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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1893, p. 6

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GRATEFIUL-COMFORTING. MISSION OF T'-I~FOT God frost1 is given." Oh, what at God we 1rightY, the Go'lpe l ighty. As the W7-BEYOU AT THE FAIR?, e____ have! What resources are irnplied, by the, froîit dsed rr evn the Gospel facet that lNe is able ta do hat by the fue ccnsfo AnB4i-bet f-Alrss ii~ er hr-lq oSf BY THE BREATH 0F GO» IT IS GIV« ftefotffy insi n iter ansd Godi frust is, given. By hebreîth of God Te EN. SA YS JOB. on a hu dred thousand window panes for the Gospel i,3 given. Ay th e r s uiis 'ESy O.thousands uf w'nters. The great art so tlie grace ,of God purifies. As the Glsbrc. BR.EÂKFAST-S3UPPER. galleries of Venice and Naples and Dresden frost besitars the earth, se grace bejewels Electric Buoys. l yaws hiaja geveru tue p r te tueti Dr. Talmage Eloquently Disesseg this ý s-are carefuliy guarded, and govearnncuts pro- the seul. As the trosb prepares for food A 1,0dok and ùnatrition, and by a caretfal application nt sien and tise Efl'ects of thse Kinîg et iî- tact thcrn, for, once lest, they cao u ver ha manv tbings that otherwise would bie A$500og the fine proparîte3 or well-salected. Ccco, Mr. tee1 redwt ee-efareprodtrced; but Godl sets up in the Rayal inedible, se. the frost of trial ripens aud A$200ra. Epps has prdvided our breakfast tables with e-ll reWt laiu0cle u alleries of the Frost pictures suecbl as no preparesfood for the seul, lu the tight A golden chas.~ dels cately flivorCcd baveraze wlich may save Ibivinely Psemise,1. human art could ever produce, hundre Is grip of the frost thse hard ahelis of wal- An $80,009,cleck. ns rany h4avy docteri' bills,.It le by thef huadoftei nyfrfuorivntadces.tadhckyopad udilous use of snob articles of diet tirat a Baee1KLYN, Dec. 3.-Before the usual oftosns0 hu nyfrfu rfventadoetu n ikr pn n An $40 onyx cane. constitution may be gradually but np until hrnsttfoneiyteyfieeashours, and then rabs them out, miaking the, the luxuries of the woods corne luto or WrhA90 ettrg nn uh enoug stevry etorloreotirngstet fernarltendey te yarsplaeIcfar dlra tspmafietas agn bentlaphorfpo Obcdale; orththrst9f Abe diseuse. unudreds of subtle maladbie3'are have gathered iu the first, second and third pte ear mora :payNousne b utGdcu dtl as pon lou ra, SO te rab o 50yaodcrn fioatilgaround us ready Io attack wherever Brooklyu Tabernacles, successively, Dr. tenx oou.N n u e ,nlJtilCksuayabr n rcl hl ~0ya.l en thore is a weak Peint. We mar escpe manY Talmage Chic forenoon preaehed this Gosel afford te do that. It would bankrupt every- and crushes itiutil that wbich stung the A $1000 arm chair. a fta haureblokpnd auarecly uei otised sermon, after commenting upou an appropri. thing but infinity and omnipotence. seul uow feels it. There are passages of A $1500 music box. frame."