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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1894, p. 5

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Ive are prepared <o- Offitr soine special Inducenients go, those, ~VaningClristmnam Goods. cali early and your selections. make We lead both i.n pricea and variety. Special value in Leather, Plush and Oak Cases, d Perfumes, Furses, 5having Mugs, Gold Spectacles.1 STOTT & JURY, IRUGGIST & OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK -HAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. 001510 BAS T 00151(5WEST Exres. 3 an FEprss 5 20 arn l'OrE.1027 arn Expe. 6 07 a m p se er..7 l07 V ni Pas8o'nger - .2 29 P n xr59 55 p miExpe'38... 830 P In WHEN YOU GO TO BRITIS il COLUMBIA, MANITOBA. EUROPE, 1UNITED ST.& TES. o any place in Canada cal1 et STOTT & Juity's Drug store for Ticketand Infor- imation regarding lowest rteq and best BOWMÂNVILLS, JAN. 10, 1894. Local and Otherwise. STÎTESMAN and Ladies Journal for 1894 '0111Y 81. 15. Mfiss Christie o! Motreel is viit ng at MIrq. R. J. Shaw's. A lady lest ber pooal'book on, the etreet Saturdey. See ad. Rev. U. D. Fraser bas had a taiephone placed un St. Paul's Manse. Gounlies Councili ieats Jan. 23. Whoî 7ili succeed Werden Prowen ? Mi. sund Mrs. Gept. T. Brownu of Port Dalhousie are visiîîng lu baun. -Teachers, aur coumua arc aiways crwe.Cut yaur reports dewa te throe pupils In a ases. Ladies sbauld iol f ail toaiseo whatc iovely Goalt tey cen get for very litti- money et Goucb, Johueton & Cryder. mlan's. Rev. R. P. Fnaser, M. A., preachai in the i'resbytenion church, Newcastle .Sunday uorniug sud Mr. Neil McPher Eon in the eveniug. Schalarahip lu a ieading Business Col loge for sale cheap. Now is your chance boys, ta gel a collage course for liii]i money. Apply la M. A, James. Remember, we are stili givi)g tlb 'Weekly Globe free for 1894 la any prasar ijubcriber wha obtains one ne w aubacniba for Tire ST&TESMAN et $1,00. Any pareon who wisfues la Puy an: article o! fur for coet pnico shouid cali oi M. Mayon, the practical fumrier, Bowmeu vJille. HBa lu clearing hie ainter stock t big reductions. OapR H. J. Sueigrove, Cobourg, hi been admitted btbethProvincialUuiverait: as an undangraduata ini the Facuity c La with third year'e standing. Ha ail complote the LL.B. course. Miss JasBie Alexander bas establishe a aide repîttation as an enuast o! rare tl ente, and la the strongeat "draaing card in Canada ta-day. -Torioîîto Glebý Town hall, Bowmauviile, Feu. 5. ni'e ebi>rsa!fWelington Ludga, oEB. S., arere rîgbb royally entertair ed lýy the near Presideut, Mn. P. Pavii et his reidanca, Beach Ave., Tucsa nlght aftar the installation ceremanl About 35 aoccpted bbe hospitaiity pro fered and Mrs. Davis Eerved eue o! tl beat o! auppera b ) wbhich the bratre Euý lishmenî did amuple justice. A prograi o! speeuches, aogsanmd gamas wiled awa a pleasant twe heurs. Ahl voled M aad Mrs. Devis "jolly good !ellows,îî Auy loth bought t Mase's ct fre, Boa new adet. 1Noue better, noue cheaper than cr stock o! groerue-s, fruits, spices, et W. H. Osbore., Auyone wiashing e bl u tegel by clling at l'dr,ýDis'c-itder's aud pu chasIng anc of!hP r styliela trnmead Pa et $1,25. Mng. Dexîcaeeer.. Jua. J. MeIson i- sheiviiu a variad ai pretty eaao- t oA fî'"cv embroider Oeilansud Pava a !lizk ett',a Patrons o! Trioe TAT5M N bo oe f advenrisiîîgpret egnor sîîbarptiùnS 1 reclueated Ie psy u1 i ioî epýi Our tennins are0naitbyc Tait '& Co. -,i-, e iaF th oh]ph nnd are turnirg ot bettor phtie jstii aven.COeil eith-,,n bright cr Jeýrk 'da 3ny time b-ýt-Nie Ui 9 a.