ,tcheoec, oceailjeweCll6ry Cheap dacun, udthé proprielorsansd mnufcucrrathée than an>' one élse ilu tovin, Why ? Becs' ~ acoringy.Calif amuis Fig Syrup Comprny. thé stock wus bonght t 5?c. on thé $ P~RSONAL. For a o0b1bycu tter go tou.C Hie Rev. C. 'Parktr preuachca special ser- * Read Dr. Talmagýe's srmnonani -nBous a emélenext Sonday. [TV, f sîd page on 'The Frost. Mir. W. Grydîorwan died on Friday of * Muinicipal noinations Friday Dac. _22, I pueu:maia afte a brief1 ilness. Candidates are geltiug iveiy. Look ont for inted envelope and or- Attend the tes sud sale of fancy work der blauk in n ' t Week's STATESMAN. 0 in St. John's sohool-moom to.dsy. Mm. and Mrs Ed. Raavie of Ripley es a~rriage ampltst in town two weeks arc istigMr. James Mann. fn e SI @G. C Haies lns iundoubtediy the fn 0 M. J. Davey, Leskard, advertises a est cutters ever shown in Bowmanville. *2-yr. oid mcd hefer. Who lost ane Note Stott & Jury'& advt. They have * Woeoyou t thé Faim ? Read ou an in. certainiy the inside track in prices this side page vhat wondtf nIl thing. were year. seen there. eC tuveyances will leave Trinity Church, è There should be a very- large attend- for Hampton S. S. Convention on Friday suce of farmers at the Justittet meeting t 12-30. n fic net Friday. Rlobt. Bill, Newcastle, was committed quL. The ladies of Trinitv church held a for trial Monday for marrying Mme. Bird zcasý- sale of fancy articles sud ttes îu theschool while his fOet wife is living. F( roo.n. Friday asat. Mr. W. P. Provier la not ikely to have ekrc Cali t lHaines' Cai rage Womks to see any opposition for the meveship aud will 0,Qe their new cuttere.. befor-e purchasing-it 1 kely ho elected by acclamLion for 1894, Qi will psy you haÉdsomely. ______ M, S. J. Jackmnn harpeus skates, Fine Holiday Presents. scias os., etc., in firsi-elaEs syle. beave them ut Womeh'a or Kenner's.. We tae pleasuire iii calling aur readers' It you ejoy real fun red M. Qnad's attention ta Coucr, Johnton & Cryder- two articles on inside pge.-"Just like mnis advertiscemeut on the first paga of a inan" and -.le Cotched kSuthin." this paper. This firmn informa us that NVe direct attention to the advt on evemy year they fiudau inoreasod demand etiret page Cf the central Business College for gooda suitable for Chritmas presents, o ne of the boit institutions af thie kind in sud eureiy there is no reasan why'some- Canada,. ~tbiug useful ahould no" bho us acceptable sud in a great ruauy cases more so titan [oodài. Are you going ta get married bIf 60, ibat which is ornametal merely. To Cal t STATESMAN ofilcé sud Bseth lt a- me hswn hyhvbu n r est wedding invitation-3, printed. WG meet thiawgaaticr ihen bugtsd re make have s fine lot. mno siwlfg f u atnin ast Mr. J,. W. Doxsee who gave a a'toe pti - ealled ta a beautîful lino af omhîoidered can exhibition Of the Xold's Faim in and initial sibk haudkemchiefa which were Bowmanvilie last rmonth died at Ctie- bought cheap and aie beingA sld belaw Lpie ton on Sunday aged 38 