GtL TEUL~OO FORIN. PALflU AIl UE O [EI faces of the children and the face serenely but mostly of the dark. The mighat of tbe "Two Ohristmis days haci passeed in the FORTIVfiINUG.E LUL sweet of the graudmother. dark Woods, the Sound of the wilid in the new home and another was approaching. HLEmeUeR" i rnm, eic. tree-tops,ýa wintar stormi with the snow- Liz3tte's sister bad married and lived --tively. IlHow can 1 please you ail*! evered-gro.tdandthe-wvito-diif ift. ty Le&4Lwo6, W& hblhaAV~very trcCanadian Christmas Story, about a filied ber witb eleut terror. She was not lonely for the ri,'ther had gouleover the î Chrstmas Story of the Caiadiall girl, and love, and war, and wild beats much like a backwoods child." bill ta secelher littie new gralicson, bornth 3~ATATSUPRand wiotry weathcr. We1l, if Tom wil "She was a muff," growied Tom. week bofore, and Lizette and bier father l B'atogikaw edeatenaua aElii 7St,_p kicking bis heels and Tess won't wrig- IlPerbaps so, laddie, bot 1 think ashe was were left to speud Christmas ahane. goven te opratons f dgesta agle any more lil tell you a stary, a true suffering for the terrors that bier motber "But Lizett-3 wae happy alth'ougb no an edfnetri petie, ond wel a she a cit oo, e. ae W ta e ystory, filet will ho somethbig like you bore tat first farsom2 w nter in flhe new word,not one iadeverbecr heardfro Paul. ; Y.Pps bas provlded aur breakfast table3 with a atWetk Vz. want." laud. But you woutunidarqtandthat littie Anci she sang. as she mixed the pudding deiate Y flavored. beveraste wich may' cave [This cbarming story is from the Ladies, Ï Ibere was a shuffling of littie bodies as ones. Uer mother nover langhed at bier and made thic mince pies and phocked ber , nsmsnyhboavy dactori' buils. Ih ls by the Journal, af Toronto, for whch it w'15 5PB0tbe oildren snugghed dowvn inta easier fbars, and neither did Pani. ler motber onemy, tbe big turkey gobbler, for sone- udcosuse of sacba articles of diet that a cially written. Tt pleasanthy intcrweaves a ro rmletigtl irta alwudci ..onsttution may lbegrai îly but uputilCritstae ibanncenaiheCn listening positions and then graudmna, tap- triod ta bide any cause ai terrrto etiu odbrta Pu ol on on erng enougb ta resist every tendency te ian Rebellion of t837, and thils lias a historia piug berglasses agahuet lber siender wedding but Paul tried ta maebrnvromit that Christmnas day The evening beforeî disease. Handred3 af solide Maladies areniteret as Wall as timeliness. The Ladies' ring and gazing steadatyjate r SewsardolasadPaltkbr ceran fotwihbdpcud floatieg around usready ta attack wherever Junlude teev dtra aae.n egnta drive them home and beld bier bande now enough ta caver tle ground and T tbere is a weak point. We my escape manY is doing Mancb ta develop nativeCa iaflnwiî h tidtanik bm ndh oo iet& atircmei:ra anetetýlIl a fatat sbaft by keeping ourselve3 welfortiftoî litorary talen.t.-En.] I fwslonglong aga, wben Toranto wie boîe awiktem-adîngier ok in eres ad cnt nfrmdi h wit pue boolania ronrlynouishfi Alday th f on bad been fast and furi- waolmdvitthe York, and titis Street bier riding ou bis bay mare,aucoe n a down by the ire, moadily dfeec h frame"-' Civit Service Ga-nett," tbat we live ou was part of the unbroken front af him. In the fields and woods tbey he Made simply witb boiling water or rmhl: 0euees. l h itebeniu i er utn o i "g Smba skda oeadt Thea greyn winter by rdawn badi barduglyretgrIatheplace o h e iu i eealways togetber, haigfrwl l anbsa daholiday,' hvord t JAoh