e - M - r i , i -a this Worldl-renowned Sosp stands et thie 1usd ni al Lauudxy sud Hausehold Seap, bth ggr quaiity sud extet ai salas. S Used aeeordug te directions, it dloasa&way sfth al the oid-iashioead drudgary o! wash dey, Try it; yeun' eeuth dissppaiuted. S'UNLIGHtlT SOAP bas beau lu use ilu WIndsor Catîs fer the pasi S yosrs, sud iS manuufacturera have beau spocisiiy appainted SOAPMAEIIS TO THE QTEN THE CANADIAN S TATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1854 $1 pr anuum lu adrance, otherwisje $1.59. Bubsriptieus always payable ai the office of publication., Advertiing ratesunulees by o)ie ract, 10 cent par lino, neuparie I ral insarb an, and 5 cents par linaoaeh subsaquant in- sertion. Locals, 10 cents par liue. M. A. JAMES, Publisher STANDARD BANIK OF, CANADA. Capital paf4 up, $1,Oo,OO.Ret, $59),00) This Bank is preparoti ta do Lergiti- mate Banking in ail its branches. Farmer's notes discounteti;,IDeposits receiveti andtITnterest paiti on accounts of $5 andi upwards in Savings Bank Dapartannt DRIAFTS Ieeuod sud Collections made iu Europe Va}tad 03tates, aud Canada. J BAgent >ONTA.RIO BANE Ë ntinues te do a Canerai Bankiug Business owmanvhllo en. BEPOSITS Recalvad lu Savings Bsnk Daparîmeut sud on eaand sutareat sllowed at aurrant ratas, No notice aiwithdrawal naceeaiary, Ail depoelte Ipayable on demaud, EXCHANGE E cruq tand sold sud Draftslesued upon EuroPe Ulted States sud Canada,salse Gold,ilverand 1UntedSta.as Graaubscksbongrht sud sold, COLLECTIONS Preni-ptly miade ai curraut rates upon ail part cf Great Brittain, the UntedStaîtes anc ihe ]Do rinlôn ofOanada. Telegrapfli Transters Made for large or sinal sums ou ail par, et Canada. Tis isesoiully edvatiîcgeeaq ite perseuý living lu Maileba or the 'Nortliwesb, itmakas the fundeý available ai once ai the pince ef paymont. Other particulars c3,11 t the anui. E. L. FORETT, UEO. MoGIIaL, Accountent. Manager. je VETRKIt£NARY suI*EOh. ORONO, - ON£. Office. -Peet Offlice Bloek. Cails by telegrapie or taephona raoein w neÀitate attention. mAmMAC IN ' Mosaro. HONEX & McMURTR.Y hav purchased teo - unt cf Durham for th go.FreinUWar."-- Squhre Steele sud bis cifae st silently by their carm,glocing fire--she busy knittiug, ho busy reaaiig-or pretaniing to, for hie tbloughie,as ceell as hie ciie's, ceere reeniug sceay hsck ever s lapse nf sema iceen;:s-fiva yaars, ta, tbetima ebea s irhing ittîo baby boy came te liva citb them. IlJust tceets-lve years îo-ight since g g F f rhoegh te ha sure uihey liad nover baera livad lu seeh au eut eftihe way plase. Twe yoars age their tather waes alva, sud îlmay lived lu s ulce litîla house et thair ewn; but sitar hie desth thare w-ara dabte te ha paid, thay muet bho dadnsd cleîhed, sud wiîh tha little work chat thair -methar ceulti gai to dIo, sha ceuld Dot procura aneugh meuey te keep tham item geiug hungry sud coid. Se eue by eue they had te part with their houseand aIl the pratty thinge within, uil ihey wora fieaily redue- ad te thair present axtramely eîtrsighterod clrcumetanees. Long sitar thae hildron lept thair methar still sat hy thair old brokau-iagged, reety steve, trying te caa tha fire to humn more briskly with branches whicb ehe had piced ep lu the woeds; fer it weesa cold uight, sud their badiug wae peer ; but the woed ivas se creeted xiîb snew thet it euly eizzled sud spetîered. -"Poor daars,"eaid the widew, as sheaceu- dentelly br csee he childrou's old raggad atoukiege off frein the hack et s chair. "lPeer deas, how wl I remambar whou I ceas s hittIe girl, wakleg np Christmas mernieg sud ruuiug te my eteckiug. Oh, my dear mothar, hew kind she wee ! And te