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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1894, p. 3

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to iars astni;ei Leei v udAm 1 1 I3arVgr ndume drdsetcr cqait 'S m s edd w owwcr air ba retund ts elr x. ONJAIO AIS CIE IIT ,-ONT.L Mfrs. Doncaster bas jusi anled clont lier Fail Stock of MILLNERYand is jnow showing an atractie4 di; Play of Hats1 Bonnets cail1-1and See for yusl' -,ats dyed and re-shaped in -ail the latest styles. - Or'ders taken foir fla LON DO0 N,,COI'SE'TS. MRS. -DONCASTER, d~~~ Tirat r Lofi Dr. -Shairp gives tise tloigexiraci from Dt.Livingatoues " NaUrtve et an E- . 1,i - - -n tefs Zmei" Aefied te ~e erainýy iiglisinii a natve o, but îee otecarssofattacksh hfgtu 101ar cthiL eteom.ý nboff an ishlu bestf soon ben Ae obvioua tisaitbey wero tnder 'reguierdiscipline, anti eveu areapting te cary Ouf thesekilîfful plans; and îratagem aof sm oeni l ead1er. Our band ntuechka wero htifri ojet of attack. Large Mbof toseIutîe peus 'wore massed lince round tise pinit ta bu a-sàauitd. e coulti hur tIse sharp, abnîli word a omf ettwo on tibre Uimes ne- ~peuibd, thoupis unfili ien wc had not ha- lievetlinlutise vocal power of an ant; tise instant afiter ,-, fcît tise sienming bosi -ovqr sed antid c, «'I don'tmd your refusiïni e cold vie- fuel, m'am" sidti tsetime.wonn anti travetinetiplîgrn i tishe kitclion door, huttooing bis tedt remuat etf a coatunr his chiu"buî wbeu you oel mc a wortisless tramp you do me a cruel- injustÈice. I have a standing olier of $PI, ma'am, from one off ti s haimedical ecubeeslu ibs cont y for msycroîy , must a fstands " Ati dwitis îa stelC-y bew bli e tiaweny, 'hu ,gev-çn 'Hisc stops, ani carnietisi lu suoidcerpeîosty Athie nox i khen. P 1 ï !PILE S bITOHINGPILESý. 'vr'osM il re; i ntensr ichin anti 1jiigii)g; mo8ýat a 7ig orî.e by serai och inDg. If ahioweti tac,-nitiue tom.- ors terne, lîchoffu bbeti andtilcerat.e, beComng 19Vcry acre.SWYN SOINT- METslen. tieiihing ani bbeeding haI -'- innlumoat cases ireýmo ve0t J Attruggiais,* orby mail5 for Dr. Swayue & il, Philadel THaE I HlT C0F W A Y, i Théinsiatue stery says !PHepecswely, and eue thatb is inteded ta ilumtae a charcters à et th Engisbpeople. Ih shows, 1 tbînk, fA wbat length an Englih- Manuwiulgoto gin bis righs wbenan Amnerican woud ay, "Oh, w!baý,th ie us "o--, ~Nvnmd"One of the to lî 1ua oe te-) faitat teEnis poopl bav thi pecliarhabit of fgtn forieir b"t, byletters toth le Time, or by taing he nobersof cabmlan ou oie men, an p'peariingagainisi the in t e mrvning. or by sondming war-ships ie Strang;f" barbors whlere the wno-ae off snme Eogiisb mehants bave been smse.if teeweeeevated ,roads in woold no bag ad wing ffrom a ?,strap on biswayte nd frol, ,the cýity. f1e1o-1 sýee tha', ho was given sa Seat, for which be bad -1paid. The Ar in i o busy an,! too od-aurdte fight forI' is riglits, se( ho couînoeàs ft) stand fo etrStreet to -aRnomj, and te walk over Vunclean stretsi ud ise'es the bafflgren lpark at ile IBTtyfke from bîm ?iand mm1Lýl(CIintoe, t irilroad termnus.fie ill leamirniii e h,thtie reaýson ithe Englishiman bas better re.uaddbte strecîs and bPeo profec- tîs for bis lit e anld properîy is becaose hoe "make a kîck aboutit,"and presandl growlsand is generaliy disageeebi uni lie gets ,vist lbe vwenîs. odnaue flot awy ite n eeie h easy.geýing peseniae very seuihma %f0. ,Eqoelly strung vwitb bIis desipe --to bv righta sin tbe En!glishnim's defrence for t-e igbts off aihera-. 