-). and -êp. Pictura framea 1v,-.y- on hand. M. A. James is age t r U o wi pçsnlr uamhplni-ltrAI! Dominio, Amoncan (frsanlyit luan, A Io! ad r.4,g m~n bvud 8Laiigs'cati blie a naî.îtcm the S TAT ESM A N office,Bînsrlî ]è4raonally on by letton. at Il ai s( Mn. Jas. MeBrien has s wIl eqtipped tin shop STÂTESSîN, 1Ledien Jouirnal sudi Prenrium Book $1.30. The new Council nieeîs for or4,anizatioa at il a mi. Monday nex-,. Rav. C. Parker prehes mii sionary armons on Tyrone circuit Sundsy. Dr. Byron Brimacambe of Marion, Ind., ia guest o! Mr, J. N. Kiveil. Listen's Sealettes in severai qualities and specially good valne et Conch, Johns- ton & Crydernan'is. The annuel meeting of the Conserva- tive Association of Wept Durham meets at OronEr, Friday, Jan. 12. Ministers aud tfficera of societias in ail town churchas ara reqie.stcd tb send in chnrch nears for publication. CouriciliorVanstîîne s tteiîdud t heBoard of Trade banqu.-t et Toronuo lest m eek and exchanged gr elinga with Lord Aber dean, Couneillor J. C - Vaiîstone kits moved int that haudsome brick îesideînce,Cedar Cliff, recently bought froîn Mr. J, B. Mitchel. Any person wbo sauds lis 300 for the LADIEs JOURNAL for 1894, nd our larg4o Premium Book for 1893, and is natPastis- lied we will refund the mney. The teechers and offoers of tho Math. odist Sunday Schoîl wara entertanai in the School-room. Tuesday night lat week et e tee senved by the Primary Cl-aBs Teechers aisisteti by Miss Shrtrn. Mr. A. J. Elook's Sofalashoa poliah la a splendid article simd ne are ut surpris- cd ta hear that ha is-sellig larg-t quanýi- lies. We saw- it umed in Chicago iu Oct- aber lest. Miss Jessie Al-iýxaudor,' Toroi m>s tai- eutad elocutionist, -wili eppeer in the Townu Hall on Mot-day, Februany 5ýh, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. o? St. 41l'a chýîrch. Pont feu to tiî,ar hier.1 i New office ns o! Court Pride of O ta is No. 6000, A. O. F.-C R, Jas. Ssui.dîirs; S C R, M A James; P C R. W Paintuîn: Trenet L Joilow; Sec, J N MoDoual; S< W, Jas Lawrip; J W, Thos Kn;ghr; S B, W W Aluin; J B, R Hl Hainley; Trm.- tees, J T H1oope-, J Law rie end T Spry. The Primsry Clasýes of tieo Methodist Sabbath Scbooi had s pic-utc.- n Tuasday ,when thay were trented to a drive arouud town in thîe Land wagon ai d aftarwards enijoyed a tea in the school rooan under the management of ýMisses Veale-, Aikiîî, au i Brimacombe. A siui4h nido was in-I teuded but thera w-as no sieighing. Roi'. J. H. Strik-i, the poperuno miniater ou Tyrona circuit, nili pioehi iEducatiouJ,, Sermons in the Mgthodist church, Bo)wennvilie, next Suudiîy et 10.30 s.m. and 6.30 p.m Specîsi sub- scripiious saed collections wauj he taken tfor the Educational Fund. Mr. SFîikg je a favorite with young peîîpl.i and ho cati 0depead on heirîg greetcd by a 1 rle audi- ence. Thare waias every large ate diucoaet the special Song Service in the Methodist Church Snnday eveuiug. Rev. C. Park. ar presched to the young sud dividad has