thiuk, I love my babies jeet as well as she loea me, sud yet I eau bey them ueth- iug ! And that le net the worst ef it. There'li nene et us hava a Chrietmnas dinuar. I declare I ceeld amy 1" Aud seadîd cry> throwiug lher apren oer lber lîeed sud ban- ing back iliem chair. "lDear me 1" ssii Sauta Clees, "'how my ayas de wster 1 I muet have taken celd," mnuttarod lha, wiping hie eyes. Tha scee luside had affectad hlm moe than hac wae willing to ewu. "New," hoe briofly cou- tinuai, Il"what is te bhe mua? Those chul- iran ineet have semethiug, certain. But tha troubla le I haveu'i ascingle ihiug lait excepi s îhoeght." "lA theeghi 1" excisime semaeoftihose dear littIe readers, Il Whsi'e that l" Dii n't yen ever notice suy smoug yeem Christmeas preecuts ? Sauta ClIssbas lots et tlîem et holiday tintes, sud lha gauarshly spriuklas a taw lu with averyhedly'e pros- ente ; se il yen have nover ueiedadny smomg yeers, iookfer tham thie yaar. Hes has msuiy kiude-hely theughte, baneveleut thouglite, sud ibeuglîts ei loe, peaceansd reeeucihistlee. The îhonght that hae liai lai t wee gee&d sîreuýg,suid plaiulyumrk- cd with the golden word, "Il'harity." "Well I declara 1" erclaimed Saute C la s, bW a t s h a l I d o ? I w e 't d o th. lemant bit et goed te lesa this fer thasi eblî1.dran, buýt they mest have soeothiug and YOUNG FOLKS. 1.1 hw A Sang of Kriss Kringbe's Trea. ful Kriss Kringle's balle ara j ingling ho The fmnsty air te iingllng, ho Ail silvery Soumds ara miugîiug, se This marry, marmy day, With many a deey teaihar, d The suec fiaes fiance togather; ne Haro ceme KiseKrhugta's acather, mi lu geed lKris iingl's ceay. s KrtiesRriugla's moasuras tripping, ce Kiris ringla's scetuass sippiug. The cehite hie gi s wacre alipphng's Froni bravoelKris Kingl&'s trea, Wa set the cenilos hnrniug LiRe staresud planais turnîug. til And aven' droseamad yearuiug xw Thore cetisili ea esc. 0- Aloensd soitsry, hb Airrnt troinr-f and tain', itgroew lu terets Ci' s Threcgh muny a seaeen dim- Te tac ts sday et glony, Whou alnter aeods n are lseary, tr Te hoast lrise litingio's stoty, e And dean Ents Cringleas bymn. ti O trc btearbes nover!I01 O trea thet cbenms ris ovor! g 0 trc that hives f teranh The hlessod Christmas troc, Wbora love sud Rinduase blanfiug, E Roeund up the year's fuir andiug,i Thora hoavau's eau hoanti' andicg, Baeld Ktits KningIo's trea. f llis+'gerei E. gangster. K0'hrisqtmas Theught andi What Came Sauta Ciass ces tirai sud neoceendar; fotr t ceas Christmass Eveaud avarybody RncesE cehat s husy timo that is fer hlm. WhsI jeurneye hae muet tako I Sncb numbars sud numbors ni ehimnays as ho must s-aramblo decen, sud sncb ceuni-i bass numbors et steekinge as ha must fill I itceas ncenuer the dean nhd man ceasi narly thrai oui, fer itceas pasi miiuighi ; bis ceorlt cas doue, sud lha haiîuruad bleu: reindeer bemeard. As lha rehai the suhurbm et a large eity,t cebesa homes lha aijeat visitai, hie atton- v tien ceas euirsctod toward an ohd dihapilsi- ai building, ibat lh ai seppoeaite ha un- iuhabhted ; the attrautin cas nat great, only a vary dîm light, betiLt lat hlm Ruece that thora ceas soreena eîthie. "lWelh h1ouie lr " axcîsimai ha, sudien- îy stoppuug. Ilh1 ii't kuece suybndy livai haro 1 I îheughi Squire Stoola bai talten ibis nId temblo-decen ehauty fer s pig-pen long ege ; haie ughi tn ho eshamai te rani sech a place, but ho'il de mosi snyihiug fer a little monoy. h1ceendor if thora are any ebliron haro? if thora ara, I suppoeo1 e nght te baive tbar me preseuis, tbeuoh someooce1hnavet de have mueh fer poor ebildren. 