1Ioe~ q1 ~ ~ 4e< I if~~'~ "s The Parsees, ,viii nt, býuru or buý.ry tieir im-pure, andi fîey will ulot sulfer the1nselvos3 to d~leany f te eemens. heythere. fore exos heir corpees to vtrsa -wetod rvoltngperbaps, fa theimgia on ut onef whiîch commneudeitel oa ý,se who are accquainted therewithi. Auj, ,uer al, one secs uot.hing but the quiet, hterbdprocession fwhife je moýuring jq the Pase)following the ier to "of Silence. At th nrnetbey -it on the dead, aud the: corpse., ,ste of suhcryit wvýihi 1.ay if on t'O be finaly voI7tures lhcrw hould thle swoop, of mùore revolfing s affer, the e depart- wie the .~on the dîdulr.euewhh niiake uip the cytland eîetyas thjis fort-e je eiher ail-per-vadir es nheret àn te moleuestemmelvesi,o the crysitls igured lby Arl2tiCMxporer tud those fudin the nmuntai1ns of the Andes are pr&(ctica1iy ietcl There le scarcly al pos>Siihility of a douýyb t thet tlie force-, whatever it leý ,v ih ideterm.ines the formn of crystals is inherent in the miole- cules oi wicoh the crystailie comnposed.anud, perbaps, rep)res!en.ts the position ot the aoeini the enoleciu, lsthemeeve, The theory of crytalliation bas hben sc, elabor-- ately worw d ed u hat it je secod onlyto those of anathematic and chemistry itself in exctess. Sýacurtejeil tAt the! Crystalline formi of a substonce euknown in other than a lqudoz ia gaseousstate, and e'venrthmat of a Substance entirely uukoown, but woshxitec-j-psibeco e1r- dîte ith accutracy. This ,j e hUhs IDi greateet, test of an ecýitific theory. To moaýt iminde 3it ijia coiplete proof of the Correctness of t1lbs~ ho Crysaihzed ato assmestheforin 'of a hxgoutljprism., ot iro-, chacelbt be- caue i j copelcdto assume that forml- detiwheforme ý wl i1ch thle atonie tbe-i sýelves assume witbi h oeuerrte ilo ne rsrcinioftCer sever ai ranges of m enet through their miutual atatos This je the basis of the pîresenatltbery of the formaton of ctystale, and ht will be seen that given the chiaracter aind numnber of the atome and tGeil arrangement in a moleUlei jepnreclyp ossibe to predict the range of their mnovtnuent lu a mlloleculle a"ud anhencteprle P cbracmterof a cry-stal whýicb1 would, be bou1itïup Ofran moeue.Ifhie neediesto say thatfit je uinoeeea-ry to carry tfli vstgtinofi any comiponnd b.A k o theat rindtatt the fact of aàertimber and ebaracer (2f atome baiving bee-n estab)lshed1 in thie meuesof ally substance, itje possilîe at onlce to predlicate te rnee nt ltbey would assume sud the ryst,-l1iLe form th-e M9moeus would tAe. The' littie crystals which miake up the sio are, therefeirp, 1tle rslatof phjys. ical and cheical2, forcs of the univer!se aud each repres2enti in ifs perfect foren the unaltrabl obaacterf th law of ature, whic-hrenteie tbe shape o hgete goeof the earth and the, tiny fahr &iAkewhichfaou on a coat Aleve on a dark xwintr day. A womn gof te"a sstretar i Torn to ou aI ree( t Satterday cfeno.Se was carrying a sweet-faed bably, Which wae not ThSe car was detained at tSe corner where the voman got on,. md eue e ilted run ner-vouisly i her sa for a moenjsd then- began t tose he lbaby aboutc. eeja truederitinfwhat she dd with thýat Chld Whue hMcr was gong tu yars:l Heid it ulp on one knee fortif scns The !sifted 'ito0the cotherkee Pulledi t Up againet ber aud hggdit twiwe, osditon ber lef, hole and then lifed it to bier right shouler. Held if up to the wîudw and tem foI if up on beruap. ilade a crie ont of ber armesud j uxpp. ed ilt up aud dw six tirees3. Placed i on her 1MU kne. Then puti on besr right knee. Laid it on is stomna-i in ber lp Hugdit ta er osmand pattedi seven tunes. J{eld it 11p flite tram ndw gan thepuleditoverbeletoudr hfd dumping if into ber lap. Tossedititome air a (,aoen timesnad '0aid if ou fit back in ber lap aud toen Sift o lay on if swmfmh. it for Pe nnmite suzhuae ?e5 Baboy, lhuhtechild rigasound. i Aer knee and jogged ber kce "'akitilu ot Os ber, oid- 'aleCAS, sud then buggesd ce times, ,,e window fJor thie ti voen the cnciuor cameé 1 iflunaclumnp on tbe seat anre Sneee<1inc ,, "The Ladies' Jou'rnal » Seud your lmolle3yanl addres e- t is oilicc, Persevereinre n iuing s ,Il gîve relief. co, an cases cfi ueg csîasdng. he"ac-, eCe imosblnrd hIe se,ee SrdyiC"Ili living Fer otte,2c,50,jr$LO Uoi c 11LiT I