ho fome~l resricds nours rotaii -. ~ f'Vigoi a ,i.c ior, and ouly checiscd a'ry utar-lu proudriouarn rntisuiy newï rernaincd luiirriant andS I aun ecomnd fiis pic need ut c genusue h-su-ri tisaS îtIstelas'nod tubLe. Esstrop, Tex. AYER N T A 1IO LADIS WEIITBY,0 Sfrictiy dirat-clasa lu a'l and educationai dsi-e fr allishe toccieunrv e-rrfi-ý lverity lasses fisougis b4,3s more anS pare, ut jualor-y Unfvur8lty. Tise literai-y st 1ar9es3 sumb3r of Univre any Ladies' Colege l CinacL.i fiue ertueiocution and cacain are eqnally well sastaiu-db professons. Pisysi-al culai-r sPeciuiist trous Bostons. A anSalkinde ut nu'.dora i have thle upponfoniey ut ft 8rîlats fisat visit Toronto. A Pply fom butorur Ollyr PFRSLiCl Mrs. Doncaster open-d out bia-tFî MJLLJNERY ai slhovi,g an attn play of Bor and ail styles of hc the comitig season. Cail and see for Hats dyed andi ail the latest styles Orders taken fà -DON CORSETS. MRSQ DONI King st. a CUTC GETTa >T TTE SEAT OP TH PILES!I PILES I ITORI SYMtrTOMS-MolSture; ih ,nd atiog:i moat et nig] &orasching. allnwed tlu ors forus, wa %>ofton bl eed becriming vLc Ji sure. Swi MIENT stonS the itching asdI ulceratien, and iu moaf oai Puirors. Af duggisfsi, ni 50 cents. Dr. Susaynu hta. Lyman Sons&C Wholesa]u Agentsi. Tbere'a nu auncese of sürrow Ther's tiesasme tale of wo Wheuigb Mary bas kidlbyro the n.s alhe now warbbea "Daisy i, AGRIOULTURA. tConnecticut, bof (jare of Stockin Wînter. 1111r, i-ites. "For If lsa smuse importent fising ton fermera ars past, my 'eife f0 conîder bow tisey usay bet gef tismoogi i bave used Ayer'a tisis inciemeof sesonu wif bout oss, sud wifb ýr Vgur, and i-e tise least uxpense ton fuuding. Tise Wintcn'e ibute o te thie dai-kr fecding le tise spending ufthfiscSume's viih silo anS I cope, anA if tise fammen ducs nof usake have', urilile lion- soins profit trous it, bis labon sud cane have Is cf on- acuaant- been bast. Ris business, tiserefome, ta f0 s, tcur or a doze n sueutise feeding ni wisateven stock le kepf ayorr gr rtbîrsau oven tise Wsuten, profitable bu some way, if Éthtr g -y-liended, nof dinecfly fiscougi tise Winten, a et ina l oor biki. Wheui the season folluwiug, misen tbuy wiII psy for -d irow oui- br abs wisct thcy bave consumed lu tise Wînten. rried ifs cuior and Te o Autiis, twn thins are necessary; une le use, su-c eplyt- 'IBy f0keep ouly snob stock ce wiii pey ton ebein uac ut Ayer'e flair feudinLy, anA tise ofhis l f0food thisssn r-uutbiuîg els.'" soda a mriner as te geftishe profit frein n 1108, mytfîlianced tiseu. Every furmar soulA know wiicb nenriy babA. anA ot bas stock are wmrtis teediug, anA wbich - -iptihe Pair are lot. Tisose wiîici une fou, olA, or are - îept fkîi- pour lu qualiiy, 5ree, on elauld be, essily1 iuag out kmown, anA as sooa as knouo shoutAPc e v e r y g ot id of. Any cow that will nef yiebd e day . r pound ut btter pur day isnet peying ber ~'~ induced I suy, and should 'b u fonud loto huaI. OlA 7,hunio Luseseep, suhose fleece wiIi malte nuomnre venysuo, i sethatiss fmepounda of wuoi, sould bu made 1 luieryson ut n inbl to niotton, euS ton thnee on four ut them rlos o har, ut nue good ebecp nI a good breerî sioul ie b grewtis, whiid becs kepe. AnA su onuell through tise farn gioscy te fis day. stock,.lise arrangements fer tise feadiug -eparatien to ail lu includu proper ahelten, teedsng tmougha usturun. If is aIl wPlch wu'il ouf waste tise indder, -Antonio Alan-nu, pro-per meehods for cevîug tise manure ; sfficient prepanction ufthtie fodder anA feuid, andamcuple cuppîy ut wcten, ton wafur àsrl ud and la indispensable for tise welfaee o f animale gond cheiten