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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1894, p. 2

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n. f HOUSEHOLD. IT DE AWAY WITI4 RE-SEHAD ESTÂBLISHED 1854 $1 per annum In advance, otherwise $1.51, Subecriptions aiways payableeaithie offla of puiblication. Advert1s nz rates unioe by cnI rc,10 cents ipr lin, nonparieflrat inse ünnl 5 cents par une each subsequent tu- &etion, Local@, 10 cents eroren. M. A JAMES. PuIblisher- STANDAIRD-lBA 0F CANADA. C Pltal paf.! UV, 8I,000,00O.Rest, $58 ),0O1 THis T3ank le preparod to do Leg-iti- eatLe Baniking in ail its branches. Farqimer's notes discounted; IDeposita received andi Interest paiti on accounts & 8 5 and upwards in Savings Bank ,')epartinent. DRAFTS ;4u~ and Collections made in Europe Lni. sd &atE; 'and Canada., W. ..JONTES, 0-1TARIO BANK cftuotodo a IGe3neral Banking Buinesg They eýhinefo ines et 11ho diM 0nidPal lus tencrl as, v.h),Ilth1ic siý Swoet words wre0pke .Ohtat10 These sft rw ys The eyestatwtee me when achild, Aid wept wen %nflwys bogu lied.; Thoyo eeci-g avons ight, Reprovig wren. rewading rglit- And cud oetate blrilî te ine, 1 -e". I feel a ight hetwýeen That louis e vea;oie-hn When sneie rih ilue nywaY, Whensorow' cludehau dok sd gray, I feel their preseýnce auj their power - Oh, bo with me u llii, !C t hUr. ijoae, ten eos -[B. H. Whitaker. Influence of p'arental Example. Iti l net what we exhort chiidren to ho, but what we ourseivei are, thet reaily in- fluences their cliaracter. 0f what use te sey, Il Be incere ; lie iruthful," if. fer in- stance, the child te whom, we speair beare ns recoive a visiter witli a cordial, Il How glad I am to e ceye," ands c us listen te bier with smlinv attention, and then hears us say ai toc eur door bas clesed behind the departiug guet, "IlOh, what a bore that woman is ! 'mn glad that infliction le oe-r with ?" A gain ni wht use is it te say that the gaine ni Ibis traneiîory world are drees, and it is net what we have but wliat we are which je of real moment, if the chldieli eyee porceive that we are more disturbesi by a feul in stocks, or a failure te ceceive an invitation te a fashionalile party, tisan by some real fanit ni cliracter, some vinitien] oi forboarance or justice in ourseive3. Put on wliat deft dieguises, we may, the tiig we are je apparent te the yeung eyes3 that wetch us se nnceasingly. An Ideally Baet Baby. Tom was a lied baby, item the very lie-1 ginning oi hie usurpation. Ho would cry1 for nothing ; lie would burst jute storme nif devilish temper witheut notice, and lt go ecreani after scroam ai-d equali airter s-quail, thon cima the thing with "lholding hie breatli"-thlai irîglitini cpeciaty of the- teething nursiing, lu the tbroee ni which the creture exhausta ils Iinugq, thson je con- vuicesi witb nolceles quirmînge andi twist- ings andi iickings iu the effort ts got ils brealli, whie the lips turu hlue andi the moth stands wide andi rigisi, effring for inspection eue woo tonus set in the icwer rim ni a honp ni red gume ; andi when the appailiug stilîneslias endured untîl oee l sure tiselet lreatb wîll nover return.. a nurse cames fiying, andi deshes water lunithe chid's face, ans-presto! the lunge fil, andsi istantiy discliarge a sliiek, or a yli, or a howi wh