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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1893, p. 6

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Word' Toc the Wlves 1s, ufficient."1 For Rendering Pastry Sot<rFriable. Is Better than Lard Iecause It bas nsone of it5 disagree» able and indigestible leatures. Endorsed by leading food arad cookîng experts. A,51 your Grocer for it, Made only by N.K. FAIRBANK &C( Wellington a-id Ann Streecu When yon sêe an Advertisement li DON'T BELIEVE but if you require anvthing in Gro hatLis BLEPIIFS RUN A SAWIM LL. thse carrier and pushes tihe log against thse THE 011RISTMA.S DIN14ER. saw. Bat the iteresting part of thse work A Wonderful Rerd of Tranel Paohy- sawed into the desired boards and timbera, dermas British Burmah. another elephant receives the compietedl materiai, piiing thse alaba on one ide and -7- the more valuable product on the other. The Work or Taklag thse Lez% îrom the_ But two men are required to oversee and RivrP1121, Tem RaR! t p atsuaed in sawing the miii, Staciiir thse Lamnber, and Pire. logs. 4 ýe, Parï,- he oodfortheAntna1 laAit Another detachrnent of the herd la nsed Doue by thnais Ns Ats in carrying the lumber froux the miii to the yards and sheds. For this purpose very The displays of trained animais, broken long trucks with thse iow front and back HIRISTMAS dinner is, for show parposes, can flot offer the slight. wheeis close to eacb other are used. There o ore n ftemi est comparison iu interest to thse trained are elephanta trained for ioading thse sawed of.c'imourtaneet of the s elephant exhibition one sees in thse Ctyof maeiaporonattse tucks hioe ther Moumei, Bitîis urmisThe moat puas thse oaded trucks to the sheds. ufsie ean. nth absorbingiy entertainingfeaturc of the novel tsjubryr r te"iea ree oiyouaiookingforwi7rdto sight is the parsdoxicaily industriai char- phiants that take the iumber front thse ,mstisefrutsno the Chistof acter which thse work of tbese huge Indian trucks andplc it in piles for turtber thmassta sokgtee adie aoilro pachyderma assumes. It hardly seems seasoning. atm msit oprtv ninfcne - possible that thse work of a sawmiil, uually EEa TSAS.Bt it wjll flootemarnativeser It doe o done by isuman banda, could ho accomplish. LPATHSLBti ilno eantee tds e cd tbrongis the medinm of the elephant's As statedl before, there is one detachment take long to strip thse tree sud empty the j trunk and tise elepbant's sagacity ; neyer- of tisis strange army of laborers which does atockînga, and tison tise eager mnd looksa tiseleas it is a fact that the Irawadi Steam- the "lkitchen w6ris" for the hotel de eie- arounci restlessly for somethtng else to au- ship Company uses fome forty to fifty phiant, or whatever the feeding place of ticîpate. And that sometbiî'g it fauds in elephants in tbe operation of its saw mille tisese big fellows may ba called. Some may the dinner. at Moulmein, sud tise teakwood se largeiy be seen carrying isav for the stables, but Lucisily for tbe leas important inembers entering into thse construction of ships la by far the mocit interesting sight is the of thse househoid, thse honseiseeper bas not here made ready for thse handa of tise preparation of the food. This is composed waited sntii then to taise the dinner inte artisan. of grass, brant and molasses, and is mixed cousideration. Upon bier has devolved the A gentlemen iateiy returned fromt a tour in a large vat. While sente arc carring responsiiility, in the nidst of tise whjrl of Sof the East gives an iuîeresting accouais of these diffrent comrponients of this highiy keeping everyoue's secrets and recoliecting the manner in wiicbtise mille are operated. delectable elephasîtine boarding bouse hash, every one's presents, of prepsri'ng a bill of The loge are cisopped in the interior and others are engaged iu miîng it witis pesties fare ibat will do honor to thse day. floated several hundred miles down the wbich they dexteronsiy manipulate with A calom content fuls lber soul as sbte thiuks ________________________________________________________ of the mince pie, the plum pudding, and tise Christmnas fruit cake upon wiich sbe bas expended head and hand work. The feast she has designed wiii be a culinary triumph \ N. that wiii add freas glories to bier faute as a n'housekesýper.d ne toc eariy in the day. Ou that morninig ~ ~ ' ~ ~r-~--~--thse breakfast la flot usnally an early meal, and the entire family have doue more or ~,, ~ (l;':less muncbing of fruit, nuts and candies al '~s~~rr'dinner bour to 2 or 3 o'clock, and thus give -. every onue an opportunity for a littie exer- ~ K?