'Tisnt night, eihor, fer Christ- mas ebeuli ho a happy îima fer ahi ; I muai loek atar them sa lutile botter mu the fuura, -poor thinga, fer h lova theun jusi the asema as riub ebiliren." Timon ho haut docen sud peereti througb the iringe et icieles that borderai the cemu- doce ledga, ieoa littla ment se daselsie Ioelting that h cenuli hava îouchad a muets b arder heant than doar ehd Santa'a. . On a pilaetfstrace lu one cerner ni the menou, lsy ibrea litila ahhldren lest ssleap. Bui, thnngh thel bai ceas eniy strce, ceith 9ceverîng etfall msggoi aomtertahles, ihay ceere smiiug in their Sleep; for tboy bai gene te bod thinking thai geod ehd Sauts Claus ceouli cerne as soon s theo dock ,strueR cealve, sud briug iben oenmemc prapara their breakfast. Imagina her sur- prise epen opouing the deer. For s mement aho eould net move, sha waese ovarwheim- ed with asienîshînent, but the nont moment sha tell epen her kucas sud thankati Ced for hie goodues. Oh, what s happy litile place that wss that Christmnas day I Tha childrou feuud oece sînekinge hsugiug ou the chair lu place of their eh eunes, sud each ceas filed se fl of segar-plume, oranges, nte, sud ethor gond thinge, thatithi ieked asetheegh ih weli buret. And pled high, eh I se bigb, ou tho chair, note noe shoes, loake, heede sud drossas fer the girls, sud for the bey, a cebola noe suit, aven to apair of rod-toppei beets. Juet îhiuk ef that. Hie firsi resdy miade suit, ton. And that was net -11. Thae ld tablaeceas laîriyleadodceith the wight et gond ihinge;- a plemp terkoy ceas waiîîug te ha roastai, sanie nice large petatees ceas cesîtseg te b" hakai, sud a pluni pudding stooi thera rosis'te obeiled. Thon thora ceas a large market hasket filled wiîh -but blasse yeur hostie, I couli'i bogie te ttell yen cehat ceas lu that ; iceas arowied scefuIl of par- cale et raisins, tas, segar sud everytiig nico, ihet thore was ne use le it haviug a cover-no use whatovar, fer tha covar wenli't sud ceuid't fit ou. And bera tlmay hai finisheti loekiug et those tinge, sema eue dreve up whîh seina woed eud cei, sud a ulca soft bai, sent by Squire Steel sud hie whf . rThan that afiarnoon thae Sqire himselt droe docen efier theansd îoek thona ccp te hie grand bouse on thýe hill, cera htlo 3Johueloe-fer the wîdew's littIe bey's nae -wes Jehunie, teo-qeie ceeu the hoaris ni .the Sqire snd hIe ivito, sud maie tharn thappier than thoy had beasefer yaars. t Wban Sats Clees saw hece that theeght bai greTu, hece is reetiats hai graspai *tho wihmmed teudrils ot the Squira'e heint sud given îham treeh lite, ha checkIed te *hinseit. "fiel Ha! casn'tht luekyI lied that sîheeghi lait. P11 scatter more iheeghte anether yesr, sud perbape lu ibis ceay I *mey he able te maRe a Marry Christmas fer ah. t Keepiug Wsrm. The bey ceas ittiug eut ou the front stops of the bouse shivering as the' pelice- "Whst are yeun ig haro ?"asekedth ie effcer. " Teudin' te mv business," ausceered the bey cearflly. "Wall, I geese yen ba i btter ge lu - he Cen of buttar. Polid r eut01 re timosg, thon ebil îhereughly baereaesing. For chieken paties utoît twe reendiug îablospooniuis ef butter sud add twe besp- iug tableapeenfls ei fleer with ana hall toaspeen fofsali,onue-hall sat-speenuuiof popper sud a fae grains et cayenno fer seesouiug. Poer ou slewly eue cuptel eaeh et milk sud chien stock ; aser ih bas ceekad smooth adeue pint of chien meat eut ie odico sud oua-hait eau et musli- roomseuct in tim slies. Cook fie mnuetes, then fil the pstty casas. Wheu cettîng eut patties ha caretul te aveud wasto mu trimminge. Use puif paste for petties. Cnt s piea for tha undor eruet aud nîhors with the caniar et eut tnt tha rim ; the conter eut eut fritemee hen hakadi