yeta. thé whoeeale prices. They aeo show a * rîePatrons af TiUE STÂTEsMAN who owe for bîg range of fancy cotton aud lition hand. advertiiig, pinting orasubacriptionEs are kerchit la,, plain sud hemn-tîtctl in ail reqiueated ta psy up as soon us possible. qualitiee; >lio Neck-ties, Neck-acarfs, Our termet are invariably cash. 1Ladiesý' and Gents' Kid Glovesansd Rosi. ýather, Rer. Chris. L. Thompson af Oinemee ery. W,'oleî. Miles ad Gaiters; Ladies' will presch uorting aaierening in thie VWoulen Jackets with sud without saeeves; Bowmauriiie Metho-dizst church next Sun- dreas geode of a1 kjî,ds sud a me rery day. Ha la an able rreacher-hear hem. (ch les dre paterîs wbich thoy are seoi- of Truity niverity ng '.ffatcottprice. Boys' suits snd orer Rev. Prof. Clark of Trsuimatis aenncute-rsicty, Toronto, wiIl lec;tum l in he fligh Shool g'o alude Blaukea iiiatl szes iai-y noxiTuedayoveiugat o~ioo iucon ergs Seiettes inu s-voial qulitites. Fur nection with the Commencement exondae- mufficolars, caps sud caps ini ail the es. moat laphionahle fors. While they have M. J. Gibson, P.M., Inizersall, one of pold as ustial a big lot of Ladies' Jacketse, the ablest prohibition speakers in Ontario ihey still have a good chaice on baud end will add es a mass meeting iu the Town as these muet b3 eld they have decided Hal, Bowmauvie, this (Wednesday) ta cfer theni at a big tedutOi lit once RYe venng i 8.Colecton.instad f witig tit atertheholidayo. PTICIAN. Wednesday Dec. 201h lu the Town Ludi' a wattitig Jackets3 should make a Hall, Bowmanvtlle, undem the unsepea a f note af this sud cal eurly white there la thé Publie Sohool. A Beries of grand good assortment to choa3iefnç-m. Iu ladt EWAy. elactro a tereopticiu views-Stanley in if you wut a Jacket or auiything else in Africa, Word's Faim and local celebrties, staple or fancy Dry G4oads, wa bave no LON. Soe posters'. hesitaliore in sayiug that yeti will flod no LovELY CHRISTMAS GIFSr-New and better choice, nom botter value than ut the 1 ES niobby, usef ni and omnamental, a funil lire woll known sud desemvediy popu'ar houas .60a M of Comb and Bru6h Case-?, Manicure set aIo Couch, Johuaton & Cydemman. Bow- 39.. a9 M Fsncy Perfumeal and 'a hast of suituble marîville, neit door ta the post ofi e. r - ' Holiday Goode. Cive us a euhl. J, Hig- 30P ginhuthani & Son, Bowmanviile. 'XMAS HERE AGAIN. S TEk ArqD SÂL.-A~e Ladies af St. O 01,T Johusn' church, Bowmanville, will hold a And an are Cawker l'Tait withi the tenansd attýe of fauicy womk in thée achool- finest stock offri, fartcy grcemlees STAES r'o o Wedniesdiay Dec. 13. Sale hé- etc, seiecté_d for théehlidcay trade, and ýýr. TFS ;glus &i 3 30 P. lm. AdMisskion free. Tea weý watit ail persans trading in Bowuiýan at STOT'i'& , fiant5.:30 p ,tickets 25 cents. 