peinion, a suilable stPenmi inerveniug. jThe large choir rendnarad several authemne and Mr. J. Keachie, o! St. Paul's'church and Mis3 Gloven, sud Mr. Il J. Kaight, *the efficient choir dircetîmr,inendered solos in splendid voice, The service was very *mnch appracleled. ýe The third page o! the Toroiito Paily Mail is uoled for "Wart" adverisement If yen laant s situati 'n, a nsech-ic, a jd business, machinery, iodgin«, if yen have el ,s or fouud snylhing. If you aat te r-fihîd ont arbare any ona is, advertii' lu the Toronto Peily Mail sud read the advertiseme-ats one the third page o! that paper. The charge i i two cent s a word each insertion, or tan cents a word for aux insertion8. Address Tho Mail, To- lerenta, Canada. at Mn. Geo. E. -Maynard, the newly Iu. ersteileti Noble Grand o! Floreunce Nightin- gale Lodge, 1. O. O. F., ina'lted the brethiren ta the number ai 40 ta bis resi- IY deuce, Q neen St., Weduesday uight whýn -a rechereèhe supper -e-as erved by Mra. Mayuard. Thae nembers ef the triple 'týlinks seemed blessed with ebundant sp- pAtes aud rnost generously were thay .5i etisfied. A. very literesting program te tYi which Bras. A. Mi'chel, J. H1alpanyJas, fA Mitchel, cautnibnted soniqs; Bras, O. .Smith sud J. Halpany recitetions; sud Bras Dr. Tiliey, M. A. James, Chanles ed KirbyandC.Hl.Giies appropniate speeches, GLtATIFYINc To Ar.-The high position atlained sud the universel accep tance anc approal. o! the plessaut 1i quil fruit ta medy Syî-up of Figs,aq the mont cxcelicn' S. laxative kaiown, illustrata bbc valne o n- the qualitiis on wbich ils seccoas is based suad are aunudantly gratify;ng ta 1h, y California Fig Syrup Company. (J. ood lionsai te rant. Apply ta M. A )fJames. he Mri. Doncaster la making a big clesr 19 ing salea!fwinlar uiliinery. ay For. Cýals sud Robes awey down a [r. Mason's CIa-biniz Sale. So advt. Lidi-is, if ycîn have ual slready, doin' De. foil t-j try îoy cho-ice famxily tees, W. M Osborne. .y Soims vl-ry elhod espaýý4-rns se"ilir. c. off et about hal! pice et Cn _% ýh, Johns to!i & Cryderman's. it LAits-Ask for llook'a Sofala Polis r for ie boîtsansd shoos, lJse no allia ~a aiod voo arîli bha stistiad wih the resull For sale by M. 9 relevon, D. Pavis, Jur ,d NMcMýurtry, and T. Gr. Marion. Menui ,d1fectured by A. J. Hook, Bowmanriiie, Now whîle ihle boys and grla are et home for Xmas s Py ual heve a famnily group takuma et Tait & C's Studio. They rok eciietwork aud guarantea sitt~f m~iuD n't ebay awey bocanneI ttsitl ot îhiîing. Il makiesaodi!- fene Office heurs 9 a ns. tb) 5 P.îa Veryp cîy pitura trames §for Sale. iW - nteautifui display. - *'XVaI pelby -îre « ' Ho v loveîy. 'Thesa pned un,îiy ,t i,.nsimilar meirt,,res wer't te ho liard on Stadyerco etas tise r.iny cuet -ns s arPo visiîteis'tt-,-rn ('t J. 'l. Plesis, aitnes2ad thaeîpnn oue' o! a lange shipmet e! Silvarwaàre. Their svce aof Cris-msegoode le Ihis a,àd mî-.St novai design&s. Tbey ,,ïill b pleasad ta have yen a thongh bi tc ti t Mr. George Allun spent New Yaar i ip 'roDe visihing friLuds. Every suhseriber is reqiiesteltad s news nhile il ii fresh. î Mr. David Haig of Baltimore mado 1 bref cali on scmne finds here Thuraday. Miss Cuwle of Toronto sud Miss Werry f Soliua warr amDng the week'e visitons to town friends. Great laughter in overcoats