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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1893, p. 7

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r ~4$UNLIGRT" PILLAR j cislitspa -M 5~~ This Bank is plreparoti to do Leciti- mate Bank-iný in ail its bsanches. Farmas's niotes discounteti; IDeposits raceÎ-vati anti Jutes-est paition accounts if $5 anti upwas-ds in Savings Bank l)epastuent. D &ALFTS* 18111ei andf Collections made Iu Europe. tUited 31tates, aud Canada. s W. J. JON0-Eis, Agent t OTAIOBANK eontlises to do a Generai uauktug eusiness 3owmanvilia Ageucyý. Etecaived las 'ings Bank Depastmant and on uMU sudialo4, 'allowedatcutrraus rates, No notice 0? fl w tawal necassas-y, ,Al deposits Payable ou isefnand, EXCIKANGE B nsrtaud soid sud Drafts issued upon Euroe Ulinited States sud Canada, ase Goid,Slverand niteffldatalé Greaobacksbouizbt and sold. COLLECTIONS, PrImPtiy made at cnrset ratas upon ail part cf Greast Brittaiu, the United States n aise Do nhuion oOlanada. Tele graphTrliri Made lotag or ,mi comaý11n on a!1Il pu-, ni 1t1malses thInuaaaiab sns s h thes- pasiulars cali tsa ba': s )ONO, - ONT?. office. -P"sî 0fiiýe Bi oAk Oeils ~ytigsborselephone reJa3iVe lm sueliate stnin Measse. lO'NEY Ii McMURTRY have purh.sed the Coupnty of Durham for the ber-Wre Fenoq j n r ià Country. L t is gton, easily hinéUed ,>and ornamental h ill not be inied by snow, hat, cold or- inds. It will, t urn Horses, Cattie, Eop, Hogs, D*ogs sud Poultry. It is a imtwork without barbB, sud will flot in- Itr stock in any way. It Is much strong- or nd more durable than any barb feue- ng, being closely woven. Penc e put up and Fsrm and Township rihts for s3ale. Apply at CENTRAL LivE- [ u aP. RT1IOW Clarke P. 0., having bogt CI, 'p Towahip, la prepsred to THECOO'SESFIEND LARESTSÂL INCANADA. YOUNG FOLKS. w A Secret- Wisan 1 sm sent ta bed af utghf. Oua cauftle's givan me ta light My way smog the ciarkeneft bail, Wiesaadsows crawd sue Iesp sud f ail. s- ButI'va fwo cabndlienlu yrroe, Which sas-va Vu bîni lia ailie gloo-ni.- t A singla Oua mg bus-eau lites. While ne bus-us in tishe knggas 10W JUMBL ES BBEOAMEi EAVFI There was once a basutil ail ais-y uamedi Crystal, wbo live inluasmosf inagui'icaut bouse on the top nIfsaluigh monutain. This1 bous was iuruished inutheamoestiavisb man-i sas- witb aves-y splendid sud raostly thiug -biais bouss aeauhava. But thera wa one strange fbing about1 tha bouse ni Shis laIs-y. If ad no âdaors.- Now, this mîght ha vas-y quaar, iudaad, fos- theoesfa ni uos-dînas-y mortai, but ut1 made nediffér-ence te fais-les, ni cous-se.î l'ais-lesare quise able fo appeas- sd disappeas- witbaut troubîing tbemaselves to open sud sbut dons-s. They may craap lu sud ont ofl wludowa, or bmow np sud down chimuea,1 pehaps. Auyway, this lais-p conld, anîd as1 sbe bs-got al shoot paaffiug doors in bas- bouse, if muaS bhava beau bacausa abc hadi n necsssitp lor having themn. But one day old Lady Crystal called, lot s. cup ni tes lu a burry, for nid lady lais-las sre fond of bsving f raquant cups ni tea. A h ittîs fais-y boy namned Jumbias was sent te0 cas-sy if 50 lis-. Now, Jumbias was net se expert aS getting about withouf doors as ,soinIo the oldas- fais-las. At any rare, as ha was passing the cup' oflSa dnwn thea cbininay sane drops of thea bot tea spiladc ou bis baud. Ha ds-oppad the cup ni tes lu a bus-sy. 1V leli sud broke 5e places aS the lest ni Lady Cs-ystal, as asesas by thesheartb sud the tea splasbad aIl oves-bas- grwni. Il Youestialess, bluodering boy !" as cs-îsd. She juiped up npsd struch his- wand tbs-ea simes on the grouud. Il Bmw date pou breakany chbina in snbsas-schlass fashion ?" Little Jumblea stood ýtremhliug in