nyl akts yGatr.a3hek strong enougb ta Steal tbronigb the frost- warm bouises like tbis there wero oniy baney in ftic stuiripe of trocs, dIgging roofs, Lzette, land I bave let himi go tili day a oi[e ýt igse, London,. Englanhl, a few scattered wooden buildings rougbly picking bernies, gtbering nuts, fluding ater ta-marraw. I wish mothter was home. ý frescoed panios of the nursery and pot tae f 5r0K M s~~hamne the faint flioker af the nigbt.lamp olt nd oeruhybribd twscnuefoesadhtefisadbrs It's roal lonesome withaut imther.' U arm ~~ ~~ wbenl i two littie wbîte-robed figures bad soln aga that tbere wero no rairoads or eggS. Lizette's sister Maîy wns big and Il 'Yes,8sait is','Said LI.zette. Iicj53 nCir.f fo l i a m n crepthadet rmbig main teamboats or telegraph linos, and the strang and sudb a housekeepet'. She could " I6t'c hardly worth wbile keepiug Christ- I-.cO .5ï i 5 ______ hndcboi i Sata has' ornr y te orney from bore ta wbere graudpa is ta- cook and spin and a cave sund churu aud mas at ail,' hoe said, wcarily. Thon lho satA wîdefireplae ba ther soakige, ungday, that anly takes tiares bours hy train, ihk. Bot Lizette was tbe gardener aud slentiakn attefrnIate a iF r WEDN]ESDAY DEC. 20, 1893 there in hapo the night bebore. tank five or six days and sonetîmes more plan ted ail the gardon staff', the green veg- whhle said, 'why can't sve chut op the Thybdmen t h o uetthtbayover thestretcbos of new made roads ' etables, the flowers and the smialfruit, hanse aud go ovc- the bill ta sec Mlary PLUG c u « suTne cnld enoVte paosiet heabay tAud weren't there any trolley cars or and îoaked ater the chiokons ani docks- and the baby andfi bning îrather hame? anYw I~ef ns I V BIR. J. C. MHITCRELI, and!urprie arebr aba usl ncesd elephones thon Y' asked Neîl. bot the aeese and the turkey.gabblorc cau't do) without bier any langer'rab w t h ietral MEM BER OF COLLEGE 0F PRYATIÂNecstatie "hIl an "bs"waldhortnNoNIli, nthng i atkidaudbrgbtne br eesiwbn he asa rea "izctes oar snk.Sh sad otinghnrci iiec o've'vri/i b dSurgens, Ontario, Coroner, etc. fram their lips, and sibihant "Uns-s-sis " there were ew churches sud bardly a big girl." about lier own rensan bar wauring ta ho a'ia, i onprb n Offie and Residence. Euniskillen. 74d. nV epte atr brSO tesndscbool at ail and the mails, wheu there Test and Tam snhffed dlerïsively but file home, niotbing about Peuh, but witbpleacliug » IWEIE sa~woxof baby's prattle sud nurse's sîecpy re- were any, were carriefion horscbaçk or littie une smied a sympathetie, " b l~e î o nc J. B, PACE TOB ACCO CO., RICHMO7N, VA, mostrance joined with their excited wbig- Wagon. If was when Canada was almost blame bier," at ecd other. botter it wac far hinm ta go sud lbave bier ta and MONTREAL, C4AN ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ko. MOPRITS prnrahdbyn b iiea h a wýihderness that a6 man with dellicate " Th oce wcre troubionîs times ho Canada," mind the bouse. There were ga many rose- 13 racial ataimore ifle StreltfBet nan-erd white bauds aud a Sad, discouraged face Graudmna cntinued, "iThere was ryrauny ans, basides the rosty weather, that made ville, Ecolicitor for tbc Ontari Bank ra u aehr itefo atr came rom Englaud with bis wif e and bami- aud appressiou sud wrang upbcid withs a if daugercus far ail ta ho nway-her baird, lî il vate Neneve loaned at hlolastlws rates down the baliway. Bofore very long ail tie yonger mnembers l abgnlb uwi e ad It powerf ni baud; and against injustice filere the chickens, the cov-andl mother must 8. C. RhNKING