Sold by Grocers Everywhtere. îMade only by N.K, FAIRBANK & CG.j We-iington and Anis Sts», When you eeo an Advertisement like this DONýIT BELIEVE IT but if you require anything ln Grocerios, Staple Dry GoodE, Patent Medicines, Tinware, Garden Seeds, etc., call at SOLINA STORE where yon will find a first-class asoortment which has been bought for cash, consequently I 'arn pe- pared to jâeil at close prices and net sacs1.- fice quality. Arnerican and Canadian cil always lu stock. Please give me a call and you wil be welcome whether you bny or net. K. B. ElhioWts Roler Fleur kept. J. T. WILLI AM S leadsuto (-,o-sumption. Stop the Cough, heal the Lungs an srengthen the Systemn the Cream of Cod-liver OU1 and hypophosphîtes. It Is palatable and easy on the s toma ch. Fitysiciang, the %vorld over, endorse it,' Do't be deceivai by Substitutes! scott & Bownes, Belleville, Âi1 Drufs os. &$c.asi LOST OR FAILINO AHOO Dener al and Nervous Debi!ity, Woeakness of Blody antd Mind. Effects of Ern rers or Excesses in Old or Yeung. Rebust, Noble Maehoodi fully Rcstored. How t n 'i Wc ak, Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- j f ig H-omne Treat- ~' i r î raent-Benefits i n a )day. Mou testify froni 50 States and Foreigis e* Countries. Write them,. - Descriptive Book, ex- IE»F5tIE planation and proofs inailed (sealed) frec. ERIE LEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, NLY. irâR ,N 0dF I Riehin t lu img-healmog VitueS of (le PneI combieed --ih the =coi an sd expectorant properties of othe. pecerhbs ad bau-ls. eearsenose, Astohimua, itreneblîlis, Sore Throat, ýE Syn tes . LI, AGRIOULTURAL, LAdvice to a Young Man Dr. Galen Wilson wrîtes as tolows le (ho Prsc(icah Fanmer:--A yc-umg ,min joti starting business fer hiffiself, sud who pea- seeses s 11(11e farmmcf 25 acres, bas con- cludefi te go into(he swine business. His faim taz six miles lu-cm an ilnd City. Ho eau gel, gratultoualy, ail (ho swihh fixe cm aux hotls 'nake. Hoasaka my opinion of (ho projeceL I wouhd say, as lho seoma (te fancy pig gowiug, go loto it; but koop eut of (ho swili husiuoagà I wonid net leefi sncb swili (o my piga were il dliver- led free cf change ; sud thon oely t blnk, he weuld trsveh twelve tmiles wltb s beani overy day te gel il I Andi heu ail along bis ioule hoe would ho stigmatizefi as "the travelling awilh carl " Whihe (ho bnsiness wouhd ho honorable sud (ho epîmtbt graIn- ieous sud barnleas, (bore wouid ho mncb other unpleassntness monnectef wih it, ai cf whicb coulfi ho neadily ondnred if (hou-e was any profit un il, Sncb swilhla liable te ho composefi in part cf olfi poul- lices washing soda, cocku-caches kiliefi by poison, rata, mice, aud cîher roeota kihbefi hy -rough ou rats," sud a molli. tnde cf ether abcminable stuffa. This la net ail. Iu bot weslher soine cf (ho swui wculd get se sour I alniost beieve il wenld make (he quiet Chester Whites squeah to parlakeocf il. Acifi awill, taken regnlarly, will (urusa beg's eyes simoat white. Iflit. dees net oveu(uaily cause siekeoa or dealb, aI least (ho animale will make no gain. This hotel swill business was trief aI-a Summer reoe nt ho Catakihi mouintains a lew yeas ago. The iotel bafi about a thoosanfi guesta. The swili waa cartefi to s jpiece et wcoda haîf a mihe sway sud Usore I ed te hoga. The lanfilord teck hoga lnem (ho surrouridmug bannions te fatten 1"1a( the halvas" Resul:- Soon (hoanimais beganý (o breakeut witb s uash he(ween (ho ega sud ou tie abdomen: This couîinued toi exteuf il hover (ho body, coalescei, sud thei hoga weme s unniug acre frein nose to (ail.I Ai dief sud (ho lau-mers go( oothiug. This wss not (ho werst. A lew haboring familles