l sasea a coer. The pstty eruats muet ha put aceay te thereeghly chill betere bakiug hy putting tham lu s pou betweeu icen of eraekaihea. Pattios reqeiro lrom twouty te tceenty- five mnhuntes fer bakiug bei shouli have risan te their full hahght in îweIve mnues. The Watreeski is a Sceedhsh dish. Te maka hi sdi eue-hall tablespeentel of but- ter, eue saltepouful et sait, oe-hait saitepeentel et mace and s speck et cayenna te oe-hait cnp et graiedceose. Adi oe amal gg andi the yolk et anthar. Beas entil scaeeih. Fili emaîl patty cases with i bis mixture sud baka for fil teen te iwauty minues. The shrbet reelpe reedls:-Mako s syrnp by beilng eue plut of sugar, sud eue qeart of wstar for tan minutes. Pour this on te ime ouncos of raisins stoed nd uout flua. Cool sud sdi the jules of thraa orauges, tha jeicaet oee one ucplul offirui yrep sud ene-qearier et a nutmeg gratai. Freaze te s mush, thon adi oeeasd eue-quarter tCeips ni port cine sud thea etn chites of ibreaeggms. Freezeansd serve lu giasses. Tu troazea smixture uea hree parts et flnely emnehai ice te oeeoe roek sali; ibis proportion ceil onuea a fine grain. De nittu tee raphdly ai firet or pour eut any et the sali wsier unul 055it ha absluteiy nacesssry as ih basions the Ireozing. MINCE MEAT Cook together tce n sd a haIt peunis of mesi sud oeeasdonue-quarter pounde oh seat entil tha meat is tender. Ceel lu the -wnter -In- c-hl-h il ceasýi- coeka,-thon- chop the meaosinfle; thora sheuli ha four ccp- fuIs. Aid eight cepfuls of choppai applos, the suai sud liuor in cebieh the most in ceokai, iceo peende nf raisins stoe ncisd eut lu places, eue pouni et cerrauts, oue nouni aes stonai sud cul in pecs ~~lCi. iiuy uutrayuu5'-'n. ~sJd1~n½afaIlerioa-sscA-eifln-s5iaOfl1 J gtting up aud 31appiDg bis armes arouni him8elf. Il Me sud pup gel home about icen minutes age, sud ha tehi me to wsit outeide cehile ha ceont in firet ier ha thncght mthor'd malte it bot ennegh fer tceo. I knce moiber, se yen go on about ycur business, sud if I ireaze ouewcen't have te psy fer ihe luneral," sud the ofiE- ,,m- nf n . -tt fco .rner and Cl ait- teaspeenfuls of amuies, oe-half toaspeon- fl et peppor sudonue nntmog gratai. Sim- mer oeeasdonue-hall bours, Adi oeeasd on-a.hsf cuptuls ef brandy, eue cuplul ni sherry sud the juice nf tceo lamons. As yen were syîug, wîfa, we woeld ava been far happiar had uitile Johnuy red-and bettar, tee," ha addad theeght-, lIy. Then sitar anme moments' refloctien *e centiud. Il Perhxes) it weeld he tter new if we did net live to ourselvas omuch ; we have lest Jeheeny, our uitile irlieg, te be sure, sud thongh wa ceni ýver ferget hlm, uer de we waut te, ht ight he bettar net te nurse our grief ýmueh, but try te get over h soe- hat." "Oh, I neyer eau 1" mesued Mre. ýtale. "lMes I knew," repliad the Squire, has- fly wipiug his ewu ares, " but parhsps if we did noe te makae thers happy, our )wn grief might ha lesýcauad ; they eay it aelps."' " 1Jehnny weuld have likad that," euewar- sh, sitar a pansa. "lHa always lîkad te e evaryn a ppy, sud it reaiiyseemad te trouble hlm. if îhay wara net. Deu't yen ra. member hew, ai (3hristmae time, ha always ried te havea ah the bilîdren areuud, rich or peer, sud have s jelIy tinco, dlvidiug hie prasants with tuiese whe hsd noue, besîdas haviug soeautile treat te shara wiih al. lad ha livad, ne ehildreu near ne weuld ha witheet prasauts to-merrew meruing. IWeeld ht net ha wall te de this werk eor hum?'" ai Ien gth ssked tha Squire vith a gresi seiteuîng ef tha heart thon adding, atm est ssu apolegy, Ilperhsps wa pighî. make hini happiar lu heaven by se I suam sure wa weuld," euswared Mrs. Steala, quiatly wipiug away her teara. "But what eau wa de? Whare eau we begiu ? 