et Mason'a clearing sale. Sees the big reductions -,in nrices in their new ad-t, Cali et Haines' Carriage Works to eeû hein new cuitera before pnrchasing-it wiii psy yon handsomely. We strongiy advisa every subsoribar t, THE STÂTESMAN to order the Ladies Journal sud Preminni Book et 30a extra. Both are well worth one dollar. Maynard the Jeweller e u youý i"etchep, cdocks and jewellerycepn than auîy one else in towu, Why? BeaelLF, the stock was bought et 50a. on the ý. Stowe's Uncle Tom'o Cabin Co. theýt pîacd to fnl1 houa-i) here Thurîdey uight was one of the best of the kind that has vîiied tha town. Sovesi lcouintry pEop'e came in t-a Uncie Tom die. Littin, Eva aras e cule wee lot. Fuit ! EuRs ! Fuite ! flusaing bought lsrgely sund the areaih-er sBO miid, the stock muet be soid. I have com,.meucad giving 10 par cent discount 10 ail cash cusitomairs, Bo corne aiong and briug your friands with yorî. The stock is large sud A-Onie. M. MAXER. The Frior. The 33rd anniversary of! Maple Grovye Division was celobrated Monday night when R3v. C. Paîk-r, Bowmauîviile, dea- livered a thniiling lecture on the North- West Rebellion, giving rnany importent fac's that have nover found their way in print. Ail presant arere highly d;jIiglitadr with iht3 le,turoe.-Com .wINAvi ficers of R î)yal Arcnum Coun- ci', 968, are: Ragent-J. O. LaBel e; Vice R02en-D- D.rch; Se-P. Mer- ison; Col.-T. E. HigkinbaithRr; Trias. -P. Treblecocle; Orator-D B. Simpaon; IGuide-C D Pin(l; Pat Regent- W, S. 1Bîmyle, M. D.; WV4rden--J. Daymau; Sentry-M. A. James; Reprosentfativa to 1Graud Lodge-D. B. Simp'son; Aiternate 1-J Devinani. - --1_ NewNcificer of Jerusilem Lod--e, No. 31,A. . &A. M , G. R. C. are:-W M,-J. Percy; S. W.-Thos. Fitzgorald; J. WV.-Dr.Lmimn Trea.-J. Lyle; Sec.-Jos. P..ttineon; Chap.-Jas1. Giffil- lan; S. D.-W. H. Foley; J. D -T. H. SDry; I. Gurd-E R. Bounsali; Tyr- Wm. Wright; Auditors-Joha Keachiie, Lews Quick; D. of C. -Samuel Burdexi; tlrganist-E. R. Boun ail; Steward- N,3w officers of Court Sirnpsmi No. 709, Independent Order of Forstors are: C. R.-J. G. Mannon,; O. C R.-A. J! Lockhart; Roc. Sei-John Keachie; Pin- Sec.-LE R. Bounsail; Traes -S. J. Bail; S W- S. Edsall; J. W.-John Lyle; S. B-H. J. MeNMurty; J. B - S. I. Reynolds; Chap.-Robt. 'ioldin2; P. C. R.-E. R. Bcunsali; C. D. 11. C. R.-R McDougall; Auditor-Rohart Beith, M. P.; Rapresentative to High Court-John Keachie. We are doing a big tradt, in NOTE PAPER,PADS, ENVELOPES, et.,. Corne inu snd see our low prices. GRAND CENTRAL. ,B Thez Mi3sionary Mectings. The Mis2ionary services u Suuday lest n S'. Psnl's Chnrch wreofo!a moat lu. t,,restirg character. Mr. Neil MePher. sns, M. A., au old Bewmsnvilia boy, who sBat prose tut teleing a post-gnmîdnate course at Queen's Col'age, occupied the pulpit in tho morning. Ris diacourse. a very uble cnp, aras mostîy occnpied witb s descrip- i in o! the condition o! the Indien and Obinese population o! Britiah Columbia, sud o! mission work smeug thoem. Mn. MePhenson speul the summer in au ont. post m7saion in Vancouver Ielend sud made e utudy of the Indiens sud Chinesa on tbe spot. Rai'. J. H. MacVicer, b. A., a! Honan, China, spoke lu the aven- iug. Although o! a differnut typa in persoaei ppearsuce from bis distiaguish- cd fathen, Principal MenVican, of houi.t