449j 2,w. rillo ta ispect atis goode as q pujicé and sand Infor- Rer. W. J. Clark, a o u cidan. wil qsi. bloepucheng o con q aud besi pireacbanivereamy sommns luinSt. Pauil's vinced thitweio te cour hune and at- churc h nexit Suuday moning unS orn-teuiiton tb buy iug the béat -ât taiuable in - ing. Collections sud contributions ta- tilho cheapeat cash manýe S. ]lu fruiýt yon wards the church debt. Mr. Clark has will fiud in aur uew st,,ck the choicest mayadmirera hc-re,henuce large audiences bado onisu iarCut manygre hm Layers. bouse Muscatebe, Va'encias, Sul- vtill geet bu.tannas, and atier RaîsiDs,Vsta Cur- The Methodibt pirsontigé aI Cavanvilie ranis, Fige, shelied Almnondn, aheîbe, a, 1893., wa thé scène 61f a veryliappy avent on Wa'nin's,.Mince Meut, Citron, Lami Wednesdav, Dec. 6,when Mies A. Bertha sud, Orange Pools, Oraiigeis. bemlona, Ciok,daum lter of Bey. W. H. Cook, sud Spaniah Grapes, Wainute, Altnonda, Fil- ~r'ie.Rer. J. W. McCalîum. B. D, Carlisle, borts, Peanuts, Candies, aud a gréat rat- N. Y.,, pattor uf tho Firet Preabyterlun ity of other Lroode, suitable for the hall. c14. Chureh theme, were uu.ted in wedlock, day tade. We have a fine liceofa hangs M. A. James la agent for thé Iolowiug iug and library lampe, dinuér sud tea ývertisod. popular steemship linge-Allan, Alisu- sets, Iancy cupsansd saucera, milk Bott, Bnt on an lu- State, Dominion, Américan (formrly the pretty teapots, crpet sweepers sud lote luman), Anchor, sud Hamburg Amnemîcan of articles auitable for préesentsata prîcee al Caste thé Packet Co. Ail information about ratés that will tempt intending buyers. WE sud sailings cari be hadl on application et agin tbaaik ournurnerons patrons fi inl every un- thé STATESMAN Office, Bowmanville, their libéral patronage extended tcu oi Durhamn. persoualiy or by ýettem. theéIsat two years and trust with fai R ead what 'WNe dropped juta Mr. Chas. Tod's wéil dealing to still mnaintain thut Confidence on an inside knawu confèctianery atome just after Wé wish you ail a Merry Xmas sudA Sauta Clans hud arired with hie cansigu lHappy Yew Year. O eust éaardu héhgplea îxe udmentaI Chisimaawéetméatsansd bow CAWKER & TA&IT,, the grécere arafro M.with choiceat candies 1 Thème is the béat CHRISTMA.S DISPLAY. thé markets afford. Tod always gela the linton Street béat. Hé bas a fine aaeorlm eunt of cakes' Al lovens af a good Chritînas Dinue Liuvited ta always lresh sud good.- will flnd thé mnaterial uat C. M. Cawker' Rer. D. J. Maedounell's addmeaa hif St. ahop, Town Hall Buildings, Bowmn es aight readý Paul'a church àlonuday night was listenèd ville. HIehba bouphit a large numbero potan fore- ta hy a Iairly large audience with pless- choice bilera, Ewe Lambs, Park, Pou! unre, but we are pleaaed ta leamu that iry, etc., fed bysaune af the beat feeder 0't counicils mnany of themi diffor wth. hie riews on in Dtrington aud Clarke which wîll b, blé amounta Proibition. A vote of ihanka prapaed' ofered for sale wholésale sud etailà iy. by Mmr. J. B. Fuirbairu was accorded thé hie ehop commencing ou, Tueaday Dec ethé noted speaker. Thé musical part aI the pro.