they stili have too many on hand and as they must be sold they have decided to reduce the price 110W instead of wait- ing tili after Çhristmias. Gi/ Ji Tc, -q m 'n rpeino - wb1 yl i The 1. O. F. realized about $75 et their coîicert . . . Mfigs E. Odeli, Orono, visited Mýri. tS. A. Màitin.,. rie, son of W. T. Lockhert, E2q,, liii. .Mr. John Màs-n medto the Foater ferm.... .Mr. Jas, Peeker la convaleeoent...Mias: Nora Coleman, B. E., recited ab Woodstock recently..Mies Edith Lee suenoeds, COL UMBUS. La Grippe i& prevalent hboe. Mr. StàbbaeLk and MIrg. Gakin bre re-covering ... ey. S. H. etu iisd D. Cint'ý' 1 mon addressed ae meetinig On the Plbs cite et conlin'.a hol.... .Tlere je to be no Xmais tea in the Mothodist- Churcli on-I s-_ hJ, e . is rtune rom ilier vit3it to ~ ~ ~~\-J P~eb~..MS i Gladman, Mr. Albert Ormifiton is home frein BeI1e,ý prc4iX Clrë üéé-F a ouglas. i -- 9. - -. 1 MaR Smith h"~ tyvnhnia fevn -- -sotm -kete are for eafiia Atv D. S. 4 li 11 ýýjjjjrffl -j 1--- -U, -- - - X-- --