ai the hotisehold, lu ail stages af dre8sesud lad taken them four manths ta crase the was no appeal. And amaug thoso wbo de- not came home ate at night ta a cald hanse. - AD- IWENSED AUCT ION E E U FOR undrees, were gathered a od h nusery oceanand reach thoir destination in au nouinced th'e gveruiment sud the clique Aid beforedawnnext day lie was rway, .1 h onyaiDra.Slsattended fine, sud what a sbantiug, . te pr fteLandauDsrct h uldtegoverumteut wsLizette's wTniinntt's ta on sots oieadaetae.Adoswibsteewswe ahrapae nThey ond themeelves located on the land ather. Smartiog uder acsense ai bis awuiu bn is cars and elle was le talone. (ruinica P. 0. 36: the doorway trying ta bide rom tbem that that the Englishman had purcbssed with wrongs ho taiked bittorly bath ho public il Ail day as slle worked elle wauld pauseOrTRO10 BOUT. - U- V .mte to utbbn i ekn twhat mouey remained rom a mmcd ba fr- sud in privato, and was bremosi amaug and listen for the Saund ai leigb-beihs orOFTRN , moter tad st ebnd im eeingattue, fond tbomsplves there iu a dense tic politiQal aitatare ai tbat district. And the bal af a fotstep. Bat there was noth- YOI~Gthem avec bis groat broad shoulder. The , ,. .* tfa~ A large 36-page Ilu3tr,1 Fa--.-' dLFF!CE IN TUE WEST DURHAM troasures ail wanied oexhibit atuncesbrotf ,rest miles rom sny settuer wîtîî tue long Paun i ded wîth huim auno againti aoce, îng. Teculight o i *ry mrig la ioni Monthiy, will be sent tu calddnedrclypoieDilSe. aladbgse-host itecui wîuer los then.big gien lac Tehe upan who woraeephne iinre bavormptrphitAywhobe pawers lftm-ta ?"asedumy.lelhe andenll ffresyne brugh hi sugeaiodofre3sZ atyeepao tnteianonil rdoie rmtopa mwhc ,te d liebr "N.She was net haro tihi bbc folow- great grain. VtOt durcies af snaw bogan attetio 17.yc since ast Christmas tide-wîtb bier Russian L., A. W. T&LE, lady doit lu a caifur cîrcularsud owoing Iiug Spriug," aoswered graudma. But bier IlBot 'wheu there wae tahk ai akung u1ta stnike agaiuct the panes. The acauds nyoedla n lt A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real s truok so full af changes of raimeut fltha s ister Mary about Nellie's izo snd thiroe armes ta enforca thase rights that it seetned tank a daîker bue, the pino tracs rouisd the $1.15 ancts olr e ndfpliteesn$ , A istate Agent. Bowmanville, Ontanio qucen mhght envy bier, boys as big or bigger titan Tous and Tom impassible ta geV by peaceablo means Liz- hause murmured atsd mosned, thse snaw Eales attended inl any part of Province. Teeieo ohrsfc race were tlsere, and another baby boy like cr ette's father drew back. lie was appas- bell faster, the wind whistled ad sbriek ed Caîl ascea sample capy of Thesmie e mohe's acebrocieedbaby bore bad diefi and beao huried St ed ta bIodsbed and violence. Bot by "lLizette lad piuoed a sonnlet how with A.A0OTad0s0 ldgalaoetl hwterses. this sctiet ho made no fionde. The a camnon broocb ta the bnoad lace callar that Il The Ladies' Journal"» Apresents were exactiy wbat they wanited, Giraudmna passeid s quivering baud acrais party avouriug reb-illion wera more flnished the neck ai bier new waal dress,but A ROUITEOT. Plans sud Specifica- "6only nicor and mare af tbem," as eby lber eyes antd rubbed bier glasses wtb ber bis cuemies than the at4alu bm ogbfrcda aeo h e rgt Itis a publication that will interest thons prcparenti o everyte case of buildein.Catby, with lber teudency towards carhy bandkerchief. selves loyaliste. Ue 'sas at enmity with bulpes bad vanisheu,and only bear poesessed eeywmnV