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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1894, p. 10

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- - ~. - -- A r r r t i HEY CAME~! '1fiY SA T-1EY FCONîiQU E RE Di1 -w j Yj"llE-ARS 0F AGON.IZIé'7ING D-'IL'TRE2,S3 MI ýýNWBIGAVETSD To xv n AE DOI-NG ALL T-HE Le {tWelI the Benefit Laýýs t Isnte C url-e 1Perma---nent So 1 sy "PooU , 111o reie'f is olyfor a fe-w cdays." 111X M Î1,H31A FTE 1R ! AN hlNO R ETuRNlel,0F PAIN! F, L. _IGinKkp g~tNo. J39. "I cme t);Ior cam:p aottei~ f Juie, '93 for a pos.'ible relief* fromi the terri'ble suf iegcaae by rheum lim0,1 the pis f îrn Pruf, Baýile:y by applyitig t',1 Kick "'1;OdiOurem Ivdal thain waris P O TISDATJ IIAS ~x IETUNW! il1 bave (<n'y tAken A fw bc) lof ionf he v, a Iwhjch h as improved m, INow7,v onîie stiL,.y, whaiPt d o y ou t hinki of Pa reîiîe f o f o ver PThriee M n,îàt'ils u p to ilow afte, Twelve,,Ye-ars suffering, AVN OLD SEA CPANSGR-iATITUDES Ci~RG Decembéir 8, 1893. F. . iooŽ~, Aen K'kaauMed.. (o ,N.39, S It 1i le over >" tti, ee mntha in 1I tiidto 3yon for treaitm enkt. po,, twr,ýe 1er I ave mi; fer, d w, th rheumiria izua. Yau vcry ktdiily took hold of miyca-ad afLor PrfF. Baie a anidsýo rtentll n h o i e Ier fttms aqttwtrc a tn u Jarn s,lt ga n i gnriheith thaýnku to "aw ota aceo an bs c o lI m b 'k, *to 111y 1fJ i ba s àiiinco thicin'ghý13 it t,-,at edlimi,, For w, c itapiretb>y iiiiiltt .ro e I o l n des73 my8elî, low I amin a new 0 1. Xotr vra t,-f u Y, CAPT. WM. 1VO 3 0 Ye ar s Kasutiffe r er1,Hi s 1r>eA!lief s a 1d fto be onlyv for a day, but. it has lasted for TRESý'TON, O)nt., Dcemhe- 6, 1893. F. L. k t rNs sud2k1dPROF'BAILI 'Y of th 1e Kic'kap o Ci) , No. 39. -- -c E-, "Imgine sinc Jiy 2G, '93a art on fre irn [paiatýr 30 yearsa of portuci v il ahave Imy case exatctly. Fo.- 4îrsbefre July 2G61b, '93 I1c nid aleep ,1 bth Lf aIl-o~ im onao ntof the pa'n i ieny feet woîid swelli a 1 could IVdlyw. li!. I cou]d flot eve ~turovi(vr iin b.'dnhout h 1p Icould fore- teil a etarm ],b,,thepain i y bs Fe f chrg,ýu treattd me wLile ilu ib it. F(,Hevm is apiaio- h ii" 1I was a uew n:u11 o w1 I a. op wel11, can i oer 1 i , bcd, roy f-uýt a e aU righ't ail" wrds feýil me ta txprs a y, graitude, Xu ter thanikfIIVy, .TOHNCRIC G.- Ws Juast us saninactorily cured as the eso, seltcteOd at ranii(l omi Is, onec of the iseases we trelat puhlicly IT W-iLLÏý PAYl -YQ'_U WELL Ifvonu -Ci)eIleýs 0 Clty to e'tm al MI Se us. ADVJC FR 0F HARGE. TEETHF EXTRAOTýED PRIVATELY during the day FREE See our Tstimonials. Write to the- People. V isi ît t he Exhibitions. C HILDRENl 10O Cents. The ExhJ-ibïiein is a guooi oie-but fav b'tter iS the Cures made ila the pr c nue oF hundrefis of pol-n e om .s:'TIif I thouht te m~iciewudhoplm i, IPd try ohe0." It the remedi' s foil to hl)fe a fair trial, your rone is refundldxHow cananythiug1be more fair an"d hral Theý visit Of Kckpos ijimited to Feb. 5, 18904,' 'lWiVt frienda e ,s tuk Mrs,. T. 13 r.h~ dnvatu foinda u Trnt,,. Mr. anud M, Wt -- n. J 7,o1 eî i uhe city"ety Mus Edith BeonsombePort Hope, 3p'. FuanktBatte n aoto, udicousin Un Thc.Mon% i% reton Sind et frir.TLosBet-ari, akcFl'd, aa l ta nrcoAuiy A in-M dia Catt---' TroSnilte TÉ.I V ins. Gour', EBawmanveiic were i tatwn 10t mayh wel a it.Sot Eus uon act a-a a suaai newu! aï a tiîerOin, ir ei~r healt er wsiujg 1ev r. Mrs Si, c il 'ad famiv, aiCara1- le J~ ~ MmbedMt iacAmt og of Hf-aniitol-ib, t, b emý vii tir father Mr. John Watoo tooville. E'q , Pla Ferry.