-"Civii Service arette," 1 ste Scriptnre leeson aud giving ont the muet Next 1 speak of the Frost as a physician. ridtuandhatponcibe fwre engma, puzzles Dom -Pedro's chair. Made simply with boilin-4 water or mille inspiriting hymne. Thesubjet was: "The Standing ai the gates uf New York barber rdlsadipsil oyoeudrt'd s0]lylnVin paclets. by Grecers. labaledthus Mission cf the Frost." Text: Job, 37:10 autunîn belore isat, the frost dreve back bat the frosts of trouble after a whiluexpos- Microbe incubators. JAsIg~IE Pp s lq liomSgatiic Chlem _«,By the breath of God frost is given.", the choiera, saying, "lThus far sallat thon cd the fui, meauing to your coul. Yeu eaid, -A $330 Panama bat. dsIosonEgad Nothing is more embarrassing te an corne sud ne fart.har." Frora \Meupîsis and 'I 10fnot sec why Da-vid kee.-e rolling over A$50gasles orgaftistor pianiat han te put his finger on New Orleans and Jacksonville hccmsnote the lu bis Paalms the steiy ut how he was pur-, A 73-pound salmon. a key cf the instrument andi have it'make fever plague, ti it reelc-d back aud depart- sued aud perýeuùoed.' fiHe describes hlm- no rspene. heug ai theothr kes ae d. The Frost ig physician that doctors self as surrounded by boacs. Hec says A4-othg ok in full play, the eues silence destroys the cities, nations and continents. fHe medi- "lThey c5mPassed me about liku bacs." You A cape worth $1 7,500. musc. e i te geatcahedal f ar, dnste o.Quiue for maaria, think what au cxaggerating thing fer him A pole 215 feet high. WENSA E.1 83 if eue part fails te praise the Lard the antifebrile for týsphoIds, ecîphonal fer eleep- te exclaim. "'Out ci h depthcf hell have Flcrclegaig - barmeny is Ialtel sud lest. While fire leasnasq, at-usel for disturbcd I crieluno Thee, O Lord." And here le bectrialoegrbibe. DR. J. C. NTCHELIL, and hall, suew and vaper, reepenl te the nerves, btin ail th--rapeutics there is no se much of that style ef lamentationi i hMyiwrbbe w iEW BER 0F COLLEGE OF PRYSICIAN ouch et inspiration, if the freet rmade ne remedy like Chu amali pellets prepared hy writings yoe t'aink hie overdous ih, but af tut John Wesluy's clock. and Surgeons, Ontario, Corouer, etc. utterauce, the orchestra rendering wourld bue the cold, aud ne physician se skilifuil or go a while flie freet comas upon you in the Lace at $1000 a yard. Office and Itesideuce, Enlskillen.' 74. hopelessly lamagel sud the harmenyý for- millghty as Chafrosi. Seotiaul bas ladgreat chiape ot erseuntion, sud yenlare stock A 107-ton lccemotive. ever iccomplete. I am more glad than I physicians, but lber gretduorhaebuwihh cnradcukwtbCat de- D B RXIE SIMPSON, dan tel hat the white key et the freet the "Abcrnethies sud Abnrearombies tisat famation, and stock witb semas faisahoold, A $500) sea-ettur ekin. A RRISTER, SOLICITOR, &o. MOses-IS souaie ferth as mgliîily as auy cf the other have coule dewn over the Highlands herseci sud lies in swa-,rms and buzziug, buzziniî A 26-ton block of ceai. "BLOCK, upstairs, King Street. Bowmafi. keys, sud wheu Davil touchas it in Chu oit the north wiud. EùgIarlî bas bailie~r about your cars, and a1- last yeu undersîand A buffalo in alahaster. ville. Solcitor for the Ontarî Banke Psalms, itesoumis forth the words: I"Ha greatphysiciang but ler grcaecdocoshac hatDaid uat wenha al: "h 1 Jîvate Meneys leaued at the lewest rates- scattereth