GRkTEFU-OOMFOR INU TF'. SERGE".ANTIS( . fRTFYCIE. V--ILïf fftIf BFiEAKF7AST-SUPPER. "9,.By a thorou gli knowledge of the natur:0 'as hl 'h goven the operatiens of digestin i .nd"nuùtrition, ani by a careftil application of the fine prGp3rtleý of W61-salectadCiOGcea.Mr. Epplibas provdel oi breakfast tabl,33 witl a. tdOlicatelY flivoreï beveraze which ma.y sia Us manY lieavy dotor' b!113. Je is by thq ýudiqious use of sucli article.c of dia' that a Constitution may be gradu iIIy buit Upunuti strong enougli te resist every tendeney' te dîseaso. Hundredg of subtie maladies ara fioatiag arounfi us ready là attack wlieraver there is a weak point, We may escape mani, r atai shlt by keeping ourselve3 well fortiftai ,witli pure bload andi a prorly neurislicd frame."-"Cvil Service Gazette." Made simpls, witli hilin.l water or milk se]d onlY in packets. by Grocers. la balad thtH JAMPS EPs4 tCe., HioeasisicCliea Iste, iLondoin. Eftziant, audjai flaona WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, 1894 IL . . M. ITCHEiaL M MER OF COLLECJE 0FPRYSICIÂN and surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Office and Residence, Enniskiiien. 4 D BUnRKE sirMlPSON, "AIi3ISTHR, SOLICITOR, &c. MOPRIS -"BELOCK. upatairs, -King Street. Bow'nan- Iville. Solicitor for the Ontari Bank J If aVte Hoixeva leaned at the lowa3t rate, L ICENSED AtJCTIONEER -FOR the County or Durhamt. Sales -attended te on shortest notice and loweat rates. Addresa CCUMser . . 35 BORT. ITORT», v.,4. îFFICE IN THIE WEST ]DURHIAM~ W.Nes llck, -uhre Ilimself or assistant will lie feund l'romo Sa.m. t109 pro. Night calis t reidence.directîy opposite Urili dShed. Galle L'Y telegrapli Or teieplione w ii recive &ttention 171yr L. A. ÏW. T'bl.E, A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real Esial e Agent. Bowian'vilie, Ontario- finiles attended ie aey part à Ponce A. A. PONT, NROIIITECT. ]Plans and Specifica. tiens Peae for every clase of building. sPeciai attention given te heattng by steamt psid hot water. and te saeiary arrangements. Dffce: Gorrie Block, Whitby 43 ly R.MPATE,T-1ailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. J. M.BRIMA CO1VB E DENTJ§T. DFFICE :-Rear Of Messrs. Iligginbotham & Son's D)rug Store,, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE IEPRESENTS the Federal Life Ae- ]Li sociation, and the London and Lanca. Ihire, Commercial Union. the LancashireriFe insurance Ces, and the Steam Baler and Plate Gla83 lits. CO., of Canada. Office ai WorLWs Hardware store, Bowman Gents" <lothing Cleanleti, Dyed. Pressed and Repaired by T HO/*S.- PJE AT, Dyer and Ciothes Cleanar OÏc a warrantçà te be as ne eue wti know tliem fromt new wlien doue. Crner Kng and Ontario Stragsîs, Bowmauville C. HAIINDEN, L, D. S. Graduate of the Royal Collae f Dental Surgeons. Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS3 OFF ICE. --- -VITALIZED AIR. New Taflor Shop The undergigned wlio las been carrying on the ialloring business in connection 1 witli M!aon's Dry Goeda Store for a number or years lias commenced business fri himelf at lits residence, King S.,west, where hlai preari te Inake gents' and boys, suisln ail the lta stYiee, and ai lowesî priew. Far those who wsh te Order site, lie will carry a fullli ne of 'ampies inaliltha newet patteros. Give hiro a call, J. T. A L N Fashionable Tailor liewmanvllle * Nov. 1, 1891, leidneys are DoddsKde c/o gged, t/tey are Pi//s are used' Sold b,a li dei'ers or sentby nail on receipt cf puce 5o ce',s. per box or six for $.o Dr. . A. Smih & Cj..Toronto, Write tor, bol called K idi.ey ' alk. imeute,but enselten, hy tise glearntehi bayoet, prehably, htrayed hiselcf Russien sassinla as ha pacrud down into the gleent, for the lstter speke soute words iu 4 A Taieore . IaCiimea. lb wes an avaning in tiet fearful Winter et 1851-55, mamerahie for the Criteecu WaIr, wboe terrible tonies et danger, pri- vation anSliserelanithtic s'turaus delight te tebalhebbcreside ai homte. The ceid was intense, snow 1ev thuttk upon the greuS, anS wus stili I alling noise- lessly chrough the gray and dusky air upen an Engliali camp ini the Gimea. A epace bcd heen cleared aneund the tenta, cnd the men were seeking suci wareih as was te ha obiaincd areund tbc camp fires. lu wes thc aveoet habile, as oeeversed is the wayc cf masr couid tell hy chu auxiens looks ou tise mcni's white u shavan tacas. Thure waa noue oet ilai reckles>.bravade ef whlci remancers tell us. f he t1. s werc silent, or spoke eniy lu whispers. Thctr thoughis weru, doubtiesa, tee oppressivea for nie ioudly spoeicuwerds. lb wes tic terrible Russian Winter; te-morrow tiey were te fght, ccd bic air was heavy witi propie- ies cf Sati. Sergucut Eaatreok sti there, gazing ie bitheglowiug Septha of theudru. Hie was a teEl, broad-shouldered man, et about five and-thirty; but grizzled anS unkuntpt as hae now wes, yen would have taken hlm te lia older. rouchiug close hesida im was luttle CGalire ilton, e recruit-almeat a bey, indueSd;huit thera wes a sert ot friandahip hetween dl-esc dwo, for hetb cerne fronthtie saine village ci home, in tic Garden of Englnd-e quet, itie vil- lage percheS upan a bill, et the foot cf wlich iay bhe f air Wealidcf Kent. IlSargeaut," tie reeruit whiapered, "if anytbing sîteuid bappen Ce mu te-morrow" "'lhy yen balk juat ike tlie olS liands?' IlWeii, why net? Tbcr's as muci chance et my gaicing potied as anyoue aise." "1Arc Yen cIraiS ?" "Afrciel? Nu? Are yeu?" Il Yes,"theaoeider mnuanswared, wiih a saS, quiet seule. Ill dôn't lilieve their eaui heas man living who dees net fear Suatit -aya, tic brcves, cf thant; it goesas deg with the ter et GoS!" "IBut if cnychieg ahocid bappen te sue," Ciarhie persisteS. '"Oh yeu'il lie cli riglit, youngster." Ilb is net hoceuse 1 cm c youegstur that lams ny safer, Thantcefoudcd Russiens So'i pick out wbothuy'lh bit. i waub yen te promniseuta, Srgeani, chat wbanail iso doue to-ntorrow, if yeu shouid duS sy-ift yen shonîd duSd me arng the Seaac-you will taku ibis ltter chat l% leside my jacket.f The other fliows iight icugli if cbey kuew,c euS she wouid net ike ht. Bpt yen knawi bar, Nie are te bu marrieS il I conte sae e1 out of this. If I So't I thinle aie wouidt like te know that I fell with my lace te theie eneeny 1" This tima tise yonng fa'lew fairly breke Sown. IlYen say I kuowvlier. May I esk wi o ahisl?' Il es, T So't mieS tehing yen. lb le Mary Ashfrd." "'Mary! The Sanghier et Farter Ash-i lo)rd 1"1 ,'1 Yes."i Then thuye as va adaSsileuce hetwee thent, during whicli, as the dlickering Ciru-1 iglit SauceS upon hus leateres, cny oee wlso had beti watsliitg bletce îuild asve ruaS c worhd cof nepokan cbeesgbus tipon- tise Serguaisc'g face-a shoen hut pachetse history of hunten woe.