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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1893, p. 8

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s~ C4llRISTiAS18493., At Chas. Tod's is the place get supplies of AS WELL AS IN CAKES 0F ALL KINDS.1 BUT CHIEF 0E ALL IS THE 8 Aý7F Ô- LI1F E 8" e 0E Ail of whieh is to be hat i Frst-2lass at bis place of business.] IKing St. Cali and secefur yourselves. CEi A8 rVOID.' NEW YEAR 1894. PEOPLE OF _EST DURHAM l-lavingy re-fitteti and moved into the premises lately occupieti by Murdoch Bros'., I have opened out a large anti varieti assortment of first-class Groceiies, TEÂS A SPECIALTY. I'N FRUIITS you will finti the choicest bands of Cluster Layers, Loose Muscatels, Sultanaq, andi other Raisins; Choice Cases Vostyza Currants; Figs, Shelled Almonds; Citron, Orange anti Lemon Peels ; Oranges, Lernons, 'Walnuts, S. S. Almonds anti Filberts, and a great variety of other goods suitable for theChrist;mas-Trade. FISH.-Finnan lladdiesp, Bloaters,Kippered Herringe, Cal. Salmon, Labrador Htrrings, White Fish, Trout andi OYSTERS. The CHINA andi LAMP Department you wiIl finti replete with latest designs of Dinner and Tea Setsi in China anti Stoneware; llang- ing, Libr9ry and Table Lamps, and a general assortinent of gootis us- ually kept i a first-class China and Crockery Store. This establishment for a great many years hati the reputation for keepingÏ the best anti the greatest assortment of the above lines of goodsi anti withi your assistance we hope to maintain that hMAli caracter. I cord1ýialy invite yon to eal. Having bought in the right market, goods wil b e soi at bottom Pl ces. Vitri uilding, Powmanviite. f'ARPMEER$' INSTITUTE. New Tin shop. M.E. Davey had an eye nearly uc. ed ont by a block cf Wood. IMr. W. Percy Fletcher of Kingstc'i SOpreaches in the Christian Cburcb, De-' 1 o cember 24. Misa Bitie Cebbiedick la visjtiîqxe' friende in Perrytown and Port Hope. No better preparation for th44 hair lias ever been invented than AyEr'aIlairg Vigor. It rastores the original celer to faded snd gray hair, and imparts that natural glosa anci fresheness, everjone se mucch admires. 1t8 reçptation la word.- wide. Miss Liza Powers lias returned te lier home, FenOýon Faits. Mr. and Mrs. W.' W. Truil, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gamshy sud daugliter Lillian, a-ad Miss Addie M-)ttefl were at Cedar- date las t week attending the weddiuig cf Mies Stone te Mr. Smithi of Toronto. AL' Tata' Wn Is 18PerULÀ.-There jis a great deai cf indignation fait agai, st truste The SuLyar Trust, the Standard Oit Trust, the Welsh Tin Plate Tru8t.the Engliali Sait Trust, aud other comb'na- iens cf thle kind,are viuereusiy denoune. ed', and it is a subjeet cf cent rorersy wheîlier there are more trusts in Englacd than America, and ahether protection of free [rade fosivrà them, But there is one forai of ruat againat whichiîIl) one lias auyt hinig f0 ray. That i8i the trust the public repoens in fIeo)d'a Sarsaparilia. Recent visiters,: Harry Armistrong cf Toronto; Mis, Noirman Parker and ltte j son, Dakota. visiting Mrs. fl. K. Eddy; Mrs. P. Henry of DraUtnu, visiting lier mother, Mrs. Hall, whio is very it]; 'Mes. srs. Bariy and Fred Proctor aud Misa Aunit, Proctor of Toronto; Mica Pellta Staiker at Port Hopo, attendiug the fun- erat <f lier uncli', Mr. Robt, Murray. DR. E. A. ROSE. A physician nearly dead w'tli Diabetel, Bloed pî iaeuing liad- set in-Six doctors pronocncad bis cýýRQ hoplese.-Dedd'a Kiduey Pilla ccîed him ln flirce wetks. PRTLAND, ONT , Dec. llth, 1893.