1 den't k-new snythlug abeet the poer familles sreund, uer which eues hava childrau." -"Thara la eue iamily'dewn l u--onnd beusa thet will de te bagin with, i thhnk. Thora are chilfiren ihere, tee-enae littie bey, sboet eur littia bey'e aga the iss Christmas ha was with us. Ha soehew remiudad me et hlm, tee, when I waut thera yestardsy te celleci the raut-leekig s theueh ha iras bennd te e ha hppy under suy eircemstances, Te-merrew we'll makes a tour ef tha town, begiunieg with them, fer I thiuk thora are noue peerer than they." "lCeuldu't wa go te.uight, te this oe piace,"sasked Mrs. Stadle, whese sympathies were ah sareused fer tuac lictla bey whe leeked like thaîr lest darling. IlIt'e preîty tata," eaid MNr. Steala, but lu a velea that plsiuly ssid, IlI asm wllliug te go." Se they wera seen wreppei sud muffied sud eut lu thoe treet. Fhem swsy deown lu ihe city cama faint, yet elear, the ahimes riugiug ont theanathem, IlJey te tha werid, the Lerd has coma !", The swaet meledy stirred the îhenghit that Sauts Ciscs had dropped iet thair hearte, sud gava thom stranga sensatiens. 'Ihay made ihair purehaeeas; quickly s pessibla, theegh ih dititaka them soe tîme, fer nemi they had stsrted eut they titi net wish te de thinge hy halvas. The little thought wss grewiug vary fast. As thay dapesited thaîr buntileasnsd baskets ai the widow's dont, s wee emal veice seemel te sas', IlHo that death it ente tue lessi et thase, deeth it unte me,' sud a pese want oer their seuls ; sudif they ware net happier îhey wera mueh batter sstisfiad with themacîlvas, Christmas merulng tue widew was astir leng baera lier ehhldren. [ha firet thiug she did wss te s.tart out ter soeadaad HOUSEHOLD. My tile 0h11 . My littlaebild Slips treni my arme Je-;t ceonmi' hoari lied to era carme, Gori le'e 3ber.- Hec s"'o0clrlieme wceeu Sho icubles lu My amuisaegain. Yeers fly se test; Soon sho wil ha A maidon; thon Shah t tuuifrm e m Soeasmeeth-faercibey, lier hourt ilhistoal Freini me-whatleta OM lova se bal What use? ,Vhy, thon 1k coniforts me Te Icîoce ihet in lier meîuery l'Il heu miy place- Youuig lovaeceeues tact, B3ut fthers loe \Viilxvays lait. pies aud Fattios- Iu mekirg paaîry romombar te use paatry fleur. Tt is n aivisabla te mak ei paste for endiuery phes ; i requiresas greai desi et heastte mae i ise sud unisînra liRa thai nI minca pies retarda the isîug sürea-mcat. In eny case use plain'pasta fot the enier cust. The tuie given fer puif past le onue peunni ni lour, theayolk onioeeagg,onue taaspoon f sofali sudoeateasponfulloe lon juhue, mix ihilceter te malt aa stiff ieegh. Tees ou te a fleuredairansd kueasi ntil emeotb. Pst sud mol eut; toldin lucme pouni of butter, wchbas beau cashai, chiod su-i divudai jinoihe parts. Fli, tmm hall round , pst sud roll eut ; repoat ibis savon times thon chilI themeughly bera usiug. Beas the egg yolk lu a 11111e et tho e ce ator. The suiecees of meking pesta, depanda ou nsing geei ingredients as ell as the heuil- iug. A maorble oheb le ni essentiel as the common ceeud monldiug board gives jusi as gond rasuita, othor ihinge boing ea1. The beginner in psstry maltuug muet ne- mambor te ltaop averythhug cealI cbilled. Iu using the jagging hmu on rcnttiug net the pasie sîesdy ht by pressing the funger egais hue h el. Thu pie plates ara the hast kini sud the paerîoi dboiter than ihe plaie. As a noe tin plate redoucte rathar titsu rsiiates hast the ehd pie plate le mucb moe usaful then s bight noce eue. A pmet maie citb lard la lees easiiy henilai ihan onue maie ciih butter but do net stampi te use penn butter insieas ni lard. Ketîla mnderai beat lard he btter than msnumlatnrod subtitetes that may ho thenraiiceîly al ight but do net sîcesys cemae p te standard cehen usai. Do nit grease a apie tnun sd lu liningi t aise sud smeeîh the peste eut se thai ne buhbiee et air are hbase those ceouhimalete he yse ise irglerly. 