11e sh Iaw, hic mae ose rigbn gooid. was a yoonlgwea in Eu V, 11i iù iapperentsy nia fot strilcelier tbashe&0 wsrude ýurapugtrog a straug!Yer's bosor indeed, thait shie was doinay- ihýingbu a public duty, And the -inter- eSthingpeint QI the stery toe me s that pseaoff off Iý's !a%% 11, aoudave bad ao fulan apprecuiatien"fl hiC" ~t( qu'Iestti bis ightL thlt et b'imp bit bis ips and went to law about 't. There was an-lIrisiman in tbe samne coun. ttry wbo iived in, a smalli cottage ou an Eestafe, and Who WaG in the habit of cnossiuj a ~ ~ ~ I ve'd!tnushdadnoble gentleImn. H 'e bad doue this fon twenfty years, and the i noble genitlen icamre jute aoîn more nmoney and imung two fine mon gies bot weeu the posztï, the Irisi lboertook 'a crowbajýr and '11ke h inges on hich lfbley bng, adtramped oertheinion 1his 1way., ewas puit inei ortss o mosiisat he nd of wlcb ,rn .bewent t ter bus croiwbar ad ore -tie gates down a g aî .. beu hobad been iiijail fivo limes ini six mnbtse poi rudabout tOOk op bis case-s, and the rigbî oýfyay was de. c are ajs usdtise gates camueClown fonoen. The Engishan ilgo father thanis, be v;il! net ouly figbt for bis rigsts bu howil fiht 1or ome otben mian"O righta;, be will go out off bis road to trexvup ibrougis a genDtlenan's prepenuy sÏIýimpY bece-tho epeoplo lu tise neighbor. 110,d are disputing for igbt off way witb l m. 1 beard of iree young bemnstors wisen I wasî111Lond(on wbpweut on awalking tour, and Who laid eut their route enfirely wiitiste purpose lu view off taking lu al ibýeisp"teti rigbts ýof way lu tise couninies tiru h wicb bey pseadwbo cheer- dlly sacrj,,fi(.cd ti'rSemslvesi for the good of othiera 'bY torlciulg terway jute bouses tand acrosa; private grounidsaani by teerîng down The Baui fIih ilgs It îis tliewbolsale dryj-rot ting off h boys grawinig up î l tIisis iad vlae , mney ibrougfisconitact witbibis eve;r-sWllgarmyof loafeýrs ativagabonds1, wblicb ma-kes eue ask, iob a sînking lhuart, what hiope thý5ee l of tiseuw generafioni. We are s;tll raising mlany goodI boys, in spîfe of iiscoutiateieniouot sieady, pure-mrirdeld, amIbitionsj diligent lad's, who are iilot shamidto bu regalar ai mass, anD(l aitisheir stuldies or work, and ai. Lblr beds ln good ime. hisleour cor se that ibose exceptions will net remain lu thoir miat urity foliselp us combat the nation. ail evil. Tbey wili sali off for America or tise Antipodes, weakeuiug sieadily the miniority wicb strivos te btter inatters. Asl thiingi go uow, tibis aiways-sirinkiug m Yiniriy caunot mnucb longe r keep up wiib a deceni show of re8istaoco it musti bc 1over-wbeilmod by weighit of nulmbera. It is a sigifienrt faci that the hrish- maui returueti frone Amienica or Ausiralia is one off fie worsi elemreuts in ibis mis- ciievoos. and dangerous clasa. I suppose ib'is is legical eenugb; if lho hat netbhm! ibe seoeds of nessllmn, fho would biave taken root lu tbe soil of auew cni nent, and remainedti iere. 1 could uamne trom poersonel acquiaotance a dozon amaîl towus and villages wlaere the bome-comifig of a 'single sophisticafed oaffer or ruffian frein foreigu parts bas wrougbt the wboie differeýnce betweu a toierably quiet and well-on)derud comnmuuiiy and a place visihly goiug, witb ioud turbulence anti vicions abandon, siraigbf te ibhetievil. i is a part of tfhe irouy of our fate thaý this reiurued. late îeor-iacreant sbho-uJld ake a wild aud a bsorbiug interest lulclpn iia If lie baslent ebu gooti abroati, ho2bas i 'eleasi acquired a ab3frowd aclualu'tance 'ie tirick1S aid mracbinery of f Oe ascuandti bu knows isow te puthiimself on i li'e Tùwn Couscil of Glaor makeismsitapoor law gad Iani l1a smallen plae, lun thse teetb -offail the sobe-rýe ebeeute off hflzetl te ilieno is a certain igou ani whoy à ie ity aothtie tellow, a kiud off brasa imi- taflon of tise golden resoiprce,%fulîiness lehasa1 ïeeui abroati, whilh mlako him th isentteaI ring-leader oethue bower ateti more timsi, 7 in-i, hY leuib e vote 'off the ju aýirsix, tise prisoner la acqu: t0à Ëed. 4 off cSeveriaiaf tlive biaves t - agai~st ibe court, nl a votit g gainst ihe pnîisýOner l onitei 0 fog5nuîbreatlhe na t s mut 8open.fs 'ebigappar,,atuý s Farse nu, edtsiw is o is open ifs nostra arecleed.