sr; Pi'mkifldcfO eat si. e' wakpastun ~froiene !i,5) ~d Sh av~ be , Bt ~b~1t~rTAn ek - ýý-7 -eil Foultry in ERS Wbiie ev erytbhing e seellIs te be ,elliig foi firet-elmsas 3sýog1iment -wh)ich liau bel-, bouglit fr cash , ettly I amn pre- pered te souel t close prices ?and nert saci- fics quality. 'eianand Canaldian il always iii stock. Pleas'e give m-e aea and yen wil ,~ wcoons whekor a ss not. ~.Ç.B. iiict'eRelesFleurkpt JT, VW1L L 1IAMSA rhakepea, and anl' theha7deras a"d ngfor a eo or been Ietsyaud Bets havýin' my hiome, ir, the hIomie at au, oat 1 it te-see-r, azis Wna';T- sort ýc ourageons, a sort of a- îouldoshter been Bty o ould oughterbeoa Jeec; e awaye teid lManday Mywfe lai was fitti' for wone'n ami v lim00 kind 'te do. wAttad he ladpon0 eaka 0' nd that, ke to knew, ha made-fl ie OBeVsy end BetP"SY into Jo. -fHa1up1eBazar -j Times. raieed on the farim rbas far beiow the ry "lot'd up anfle profitable prices. Preb la ne faim produci that bas su( 'ity cf profit as eggs and bu are aiways in demanfi especial lc'bter, a]«t I poultry ralisers wý Study the art cf1 irinig aod preser, in the surmmer meonthe, they w4 [y add fi t thir profits. Thjere a inuny bons that lay pienty of egi aiity i nrse ureaý? aled ev1ry yer-, a d for hriýinnmnxthd gro-w a colt jed o1e3of thu;e w'y-s 1by wýIéch the1 farm caulbe made"topay bte.e uripe3, ape~etc., cae oualyb- macle warm enugh '1)to keep oui f roat[. 'To, doý fo ,cireflIy ani f1ciaiyclose pai c per. vent ilion which îjeOea f te enmtia of a weil kept storaýge o ,For tiepI,,-.r,1 - d!ows. I h olii r-echýIed from to C dcci cao be tr", 'eaýed tîe icamýe way. If ibisexl work s prpori don, th stoes may belc, wAther, But ic ofen happeaLIÊthat at fno soeurne during the wi ter seasonanl uualycolid spelilof wahrmksit re, necosary te uneomie addsi1nmal mnefofrw epngont Ilhe frosi.If thee chimney et S extenide down oito -the celiar put up an i ')M i steüve ao iidriiig the woîetý weatheIýr ko p f upaUiefire, rem!emiberiognoct t1ri.0 i thie tempej"-ratuIretoc high for that twiii inijure e the contente of Cte eliar. Simply keep the im air a. ittie ab-ove freezing poinut. A ver y Bustte Arewiuaetwethi a CIf a st e n praîcticabe the samie recuitsca be obtaioe,nM probably with lje-S rulby jsnga ler' q;ee eer Theee are large lampe wîth ce bro v fi wike which can bLe otained foira duraod semeintimes les.They ; ae sed a on camping excu rsîcne foer cookinýg and areca sermetiinos cidkerosene stoves. On cof f t'hese p icen a coIller aud the wîc-ka- juec t'-t kee-p up the-i require2d teinlptrature wiIl ýeed attention orfiy once or twice aiw day and %will ha2efouod meenot ceective iol, keeping aut froet dtinIng very secure andi FO long continued cd wether. e etnsthlciý i-ia t yen -fitable Lnain of'f pishsec e wel roe ctd r s w , Onuif1 uns suc ou u!gh te wV.arrantiisrgd. yoo try some? Teq. The fetaewexellnt or es, mi0s osan h on econd re alabeforpitty indsof stock,ad we have yen that wilun teni ione grely. capacýýityc'f the farmfo crry If' yen wý,aitteacoiihte e, m':akearaem ts0we Imîtef soale noxtoseauo. lis dngand eariy mtut re towarda h ohrbteariy meîiy mater c'f teprOper. heyugstock. aymlu- ly imposilb nie anmaisareý le they are fcig bone nd rse, oly te p3ul auýnmas as are ýrmingf. eceuse. 