real, end e diffarant style o! delivary, ha isaenoe bsspowerful upeakan. The lesson wee Acts XIV, aith a rnnniug comment. ary ai actuel incident f rom mi asiouany ex. perie'îcas in ilenan, ad the sermon frnt tho 27lh versa of the chaptier aras s vivid aud telling ccout o! how the "d.sor a' faiih", heaviiy bsrrad. as il la in Honan by suspicion o! the motivas o! tbe mis- sianaries, the pat boliefs o! the pipic, and thceniaterialiatic taudeucy o! bhe lenc!uaae which nuades the teachinig o! spiritual. ideas axlremaly difficuit, bas beau opened, sud -ia baing opeuad maire widaly stilI. Mn, MaVicar fiae rare d-Ic scniptive powear. He preacheti luOao in the morniug sud Nawai'stie iii the efier ami, sud arent ta etnvlan Mouday. His preint tour if bwo aek embraces aIl the Preshyterian congraa-,e lions in the' Pcesbytery o! Whitby. The Late Muss Eanny Hellyar. At the negular rnonlhly meeting o! the Malîhodial Snnday School lstA wees za rese lion (,f sym-atby aras passed nec- oguizing th lu-s l'y deabof aeeao!the m oFt val, d teacbans, Miss Penny Hiellynur, you-.geut daughtor o! Mn, John Hleilysr i' etiÀii* owui. Misa Helîyar eaes a veny iecfivi3 worker il, the una School, beinu teiaher of en ladies bible cl-îs h acisdakmIn and symaîbeth titur nd Ire graItl led net ocu]y 1y lie in!ail ut by ier class, bcSue iho u ~rh She livEd A tra1c10 Ma he an~I.'i-' t ,hooilscscexetîdta Feover-,1 c daabfae a ly- dCUMi4, hanfaibli i evr er ingfr e moment.Smm sudthi us !~llevedby byp)hoid fever wbîch sue-idberdith on Pi 8 mavleeeeetery ou the f!ohluwing Seýt- urdmy flho.sdthea by a lar~ge nme cm, , hem psterofficiaead and oi t i el-afl lowing Sabbath refenred l fenngtain cloe emam .ie1Pme 1 s ' a y4be youn laieso! bbc choir, Pitcher's castrerb., Station'ery, Fancy Goods, Watt Pa-3per, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Mr0wen Sopar o!Latgtonu, Ont., ais ViritIng old acqýueintaucee. M r. aud Mrs. Fred,. Loscombe left for their home in Peterboro ou Wednesday. Mr. Neil MclPherBon led the regular N'eekly rne3ting of the Y. P.S. C.E. i n St. Paul'é church Monday eveaine. Mr. A. J. Lockherr, grain dealer, and ('iouncillor John Lyle, grain and orovision merchant, were gueesta the Board Df Trade bauquet in company wîth His Excellency the Governcr General and ,Eari Ave. Boy wenteà to learu printîr.g in Tiie STATESMAIN Office. Good chance for a iaespectable, intelligent, ind ustri )me youth. Noue other neod epply. Mlusi be a good speller and writer. Apply to M. A. James or the Foremar. 17he new officers of Florence Nightiu. gîle Ld4Ie, Nu. 66, J.O.O.F. are: N.G. -.E. Maynard, V. G. -Jas. Archibald, Bec,Sec -D. Gilbert, P.G.; Per.Sec. - F. W. Venu, Treas.-M, Mayer, W"ard- u.-Jos. -Haipeuny, Cou -Ww. Furz, I.G.-O.Smnih O.G.-Jas.Johnsîon, R. S NG0-A. Mitchell, P.G ; L.S.N.G.- Jas. M~orrow, R.S.V.GT.-Js.Mitchell, LS.V.G.-J no. Grige, R. S. S.-John Allin, L. S.S -Frsd Haddy, Chep -W,. Williams, P.G.