1MaI the aige a litile sud pet on s im et puf pesta holding ih fIl. Fer the top use puf pasie. l oees uni came te mae the puf pasta the lellnceiug recipo givos au excellent plain pasie. If hauddai reperiy r Cet ou-quarter cep ni lard in tcen ocnptîs nf fleer te cehiuh have boan aidaionue-hall teaspeonf nI of sali sud mix wivtice caetas a aiiffdeegh. Tesibis pasie onu sfleuredairand dpet eut ie shape ; ucce dot il nver ciîb email piecea et butter, dreiga ciih flent, fmli, pst, sud roi~ af: -14s"- Ail kintis of Lumber, Wood anti DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAI aways in stock. We invite inspection anti guarantea satisfaction. MoCLELLAN & G ,fl~fl7cturj ely e TuMxalIoowÂvs ErAntnilanT Sever -aiink My affe wasaicied for Iwo yeerewiib a sciera pain eider the [lebeelee idé ndibroagli mc uit 6bra; allerssing eaey remedies witheem relief, she nried a "D, &LU" Menthol Plater, l diditms wcrk. simd owimmg ta Ibis cire beedredi cf ibese plastîet have lae selS t>' ne bore, gteint agiraisatisfaction. J. B. SUTHRuiuiANO Dcuggisr, River john, N.S. E4E OTRICÂL DEVELQEMENT. A Model Eayage- -- King Khama le s modal sevae, it a lisir itlii-g Fowor Over teal fDistances black mari who bas b au itheroughy elvuhiz- ai hy Furopean sud missionamy luuncas The Uslread Gazette describes au alec- eau euh hob callai eue. Ho is au cutocrat tricai mvterpoceor plant iu Iialy yîldieg ef the hast possible type, whoae influence lu about 2500 hersa poer. The poweer le hie country ilenoeirely tbroceu ie othe distributileulog 37 miles eofcira. The scale ef vlrîne ter tha suppression ni vice. lerihesi peint frtem the sintrea of peceer te Sncb a thhug as theft ij unkuacen hu. hie whieh the current l en satl abeet 19 miles. reahm ; haie ihI net shlow hic cubjeets'te The cehole installation, scritng te eut maka or drink beer. "iS"r ile bouserce eeutampersry, afforissun admirable soiution et ail qnatrels," hoe scys ; " I cili stop ht." of the prehinet ofseceessiniîly iraesmhttiug Ho bas3 put s step also te the existence of high-ieusioe, contnunsus ent ant nsdcitch doctors sud their celles thronghout utiiiziug ihemn on the soties systont. The ail the aisangceato. mieimnm Sutui volt currauts noce useti do Ho couna inluporsen services every nt imply that the .fll limait ni high- Suundsy lu hie large, round ketîs, et place tensien, sccoriieg te ibis systauîi, bas beau ofissambiy, stiuuihug baeaci the tree et reacli, sud ih is htenieti te cee utrhar justice ani the cidoeeUpy etfheavon lu a mceasse the voltage te 10,000 by pubiig îrnly putriarchal styla. Ha e Rae l inhe lu sditional ganeraters, suppression et ail superstiieus, sud eas Laie dovalnpmonts in steraga, batteries publicly the flash of tho deyker, a sert et beai eue te the conclusion thai the day le reebnck, cebich ceas lormariy the iota-n of net f ar disttehen overbosi trolley ciras the irihean sud asesacrai emeug thons cehl heconte s îhiug oetihe ast.551. h te coy years age. The laie King Shkkonie pratty ceail setilai nece that leciria linos Khama'e father, ceenhi net se muets as stop of censiderabla length sud moderato besi- 1ou a inykar skie, sud iîbmesîil lookai epen nase eau ha operatai more eîeply hy stor- ciîh more vaneration by hhs subjeets thani faga battars' ibsu by trolley. Iu a lino, Kb anis ceouhi cish. e cb