reaiding near te wcods becamoe afflictefi wiub lypheidfelver in consequeuce cf the feanni stench (ho swill andi hoga crostefi. Hcîei swiluuay ho led wi(b safety, perbapa, if (he landiord wonhd attend par- sonaliy te (ho malter himaf if; for thon lie wouahd 5se wbal was led, sud that itwsfed lu proper conditionî. I would adisiso (is young frieud te begin slow. I wonld got a trio ot pure hhood Chester Wîhites, sud tbmee or leur good grade sews. I wouhd (heu, at (ho preper tume, soîl wbsl bloodefi piga I couifi at a goofi, faim pnico. The balance of theru, sud the grade piga, I would push rightalcug witb feefi outil six or eigitt months cf acre andi thon seli lhem te (ho City butchers. Wheat-brnu, midlugsansd linseefi meal,topped off wîîth cern meal, will do il nicely. I wouhd have (ho sews raise twe ittersas yesm, sud keop the busines ruuuîg Summer sud W inter. Pige wil latten about as wellinl WinIen by giving (hem Sommner conditions. NexI Sprng 1 wonhd plant sufficieul geounfi te Landnelh's augar corn te leefi my tesm, 00w aud prospective number of swico peu- yea-(o'e e ed green sud as silage. I wihl refer hlm te s gentleman enly seven miles from bis place îvho lattons bega ou (bis crnalone, (bey osling stahk sud ail. Ho commences le pull the on wheu but about three foot bgb. The piga esat mets sud ail. As (ho cern bogins te mature, lho cuts salsansd eau-s ogether witb acutlar but silîl (boy eat il dlean. Tbygel ncihing eise but ws(ter sud sait, lu wyiu(er (bey latten on the silago ; .a] - tbengh seme ether graiu would hasten mal- tera thon. Iîeed cf Observation, The wiso dairynuan la eue who bas both eyesansd easaopen, sud lu Ibis, lime figes. (ibitity cf tise rations (bat hoe faruishes bis cows mnust:he closely observed by hum, sud ail kuowledge tiereunie scuglît cul, Iu oconomic feeding cf cewa, il does make a great difference wbat (bey are led, sud that cf feoda 11maI may ho classed in (he rame liaI of aeemen ts. Mauy coaraefedders coctain starch, but cf (hem noue are se easihy digeatefi as (ho efodder cf corn. The carbo-hydrates of (ho cern plant are there. fore wortby cf (ho widem attention cf dsury- men, for as a cearse foodi-andi ccwa neefi largo quantitios cf lt-ime cern plant bas ne equai, sud it la in (bis thal (ho fanmer bas had is usxpeclationa more uban realizefi, wheu hoe bas a fine fieofcorn, and bas put it iheat possible condition (otef, on penhapa put il li(lue silo, sand led il as nearly as possible lu its, originial succulence. Iu soeo cases, wbere bs cf (ho stsrch la needed, gluten meal, whicb is euly cern meail wlth a large part cf (ho s(srch waahed cul, leasiug (he beal elementa cf (ho balance, is a fiue food, sud I înay psy te sal some of the cern sud gel ghuten meah with (ho pro- ceeda, sud btter balance (ho rations of cou-n fodder. Digestibili-i a sgnons les- lune in ail loofis, frcm au ecoucmicah bfee. ing staudpeiuî, sud theussuda cf fairymen eeuld, with (ho grostest benefir, put theni- selves lu communication wîth thomr Expeni- meut Sttios, sud gel the alid cf (hoDibm- scIera lu helping (hem te sebve these, te thema, peu-pexiug questions. This la (ho rosI abject cf (ho Stations, sud those lu charge gladly reaponfi te ai sncb nequosîs for information, sud reply, as far as able, fit ;but te lurnu scew cul cf as celà i haru --Now la (ho lime the lau-mer regrets (bal luto s yeî coider yard, sud gis-o ber water ho difi ucl expeuf a few dollirs aI liureLsb- lrem Irough or pol as colfi as cocîf wealher ing hlîfo lu socurng s tiraI clasa nman to wilb make il, sud (heu aleow heu- (o stand make (ho straw staek. The pocnly mad e expcsed for boums te (ho wathem-"la il stack uow covera