saves feed. Awamm.'y kepe eow will give twice as mîscis milk as une that la exposed f0 stornins - -anAeoid winds. A borse whose stable isl LE CE, kepsi warm, anA whoe bed la kept soit,wl OLLE 3 ork btter sud more pnefitcbly for ifs ONT. owncn tisaun ne wisicis shivers witis muId the iviole nrgit,instuad ot resfissg cousfonfahiy. FeeA Is requirud f0 kecp up tise enimal ils apooiotm3nUt I eet, anA of douase tise masre of this that la i. Provilsion rupe e rated by exposuru f0 colA, tise more fouA '5eu su ad for fia- frcs iluan, Tso0; la îs nuineA te unaku it up. u iefre yý moý orono 1Thenefore tise fnef caneoftear r taiif cueiprie, a the aboulA bucf0enscke thuwelbs a;d rouf fight 'y se mrî1sîca.E anA close, sud tise fluer waien.fipisf, anA de5u1 ý>,artaeents drains suffiqlet toc, ave tise maunue ; ion if Syj tise m-set giîet5e iare is natal unoney profit in feeding, a-e se taugist b; a tise maus re tselî as a sofficient adventage tý uesngymoasius ru3,eunt3. Pupilis to malte if woneis wisibe tf0eed tise stock. scoaria,, tise grece "Wilfuî wecte. makus wofnl wanf." TisI is au adage ni univureal tmutis, anA applic- ution f0 able mn teediug cati c. For tise weste PAL RRP usnally eccurs lu tise Feil or uariy part ut -tise Wintem, anA the weut is fuelt irise end uf t O, mien tise waste canuot bu repiaced. Tisone arc titu suayantf wastiug teed. Onu la f0 gbve focrnuch teeS, or f0 pive if in j, sncb a wcy tisaftishe animaIs foulitl anA erample if undun tout. Anotheril e f0 ire1 iton liffbe, sue hat tbev are balf stamved,and dnt regaimn tiesr condition util su baSe lisc Sunimuer as f0 cost more to recovur,1 anAin tise losa ut use or profit Shan wa saved in tise bsginniug. 1- r bs jstA wse liberality la t'le bet econemy au ail tock of sumusuned ta bah winterer,sen ne tisat is nld iS I w ell îviutenecl is made fanrusure profitablei for tise neXt Sommer and tise extra profit -active dis- wiîi uasiby pay ton theu Winten-'s keeping.l Feed rackessould bu provided thsf wil f prereut wasfu anA SPore aboulA h asoel- cient supply o et tef0f umis1a ample .a3- comusodesiun ton aIl tfe is alsskepir. A large quanfity of long bey anA corn fodder wili bucseossaaily wasted, unlesif la cut m ets up fiaely sud mixeS urthinusuelanA molat- ane ened. Reisce me consider if econnuuy tfo us' fodder euttfer. We bave found a tuA-. ýead-gear fol' dem cuitter cosfiug $30, f0sacre $300 wontis of bey end grain lu une Winfer's tceding ni 1.24 head rit isosesaenA cattle. Tisegriudïng -yourself. ufthfie grain, fu,ls an eeonumy, anAdb inti-s1 case tise saving in une Winten pcid for tiseo re-shaped inll oAder cutter anda egrindinp milI ton tiseE grain. Gnound grain iî botter digested1 S.anA of course, lesnfiti wiîi serve tue.1 )r te LIN sai'ne purpose. To prevnt on s ones anA r or th LON cnws mrous fhrowing sucis fine teed ont r ufthtie tmougis, a few coashars usay bu fixud acmosa the top, giring nunso for tisec ASE,L but preventin, them fron trowing it over L, Bosu-uanviile la ifecdiula isanotiser munssout con- --omy. To teed abnudautiy une day sud tise I n ext day to stint the teedîng, se a wcee Exoeas of ieediug produces Asorden ut tie'se gg&% digestive orgaus ansd tise wisole efthtie food sî YA IS is impenfecfby digesteS. Tise uext feudiug tf ý7then doe very liefWe guud sud tise animai * pes back aud nequirus auneraidasys' fcedsogV - tf0 maku up tise buse. Sieep, uspecieliy, p pine anA wonry wisen tiseir tued le irreguier. 