- Dr. E A. Ro, a wel.knOwn aud-l successfuli practitiener liere, fouîîd in 1892 that lio had diabt*te. H le axhaust- ed the rernedies kiown to liimsetf andI suggested by other dectora for the disease laJ A prit lasc, hlt:y in tlie tast tages of thie disease. BlooS pÂt nieg liad sut in) and a counicil cf six docters dec!ared lie would die withi;î a Io v daym. [la beg-in using Ddd's Kid y Pile,. iI in tli.'ee weeks lie wa,- ru '. No synp'im; cf thie d lsEaee hbi -nni f st.ed itFa f ice Dr.R.-se ascrît a si,, icure soiety t iDd' by pre3cribing them f )r hia patitrte9 TEe ~nnul er~'~~'f U1&Weît1Du - *geT!l e noe.smný, givýi1 ito 3i I_à port of S. S. No0 ,D lngofor h3aw Farmeri' institute will 1Q bel", .Oncn l nie e tarteiin business fo Novemlber. Sr. 4-Cacrr*e Wjiv.hî,1lda ç ~lrûtelflias made it nec-ssary for hlm te Lo2an, Wiilio Syniou.; Sr. 3-flil-3Rut àol êouncil ôhambher, t.wtiànvilte, O get into a positton wliere the public can tsdgas, Ida Hutchi;osen1. Mali c Ctllise -l, Fziday, Dec. 15, 1893, Mf 2 P.m-, for be0 accomnrnodated casiVy anà promptiy. Lottie Wilkine, Nd Synîl ns, sybiit election cf offilcers and genjeral b'îsiuess lie lias jut moved inte the O'd Express Hoccken, E'thai Xîkîiui; Sr. 2 - FC-,tia.. ALn~T AMLY, JAS. Hu1iTrxîc. buldivngjust vacated by Mr. Oiborne cot, IWkis.J1Vi4lit, ARîfds TAMB wliere ho bas a flue stock oftiuwa oL Burge s, J HputchînsO -,,1Ta-e1 Socy PreEt. laniternas, etc., which hli tagoite osait Smitbi, RHu 0 î Paîr oe s, PPai S ,us, ___________________ se very cheap ht ho i l sure te do a large B WilkinL;, A Hill, N Wu~ E-~' TYRONE. business. Mr. MoBrien is a master mi- - Burgess; Sr. Pt. '2-W \0 3 E Daro.h, trie wll reah aspeialchanic and ait classes cf repairing in h'a C Collacott; J r. Pt. 2 -L 0'aud, F Hon - 1ev. B.onJ. Sthike wî atLonprgcaueino uewiit receive prompt attenîtion. Eaves, ev; Jr. 1I-M D, rch. C fluftiis ii, M sermo3b ndc imBayd tieat 3 pL.og S un- troughing sud every kïnd cf tin work wil i Wlkins, C Parcous. N Womie.uto at .30su Usde at6.3 piu.Of ~'n-recelve careful 3,d pro mp, attention. ulrity-I Hu-b-!4Oul, L Witiiinaj, N Sy- dayal onx. C iiuiti ns, E Co lacut-, J Wight, A îtiîîledge , 1 -- - _ _ L Buirîesg, C Ilutvhinson, L G.iud; J..4NBTVITLE.PaunccalitY-ECuc.t J Wight, A Bejmin Labarre, a youug mia-i wlio Ruttedge, L 0tireCHuri0nù..n; Av- wokdfor Mr. Richard Suggtî ieft on 1Ivss cured cf rhecmatio gent byere tndî-3.E .FELIG .vresivNs, 90 *n eroes thi like t,, iMlNARD' LININT .~rtale -sitiisl fearod lie is drowued as the ice *aa ne good. ...Mr., tifedof Kirk îield ia purchaîed the grist mil. CÂAtEiNr i TýE Hsis uîîdIoublediy a disease o)f the bl1ood, and a such ouiy a -l'bebloodpuirfie-r cdu aiff--ct s pecfect uand ponent cure. Hood's îrap muais the best bloil purifier, sud it lias rued m:Iauy vry severe cases cf catarrli. dlatArrli oftr-ntimcaB leads to constipation. Take Hicod'a SaraEarilla befera it la to la -e. Hlood's Pilla de net kurge, pain or gripe but acf promptiy. easity sud Oti1ci- ent.25e. .NEWCASTLE. M. Gao. A. Jacobs, sr., ex-reave aud on' cf the oldest aud înost res-pected residents cf - fuis place i3 dead. 'Ar , jacobi liai always enjoyed good liaalth untit about two weeks cge, when on li wa haome frein a viit te has son at O0mvllhe lelippad sni feu on plat. form et iee Union Station, Toronto, aud ilurt himesîf badtly. Be udrer recovered fmon li injuries snstained at tliat tMme, %-itlSaturdv ,nioning: at the ace cf 76 Halifax A'iDPF.W KEŽt., I waa ccred cf acntdý Br.)! ' t;ts by MINARD'S LINIMENT- Sussex. LT-Coi. . CEEWE RrAu. I waa cured of scte rlieuniatism. ty MINAItD'S LINIMENT. Markliam, Ont. C. S. Bîîî.eN(,. O.SHA W. 11ev. De. McKay, cf oodstock-, w1lt address a public Temperance meeting liera on Decý 21...Demiti Collage ia te have ifs Christmias concert on Friday evening, Dec. 15.. .. Rev. W. J. Joltîffe cf Simone Street Mthodiat Chnrch lias accepted a cati frein tt-eWt s'ey Meibad jet Churci, Trenton. . .. Mesars Wilsonî and Verwick witt be at tlie Queeti'a Hotel, Osliawa, Dec. 23, te buy soîînd lieavy drauglit herses and good drivers... Pi-of. Milis, cf Guelphi Agriculturat Coltege,lias asked Jobn Leuîon. te attend Farmnera' Institute meetings in Jauuary and deliver lectures ou poulty . . . .ev. C. 