front ni bar chair, His husas huochafi togethiar and bis haïr stand straiglit.' " Please, pour .ladysbip, 1 wag scas-ed," said littie Jumbias. IlSca-ed, iudaad V' returusd nId Lady Crystal eootemptuously. Il You'vs got to learu te baud a ciap oni a wliatler you as-a scad os- not ! So ha off, sud lests-a 15 witbout delsy 1 Don't coma hack un-fil yoai've isarned if 1"> Tisaie pulled off litt fIa mhlas's ps-etfy wiugsansd lait hlm Iookiug like auy other littîs boy. And then she shrew hlmn out ol tise wiudow. Little J ombles waa noS bus-t. Ha jumpad up and s-au wap as Isat as hacould. lHe bad net gona las- wben hae met a donhel'. "Whsra ara pou going, littîs Jumblas ? shd the donhey. 1 lI am gong to fiud a master whowili teacis me Vo baud s cup of tes without beiug sassed," s-eplied Jumbles. "'Coma wlsb me," said the donhey, 11111 teaci pou." So oves-p day Jumbias banded cupa afta Sa the donkay. And eves-y day tis a okey made the most hors-ibis noise-wheuever littie Jumbles sppeas-ed with bis cupa oftea. Jumblea aevas-p frighsenad as fis-st wbeu hae beard if. But hae soon ieas-nad to baud a cup oi tes withnut trdmhbîiug lu the least, n maSter how loud the donkey hs-ayed. Su ou day hae ashed permission to Isave. "NoS so fs. My cousin, the spa, cao Ssacb pou a thiog or two 1" rapliafi the don- 1So littie Jumbias weut te live wirb the spa. Nowf, theaSpa was one of the ugliast anima-ls lu the fs-est. And avaty day, wben littiJmblas brought hlm bis cup nf t&,theaispa woild :make Vhs moat tes-rible gri mac'es as hiim. 'Wbeu littia Jumblas fis-st LSaw tiefaces tisa spa made haen'as ueas-ly fmgtae o daath. Haelaroka a gs-eat maiy clipa s uwlsauces-s halos-e hasucc9adad lbsdoU, ps-9pesly. But sItar a Iaw weaks,' expariance Jumbles conld baudsa cup of Sas f0o tise spa itb a gracalul ais-,no matr1 wdedn a face thea anamada. Thaïsie ha ated to go home. "Mou b11d bettes- Vsy a law weeks witb nimy ls-iadlthahou halos-e you coosidar pour edûcatio>n finsbed," answas-ed theaspa. tbugtllly. -LISIaJuble wa deaduUyasad af fis-,«i- tise IionwýasnotoulyIs-igbtfuliyugiy io Iook a, but haes-oas-ad in tisa aviakedea,ý mannes- if bis Èts was Van bot, os-noS swaat anough. Bof, hasides this, littia Jombles ioaw that il thîs lion chose hae couid swallow bina dlown iha- a pill, sud thas was anongb to sa'.ca uy ons. 1So for a long tima Jumbles louod if bard to get oves- bis lfas-of the lion. Every day bis hneaýs ,hüok aud bis bauds trembled whon hae sandad the lion bis cuoa tee. As fs- the lion,lha Sook a pies sose lun-osriaîg sud grnwling lu the fiercest way whauevar littia j omb1les sppearad. Oua dcay wben Jumbias saS out8ide the 1llouts castle wousderiog sadly if Vhs day would aver coma wha alise could maso ru tn bis lais-y home, hae heard a swaet voce sing- luga Fearlaîs eand inea As a bs-t] T woîalîi bc! Fas- axvay 1 Wnoid l g, aoulf fi. Oves- tisa mon taiîsvtudoaer the seat To tisa home M'hos- mylieus-t is longsug te lia. 1"(ýAa!!' saif Jo uable ohimsahf, '- theta asi soaneona ashocsc as I am." As ha sang ha held bis head up halos-e tise lion, sud ha kuaw suaS ha would neyes- ha aIs-aid oallions8 again ! And tisa lion's head fell bacS, sud ha lay strefcbed ont fasf aslaep. Jumbles sang londer sud loudes-, sud bis sang swahied ouftan aises- and bigh that 15 s-eacised tisatower lu s The small boy wbo appiied to the physi- clan to ha vaccinatad was an brigbt-faced ethe doctor asked bîm who ha wss. r I 'm Jo-bus-ie Smith," ha said, ansd 9my popes a datectiva." 