0i Tise same applies to cows in milk, for lnUb I waitîng for tise tued sud for tise mmking r ~EDYFOR iliof feu leasen tise yield on ilik une- ni ZÎ D FC e., tounts. I conclusion, we wili say f0 tise cý ~~ readem ot tisspapen tbattbiougýtilaalways rn 5CV5k%~9necessary ton gond wonk anA tise fermer > RNhaouldAelways busa thoîspitiol man. But t tiuee au b nu tisougliumnnless wlthot sah kuowbedge, sud in tisis muet important ai, maffer ut teeding, tise fariner aboulA under- bE stand haie business anA muke a special sfudy rfit i. Cnt Feed. For Win fer Feuding.-Liuseud usel may le, bu used tf0sanm euxtent wif h lclasses nifdi stock, to gond adrantege. It le more adupt. u uS to Winfen tuuding than fis Summum, sud aboulA alwaya bu ted lu counection wlmh t ;î sumtbiugfluet is vury ligisf snd bulky. b ration, we'aboulA prow sud use neoru -ronts r air ail, ibu ur eeding. Buttilseruly luetsry ne fo tel; kmawledgu f0 say tfisut fsy hare thuirin l- isý opped IlAffen depundunt fuediug velue alsn. ' abhy Peef -A.ob ma-vtUo.u fis thmar.-lmnî BOIb. kets, Suring tise paf seesun, bas sbown tPstfa "baby beef "bas ifs recoguizud place. Ti bocal butchens cru getting Ss bat they A mand if thnongh tise hot weathen, and ps e higher price than thcy will for extralaer anA heavy caresses. Put fisosa two ye olda ta shape ion tisis cali tise corning Sur mer. If yoa intend foelînacticu soiiug ue: acason, us many will do, who ane inter upon miking thisci acres pay tise lange possible profit, yen must nof nuly opens single crop, but-snw lu auci a me non fisaf yeu wiib bave e continuons sucE alun to cut sud fued. Begin now sud mai up yuur liaf, sud select youn Ila northise aud put tise firat lu as soon as Sprnug begi f0 opens np a liffle. Farm Su' .9- If connas been put lu femporany crib put anelesort onia monf uven if befonu fi beevy snows corne. Iu prep-tning wood for fuel rememiser if more eaetly ent green sud mekes quick end betten fines wisen woll seasned. Fnom Septembur fo Mey ila ulongftirn keup stock on dry iod. If la possible sîndenestimatu fisc amount ul food requins durng that time. Tise confueï dry wuatben offere a spiî Aid uppontnnity te those engaged lu puttis lu file. Keep et àf util dune or t weatber stops funther wnrk. Now le tise time tf 61 up around and p bide upon the watm trnugbs sud tanks brcep frntm fmeezing aud tisus save tise e pense nf nepiaoing tise burated with ne unes next Spring. A fewdasyssapeutilufilliug tise fed hi lu fihemr, lu ssioring up iseddiug matuni aud making fhings couvenient about t place wiil save timu cnd uxposure bu dolu cisores wisuu more disagneeablu wuatis arrives. Rani luntise budder and if possible atone under e roof uf anme kînd. Meuy pruier bani as they use if wisich la wcbl enon> provided tise field me haudy f0 tPe teediî place. -By good management il can al lîculud whon tise'ground is soiA on cover( witi s sow, thus avoidiug injuny f0te]i fields. Many fermera are weany ut haubing waf fromt a meigisbur's weil for tîsein stock. T] finme sud money thus uxpunded isas bei great. Enotigi bas alneady heun pald or to more fisan psay for igging sud furnisisii e fimet-obss -ell, sud tise dry weafber st: continues. Whîy not dig one yet? A w( wisich wonld suppi,' an abunîlance ni wat cf tisis time would nover fail bu ordioci yuana, OuriasitieB of seeing. Somne vcrynemrarkable expcnimunts, whi. any une, with a bittie ccnu, uiey repeetf t irnsubfhave nccenfby heen made ou tise pe spective uffects ut culot. If on a soneen black velvef, placed about feu fut-t awc' lange buttera are pasted, aenme bine sud son ruA, fhlbttera will fnot appear- te bu et s eqoal distance troustise eyes. To sou pe sous tise red luttera will sesu necrun the tise bine leftens,wisile fts others tPe contrat effeot snill bu mnanifefed