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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1893, p. 5

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WTe ave prepayed 10 Iu4liceineia2ts go blose Walinç i'sIa ~os Gall early and make your selections. We lead both in price and variety. Fiiecial value in Leather, .tsh and Oak Cases, ?erfumes, Purses, Shaving Mugs, Gold Spectacles. STOTT & JURY9 DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN. GRAIFD TRUNK RAILWAY. INI'WVMÂNV ILLE STATON. FON AST sueWE13T Brr g,...8 9,m :EprS .520 aM ~~~~~~ 12ariExes . 07 ami Psuger .....7 m 1) 'ne... 9 nimne ..p5mEpi5 . 30 pin BOWMANVILLE C. 20, 1893. Local and Otherwlse. lU Ma Mbel Tait la homne from Toronto- MiLs Mi;nnie IRainesi3 i home from Pari »eeMod6l Sehool. bir. Perry Dobson has gane te Watsr- ,fille, Quae., ta raide. Mr. H. H. ,auud(erïs bas returued Iran TorontcQ te s.pmJnd4the-3 ilter bers. Mhls Maggio Joiliffe af Otarieo ade Golloge hes been guait af Miss Eva Tue. V'i. AilSTrSÂ readara are requested tordeýr ail theï- ot'hr papers lrin M. X, Jams-i, Mia. (Dr,) I. H. Tyler snd daughtei IcI ~ ~aMendy fr thei-e neri home ir ý eoicl eoarly sud get eue ai Mrs .AtWr's 25ec. f at lhata bafoue they ai pioksd over. Mis-. Doncaster Uog Ilest, Newî-,Youiidlaud, black wit wite spot in bre.sat. Reward for returi tu Geore YELLic-&D, Bowxnauvilie. Are yen golng la ge tmarrled 1iIl ar Om11 t SÂEMEoffice sud fase the lat pBt weddlnîg invitation$, prlnted. W4 bhve a fine lot. brgicnge Agwone rishing ahrat a e 'by callng et bira. Doncaster'% sud pur chaslng one of ber styliih trtmmed hat at$1.25. Mrs. Doucanter. ino. J, Mý>ason la s bowing a varied ani pretty assaulment ef faucy embroldere4 and h-3m-stitcbied ik Haudkerchieî. TEIE MAYORALTY. 1 A Merry Ohrî Exisxau 0FBowANvLIEP. Trebilcock wlshes toala Ladis su Gtl J cadi-ful af pre"ty things, and Ladesan cutemen,Ia arn dia sue ta use thein. Moth date for thelposition af Mayor af Bow- 1 u h hluncob manville for 1894. 1 shall endeavor, -Af f- lé) . Pre gC es in greaty rLare Photo albums fi. Fin est collection ai Pici -Bibles- from fâO -cents-, fard Bible for $1. Teaei fard sud International, fi Iran toyo, wood toys, t trairs, tops, .Tacka, &a.,e Great variety dalla lic Framed pictures- frc holders, fioweî baskets, saucera for nid sud youoi The Chime top, a conî Sunday Sohool ta acher choice afbookleto, card for their classei. Dontî until end of week. Si member the place. To' Bowm au ville. eleeted, ta perforrn the duties of the office impartially aud faithfully sud te give as careful sud constant attention te town af- faira as circumatauces shail require. Respectfuhly solicitiug your votes snd influenceIamn, Yours sioeerely,, M. A. Mu. W. Philp, en., Cadmus. la desd Good houses to rent. Apply ta NI. A. James. Mi. Win. Br,ýnt, Whîtby, visîi~d here recently. Mr. J. Caswell, C r1,e, spent Soinday ln lown-. Mr. John Wiudatt is home f rom Mil- eta, Man. Lool, for envelepes sud biauks inaide tiîis raper Ilrs. S. Noble, Rochester, N. Y., in visiting relatives lieue. Mu. Ailan Willtiams bas beeu home fron Belleyille for a few days. Tarante Grip la te be revived with J. W. Bengciugh as edibor agein. Sorry ta bear that Mis. R. IL. Turner ia suffeýrio2 fromt erysipelas in her'lace. Correspondeuce bas been condensed te make roon fer Delingtgn Treas4uier'a report. Two old citizoe dieýd on Saturday- Mu. John