h a ~ad bot watcr. aud ta ssnitary arrangements. pioty, said demurely. "The ather wss noV very strong," she, ail, snd would have quarreiied with Psul, lber as elle wainderod fraîn the fire-place ta The regular subscription pnice afi "TWe Ofle:Gani Bocl. bcby 43ly Baby bad beeu jumped ahmast ick iu bis went au, ater s short pause, i"but the boys to, but Paul anly langbed sud dame bbe the windows sud watcited Vith easiugycsr. Yo get the Vwa ion neaatent jompor; Tess, wbo sccrned girhy were great strappiag fehîows that notbing cameS aevr. Bot pauil did mlot draw back gale. Every guet ai wind thatt ehook tbc El -a lo to,,y,! bad sent bier cirons train-locomotive, couild tire. Tbey baid conte stnaigbt ram as Lizette's father did. ie was amang Vie casemonecy.ilo rvn uwta R.JIT ± ia rmenagerie cars bull ai anitnals, passenger echool sud colege sud bad] nover hought ta boldeet sud msddest ai thse rebais in ail tie siitcd in through bbc giasessud arouud the Send yor money sud afdrees ta this office. GettleMen'S ClOtheMade te OrdOr-' and haggsge cars sud al-whizzing again have need ta work-baî they pot their Londaon district. Uc was busyalilthat bail sashes sud door ranie, seemed go many asud agaho over its curvig cais; Nehi bad whahe beart bnta building the rude log but o 87dîiu eris gathering armes, vaudes sayeng, 1'Foc tuirce miles araund you let cousi Amy's Russisu ladysuau b ler sud making a clearineg sud daing ail they iding ta rmeetings sud rraosmitîDg pmys- there le not s living coul,' ' we have you at J. .-JLJL A C M B II ktheu table whle hoy bath investigated could ta make their mather comortable sud t, acmesgs The danger sud excite- aur mercy,' ' thaugi yau cahl tili yau die DE TS .tih otasd pans ai Neih'e uckel-plsted keep their father fram dieconteut. And meut flred bis blond. A few dsys bebace nohady wilh hear yo. r ngsu ail bad Seau everytbing ta tic their mother was so brave, go patient, go the moînorable 5Vîî ai DeemewhîlMc Tensewtrrsizfbr. heuw Ier fhstcandy ornt in evenbody's tack- beroi-tbere wa e er s nother ike lber, ezeldhebu iisret nteii a rbig Vwsn bg up about OFFCE -iear of Mlssr, ng bebore the cail ta breakfast came. there nover could be unhess anotiter motiter advised attempt ta take Toranto, Paul sud thse wiudow-iedge au the weot, sud the bol- - erThon calme Veraigotiea str ibr ursc rii s(a etbr" Lizette's atherrbadl met with s runaway low at the foot ai the bih would ho impass- tie sheplierds watching their dlocks by night "Bse mustisave bacon like aur mamma," accident, aud wbille Paul escsped with se- ible. Uer fathen sud mather wauld ho Higginbotham &. Soii's DrUg aud ai the woe hoîplees baba cradled in the said Nellie. vere braisas aud a sprained wrst Vie aider cagt in it sud would perisb, far the aoîd msngen'-bat eve uîewAad swoteaya n obly orpian Amy asked, le e he maibaid bis ieg inakon. This mishap aI- wss most intense. To dic there go near Stoe do n sais~ peace sud goad wifl ta men. living uaw V' Mast drave Paul ifto a foyer bar ho wae bore-tic thougbt was maduese ! sho wouid And as Christmas is ciidîrenes day,if any IlNo, dean, esle went ta bier home in hourhy expecting ordere ta march wtb the flot barbor i. They wauld nover start in ~L YEO T BOT[NVLEday in tic year le, ail the big folks becaine heaven long ago. Bbc wasike yaucrcbais of the Westae o Dr. Dnincomub's suci a storm. Thcy wauîd know that ebleE ciildren, toa,aud ai played togetber,fathen mtier, chîdren, lunrnany ways. But ber's faorés sud land thoir aid ta tic movemOut, would be ail right, that she cauld looaf ti er ZI ilsu m the toyoug man cousin fresb was an exception.l ie. Sbc gnew ctn nud it was ail Lizette sud ber muther cauld everythîng 1 That reminded liser. The cuws ALI ki PR~j.