- 19 ta ho sold ai the lowst living profi un Rronkivn. gram was rery much appneciated. An invitation is given ta ail ta comé ai et r ea ta, air le. sn. ers "e ni. inI mge hai a He. lie 1ai ahi nt, lob, cl- ni- id.r Ar2othc~r l doçt fPl pes00 jla tree- Cpmainnd aee the hie i a givte ycu from 36c- ta 60ùc. Th argest stock in town, GRAVND CENTRAL. POULTRY WANTED. Blighest price paid at the West End Rouee, Bowmnanville, for Rough Dreaued Foniltry. 'XMA.S MEAT. Mesars. Hom 3 & Wrigbt, the People's Butchero, are getting ready for a grand 1C0hristrnas display of meua which will be on exhibition on Wednesday, Thtvraday aend FridJay af next week. Aoiong other fine animals they have secured the fam- ans "Lady Sianley," a tborou g2bred Short [Tor heifer, bred and fea by Mr. ISatmuel Allun. "Lady Stanley" is a mag- nificent animal, aud if the weather is favorable, may be sen, on the street on Tuesday next. She was a prize winner for "fat heifiàrs" ut the recent Indnvtrial show at Troronto, sud weighs 19UO iba. iThey also have thr*re more heifers, > ed and bïrocd by 14e. John Werry, Darling- ton. Four Leýices or latnbs bred by Mr. John 1M--t itf. Alto a fine diapiay of Pr.C 'il nt the shop and see the ex NIOTIIERS, ORDEIt IT, Bahyaud is thia Ba'ii)eFs'owa magaz ne -dain',y, bright bnd witining -with merny jingles, gay little tories and pic. tomes ini p'enty. A charming lite serial, in pictura and stoiy, wili be contribtd by Marearet Johuý-in, sud entitled The Magic Chest. During 1894 there will be given to ail subscribers four beantifuil coiored funil-page Piotures - The Christ Chiid, the Firsi Blaeb'rd, our Baby'e Fourth cf Jaly, the ThaukBgiving Story. The color work will be very fioe-(each picture.doue in eight colora). The pic. tumea wîll be handsome euough to frame aud wil he.o especialiy suitable' for the children's roon'. Saînple back nomber free. Price 50c. a yeam; 5 cts. a number. D. Loth rop Co., publiehers, Boston, Mass. :R EFERSTRAYED.-Camo on lot 6,con. 4, Darlington. a two-year-old alie. h wner is requested ta prove prop- erty. psy expeuses anti taite hem away. GEo. A. S'rEPHEIes, Bowmanvllle. 503w S TRAYED -Came on lot 2, con. 6, Darlingtzn, about end of November. two calvos. owner'willl prove property. pay ex. penses andi take theni away. Mn@. JoinN Ro-%iz, Leskard P. O. 5-w 7TOUSE FOR ýSLE BY TENDER. il- Tenders will ho received up tu Dec. 2ï, fora double frame bouse situate ou Liberty St. eouh ef Cawker homestead. The highest or any tender not necessuriiy accepted. Apply to C. M. CAWKiER, Exceutor, Bowmaanvllle. 50 1w cEÈU)2lR F 0r 'SALE. -Ton --uces of tadigCela or sala Ân ots (f '. ý or uhale acre lots to suit purchaserp. Lot 3, Cneso3,arigton. 