Fietcher sud Capt. Cook of the South Waîd, P]eased te see Mr. J. C. lNogworthy ont for a drive yeteiday ater bis receut slevere illuess. Christmnas sermon wiil hie prer-ched ln St. Paut's churclh. next Sabbath by 1ev. P. D. Fiasé'r. Speciai music, Mu. W. R. Knight won distincetion at the Hamilton Poultry Exhibition lest week. He sbowed 15 birdsansd sscuied 14 primes. Trinity ch'urch iuteund holding a Child- ren's Christmas service ou Sunday even- ing next. Cotiectan n lad efSund&) Sehool fond. 11ev. C. Parker had mauch dilfficuit' ewiug ta the sein's romuita in reachine -Omemes. lUed la drive tram Peterbor Suudsy moriig. Rov J. C. Wilsmn. cf Wauk-wnrth wsi -guest ef Mr. W. B. Couch on grtîarday Hie took part ini s chureh openlng it iCartwright ou Sunday. Mvy Issac Jewell delivered a very in terastlng sddress ln the Method lat achat -room Thursdsy night on the work of thi Woma's Mlssionary Society. 1 Rev. 0. L. Thompsau wbo preached twio geod sermins lu the Methodis chuich ou Sunday waa guent af Mr. ani rMua. Lause Jewell-old acqueintances. n Ou Fridey anow snd rein feu mad %sec a heavv coting oI tee forined on tise s.uad telegraph wlres ihat ereat dzmag waris doue Old orchards suffered much. The party who by mlistake toah th hbox ai, Frilling lion the West Et nHouias on Saturday eveuiug wouid do wel :, Tait & Ca. are stili at, the aid plae t- sud are turuing eut better phetea tha ever. Caii eithei bright or dark dayi Wuy limie betwses 9 a. ru. sud 5 p. u îtPicture lianei slwaya en baud. This evening lu the Tow - Hall, Bowmuvilie, under the auspicese ta tbe Public School. À seriea of grau electro-tereoptiesu views-Stanheyi id Afines, Worhd Fair sud local clebrItiei dSeo postera. MAuy wiii miss the kidy face of Mu 0f course you witl want Candies for Christmas.e We have 100 different kinds. Pricesaiae away dowu. Cerne in and see us at the GRAND CEN- TRAL, Bowmanville. HOLIDAY SHOPPERS. For a nbby cutter go to G. C. Haines'.i Fur Coatsa rnd Fur-linied Cie)ts- a biff t elot at Maaan's Foi the bat stove' in the market buy y the Happy Thought et Edsail's t Boys, Suite at wholesale coat price. 1See T. Geo. Mason'a p.ew advt. n Cawker & Tait have the b,3st 25c. Tes r. in the country. Call and get asample. G. C. Haines has audoulXtediy the fin- bt eM cutters ever shown ini Bowmnanville. st I eau make jr ta your advantage to boy of nie if yeu will cal]. Maynard the J eweller. A lot of new dresa gooda selling off at about half prces at Couch, Johnoton& ty Cryderuian's. by A big stock of first clasa fuis et moder- sate prices now shoing at Couch, John- IRstan and Crydermnan'e. ro Cati at, Haines' COsîriage Works to ses asthroir n4.w cutters before purchasing-it will psy you haudsomeiy. in A large choica of new Tweeds very cheap ai Masou'a ldlothinig Store. Ai n- îoth bought here out free of charge. )01 low i8 your stove Il voir need axxy ho repaira, pipes or firuiture you may fiud wbat yen want at Edsall's, Bowmsunville. d Read the West End liee advertiLe i ment if you are contemplating buyiug a ,d Jacket. They have reducad prîce ail around. eh Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are e howing a big stock, of men'sansd boys' overcoats in ait sizes and qualities-new gùodsansd extra good value. 