ici burete tise isîeuing car and, surprises the owuer of it imb seyiug werde which would net go weil with a hale if hoeisad eue. The baby Teom wouid ciaw anyliody who came within reach ni bis nails, and pounsi anybody hoe ceuis reacli witli hic rattie. Hoe-wouid1scream for water until lie gel it, andi thon throw oup andi alleon the floar and scream for more. Ho was indulgesi lu ail hie caprices, howsoever treubieseme ansd exasperating they mnight lie; lie was allewed woat anythinghle wanited1, particu-, larly thinge that wouild give -hiam theý stonsvjace.e Whulie gotý te lienic11ueu.;glI ta e,lien ta todle abo1ut an1s ay bernwürds mard gel ana idea ni what lih i baudseerefoc, lie was ai ma cansutriee iset 'hanq r. ver. TB.E HEA i0T'E FUNGrO~ doe tri ff the 10rotih end add it te th - aniturn the boiUng snu',p on theegssti ring briekly tatthey aynet crdi Rteheat if nettikeesader, Some GoiRcps Park Chee Tk h haituul andi feo o i nn, fel ek rayol piocos thet are cneint aig rot cd the skin, bel them liia11i'l îe mccl * qir-e tender as eulie sil -srPPCý from ithe bouges. Tho hop, 1 i)j' ï,tfie %and ~ son it with saIt ad î,perteyou-r tse ,di ew sage bve rlibe e a 1(jFpewdot.r M li-, the wlsnle vwoil tgte il o bande. put it imb deeppaswtstagt sdeýs (Lige shape ni a cheesge), prees il ow bard sund ciosely with a -plate that wil1iÈfi',t the pan, putting ihe under 8ide ni theiarjae next te ihe moat, andi placiug ahev weight on it. In two or tisreo days it w.ill liefit for use and yen maytutu it u i tihe pan. S, nd it te the table ent in slices, and eat mueterd and vinogar with it. Ihib generaiiy eeîen at suppor or breakfast. Coceanut Pudding. -Break tise cocoanut and cave the mur; ,poeol jail the brown parI and thon grate the cocoanut very fine. Taire the seme weight ni the cocoanut ni powdered ýw1ilte sugar and 1 pouind ni frecli butter, ,«Ub l tie butter ani cugar te a cceam, and asisite it 5 eggs, weli beaten, 1 cupini ni cweet cream, or rich eweot rk, the milk ni the cocoanut, and tshou cwUir,-in the grated ceceanut. Stir ail weli eehr Lino a deep pudaing dieli wiîh rich pse put lu the p l dding, and bake it an!-heur ansi, a q.,uarter. Toalie caton eiîher hot or colsi1 without sauce. TenDgue Toast. -Tare a coldsi, eokesi tanîgue thet bas been boilesi andi mince ilt verS fine, mix ilwith leur talispooufui'sei swoot cream anfi eue weli-lieaien egg z puit it oe-r the fire andi lot it simmler fil t-ýe minutes; thon prepare solie pieces ofnIlbread by cutting the cruet ironi theesai toasý)l t- ing tbem a ligli lron;butter -s1lty o each sid aind ioetnwith a very u'ie sweet miik aller paig hmon aVplaiter that bas lisen warmed ;spread the tonguie mixture on îisickly whiie bot and lp!lce a suice ni bard boiied egg on oaci andsi serve at once. Apple Cbari)tte. -Cut as imany vr tIm suces niof l bread neot very see as wiil cever tise hbottom andi sides ni a bair- ing dieb, but ficst rli the dieli with -butter; pare some fisse, juicy appies and cnt theam in tim slces: put them ie atisedishlin luy- etc until nearly fu, srwigwhute so!ïgai aud bits ni butter betwveentheLayers; oa as many thin suices ofbreaid as %wili cotel the top ni the dielin î warm, ucweet ml1k, over %vhich lay a plate andi a weighîý tok,,eç tic bread close ons the appies. Baires 5iýwi3 for two heurs. L Jani Cake.