'The tîcai l we ,bi an we prodoice. Thre e -tee i ýd bacon ishbpped boe eveîy yea ngs we ought tea makeai helmý ned nae 1, nr net Centhe ,ii thlesc ne-, wblicle do dscribod lby large asta ga ,fel nea Asie ineDr bri67B. C. ,,,ss the Arciloexaae ()asori isDr.Samul Ptebr'sprescription for nfn cthe Nacotc sustace~It s a harmless usttt It s lesau. tsguaaneois th-irty yar'use ny cuesDirr.e cures d olc.-andraa'lee natoiaasimilatesFixe ý3food, regula-tes -the tomach2 ni eigiigheaithy ïand natual sleepcas= orais teCide' aae-h ohrsFrieud. dre. llotershav reeatdlytold 50e cf is D;, G. C,Oec, Ineretetthirchildren, aduse Castria ln- Dia. J. 1, urai, -Castoria, In. A Acmr, M. D', JIIIe. Oxford St., Prockly,7DN. T.1' Weni have spoken ighy cf their exper' enc inthir utedepractîcewthCator1, ard lthîîghwe niy hia aig eur medica suppies wt!0ekr0nownas regular products, yet V-3 are free to confeaS lit the etel cf atoria Las muo, us to IQOL iL u faver iupon i t," UBUTEDHOSITA &1DIBSPYSîwsaY, poston, s. Ar.aaxsC. Smrnfl, 'e Toronto Business andi Shorthand Co FÂLL "t.EPM, SEPT. 4. lREOR(G;ANIZED. ~Ii CREAT ,d and sent t te La;rgk)Zt and i tcer s~çs. ilereOasoctbseen a time tiis s he chekeîs avesudofr lese. realiymeensmore than wmuttO1, ia1; or bee, as a iriuin wîb poprre lu tekes leste- mise a pouud icf Chic mieat tananly of ibe aher Bu, a ail, thle chief thîng le that th>e rpuces neryclasuiform. ,Thero are ,e sons wen p e ine-haif w bat u îcc-aY, andianotber yoaî cfvery por u.The msadneof bbe prins ah attract. \Ve have nover heen quite ablýe te n staod !wby se m emera look opon1 buiesof raising barsissmasforign t gen= a purpase cf the faiu. Tho gîci cfy an«cOP, sudibheeing cf aiey 0 stock they conaider as wboly within i provnceandce be taklinup as a,, hi ctIl,,wî et al..,;tisnss ansice,, ,5SOO i'hat pork iing, eken ~ftor "We land a P five-cent fish with1 "Weseoi fiieu-cntboy eut wt~ $2 gun aam $1 dog te kili birdeý. "We rise doge and buywci "Adabout the Donlly tbing ile ti cautry ttlat ubtere id an overpienductiin leý poliwic and dortica-." ckCi wNvr lot aoy animalgt in peur fLeh. h 1igbh yenado y à r proC)fit 1 ,upn 1it gn.The ouldexpense cf iresýtonîi'lbte goficidunl gotor thn theý profit in an otcfitc dain taking caye npl-ynnt froinebh co- nd meI'ýîneheýrsesY seamn eo the b'dn ncwtsa msae ointa the thoe le yet an ative demand for theas sing if one bas pienby cf yard rouas, wbere the )ther calîle c'Inikcep dean and dry, w'e t pli tieir j e oud plan te turu thone eult fer awiIe bi. uniibelp wnofll ocdkeeepiog 0! ien wll and lhoaîty. co To eau permnanent p Xtrcaeeban - dIon Lan 1 that le enpitvl o- pli u.,et Hg ocatiosare bouterftd C fuio for te-nprary gr'ass rwusas ;îb le diifil tint cult t. Mea eraenFO thora, eue > 31 i cf this arcitel pcliin te: ut, as 10oealyail sein- per scond.By tbrl o r phno me ýna cf the lu- xdiy conua yti bc turne(] oit w-'hen lul tiî he,-,out.fouýr yeare 3l bu wluî ve a n ui unmaDsotr ses- 15~~ ~ ~~ ae rpcenstea ga.