1e Rickard's is the place ta buy Weddinig ,d Rings ai- any other Rin., suitable for lady or child, bougbt direct front the manu- facturera. A 89 ring for $3,. Le The Radiant Home is the favorite stoveý an for heating purpokeý. You should se y$tiiose handaome stoves et Edsali's, They aec au goed as they are biandsoe, Mpynard the Jeweller cau seil yau 'n watche, clecksa nd jewellery cheaper ,ftisu aiày one elae in town, Why ? Becauge id bhe stock was bought at 50a on the 8. in Those lovely etavea ! 18 the rernark every frcquE.ntly mode by ladies pas8flng Edzall's hardware store. The Happy r.Thought range bas no auperier lu the ýg, f rom 10 et. .osity. a eau have Ca a or story books Lu leave inspection dr top early. Re- br )wu Bail block, a -istmas Counocillor Lyle Serenaded. 'l. Hua store i8 Mr. Jýohn Lyle waa serenaîeï hy the u' Sat 0asl Baud at hia new store Satnrday' uight. ,er and father Chairs were provided for ladies sud e nade happy. large number enjoyed the fine music. ta. par dozen. Crowds ef citizena filled the building and variety. thronged the treet outaide. The êh,)p cm $1. waa brilliantly iliumined by electrie light -ture Books. and the immense display ai fine china, A.speudd ~ glass sud other ware, lampa, etc., ini Aes Bafflie(,)x-1 China f-lfl -sad- of-the articles lu the her' Bbls, x-grocery sud provision depsrtment muade Frm $1.50 an attractive appearauce. Mr. Lyle baî U bay in horaesaone of the fuesat shops for a towu lu the &c. Dominion snd ia prepared to do a large [) le up. trade. Dm 25ets , cardÇirsm ea. vuqob~ t- uandCrsmsMa The fluet ta bave displsy ef Christmas mate ready for inspection in Mr. C. M. awker, Towu Hll Buildings. Ue îakes a vety handaome exhibition aif rssed neats tastai ully decorsted. The useeders sud feeders tram rihora he eh- aiued the animais are: Durhaman sd Grrade beifers from Mr. S. Snoriden, jr. Mu. R. J. Matiory, Darlington; Mr. T. Gibson, sud Mr. J as. Brawn, Cim rke; eight we iamba led by himself. Piga Iran Mr. Edriard Carin, Mu. W. Coiriell sud Mu. S. H. Reynolds sud Mi. W. Wight, )on't feu ta ilook in ta ses the exhibition, S. W. S. S. Anniversary- lu the absence oI Mi. 'Thon. Kirby, superintendet, through ilnes, on Sun- east, Mr. James Saunerff, Bible clasa ceacher, pre3ided at the auuiversary ser- vices iu the Methodiat Tabernacle. Au .ntereated audience packed the building. Singinog by the achohaîsrs aveuy haler- eting feature ai the aller nacu. Miss Grigg prepided at the organ. They cer- tainly azquitted theiuselves with great credilta thenselves and their instructor. Miss Neilie Saunders. Misses Irene Rolland sud Netie Spry each gave very nie recitatians. 11ev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A., of Triuity cbuîch, gave the sciiol- airs s pleasaut snd -profitable talk sud 11ev. C. L. Thompeaî a ofOremes ruade e suilable address. Misa Kate Eliiott sang a silo sud the scholars joined very nicety in the chorus. A tea la in pro- gresn thîs (Tueaday) evening as rie go 10 prfas. Fine Holiday Presents. We taire piosurs lu caling aur readers' attention ta Couch, Jobniton & Cryder- m etn'a advertisemient on the tiret pageaio tbis paper. This firm informa us that every yesr they find au increased demaud fou geada suitable fou Christnas presents, sud aureiy there lane reason why seine- thing useful shauld no' be as acceptable and lu s great many cases mare so than that which is ornementalinrerely. To mntsb Iis wânt tbay have bought and are~ now showing a particuisrly fine assoit. muent aI such goods. Oui attention