-Three eggs,1ý cups ni sugar, Scup ni butter, 4 toblespooninîs of Aous murk, scant teaspoonfuls, oi soda. î tee. Spooniol ni cinnamon, i ni cloves, cup ni hiackberry jam. BeaU tho yolke and whlite9 eeparately and adci whutes iaetiy ; add Jfou()i esseugu 10tare a stitd batter. Mis tlsoroughly aud bake in jeliy pane. Tis above maires three cakes. Fiiiing foi the aliove ismrade by taking '2cups of rilgai fiavor witis vanille ; cùok ton1 m .iute, re move item Ithe steve andi beat unil ht sandi cream y,thcn eproasi letween the layers-e -and con top. Tisle above maires -a vory rie e ,andi palatahle cake. ni buttermiik, 1 teasp-oful i code, gg i tespo fn sait, adi leunowgh ttg malke pa sîlcflietterliu weveniiste Very inice te sevwi coFIup, c or teua The oceTst w4zu mneser;iaI aosn sr a i ple mat of a moechanmim, that i e ongadfrem prier te te frst feeblo ry throuigh ail the vicissitudecs cf a long lifo, mneyrdaro te stop. Through infanc-y, thog he long andI siowly passing years e-f chil1dhood, this is eomthing whose oper- atin mst et iesuspouded for ammn Otlher egas ay temporarily suspend '.ac, The tomch-mlnt diget; ohe r- gans ý,may lot socrte; the cerebrues ma,,y suspcnd ratiocination, yet, withsmed- comrt, the s'ýý,ýufferer maybe carried rhrough; but nnbaumet net for an instant relax its v'igiL. The chid m'srges jute lioyh-oed and gees Irougli the years cf lis schoo lue. With high and glowing hope he1 ( ianes wih ond gaticipone aduheqr closes wathcondlegiecpose ;tgraduato around him, ner once thinks of the little ougine withiu that in al Ibis time, sleeping or waking, kept uninterruptedfly et ius sulent task. 1 j The boy lias changed int a ynung man;1 a now lino ni ernotionn w maire him the subject nf their play. He awakee te the thrili of love ; it je tise spring time nf hie lie, anid in the vernal exuberauce of ibis ewfdgdfeeling ho weee and wins or is wooed i a dwon, aud with linoyant heart anud' rhythmîie step trealseon golden mist. ht is bu1t the sameolnd pathway that ives troMedn when Babylon hadl yet te lie, though ble knows it net, Hie hoart lias nover stopped an instant. The years accurn- ulate ; hie chidren reine, and he see% thees grew up and beconse the heade of families, lie may achieve te hie utmost lient bonor, power, glory, fame, reiowr.-ïil theý-se may come, and yet. ail. hie houer aud pwer, hie glory, lame and position,, ail these mav lie hic, and y et ail hie aspirations and achieve- mente hînged on the ceageless vigilance oi that ilient and hidden son tinel te whom he seldom, if ex-r, stopped te bestow a thoughit. The man lias reached the years ni the ntegenarian ; ho bas seen 29,220 days ; ho bas iived ilirougli 701,1280 heure, or 42,076, - 000 minutes, and, at the rate nf 4200 hoart pulsations per heur, this ergan- bas strnck the amaziug number ni 2,95,3,376,000 strokes TITE FORCE TIIAT DRIVES TISE IIEART. a::ZA: if CASZEI~ Alkinds of Lumber, Wood anti DRY CLEAN SRENDCOXL tcways in stock, Weinvite inspection anti guarantee saEtÂitn MoCLLAN & For thaff.Bad Cougho'or .v --"Like itil ', ansi Cook bis oye te eue idetetewsnvrue 5- 'ysesmeInaîsos.s, n. , itl'J ansi cocir hiseoye again ; thon "1 as4 vttn.H los uaiiire uth u-i ninet maPria t'lat net Iouly bas il 1" witli anether furtive glance ; ansi o1,i toWn sud vistiu t',lh')husï ofilehi e hat ite nw,1,blut muet abeoýrli boal finally, Il Taire il !"