tise bloc lutte appuaring nuanen than tise rd unes. To prove tisscurions effecf bhs yî moaf bu used. WPen une eye as closed fi buffers are al accu at the saute distance. npening tise ofisencys unesac f utluttera bu medieteiy appeere to take a position lu a( rance ni thse etPers. lue expianations offened as thaf a sont stereuscopie effeot la pruduced iu tise ey itsuli, depe'iding on colur. Thisemage ni bbne objet la ahitted by fisc eye toNrard ou aide, and tiiet ut a ned nhject foward fis otisen aide, tise cause ufthtie sisiffing hein tise ecceutriî-ity nf tise pupil of tise eyu. Tise eccenfnicity may bu increased b holding a blacck someen close fo tise uye c as f0 covem onu-balfufthtie pupil. TP affect is beet viuwed by scncening bot. ppilis et tis ame fîme. If ou booking a lse sud mcd bottera on a black backgnoun nlaed feu or tweire feet away, you sesfis red buffers neanen tisen tise bluo nos, soree off onu-hall ufth5e psupil ni uach eyu, ounfis onfadu, and yon will tisen sectise ru, cîrters retire beisend tise binecnus. If yen acrean tise pupils on the aide to vend the nosu yeu wiil sue tise ruA butter adrance apparntly still tontiser ae.-d o tIsc bine luttera. If, on tise other Pend, yen uaturaily oui seu thIe bloc lu clvance, ecruen thiseloer side of your pupils, aud tise rmuAwill cornu oe tise fronit. If bas lamrely besu sisowu by Dm. A. D Waller tisat vry biscutiful effecte cen bi isoducel witls une eye clone when instuaé of buffers, red or bloc rnsarue pasted ou a background of tise oppos;ite colon, Pbaciug red rings ou ble ppr, anA uaing tise riglif eye wifstiste issuer aida of the pupil cavred, tise appeeareocu is fiset ut cincular reA biloka meeting opoen a bine gronrd. To prodnce this Jcdec ini tise higist degueE thu piper abould bu PelA te tise loft, and soptngisutisaidire-ction. Whe.qtise onur de ofthfiscpupihalsnsreneItis- e ml rni onioe cînouaen fenches in tiebloc papený. Tisey Botzt Eaia d. .Duming tise Voluate-r M-imaSvras a' '),)ver apgntiernan froru Lanidais cngaged a 'cal Caba "n fisdrive iir uadrin0 au opru !arriagu te visîr tise rni ibttis troin tise ghesf position ut tise fibeld utaction. Ai ter a lot nofisard moi-k np and dowu tise eep bibi-sida rmis cabby sud Pis borsýe )camr, vuny tmred and wamtel neaf and ru- "Y-yoo did ?" gasped tise old man, tutu- ig whsite. "Pli but l'us theone wiso ought if." "Exaufi,' su," cooiby ntuaervud tue young miu, aki neucroase 1 :&les U.u a8lcu liii tiser whse tur. if was 0Gw. haBE&TS AIIL LIGaTNCIG CALCU- le- 1LATOIIS. '6A 1flihue WhosCan Give Simuslfanoeum ar Attention te EîghsIeea DIfferent Mat on tors. Pandit 2Narayan Martaud Snkratinu,i Kt reporta wbich reacis this counntry bu true, i rit o ne of tise most marvulous ligbtning calcu Slators of the wurld. The exhibitions bue hai a giron lu India prove bîm, lu faut, one c "'tie intellectual procligies of the age. Bauke( a8' by a lot of fustimoniala fromt di8tinguishe( ku peuple the foiiowiuu are anmea of the featý L, bu offurud f0 perfotn : us 1. (Jaloulation ni thu square rout f niti Square of a number of four ternis, 2. Cui roui, uf the cube ufthtree fermis. 3. Fourtl rouf nf the fouirtb power nf two termis. 4 Fiftisroot nf the fiftb power nf two tari ýh .Square of four tenus. 6. Fourtis powei oftwo ferma. 7. Additiou ut squares o lanumbers froi 1to 20. S. Addition of cubeý 58of numbers from 1 f0 2-0. 9. Multipiicatioi er Of any five figures upward and four figurei downward. 10. Multiplication of 2, 49, 99 to 9ý2, 975, or any other suma which bue ahal to gire, by any numbur of une to feu figures d 11. Day and nîon~h of any une of tbe lasl fifty yeara, according f0 the Hindou caler eu dar, buing givun, the eorresponding Englisl Dg date will bu gimen. 