asth o cn t m plat a buildin g e icee cu A s su in t anýcoe tlK a m c%'s p oce ra ns d Hmlened Basivilo, ihaevarbeai 1jeigînnut, h le seiflulourt tor us te qeote construction les acensidorable item, ail of taeIlsudon changaet hie capital frein Shes. cehiuhles uerfinons cith asieraga systeni. hong te the prescrit site, Palspcee. Shes- iA trolley lina alse necassitates section mon hong cees in a streug positieon, ceamathe 1for evary mile or icen te look sitar tho Bamsugceste cenli offectualhy proteel iheni- cemes. XVheu a cira breaks tha e hehe selves froini tho Maishela raids under systen isl deai,asud nulese soutien mou are Lobonguls, but it ceas badly seppliie itît ai baud te rapair the break ai once tratlei cewater, sud iu dry sassons tho luhabitanis f ceoehi romain at s stsudetiîl for savoral suffea greatly i ront dreught. The change f heurs ai a time. Ih is lsiaie, for thasaetofcapital bai beau s subjoci ihecessi fer ressens, ihetthie storaga sysiam, evan l yirn u Ksns eitai quiotly until *presout state of ievalepmaut, ceouli ha people began te thhnk that hacewas agaluet more oconemic-al in the leamisville aiIian. a nd sud cenenver -meve.Ho eated,- lu tha other systom. lsct, untihbe ceas seraef British protection, Soeaonithe on cbi hv ba mk unutul lhakuece thai Lebengula couli net s stuiy oethie prebiaet îf ransfermiog the sttek bis peeple at Pslspwa cetheet aui- e soit, retty roassof the country jute salis- breihing hhrntiehf luscesrceutb Englani. fstry ard rosis, bave deeidad that the Thnsduyeeaynoefv yar oneua- cpileof o -sse, -ue-quat i cccirtee viecenc4 v- i ams gae crue' t cili net be injureti by snew, liast, cehdI1'hi lest go ovar te Squire Sîeale's sud lbava or. swe i.uc +wo rnfla of, hronu sar. 1put sud keep torasl hrell odjexodes began ou tha nexi day, -sudilu tceo cup5-5afc-i-ntMe fThS+'a ttefl-.' 01 s-tei ewcpisuaycee aaey - dura stock ln sny cay. t la mueli trnug- oransd more durable than any bath fane- lng, bohng oosely ceoven. Fonce put up sud Farm sud Townuship riglits fer sale. Âpply at CENTRÂt Lîvr- EvY, EcwmanvIlîlo I \W. P. HORH, Clarke P. ., has'iug - jht Clarke Tnwshin le upreparomi te sible eriar ; toeavery man ceas givon bis ailotai grec d nisd tmli tebuili bis buts thereon - Net s single dispute arese, sud n one celi imagine to-day that eniy a fae yesrs age Pslapwe ceas nhuhabitai, Khama, lu mauner sud appearsuce, le thoroeghiy a gentleman, iignifiei sud cent- teoes; ho ceears ceal-madeFeuroean elethmes, whorei~n almestevors'_auj or tecen or 'suacu cent k. Those rosis ara not marely city service, but they siretch, item the cty te the emalnutl-ving villages, sud siferd su easy moeonf tin ceomng te tha farmers, ceblIe ai tbe sama tima tha fraight cars ni the line carry lu the co)untry producea te tho market. The ides ciîh msuy ni the moai agitatore noce le that a syeem ai dec - 4< l~ s , %4ý NACCOUNTABLY LOSING FLESIl REFUSING Tg TAllE ITS F000 ISTLESS AND DEBIUITATED WIIY DON'Tj4 »I ke YOU TRY? [T iL HLPWONDERFULLX Wast iepot T'he undersigned desire to thank the tarruers of' West Durhamn for the liUerai patronage extended to us during the past season, also ta remind thema that we are stihi in the market andi prepareti to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOU ALL KINOS 0F CGAS H iE Ieiivered at our storehouse cor. King, andi George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hanti a large stockz, NEW AND FRESHP of Canadian andi Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags,. Roiik Sait for cittl anti horses, andi Fresh Grounti Grey Plaster in BarrTs which we are prepareti to seli -ri il -1 -1 - ------ ---- ao-Ein-ar]