ing Peict of the el1ectors of the Pro- FIN CCNCIAL STATEMENT DJIVISION No. 1. vince(of Onar 11onthe question of Pro- Fb .Pe hvligso. 3 m l ' hiibition, to be take(n <on the first day of OF RECIeTS ANDEED È T'E, FebL, Ma. 1J. Ceyo, shovelinq, anow. 82 0M Janiarynextý, the in th ai n-l eir MayR.Woodiey,lurnber&cedar 10 50M -et oioe IL-owrship of arlinuton, -LPerpiin id LM and th-ir determiniation odaiinterP _ 'r poe o oma ulcopnnf-oal Janaliry let te Dereinber 15. 1893. C. Stonhouse, repair'g culvert 1 2b pom r tof or a pbli opiion avorbleW. Creeper, repairiug bridgie T-Trmto an affirmative vote; and, further, RECEIPTS. con. 5........... ........ 30 wouldh1 strong1y urge upoa the electors to Bln letmigcn 0 25 takefuliadvatageof tis oportnîtyof B le from lest year .. 3,394 57 June J. Hi.letmigcn 0 25 tae ul avatae fths pprtniy fJan. 16, W. Brent refunded' R, Woodley, phnk......... 7 20 X inas is e ry n u --w a i AND helping forward by their votes the cause M rs. Gregory .. . 3 00 E. J.Burk, work Base Line 30 00' "Y 01 L~-- 'Ja, wl. IL M P UDDI G of prohibition. 18, J. Lick, rent of road. 5 00 D.Clierry,work, gravel road 49 75 1 buy for this one or, that one is the important question of P L If P DD NG21, .S. Rundie taxes '24549 1 J. Cole, work, con ,... 12 the day. We would suggest that you Wend your way to the THE LATE MR. McLAUGHLIN. June 1, Interest fromn Bank.. 31 60 T. Burrows, w(rk, con. 5. 'lW5t1nd 87q __ Th deth f Jhn cLa~hln Dr-W. R. Climie, license July R. Woodley, plenk ... 3. 60 W s n lu~ Vu U Nu lilington at Oshawa, on Dec. 11, at the T.nBaker, rent of road 2 X) G. in, work, con. 1.,.S. t e r to k of Sik H a dk r ripe age of 87, removes anothier pioneer Aug. 26, W. R. Climie, licence- 10 190 R. Siemon, work. con. 10_. 10 00 o~rc rh v i f th~is Province. Ele wes born inl Ire- Dec. 11, J. Lick, rent of road. 5 OO J. Sylvester, work, con. 8. 12 50 chiefs. They have a very, large assortment, fancey and plain, tecn, a e al ad near Dublin, 186end emigrated Interest froin Bank.. 445 T.Burrowswork, grave] rond 285 fromn 12U. to $1.25 each. toths outy it hs ahe'sfaiy n 5,F.L Elicaedrs.... 1,200 W.J.Cherry, do. 310 thé requisites. 1824 settl ing inthe tnhip th osf an, Wn15 . Lenli, taxsl.. 1,250 I. Cery , do. 31 5 They have the best $tr1.25 L c which t that time was without ronds, L.M.Courtice, timber Aug. ID. Cherry, work, con. .. 2 50 CURANTS, RA1Iîýshosorcuce.1e okdei and troes soîd.... 9 80 .1. Pye, work, grave] road.. 3 7 Kid Gloyes in the market. Te are eln alth w PEELS, SE C S trade as shoernaker for some yeare. - J. Martiin,building bridge etc il 00 o Gloves stock for 50heyWot ell1ind al75c.t E S N EAbout 1840 hie rernoved to where thie vil- Total....... ...... $19,389 52 Sep. W.Creeper,repair'gcuivert 1 25to5c.woh$1 ad7 . FJGS. DATESlage of Tyrone ils now located,, where lie'.1. Gaud. work, grevel rond 182soudCre arv nd eet seGo sashe iesso FIS A E ,1"ewed a lieuse out of the primeval forest EXPENDITURE. J. Pye, do. 42 87 OR N E ,L NbS -is be ing one the first two log shanties JANUAIZXY. C. Stonhouse, do. 44 0run out. OR N EL M N~ erected in that district. Energetic and N. F. Macnachton, County rate5,3,180 60C( Oct. J. Martin, work........... 15 26 .. e, fuawtanexcellent lielpmeet, lie J. S. Rundie. refunid on taxes 1 50 R. Woodley, plank......... 6 0 Jlu e t re 'g Ci NUTS. RAPESbecame a successful farmner, accumiulated W. Moore, gree........16 1. L.Brown, work, con. 6. 