12. Date and montis c bui any une of tbe last 209 yuars, according ic Engliab calendar, being given, correspondini uit day nf the week wlll bu giveni. 13. Divialor f0 Of 6 or 8 figures by 3 figures. 14. Any ýx- operation witb integral values of x and y. 'w Ail these problems weru to bu doue wbil( playing at cardsanad holding conversation on varions topica, and wbilu solving severa i05 other curions problerna at tise same timu- ia that sa, lbu was f0 carry on auvumal difféern lie mentbal operaf ions at une and th? samne fimie ng Hure la ftbu accouint of an actual perforai Ler ancu wlslchbtook place at Nagpur. Iu the prusencu nf promnineut witnesaes thse follow. if ng questions were read ont ai once, tbE f0 pandit rnemorizing tbem dnring this ainglE gis ruading. ng 1. l'ind thse square rouf of 1,106,704. 2 ba cuhe rmot of 29,503,629. 3. Fourtis roo i sd 96,059,60l. 4. Fiftrirnouf n 1,419,857. 5. liu Fiud the square nf 1,009. 6. Fiud Chu foort power ni 29. 7. Addition ut square oi or numbers fron 5 f0 14, botis fermas inclusive. 'li 8. Addition ut cubes ut numbera fromn 8 te en 13, botb teraus inclusive. 9. Multip'r 78,- ut 847 b,' 8,803. 10. Multipiy 249,9'39,9J9,975 g hy 100,100,004. Il. Give thse Engiish yuar, ,i moutis and date oorrespondiug fte euighsl ,11 Magba of thse increasing moon of thbu year îO 175'- of Salivaisana. 12. Gbve the wuuk day ry correspondîug fe the lOtb of An2usf, 1832. 13. Dividu 28S,894,545 by 123. 14. Fini tisesimple bnterest ut £576 for 16 years ai 3 par cent. 15. 6x-7y-42 ;7x6y-75. WheLothte ruading of the question paper ch was ovur une uf, the gentlemen present bu- ar g ef play carda witis the pandit, wbllr r-others wou' on conversing witis hlm, asakng ni binm varions questions, including questions y, in aritbrnetic iuvolving addition, anbtrac. ne thon, etc., al nif whicis wure immediateby ,n anawerud by tise pasndit bu the midÈ, of bis r- card pbayîng. The gaie cama fe au end bn n hiall an hour, ftbu randit winnisîg. Hu ther ryduisered consecutivuiy correct answera fe ýra aIl of the questionîs given out savu une- thua gïving simultaneous and succussful es attention te eigbteun ditiereuf mental ho opera'aions. Hu then wound up by idenfi- i ying carda mentally aelectud by tisose prus- n- out.f. d. lu counection with the forugoing, if may ,net ccmu amis f0quota aa atatumensi made of by a isigis caste Brabmin, Pnirnsbatom flac re Telanig, now visitiug in Canada: "' We a Hîindoos," bue said, "bhave mathurnatical en ules>yen western people know uufbing ni ; le aud by these mIles we eau in frorn fivu fo ig ten minutes sobre probeins tisat wnuid faîte your profeasors bahf an bour." Onu sncb )y rude bu gives us buing feond lu a book on oe mathematics wrtten by a Hindueo woumcn. Le In Sir Edwin Arnold's translation ni ýHindou bh iteature wu aiso corne ecross ints as f0 a Lt secret kuowludge nf numberi by muans of A wisr tise mnst profound probiems may bu le doute iuatantaneously. Be tisis as if may, ýn tise Hindoo mathusuatician regarda moat te western achievements lu numbeèrs as tise jd mereat chld's play. Thse Secreit of a Rauntei llou.se S A rather econnus lawsuit is reporfed )ffromn Paris. A. gentleman living in tise Avenue de Neuilly was terribi', anîsoyed e wltisratasluinhslbouse. Tb.'y were barge, Cr revenons, nurnurous and liard to catch. eFinaliylise managud f0 trap onu uf tise pes, and, equspping lirn witb a tiny bell, fasten. ud f0 bts neck witls a bit ni wire, set biiu eagain at liberty. Tise rat, nf course, rau