hall f (lue barnysu-fiasu cornes '-sud caîl il iîoaltb gising, sud much valuable s(naw bas slneady been wast- beueficia (c (he o w, sud coudlucive te a ed througb canelessnes r ignorauce lu mou-e rohust condition ut (ho ays(em wben s(acking. os-enylomng sas-e the fofd cf support s go. Log te milk production, la te draw conipani. Catîbe, il preperby usaisaged sund prosif ef sens esiug con a sery abnder founua. wmt~h suffiont sheter, cao ho wiuteu-ed on lion cf sirvilai(y. The gresi trouble wîth cornfeduler shene. With (he adidition of ail these companisona la (ho coufounfi. pety cf gond traw il will furulsh abunfi. iug tho exorcise witb expocnre, sud mre, aufntrughnosa fer, 1db herses sud large 6t t atiug (he o cdfions cf (ho coni. colts. Do not deprive (he stock cf reugb- panisons, Iu (ho case cf (ho man wanmîy ne asbut endeas-er (c sas-e al (ho timoîluy clai, aud pnempted by jufigment le hsy pcssible,as il will ho higb sud stance lu bishen up bis pace, reascu dctaîca; but (ho sprng. lu the cow (bal asacciatos a stable sud (he The question ci resdmaking la eue wlicb warmîb tiat abe seeka, httle exorcise wil doos n conceru (ho larmer alene, (boul ho laken, sud expesune takes the place cf reads will nef uce (he o.eaIof nsising sud xexrcise. Whilo ton minutes migbt do ne marketing crope sund ccnse quentiy cheapen food, an heum'wonld prebsbly resuit lu a sustsiued hy carying prof ue o t market la cblil, sud (ho enît la s boss lunet ouly a direct (ax upon fanm produci-the nec- mille but sitlity, (hoes-eu-y (bing scug . .cessanies cflife-wbicb producersansd Tho dairyman nmust atndy Ibis malter, sud -consumons ought te ho unani-mous lin es-- seau'h howill ffi limhat saneme nf t sup.,,-,, 4,,, posefi benefits when accuralely measured, faîl fan below (ho ooked for gain. The 00w l oot s cast-iron, copper-lined sud bronze- piated machine, but la an'animal witb 11e, vital ergans sud certain funcuions th at are uuluoed by beat, cold sud violent exý posuro. It la lu tniking a happy medium, ail tbrough (ho lufe cf a 00W, that pays (ho dhîryman. Early abi. lu a laIe issue eftIhal admirable dairy journal, Horrd'8 Driryman, Ibore la an article on tho benefits cf (ho early sîabling cf cows, thal la cf marked abili(y, and Ibeara direcîly upon (ho subj--ct, aud needa te ho resd by every dairyman. 0f ciurse, il la toc late (o preach about il new, witb suow flying iluthe air, but good advice le always good te keep sed practîce next year, The bnfIt cf early stabling la uot oely in mainîainiug (ho flow cf milk in lime Faîl withont au increase cf grain, but la of value lu the way cf protection oi (ho cowv froio (ho cold, thal lu the late Fallisl about as tryi o teh cows as the oaveror wea(b- or cf \inter. Tho prosent Fal(ho writer commenced te stable bis cows at niglit, Oct. l4th, sud wi(hon auny change cf feefi, (bore was a noticeable gain cf milk.'Ail the change Ihere-waa being (ho soilingrationwas fed in tho mangers after miikiug, insteafi cf ou (hoc grourd in the fields near (ho cern lot, Il was imply au exhibition cf (ho case lu point, thal wheo the cowa wene in the stable (bore was ne demnd made upen (hem for any part af the food te make good the hblîl, though slgh(t, of layiug ce the ground sud expoanne te nigh', air. Ifl laa amaîl matter, but facIs (ell, even lu it. Hints on Horticulture. Window boxes le set pot plants lu are useful. ýThese boxes shonid ho ziuc llued, (bat (ho pants may ho freo1y watered wl(h- out fean of damnaging (ho carpet er fbon. There is a sitoiy aflat that moles will net ruD whore castor cil pîants are growieg, bnt as us have heen seEn close alonoyside (ho plants, as (ho stony ca't stand as boing