rias called ta a beaubifllUlnsetofemboidered sujd initial sehk haniserchiele rihich riere bougbt cheap sud are beinc sold below the riholesele puices. They siso show a big range of fancy cotton sudliuen hand. kerebts, p'ain su--d hemn-sbitched in att quatities; Aï Neck-lies, Neck.scaife, Ladies' sud Oeufs' Krd Gioves sud bal. ery, Wo>oleîa i a sud Gaiters; Ladies' woolen Jackets with saud riîheut aleevea; dress gooda of ail kindsansd some vory chuice duesa patteres rihich bhey are seli- Iug cff eit cest price. Boys' suitesud over 1catesuad rueu'à over c, als-pecially 1good value. Blau)kets ru ahi sizes; LiaI- eu's Se&lettes lu s-verat quallîles. Fur muffa, collsus, caeps and cops lu ail the moat lashionable fora. Whxle they have soid as usuel a big loI ai Ladlea' Jackets, 1they stili have s gaod choie on baud Psud as thene muet b3 sold they have decided i - t-tlemt ab_ 11ter the noneays. _______________________- POPE-11u orono, Dec. Vthle rire Of W. POPe, of a ison.1 ALLA WAT-A-ÂIPickering. Doc. 11, Mie wife Of1 One of the wonders ,ýoF tn geý The wonder of Bowmarr ill. B ought at 25c, on the dollar ofo'l time urbces for c ýý wik vht POIJLTRY WANTED. Eighest price paid et the Weat End flouse, Bawmanville, for Rough Dreessed Poultry._________ TWENTY, NEW CUTTERS. Say, Beys 1 They are dandies. What are ? Why, tbe uew style cutters at Hlaines' Carniage Worlis, Bowmanvitlle. Wý,e have, no lvsitatiou in saying that they are withaut ixception the finest lot of cutteni ever seen in this town. The new styles tîre very beautiful as well as cemfortable. And the prices are right for the times. Mr. Haines is buruing out twenty for the local trade and they reaI ly mako a very attractive dlisplay. Aoy person who thinks af buying a uew cut- ter should on no account f aittet ses his new styles We were Fihown ene very handsome cutter sold to Dr. A. S. Tiliey. 'XMAS MEAT. Mesrs. Hums & Wright, the People's Butchers, are getting îeady for a grand Christmas display of meats which wili be on exhibition on Wednesay, Thuraday, sud Friday af next week. Among other fine animais they have secured the fam- oua "Lady Seunley,' a thorougtbred Short Haro heifer, bred and fled by Mr. Sarnuti Allia '-Lady Stanley" is a mag- nificent tnimal, and if the weather is favorable, nmiay be "~en an the. street on Tuf aday iiextý She wsa sprize winuer for "fat heifers" at the recent Industrial show et TIoronto, aud weighB 1900 tha. They also have three more heifers, feé and 'ared by Mnr. John Werry, Darling- ton. Fohr LFýieer lambs bred by Mr. John M'ttllf. Also s fine diaptay of Park. CiJl et the shop sud sceo the ex- hibit. ___ L.&DiEs-Ask for llook's Sofala Poliali for fine boots snd slîoeg. Use no other sud you will be tsetisfied! with the resuit. For sale by M. Treleven, D. Davis, Jua. McMurtry, anid T. G. Mason. Manu- factured by A. J. H1cok, Bowmanvilie. I c r c Bargaîns -wiIl be given on ail hoUî- lay. goods --thils --week--as- we are anxious to clear out the whole of our Xmas stock of D)olis, Toys, Chilclren's and other Bo-oks, Plush, Leather and Celluloid goods, Bibles, Purses, Albums, China an.ýd PiotureS, etc., etc. C2, LIANDSURE BEFOIE B1[UYVIN'G W. T. ALLEN. Rickard's at the followinigpics GENTS $55.00 WATCHES fer $00 45.00 Il 15,00 18.06 t suad $2.00) Chain for 7.50 LADIES' 25.00 WATCHES for 813.50 20. D.00 it 8.00

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