ç D.tratr g Jý! erU t t theL vu, ih on: iatia t injrsHecapeinidc pîp e, sio stn Rmxe h ase sýr dos. -rytm cî1 Matr, n ia y - .iyuf Coar~sI Cai's IC<7\S'-D'i coveredi trf,étor mr( v, r Ftcwcttcete anfr even I slg t t Iýcer.Blly lPtt- i am«. sC arn E1, . -,aud -eware oF iei man chspt~s~ r usand fleýsh eatirg Fsubstihtite in mrkt Se, thatt it i3 mlade byPle.&CKngt. 11 t co k b t " it l fftev I Iloorta h-rt t-o -t-i,--t Ii , 1hil io hb amie 0 mît-lh-ih iirvasgratI lîavo P' u :ac itm;s c Jd l o'ug ,uar.adtI \~1. 1 tii h-îîI a flodmSaI aarIa, rOui r ,~c Žatic ecai aiwh1, c-r)ed ail o *. t-c '-'ra at-ersuoh-r Lkdto a a ul-t- a hdlynIon dtheothr a boti f io", irtpa-f i itî lke te- - r ~- 'e- h l'a t thcy vere subi 'u. o'l eiio -o~~~~~~~ï11 f~ 'il-i t. nurs cae S~ - " - -o- - -- a it LSiti t- hu mtdeadfor a I d effiient0 ao p reliahie f i iy y t. îy are puri ýy vgtbe otrîgno stalerf oykiud. Io 1ds ills uýIldIm I-Y h1,> kcil up iaod a foyer (2e1 oted always Bargains but this year Bargaîns than ever. Look at the following Uîst: 1\1EN'S OVERCOATS, For me ýr Price Prasenit Puoe ,5 o0 .......... 800............00 10.........8 50 120(d............900 o 1 , )130 .. 1...ý10 00 BI&,- SALEM BOYS' OVERCOý-a.TS. $2 50.......20 Il00.......2 3 50...... ...750 5400. ..ýý.........725 5 50 ............45 @ 6 00 .........475 u650.... .. .. .. . 5(0 AlMen-'s ready-m-ade SUITS AT COST (for cash only) for thirty days. RoeFur Coats , lleavy Underwea, Oversho1es, Feit Boots, at sale prices, Boys' Suits at Spoecial IPrices, and qaïn Slei KnifeTi~>UrS e or Lather Sehool Bagre -with each Si over $2.,50. OrdredSuits anld Overcoats at ou)Lr usual satis-. facý,tory prices with special discounts for cash. AO'CL T- OEfor Bargains, BOWMANVIJILE, P4HAPPY N VÎYEAR SLit -wbiat we wish you al, big, littie! ld ard Youing. may tbe year -just dawned Ybe ~happiest and ful!est o-t bcsnsof sny you've had -, et. .And may ave ba able to add to its too b)y serving yon oftener and better than ever before We start out in our inecfrts in that d:rection by placing on(m u the balance of Our winter goodit u great]ly redIucd pi-pices. Wc- think it bettr ta linc a Moti rather thani ca'rry good3s ove r. We ill ment)Iion a fw special ines. LADIsÂTES -Geltqa'- iae perfect fitting. Wearese6 n the balance ocdthese Mantuel at b,-,ec rgly low piCes, you w'ill bea,oniaýhed wbien you sý,ec these 1COats and hecar thec. prices. FLANNEL SREEiNG-r White, single and double fold, FAt esit thlan mianufacturers prices LADIES'and GENTS'UNDLWeA- WVe have quite a stoctat present on hndhchavllNII e at-e lbound tLo dïispoýse (of i o p<swi I do It. Fune.