-Adolph. Nicholls. Ladies' Pictoriel, Lnndon, Eng., says: On Monday, June 2Oth, Misa Jessie Alexander, the talented Cadian reader, ,gave a dramatic sud humerons recital et the Drawingý Room of Lady Lathain. Her selections included s 'me very novel sketches of Americcun children, Julia Walcotb's "Onur Christnas," and clever delineetionis of Scottish Iýfe eud ctaract- or. "The goblins will gel ye" aras givý n ini thoroughly arlistic style and keonly an)precieted by the fashionebie audie-nce, which includad the Duchess of Buck:ng- hemt and Chandos, Marchioness o!f Eleaï- fort, Lady Ampîhili, Lady Winborne, Lady sud Misa Bo-thwick, Lady Coi ou- try, Lady Eh-r(n ue Cecil, aud msny others of tbe nuobii.ty. Towu Hall, Bow- manville, Eeb. 5. H-orticultural. Society. 20. We have ail kinds of Sewing Machine Noedlesalways in stock. Subseriptions taken for Magazines and Newspapers at lowest rates. A fuit supply of Daily Papers alwa-ys on hand. W. T. ALLEN. J. to A Throngh the n-ff.orîs o! M 3srs. Tnos. urden sud Joseph Jeffeny an Hontîcul- urel Society lion b tri fores 1d i', towu, 11h the fo lowin.z provision dl officers§:-- ?ne8ideut, Thos Burdan; Vice Prea»dent, . Jt ffry; Sury., S. Burdan; Tras., fIoý. Brittaiin; Pinectore, Mayor L, scombe,ex- 6 layer Allen, Chas. Todd, P. Trebilcock, 11. [l.I. Jury, R. Jarvis. Tha annuel meetin.g sud election o! officers wiil ha aIld ou Thursday naxt, Jeuii l et thei mjnucil Chember ab2p.m. Ali membersE atend. J. N, Kîveli Caned. Oâ Mouidu morning eaiy wo noticed MIr. J. N . Kiveli, the iraI1 known, huail in represenlatine o! tiha Siager Sdwing Mlachine Ce , strikinji a lively gait on, goung estward ; sud a few nintes latar ha marched bsck from the Express Office bearing e noatîy encsýd article. On openinz ihe casa tharo aa a utiful gold heaed ebony cane handi- uomely engraved, bein, aunarard for doing the grealasi voInume o! busýinessfor tha Comparny i-î the Kingston district [t is a very hand8oa-e preaent anti LMn. EKivell w Il carry it with becoming dignity. We cengrstnlaîa aur entenpnisiag citize.n on receiving such a vainabla racî-guition for !aith!til mervices, anud ou baiug the euccessful campe itor among>2 agents. The Mayor's Banquet, Lu siccordance with a plaasing cnstomn astablished hy his predoe.-esor, Mayor Loscombe enterltained the members of the Town Council, the c'vie officiais'sud a faw friandse t his peîia'i .1 residenca "The Elinua' on Enîday eight. Perhaps tbis cannty doas nct contaiu a moe compet- ent eLtarteitior thean the prenaut affable Mayore, and seldom if ever heu a fine! dînner been served on s similar occasion. Mmr. Loscînibe was. ably a5sisted b y ber daughter, Mrs. (Dr.> floig aof Osb wa, sud Mrs. sud Miss Metcaîf. Rer gucats were all deligbted with the banquet sud eujeyea'nt providecd for the evening aud jouI befura dispanîing tiey exprýsied their grâtefiil recognition in brie! but timcly speeches. A large o-chestri comn- pose-1 o! a di 7.-n ù! the best, musiciensiv tawn inclling Mesprs. Meatb and Brownu c ýrcits, fariied. the music. The K-'ickapoo Medicine Go. It wii hbo sm.ea by rosterd. and bya(Iv't elsahere lintthis issue tbat the Kickayoo Mi dicîiip CJ.,are ialing ae vsit te this place, coiuîm-î.tcng n Thnudey uight Wea notice t.y oun exchangeea that the coinpauy iî veny favor-ably Fspokeîi o! lu the difloeu places where they hava ex. hibiteci Thea io;Iîiwing ia fnîîm the Caimpba'lferd Hiereid : ",The Kickapoe Modicino Co. are privîung te b-s as eeas ne- pire' auitmd,-a rouae dealirg lires. The good work be-iug done with thse sick lai- tully et'forth lu thair advertioumnt lu Ibis issue. Prof. Bailey ie a gaod taîken, sud cieerly sets forth