a fact. The Flemisb Bean(y ilana excellent peau- wbeu il eau ho had lu geefi condition, but it is like the butter pear in tIs, (bat a fongua attacks (ho fruit, causing il te crack open sud become wenu±loaa. Helianus aMaximiliana ila a ard v plant, cf the 8nuflower f amily, which bears groat cropa cf golden yollow blessema in late Faîl. Il grows byve (e six foot bigh sud makesas fiue display. Nas(urtiums make good a'iodow-pilas, blooming ail iter long, eapecially if plants ;wbicb bave been lu pets Ihrough (ho Summor are lakon fer (ho purpese.' This plant is one (bat but few if auy insects ever trouble. Hydrangeas which have heen lu pots al Snmuershonld ho planted out cf foots and out te the ground next eprng. They wil (heu preduce a fine lot et yeuug shoots, wbicb will give lots of flcwens the follo-ing season. Autumu plantefi trees are mucb (ho bet. ter for haviniz froat kept frem (hein roots iu Wintor, Many lange plantera adopt (ho plan cf dumping a loafi cf ear(h and moending ilup aronnd (hotreo. The roola are (heu free from freat during tho entîro Winten. Those whe may bave rose bushes (bey deem tender, and wisb le keep Ibemn under cever, may dig (hem up sud hury (hem up comple(ely wlth earth, elîher eut et doora or in s cellar Utalle ahways kept well aired sud net beated. Black rasphennies - for drying are growing lu favor as a liadîg famm crop lu înany localîties lu (he East. They seem (o psy botter (bau grain cropa. Rasphonnies are modeat lunlimeir demanda as te o sooad manlures. But to secure lte best results, (bey sheulfi ho plsnted ou soil that la well- drained, but moist sud eAsily worked. A aandy or day lcam la good. They will oct do weil in wet, sticky sella, or le dlay. Water standing anouod (hein ro:ots la death te them. In heavier silla, rot raqphennies are more reliable than (hhe akeapa. Hardy henhaceous plants sbould have a ccverng cf manure, leaves er somns other niatenial before (ho warm sues cf late \Vin- ter catch (hem. Il pn vents flie plants being throwu cul cf (ho grounfiby alteroste lreozing sud tbawing that us apt (o take place. A large mnomie iof earth, about Eaul plan- ted trees, te ho taken away when Spring cemes, la au excellent help le ticm. It net oulykeeps (ho frost, formi the roots,lbut, it keepa (ho trees flrmly in (hein places, aud for thia reason la btter (han a covorng cf man une weuld hc ofr (horm. Black Cap rasphennies are proraeatefi by bending oven (ho. canes aud pcggieg thora doxyn, wlien (ho tipi reet sud frein 00w plauts. Re-d Raspberrios caunet ho rooted un (bis way, but tbey suoker freely sud are ocreasefi. B o(h sorts are multiplicd by eul- iog np and planudng bisa cf recta. Fa-m lîs. Wash auJ eook (ho petatoe (b al aro toc smal fer market or fon table use, They are gocd for pige or chickens. Sepanate (ho hoga warted for butchering fî rux ithe stock hega or sowa. Pubt(hem un a amali wau-m peu sud feed well unhil (1010 lieS train soon Over. Now, lady, look heaiitiful and happy," ada phetographer le the young woueau. "Se): hat's it. There , I have yen. Now -m'ena aresurne rou0là -a e. -zi-- , A CANADIAN LEAI>VILLE. aalthe Itoomsfin mtro,)1 or th!Se Kootenai tegion. The oponing cf navigation ou the Keeto- nai River f rom Boener's Ferry, lu North- ern Idaho, te the southern end et Kootenai Lake, says a correspondent cf (ho St. Louis Globe-Democrct, brings withiu easy and ,comfortable travei a rogion whlch contaîns ýrobably the most im]portant doposit cf igh grade silver-beariug ores that bas been opeoed Up lu the past twcnty years on the North American Continent. This la wbat i knowo as the Kaslo-Siocan district, sltu- j tcted ln the lower end cf the Selirk