-Genr ' and Ladies' Cap, Ladies' capes,>Clirs M i WVe have hod a largealeMoit be-- goods thjis season but beava 'u number of gwod'arices lelt Par, vili bc sitat a etsciie DRY GOODS & J EWELCY IlOU0 New Tin ShLop. The enýcturagein Àv, ï,vcn taîrt. Jas MVcBrien aýince h., stair ex; luibusiness fô himseif bat m ieP lc , ayf >r bhlm to get nta a peasitivnnocera hupoco "îCa be vacoomoi.eli>,îad ,daaîysd pramptiy. 11(e baS ja jult t the0d Expre,s building juait vced by Mr. hon wbere he has flea tacit af tinwa ef laniternaR, ue., wli e is oigb d s-; very cepthat he la siiue a o large11o bmaieB. r. aoi n1 e mstc r hansd al cîsapsel (ore iilin1i uine wii rceaive p-ami't att.-tjn.Eavcs trou-ghin, aidCIevery ktd i in iwork ii recî e refu! aud pr - li m-lattent1ion. Cail on-hlm. HAPPI'l TOGIRNE- OVER 4155000 NOW IN USE IN GANADA. AND EVE1tY ONE GJYING SOLID cOMEORT ANI) ECONOY. jThe "IIAPPýy TioUCIIT" range is differently constructedI to aniy otheI, ItL bas b(en manuifacturcd for the pa-4 twelve years, and is the sall now in construetion. as at first, It is the onfly rangïe that lias steafd51y gyroWn in- popi-]-arity for sucb a length of time. 1{uindreds of othçr "ne ie-a" f rngsbave corne ani1fîassed, only to be 'r emembered as fau . Tlhe "ap Thouglit" range -will posiýtive1y burn nigit and IaLV, same st sc-feeder. The flues are so constructedI that it ýwill noil Iu ihaa-al six b'sat the saine time with the tire box on]ly hatIf fail of coaI. It la, t-eony range ma y i:h the transparent oven door, throjugh nhich you uan viewv li- td cookiî'g withotnt opeai;g the oven dcor. Shait anid parier atoves, -withi and withciut ovenis, singie glnd TH i "RADiENT HOME" doble heater. have bceanuantd for the peard twenty >-ear Lu ave alway@ beau lnu thèe iad. Sold otly(at ~E DS A. LL'S.. owmnaiviIIeý 0Nothinguý' like the Furs at M. MIvayeyî,s Fur Store, where you eau find the larg- est anrd beas lected stock in the coun- ty, comaposed of JACKEýTS, CAPEs, COLLARS and CAPS of ail dsrpinandc size ,ý,and. he is cde- teriied t slias cheap as the cheap- est focr cshAlso ca large and welI sected stock in Gent' Frnihins, h irt S! Un.Éderwejcar, Tics, -Sraces, io troubl ',0 sllo w goods, so cornle 'l U brung your friendis witl-ý 7ou. Ail klids of' furs altered'and repaired. PRACTICAL FURRIER, BOWMAN-ýVILLE. qewButýýcher Shop. ~2S aON$ shapin pat ofNear,'bick ccpid REI Cod Livzr Oil, viii do morev liuildina- au the large aie filled wýith t<ha beat oîi by Mr, W.l. abrm nsd invites B a ny vemiuisiana uow lu <the uraîk the,,,u , ,hic n,- ronae r Gt-t- i a',SKREI costa no lneore amîd does three timeý CftS S i LiS JJfLL~1aLfl 'Iiiu~ .zi.~ia n lU tLL 1U r~uit~iit~ uistr t -_______I)a_ ____v__3_u___-ea_____________________________________________________a they !eave. ArCacîae by. I o od & Ca., Apoihecat-es,.............. ' %1 1- ýiUIL* ,Ut* l LowlIMas, Iîie 2 caetspetbo. buly filta )try nuy Lehoiee fanmilytteas. W. H. -il rugist orseu is mal o reeprie ()O'oorn p Mýinsrdý'sLnmetCilles Coid, tc K. CAMPB3ELL &z CO., irlocntreal. g-creater ..................... IMOEÈWI v- p'-ý ý' UR 8 FURSI Il -- iý - -'- e - ý -. -a ir Ir" v 1 -CD CD - -

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