3d7~~'A I V CONFECTIONEIRY a competence, whici enab'ed him to R. Windatt,registration fees etc 31 70 .1. Hillier, workTown Lino 3 75 have a splendid range. Also Silk and Cashmiiere IMuflers. spend hie declining years in comparative J. S 1Rundle, collector salary, etc. 100 75 8 Page. - do 4 38 Nicest thing outt for a pi-esent to the best younng man~ ease and comfort, after aiding bis child- FEBRIAIl T.Burro --,worl1cgravel rond 2 0 ~ h~u ~tfli'sIfl1j~ ren to stert homes of their own. W.Crgsr es3 .Stonlous,- w ý-,oik on rond il 50. D~ ln 1834hle married MilsE. Rusfr, by F. Brersdtory eeand .... Dec. W. Lavi, ceclar, etc 2 0 n't -forget that our ]V[ntles and Swhom ie d a femily of five sons andF.Rgruioan xes 78 BowMAV1LLE DEC 20, 893. a daughter. She was a true wif e, whoF.Rgan W. E. Pollard, .66 Total .................. .. $521 81DrsGo saerdce inpce sbared lis priv ations and helped to F Rogrs ad W. . Pola2d MUNICIPAL MATTERS, achieve bis success. About four yeare R extra audit............. 6 0P;~JNN 25 u ~ o n n e aMUNICIymPAdLteOshaa 'e reide Ri.hWoedley, lumber ...........233 4& Mer. G. A. Stepliens, cedar. 1251 D ntfrget ou Bootand agoo they inovdetcOcon. 3................12lbra2thpartmen.....e.... to4 haveueve.ryroung wantedn inrine, The nominations are next Fridey. The their daugliter, Mrs J. C. Smith, whera eD. Gonbr3icli.. ceder............214 50 June E. Pront, repeiring bridgeine cnynwcaddts nonedi enMrs. MeLaughilin died in Jarnuary, 1890. A. Crago, drawing gravel 42 00 We have fine as w,ýell as coarse gos are Mr. W,, F. Allen for deputy-reevce d Mr. McLaughlin continued fairly liealthy .Woole, lumber........ . . . 533 40 lyiR. WNoodley, goos. XYe haved .a<ubbeofrsi knds theprprito efTn~ SATSMA frand active until about ten daye before hie .Pttr lie amgsAug.Ty Tra, plenk..hil......1 256 n vrhe falkns Mayor. Se fer ns le known aeh the pro- death. I1'our sons and dauglter survive J.Fce-rrri deioo vtis1 42OAt. T. Trion, rpa rigei], 3175 -r c r e a t Sent members of the Council will oller him-R. YcLaughlin of the Oshawa Car- T. Smale, meetings redisonOt T. Trim. re ridge. 3 7_ 5 o ' o g t our Û for election. niage Works; Wmn. McLaughlin who still J.fT. Polloch, r .g..t.y..ho.ges. 45 J. ID. lbar, work, con. 2.. 17 0mn c~ resides on the o1'1 hoinestead et Tyrone; J.T. Yelowleesdrawing brus0menthTea 1 grsPure Sie ade elJj,îjs In Darlington we uudlerstand the pre- DrW.J.lMcLuglilin,registarof WestIDur J. L. Pearce, errer eclhool taxes 97 N .MûcCllIaii & Ce., bridge Cuugars, Spice, Candie IPees, etasinc. satismes il f a u r-ction e fer owmeanvi]le; 'John AMcLaughlin, APRIL timber ........... .........16 0 They lave given entire stsato o fefrmer near ilcydon, and Mrs. .,C. 1. L. Brown, essesor's sD on't forgeOCt tha.t elfi, ve have tb...e () awe have heard. There is a geanerai Smitli. Ail were present et the f uneral MA r...D11n60 ec. C Vi leb, vork cuhave.. 32 diethtM.Saeeaiinteon Wednesdey lest. R. Woodley, lumber........... 12 15 Total................ e15 5flnest lot of fancy China'ware in town, Cups, Sancers, Fancy Counicil, if net as reeve, an oeeof the Mr. McLaughlin wns e ttuncli, life- J. Pye, 3 rond ecrapers ........16 50 DivisioN No. 3." deputies Nomination daymîay bring eut long Refermer, wlio elways had the cour- M. A. James, printing ..........17 35 Patn. J. Penfonofnd, ktidrandeiing.,.. 