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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1894, p. 1

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i ~ et TERMB :-81.60 PER Âxum. OUR TOWN A2ND OOUNTY FIRST: THIE WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. A JÀMXS Itt.rrnss rie.,, t-. .NEw Suuizo, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTÂ'RIO, WEDNESDÂY, JANUJARY 10, 1894. VOLUME XL. NUMI31I~ 2 "Du willseli anything in Ladies Manties at and under anci, quite a number at EXAOTLY also the, balance of their FUTRS will be sold at reduo- &Sprioes. C and secure some of these Bargâins while there is, a gooci chance. COUOHI JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAN, BOWMANVILLE. KEEP YOUR EYE OPEN SA I '2ý XJ OIT WILL find the place for it when yott s3e our FALL and -I.. WII~ERdisplay of quality and elegence. Our seasonable stock acsnot4iyg but buyers. They wiIl corne. Thcy will be satisfied. Thywil b~ at tha fairest prices ever made fer sucli qualities. Vis- Htors are noi, atked1 to believe but are showri goods te cenvince tbem that w-e are ieading, the ti-ade in BOOTS and SUJOES, RUBBERS, 0OVERSUOEVS, SLIPPERS, etc. 1if yon aisis bteo sec tise lateat rioveltias andI newesb ide as for ties eason corne antI ~ se ns.If yen wi8h tu ec tise very beaýt iu Sandard Styles antI reliable makes couc a tius. If you waut value for your moncy coma andI sec us. Truth ýrana our gouls "-oist Qnality. ' Fsshion pnononnces theni "Correct Styles." cooyrecommenda our "Lo)w Price ' If yen want to eujoy theo full purchasing gowcr o! vont dollar apend il with 30UNSAILU8 MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK85 iEztabuiu'hed 1857.) Finished Granitpr Monuments in stock frein $125 te $500. HANDbo.ME DESIGNO AND BEST MATEIALS. RED PETERHEAD ND GRAY RU lsISLAW SCOTCHý 'ROSE, RED> AND PURPLE SWEDE ......... ...... Av1Tu BLUE PEARL AND EIERALD PEARL..,,.... ___ F*:NISRED HARBLE MONUMUENTS in stock frein $45' te $200. IN~17 AI.L THE BEST KINDS OF MARBLE AND LATEST DESIGNS. oej re placiug, yiun ordu3r, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, nid ;SEE WHIAT YOUT ARE BUYING. 7-lyE. R. BOTJNSALL, Proprietor. _FOR SALE, OR RENT.-Hlea sd 8 e. i~acr, -,si or to rent. altuate on --~g- >~ 1 iL1m. Tise preinisea om5r.u of Plc îin Ganijac- gdh. ù. evcry cons-e'rtene-, dnts-rng * n uOur~d hc, tbe, l lTa garden conta a lot of " ar ion, Shrtd rýie cisoscea frotS eof ali vanieti-. imtnadia'e * _________s t teCn ;peeaýn can e givF'dFFor OihiiYrara auply une Tornt, an-0nmfr. nt. îo.FaniictBwmnjlit On t On. an Steg, rdorc ________________ On U"qluestionably Canada's Greateit Cern. Miuan'aLiimenCnrcGuerr'tlu cwa. !ien tisis paper. Shaw & Elliot, Princiae XVhat causes PIniPles? of tlirg e p ores or months of thse seta- ccc,'ssmodewjj seburm or oily rater. 