\Osuff!ocate a frog h iLs Lnec sary te Pr-Op ja-wase tit iey cane shut. 0W) a year. Wben the quotu la m s lck fis. salony aopandi et corsýe be pliysician,. snictiime, feels almnoat as wecadas hi noble Patient. A raineakr now ïoperat lng <r'- ba is an appa,,ratus cesisting etof capable etfis3Lug 10th1( gt o conuiniing a reservoir off t Ir.le descent it, opens a parachute, w1hiecau it te ilae down slowily. TLe other * irown oiiu a fline spray, aud ifs bc tien offIbeai la said to 1lower tlie temperainr, a abnout hsufiietl t ondnethe apo and produce a liited shower., Wbile making somne exc2avtionïs !leeat a churchiiiletise Puîlniwn off Ange burg, tho wor-mnîa mati, ahoibl ia tîcov ery-a nmali waileti-in acein ,hilîibthe tourid a huiman s!keýleten a b)roei1Cchah0 and tise remasuiiýs off a bbtand la pair c boots. Tise w-lls bore mrs soff flingeî naliacre chus, dibere waa other cevi douce tisai some persen bad beu walledi alive. The Battie Shi") of thseFure Tise battie ship off tie future wili, likeP human conivaco,,ho of gradueil growdl resulfing Pfroni tise zadaptation tf0lber iusc offimprovenments and iaeovenlea lu .man branches off science. Under 'tise crucial tes1 ofwar it maýy 1 h o ffuud fhatmauy mistake: have been matE Ishonuld veuture t, point eut one off !.bese, if woult i Le usý multiplîciiy off deývices wlch -«every brean et physical science bas coutrlbuied ta oýVer crowd or on~ssp.Nt usaitb ey do fia atiaraly erv thirpurpese, but 1I tee' tihat we, as3 saiilors, are growing te rcýly upot t1lcem, and wfli he odlstwien fise rudie sbock off betie bIreaksoaur ebectr'ic winesaa(d disar ragehie delicato rnacinery upon lwisiclh we uew tiepeud iluibo adways.ýtLn lu tise main, however, I veiuure ft tn tisai ibe batlo sablp off ta-day lbas %a so0untl1i( reasoa for ail ber Prinîcipal teaturesý, ani tise type wAill persisi. Tise stabîliiy will continue te be caraffuly protcted b verti- cal armeiir. Many methfie accitienfa, bts lu baff le ant inlu ures ai peace, te whiic great Sîips are hable, will ho diminished by the adoption off liquid fuel. The ma-1in batfery vil bu mounrtet in turre ta fuLirniiis. ing complote protection taetise guns, anti, as fan as possible, to tise nahinery for i.heir maipulation, and for the supply at ammunitian. The aecondary bafiery will ho protecfed lu proportion te is importance, wbiie every guni position, with ifs crew, wiliib,- pnotected againat machine and rapid' gui fine. Tise rne wili nover corne wiseu we sball ceeta (,iemuaud 1bi'iser requiro. monplts lu tise baffle ship. Flortulnately, ali requiromunta are interch-angeable. Armer may ho aubstituied foi guns, guns for fuel, sýo t-hat the sain uone directcný naay at, once be ti inluanotiber. Tise ativent off adsnae armor wildemranti f B-RI.EF AN~D NTERESTIUZG. Womeon of rank go bareharded i sunex~t Mlost worke u nSwitzeHand labour abou eleven hours a dg-,y. 01n1y 9per cet.ofcassof apttO are fatal. Tho catgut in tennis rackets ià niad from the entrailsof sheep. The isl'andl of Malta b. the miist denaelýy populatcd spot on eart. xj'thirdq of tW gold now lW use in th wold was iscovered drigthe last ? t years. Pawnbrkers re flt allowed to take' and spirits ànpawn. The zar's Royal yacht the Polar cost over £,0,0 trig Tbree persons ar creat, Conarin age,eer week at WXoking, Enigland(. Ti tenmillion four burdthoný Bank aofEngland not, es reisued year An oculistsays that scarcelyone lu t ty of wt"h, kessuffers frem )weaýk - The Gree.kýChurcli em--ploys two rinb oher of sîver. The 1longeaýt a~fc ae-ereini worid is theBel aiCna,910 mile's betisLe,363.Each ceai ulearly ' Some of the hea'!lthlea1 ýiobjîdrell l worldare fîsndin thy ScottitiHgha wilere shojes are, seldom1 worï ai a eai age_ thiauteleand thirteen. it -Î. aaîdi!thaf pansy Laves, sra fos.n1 woles wil proteot them f; moths. The Uinitedi States have L-15li-si Ktain-l i n e Adlanie,48 ou Lakes, 18 on the Paciflo. ane ai 1Ohmo FMIsLouisville, Ky. Tu. lag that accmunaes aouti fraeand thai bheretofo)re bs sbee, great iuoisaince, 1bas been discovered f0 c tain valoa"be ferîilis3i]g 1qualifiîes anld Germnfu rs arecusug àt feely. Mr. Reeves, cit is saïi, receivýeýs our for tecach.-'.g a tf.fuikldj &-hool. This is in aditontothe fees receives frýom pupils. in navi, boats wif b au s) ¶

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