the hear frost like aches ;" sud beeu the Andrew Clarkes and the \làcken- com1passe I me abocut like bos; yus, they MilkigbyWmathi$4ery8. __ s. c. RIINKLNG wheu Job touches it lu my text, itresonds zies who appeartl Che tr2t uignt Chu fields compassaI me about like b)ees," sud yen Auggtwrh 483 - OESE AJO ii~ EE FRwitb the worde: By the breath et Gel o" England were rimmel witb wite. Amer- go down tundier nervos prostration, and A plate valued ait $167. IJtCEuSD uî Trhm.SesteudFOR fros t is given." ici bas bal its great physicians, but bier feel that yen are as far doivu as David A steam rnocking.birl. te on eh rteet notice and loweet rates. Âddress n As ne eue seorns disposed Co diseuse Che grets etrsbv euCe îalwe at cried Ot ftha e hptscf Foo f150srs ccuurees rP. o. 3: ission ef Frost, depeudiug on Divine Parbers sud Valentino Motts whe, lanlel haell." Whateenlal Coecatr ogere 50srs help, I unlertake it. This le Che tirst item bleak skies wbila eour fingers wcre ilsat hithurto bal ne appriapriatenesî A spcn-glass umbrella., RORT. YOUTNG, V. S. Sabbatb of wiuter. The leave are down. benurnbud smd ont cars inglel ith flc Frosts 1 For a i011g wlsile thýe Bible seemud A palace but of cern. dFFICE IN THE WEST DURHAMI The wsrmnth bas gene eut efthte air. The col. 0, ih is bigb ime that yen aId lop-sided and a disp'-epurtienate amout of Girdie valned at $30,000. 3News Block, where himsecf et assistantlabirds have made their winged march anoiher liue te your lituirgy. It is it given un Ce the cosolatery. Why, page A wil e fould frcm Sa.m. to 9 pm. Night catis seuthward. The lanîscapa bas beau bigh tinie that yen tuake an adlendum aftet page 'an chapter alter chapter sud Amiautie markud $1000. at reoidence.directy Oppoite Dril Shed. Caltescarlb utma qio. te Ccyour prayers. It la lb'gh ilîe that yen bock afCerbook lisfile Bible taken up with A bureaun15.9 years olI. by tel graph or teleplicwill redoive promPt cre yteatma eio.Teat attention 1.1yr huekers have riflel the cern ceb.enlarge the catalogue yurhesn'alvitîs,îhpcfitoswhuu. OufGasensax. The uigbt sky bas shonutheicnuuai me. jThank GlfrfutIlti h atc i ol as h essan ias pii- LesCher et 300 varieties. L, A,. W. T OLE. eoric restiessuess cf Novembur. Thruc geirmic ides. It le the euly hopes in bacteri- cary store, wiL.b eue-hait of the shulves ce- A 1,O odcriiae ~UOTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real sessons cf Che year are pass.'d, sud Chaei7Ogy. It is the nmeîicarneni ni continents.ellcupielxith bIlsaîns? W-ny schc a super-00 oî ericae A Btate Agent, Bowmanviîîe, Ontario-, fcnrth, sudliset, bas enterrd. Anothier IL ta the salvtilon of or tamperate vcne. îluîîy cf balsams But cf ter a while the Trac 36 feet lu diaineter. Eales attended in any part of Province. eeetnwcre ut le u dr stehs eu la oiee gave tho mernbraneous croup carnies off your child, "la-ta-ta" lu Egyptian. A. A. PONT, sud instroct Chu world. ILt is the froct. huinan race. hl l the o.