'The plog of îeburn in thse centre of the rimric lcalIccl a blachiseadl, gruis, or comedone. ,' viil t allow tise clogging of thse pore's to Continue long, hence, Ini:annnation, pain, .awelling and redness, latcr pris or niatter forms, isrcak-a or ta, tise Plug conica eut and thse pore la once mnoro frce. notsee arc thousands of tlsese pores in flic face alone, any onfl 0f isch islilable te hecom~e clogged by negecet or cii case. What Cures Pimples? nie enly reliable prever.tla-e and cure, wbcu nlotL due to a constitutionLl ihumer, ta Cuticura Soap. P, contains a Inild proportion 0f CCTICEUR&, thse great Skmn Cure, whîch enables it to diisoivo tile sebaceous or oily miatter as it fomlis aIt tb niouths of thle porcs. It stiionlates Lhis shurgisli glands and teoI)se hcolthy acet-lVity, redues tfmntosoibs ami heals irritnted and rouglieed surfaccs a.nd resLorr.s tlise t0 ita original purity. ILL5ie t: tht secret of its wos'dectul success. For bad cornl edxons, zed, rouagis ha.ds and shapeless nails, dry, tisin ansd falling liair, scaiy and isritated scalps and implte~ baby bleuishus Itla tawouderrul. It is prc'ers tng, puirifyiug and be.autif-yýing to a degrec hitherto uiuknowvn among reimedies for fhec 5km and comIplexion. Sale greter th.= the comiblnied sales ef aIl other alun and complexian soaps. Sold ilirougisout the woM 1'OTTEI R DUe.à-NC x.Coite., Sole Pro- prîetors, Boston. Women ful of pZ*IrS, ce and Weaknesse5 find coinfo,, strength anrd renewed vitality in Cuticura Plaster, tis first and Oniy pain-kiliirg, nerve-s3trengtehening plaster wlsei all !5 fails. Creditors' Notice. In thse malter of thse Estate of William Cryderrmcss, laie of the town of Bowmcus- vbIe, in i tiseCounty qf Di&-hcrn, retired l'reDeccsed. Notice la hereby gis-en pursant te Chapte r 110 R. S. f0. 1887. that &il pers'sns has-lng elalmq againat the estate ef WM. CR1DEPM-AN, late of thse town of Bowmans-ille, ;n tise Connty of Durhami, retired Pamer, deceaaed, 'who dîed on or about thse 8 h day et Dec , 1893. are reqnested te delis-er or aend lii post pre- veld on or before the tent h day cf February, 1801, te thee nnderBigned Solicitor, a statenit in wrlttnx coatalning fuîl part:cutars oft dilr 0"a-"s"ne of the nature of theaecnrties(ittany) Msed by them against thse astate cf tiso sald daceatted. And notice la hereby further gis-en tlat after thse maid tenth dri7 et February 1891, the Exeenters ef thse isat will nl -5tan t of thse said dec' ased will prwcscd 10 dtatrshite thse assets r'the aaid estate thereof among the partie,,, r îî'erArto has-iis regard only te eueli c'a. 'l they sh!tI haver notice of as above r,,i . and theisaid ee.cctors will lot hoe liable rar the aesets or a'sy pirt thereof .o distri5,uted, to.any ptrnson or pereons et whiose la 'is lhe sissl not have recels-cd notice at thse tinte of sncb (litribution. LUCY CRYDREMAN, , MICHAEL. CRYOERWVAN, D). BURK~E SIMPSON, Executors, 2oicitor for Executors, Bowmamville. Bowmans-j:le, Jan, 9, 13MA 2-4 - Something for thé LADIES. Mrs. DANCASTER will sAnT her entire stock of WINTER GOODS at and below eobt. Feit ilats at 25 ets. I have aise a large assoitment eof Wings and Birds which I -itill seli for haif the cost price Ail tî-im- med goods sold at greait reduetion for the rernainder of the sqeà-sen. Ilats dyed and re-shape-l in thd latest styles. Agent for Robinson Corset Cjo., whiobh neyer fails te give satisfae- - u. A cadi solicitcd. No trouble fidRS. DUN'rCÂSTER, BOWMANVILLE. F ARM FOR SALE. -A firat clasatarr of 125 acres or 115 àacres sitnrated tla thse township of Erat Whitby lot con, iots 15 and 16 on the Base Unce, about Il miles from Osha. wa station, 2 miles tuons Whltby ansd 0 rode from tis cool bouse. LarRearoomy buildingq, main haro95x36 ft. plentY of fruit, soiuclii> loam, altogether on' of tisebest grain farmoý on theLake Shore. Nî bihfttaor tones. About 101 acres3 of wrood. 