- Sncb au observer wonldi have read bis secret, woeld hsave iudersteed that Neoel Ecetunineele loveS Mary Asiford, tee C, hat lbu baSiucagsned and bepeti bis love îigt seina day bu ru- qu itut, until thase wcrda carne te dispel bis dream-words spoken lu ail innocance, but whici pierced bthu, art as fatally as could bave donc ca Coaack'shlance-tbrust. It was Hilton wbe dvrsd broke silence. IYen have net aeswerad me, Sargeani," hae saiS. «" Nai'tiyen promise Inn what I asked yenu? IYcs," Easbcrbrooi e rpied, lu a quiet, suidueed toe, whieb betrayed noeretioe, Il I will do yentitis uitile service, if yee shouiri reqeira i, ced if I aie ie a position toperfurn t i." "lThanle yen se mueh, AnS yen wilh taku the ltter hack tceliter ?" Il Yes," witls seinte bsibaien, "I 1wili ake ib back te ber, if Ilve." At thîs marnent cn otbicen carne among thet, auS tise soidiers rose asti saiuted. "lWa wanb saine mec," saiSbue, Il te go forward euS eeconuoilra the enenys out- posta. The Sctymay lie a da'cgerous eue." "Iii go,il yen please, Captain," Set- geat E tssdrbnoe.c saiS, sbupping forward. "Very wol. Talatirce munwiýh yenl." "I'il coenawih you," saiS youeg Hil- ton. Nonet yeu, youugter," thc sargeant uxlaimcd hcstily in a strange voicu. "Lot hies go, inesh ha ba voluteered," rujoined the Captahe, wbe wass a trict -dis. ciplinarian. "Ltite lad lure is dety. lb ha jusi ibhis srt et daieg pîuccliwbicb upheida thc houer of the Unilon J ae. ", Easterbroek was sileucati, ince bue usi 1neudg yheiS te lis superier officer; ced a 1few minutes later cthe sergeant, Hilten cand 3iwe other soldiers were passiug oeaiti,, 1auow-claS pleut, wiîh their muakaîs upon thiar honidera. listieg ilce four shados inl the uwilihioU et ef the Britsh camp. Nob a Word was spokan. evurythhug Sa. pendeS upon silence cul iscretien. The enew was falhng fasier now, anti obliier- aieS tic rn's footatups as tbey waikud ou. Tl'e country wa bleak euS open; tiare EATEI' BY aA A SRIP'S UIIAVEYARI1. as Rs I h~ La3t of the Swsdish .&rctio Expebi- bis own tongea, clialenging chein t decie theoscîves. IIContonnd lb!" mutterudrej tEast -____ erhrook, hait aloud, Il we have ,;entured A Mailer se too tar-rigi into chu lion's den-we musi bure tail, boys, cnd run for our viylivas, A fe' da till we are eue et ,un sisot. Thla tic, frorththe hast sort et courage that' we --n show tragie dect now." Johin Sheld They acccrdiugiy ail four tcrnýýe ced ran resoeuoc ai bull speed,, for since cha Ir objeci was Ce brought fi chtile nforîntion-there wcs neoleal 1hrav- suferncg ft ery je rcaying te bacc bbe fou. But theys derson has had ciready gone tee tar s in egr eeacî'ce a 1ev te deberminu the position oftihe enemnys venture. lices, and noce soner had they retrue te fiy tbbc shoom than the Sharp report et a, moak,!et was tmiles off Y, heard hinjd thero. The sentinel thad dozun suais creused bis comrardes, and a momeýnt later nightfall t e volley of halls wes whisliug chceugli îLh te puîîed ile nigiti air past the liccie English sqitit. ,mcrniug tc " Oh ! chia is terrible," yochg Ililton sacie coued w'c breaihlessiy, as hae rau, Il if we abould flu ihey lest like chia Sargeent !