îly strong stlmu- or your h c' th gives way undier the grippe, Diaînonds Worth $100,00G. ROHITEOT. Plans aud Specifica. The palaces cf ibis king ara fat up in theicsoat whlch hane reaction. TIhe hast cent- or youir property is swept off by s bal in- A ishi grdWot 70 A tns prepared fer everyage cf biiug. ,ýArabic. Their wallc are glitteritag conge- meutary on it I bal while wa'kir.g noar vCaîtnCnî, orp rhpsail tltre roublesstgewob$70 Special attention given te heating by se esm la tien. Windsor CasLies snd Tuileries sud here onue cool mrnring withî my broth'-r nine, ,tonce-'eaknuptcy, siokues3 snd A]5yarodCapnt sud hot water. sud te ssuîtary arrangements. Winter Palaces sol Kenilworths cnd AI- John, wbo spent the inost ofi lus le as a ber'avernut. Now Chu cousolaîery parts Grace Dariing's lite 'bosC. (0fce* Goriie Block,. Whitby 13-ly hambras of ice. Temples witb pendant 'nisteuary in China, and in that part cf cf the Bible 1o net acru Cc ha dispropor. A baudsaw 220 teet long. RFTT~1 nil chandeliers of ica. Tliroes of iceberg, on it where Clieru arc ti rusts. ie saI there ti-~ate. Yau want sonetbiug off ali-nost An orange l'liberty bell." R . *1P6EA TE LalLor wbich eternal silence rains. Theatrus on wac a tiuglîng laIneais in hic îî ives indes- ail the shelves efthat sacraI )ispetîsary. whose stages uternal col dramatizes eternal crlbable, anni au a'nno9t intoxic~ation et de- Wbat bas uncoverul sud exposai1 te yon Tswrh$15prpud 0Gehtîemen'a OiothesMad to Order. winter. .Pillars cf 10e. ,Arches ef ice. lilt from ltha tactta,,i hvase 'ho firat the nsefuass ot se much of te Bible Chat A $13,000 fisherias dispiay. Crowus of ice. Chariots ot ice. Sepnlclicres tLme fer veut5!lehad fita± tthe slsatinof! u' b io re'id'n-n? The frosis haveheaun Bamboo pole 70 tact long. J M B I A rr iu of ice. Mouintalos of ice.. Daminions cf freet. Wýe conflain cf it, w' scol it, wcefuifilling their mission. Aselio ot 25 .B RI A O B ice. Eternal trigidity ! Prom Chose bard, irown oison it, wlieu we ouchi te ha etirre I For rony years, peets anti essayiste have Asteigowrt$25 DE TI T.white, burnished portais King F rost de- hY it Cc gratitude, a'il hoist it on a. coeebatelthe gran'e aud swifttess et tlic Watches valuaI at $100,000. IE T S .ceul, sud waves bis silvery seep're over dexolcgy.' Arabian horwn's. Tiesa mciwoclariulcex- Hiorse sud rider in prues. eurtetumperate zone. Yon wilsoon hoast Blrms otrhe-sl1 kc h hhto tloaoanb htIee i- Billiard balle werth $80,000. hie heel on the skating pond. Yen aiready Fr ost as a jauclur. A-, Ch 5snowis frozeanensael aa'jnst outsilu tho dity m et J a- A$3,0 odsivrm el O F C :-Rea!' of M sr. l h ruatb lu Chu night wind. By tain, so the froc ,is frozats 1w. Go I trans- lin-an Arai ý se uamouniul by sn Arab. 500solsivrmd. meet censidered an uocmy cmu hr cforans it froin s iquîdtIu-o a 'rystal. hI aDo yen kutto w--rct1suAabhresgt Japan axhibits icornaid bcd. nigginbotham & SonI's DrUg benumb sud hinder anId ay, I shail show the dcw glorifiedi.nJot:o' lSth e o"-e t Cheir dlcc nessud a-sairy ef motion? Long A 3,00-pounl block et sait. yen hat tlIsafrost isa siand, wîîh baîta- that icp tei dramia, thu e ,.of ob, Gel centuries ago, Mcehamosiel, with thrty A tr ddiction, Divtîteîy preonnceed, and charged says C te e 'ospirel dramtst, %ylth