75 soi i 3i patoo aod fresls eeeded. Terms oasy. Flat p'ewing dune. For furtiser Varzilc!rs a9,uly te A. ANNis a. 37-tf. New Butcher Shop. Mr. Sidt r FoLter lias opened a butcher shopilua part o!Neails' block occupied by Mr. W. Il. Osborne andI invitesaa share of public patronage. Give Uia Boys, if yeu want a flics ne, suit and a present Ires call nt mason'e clotblng Store, -"Pe advt. 80LINA. Mr". Edward Pascos andI Mrs. John VanýNýe, or., are sick...The Division had a j ý IY good time oun Frlday niglit fast. AsL the resuit of tise lait content off'ee, ckeandI candy asetc provided.. Mi.ssElith Rundie has goïse te reside with her sistuir, Mrs. Penfo-und, sîcar Eh. ence,'.and Mrs, C. Rundle wiil nuw per- manenH.,y locate iere. ... . Mr. GeorRe Cowie lias igrne to be foreixau for Mr. B, F. Werry, Su. ýv2Àde Farn near Kedron .... Recent viai,. ts: Mýsi Aggie Hogarth, Ti'sossýburg; Mr 'S. P. Go.,rd, i3owmau- ville:,Mies DelI. Wferry, Kedron. Two en age my linsb&nd suffored froni ses-ere idgcirbut aactrmlctely cured bry two bottles of Burdock Blootd Bitter,-- 1 eau trniy recommend it to ail sufferers from th*s diseasie. Mn. John HuYrd. -13 Cross St., Toronto. C70UJflICZ. Mr. T. F. Wright lias, entered oa his third year ait Mt. Cars8well with a f ull echool . . .Mr. E. Hawkey, 6f Tyrone, begins in S. S. No. 4 with an unnsualiy large attendance.... Mr. il Gaiy is pro- paring plans for a uew resideuca for Mr. S. Eva-so-n. .,Mr, Harry Phair ani'd 11iz Lucy S.slter were nisrried iu the S. A. Barraeks aPt Courtice lasit seek, 11ev. L. Phe!pa 'fi îIcialed, .. . Mr. S. J. Courîlca sa attuening Osvwa igli Sohool... Mt. CarsweIl Divisioýn joinied Solina lu Attend ing lise f uneral of blie lato AMra. J. W. Brooks, U, was a veýry large proces4ion Ns ficers for Mb. Cîrswell Divis. inare:-W P, Gso Moriow; W A, C Reynolds;: R S,A Gay; AR S,E Oborne; F s, B3 Gay; Treas, M Morrow; Chap, A Moïrow; Con, S Trick; A C, S Gibson; 18 X, Morrow; 0OS, T Eversun; P W P, A J couitice. HOO,'S -&NDS ONLY iooD'.-llood'a Sarsaparilla is carefnlly prepared from Saraaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake,Dock, Pipaissewa, Juniper bernies and other well known rernedies, by a peculiar con- bination, proportion and procesa, giving te Hood'a Sarsaparilla curative powers net possîeàsed by other medicines. It efi'ects remankabIe cures when other pro- parati,,uns faiX. Hood'a Pla cure bilieus- us$. Mn. VW. 'u4ey'ohersa, feil on thse ice anI oke the shafts of his cart, . W. wctcI-,me Mr. andI Mnrs. ioli Sno- doeon t initIai.... àMr. John and 'Miss Bertie Mua have beeu. visitlng fniends, in Cbha. ..Miss Lizzie Snowden in vislting fria)ndis in Pickering... . Holiday visiterz: Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cestes and son, Braintford; Mn. H. W. Foley and and MIse Annie Crumb, Torontr,; Mr. T. J. Sheridau, Oshawa; Mr. a-11d Mrs. Wns. .Teffery, Cart wright; Mr. and Mroi. F. Flintoif,, Taunton .. . .Division omeiera for the curtrent quarter are: W. P.-R. Stavens; W. A.-W. Gay; Chisp.-J. Stevenzu F. 5.-M. Mnday; Treas. -J. D, Sitesens; B. S.-A. W. Foley; A. R. 8.-Miras L. Banker; Con.-T. M. Kirk- patrick-; A..-J, Gay; I. S -Miss E. Power; o. S.-W. G. Frauk; P. W. P.