-te bu abet Irointliead ventureJ hind !-1 bad radier go hctek and face words.- them 1" ' I" The m Tihe young fcllow doulicleas fondly im- werse, and agined ibat the eyes cf ail Europe weie seaSPa prepý upon hlm iudividuially, andI bcd net yod skias chat, cmete lecru that se many teen muai go cnd 'carsa down like corn hera tihe reaper'a scythe, panerl oniy te bu regarded et beedquarters as se soou made many casualties ;buie stllchocghithat to were oblii, peril lite anS lemh in other men's qearrica As we wer' wcs giory. aise te tht "lYou must net go baek," tbc Sergean ' parcmeets cnswureîb, with a strange mixture of geetie. oece. Ail nets anS auiibority, III couid net aliow y'ou scaried ce1 te do ibut. Every man's lIte that is eut give it cpe beshelengs te bis country, and neocoeelias could do th a riebc te risk it rashly. Il They ara cniy eacb urne1 dring wild-don't bc afraiS. Jehuny wa "in net afraid-1- my GodS! I halieve dstaeeh l'in it 1" te boat, a The Sergeani, notittsaudtee bis ex- gettiug te parieuce, baS induad been mnistaken. He sbark'a tai knew chat chu Rusalan soldiers cecid net for. Thesa have teken accurate aim in the da-,i!,but lie the hoat wE did net allow for the atiities et ehaic- capsized le ibose terrible chances which goyvenchu II As mid werld's history. Hilton saiS buebcd hen cnd, atturt truck, and Neel Eassirbrook etuld alero whicb, bes tedl that a huilai bai1 enteraS bis body, but carried awa stîli they hoth kept on hraelyias long as anSdicwo utc tbcy could. Rare ie the coid, sulent niglt wtthocc aj the lusi ot habile wes net ispon them - there ncar, jr a wcs oly te mute Suire of sceunded .a utile lait heasts, whicli wouid ain heaet reat, away Lîsues, andl Iront thaîr pura8curs. two basket, 'f ey lied now crosscd the trozen Streamt bcd beau go anS wure sale troro turtber danger. B y ced wbenI this ime the waatber lied chatiged. The their huads wlnd lied drivan the suow.chudsaway, anti wa'.Cee WC front a steaiy, hUeS -ky tbe moo's waasShed- carry me. ding bier siivery igbt tîpon the four Eeglisb- village, cciE muestsîglig ver chu white Criesean gave me ad plaie. They weru sîilli e long wcy Iront BiteisCo chir ewn camp-prabebly ibrea lonsg wearyBrtsCe miles and more--but they were now le sefecy. Sergear.t Eaaierbrook called out, "IHait 1" ced tise oet arenoieS witi clarroum ~ u the feint veine in wbich lbu spoke the word. Ris dectitious eeergy had giv e way at last, ced witb a stiflcd grean bue sank dewn et(e tise foot cf a greai, lcck geariae trea. Young Hlon's wound was aise cvermasier- 'INITI ing biestsreugtb, ced tise nuxi momntieils_____ fri, ce, was iying an iueri mases upon thbc IPts seewy grouad. IWbatisl the malter, Sergeant ?" oeeoet1 DAY the etisu- soldiers akuci feelingiy. 