1 Oh," exclaimed the doator rua m 1 aloug, 3ittla boy ; there's no neafi to rE ccluata you ; you'11 navet catch auy- thilnrs" OF 'THE FRASERI,, ,'bicb the caiptive maiden dwalt. Aud soon! fa105 sud sweet Came ber answer: Oves- the, mountatus as1i4 uvr tJbe et. To the honie wheîer mYil,-" s-tlons ob, And the lion was souud as es-p1 Tiien 'Jutnbles stood op, aud guiId-dyl wbere the ma iden dwelt. Onie byo-nue ashle toucbed tbem tbe doars fiew open before him, for notbiug can stand beforea fearles s heart. c "Ah, you bavelcoma-," asesaîd, "Phd you, axpeat ma?" asked Jumbles. 'Oh, yes,' she answere]. ' \hen It iseard you singing of home [kfea you were a comiug. Yon ara th,- fearleýss ne I bave heen watching for so long 1" IIItle ba-cause i have le Irne l to lbe fear- less that 1 came," replied TwTu,,!os'.IlAnd now we cin both go to fairyland.", > "Oh, yas," aas ered, I will go r witb ynu. fl a lar-away ou 1r Iwas a Ps-tu eSS ; but to10bî l firlui labutter than that 1" "lndeed it is!" exlsied ,umhles. So the Princess put lier m ud lu lit, aud as she did so bis pretty fairy iuSsproated ont again. ies fiew awa;ýy wirth ber to fsirylaud, and wbeu theyv reaclard the home of tbe fairy Crystail, wh l id jo nb-É les do but cail for a cup ofte. And thani hean udthe Princessfiaw ow n thv ýe chimuoey 1 witb it ta the Lady, Cryi, wbo was stilli sitting thara, jmat as she bla',libeau siLtlng lu the ars-ofï day wheu Jumbi1les broke thea cup of tea at bier feet., .lies-e la your cap nf tea, Lady Crystal," 1 smiled Jumblas. 'Il bave learnefi to carryJ 15 without spilling a dropl' "Daar >me!", exclaairn LaLdy Crystal. "You ha-ve iearuadsome.Aaing aise, I lana;!t So this l' what bappBns whsun a young man sets ont tu h3 leaulesa!" And then Jumble.s and the Prncess sud l the Lady Crystal al tords a cup of ta. to- gether. Cupa of tes, like everything aise, coma whenever tbey are wauted lun fairy- laud. C4SLD WEATUER RULES. By Obsa;rviisz Thiss sYo 'May Be Saveil a Sick SjaIl Tis~Wlitger. Neyer lesu wltb the back upon aoytbiug that is cold. Naver begin. a jouruey until the breakfast bas beau esten. Neyer take warm drinks sud then lm- mediateiy go ont loto the cold. Keep the back, especially betwaen the shouider biades,well covered; also the cbest well protactad. Iu sleeping lu a cold room a stahlisb a habit of hreatblng throngh the nose, sud neyer wlth the moutb opeu. Neyer'go ta bied witb cold or damop feet Naver omnit ragulas- latbing, for unlasa tbe skin is lu active condition the cold will close the pores aud lavor congestion sud other diseasas. After exercise of any kinfi never ride lu au open carniage or neas- the window, of a l car for a moment; it is dangerous to baalth 1 or aveu life. When hoarse spesk as littie as possiblel util the hoarsenasa la racovered Iroin, aIse j tlic voica naay hae permaoently lost, org difficultias of the throat bae produed. Meilely warm th e back by the tis-e, and neer continua keaping the back axposed to 1the hast alter it bas' bacome couifortabiy wsrm. To do otharwisa is debilitatiug. Wban going'from a warm atmosphere, loto a couler oue, keep th le imouth ciased,scan 1 that the air may hae was-mad lu 155passagei tbrougb the nosa belote it- reaches the Neyes- stand sitillin cold weatber, esper.- ially altos- baving takan n, slight .degree ot iexarcisa, sud always avoid'staudmiig on ias or suuw,.or wbere tise pacson la exposa-d te 1cold wind. There ara saveral wali-athantlcated casas 1where lrigha was the cause 'of eah.An JEnglisb surgeon tala o f a drumme lu nIudi iscrs-s whose legs hmea lizaýrd rswlad while heashall aslý;eep. H a uata a Dr corhad bittanhsn iitwas too muais for bis narvasand ha dlad. ]yredarick.I. aio Prussia was kilad by lest.His wifa was insane, sudonus day sha escaped fs-om ber Lkeeper,and dfabbing baer alothes with blood, rushied upo's ber husband wbile hae was dloz- Siug lu bis chair. King Frederick imaginad 1bar f0 ha the white lady