1T11S, S-MATE, flowanvilc, . O.14.1w Mm, J. J. Mason bias la grippe. Mr. Jesse Farweli ws in town laut Mr. Juét Christie, Utica, wae heme ré- cenil>y. i4Mr. Jas. Gaiee of thé News le laid up with the grip. Mme. A. Nichalis la visitiug hem mother ai Uiagara Falls South. Rlis mauuy friende hèer e join lu cougmat- ulatiox s- to Dr.. McDowell. Rer. J. E. Stamr wae gupst Af Mr. J. M. Joneat duming hie stay hime. Mr.,Bd-w ard Dowson, Pmg - ýrîebas retuuned.from, Briish Cl Mm. J. Reachue bas m rý o Mm. Péthick'i hanses, Ki, 3.1ý >,' 1 Mm.rohb-ft. G. Smith repre Toronia Globe.was lu townFridua. Rev. R Fr Waser dalivémed - tempér- suce addréss. ut, Lekard last wéék. Dm. Ttliey has gat counfortibi>' eetiled in thé MeC.1ung résidence, Chunoh St. He former schoolmaies will moud with interest Mr. Kenueih L. Reid's letter- Rer. S, T. Bartîctt bas been inviled ta Cobourg tu succeed Rer. E. Roberts. Rer. L. W. Hill, port Perry, bas se- copted su invitation ta Toronto Junction. Mr. W. T. Andmus, Chicago, whose sérions illuosa waa reported, is mécovér- ing. Han. N. IL MoCounachié sud fumily' af Wisconsin are rieiting at Mr. Samuel McConuachie. lier-3, Jas. J. Rwo, Havelock, has ac- cepted-a cail ta Charloiléart. Méthodiel cliurch, Peterboro - Mr. Richard Austin hue beau continu- ansi>' sexion aI thé Pont Hope Methodisi auch over 40 years. 2Rer. E. Roherte, Cobourg, hue ac.cept- ed thé invitation ta becemwe pastar 1uf the Tabernacle, Belleville. Mr. D. H. Lent, Port Hlope, bas sc- capted thé Position o'f principal af publie ochools ilu Calgary', N. W. T. Mme. Prenais Mason sud daugh+er, Nli.hare cane Io Deiveupori, li., 'whernthé rel aofthé f tmd]y are. Rev D. O. Grossie>'of'IBellevtille Tah r-sol1e bas acoapted an invitation ta the W, aerte Methoditt church, Napamee. Hie Inorinde lui West Durhamn will re- ogret 1u heur Ihat Rer. W. R, Bamiier, .Oililia, has eriysipelas of thé face badly. a Mm. Lt3wis Werry nccentiy melunued aImoun Cincinnati, O.,ha been renewinj; acquainîsuces lu town sI ter thrée years aabsence. 0 The father oI Rey. Dr. Harpeýr, Barrie d ied when 108 yésms aid aud ut deail et bad exacti>' 18 chiidren sud grur d bild 13 ren livung. Messre. W. MaClellun, St. ThounaF Ïas. McClelian, Whi by; sud J. H. Mc Clélun, PortEHope. were ln town las wéek ut theýir sistér's funeral. Mr. W. Freclaud, artiet, son of Mr te R. Freelan)d aI thia towu, had au au ex 0, eitiug escape froni th, fire in the ils> ci murlet theaitre, Chicago, on Frida: !-.-, we ek. cents; 1eatbs. 5. cents. eaeh Insertion -but 2iCEE *IO ECHARGE. w1ycen the itunerai cardas are prixiteil ut titis cilce PATTON-In Leskard, Nov. M,~ the wife of Mr. Wm. Patton. of a ton. RÂLLS-In Lesitard, NOv. 20, the wile « Mr- R, L. Rails of a son. Lo-NG-b Orono, Nov. 'A, the wifo ofMr. C. M. Long, of a son_ ARMSTRONG-In OrDO nNov. 50. the wife of Mr. 0. G. Arrmstrong, or a daughter. Saile-SONEOflDecemibpr G, by Elder 1). Prosser. ofNwnakt a the home a£ tht' bride, Mr. %! C. Smith, of Toronto' and 'Miss Sybla. youjngptt danghitor of W.tt. Stono,Eaq.. or East Whitby., MCDoWELT-PÂTïl'SI-At lPort PerrY, De-c, 6. nt the remidence o!efl3 bride'eý brother, WV. L_ Parsh, Eegý,,by R'ev. D. C. McDowell, fathor or the grooin, aststod by Rev. J3. P.Wion M, A.. of Brighton. un3cle of the brida. Edgar C. McDowell. M. D.. L R. C. P., odln. and Edith, only daughter of the late VW. T. Parrish. both of Port Éerry. M«cDouOLL-HocflNS-At Port Perry,Dee. 4, by Rev. 1b. W.. Miil. B.A., Mr. Douztl Me. Dougalil.of Mariposa. andi Mies Sarah anie Hcckine. of Port Perry. HENR-HENT-AtPort Perry. DeOc. Sth, by Rev. L. W. Hill. B. A.. Mr. John. Hunr~y and Miss Ellen Henry, of Cartwright. HIBLop-FoRD-On Dec, 5. by Rer. Beni. Greatrix. cf ]Littie Brits la. ut the residence o( th,) bride's father. John Hislop. Esq., of Wbltby, ond Sarah E.. daughter of John Foi6, ].