'W.Watcli lias reenvereil fr in bis recent ilineas,. h3 ae te ha eternal rest. Two sons GRtEAT OrrEr.-Tht splendid famiy ar lft ta mourn their los,F. W. Jacobs, journal, the Detroit Free Press, îa citer- of Chcsgo, sud Geo. A. Jacob3, jr., cf ieg te Pend its famous î week- Okil.Deceased was a memnber cf St. ly four monthe cin trial fur fweuîv cents Gere' hurcl,a member o! tlieMlasoic -clubs cf ciglit oea dotlar. No paper le or P ud a hie long Conservative. Amerca cujoys a greater ieputatien for __________genuine humer and iterary (xceitenca. Butohr Sho. fOur eaders cannot inveat twenty cents New Bthj hp to better advantasce. Addraes FuEr Mm. Sider li 1te as opened a butdlier iPitss Dat roit, Mici. eo »a part o! Nea l' block occupied byMr. W. H. Osborne aud invites ai 00WANVFILL B. a Arao public patronage. Givo hlma Ilir. Abert Walsh lias beau laid up with neuralgia in [ha eyes. ..,. Mr. Thos. _________* -Simpson liad a wooit bec receutly. TU- is GEIT YOUR PIOTURE TlAKEN. just recoverieg frein a sanaeaF),tack utiin- -flammaion of .thea11 rgis; the boys We bave added to our stock of instru- tumued out aud pited hlm uip !quite a large menti a v[ry fine Hawkeye hsnd camera quantity.. .. Ameng leading fatinera who and are prepared to taka suap shots cf have bougtît musical instrumentsarae: pïcicieparties, residences, or animais at Mr. Moses Ca i'ae, a plane for his daugli- short notice. Xe will go into the ceun- ter Srah; Mr. Robt. Cowae, an organ .ry if desired. f5r lis sou Charlie; and Mr. Wm. Gra- WVe aise taka photos cf cemetery plots bain, au organ.. Maars. Arthucr Nicho- ai, very lew prices. Drop in sud have las sud Robert Grahamn have a contract soea goodJ cabieets taken of yccrseif at cuttiag wood for Mr. Jamnes Waddell. the elkust gaiiery. TAIT & CO., MaktSuare, Boýwmauvil1e. 23. Cait and boy a hunting case soiid goid watclî for only $15.00. Mayuare lih ! na nLia Iont C.ures Ifliempai-. Tint MOST EXCItLLENT Pr-EMEflY.-Decr Sir.-I hlave Puffi.-red treatiy froni con- stipationi and iiýdig- tion, but by tho tisp of B.!1. 13. I arn îjcw recued ù, heltrh. 1 cînnt praise Burd, ck îilid Bitttrs tee hithy ; it l a ,hbo ut ixcelleut nimedy 1 i-ver tîiscd.. Miss Acm.,S J LAFoNN, flagersvtle, Ont. FACE LIKE A BURN Bloody -Water Oozed Ont Constantly. Nu Peace Day or Night. Doctors Falled. Cured by Cuticura. Mcbd' disease, -which was the worst idu If 2. Za star t ed ona o iie c he ek 1li ke a r ing w orm. plt spreaci and itched7se the poorlttie fellow badno peace night or day. Then it started onth ther check and chin, S Until ail were raw as a piece c-wl f beefsteak, liko a burn qrk where you -would ruh off the s. kia, and bioody water oozed 4- ont constantly. lis suifer- inswre terrible 1 know, ai. zthlongh hoe ias but six months oid and could not tell how ho suffered. I tied bis anda that lie would not scratch, thon hoi would rub bis poor littie cheeks on bis shouiders t0 relieve the intense itching. 1 had as jýood a doctor as iras in Philadelphia, but hliealed to relieve Mim. I read of the CUTICIJRAREMEDIES, anS aS once purclîased themn. Strange toeay that very nighthe rested irithout scratching bis face, and froin that on he improved and soon was entireiy cured. 