11 did 2 nt lrnew yenu b hit." 3 - Hit-yes, 1 awe-bere le tbc leftiide 4 " I -ici w%3 foolhardy et mu ce hava vr-ene i5 " se fcr luco thir lices ceci there la cthe poor 6 lad. Oh, Dawes, 1 amntSue for ! I 1 7 "No, no: de nec say that, sergeant. ,We 8 wiîl carry you back te camp ail right bu. 9 iween us, won%'t e, Ryce? Yen w ýill bu 10 ouetetfto-merrew's tun, that is ci." il ' "Tc-morrow ! Yes, thera wili bu2 no te- 12 * usrrow tor me." 13 IlNonsense i Von wili ha sent te tbe 14 " rear, ibat is cii. The oldi sawhaees wi' i 15 put yeu streigtit uneourne. Sea, wa ciii16 c.irry you ce gently aa nre om n;17 give us c baud, Ryce." ua.Coaet18 "No," Easterhrook cnewered lu c feuhia 19 but deetaîve touae "l'leeve me 1 " 20 " "lLeave yen? We'll ses yeu baugeS 21 dratil" iRyc said, with a rougb good ne- 22 bure. 23 IlLook ai the youngstr-be la woueded 24 boo. Von suruly do't thiuk et lcaviugi 5 him buhind," 12 C IlWuli, wu ara net gcing te leave yen, 27 anyway. Wu cee came hack for hlmr." 28 " I "Auýd iud hlm duad?'2 " We mueiteke our chansces cf thai. 1 Moli. These are net titres te pick ced choose 2 wbci we do. C-Gienc, Rycii." 1 "Ne, I y ; cake,,yoiiog Hilton back te 4 camp, and leave me." 6 No!"' But Sengeant Easiarlirook, witb a au- 1 ïYAÂic prernu effort, uew roeute is fetacnd SU. ponting hinif hy cthutrunk ofe t eea, saiS, luncatern tenu of cuibrity:, "IAre you cornmaediug ibis squad, or amc ici 1? 1 say I wilheoboeyad! Take up tIhe lad anS carry blet. back te camp! " JENE They yeidui ta chu terce of disciplina, 2 wlicbjes -:)streng as to heccîenu acniy an 2 instinct, ansd raised bbc balf-conscîous forra et Charlie Hilton. The latter understoedl enly dimiy whct was goiug coi, or leha hlm suit woeid bava beau the firsctoeprebest 6 egainat hie friands berele sa2rifica. "ýGocd-hye,'harlie !" the Sergeant saiS. 8 I sban't buchibe te keco my promise, 10 but wben yen g3i hack t e Kattel! Mary 1 Asiterd hat 1, Noci Easturiîreok,l diS m y i peor litile best te send yen home Ce lier !" 1 And tes bhe b wo soidicra with their lier. 5iL.nO Son, wlked ilently ced aadly away oer oi 0 0 11 1 0 01 0 1li 0 i of li l' ii o Ili u i t i 242 4112 , 5111'221 7 14 122 ' IT 91 Or.P2 247 71412- 16RLN 041: 1.4 17 .9 36 4.62 4.862i cays'since the b"isgraph brougli' e orîb a briat accouni cf tise ti, et two ceaiera, Iseclore euS tdien luJapauese waters, acdti he STiseodere .Aniderson, wbo xva0 fom Yokohacma te Victoria still vote bis i.,rvibie experiance. An- i wsriîcts e triend le San Frac- w itarticisiats cf the it'hlinhg cd'" Tihe hrea issues ntcîoned lef t tn Ariies on Jue 1, eigisty iaS-ea.Kuea, anS afier gubcing a s, lest sigbî et the schooner. Ai, bhey heard tise vesel's guna and the direction et the soctîd. Ne'nt bhey huard the gana again, lui the as as far off as ever, anSd fnaiiy Sthe schooner allogether. The e l est dinsuAederson's owu water evary howur as getiie ic wu ceuld se a aie was vishng, taraS for lb. We teck chu dliteut ,were se the leatwith the test cead tieS Chant seoreiy te thn na suc anchor. A sharle, bowever, laway wiulî bbc skies, cnd wa ae I c replace thent with our gueis. ne lashing bthe ammneison box k roeuwn capsized. The air vein- lnetce, end nigbcd tise boat au Il tbrua of us get s in gaîn ced alal the bae, but ceeu bcd bo as a lad job. Ie spita cf ail we theeot capsized repsuatedly, auS 5lefi us wear. The fourtb tinte *aa lest. 1 noîlcad hlm a shtort aeihtd cven I wae swimmieg for aed jusi as I giancud avnS on c hu beat, I eaw the ewish cf a il ced kew thai Jobnuy was donc eane get ali env provisionss wben 'eut <'ver firai. Tise shmth tinte wu Isdore wae