tu find bis companiona, and tbey ail rau as eageriy tu avoid hlm, aud lu a iittle fimu there waa not a rat lcft on tise premises. Nuar by fisare lived a nurvous gentleman, and one nigistlbu was awakened by a curions tinkliîg anund, w hicis came ou fitfuily, aud seunaed te pruceed troîn urery corner ni tise roum. Ru lit a candle, and timuruusly pro. ceeded f0 searcis. Tisane was notbsbng visible, and yet tise mysterinus sonnd was distinctly audible. H-e tried f tiink if wes imagina- tionbut, fa'1în'g, decided it mue-t bu gists. if was dean bis bouse was haunted-and h..nted, ton, by day as welh as by nîgbt. For week ,bucould not sloop, end tise anxiety tobd on bis bealtis. At lasf a gossip. ing servant ietruud tIse trutis, and tise victiro, ins end of laugising at bis oins credulity, lias begun an action agaiust tise men wbo baled tise rut., A Wealthyi Woman. "Papa, didn 't George Wasiington ever reaily and frniy tell a fis?" asked Toimmy. "No," reurrnel pape. Il Ru was alwaya truthi.' IlWeli, say, papa,ý Tominy went un, - le neyer was àa'boy, tiaun, was hot" - GOLD RUSH IN AUSTRALL A.. lqiseries of tise Reacl. 1.Thu Souths Australien- Regiater publisîs a lutter witten by a memnber ni a party wbieh sazrted oveland fnom Adebaldu ta if mise Western Austrabian guldfieids seine *s few mnouthas suce. Tise course takun wer LI frenm Port Augusta ru and stnng tise wesl 1, eJoasf as fam as laraulife B-y, tisencu fi if Fraser Range, Couigardie, and tise South- ýd eru Cross, Yilgamn. Tise evenfa of the djoumny along tis e scl ni tise Greut Ans- 5trulian Bight were merkud aternately by heavy coast ralsa and iitterly cnld nigis uIndeed tise frust e wru an aurore that the< )e biankets in wich tise writer lepf wemrn Ph tise mnrnbng as "astifi as huards." From 1.Ismalite Bay on f0 Fraser Range aud tJool- st gardie, tise travelling waa, uwing Staith ,r favourable seamen, comparatirely easy; but f from tise affer place on to Sou thumu Crnss, 'S tront wisere tise lutter was wriftun, if suas nr tise reverse. Tise oad or tract rua tirongh 's dense foruats, 1wlseru thure la nuthing bus t, rues, and ACRCSS SAND PLAINS twbere littIe ebse existasgave sfunfed herb- a-age, wbicis notiing-no, net uvun a came. ff can eaf." Evry huas on fise plains ns farmed witis thorue, intermixed with Ila b laze ni rainbow eoloumcd fiowers; but cern- g9 els came nef for gorgeonsfllecrs. Tise party In cemnped abousix' miles frurn tise outhern Y Cross, onutise ouby decent patois ni feed for a isuudrud miles, and tise Coolgardie track le ta Yilgarui is descriised as 11wretched. "One n stage fmomn a place cabied Boorabisin se d- s1Iceiîbud wbc-u the carneba anme ou very pona -feud. Tisey started ebt9ou'clock lu tise morn- lt iug, and Ilcmosaed 22 miles uf saud plain, nnly f0 fissd thaf asitisat distasnce thure was -nuteed," It was sundown w lien fhey "got a acrusa, for pack camais oniy do a littll" over 7- f wo anc a haif miles an boum, su wu lst e f hemn lie down until tise moono rose at, e10.30 o). m. It was uselgsa f camp, us tise animais -uouid oniy wandum bu searcis of Zfeed, whilcli, alas, diA nt xiaf." Tbuy, itberet0re, travellerlonu until seven o'ebnck -next morning,and tIson camped on sane saît- a bush on tiese hores ni a saIt bake. '4 We f bd travulbed forfyftive miles froîn Boorais- it, and I weikud by tan tise gruafen part a of tbe way' Men were mut witb ou their way TO TE (OLi)FCELDS h in scores, aud weru using every conceiu'abie ,rmucus ni locomotion. Some got tise feam-. yatens fo carry fisuir swags, wPllutisey walk- -ed a1ong ide tisewagons. Otisers had peck bhorsus, sud cornelad wisat ta caled a t"'ong- wisceler cerf, " Tise weebla "lfixed undemneatis, and lu tise centre ni a frmrnor r- miniature platiorm. Tise gonds and swags -are pbacud un tise latter; four mon, onu at e eacci corner, taku lsold; sud away she gues" gSomes carry thuir sags un tiseir bacîts, but i ths trengeat contrivance 1 saw was tise f n a man wbn was pushing au ordiuamy boum ccask lu fronît ni hlm. Ru bad igced if up i an as f0 esemble a miniature oadmDlier-. ri Ris gonds weru ou tise top, and bue was' lu s sisetta. 