es'tatia thtouaid cavai-y on Chu niatch, coul fini A 300-year-oiddlwari cedar. Stoe,(own stairs), su ucaglwt asn onnbn-ttrrogation :-" The lsoary- lrost of Hea- for thena net a drop et water for hrea lays. A herse mnodal costiug $500. ficent sol trernuons. The Bible cavon von whc iha pedardrd it 1" Goni thorea asc Corning te Chu top cf a bill, s river wac in American birîs cf 106 kinde. BOWMAVIN VILLE imes allules te the treci, and wc must met Job if hae knows the parentags efthte frot. ight. Witb wild dasbhue birty housaul A brick Warship ot$)00 ig7nore it. "By the hreatb cf Gel fresi la Ha enquiras about its pedigree. Hesggects herses startal for the streamn. A minute Two mie o uchneutera0. given. titat Job stody up thsuirest's ganeatogical sItar au armaI lacet wacs -eau advarcinLg, REPRESENTS the Federai Lite As- Firet, I tbiuk et Frost as s painiet. Ha lina. A minuta b3tors Gel bal asked about and ut Mobammi's commrand eue hunîtel Egyptian "hum hum" canly. chinve ommrio;alnih ond oahdte n-c ainshie work ou Chu leaves sud continues Chu pireniLage oet,-a iu-dtop ini wordothat bugles b]ew for the hersas te fallu inan, Forestry exhibits et 18 states. sisrae, C asmeca niOntheLncamsBhierFiand onChe window-pauas. With palette ycars age gave me a suggestive text for c but al Chu thirty husaI ontfinuel the A skycyclu or llyiog machine. Fit lssls. Co.. of Cadada. covrel wjth ail mannere et colore in hie grmon :-Il Hats hat ain s tathur ? 1 ut wilîl galiop totharivet- exmeptfiveansd Chey, Jaawmnafc ht oe Oth- ic C, .n-îsard-vWre store, Bowmnau lefi baud, sud peocil et crystalinluhic riprbt now the Lord .flmighty is calucc1rýg Job elimoctidead wiîh thirst, whelel into linao v oe fec ht oe ville. h iedw asdohr.bai uhaottefre.H as:-- cc aCa haudliegt onbsd tehmls u1 bottefot -prsetîcaiîy s- oofbtl.Nerbing ina human hravary sud Au 8000-pounulpiace et copper in Che latter part cf Septembar, cnl begins yen know ite fatlsar ? Do younoxv ew tc sei-sacrificu excels Chat bravery sud self. A 12-ton lump et crystal alum. Geflts' (jltL jfg Che skeiching oethCie leavec. Now lha pets moîbar ? Io what cradlaoifte i l-eaves Idsacrifice cf Chose tive Arabian war hersas. Foyraaintelyrvry upon Che toiage a faini paleôr, slhenan thu winl teck i? I'lbe heary freet cifI banc fivu splendid steels Mohammed chose Aot ae nfinlrvly touch of browu, and filona hue of orange, sud Heaven, who bath "rIit' i or bis own use, sel from Chose five Jesycwvueai$50. Clanfi Ded Peceds¶Raaieî l astsa lame et tire. The beech sud ash sud ;s a stupici uhtrian Who tiok8asecaime Chai race cf Arabian hersas for An ammonia sircet car engluae. '1 I O Sr j 1îOak are turued Iret jute sumises and then muacu f the printel and lbituiBiblu agus the glomy oetChe anquetrian world. Chhckeus batched by eicctmicity. O Ssuýie o usaiscf vhvidness sol spiandor. AlI tîsat ho nuets the 011 To-,tomnent iet, And ici me sey that, in Chus gruat AcooaeCwrwnh$000 Dyet su d Clothes Cleacer. the beaves are pencilel eue by one, but seue.tha fields, nor reads the wisdem sud war eftrtmth againct errer, of hol- Wace otdonbtrfis Clres a whoie foest in the courseaet