Meun- ýains, in the Province cf British Columobia, 1abeut 100 miles due nortb cf the interua- tional boundary lino and about an oqual distane south of Roger's Pass. This new El Dorade is aI proeut almeat ina&ccessible from the nertb, the distance lt ing for the moat part through an unex- plcred wllderness cf lofty mountains, deep canyons and dense foreats. Frem the senth tho case is ooitirely different. The traveler from the oast, reaching St. PaUt by any route hoe may choose, bas cnîy te step loto a Great Northern sleeping coach, and in a trille over flfty heurs la laoded at Bonner's FJerry, wbere hoe is premptly transferred te a staoeroom on a steamer lying at bier dock on thic Kootenai River. The steamer is 00W and fast, built expressiy for this trafflo, witb a speed cf rwenty miles au heur. If hoe cares more for seerthan for sîeop the tonnaIs will limit bis uap te (wc or three heurs, and thon go on dock at dayiigbt and enjoy tho pic-tunesque rente folwed by the deep, broad river as it threads its way northward between twe mountain ranges, with an iutcrvoning 'valley feur or five milesn widtb. This valley la cressed and recrossed four times lu (ho tan cf seventy-five mlles te Kootenai Lake, the river preferring for the moat part te hug the base cf (ho mountains on either side. .Breakfast time or Ibereabouts finds the steamer entoring loto Kootenai Lake, a su- perb body cf crystal water, about ninety miles in lengbh, from oe te five miles in width, and cf nnknown deptb. Its shieres on botb aides are the abrupt aloeo of moun- tains 4000 te 7000 feet bigh, wh ile lu the distance are te ho seen tho loftier peaks cf the Southern Selkirks. Iii ail the 250 miles ef shore lino there are net more than a dozen levol spots suitahie for tcwu sites. Ou bier way nertbward the steamer touches at a few smnall settlements estab- lished witb reference te mieing and lumber industries. Among tiiese la Pilot Bay, where a large, smelting plant is lu course-et construction, and Ainsworth, the county seat aud location of the enly jail lu ail (bal vast regior. THE NEW LEADVILLE. Before noon yen are at your journoy's endi, the n0W aod (horoughiy unique (own of Kasle, the unetrepelis ef (ho Kaslo-Slocan district, occupying a pretty and picturosque site cn the shore cf a aipaîl bay on the western side cf Koomtenai Lake. Kasle cen. tain s about 200 buildings, ail cf (hem trame structures flnished ln natorai pine inside and eut. Tbrre mnay ho tbree br four with painted exteriors, but net mocre. Kalso contains perbapa 1000 people, 95 por cent. cf themn maies. it lsa serions and actual fact (bat iii respect cf socuri(y cf prep. erty and life this raw and un- painted miniug camp is almostideal. Crimes or offeoses involilg pîsysicai violence are virtuaily uuknown, sud there la ne sncb thing as robbery or larcency. During my ton days' stay at Kasie 1 dld nct once sc00 a wapen cf any kînd displayed, ner hear cf a tetor saloon altercationi. My veat wth watcb and pocket-book, hung on a claiir by my bed,and except for the posgibil- ity that somne belated lodger migmt disturb me by on(ering tho room by mistake, I sbeuld net have taken the precaution of turning the key in the look. Thîis, toc, among a population te aconsiderable ex Lent mode up cf the off-scourngs cfftlic receot riotons element un tho Idaho mines. lIESPECTEO I.AWS. A curions example cf the soit restralul pracisemi by a class cf men amengy wbom the fiat, the knife sud the revolvor la (ho custemary argumentuin and hoeninem c.