1ver7 60l ace cf bis convictions, and was alweys McLean&Mason,3 ro'd scrap'rs 26 40 Mer. G. Tingle, opening culvert 30 for Xin)as Gifts. InClke Cartwright and Newvcastle rêady te give a reason for bis politicai JI7ŽE piW.Lauli uvet 50 weh ar t the present councilors are faith. He was aise a stauncb Preshyter- C. Ilooper, rent for rond........ 20Ari W.White, building scuvet s6 candidates for 1894. ian and a deveut dlristian, a]ways takinZ R. Bentnem, do. 5 00 May R. O. Skort, fixing bridge 2 0i r e n~ w p y t e h g £OWMAN VILL MEROHÂNISa deep intereet in the work of the dhurch W. Tordiff, jr., slievp damages 18 00 Juine W. White, digging drain est price for ail kinds of Dressedad unesd oltyBter -BO MA VILE ERC ANS f hicli li was a raiing eider for abiut C. Williexn2, do. 6 0 and clearing ditch......... 1 0 Ea ndese Ioi etc, utej 45 years. lu hie hospitehle home nt Ty. J. Williams; do.6 66 July j. Penfound, tle ...........3 0etc, etc. One ching thet recommende Bowmian- roue the tinisters of the ose in those W. Vircue, do. 2 66,uidngbrdg i50 a o ' o g tt a ~ e o r vil e h eutypopewisepe-early days found a liaven of reet. Ele Mre. lloocy, grave]............ 3 5 .Weedle,buplauk..........12 0 ence in our town weso5 muoi appreciate ;ves withal eemething of a theologien and J. Heard, do .............. 1 20 S. Flintoif, building bridge je thet we have e very reliable. honorable churdli historien-especial]y versed -in J. Ranton, do ......................con. 2................... 16 0 in town, aud lu every otier sense wortliy clams cf the ecciesiestical history of Ireland and JULI, Aug. W. L. Law,cedar and nails 70 Scolad-nd hehales mniterwh J Glbetgrvel.. . .... 250 W. Wh ite, brenking atone. 7 50 Wishing ail rny friends and customnersaMryXa niiercieuts and tradeemien. la tLis re- Soindnu heleleemiite a J iletgav].........25 et,asi ayoer, e hesitate net limped in eitlier ef these den-Tartments did A. Semis, do ............... 4 15 J. Cowil graveling con. 4 16 25 ',o say tint e btter class of busiy ess mon net escape undetected, if the subject of W. Montgomery, do ........... 62 L. Gimblett, greveling.... 15 01 remain, yours ruly, canniot be found in any town. This is this sketch wes among hie lienrers; yet lie G. A. Staples, do ........... 6 60 V. Trevail, fixing bridge.. 10 50 iet alone oûr opinion, but, the mliolesale wae a genlel critic. Hisened was peace. IL. Argue, grave] and labor . 12 90 S. Trick, turnpîk'gtown lino il 20 JQj1IM~ inen f Toronto 'nud Montreal sey the AOS S.Fliutof-Fgrevel'g main rond 42 70 -rr eu tiý-ýy zame thing. Theyare not ail possessed GEORGIA. B. Werry, grave]............ 90 Sep. S. Flintoif, drawing dlay 22 80 of great we a1thý it is true; iudeed few R. Nichols, ýdo .............. 55 J. Veilant, greveling.....24 0______ business men are in thesé tiînes of keen AN INTELtESTING LETTEit Feocaý A Bow- S. Page, do............. 1 90 Nov. W.Whitebreek'g atone, etc 20 0 -rletition and over-done business, but MANTILLE Bey iN ATLANTA, GA. T. Hill, do............. 2 50 Trick & Flintoif, graveling. 40 0 t sr-J. Bray, do............. 2 40 Dec. J. Wllcex, clearing ditch 2 6 re- 1MR. JAMES. - F. Clemkens, do............. 9 î5 3. Arnott, work............ 6 50 DEAn Sm.-TaE STATES)fAN is sent te Mre. Suiley, do............. 3 16 S.- Trick, graveling......... 18 0I me eveýry week, anld it occýurr-ed te nue te- IH..effery *stete dIO.............676 L. Annis, greveling........ 20 0 day than 1I iglit write somnething that J. Martin, grave]. and labr.... Il so .Inmad o......56 b"%.. ouid interest you, inow that 1I have been J. Cressemn, sheep dameiges... 6 6 oryour tu go>y)r(r'hi, ;i 'S4eegia tvru ionithe. Tha clini- S. Sniowdeni, 5EdoE ... 