-in l- hending -ose-foror-- r9ofi 00 s l.-- Tiiîcipeil-ecoroseseetSEgcvern, juetlas wibt Themauoîs1vefromndiffeientltkindof so,GO0TO TUE =xL, MOU BLUGGASD. bisus2,00refnînes, ther stock. Gocd bieedîný ies at the Je id ufl -erent w,ys, wli be wVidl'y difier- - Bock, elsoatin sud-fundaten cf profit.Tonthere nmu e 1aeut ni qùail.ity.-ie e good plan teavca'e proofs Wlficlcd ÈMI smebfeed and carease wHilconduce te eadly manu-re Pit Se arianzed tuat ail Mau e 'nie HardwMrlMng MUNe -M al = Asos - fiee. matýuity. The ciese cf horses tat the tbrow in tegether and tborounhly mxdnsIs'3tles55IeAn%. makét t etuabhayour -guide ibu fr e bng put eut te the fEl.Aol' lf sb eman eteai ci5 edo, Goed draft boies ma good The sheep farmer wbo pute hie ee-encî,codntieCrhj aaie roafistere cao find hUiyers et anytieIf douce ln the hast breed raîher ihan lu thae bste work brer a.ail probabbitýy, yen wbat te produce a boise thet will be taris, and gees ahead tA prodnce e vaînebie for bispittnceocf eertwoMs tAmiany aius:ful 0on the fanm, ain for geod siz, l uun ecs sdego ec f eî eother animal werks forbisMdiy breed. ie '- O '5 cmbiatin wih such cu"suard"velp--pretuy sure tecorneoumalrigbt, Pollueswhole existence je spen eperpeiýLna ici sing mnt a-s will enebla tihe animlal te baul the and legitive aid are pretisy Pa"oorieg jand romoving larepiles ofe ath by seheor largeci loada oneuthe ro,%stgand pull th-,e for eLfarmner te build hie hopes cil. force cfmusce, luenier te ouansncb 4 am rpereu wt hbbs ftgu ebeeyn oot hi fbst e emcoetnt toin and te replace and rapat r the Yen wili Observe that thie dors net mean orstc ndor i h tm boghu edup tisue ftho mle requurs wteobe exceediugiy heavy iweights. bin adugthe wintî u tlctba nîu btwy eig i etee l evrciu, horses, remaber thae naitas as mah E.a rusei =r,~ o oks Cie a hmeseani ~ c 1, H oe- be plaseone luQunttyt inluQuaizy, .411 lhree Urns ii Picewho ispee th M2,equalled assr trn40En- it .0£' =NpomRberTuns alss Ifý ourà!storc e- ~%~VI L BIGES SORE, BI'3GEST 'VARJET"-Y, BJIGGEST VALUE., A ILEBhave BEES beel pS.e Wel lsle Sa tise Bî t1isis oy d Hu, Caeun sIianWlha Ile abis Tefun ill . lin ao bulletuin e t hie emle.Hae wvas ku1: llýI h ie hLy the-, tbleCapt. Wiie S alu t chare cfeafore tht vwes lupiuàt o e so King Lohengla ,and teMtbls b a Tlhe lesit boartl ci lm ,,was ýon. N'ovebe yi Ly mg arks io ,vnta t. For the future, notre arailways wiii ho trot tug e t the .ticket cA He b5,L m -, i Bootema: are Teachere :otiver u 'r 1