thoeniorits of!the Kýickapon nemiedies. Hise kilîful extrac- ion of, leath, froe of charge, illustratas the anethetia prepertios of the Indien 011. The Indiins pliment their quaint -aIts Po'au the langh maken, is justly r mcd. Roars o! mintb greet hiseavary eppearence. PrDf. Rliggius, the illusion- jet sud ventniloqui8t, bans set tlia people talking. Ris work ine dean, brigbt and uu:que. The Prof, bas been lu the arn- ploy o! the Kickapoo for, over tan yecars. Take-u altogather ibis coînpauy are plans. ing the paop'e, sar hy uîat î Wedn- s- day and Satnrday evenging, a-mission 10 cent- ; othen nigiat.,ra IIENRY'S OLUù STAND. Best of Phoýtos at iowest possible pnices. Cail atc the Gallery,- OPPosITE BENNETT'S HOTEL. I Ail work iguar&titeed. centI, eaths. 5o cent%, caeh Inserion -but FUEE OF CHIARGE, itien the 1'unerai cards are xrinited at tiq Ma ice Gîî soN la Clarke, Jan, 7, the wîfe of Mr. D, J.Gibson, cf a son. VANSTr)-,E-At Brantfo"d. New Years Iay to Mr. and Misa. Arthur Vanstone, a San. Tu icirsoN-Ini Bowmanville Dec. 30. the wif a of -Mr. WV. Thickso n jr., of a daughier. M AR RUED. 2MiLLs-ToRaA,'cE -In Port Perry. Jan. 1, by, 51ev. A&. W. R. VWhiteman, B3. A. Miss Mary i.nn Torrarce. Port Pairy, and Mr. William S'r.xCx,-%kOGAR'TII-At the bisciple Parson- age. kiowfeaflVille D.ic. 13, by Rai'. R. A. Rurriss. Mr. Ch'is. N. Sçac3jy and Miss Birtha HT Hcgarlh. youngest daughtr of 8taphen jlIOXrth. Esq., ail of Darlingtun, DIED. NEsBvrTT -In Blackstock. Dec. 28, Mary Nesbitt. re'iet et the laie John Nesb itt, aged 67 y eaes. STAPLEY, In Bowmanville, Jan. 2, Cati er. [ne iltapley. aged 00.years. MOeMiLLN-Il Darlington, .Jan. 5. James MoMillan. native of Argyleshire, kýco tend, aged 91 years. BROAD-In Lindsay, Dec. 22, Chas. Hon e, eldect son of W. H. Broad, aged 9 years. MA4cMXNcHY-At Llndsey. Dec. 30, Join D. MacMurchy. aged Il yeare. BowrLs-At Oakwood. Dec. 3), Wrn Bo xep, aged 85 yeers. HARDY- In Little Britain,D3c. 25.Mrs.Hardy, widow of the late William Hardy. aged 71. yrs. Rocîcav At Virginstowe Hou;ie. Cla"ke, Jan. 4, Gra",i Spettigue, relict of ih,3 laie Wm. Rocey' -Vt gistow, Devonshire. England, eged 79 yeers. Fanerai from Mr. F. M. Brim. acornbc's teB,)wvmanville Cemetery lest Satur. day. One of the wonders ofthsai PRICES SThe wonler of Bowman ville. Bouht at 25e onl the dla of old cerrd,nted bo.Mliuty very uesAythis me as.Becniedy FLeOuR, p 10 o .......$1 50 ta $2 O0 can do no bettsr t 1a2 ho uy(5 WmmrT, Feul, P bush,.... 0 00 es U 6*2 Rcadsa isf1oj- m'c eRassian, ' 0..O00 ir- O60 Rcadsa h- i Gooee, 0 00 i0 55 Coieorado 0O00 0057 White Fife, i..... Oî 2 Reti~ ~~ ~~~ 'i".....OO ,O GENTS $55,00 WATCHF.q for $00 BÂ fE, bush, No. 1 .... 0 00 0 40 45.00156 Il il u2K.. 000,, 0 35 71 il 2.... 000 0 30 ' 18.0G il sud 0 e TTwo rowed O0GO0"0O33 $,0Chain for 75 siT, ahite............. 0 0 O 301 ,,~~~~~~~ ied......O9iO28ILADIESI 35,00WATCHESEfor $13,50 Ryxm, 000il 040 j mIl 20.00 i 80 Bucki'theat IVbush.....O 60il O 50 The abaveare ahi Waltham aud Elgi PHÂs, Blackeye, r bush... O 0 00 lO062 jii oMummy i.. 0 00 O 60 Wabchea. No Swils tmasbý, 0iSai, ' '00,,0 55 $90 k eBine, .$9-600, 6 Cloha-day utrikiung fi $.5 BUTTen, besl table, V lb. .. O 0 0 18 50c. Silver Thimi les fo,'%!,..,,2c CIOKEN, VIb "".,,. O 69 O 10 Ladiesi 3m50Fob Chaiis for-., 15 En1 fdoz ...,........ 