-and the prize wac lis. ansi Schiller a numbýer of Ilnn roms oniside o ifll, asibo-,a lhjusý1ýire etue The nexl moment lie lieavy impiement Thse first lady wiso eveýr gave mosy ta dugÏesto tmution . was raisesi alaîl; lie nexi, there was a Har'vard Coilege coulsi net lhave feni-s i Ay eue thtat now gra,-spelie crash ansi a squall, ansi tihe'cal was noffnuriber inost imaiginative imomen:t ati oeifra te theimi i firemn ani fiewom tbree loge ta, meot an engagemeont ; Roxy Iban 250 years iater bec gî r ,hoi ae ou lwo are, the kinsi of ifelite use, ansi ex. wouid arrive juet as lie lamp or a winsiow 'wouid bo given te a eniiege for w aneo tU actinetrire soon issues be crtifIcates1 ol wenttoirremediabie cmaeh.-EMNarkTxvaiu, Harvard. Aune RadelillIe, vo wasallr- comp,,ecy or incampetenucy. Sbe dose lu the J anuary Century. ward Dame Mou1son, sont bot iuderý-d mare. She clampe the degtee se numîsl.--I pounde oe - the eas ritemEngiensi teaInilutakably on fmmm ansi Isalute uhaloniy ibhe "tr itihe cause nieducatioin. She cest eLiri blindmeny net reasi. SeaonauleSoui.upon lie watec, ans i is retucuesi ce lier Wisether asieep or awake, bhile enera- SearnbleSopimonmory lu, honor'aiter ail tisese mtdas ien, thus sdorage ansi application of enecgy VETj~IA~ySUR.~Oi, Parsnip Sosp.-Taire e quart of weil Mcc. Agassiz, the presidesît of the Hervar go on auitomatally, anc part lieing, but te OROO,- OT.scraped, thiuiy licesi parsuipe, oeecup ai Anex, je cougratulIaLes i ou fOs mutuppiy tise propec fuel. Office,-Pcst ffice Biock.breasi cruet sliavings rot thicirer than a sil- charming'a'sd suggestive choice ai anm. Tehail îspyauias na r Cllce, b syQlterpi o e Leph1 ere'x. nvet dume, tram the tep of a weil-licowued Princece Syhila ci Hesse-Caýse,'utr diayleiueeoenayIusu o ttlsy o ons ai force ils sneving fthc bionsians i m- aLf(iaetbeai u es I Emts ilnsale sedr rc-nIl*ng reslpiration. le the blond-tee tici, nie liste attentionee mal enuen, ansionue plut cf lcesi pu- inlittie girl ni ixteen, wtpagedese e - - latos. T'e parsuipeuseds ouslibeyonunselg hat Te zriclsfueton ilsupplied wiIli air in ltaesilunge ? t0 ~jrç~t w v~JiFENC ansi tender, Se Ibat ibey wlll cook in about yasdrtan i ecohs.Th mn unchinvlueaslsu'chaen ib P pAC jj C. lite camine ngth i lunie as the other vege. cess' yoiuget brother is marcies lutedueeiu gredienss Thon, extra or tables. Use oniy sufficent water 10 conir ffee i'a' yu5e itr sd soe-ort ef the lieart 55isintiii thons. Wben doue, tub iteuglia coinder ellc isa niece. ai the Quecu n Deuarir '-ansi asisi salt an uefficiet rich ilu, part lie young yil i h oui ith rn ne TcoMauy À'orHUm. cceam if desicesi, ta maire nithe praper Tepet iii ntol egcaccosiesi a genlieni s, ansid __ sistency. Reheat ansi serve. pretty, cie bsuei'cul ets nin -wind l'ni peralysos inluboth nse ~. a'vcy oup-Tee ta cpe h 5litcomeson talent in mc.,Sie banetve 'ud, ui' tab'ca't worir, -fer 1I cai pees which have been rubliesi lrougi a entored socuerwy, and lehlaei v ywiwth 'm. Couiti yen pare clander, oe ucp nifsuashesi potato, ansi country ïisie wîîh ber m te-,v Ïidxt c usea rfl a, nitr?" oeehal cup ni straînres, stewed tomatO, Larîsgravîne ni Hesse-Cassel.s i ei, eieitise gentlemen; MePserF5. HONEX &McIV TPY ave esisufficient bot watoc ta maire ai preper he llaeLySoeeareitb-"e' ieteRcteswn lstyuav purhaes tseCoun-îy of Darliam for t n uco eullasacha ,: couistency, season wilh sait ansi asisiau eesapniladap eo b-s iePlc nI3cuty t onion sclicesi. Rebieet bbchewhoie util Weil turenon eainig I ain oeeaint ay es eclas icee bee Wie Fnc luIbi Ounty. 