1 wouid likze anyone suffering from tbts terrible disease to sec îny boy, who ta in bis twelfth year noir. Ris complexion ta as clear and smonili as can lbe. This ta ant unsolicited testimonial, and every word ta truc. 1 thank God for my childas recovery, and 1 thanli the manuifacturer of CUTICURA. Mas. E. 13. GAMBLE, 8-52 N. Forty-SecondSt., Piladelphia. CUTICURA WDRKS WONBERS And have effected the enot winderfol cures of t tng anSdtstlguring skin and scalp diseases of fnts and children erer recordeS. They afford instant relief, permit rest and, sloop, and point to a speedy cure -aben the best physiciens and ail other remedies fail. Sold -tbroughout the irorld. pri'ce, CUTICUTU*, 75C-; SeÂr, S'Ù;;RESoLVENT,$1.&) l'OTTEa i)Uue sain CRXu. Cont'., Soie Proprietora, Boston. 4a, IlHow te Cure Skie XDieages," maiied free. BABY'Sb ,uiuÂSà Aaltlpre AP1 IF TIRED, AUHINC, NERVOUS C~1~Motbera Itew rthe e<efort, îtrength I'VTand vitality in C ti euxa AntI-jPa!a ]"7.Plasterfs, t1hey iruDnever bu with- îe outbheî. Received on Thursday Nov. 9, 1893, CS McM, The best lot we ever had, They wiil be sold at regu- lar wholesale price. You can't'beat these--see them. Our' Stock of OVERCO ATS is very complete. A new lot of BOOTS and SHOES---very choice lines. TI-IERE LCLOTHING T. GIEO. MASON, The colti wisiter xviî,iB -u, into the flesh and almost freeze the soul if Vou aren't pr ovideti with Nvarm undercloth ing. The- blasta of -winter arc set at1 ,deflance by our garments of soft warm texture. Our line the present season is more extensive landi greater variety than, ever before. It co iuprises a fuit lino of Ladies' ilygeian Vests andi Drawers from 50e. up. We have fuil range of Girl's sizes in this line. XVe also have in stock the cele- brateti «Health Brand.," They are- lovely goods. Our stock of -Men's all-wool,1 ]Ribbed and Plain lnderwear is' repiete with so&id, goct-to-wear, gooti-value luneq. Our 50c. lune is excellent. We are, showing a specially gyood Une of Men's Scotch Lambs Wýoo1l gootis in sizes to suit the largest or smallest man anti if you have bad any difflculty in getting sizes ta suit the boys call anti see our large stock. duO J. MASONY DRY GOODS & JEWELRY BOUSE. Best vale'a ln Black.-Green and Japan Teau, Coffees, etc. Qcality unequalled. PETELR MUuCic, agenât, Ladies' VWateiproof's ii lu!t uaii faise Mises in a number cf sty les at Cour-h Joinston aud,,Cmydermain's. --- SIVORE., Manage r,. HAPPI TfIIUGUT RANBB. 1 OVER 45sOOO0 NOW IN USE IN OANADý) ANL)F, EEItY ONE CfINC SOLID coMîFOUTr ASD ï,'N0,1U 1Tlie c'H-IPY TIHOUGHIT" range is differentIy constructeti to any 0thQY. ILt ba.s been manufactured for thie past twvelve years, aiiis the aow as at fist. IL is the only range that has -iiteadl1y gmrown in popularity for sucb a lengath of time. lHndtredj'of other "new idease of rangces have coîne anti passeti, only to be -remembered ag failures. The "Ilappy Thought" range will positiveiy humn nighit anti day, same as a seif-feetier. The flues are so constructedti tat it will oeil on the wliele six lioas 5f [le saine fumie with the lime box oniy liaI!f fcil o! cois!. t ia tlie oniy range made wih[lie transparent oveu door, f lrougliq whioh you can view the foocd cookin-a withoct opeoing the oven dcor. "hall and parler stoves, 'uith sud -ihotovens. singloAnOXd TH 'RAiET OM" ouble heater. bave beaunu f r the apasitweNv:ty yesrs aud have slways beau iu tha leaS ,SoIS only et 333]DS..I .LI~S, IowmianviI1e. I URS PW RS UR10 %î 0-0,-w 0.-w wm Nothing like the Furs at M. Mayer's Fur Store, where you eau find the larg- est and best selected stock in the couu ty, composed of ROBES, COATS, JACKIETS, CAPES, COLLARS and CAPS of ail description and size and ho l -de termined to soul as cheap as the cheap- est for cash. Also a large and -WelI selected stock in Gents' Furnishings, Shirts,- Underwear, Ties, 2rac08. No trouble to show gootis, so corne aud brîng your friend,- with'o. AIl hinds of fûts altered and repaired. ?ERACTIÇX4L FUR_,RIER, BowmAwvxILiz1 - ......... «Ma-immm 1. ' Jeweller.

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