whosa ghost was 5believad so invss-iabiy appear wueovar the rdaatb ni a member of the Royai family was ta Cocus- sud lhawas thrown lotosa faver sud 1died lu six weeks. Put parbapa tIha most remarkabia death from fear was that ni the Dutch paloter, Pentman, wbo iivad lu the 1sevcuteenth century. Oua day hae waut loto a room fasll af anatoinicai sabjeets tp sketeh [sume deatb heads as ak'etcr.s for a picture hali intendad to paiL. The weathes- wa 1vary aults-y, sud while skatcbing haie all , siep. Hie was srousad by houas dancing ,around hlma, sud the akelatous, suspeiaded ', romn thaeailiug, clashed togethar. lu s fit ni hos-ror h'e threw lim-,ýelf out ni the wîn- adow. Tboughha i tiudno serions iujury suad was inlormad that a siight eartbquake 3bas catisd the commotin aong the gliaut- .iy aurroundinig8, ha dia i lu a few days ni narvons tremior. En.lish and Lati 1 t lsas pravalent iallacy that the kniwl eadgc of a dead lingge la Pisesenfial tu the I.mastary of a, live one, an 1 s a remuit au ,axagzeratad value is pisced uipon ihe stndy Fold by Doù.gias Sloden la an S Eîi.lish Paper. . .p XVe ara uow riglat lu tisa Sîwasb countr-y. iwasb la the name you appiy tn the male ostndus; a wmîs 5 a Kinoteliman. AiI down tha valIey nf the great river-the lrdiy Fraser-one Secs at short intervals the paithatie littia graveyards, wltii crossas and diagsand fin teriug'ragg, and evideucas i your heing among fiel-loviug people. Thîer silmon la to the indian of lBritish Columbias vbat the maize was to the Sis- Nations,( and thea aie to the Aztae. Iu the afmer le acta it fresh, lu the wiu ter ha aats it the revarse ai frash. Salmon on the match up the F~raasr are a sighr, neyes- to ha fos-gotten. Far aboya Nor-th Baud, not vary rauch ha-t low Lvtt-oo, wa fis-st saav tham -the a -ebr uSfes tr varietykuosyn as Sock-Eyes. Pave hnLfereut lamillea nif Salmon migrate np tise Frsear oves-yy:ear. The columu was .YAN-MISLES LOS and, as las- as oua eGuid judga, about 101 aeet wide and savarsiat edceep. Thay badl eaae so uiiete-d lu their long jouruay ls-om hesa thartishe columu lookaýd blood-' ed, for- the Fisse- is s masterful river, s-uuuiag lika a midraca, sud in its a a-ow gorges, where theare -ammnse bodies ni water to ba cars-lad off s-brough gatas oi rock, oltan frein 50 feat to 10U test deep. Evan steam- as-s eaunicke no baadway aboya Yale, sud the poor s-almon bava to creep np the sides out. ni thearnrsst, aud as-a olten hall an hous- lu doubliug the angle ni a jubtiug head- land. '-The Indîasstaka advautaga ni thi8, and build stages rickety euougb 50 giveaa white man the ves-tigo, againat the face nf the mocka at thase points, whes-a thay stand' witb s pale-net umade lik a sliuge lacs-osas bat, sud, as the onfertunata salmon la strugglingj rouind the corner, scoop 111M OUT. Tbay' cano otan get1 tham much'anas-e easih', bacause tia salmon lu thei- anxiaty ta iay thaîr eggs,ps-ess op eves-y lîttîs cs-aak iu aaeareh ni a rseting place. lu the main Str-eam they are driven ruthisasly on hy the vas army nf thaîr lelinws 'bebld tili ba resch theShuswýap Lakas, just as the Ir-ish wes-e cs-owded ont ni Europe loto Is-eland hy the Teutons sud Scandinasylaus snd others oi the Indo-Germanic lamnily, who wes-a lu sncb sabus-sy to gat away ls-om tiisroof of tbe worid (if the' Paiuirs wes-a reaily the cradîs of civihization), Wben the Indian bas caugbt bis Salmon lie spiits thaîn oup sud bangs tliam lu tus 1011 to dry ou a Is-ame, whlcli looks casif it was the skaieton afI a bas-n. Hïghes- up,, s'ear Shuawap, lie la apt to uses the gables ni his but ; the Siwashes bave sncb dagraded- iooking nses that the ýsmeii dos ni signi- fy. Tha ciosan-esa with whicli salmon pack thenisai vas is mas-velion ; tbay.migbt, have studied the arrangement ni a sardine tin. 1I hava seau bundrada af tbam iu a pool that wnuld not bFoid a biliard tabla; people bave swpt tham ont with branches halos-a now io sncb pools sud these amalles-creeka. These sasmon aves-age 81b.'