1 met hitugning up e sendisill, i aud-poom hoggr!-I did pity hlm." TP et - man 'vas "la forIsiguer, and desenvea a liud- Il ned ouce nlngget -asa cruwacd for hic puais sud e nlemprice." 'Several utier cdvenrîsrous creturus taku tiseir goudas up on wheel- Sanrowa, sud ifta "c-wfuily huavy work navigatingtisat sand." Tienu are bon'ruAs *of IIfools I oeil shum " makiug fîsein way B to Coolgendie, wlsen uven 00W there are )juat ebout twice as many menonu the ground a as tise field will support. ,"'I arnq uite sure 1 that wbeîs tieseummen sets in THRiEes WILL BE MISEIeY, privation, and tarvation," sud if woubd bu iwelb for tise pne.'entto wenn fisuse wbo are i ocking bore toa tay awcay. A gond deai ut tlsteviug bas already beau goiug on, sud revolvers une consoqueutby carried by mcny nt of buse wbo bave anycbing worth pruteot. ing. The lutter concludes iviti tise acenut ni a visit paid to a atortetbthe Southerns Cross ion tise pmspoae uf making pumobasea. "Tisene was c go.adby cnowd in tiese tone, wlîicls included foui- new cisuns ou tisein wey te Coolgardle. Tbey looked biku isank eeka oncounten jumpens. I was as rougis. looking as I coubd well be-dusty, and, 1 am son-yteu aey, very dinty. Consequently I suppose sny appearcuce attracsisd tlselr V oticu. Evenfuali,' une ni tisora spoko to me, and askd tue usuel questions as ta what bock I'd bel, &-. Tbsy wuîe nof diamayed, isowever, but yoe au periapa imagine bow blistened fhio3e poor febbow8' bauds aod feet will ha belonu they have put i0 a monaiscoi tise bumanugsandsansd rocks of Coolgardie." Cenfenniai Roll. -A quart of aited fleuor, looeiy measumod ai ad two heapin'l tua- sposîfula of baking powden, a bttle maIt tisen s su. Mix wiris sweef m ilI, raking a dosîgi js t atiff enougis to rolund eut. liake irmediately ini a quick oren. Use-n shorfcning. Mlsggisss (ecentby murried, sisowing bis apertmertl"Tisis l a wamdrobe wbene my wifo bauge hem clotises, end shis la an- otiser wandrohs where my wafe hanga bier obothea. Bulter-" Wisee do yebang your dioChea t" Yuggis-" Oh, 1 don't bave any nnw," Wheîî Baby was siek, wc gave bier Castornia. WlSoisah,-eda Ciild.1-n, igaef-isr Catuisa The Long and Short" iJ oft is fliat S. fl)ÀVTIa 9n,1 SoNs' Cigars have noequali OnIly the cars fRomain. "Arn1Àong the neany testimonrials khicls I Y see in regard f0 certain me(diines p'erfor- 0 ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc," writes e RENU1Y ]UDSOIN, uf the James Smitls s ~Woolen Wlachinery Co., b Phladelpbia, Pa., l"nous 0 ~impres me more than my own c.as. Tventyycars ago, at tfle age uf 18 yGars, 1 had sweluings corne on my legs, whicli broke and becarne running serez. Ourfamilypliysieîan could do me nu good, aud it was feared fliat tue ,Lones e wvuuld beaffected. At last, t ýrmy good old mnother urged me f0 t ry Ayer's SSarsaparilla. 1 toule t1i're butties, the sures healed, and 1 bave nul heen troubled since. Only the scars reanain, and the melnory Of tise pat, ta remind nme oi 'àe gocti Ayer's Sarsaparilla has duns me. I noW weighi twu hundred and twenty pounds, and arnluthe lestcf hualth. I have beenun the road for the past twelve years, have nutîced .