- -~ cite that wili bring up thse appetite to the -- -point requi ite to tise fiili enjoymeut of tbe meal. An evening dinner is bardly to bc --'commended on accouait of the liLtle folk, 19 wio on this day at ieast, sisouid be permit- 41~p ted to dine with their eiders. Make of yonr Chsristmas dinner a ratiser saeyaffair. Serve it in courses and let - yI< the best of everytising adorn the board, The fineat inen, tise choicesis siiver, the like his eprettiest china and glass should be aired on tbf s day, if lever. Fiowers sbould brighten IT -w- the table, boutonuieres and bouquets de ~ ~ orsae sisould be mixefa with isoly, and a ocerin, ~ relrr ~ ~ ___snravo<f ristletne should bing from tbe, Castoria. &ca.storta ta au excellent madicinc for ohil- &ren. Itbothers haye repeatedly told me cf its good cifeot upon their chuidren." DR. G. C. Osec,00 Loweli, MIass. Castoria Ia the best remedy for chitdren Of sihiclIarn acquaintcd. I hot tsedayisa ot far distant whenuotiers wil cousider thsereal intercît of their ciudren, and use Castoria in- rtead of the varios qmick nostrums which ae destroying thisa loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, aoothiag syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, tiserebY SEmdbng' tscm tW prematui'c graves." DR. J. P. KîssNaCHE, Conway, Ar Castor! "castoria ta t owell adapt 1 rccomruend t as uperiort known to mc." 111 So. Oxford St "OUr, phySiCtang in tisE) ment have zpoken hlugh1Y ence in their outside praci and althongh wearo onl1 nmedical supplies what ta products, yet -mi are freea I inerits cf Castorta Lias wo favor upon it." UNIuvTDHOsSPTLà ALim SM ITHs, Pres, The Centaur Company, 77' Murr~ay Stree+, Nz,(wY FOR SALE BY J HIGGI."BOTH-AM & S9\1, BOWM-ANý -t- 'i t- -- '- i t -r-- "-es - - -- - S- 0f Pure Norwegian CodLie 011 and Hypophosphites wiII stop a Cougis, cure a Cold, and chsecks Consumption in its earlier stages as weii as ait forma cf Wastitig Diseases, -crf ---nd B-------- ILfa Alsa ia n mne waber, anoi ner compauy (je-Se~i -~ j.-;-- PREPASIINO DIN-vEP, ebeore the pies and riuddinj8 are brou giss directiug tise woris of tise entire berd of Wisen they bave been liscussed, f ruit plates elepisute. Tisose who have sean tissnove i finger bowls snd fruit knives are brougist Miilais Moulmein in opgration ail agrea in and tise coffee is servcd. giving it tise credit of heing tise greatests___________ exhibition of trainci animais in tise worid and say that Ilagenheck'san d, in fact, al Ts the Sun Shooting at Us other tra!ned animal shows arc simiplyn- where near " in line"' witis t. Tise Mill E very additional proof is obtai ned of tise bauds, or More propsrly speakiug, tise miii aun's influence iu producing usagnetie storms trunka us f this institution, bave neyer yet1 and displays of tise aurora borealis ou tise t "u~ ,-----i.-~c . ~~rh-The e(l iturban Es-whnose enerev Tt'k~~~~ Ct.~~~:? le iiiiit i ait rlie5Ci -.5 j iii ev -. .~i~---- by C5,' îesei-1 I '-" -~ - -r- 1t-ttevn Rut i lt t 97 HIi l- tsest- - -------- *ii-isl--ris~;t- s-e-~~'~'t~ ~~si5p*~i Te r"- ~ ---- -- ---- ~ ~ ~,s-4li, tii-e iii~~ia~rnit-5imiea-Oi 4e-aii~- L -- -'~~~4---i4.-i-e>j.- 4 t - -' - - Wiii be pleased once iii Quantity, twice in a"quality, and three times in Price wlho inspeet the un,,equalled assortmnent of 1 - - - - - ----------- j.-,- c- - -i-S- t. i-r -e - ~; '-'~~:a~e--~ -4 i.- - -~ -s-,, ~ ---- e- - -- - v '- - ~ --j.--- * .-'.- j.----- -- - j.- j.