-os- 91h. apîeca. it -la ces-y pratty taeec tham CRO5I[,-TaAN EDDY. They do nos saem tfeeld wben onice tbey are lais-in10 lssb wates- ; tbAy bave navet beau known totake a ha ait lu the rives-. It lsaslways sad that - er~stain noble lord igued 'away the whole ai Washington state te; the- Aikericaushas L 1ý,e basaîmn give auides how thlck the slmnwoe whau I mentin that you couil geet plenty of axcitameut, hy standing on the adga of the rivas- sund grahhliuig at the fisb as thay weut hy-, with ynur bands-you did ot catch ainy.-but 'you couid catch bold nf lots. J)owu belawNos-th Baud the Fraser, tbougb it stil isbhtween loI ty mountaluis lorested to their summita wlth pina, winds, sud twists about lika an sel througha sand banks sud ahingles bads, wboge wmouotouy is vas-led with Chinsan aluiciog the golfi wsbed dowo lrom tise Boosuzas, wbicls al the minessof the Pacifia cost beliava to lina the mountains ni Br-itish Columbia, as avalis Calîfornla. H-ow mncb the China- man gats out nf this business no white mau oves- couid ascartain ; the white man only gats starved. TWO HUNP RED)INDIANS gtsrved to Beath tuSaser-Off Labrador. A Quaee special sapa :-A pnivate latter recaîvad baserc rm Messrs. Lnw and Eaton, nt the Geological Sus-vay ni Cansada, wbo lait st Itine via laka St. John sud Mis- tassani for Ungava hay, near the extrema northe-n lirait of the Labrador- peninsols, convacas tha stas-tliug intelligence that same 1200 Nascapes sud Montagnais In- diaus wana stas-ed 50 destb st wlnter lu Nos-ibaru Labrado-. h is not kuowu defluitsly how the lette- cama is-om Un- gave hay. It was s-eceived at Lake St. JTohn Wl Mr. Cammins, wbo bas Sent ex- tracts ouip fs-om 15 to a friand iu towo. It la prnhablaý that if came via Englsnd, howva,-r, sud s-eacbed thèeaby -the Hnd- soni 1, ý' vessel that aunuaily plias to Uil- gava bay sud Hudson stralta., The axpe- dîtin hadad bp Ms-. Low s-eacbed UJngava at the end Of August, aiters-an sxcaadingiy o'e-i1ous sud cdîffictiît journey .tbs-ough tIse inteor os-n Labrado-, whi ch lastad about twa montis. They exp)ectad to wîusar at Part Chimo. situatad ou the Kokeoteli river whicb fi'îws into Ungava bsp, but wera coanpallad ta puah an to Esquimaux bay in cousaquenca af a short- aea oi supplies at Fort Chîmno. This is -ittrîihuted to the distrais in wblch the luýdizns were bonrd lest wiuter, the officiais TH L MENTHOL PLASTER , ast nd Gain iepot 'The undersigned desire to th ank the farmers of West Duîrham% for the liberal poatronage extenddd to us during, the past season, also to remind them that we are still in the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALLKX1I3OFA 07 O deiivered at our siorehouse cor. King and George streetss., or Mt Port Darlington. We have also <- band a large stock, NEW AND FRESH : of Canadian anti Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bg.Ro-,k Sait far ciý and horses, anti Fresh. Ground GreyiPiaster in Barrels which we are prepared, to sel C EIZ~IA2E' ZE'OLE?> CASIL Ail kintis of Lutaber, Woodi anti DRY CLEAN SCREENEI) COMAL a' ways in stock. We invite inspection anti guarantee satisfaction. MOCLELLAN &, Go"â r'Eanactu-ed onily at TSOMAs HOLLOWAY'S ESTABL7LHESMNT, For t atBad Coeh of yo;à e5 SH 19HLY RECOMMNDED"lL As a,Preventive and Cure of ail T troat and Lu n D0îsea es. FEAOTS AND FIGUlRE3. A huge lob3ter, thirty-five juches inj leuth, wa3 lately caught by Everett Smith, An odorless onion is cultivated bY at tlse edge of the s urf, lu Patchogtse, N. Chinese. gardeuers. Y. one df its claws is twelve luches long. London bas'a "Bid-headl;-d Club," to which noue but polished skulls are admit- It is asserted that a water-wheel rune ted. faster at niglîs than in the day-tîrne, be, A four-year old boy in Cooper's Milîs, cause at night the water iscooler and there, Me., is a constant smoker, and bis parents fore more deanse than when warmsed by tfr.