a few Jkîndoesc cul haauty of Gel wrtLin neo tas s aainsi sin, sndl ieaven againci ace ontle utefis Good Warrsnted re be as ne eue will kuow daye ehowgatveiocityetwerk. Weunix, blossoms on the' otchard, lu spurkle an Chue hl, Chia hast war herses are lescendal A cheese weighing 20,000 peuls. -them freim new wheu done. he Duicb painier, couid make lu a sommer laka, iii stars on the sky. in iro3ti en tIse item Chose wttO, under pa'îg and sait -lenial The national capital in flowers. Crner King and Otarie funeste, day ihree portraits of lite siza but Chu troci mcadows. The graatest jcwet etofai Chie sol trouble, ansiverel the Gospel tromrpai Painoksavle a l000 Bewmanville in Cen laye conl palot Ct onnmtainc io earîb is the Irost. There is ne' hinu n.ots sud whealed i mie lina. Oct et great froste, Palnclc auda 1000 ltsia. i makres the last Isys et au wondartul in al] cryst-allogapby. Son-je tltuy caine. And let me say ht will Dot~ An axhilait et "swlttest" poisons. D E N "I STIRJ"Y . 'auumusawood the days of iraciefest gIýy. morming in D3carnber a whole continent is ake long for Gel Cee'siake uap Cc yen in tise A Krupp gonbChat shoote 20 miles. LuxmborgsnitheAdiondcks Lovre fondbeeprent ithdiamouls, te ni tofnazi .wîîld for ail you have siffrel i0 Culs. An iritueagle with 3000 tcathers. in the Sierra Nevalas. Vaticans ith eu lh'wrkyti eaa.DoenAs yoentler Heavan Ho' may say "Give Apvio uî tpcigbxs 21White ïbUmntaius. The work e ta make the îieprociatory reaak that Chu tIis nari mnaetof îsose owamcd astI colon- paiter yn mets~eluCim tghtlibt c rust ic impermnanunt antd will bacC onuIv two caaI dpalaces on that riîge cf golover- The biggcst moîhing in the world. f ull apprediaie, but the paintinge cf te or îhree boums ? WlsaC cf hai 1 W/e go looking the Ses cf Glass. Give Chie wom- A cbawl cuntsining 24,000 stituhes. Frostin lusl lighis are enchaoting, sud from ie Loulou Leiver and look at the Cruau a a borna amoîmg hose amaranîhine Oua jawelry exa htwmt 4000 the thme wbeu Che curiain efthie moru- jewcis et Englarol, bot we are in a procca,- Isîoomns sud batwcuu hose touiains Cssing Tejdelb wrsnubr60 îing itateaCtChe ime wban bile cu sien hat the guards kaep naoving, on, and in the everlastine suoligîsi. Give bier a ejIe faaî ubr60 tain efthCie nigimi drupe. Michael An-,iemutsrlc n erei potn-cubcnpe shrîbw epyhm A scuver statue weighing 4~ toue.. gale Put ripou one ceiliug hic reie- iîy of lokiog aC thosu Crossn jcwels, but for ail the fatigues cf witcbmo,ansd A hand Chai dates tem 100 B. C. scutation etf the Last Judgusent, but the ai the Crown jeweis hestarrel ot the trost mothun-hood, sol honssakaepiîsg, from whhch Oregon shows su 82 pound saimon.