£eq.. of Alariposa. WANNAN--CoOPE-At the parsonage, OYrono, by Rev, J. R. Reil. on Dac. 6, Mr. J. Wennan of. Rendal snd Mies Josephisamella Caoper ut Eirby. NnRTou-llÂxvEy-On Dec. 6. by Rev. J. R. Real, ut the rtsidence e! the bri4Qta mother. Let kaFrd. Mr A ndrew Norton of Bowmaanville and Mi 8 Marihia Harvey of Leekard. Buseouus-ADBoaED. D; ,Cnln Suidemrelict o!t o t oli flum2 rolinse agie 2 .ra.[ftelaeJspiBuruhe. agd 22yrv-tClmie.Dc . lzbt Bunîe, efoo 0lnit, agec. 38'yéMs.be Roreesaawi-e of spel irer.Dc. 6, etihe Roetson lai o!columbus agtc.i;0 vars.w vOc.o'r-In ofhawae 5. Jei ane SndeladbeortiWifé o! Mm, We'iliam R.n Suneand ageti il ofMr.Wiyasrii F Scot,êUG HuNc-uOhwe h eiec o!Mrs. J. C.-I Smih n Mntsy. Deide, Jo orMbau.l. . mten onayré,gDec ileaJoh Mea mo&inermet ufTynon uea6d87y.Whltb to-day, BOWMANVILLE MA.RKETS Coarrectti by .. licàiu rry, CVery Tuesday FLouE, V 100 lbé ........1 50 ta 82 00 WE.&T, Fail, e bush ... 0 0 ai 062 la Russian, il....000 ,000 Il Gooje,......... 0 0 O055 fi Colorado..... 0 0 ai 057 White Fife, t...0 0 if O 62 Red il ai...000fi 0 6â BÂRLF.y, r bush, No. L. .. 0 00 0O40 Il I 'ai2x.. 0 00,,0 35 ai I til2....O00,le0 30 I IfTwo-rowed O 0 0 aiO33 OÂTS, white............ 0 0 fi030 1, mlrixed....... .....0e00ol0 28 RYE .. .....0 0 0 O40 Bnckwheat V bush ...... 00 0 O45 PuAs, Blackeye, VI bush... O0 0 ai O62 il Mummy 0 ..,iO 0 O6(Y ai Sm all, " ., 0 00 If 0 55 la Blue, 'e 0, O65 If 0 66 BuTTi&R,,best table, el1't,... O0 0 ,, 0181 CHICREN;, P4lb..........O 08 fi O 09 EooGs, VIdoz ........ .......000Il 0 17 ParAvTons, P bush ........O 25 fi 0 30 BIAr, VIton .............. 600 i 7 00 A. S. TILLlIY, M. D., C. 31, MN/ EMBER 0F OLLEGE F PHYSICIANS ILandi Surgeonsntaria. Office, King St. Firet door west o! Ontario Bansý; Residence. Church St.-Sth door east of Methodist Chnreh, Bowmanville. 37 FERRFS WHEEL Ona of the wonders of tins qgeý PRICES The wondér of Bowmai-vitIe, Bought at 25c, oa the dt)llar of old time prîces for cash. Think what j tismeas.Be convind, - you Cali do nc boter i~aau to buy vat Iickard's at the fllow'iag prces 14ET 5.COWTHE o $0 18.06 At sud 82.0) Chain for 7150 LADIES' 35.03 WATCHES for $13.150 t, 20.00 n 8.00 1The aboyé are ail Walth am and Egin- Walches. No Swie trash. $9.00 (Yoz-ka, S-day etriking Ifarm 2.50 50c. Silver Thimblea for,........ 