19 6 Total........... ...... .. $357 0 And Maynard the Jeweler is still leading and doing thel good neme. " ai nieDovdsîokrNo. 4.ertrnade ine bis--,ne.aIf asantT aBE'oodviand Nn.c4 acteraccrditedto businessess menitil thatofooheother sofperte ia of tGeorgiT.auiasoytheavMon.......,7 graar ] W. lFarrefil, wnworkodcon.lii8. ividly kt ôwn fact tint they sel] cheaper 'is two theuaud feet above sea level; but J. Martin, do ............5 70 April W.Virtue, repair'g bridge tien auy neighboring tewr.* This is the still it is grat ea warmer than Cau-S Travail, Q. ..................... ... 8.... ... ............ 20W TC, LOK JE IY SVRW E o FN ATCE reasen, we believe, that ti town pose. ada. We have hle twe or three fropits E Moore, o. ....................W.Edgerton,repairing rond 2 A HCOK JEEPSI EW R R FKYATOL esses se mauy large and wel-conducted since 1 came here, but nothing at al aev. J. Ok, de............ 21 85 con. S............ ........ 1 50 tor-s. The large volume of business eare, and though there wns n week's skat- W. Alun,, do .............3 60 May B. Moore, rond work...., 13 00 for a nice present, for yonr Father, Mother, Si.ster, Brother, thecy do enebies them te boy ]argeiy, ing and sleighing in Atlanta lest wiuter, G. Semis, do .............. 75 Jue W. Brimacombe, work.. .. 2 0 tliereb'- c ecuring the best disemunts, and it je quite the exception te have auy snow R. Niciols, grave], etc ... ........4 60 B. Moore, graveliig con. 8. 33 00 or Best Girl give me a cail. Yon can buy goods cheaper as ait .icele well bouglit le lie,' ',Id, te lie here ail througî the winter. Lust A. E. Clemeuns, sieep damnages. 20 60 Juiy P. Werry,greveiiug con. 7. 3 50 and get a better quality for Iess ruoney-than yon would wblen, a critical buyinig constituency uj -year as ini Canada, it ;vae muci coider Mrs. Ward, steve pipes ..........70 R. Woodley, -plank........ 3 60 pare vlues and prices, they invariably then it had beeon fer n numnber (f yenre. J. -Veilant, opening rond con. 4. 56 00 W. Moore, graveiing....... 20 30 pay others for cbeap trasb. I always made it my aîi in dlecide in favor of Bowmanville. One very noticeabîs thing about the chi- AM. A. James, printing......... 32 50 Aug. P. Werry, work, con. 7.. 1i000 bfe to keep notbhing but wbat I' could gnarantee. This We lied heard n few persons tellin'g lest &te of Atanta is its drynease even after cOE J. Norton, work, con. 9.. 10 0sok~a ogta O.onte$adm s esl saumnier he;v clieaply tliey could buy dry T.avy rein the few goos i Trono, e us ay yur heurs. This is probebiy due te the saniy TSeepr al........... .....W.Morrs, wgrv, con 7.. 53 75 very sot0ié and will be, sold at drnletnature of the soil wiicli consistsalamoa e etor fJueasevcs.. 6 e. .M riwekcon. 7.,. 79sor66me auXltumuii while3 in the city with ou ebtter ID. Cemneren, damages te buggygrdgco.7. 96 haf(h1yti a la iessi h entirely of red aand. This reduesa makes J. ene nul.....51 Morton, work, con. 9.. 6 0 cenl buy he ay hin Beways ie the ronde look very odd, as if they had and G iîbr nes....l...........210 F. G. Brynm, naila.... .....1 84 I O a'd i a round of a few leeding stores bencfreoir bikdet tet F. Clemens, de..........4 70 W. Moore,repniring culvert 3 0 the expýIress purpoesof satisfyinig Our- lies a number of veramfinepriv.te r66i1R.ONrcstocs, eheep damnons 4 bt selves,,and ive beth ivere thoroughly con- dences, and asitîsqut a new city, th;e J.W. Knapp, do ........4 60 work,Jardiïl' ;Cor. 10 50 zu tc sm cl agrta ome othiers, s0 yon biavýe vinedtht cyracenge n dvauehoussa are net crewded together et sîl, A vrreto1adfo ed 26 grnveling........ 