~ " ~'eic hLu A-framn coleage, statoly cousin Grace ho the hy beaiug bcavy bordoens. But I thiuk do te keep him qoiethy lu hed while thoy must be nilked, the live stock muet net lho 50 ston sd is .onan sana-dignaity of early womanbacod, cousin Mabel cie slwaya le' tile Lord help bier carry uursed bim back ta healtb. Bath hoe sud icit ta suifer. She wouid have ta stsy ahane sblire, UC&mmercial Union, tise Lanicre Pare ilier msidenly swcetuess sud eveu grand- tbcm." bbc father were stilliniu ed Whons u mrail night, site would have ta go out ino thbe , .e 1nTsumanetsCas-, aud tbe Steam Bfler_1.-d ma--graudma with lber suawy bain and Toshadl begu'e Vo fldget sud aV ast selletravehled frirnmToronta, isane kuew iaw, Storm ahane, but wbat ai that? Notbiug ,'nm fa i s Pla te ýGlîJ-P, lo. CO., ai Usoaada. tender cye sud piscid smile that wss like asked, Il Were there auy bears wherc they toiing ai the repoîse and nîigut oainte cbl wold bsrm ber. v us Ofic S Wnb' Hrdar toeBonsn a benediction. lived ?" urder Mackesîzie and thb, weetward narch NoV waitioga marnent sie dressed a ville. And St fite mid-day Christmas dinner ail "Yes, hearesud woives and wild dais, itetop oare udipio i OEGeAwônIM aA~ te quite ase muci as wasssdvieabho sud And ai ton the boys chat thern. And many tympathizens with the rebehlii. 1Pau] rosýe warmhy sud strudle boldly oui into tie ue t9 lt i g perbapsa slîtile mare, Va show their Sp- a deer hcy shat sud wild bawl sud suared froiri his i' c u i osh tad-btcfr iVesam hnesub prom pt, relialeî, taie ad penant, requirbtg "ta procistion ; sud thon olowed mare play ail kinds ai wid cresture, sud but"fac the ,couvinccd hlm ticat ail hore ai succeswas etrgnca on.tSud iofeeLd the wiars, er ecne. Nvriitng ev ahd~ ileaned, Dyed, Presscd sud Repairefi by sdwananin ae htmaets lsd lairds sud meat tbey bnought hm vrsdtiti oi ho al fr bis stuled on av. TSue reac&dthembarng, efcsP'a i S. gort ols forn wth eritte once. a rod bdr uni h eocialviyn s Oeday a arty oai iiitaseacigfrtic toare noliog down lber rost-bittcn T ,11 . A uaihayed very bay, espalyi ct e ssons ypierhngfrcheckesîaie weut shoot lhec work, aud S Unuoticed hy tiechcildreu Vie senioresIad when the wbeat wass rosted before if got1 Paul came Vo Lizette'e hame, sud ieaping flnisiedi it. Uow shle gat bsck sice could Dyer andf ClohsCleancr. one by anc stolen swsy. ripe. Fac bread made main lrasted wheat every indigpity on hs ininates sud cammit- lev Baby sd drpped14e nw bloke bt celiko hcavy dongb, if will nover hake ta ing devastation, cearcied tebtu u ee oebr a rouwa ad Uoods warranted ta be as no onc wilh knOw holding fast ta hig old ruiben daîy liadtfaste caaked, sud sometimes that sud PO-, barnne, tesning dawn hay aud straw etacke, wsud mecs, sheurest are bindl on o thom tam ne wieodoue.toddled off ruhbing bis eyes with bis ciub- tatoos wouhd lbe ail they liat." raisiug the dloornug, basting thraenb the htsedlonbuctssom o, - Cone Rngsu OtaiaStees, by flt. Ta uthv enabinsy"si hay in the laite with thir swaords and bay- sice bouud hersel back in Vie darnose of C~f1Tl7 i te crnes, pradig te old ol Thepasedalag. irt ile Buwti lou csud re thrediats, suda wouldi T heade s k a c e p n g o tcoss u kj os. elie sa nk ta th e fd o a ns d w ac s i p n 1) IE]INI'J'I ~~its imy veil, sud tie banco grew