11feavoresi wilh the onion. Rensove the anin aku, ansi startesi euýt ilelieyppr ctor asillyhandJed and orneme)ntal ieswth a lotr or tutu lie whoeealone. Su lar as se inew th-eoere niy 1 "Deal, ile'e?' tisouglil'the heggar, 'l1wilul be njuresi by snow, heat, caîsi usougi a coup sîrainer wîou it is reasiy a iew persons in tise whee nnty h "isnho dida't boit about- th.- pcalysse." or windc. l will tutu Herses, CaIlle, te serve. A littho crearni may lie asisesi if hasi any cymperhy wltisihe ide, pi equai Sehowrote down: Ilieep, sd11- eiei rgis leptn Iliepotrsfcie wu "ve got a ifle ansi six clldren Stacv- ntU iHge, Doge Pandeullîry i- Cley'ou.-oo nissbl ole eetings withi aslittie package ýýo' a.isaniig t '01e, se.I've lin ont o' wncr jeurkwloîbraiilnet u eirEoutCoi na abe olra aStone pîciresiup Irorn h tet ai-fer six munîbe;, aniham îje a srelul sIaeo _uesak inuany way. 111es muci S trang- cupini ni craciresi wheel in tbree pinte ni limes the boys ioleowed lierhotganicuetîuhu" (3r nsi more duiahlo ihan anbarb fenc- water for thrce or fout bouts. Ruli lie pepri te tar the posters dslewu. is!,non ehaertsi i ppr rtf.etlmn iisg, beiug cioeiy wven. wlieat threugi a colanden, asis a cup of sise woulsi stop anti cailire boys about ht-r wiîo reas itl, ansi sai: Pionce pu up nsi Frs ansi Township ridli mur, ansi, if neeei a ih biig niins 1piinr eeig Inlhe 1 tioughit yoss saisi yonwero paraivses r!gh-tsJfor Sale6. A al t CsNR4~L vE. Water, andi a ems iùasi ni celery ciun street, until sie hadsiwon thons aiu ý cocasinblbudan c-dugrsnytig p~x, Bowanyllle.finget engthe. Bail al togoîbet for fifuepes-udsnlosl otle otr ~n. as y Cvo aliwri te." or twenly minutes, unlil weii fiavsored, te- scor Disi'didn't yet say yer R-as deail' W., 13. -ÏIOH, OareP. 0., having move tise celery wiîl a lotr, asisisait, ands1 Tbe siceanthenI tlree years reand Ion bogis t l a rke-cTou hi p, is Preparesi lu serve witb or witlioul the liard-husilesi yolir a ce trueofsaisi.eet Co l 11el et st ascsehgewonoeiyt ni ) ece fan egg in eecl soup plate,.eIceebrat, j e hie sventitb houtuîdf, fee peruysesi ut p tnce ClesuntSou.-Sei ani bance ansidutingal tial lime 1 have ss,,î-eut icou - Ye, jesi ta dcout sI o eea e'éCýeý hetutSop.Shl ad lachaput absent irons my pispit ou a singie t$l-iday rumpesiortheîhgentleare sh.epcts oi Italien chestnunl, ansi coinlubiliug lrom sicirnees, ansi1 hbave neer 1bYu sicir eplesiticgeuie ien v.mur until tender. Ruli lhe nuls Ibreuiglsa iunlied oeeday lu my ie. I we ho ~t ex. Wl fauIehoni'f~s~ e colander, asis sait auds ufficieut murk ansi'change my lot vrth any luman c a,,,-ncqliThe biggest 1" excl aiîssi tihe legar; "tire cream fl maire a coup ni tie proper 00fl-irnow. Net would Iaeisn nohrhdea of yereayiu'yr a ccas1rl sisteuiy, ucleat ansi serve. svnl eaefo y 1e. Noue i the ~ mîeo erllc. Veriuiceili Soup. -Cookr e cupini of sliced great eresolîlie past wouid I ave x a Asib su-e el oiiîg h arwii vIUegelable oyaiere, a stdli or two o! celerî, cd for Ihis prissent nue. htjeoi50 igseuidgnii. two suices of esieuo, a pecsnip, ansi bal e beautiful in lie way ni grea-;t aces î iis?