£ C. JIARNDEN, L. D. S. Frost represents universel conflagration lu Parliand filsl, yeun m.y stand andlook a had ii) test for te t-y ycarfs. Clip "Car- Brazil shows 2000 grades c f coffea. upen three thoccaul miles o et îruîclea-lehrauely anI tor isour,and5un onme tu teCll arcsetflsaven, give tnaoc e wly-airrivaed- Graduai0 attise Royal College of Dental eut grandeur. Leonaro dla Vinci put you te moe on. soules rieatCh tCao.cqatliesr, baverages Oldoet haChe extant-Che Blanchard. d Surgeons. Ontario. upen a few teet et canvas ont Lord's O, Chase regalias snl dialarns ce hauCy antImoll to tci idhur file graodestî chariots, Munich shows an $3750 microscope. À OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICe. Il"Lest Supper " for ail agas Ce admire, but funeg out of he-iven K ings and quecos On aud bang, on Chir waIls the sweei- A5-e ig uVrcieprml the Frost pute Chu giaamîog chalicas oetChe ceîubraiva Isys bave coma ridiog t1isougie s ars tst sc hrunmal C Ae 9to igIatraieprai. t VITALIZED AIR. insperisi gîcrios et the Last Soppet cffCIe thastreets, throwîng hînîbdule ci ails--r andîetngars s trapie Tey la a br mb2kdwae ~te og dvmng yeam on the haightesud lungibesolndgol ameîsg Ch'e peupla, botitae Q ceeu ut timna on carth carninu a hvn'lhood - The Washington monument lu ce ne. 1N E)w ' 'I'a.ilor SI3op bresîths oethe Aliegianies, Wbetm Titisu the Wînter Merring is the cniy qocan nich or nureing ick chilîrun, or waiîiog ou A Japaulesa blI baby" six feai iigh. tirsi aa pnadeci tCmegoh enongh te tbrew pastIs, sud the King cf qisamlcus cl age, or battinig falsebmool A siained glace wiulew worih $6100. The uederaizned wiso ise beau carryiug cn wae wroughi esp into duch acstacy that ha Frost te eîmîy king richi enongis te throw tîtar weru tol shoot theun, ut waro Cer-A the alenng busnîeslucounectien 1 wiih cruel ct: "If I wcre net Titian I woold ha cpaîcsud supph iresansol nia's-otids. Hliei-plleI Ce work citer ihey pot chori-breaihedAl greîup o' wîndmtlls wortb 82)0,000. Magon's Dry Gonds Store for anumber of yeare Cots-aggio," anIseo greai sud over-poeaing lescrîbas a sec-îacecofambar given toPenal. antd rhç-omatîe aud lim-siglhre'h. Chamber- A gell uoaggeî waigbing 3040 nonces. lias cemmeuced business fer him"elÊ 51 hie are Chu autumnal Muales ofOunr Arnerican upe, but the frost n"cklaces a continent, lains of heven! Reepers oftue Rings' robes! Vasas maIe iu tne fitacnth century. toesien, Rnd Sbows- suiwhtuai he po araI foresis tisai oeeforce cf nature mgtWal The caucaret o cf e toens gîven toj Banqneters cf cierual royalty! 2Make up to Clsy pipe srnoel by Miles Standisis. styles, sud at owest pices. For ihese who, exclaim te another:-."If I wcra net the sun- Harmonie, bal pillions et orange jasp~er tbamn afit'ereîi-folI, a thousand-fola amls in aresit e, hwill arrs. a ffuit 1 Iwoulh hache trost." Rugendas, ihe sud wîtiie moonsiones sud Ildan aate rllo ol, lot al theycufaerel fi'om Tetrînnrlaipta eAeis Gamlelu, i ieuwetpiu.Give ,him German pahtar, suffering fmom wcakoess but ih was a aistorinne ta acone sh s-llugceî- esiomslltal WTld's Fait exhihters number 50,000. i-nfl .luhie arig hi baud, laborioncîy leatiîcd te ewued or inheitel h adis or,1, Clues , wehbu h is,, ri h Staltaspearcanivs ale tqfl rnngm- d uN~O internat miedicine required. <Jures ageas cd tdis - A ngels ou the wlng.