- T. Puwrýa r. AN, IPORTANT SCIENTITic DISCivERY. Nerviline, the latcst discovered pain remedy, maay safcly challenge the world for a -_IDEtitute that will as a pecdily antI proMpjtiy chcck inflammatoty action. The highly penetnating propenties cf Nets-iha 'siake lb neyer failing in al cases -f rheumatism, neuralgis, crampe, pairs in the back antI aide, head ache, Inn> bago, etc .-4t poseessea marked stimulat- iug auJ couneer irritant properties, and ait pajce a ubdues ail inflammatory suition. Ormand & Walsh, diruggists, Peterbore', write: "Onrt cuatomera apeak weil of Nenvijir e,." Large btttles 25 cents. Try Nerviltue,thc great internai snd exterual pain cure,.bSold by all drnggists aud ..euntrî dealers. MisM. Weltich, Oshawa, is home.... Mr. Hcunry fHooper aucceasfully passed bisý exama at Ottawa Normal School. Shake.. Mr. F. G. Byam's l,'ittieso George wms bitte> by Mr. Jos. Uawkcy's dogon rlday fast, suflicting quite a gash on ha furcead. Mr. Hawgey promptly hnng is do. . . Mlssionary sermons will be pece here next Sabbith by Ras-, C. %V. Wt Oshawva. . .. Messrs. J. H EllioU aud C. E. Browsn andI Miss Brown visiteci aithe ['arsonage, Tynone, fast week. New officao S. uf T. W. P., J. Binghtou, W.A , J. Penfound; R. S., W. Binghamn; A R1 S , Miss C. Gardiner; F. S., , 7 dP/MWerry; Tiîcas., J. T. Wai; Chap.,M i s L. Penfound; Con.,A. Camp. bell; A. Con., Mies Jus. P"nrfolud; .S, E. lie O.S., vHia i. Emnires, n' P.W.VP., M. Werny. FARMERS' INSTITUTE, Meetings iu behaîf of the Farmers'Ilu stitute will bce heltI as fol1ows: Friday, Jau. l2th, 1894, ln the Coun- cil Chamber, Bowmanvillcu, ab 1.30 p.m., when addresses will hae delivered by Mr. G. C. Caston of Simrcoc Co., on, Besi Kind o! Applea to Grow for Expont andI Hloime Market; Mr. J. C. Sneil of EdI- mouton, on Parus Stock; Mr. Henry AnkelI o! Tecswater, aubjeet: The Man- age.ment ef the Ewc and Lamb; antI H. L. Beckett. B.S.A., Ontario Agicultura] Coleage, subjeot: Pc, ding andI Manage- ment o! Dairy Cow--Sortie o! the Most Important Points in Homie Daîrying. Discussion tu follow each aubject. Thse evcuiug meeting begins at 7.30 o'. cluuck to lic addresacd hy Mn. G.C.Caston o! Sinicoe Co., sulijeot: Fruit Culture; Mr. Henry Arkell, Practîcal Hints on Farming; antI Prof. Beckett, suliject: Give thse boys a chance, In Orono, Saturday Jan. 13, meeting in Town Hall aI 1.30, addressed hy Mn. G. C. Caston on Fruit Culture; Mn. J. C. Snel c Stock R4sing for Pro- fit; Mr. Henry Ankeli, on Winter Caro andI Managemenct o! thse Flock, antI Careo! the Breeding Sow; and Prof. Beckett ou Some o! the Most Important Points lu Home Dairying. The cvcuing meeting hiegia at 7.30 o'- dlock. Mr. G. C. Caston will speak on Careo! the Orchard; Mr. J. C. Snell on Canadian Stock at World's Fait; andI Prof. Beckett on Gi-e te Boys ou tise Farm a Chance. At Blackstoek bMondî>, .Jans l5th, 1894 at 1.30, Mn,.IHenry Arklli will dis- cuas Sheep Raising andI Cane o! thse Breed- inga Sow: andI Mr. G. C. Caston, os' Fruit Culture. J. M. Jo".EïSS, H. C. IOR Preaideut. Secretary. Bowmianville, Jau, 2, 1894. PATRONS JUBILA.TE. Su&w's Sciloor. HOIYsE, Jiun. 6.