--- y- - a t' -log liear tise endt, and together tisey raise i. It would be vcry intcresting te capture in a horizontal position and place it ou tise sonme of tise solar molecuies tisus isurled at .stacis. ubtte r nobel o m o NTHE' Toube bot sm n- us thtW h arc ubted ut oal fo A minister of a promineut London cisurcis nis sec tisem. It ia juat possible,ihsowe ver, 0Af ter tise loga bave dried sufflciently wiso wa3 about to leave home for a few tisais we possesanme aoidificd pieces of tise Du '~ tiscy are ready for tise miii. Two female days was bddiug gond-bye te his family. sun among tise metenrites tisais adoru our N orw ~ay elle hatairte t-le driy loge frou tise piles When ho aîcam to Bohhy v isetcl iemjctiaus tiscn ivbtheu" ueiver tissus te, a ierd similar su train- little fellow auniis armsansd'said, II Weil, cf isiose arrasîge bodies wici comc plung. inig te tisose tisat woris betweeu tise waiser youug man, 1 warit you to ha a gond boy, ing ont cf space.upan es:{ish arc tise explos- S y ru . ud ties easoniag stacisa, These convey and ho sure te taise gond care of mamma." ions tisais occur su tue sun. tise logs to a tracis over wbicis a amali car Bobhy promised sud tise father departcd,________ Rihin 1 tise luig-healiia virtues ofisie Pine mus to tisemitli. Oly one iog t im leaving iim with a verv large and fulap- reoubhjd witis tia scothing sud cxpetdrnt la ice'i unnt'ie var, -As -Oaua log precWla o f Mbi ew and seigisv rso8-The Wmm f Yz-a -a the -&r e htnaru tî-- r ni'h hesons-!.SO oZ~ I OU H& A O OL S ed for tisa particular part i tise woris, cailed iso say bis prayers, tise young guard- gifï1asn't a penny in lier owa rigbt." I Orsacî Astsa rNDchitsSorlra pusses tise car to tise milI. Arrived aistishe ian expresai himself as flinws: Son-', That's true, but se bas lots cf Crocp and ail THROAT, BRONCHIAI and mit1 o apsc fo iacrt OLr, laeposa aaadricis relatives, wbo are sure iso remember -5sGDSA~.Ostutcuhwil carrier that passes beneatistise bazz-saw. brother Dicis sud ister Alice sud suaislber." ressis otiser remnedies yieid proasptly to tiis Aes sonu as tise log ia thus transfcîred to Mai-y and ail tise littie Joncs boys sud Fatier-" Tiats tise trouble. Tisey wili IPleasant,piny syIup. ,Jtise carrier tise elepliant operating tisa car Bobhy. Buis yeun eed't trouble about visit you by tise dozen, est you onisof bouse PRICZ 250. AND 500. PERf BOTTL. - reisurus for anotiser iog, whiie suotiser linge mamma, forim going te lois afiser ber and home, and outîbve yon botis in tise ;.XY Ih beassi, trained te do tise sswing, op era tesmyseIf."end." -i e s-r' -5 bciow acconspanied bti his wife wilth sa csndle. Tise higisi revesied tise preacuce cf iShie Baw a Lot. a masited man. Mr. Phillips asked whiss l uhadra sI ise was doing tisera, wiseu suddenly tise Wf Sass-ras sI.a s candie was isnociscd out ni Mrs. 1?billips,'q nîgsi, dear ! band, sud Piihis bimacif was strue k dowr- Husband "Msy 1 bear ut " wstis an axe, isaviug bis slçîrll cloec in tw I Yes. I dreasncd I wsin e greas Mr2. Piullipse ws-' is e n sinsilariy Attacircî, estsablishsment wiscre tiscy 7" bus- but, thougis bsdly wouisded, aie mnagcd bauds,. îhere were butS Sda in to crawl upstairs to lier 1baby, iieis glass ca&ses markcd ais fear,.fL pîis was n br be rorn te mn cae tpsud otisers ais a leas figure-tsev were beau- again, axe in bsand, aud nAe otrbwj tics1 Girls were paying ont wlsole forisuneci ais tise poor woman, inflicting terrible iu- and getting tise issndsomest isbanda I i joncs te bier bead aud fàe. jst iaevr5w. lis was wonderful 1" man nis teaisili tiseus. iedemandesi thse "' - - Laing za~w a, fiseys of tise bank sa.fe, wbscis Mrs. Pisillips wisole lot like yenountise remuant coun- said were la ber isusbaud'a trousers' pookes. ter !" However, tise isys couid noit ha fouuild --------- tise man, still masised, maising tise ladies <1Du dn't Miss Harisins look bloomning ls promise uct to raise au slarmi made Off- nigîst?" ssid Cisappie. IlYes. A lttiOtn Alter isieir terrible advcature tise ladies blouîing for a hud-don't, yon tUce -.-" S- searcised tise bouse,snd fouud Misa Kavausi sinuusted EtheL -av-j., _____ J i 's -r, -t' r Infants Ubstitr( etor %ý use ,nd allaYIS ur Curd,, atulency. stoma(ch )ep. case .friend. i -- rg.a teo uire rha h 'o t., looknN Y knowu spasreuarz Boston, Maa VILLE Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcber's prescription foi and Cbldren. It contaÎns neither Opium, Morii other Narcotie substance. It tg a harmless si. for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Ca It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ycarsý Millions oflNlothers. Castoria destroys Wormns feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Soi cures Diarrhoea and Wiud Colic. Casturia teetbing troubles, cures constipation and flo Castoria. assimilates t'ho food, regulates the and bowels, giving healthy andl naturai sici toria is the Childreu'M Panacea-tho lNotherls

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