silent. ibard, bard wîntor in the ittie but wit anc e tknLzrecbte f neare utucncostswcsea hd Wth heads coseotogether tic tbree litthe rooai sud a loft ad a lan-ta. And lier(,ut tisat wben thcy had cdn-agged him îrorom som bbc brto ur -oenawlyri, sudiero girls Irore perched ai s wiudaw watching in a wer, laVe cpring a ittie girl wae boru hie bed leh id aintedaa îd aga în noUnadî againatt ofrlii-"oulne tRe soit flitffy snow-fcatiere fli againet anti ber narne wac-Lizettc. And a bot i, sdheorsaet bmio hi the glass, and making picture witb their sommer paesed anti a dry falsud mare brutaity" Teewssiîtsnda i or _,;7fnrs ase bey breatbed upon the pane. '-nessuauni nsd tic fiime passed Il Was Lizette tiere?" I"auti was cite gania Flakir nd sud wit'Lb aE start. ý;CRr5sj unbapply, in heeu "Thre hei5 00! Laatheilircu ore-ia 8OELS. IIONgS CeaLIVER ho heads icanoti hesvihy againet oaci ne at ly frfamilles bgnta caine ssc " h ildc se bebhssy e re nlaei 9 kcimcd: 1 orU HE OOKS LS, KT N EYS ANG D SECR tier, littic sigis sud yawnsecscsped thera, in aud settle ho Vie neighbonlsood. And "Tes, sie was there and she wss ternifled, ticy looked sround sud discavereti that it tie neaceet oa was a mn witi a grawu-up-1far sic wasetic onhy anc whia knew where Teoi ai"CRVNOFRDAL.wTOTEKN -- dnk ud tat nly eessud amiy ad orianîiepew.Paul bidcu.Andati okbo a Tha gas wass igbted in the hal and threw NrîEiui-sysTEm, LL IMPURITI ES ANDOFOUI. wAsgii-oat *50sasa brigit ligît upan Vie figure standing i un Imons. Arcl A METMECRECT Tom were leit onu lieir deserted play- 'And the nephew's naine wae Paul, anti1 him andi blankete, ail bu tIse dead ofai ugit, the do«a- iuei natahu 1N CI)*Yo H TMCI uIN ground. ho was s groat sportsman anti a qgood lad Vo sway down aravinc whsre tbereWaseaegneat do-wyafgr inuseakn IN ACIT o'THSOACIusîO C, H R D N , L . DACH h t lat w r n s ca, ih e tso lessa t ht ok , B LO SES S, DIZZI E S IEA . MBORN L. IDANDS. The I"tireti hour " bail cine. work, sud hic went evenywhsere withî Liz- îoîîow-tree-a te hbdVotrunke ogaitibou saudersatACHEoke ILOS IZESS , HEsîA, EAD- IldsebtiRylChcebDua Let's go flnd Gra'ma," ssid Amy lu s tte's brotbc.s ,thacîgi rhey were ltier thau growiisO iroim ane nat,and anc was hahlow, sud îo 1N sn y bead. etPu. ht' S TPT IONEU , ERSIEL A sR- Gradaeof fic oaollg.f etl whieper, antiele aud Cathy anti Nelip- hoe, aud be mais a pet sud pîaything ai but tIse otîîcr, îd tic opeuinv anti pratect-Gran'pa," iugieti NelI, jumping u n FOS;SA IESS AN-!ý, Surgeoansoci it. if baidbeen au open baIl, but if toc f evrâTmadTs tl ri et aslise me Tie btic iln rwddron, i Sin UAL HUMERIo E I.IEART,10 OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. mnith9mkecsk ite\Valei "ase ao lbig am?" askedTins. grew c older uaw san onawy ulgite Whe Theuuning t al oddrud isig FLFUTRNGO H rýPr VITALIZED AIR. locomotive. "Nat w'a- ihofiret carne but lbe grew So Liete at tagoou ito ebewin adrhmadwsigbn M ryCita" NEqO NE ,AD Tom wasegettiug irritable aud Tess atvis- bal sud stnaight and hnndsame sud lho was darknesna no one vhtsesifrt ruiat ihnshm"or hietin a" NERVOUSN ETSAND ALGENEjýLR dhii. to ronlit inta tlie round bouse far 8o galant andi trac and bui ai fon anti libe wbat terrible eltapes ber imaginatiou cal ed sornlieu s distnt cty. CoMPLSom aiUIC L D ioTO THE CUitA. ~{0W ra lo b. p repaire anti strike work ih next dyatTu icsif F'Egiirnnht eu pon its haos - thon sice and Tom, with bande in pocket e tagaV an, the fieldis aroaithebbcouge grew droiuue alwuhinVh tee "h t'sahidi'sa holkdhn