-The Patrons of Irsdustry had a profitab!e aud pleasant publia meeting wit lut. restiog litenary program f.llrrwed by Ysefueýsi- meula last nigist. Thiseouse wasa pck. tI. d Representativî's wenc isere f rein C;)o rtic,,, Bowma'nvils-, Sai -us, Newcaràtle, Kirhy aud eisewhere, Mn. C truelles Oîborr fî1-I b bc char ery ably, antI i0 a short, pîtby speech * said the ohj",it o! tht Aacmvihtion fila Lot foi' ita marnbe3c n gtesuve a few cents by ---buvin2in bhQe ciuy ,'orfro-ni 3ort e spicial store near isy, bjt nrtben to diseusae-the best modes o!f frmîng, the mosit profitable crops te taise sud te use ail means in 0cr power te secura Iegis'a. tien iu favor of tisermasses, that thia country as a wboie îoayblecome mi)re protpereasg. Instrumental mmcm wta given by âtre. Jom. White aud Mn. W H. Eloar. Mn. L;tdîe, Kirby, recit, t "Catching the Girl 1 Love.,' Mirs Amalia Oebsrue sud Mn. W. J. BnaLg gave an Instr-umenîtal duet. Mr. W. F. Allen, ex Mayor of Bowniaau ville madIe a gersuine farmner speech. Fie fait a deep tuterestin l the weifarc of farinera, having t-peut ouais cf bis life ou thefanni. Ha agneed ailitheplauka inihe Patrons' platform opposing aid te rail- ways andI favoring a reduou of this tarif, Bj nequcsato! tiseclainman lie vety înteliigenUty aud fonc-fully tI:scnsscd bbc questi 'n o! tise separa 1i)0 o! tise Unit- edI Counties sud slsowed to the satiisfacti- ou of his hearens by statiatics antI cati. mates that Durhiam ceunty wouid ha benafitted financially by separatior. Ha rrngiy favored the eleetit n of more fanmera to bobli Parliameuts. Hia speech was Weil reesived. Mies Tisenuton o! Kinhy sang %wcctly '«Only a Pîcture of Ber Boy," aud Miess B. Thoruton reelt-3d "A WarninLa. " Mrs. Jos. Wisite and siaten gave more musie, Mr. Thos. H. Po wcr, connty erganizer, matIe a witby antI snsible speechs. Ha ccnderinnd combines faor exactiug ab- norn-rd profita froua consumera antI noteci bbc cîuîî inens of unidentakers antI millers -'Sexusd tise anormous profits lu their busine .He concluded by unginig uniteo1 act.ion hi'farnigesan4 ochers te bringl about much needed reforma aud te te- tIreea tise wroeugs imposed by thse tariff on tise farnrE. Mn. Tomu. Henry created reara cof laugistan in bis recilai o! a hum- erons aelec *tou'Gettîng Yonn Hait Cnt." Messrs. Frank C. Pothtck sud Conison Jeffery gave a gui-ar and tmunil organ duet with fine effeet, foliowcd hy a aong by Mn, C. J. Thonuton, Anobisen rattl- ing flue speech, concise, logical and practical was gis-en hy Mr.,Wim. Rickard, c al marchant, Nlewcastsle. He very truthfdlly accredited tise preseut scarcity o! mousay amnug feàrieri tso tise Iow pricca o! alilkinula of grain. hec! aud other pro. docc of tise fartis. lu h:.s very cloquent and enthusiastie adidreEas bc atroluglyl counsclied urtited au tion farmeral to doniand irugialation iu fas-or (,f bi Both the incthodl and resuits whew. Syrup of Figs is taken; pleasanb and refreshing to the taste, and acta getyytproxnptly on the Kidneyg,4 Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tein effectually, dispeis colds, head.' aches and levers and cures habituai constipation. Sý'rup of Figs is the only remedy cf its kind ever prou dIuced, pleasing te the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach,,prompt iý ïts action and truly benefiejal in it5 efl'ects, prepared only from the most ]sealthy and agreeable substances, ita many excellent qualities commend it to ail and Lave made it the most popular remcdy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in '150 botties by ail leading druggistg. Any reliable druggist who rnay not, have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishetiï to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CIr, SA f rimliC m-Oi LlJSVTLKy. qz-r YrntK. 