&yer's Sarsaparilla advertised in ail parts Of the United States, and lways taIre pleas.. r ure in tlling what goud it did for me." rFor the cure ut ail diseases uriginaf!nglu Impure bloud the best rmdl A Y E 'S Sasaari a Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, 3Mass, s Cure ers, wiII cureyo)u A Modern Financier. f Business Man-"'See bure, sir ! Yot gave me a check on the Higzhfiy Bank, and 1 find that there is no snoh institution. " Financier (who has been playing iu hard luck)-"'Hoid on to the check rny dear air. It will bu aIl riglit. Tbu bank isu't in operafion yet." "'Sir 1!' "Oh, it's ail right. After 1l get a few thousand of thosu checks out, the boldurs willi find ifto their interuat to club together and help me start the banik." AL' qEN Young, oid or middle aged, who find them selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down -from excess or overwork rusulting lu many of the foll owing sym- ptorns :Mental depression, premature cld agu, loas of vitality, loas of rnernory, bad dreams, dimness of aight, palpitation of the heart, ernissiona, iack of energy, pain in the kidneys, lbuadachea, pimplua on the face and body, itcmnsig or puculiar' sensa- foin about the scrotum, wastiug ut the organs, dizziness, s?scks before thueoyez, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and else- where, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, bass of will power, tenderuesa cf the scalp and spinu, wuak and fiabby muscles, de- sire to sleep, faïlure fa be rested by sisup, constipation, dulîness of huariug, baiq of xuoice, desiru for solitude, uxcitabiliiy of temopsr, Bnn1zen uyes, surrounded witï, LEADEIN C ýily looking skin, . are ail E5 nur'tuus debýilit, t lead to insi.ye. The spriiig or vital force niavi.,g ,sb its tension uvery function n'anes lu consequeuce. Those who through abuse comritted %l gî. rance, rnay bu perrnauently ceured. Sétnd your ad dresg and 10 cents in stamps fo - 1book on diseasea peculiar toesman, sent aealed. Addruss M. V. LUBON, 21 Mac- donnuil Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 36 lyr. Ordored it Rare. Waiter-'" Hure you are, air 1 porter- bouse steak raru-that was your order, 1 believ. " Guest-«'Hum ! It isn't long since iihis beut was killed, la if ?" :: I-"I S'pose net, ir." "No, can't bu very long. 1 see it la stilI warm." IIow to geta"'Sunlight" pictura. Send 25 ý'Sunlight" Soap wrappera (wrapper bFîariug the wrds "Why Dues a Wonsan Leiok 01d Sooner Than a Mats") f i LEVER Betos , Ltd, 43 Scott Se,, Toronto,' and yuu wili receiývo by post w prutty picture, free frein advurtising and webl worfh framing. This la an easy way f0 decoraf e your home. The aoap is the beat lu the market, and it wi1l only cost le. postage f0 send lu tihe wrappera, if you beave the cnda open. Write your addregss arufuily. Bits of Lamin bore. Lamp wlcks should have the cbarred part rnbbud off with a rag kept for tisat purpose. Thuy should vury seldum bucont. They should not be used so long that tise webbing becomes tight and nun-poruus. Lamp3 ahould bue kupt fillud with cil. It la bad for thse wick and borner wben thse nil lof t uver from une eveniog'a reading is made fa do duty a second time. Tise tank sbould bu filled agaîn. About once a montis the wick should be bottle. Sold by abI druggiats throughoui-, the werld. Be sure to aak for "IMRs. WIlstows SoT11INGu SyuRv."22-17 -Yriu nsay be in tise patis of auccose, b eaded tihe wrong waî. ýt 1,1 , une mallo', à ; 1 Il , 1 UL 1 t, 1 '-ý jý Il U t, m y A v [,-j ULLU 1 -- ýt -1-