erbdi 'Ir r UROCIF81S0 Tise undersignofi who has bean carrying ou fineligit. _____therac,_an bise g bu ines counection 1 witis stumpe ai the clearing, anti crope af wheat 1heant wouild aoho sith fbar for h, iiiti "h GamellVeiugo sbs ha5comocefbuinss orblnscf i ie Tboy ond liorn tber own brigit Sitting. suddaornsud potatoec andi asegistdenetid Whm gi.sbany about a blizzard anh a girl calibe roiducRig Vwetwcr iele peO ro it t hntehwrd idwhecye, aud Canada was bpginug tuo lc etigws at thie tog byLzteo, and sile was So exciteti ehe tbougitI Stycesu stloestprice Fo hse îabirds anti flwers, soit curtaios sud wsrn ulike homoe whon law troohîce came. The muet have misseti the tiugs ebe took ta yoo wen Pacul, whso waesa rebel anti weu '1 sils, n ta oest iicar Fr sule ahoruge. i s ett n eh ead atitn obdbuut a iint yun e shrepsaud-ridle,lber math. eua- ampls l ai tie uwoc patera. Gve sim fasianti ackrwit bayculet up aseep anthr, hie hVit uhe waViostcaiad bhe le prsfe V i bea,knca htht At 0Ian iet eyo rn' J. hi% w.1.dIl-Il i 2c ugiouig gint erkuellTe ane oman eseoUfr0ae t gvoisupanioriti br ha teyttino kawthylatndeha oerliet, Fashiaabbo ailor iat wre alwyt tabnsy kittiu stacinge tonheean s eruggi tiat mbittnetiibs couci no teia."Ah, ut bernaineis Eliabeth" sai ney. gros al, Woufl',*tell u as J'y "Migtc righs of al, "Ohu, do, Gran'ma, plcas," sait TessutandhelpedteVa hy away hie fionde. Anti Wien Lizctte's hatiser growWOic wel eace, "Aetrhaou ,leIaniLOrMsu o eletwtiti wr, itEVebas-s- oud it isucgbur bi aoa rau E1ATOCIELASS*N155.Aj, teathaue oit aeteaand blizzards." ingansuthVreehiag anti preparifl ion Vie unm. Tic now sieucot anudtiegracoti Simply app]y "SWAYŽtE'SOIN2UMENT" lethe bane of so mnyives that icre 10whe Ilad te.Ad i en utieadtaeht eel ase i bady wthr retde make anc great boassi. Our pille cure il feih iy Drop Il -A ceaI truc toyal about wassaniwintc.At own utn nibogtrbispseihmbat i boetott o internai Medicine rcturrd Crswhile others do noV. wit ho ut 8ewe - Tea b ou e fgtu "ecaieiTm a gamo, and always lie wae resdy ta eho unswitb open scorua. lie home became bteczmicu i mpin ute CAsnts LuTTeLuv c'iErPIs are s-ry s cge, as good diseasea ccnnot AÀ story about a litie girl that truhy a pîsymate for Lîzette." Uten durable sud stroug efforts were agaiu fans, eha, nae, et., lesvii"g the skin andi venyosasy ta take. One or bwo plls Mate- helt he he exst ee ivet," sait Nel. "liow oid was she tisu, graudus ]" ssk- mate Vo tisposeese un aiofhie ]ant. Uiaclerwhite sud beaitiy. Tta great hosi- s os ie Theypre bt bictegeatlo acntdu kidneya are 1Dodd's Kidn ey "d clear, sptritipe or purg, but byHteseivegenttheactio logged, they ae1Plaae sd lAChristmnas tory about Canada-sutnd Ct piudeiboO.legveu a n n uaiepwr r oqse inealWouetei 1 il t2>cns codb l elr ret bmilanareue." lave," plestet Cathy. "NoV 5noit das Tessie, quite ; sonoVtest aud moveti swsy iran Vie London dis-îu ucraiep eraepoese by ivefor $1. Salieverywserc, or senty mail. Sodb ildaeeoretyaiocebt Tic duek was doepening. The fire nearly suai a great sbrong girl. Sic was a tbnct oaninta Vie wilde ai the nontherunaootier remcdy. Ask youc drugszi8t for t0P TB., IIX cg r b. A. Seits . rToxortesit r goedmreiigtybroig . a hn-sy, timiti, sensitive chlt (much like ibVIe canuîrcy in an unsettleti wiidernezsssnd SWA.NE s OINTNÇENT. Lyman Sous & .. ~ . as ý,vuk ralled Kbdney Talk. casionai dame Viat ligited up tic jutent Cathy) sud eue wae airait ofbso mauy thinge irsea 1earst aMura blel gns Ch"kren 0-ry for Pitcherys Ca.storia.5