'g t 4r ~< ~isjce c '-i 't <refreah runts toaial, sunob as sandwiches, varions kinds of cakes, coffée, etc. Ail 1agree that the Patrons sxnderàtand how to get up and carry to a euccessful issue a i- first-class literary ani social entertain. 1ment. it1Provile yoursE3lf with a b tùle, f Ayst'a d Cherry Pectoral, and so have the means [_1at band for contending succet of cliv with ya sudden cA~d. As an emergencv to'c ine it aa-. no equal, and Icadin, plyiýïil5 Jevtrywhere recommend it. t BA YDUN. IMr. J. A. Hobbs la ont new te icher.. * .Vi8itorâ, Dr. BincmeMron, Mr. John N. Kiveil and family, Bowman« ville; Miss Ettie Washington and Mrs. Oonley; Mr. Garnet Trowin,Bowmanville, aet Mr. John SIemot's; Mise Brimacombe. Bowmaniville, at Mrs. Thos. Ashton's... ..Mr. J. Mountjoy returned to Toroïito on MonDdby. . .. Mr R. Snell, our former teacher, lias moved to Marmora. .. . Mr. Wm CoivÀî t li as moyed to the bouse formerly occupit-d by Mr Snell. r1HANESOME FIlATURES.--SoMetýU .3 Un- sightly biolches,pîiasples or sa'Iow oiaque skin, dectr r~s the a tractiverîezs q(f band- sùmi fo ur o,' In ail auch caas Scott's EMULîlï wili bniid up the system and impet rt shnles and beanty. Minci Reynolds of Oohawa has hein vie iting et M-. R.Ryod' .M. Wm. 4Reeson has moved naar BrooikIa... The 1brass band la making rapid p)rogresa un- der its prî scnt leader, Mr J. !flribut.. t.Mr. C. Mackay (À Rinale started teaching- in our academy m ih a large at- toLdllce. ... Two initiatioi;s in Division last week and more te foitew shortly. .._ An exForiere,-d chetse. aiak"r f om fla8t- ings andI ore accu8tomced'eo fact.ry-build.- ing lias agreed to build a factory he3re if the farinera wll cotrat t.) furn sha milk of two hundred cows. Mr Johni toi 0Nîddery hli3s offored a fre siai . 9 Are free from ail crude anid irti niatter. Concentrated medicine ýny. Carter's Little Liver Pisla.NVery rf' very eaiy te take; no pait, ;w ne pug no pinrjtnz. Tîy theiu. SNLVIŽSKLLEN, jThez e Y ea ,_ýrz feat' %I i t 'cetian ichu ch vwas ivcry mcsarI crowd, 2good trogram, ceJnt>d. .s by 11ev'. McLaren ,-iFoc;go musie hy "Mrs. fie- lgo>M as Couiter, Mise Wî%'ejse and Messrte. William- scný , T'. Browrî, N. Yellowlees, O. 'W. Suucis a.,d t1ev. R& M. Phalen, B. A.; but the tr-at eof the eveniog waa the cholce so.los no ably renèered by Mr. H. J. Knight, o! Bowmanville, Min% North- cote miade a capital acconspanist .. .. Rev. W. J. Jolliff.', B. C L., Oshawa, will preach in the Methodist ohurch hère on~ Sunday evening.. barlington la to 6 coigratulated on ier Temperance vote.. So far as we have heard DarIlfuton lias given the iargest major ity ix favor Cf pro- hih;tinti for a rural mncipality. . ... Mr_. iJ rê. John R' binson andI family,, Por £~îh~,wregutlsof ?Mr.W.Thomp- son recently. Ministers,, Tt aches, and others whose occupation gives but littie exerc&se, sloul use Cttter's Little Liver Pilla for torpid liviEr 4nd biliouinees. One in a di;se. Try theni. Waterproof Boots for Mon at $1.O-- leasc tisa regular pr ce-at Mason's Clear- ing Sale, Sec adyt, M. JAX'M Rl-lroB Ajýg, 1 ý VOLUME XL,

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