22 50 a much better chance. Come in and get miy 'rices and, ip for tisîr monley in B0wmanvil]e as ini Te- but tcn aehe adete i sNvna.oct. W. Brimacomnbe, work .... 6 25 sokadyn wl e~ rue 0fcourse, chers are "sua,,ps" or tiers is ne plan about tlie city; the streetsCWde . eton eMbetre 112 M0oNov. R.....................1200 m soc n d e l b srpise to orýnà o apeiai bargins te be got there in certain run into ecdiother at ail angles,anud Sees - e.125Nv .Woed]ey,]pank ... 20 one o h rmssan ra d ogiesattrsfaicl.,io uns t erai tme ha cnvy li~i-some of them are so very creeked, tint G. teen. rae]..........w2n, ]Ll emî wa.an1e2giv prlessionetountiders that it pays toge te until you get te kuew the city pretty R. Folles, deg tex aemitted........ 1 00 W. MoBrew, urnuking .. 12 70 no charge.j the8s ct t depesdthi aycsh, gb seiwel, you enu neyer be sure in whidli di- R. Windatt, revisien votera list 26 60 PW. Mooey,gravelîng cou. 7 18 40 th i osend veirreain cashmebville rectien you aregoing. Aiîotherthing tint HI. Metcalfe, ssrving notices for .Hdwknegaiig wco. 225 0 et certain tîmes of the yeer,< usuaîîy etnakea it very difficuit te findyour way Court of Revisi on.8........18 6IJEledgsnrpairg wehout 5 6 the ailendof te smon, eqall asabout is tint eue street 'ofteu lias twe J.- T. Cols,,elîeep damages .... 1&8Co Dec.J utsgrelnco.6 305 great bargains, euiy our merchantsba e ifrent naniee being called by oesnainCRoe rs , do. .... 3 66 J. Currti, gadln on. 65 10 ne fiu nt ichai o tîow etnu the norti side of the railwey track and E. Ruce, do. . ... 4 0 B 1rryGro 227. îo alnit h ai ftrwng otb A. E. Ciféetlaeo tesut .Renls, d.3 3 5 3075 baita of this kind te allure custemers te ly.q., t difernt.emeon us out R.Rdo. 5s, o30,.753 %hi hoa u le îetebran ide, altkough lit is oe street ail eiorg. W. Gibson, de. .... 3 33 BMoe oJrdn'er 47 ithesemes. IefeBsueat the TIerstare four medicai coi-eges i Aîs L. Brut, do. . ... 10 66 ored.Jri'ao. 347 ,would net by e-nv mPeans% felI.wna t a papers filed a week ago and several large H. Ellîtt, saary ac irensurer. 100> 00$17,045 95~"ai simuiler law weûudd fail ix Ontario. Wiîy stores have been closed up stucs I carne R. 'Windtt, Falary as Cler.... 175 00 LIABILITlES. -D i. rerium es, l the net agree tint easy divorces an& ]yiîng te Atanta. Niggers are very plentiful, Expeuiditune in Division No. 1. 521 81 Couuty rate.. ......... .... $ 2,180 0E li ewest n mnuet prevail in ntarie 'cecamse the7 pr-e- almest ail tie servants and meest of the 2 15 5 Due sehool secties.......9,250 35 b s c.r vetr Mndya!et.n is !liwngEnlii hn icYakes patnn en.2 . 1753 lQlncnî................5,525 60. vil in some States of tic Unjea? laborers are ceiored peoplo, and 1 donr' 3. 357 05 Due Collecters ...........90 (60 At a meeting cf tise Ministeii ksueci- tiink I bavs e eui a whitestian____,_5_0_alne_...._......_,256 atin of Xet Durham, hel in St.Paul's The setheruss are muci moersluke the ' 5. -64 93 U_____ vesryblndy ftrun, hefolein Eglsh ha tieYakesbut Iesl be JIndigent soconnt...,.. .........741 à 1,059 reeuinwas adepted en motion of 11ev. giafi te get baci eangY the Canadisîîs Balanceouniand.............. 10,608 95 ro~aSli£nu, Reeve.4. IL. ID. Fresler, seconded by 11ev. Caleb &gain ini the sping. Yors e3incereiy- -- H. ILserT-, Trerqer. -Trer-% 4 iw~ ief4~ - R, ' R 1 Total.......... ..... ...... $1,M 5 ~2 I* ~ 83 IE IT .dL U ~ j j/ 77Mý