ý are proud of bis ability lu that lirý., Sun. A. foldiug bed, which eau ha convertad George Jarniso's, of Bath, -Nle., bad just juto a sofa or a billard table, is the late3t warued Michiael Nelson to handie bisu combination iu the way of furniture. < carefnlly wbon bu (Jamison) tripped >A quail almost'purewhite waslately sbot and fell, and racaived a, death- wouud frorn near Atlanta, Ga. The only part neatedibagofbsonun white was the tip of the tail, sud this wss M. Janet, a carefuil statistician,e3timateu of the usual bue. that the wealth of the United States is $7Ue The seveutiath. annivsrssry of their 000,000,001- that of th-, U uitedi Kingdom. wedding was recently cdebrateî by the $50,00J),000),03; that of France, $10,000,- Rev. Benjamin Stevens aud wife, of Han- 000,000 ; that of ail Europe, $20 0,0 00,000ý- nibal, Mo. Hisi age is 93, and bers is 88 000.' PEARLS OP TRUTB. Concentration la the secs-st of sts-a ngth. Spiritual sas-vice lies in the consecration of simpleat dotiesl. Don't stand shîs'erng upuon the bank, a longe in as once sud have 15 oves-. >We atuast bearts by the qualifies we dis- play ; w3 retalti tbem hy the quahities wa aussesa. One holy action la a batte- argument agaînît biasphemy than s thboussnd aJo- quant discousss. Intellect, like las, is aniorss ; nuone bas mase onit1 than the devil. la Is the moral saenqe that imparta chas-actes-, if aithe-God or man wiiI lova yenu Thar s a agraSdeal nf Saiking fliaf me sus but littie sadad inuothiug. NoS couseosiy insincere,it5yeb aaonriy reps- saurs the true feelings ; it mrnely diluteg the wiil and waaksos the pus-pose. Thars la no moment like the pressut ; neot only sn, but, mus-soyas-, shre is no moment et aîl-îsat is, no insaut force sud energy bot ;n the presaut. The man who will not execote bis resolutins wban tbsy are frs-sl upon hlm, cao bave nohope frein fhem sfterward. short l'urrows. The drutikard la usually a self -mafiae man Compiaining ni tha droutb neyer bringa s-sun. Our- conteutmanf is nifteuliuinerse ratio ta the amunt we possese. No master bow bard the timea are men always manage to gat tohacco. Sit down ou the do-nnthiog steol sud pou will coma oe the poorbouse. 1A religion that doas noV keep pou lmom baiug cs-utl to pour borsea la noV worth bav- ing. The man wbo aîways seeks tbe moaf com fs-tabla seat lu chus-ch is nt always the moaf religions. Plowiug a borse witb a big sos-a ou bis shsanîdar is a poos- indication ni a sounfi morsah chas-acter. There la lîkely,50 ha ts-ouble -ahead for sorne Cussoms officiaIs luniHalifax oves- the mytriu dsppearanca ni a lot of samples nIsoas-. 15'appears that a quantity ni sugar imported by s refluas-y was sampled, sud about $2000 levied on is as duty. Ths reflues-p ciaimed-that thé standard aI sugas- made it exempt lrom, duty, sud the master was appeaîed' to tisa Ottawa Government officiais. They have wis-ed to bava sampies nt tis ugas- loswas-dad to the Capital, but samples couîd net he fonnd. Pitcher 9 atoi No other smoking tobac t, seems to haver supplied th(, universal demand for a cool, uiids- sweet snioke like tie "OLD CHUM,\." Týhe name is n 0W a lhousehold word and thîe familiarpackage bas be- corne a memberof the familyt

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