- currcd oe e îigbt as 1 passed threegb the bar-rocm cf the Palace lcel s-id callefi for my key. Twc minera, perfoclly matcbed le (beir brawey proportions, bad casually met snd wero rebcarsing aniold.time griev- sf00 sa bitter griovance it eas ioc, jiedging irom tho intense malignlty cf look and speech as tbey con frnned irach other. I xvaited te see the outcome, fully expocting a bleody cee. ,Just at a pointin the dispute wlien it seemed as (boegh the two mon miuet spring at eacb other's tlînoata in a death stroggle, each paused sud dretv back a stop. ýBill," said eue, iii a voîce cf suppressed excitement. " ye nOow d-d well 1 aie' t afraifi cf yen, ani I know d-dl well yen aiu't airaid cf me, but we cao t settle this (bing here, Yen know wlîat we'll get if we do. Some o'etie time. " \Vituu other word the onemios lun efi sud separated. Wba( was it (bat kept these fonrce tellows apart ? Simply the ah. solute cornainty that a fiat flgbt meant sixty days le jil ton both cf (hem ; (ho show et a weapon, six montha, the use cf a wcapon from cee year te a. lifeas sentence, on posaib- ly hangiîîg, and with if the certain ty that- trial and coovicticu wouid foliow inside cf twoiyo heurs , sud that the sentence would ho executed Wltheu ta partiale cf delay. NoI chance for lawyors te interpose a technical Caiida's Leadiug Commercial Seheel REORGANIZED. MkIANAGEMENT FACULTY EQUIPMENr METHODS Largoat sud most complote FIVE' GREAT DEPARTMENTS, ýBUSINESS ENC-LISE SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY SPECIA1L PENMA.NSHIIP Teachema are eminent specialiois. NTer O ICE-on Toont Bsinssand Shorth:nd College. 1 tablished business college promises in Toronto. Patrons and- tgraduates &Il over the world.- Students awisted to positions. Write for prospectus and other information. Satisfaction guaranteed. ADDDISON WARRINER, Principal, 3 SHUTER STREET. WilI be pleaised once in, Quantity, twice in taai.yq and thre Munes in P1rice who !aspect the unequalled assortinent of Stippers, R ubbers, Trunks, Valises, & At Our Store, 82"BEIVER BLOCK, -tag n 4Il BIGGEST STORE, BIGG-EST VARIETY, BIGGEST VALUE, Everyboiy ilivâteîi 19 euh and s~e Our'new fjnIwejir L JAVI S THE 5110E MAN AFORTUNE OF 4zizCCO. T ie Fortune Le Çt by a Fes'gotten BIrOther to S. WilicoeIZ4or 5Tol,;Iee. A Windsor dispatch says.-In 18533 Will- iam Wiilcocks, a mare stripiing of a lad living wlth bis parents je Devonshire, Eng., lof t the parental roof and saited for Ameni- ca. Ho was a sh.p carpenter by trade and after waudering about considerably, locatod in Wi ndsor. Hie remained hero a few month8 and with a better opinion cf bis home -e returned te England. Bat he had caught the roving foyer, and cne day he mysterionsly disappeared withonit giving te bis relatives the sligbtest intimation of wbere ho was geîng. Not hearng any tid. legs from hIiim in a reasonable time, enquir- les were set on foot te tind hlm, and after a diligent searcb the or ly trace found was that ho had taken passage in a sailing vessel wbicb hadl been reported lest.- Giving him up for dead noth in g f enther was doue tofind hlm, sud after tbe death ef the old folks the roat cf the famnily, consisting cf six boys aud girls, came te Amerîca, ali cf thein, with the ex- ception cf cee, locating ln tbe States. Sam- uel Willcocks, tbe oide3t son, locatefi in thia country, near Woodslee. The tbought cf ever hearieg fromn or aeeing their absent brothpr neyer occurred te the remaieieg members cf the flairily, aed when last -l.. uary a louter was receivel by Samuel Will. cooks fromn a magistrate lu Walwata, Hat Diitriet, New Zealand, sating that his 'brother had died there, is surprise cao botter be imnagied than describod. But this is net the eely -tirprise in the letter, and wli, bte first part was cf a sorrowful nature, the