- [ 19cafrmt in iwater julsu fficien t te cev,; l ei elment 4.3 i sgiasi'ô in loibcl':s iilee oi iokeig(o %tng:~ ya CIMeanwhiie put a cuiin emcili in a er;gs tstIwshtul ' c. the goelnO c i-i)' s a shaine 75- îA .1- ' Pi'hi"* e t~~i et lis ýmercýy ( n atom-ie i mpulse towerd iardmebe state whilh Ibruebeu thase wo onidethemelves te the treccl- eroue nle ihsufficalion. if.Dnet con- cussion of fe epine, wlereas nightiare was realy tîle wordsIla was ta bave heen anticipatesid. There l smthngpcu!iarly chooking lu ecucihehvo on île part ni a i ed - Bed - las licou thse inicimian inco lime icm- nîstial, anJ not ony doe il4sp, i leus ni rost,sleep,lreednes Iterm care,aud tbýe peace fnl hi ne,but it is mesit untimelIy canuLeci wltli lie greau drame of lirth, leansi deaih. The very dsifféretiation a' civilîzeoi man is ilýat ho duos in lied. Thathesi shouisi kili Iin is an atrecîcus turning of the cils. A ian might as ixeli due witls bis boots on as ho toiescopes in fCioiding-bed collision- the faut tIsai le 15 in his night-gown is ne cosnsolation te tiiose wm.igbt sepacate hie outragesi remains frronsthse spring usattreýs. It is tise m'quity su tic foliing.hcs oc- &'deut tht'ý encourages the sersuiso of a ial- eut dýeviltry in the rmacisine. 'iho addition ( cf tise principie nif the lever ta a picco or furnure which nec ancestors rightly co- structodos simple, endýnning, andi reposef ci inos-te which lliey gave tseste;ru solidiy nf a uight's sinînher andsi thcallsv heigisi.Of a lait lady's dream-might have becu ex- pectesi te deveiep in it a teste'for ipies nocturnal sa'tatiosoeTise medioeval besi, mill itis massive clcins andsi preeding canepies, wae bullt te ho prcoi azainet witecscaft. But thisumoderu besi, wi thl s toîach fuli ni epringe andi damns, would bave heen banne 1 by the (bus-ch iu eider days, andsio ne ewould bave leoiresitaleli s,,ale jil t nidnigbt oven lied h been rivet- I lu tise fluor. The ivorst thing Iliat eau lie saisi agaiuct tic folding.hed, Isomever, is liat il is luý lied teste. lu le net whnlly a moderns in- vention, tealie sure, as il isam its predeces- cor in lie lamons "ibed liy night sud cheet of drawers by day." Ans ià sasef1r as il le designesi ta econioiizo space il is pas don- elle, But, likLe s onc tyanuer invention of ours, icannot ts ciieiwithb hdng a cenvenience, but muest trv to pase it off by a ciseap asunsptien of being comnetliiug tlie, Tbs-ioiding lied clo-es ta assunso tsa liea wardrehe, ansi peope wise ideas arc flo't nice beiseve iltealie a very refiuesi thing te ireop sueli a vuigar tbing os a lied oct ni ight duriug the day. Just hewm nucb more prudish ea'marirohle blehu a lied lble is -ffl- cuit te eay. Periape M. Max OReil muiht caiculale the degres. But his il crin lest t'i ,where'.er you fsida1,toiin-e yots aiosi aiweys finsitise corners et t> ise rons eu-iswept, se perlap île r Ccont1car ,îlvI e' emiitics is itsctr ài ng w.ent.--[Harper',e Weeirl y. -usatter, -ansid -te4ihlrn-wti pesa ont.