000 t0 QLI Po-rÂToxa, e bush ........O0 25 ,,O-0 $2,50 Spooue fa oc.501,ie h ait dOzeýný RavA ýptanl.............. 600 ,7 001 A. S, TILLEY, Mfi. ».,'c. Di. M EMBEP. F COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS niand Surgeons, Ontario. Offie. ,King St. yirst door west of Ontario lBank; Residence. Chtireh St.-8Sh door east of Meihodiat Chureh, Bowmnanville. 37 W ANTED-Ladies who wisl to mie inoney ai iheir homes, adIresg Box 25 Belleville, Ont ;erclose stamped envelope, Yen arc net aked ta eiv ti ih ont investigationu at potionstaly low. iye-.sight testcd , f rte. Basi value iu Geld Spex. Need's Bock, Bew'a-iuhe, On,. Saterdar. Ja. 6, rmaîl leailher P oe 1et1 0 Biook containing smLiO umu of e.' .neiy lease THE D U I N lïave athe PostfMie. 2-1wt . iIsiaîc bpTO RENT.--That conveniulEntscùto kJ shop recent.y oceîîpied by fi. Rilanon. shu emaser King4 st. AppIY te . .JEFEPRYIîvlues a gaunms 'Banket" PQei iytofranirs Bowanvlae. 2-3w RTS: 11F OSE TORENT A eoît-detch,- l I.s 5-5 cents p8r $10 XLbrick baouse an Charcn atreet lately 1Srd -99iroTur!,, Iyea ecuupledbyCapi. Crawford. Tarma moder% e. î fWsiD-a' Aeppiy ta A. YouNtE. an T. BnccIr.,GIA. Eavw- Ps c es u-hra' e minanýIfrmr mianvilla, 43-tf. fP a insured inuit. ______ ___ -Came___ _ 11__ __ 1R. J. DOYLE, Eq., JESSE RULL, Eeg., HEEP ASTRAYCan enlo27 Manager, Pras'denî, couan. 2, Darlingtan, two awe. The owoer Owcn Sound. Bws-~1e ie requested ta prove propenty. psy eaxpan a Ailicaiorcipetplcrd aud race iham away. JAES HecaN;UU, cl nhep fpa ad Caîîrtice, 52-3w'ý Agent fer West Durheam. ________________________A. W. FOLEY. Box 118. 1 iITTLE ASTRAY.-Came ou lot 7, Bi Gn]Owmanvil, Ont cou. 4, yearling heifer sud ana 3 esnling uleer. Oaruer la requasted ta prove praperty, psy expensesansd take thom T B ii I MMO &t HARRISON eway. ReeT. COcLAcoTT, BoWaaVil.le.USNS AO SHR AR fiLRENT. -That comforbe ran B CO" 0L L E~ E wih elaht noomsa nd eut convaniencea, knaan as the Hablilepropryon Odeilist, Oaa and Corner Yrong-e &ClaeSre le quarter acres, eidd onchard. Apuly on the premaisea ta Mis. (IEO, Wnreîre, Bowman- Toronto, Clanada, FARMnTO RENT-Eor a tarnao! - vears. thal moal dereble home, 3 mille Iaxlh of Newcastle lcow ts the MuItnra HoTmestead, 'i. lwu u oe mait pssso.Fan Innilianpanticulars iapply ti Chate gt , Ezo , Beniter, Newcastlra, Ont. 2-4 W jA MTO RENT for a term ai yeans. JJ'That dasirable faim, balng the South 110 acres of lot Numbar 16, in the third Cen.'ot the TownvLsIp Gaf Dartington. theo propnnty ef Mn. E. G. iPuri, oft Cmpbalford. 3Fusîl penticul ens can ha hsýd by applying tae1D. Bi-Tusi, SimnroN, Banite, tcBoavmanviile. 36-tf ,,o builigsadbsu. Admirable for stock odîr.Clance fer gatng extaznsive lmi Standlu 7 the very fronit rank as a thoro, ugh and prectiaiBusinesrenig In- stitution 1for ýa ud oneen BookepigBanking, Shortheud5'7 'Fypewritng, PureshpEglish anti To'iegrap eprmet, pn nir icr Teechery,AarmnEqietsu Location the vcery beet, FeuaM deae Enter no -- Cirulars fre,, R, . NIMO, a S. lAR6N A $1ý5 te25per weck la s u m o mi r y CanadienGrwnNursay toe Heha salres or commissions idwekly. onp- Fa J, CARLES. Aeed epply ~J. H. 130- WPti,ù2ti Il-ur1--yman, - ",oOn. Go to BI-ý , 1 --- - 1

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