20.. Laiies' $3.59 Fob Chains for. 1.60 $2.50 Spoons for 50c, the hall dozen. Yu are nt aeked ta heiové this witli, ont inrestlgation ai Ail gooda are pro-. flflrT potionately low. Hyé- sikht testetid IIPR f née. Seat ruin lu atch-makem. Jeweee Golti Spox. andi Optician, Noati's8Block. Bow'rille. Ont. B0 a'e lu Bawmanvilla, being Ihat dé- sirable brick résidence, homeateud nI thé laIe Jos. MeIOlellan, lac 9, cou. 2, qurterý Mile OSit of Nursery' Corner. Thene are, 8 routs, kitchen aud woodshed aitached, hard sud soit watem, driving bouse and sstl-de, al lu good repsir. Splendid fchad sud gardon. Appi>' ta M. PoxRTau r ff . ÇIV sj x e,'v o t r s.4-f .l' That desirablé farte, belng the South 110 TH M MO& ARI N sces o! loi NumbemI6, in thé third Con. et tue TENM O&H RIO Township o! Darlington, thé pmeperty a! Mr. E. G. iurk o! Campbell!ord. Feu purticul ers UIES AJl UlT-A " eau bc hati by applytng to D. BussE SîMesoN, ES AN S FRTAIIC Banneton, ec., Bowmanil. - 6-tf ý SNCOLLEGE, U -iAR.M FOR SALE.- A tiret dues tarin Corner Yonge & College Streetz, X 2of 125 acres or 45~ acres situatet In thé Toronto, Canada, township o! Hast Whitby lis con, lots 15 and 16 eu the Buse Ltno, about if miles fron Osha- wa station, 2 miles front Whitby anti 60-rode Stands lu thé ver>' front mank as s thora-, fnam thé sahool bouse. Large noouny buildin- - main baun 9àx36 fi, plouir o! fruit. soli cayugh sud'practical Buasineas Training ILI. losun, ultogeihér one o! thé béat grain farine stittian for Lidies snd Gentlemnen. au thé Lake Shoré, No bila arstones; Abontt 10 acres o! wood. 75 acres lu pastumé anti !résh jBokepnBsuking, Shiorthand, soeded. Terme easy. Tirai plowlng doue. 'fypewnviting, PCuunansipj, EnglieL1 i an Tom f urther perticulars apply,to A. ANNis Oshawa. 57-tf. Telegraph Dapartments,epen entime yesr. _____________________________ ITeuchera, Apartméànts, Equipment auJ. Darlington Taxes. PAY YOUR TAXES COSTS. N OTICE ta tuiEr cu GvED complote my tullutes -wthin me. Warrante muet he issuE Rlamvton, Nov. 30, 1s903. AND SAVEi Enter ow Cicuar fes Er D.nIMMO, JA. .AR~N Principals. J6 lyr. B CARS FOR SERVICE.-The un- "dersigneti has for service on lot 8, cou , Darlington. an improvoti thora breti Berlishiro Boum, also a thoro breti Yorkshire ixt Boar. Termes$1. Tisas, WOODL-EY, Tyrone 47-tf 6w,, thé limé alloilet IJ1 tîs10$25 per 'weela isselli g our d id againet al pur- JCsauin Gown Nursery Stoc;g. Hi ;eeg d-oir-ih--jsalariesa or caaini ssïo us paid-(ckly L, E LIS, IÏ t a t ;t fe. Ip cial insru tions ta beg n ers. T, b ELLS, IWrite ibis wek for terms ta E.-0.- GýHIIm, Colector. NmcyaTomnt, O nt.j~j, 2 Children Cry for Pltcher's Casioria. r ý 1 Having bou ght--the entire stock of Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, etc., from Messrs.' Dobson & May- nard, we cordi/ally invite you to eall and'see our Xmà's stock 6f' Faney goods, Stationery, Books, Albumas, China ornaments,- Pictures, Bibles, Prayor Books, Toys, Doils, Xmas Cards, Picture Frames, and WVindow Sliaces, etc.. We will take special care to satisfy everybody we have Lo do with and thall be pleased to lhave a share of your patronage. Orders for Newspapers, Music Books, and Fictui-cIiarning will b promptly filled, at ]owest rates.- W.ý T. ALLEN.