-Ail-1-nightIs long, hat timey ste. Se now ii mtu ixa iu. healf h g e1s t while you were sleeping, tise froc wae ime frozen dew et my Ccxi, tueeceaiti, i eupinso ts ivhen thes axis t whare working, sud yen ought net laitishe warmîth manua on wisich we may breakfast ont lo face, hauleg, noce, etc., leaving tise skin s h/nysae DodsKiny obîte ime escane untl yoaen iredseuls. Yen say tise tro8î his. Yes, iay. ean, white sud healthy. Its great heal. n clogged, tlîey are Pflla are used.'htde t"bo elh e iu uyurklscm hns uichv led eu Dre'ighood-" Doe youug Bleele bave ing aud curative powere are posseesel by nldhbyalh dealer orsentby maileon recelpt m Cit forcre sud n'etresismunt, a Ibis t is bth acdetlie ute lite accisomt ruuning wih hyoc "n tmrrml. s ondegc o cfrpuice 5a cents. per box r fr$ oemr o apta sdt~ i-c eli u ie tern oisere Netbas SwÀvŽE s OINTMNT ymau or Drf. L.A Sm~ih & Ce. Tocaonte. x Writefo.rcralizaithl frc admagnitude sud ilu-hisGospel i h ao f ieut ie o liuherdasbs-s-" oxathySofie& boekul'~Cidis1yTlk.tencis io my tuxi:-By tise breati of of deaiim unie lesîji. As tha frois a cen akngaii hciss. Ce., MouCreal Wholeoale Agents. Cry for t,1-J"-jrs Castoria. TbàcçO i5 man;5 mo5t Vf iveri5al Iuxury; the fràQrant aroma Of M A5TW1,FF PLUÛ CUT 4etàrtj people to pipe-.5-i -finq ever, tho3ez kho neyer t5d ohacco Ilo~; J", B, PACE TUB A-CO CO., RICelMON, VA. and MNTR .CÂN. "éTho ladies, olia OF TORONTO, A large 36-page Il111 te F3 ion Monthly, wilu , sent to any addrss Onl 15~ one dollair.andfifteen $11 cnts for the t wo papers. Cail andiee a anile 00113'OC "The Ladies' Journal It is a publication that w ill interest every womnan in the lanct. The regular suýbeitinpric Of -.11 adis' ýjur a"and thi ppeîe 2 a fear. Yeu get the two for ri Scnd your money and adl ress t1-nt'lis offic. -s i i Il T frot5 ,e or adults, n G rW 1 -r I prompt, mettable, sfa -udpaesc, tacaiing ce afier iniedicine. Nave ritiu, Lavane aiaftar effci, rte,25 cnspt ~iwls,~icnes and L 1'e, cird1 if~~ ~~~~~~~'i g~dai ctsu nae-i~ Iesys. tam 2,iUthey impurities udfoi aser of tisecretiesas; ?0 0, i 2-rme trn r e e t i - A e t I I y '; e S 'Z Ž 1 4e" c u ï ' ik B ±1 i î o u s n e s 5 y s e p i Oropsy, Darnness c'D ison5Jaun- lica, Sait Rheum, EyieaS". lula, F iat t ' I ngI f ' o I ea t Il vGusness, ard leîeaD lty f buese unr ncny cf' aeijLarsopls 1001) BITTERÇ' lent Cc a bitionscaec- iaasen nba bizziuess, Nausa. DosnsDsrs ie enuiug, Pain in taSd,&c hl h e iost rnîsarkablo uc a e an sho-w!n u png 1-leadacme, yet CAsvzs'e Lusis Lus-Es Piil are aquslly valuahie iu Coistpaton, ui and pres-aning Chics nnoyingcnpaut llt taey aise correct ahi discriars cft, stonlI tinilata tise lis-et aud regulata tLiebeel iven if tisay ouly mcrd Acisa tley avould ha aimet rielsete tlos vise suifer item Chie I istn~sg comlleIt sut fortunsiely tisait gcodu 'PSeenule îetc, sud Chosea -iso once ir', .cm'W51ifin thea Uitle pis valu abhie l s mn vys tia thay will not he wilting ted-it Aoutt hosi. !sthe banc cf cepayil #b haroelu5 wboeo wa make cm- great ,.COur pille cure Il while others do not. CÂenEu's Lirraz Lis-aitPILE s are very sciail sud s-ry easy Ce ake. Ceo Cv ileuake a dose. Thay are stricii vgeabendse do net gripe cr purge, but b3'thei r gentle sC'cUo 1ls ssi avseuse tisam. 10nvials uai'25 cents; Zma ?àI 'Ùa Doil. z- à

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