last part was decidedly the reverse. The lettor went on te say that Willcocks bafi left a fortune in the neigh- borhood cf $75,000, and a will stating that it was te ho oqually divided býetwoou its brothers aud sisters. The letter a'se stated that lho bad managed te keep himself peated as'to tho whereabcuts cf bis relatives. The matter was placed lu the banda cf Clark, Bartlet & Bartiet, cf this city, and they set about te prove the right- fol boira, thero being six cf tbemn. As it takes tlareo moutbs te seud a letter and ru- ceivo a reply from (bhat far off country, the correspoudonce was very slow, and to,add te tbis the logal formalities were many. At iongth everythîug was proved satisfaotory, and through the Bank of Commerce la this city, arrangemen ts were made fer the pay- ment of the money. Advices received by the boira Saturday stato (bat the amenut cf bis fortune was $72,000 andi authe money ewas sent with the advîces, it is expected (bat the batik wlll roceive iL to-day, and eacb cf William Willoock's brothers aud kuown cf Willock's lite in New Zealaud, ltme lettara ouly atatiug ho ivefi the hife of a settler, On the Enyiv o f, the "Flye:-" We are s hundrefi miles from New York n0w, and alhboughI1 carry a time card, I am unuable te read the nanies ou (ho s tations. Hfolding my watch lunsuy lftI baud 1 (Sp tho case wlth my righ(; the engineor shakos bis bead slowly sud bolda up (hree flugrs ; we are throe minutes laIe. I cross ovor, take a seat behind the driver, sud speakiug loud ett(ho back cf bis nouk, express (ho hope tbat we will reach Albany ou lime. Hosasys uothiug. I cross back (o (ho Cther ide, sud as oftten as lue whistles Ir~ing the bail. A minute lator ho (urus te tho fire- ia nsu saouts : "Look eutfor, henjack, ' aI (ho sanie lime pulliug (ho (brotîbe wide- open. Jack know hia business and proeed ed (o look out fer ber. Taking (ho ciluker bock ho levellefi cff (ho fine, sheok (ho gratos, sud closod the furnace door. The black amoke rolled ti4ick sud fast frein hem stack, then cleared away, showiuug (bat ahe wss culling ber fine beautifuhly. Sîvinging the door open, the akilled fireian (hnew lu tbree or four aluovela cf ceaI, clcsed it, sud leanefi eut cf -the wiudow, xvateling (ho stack. Tue traimîed firemaus cin tell by (ho colon of the samoke how (ho flrc humas. The lew pouda cf steani lest lu fixmng tho fine, sud by reasaocf (ho (brotîle being tbrcwn side open, la accu regainofi. The pointer goes rond te 1905, sud the white a(osm begins (o follter froni (ho relief valve at (ho top of >he ulome, She iuaI ho coolefi a littie uew, or sîse will pep, sud wassî ber ouengy. An entra flow .f ccld waster queuchea ber buroing (hirst, sud asequi# dcwn. -[McClure's -Magazine. A Liverpool miikman was goimmg d iown (ho street eue alterucen dorng the recanit fro3(y weathen, wimen ho saw the inspecter comieg, snd seîuehcw or ether siipped1 sudn ippcd thoe au over, spilling aIl thse milk juar as tho inspecter came up]. "Bad job, air," said the mlilkmau. "Yea," sald (ho inspoctor, meanîngly "but il mighî Isave hoon wcrse." A Wesk of 'Wael-Doing. Sunday Scool Teacher: 'lI tbld you Ias Sunday (bat I wislied eacb cf yen would tu-y (o axake at least oue peracu happy duig lb week. Dif yen 1" Boy Yoa'îa, I made graudma h iappy." " t'bs( la rble. Flow diai endo il ?11 II weut (c r isit ber, sudsb'aIay happy W'on sWý souýs I's-o got z gcod sp w=Fxvzmý=; isisuers Win rezelveiDiz is 1 PIM ut. Vvv. DUU iiuuie 1 sisters wili reusive 812.000. But iitti. i. 1 uatite." &zàe;àe Sap i iîig 1 f--I- tThere îs always a great rush for DAYis & SONS' Cigar,3. T1oronto Business and Shorthand College FALL TERM, SEPT. 4.