- The ume nItbesetansai turjioîitisse lojosen thc mater in lihe ftroal, ansi lisi afferdtbe relief that ba11,1i, ~i cl ni tic physiciens. Caneclile execcisesi te avoisi settiuig fire te i iturebutl tie riski jesiail as enly aai i1;qualitly neesiliec place lu the cmp et a lime. biody l insop,, , l.Cate .Fi Lbas i le say Cempletreaaonnthnie sseur ilelt is h rtgctesniln eni tiat every msl iilei nesci roesi on the right i, st îgticia tion fermard rte hnbcrad Il is nct xx il l see etieroribacir et direcîiy onris hetf l eihr eito eau the lim e Pl"iproperl' "Ixd<lep ant1cchoestu anseae, wîî oî,basins trils obstructesilunIte leas ytseploe le very injuriotil. ît issg sieep tise seoree saarhite lunr," shol'i lieanubjet 11tse1 ra, solsitude. Tic objectionstseein 1outh leutside may-be clearly ap !;rde y ealling te mmnd the relative pete ftise stensacb ansi liver. Tise greaier portion nifilie vri ets rîgh oi tiemedian lisse olle ody Tie prealur poucli 0f thestouie j n ie mesi ian liue, 'miile the ssiucc ciiiis ou thelel side of tise lod y. Tie wsgto h îe is aboutleur ansine-hu cuns rabu biody. nu eyngote isiohexegti bbc lîorcctngnuth îoa'iis CPtb least 'mi nrfr seiirby iith Ver gea eteshouilie xerleeilu placing ;hie 1bod y lu sud a podutAiOftht ssisvcntd o l ihe ciesi n ay liepelcy trot-. Tise shloi"e cheu le lr liaci ansithe bt arc-ns henilho paei the icift hip or pirlly behînsi tie 1,bedy. -J shoulsi novï er laiowesi te teýst on ie ciest.,, I bave net;Ices that tiere le a ton ý,y ameng Ibose of eeble cnttsli,'ss especîally thaso iaving afetinsofibe !rings, te slepl witls tIse hlenge opes liy the anme nits ets an nestrils pcrhlv coveres i 'iî ts ieicofi Tis e cu tet an A , sIenl oui ests'-aesiah t50Oforoacci, iaKtppgs', tQ;caWhîetgun k t 55, - Theý indersigued deretth1-alk the fres lWstDrati- for tle liberal patronagueNetcrn&ld to uq uigtep~ esn also to remind thern thIat weare stilinthemre Prereed ",îto pa'y h HIGI{ EST MARKET PRICri ALL KINOS 0 F doiivered at our storehousecr.King and Gorestreet (, r at Port Darlington. We havo also on baud i agdsJ NMWA N DFE of Canadian andi Liverpool Com,3c Salb;a ,in Bags. R'k S15 oC,: and horses, -and -Fresh, Grounti Grey Plater i uBrrl which we are preparedti tescIl Thinir of i, Place the index finger on the wrist ansi count oniy 100 andi thon cousider tisa inl eirghty voars ihece lied net lisen a single five seconde of a stop ; nover once demaneiholiday nr emomeufe s 3sation of ite toil-not once ibrouli the long lino ni decades foilowing decadea, fnr cessation meant suspension, and sncb suspension is wlial wo recognize as deatb. Bût wliaî se it ibat keepe tise ieert in action? Hew is t when wo sioep or are un- ceuscinus ansi know net, that Ibis action goes ou? lb je realiy a simple arrangement, ansi as te its action continuing when we do net irnnw, our snt inowing bas uitile or nothing ta do with t, or the meet ni us shousibclinl a socry pliglit. Lufe neesi net lie I a "yslecy." Avoiding alilteehnicaiity, ll si-ay liesalis ihut the heact dorives the force that impesi ils puisations from the cerelielium, or iower brain, ansi the fc-oe'ilsol isj an electrie cucrent. The brain menîstionosi le an ectrîc1 sorage, ansi generaliy carrnes e sufficieul ined' u lvance of immodiate nocesity.- A mildam or stean boiler dees the came thIanaiogously, Bath he wtor nsi the sleam are ferme ne force, asi dam-inansi biler nmuet lie re- .leisea n-enI et tse e 'taircu i ronsý -

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