lest. tinigisicame ou lb greve calmer, beiltng eut wîcb thu compeass box, )eg lasied to ttc boat-, waa net vay,lisac Sovn tewaht. Two Scys gbuhs I sai thuru hulpîcesancd cloue pencricle et teeS, a drop et water, ,eaua. Tien I was waabei ap on laud. 1 cnawli iout ou handS anS à c litcha way up the heach fosseS ct et guils' ugga, wliîch the natives 'athseviug. Teey faundeS tecee, I seul Yekohtama' dhey nodclad Is anti becleoned. Theu, seeing I cale te 'salle, îhay toole ulme te Tlscy tcck me ce thuin fesz 'aSd for me several Scya, caed tien, Sockay te ride ce Yud-os-Kusna, was sent te Yokehama. The usul paiS rny passage berne." 7L TABLEnS FOR. OUR READERS 'UT OUT sAND iErSERVE.) 'EREST Ttttxti-7 I'5R CENT. 81 $21$34$ $5 $6 $7 583I9 $10 $100 0 00 (lo00 6 0' 1 2 0 0 0 00 00!:0' of 4 01i i 0 0i li l i i 'sOi cx anER TI5ttY eec".tLI{tIR ASC GRAVE. t Iý 1 1 1 12 'uritten lu luI: "Visiied S. E. Carey i 1I 1t i1 14 Island, it Auguat, 1892. I luf i Gedhevu il È 1 I 2 16 on ihe second in this mouîh. anS seiled Il P 1, i 2-218 deug chu elenBaffie Bey te the thirteti, i11 2 21 2 19 wbuu I, ou only cne dcy, salleS ever Mcl« i ~2 221ville Bay te Cape Yr*" An eseriy hmv. 111 1 2 21 2 h3rcn crtat place drove me te bbc wesi, i2 2 9212î3 2,5cand I was ai noon near Cep Parvy, front i 2 21 2 21 3 27 wbsci point I salleS over te Carey Islande 1i 2 2 j 3 2ý9 le ordar te suppiy me with seinte provs ions 2 2 2 2 3ý 3 fi ront the Enigliah station." 2 2 92 3 31 3 nie rte npns -"17-8. Alter '2 2- 2 3 3ý 4 3,3 having talen on board the provisions lromu 2 2 W 3 43 .1-Naes' depot, bbc achoner " Ripple" went 2233- on shoeuon the South ide cf thu lland, 2 2 3 3 4ý 4 4t whure yen wiiiflend us in e emeli tant. A 2 3 33 ">4i 443 uw report 'wl buchaIt liera befoeawcleve 2 3 W 4 41 4 4 huthe land. i7ti Augnet, 1892." 2334 4î 5 47 The îhhrd carS writan in pencil:-"AI tan 23 3 4 4ý 5 49 having leet the shîp, thus obluged te wîuter 33 4 4 5i 5 51 ver, I luIt chia island ce bbc 26db et Augnet 3 3 4 45 5 , for Fouika Fjord. if I thence should leo 3 3 4 4 .51 5 5 compellud te go ta aneibar plae, funilier 3 3 4 a S, 6 56 notice wiii hae laid Sown lu cairn at PanSera 3 4 4s s! i c~Harbcr. Together wstli the provisions front 6 7 8 9 l 12 L 1 17 Narus' Sepet beru, I boete bave fod 911î 12 14 16; 18 175 te lselp me anSdrny four ceupeulees 2 14 16 19 21j 232) l, until ,Jnnu meeb, 189V.' £s 21 2.5128 32 13,53 50 EJORLedO S LAST MESSAGE. 6 32 17 42 47 535S 23 The lollcwing la a cepy et bbc ltter. 13 42-49 59 63ý 70 7 00 "To tise Vi.ibera et S. E. Cary Ilandu, I 193. As you cf nty notices liera, 1 bave G1 TABLE. citer tbc bs cf my vussei triaS te reacli OF EXCîHANGE. Fouikan Fjord iu crder te vinter ovur there ; lui cf ier reaciig Northumnberland £as ,IslauSnd ut ofetsevaral causes give np ibis 1 '8 voyage anS rctnvn te G ary Island. 4.8, ,"Campe lied ly lad wPathev to bu a 3 9473 longer tinte ce this isleuS, I siart eow for 3 14.60the Eskimo et lrence Head or Cap Para- 194 day ou Ellususare baud. As I hope chai a 24.13wlsler will visit Cary Islands nexi sommer in3.0 tocder te resce me anSdrny party, I wili 3893 albutmpitc reacciibis isiand bueme the Tht S.t30 uly.SieuiS noue lbu bure te the lSth 10 48f6 July. tuais if possible, go te bbc 48,67~ Daeisb seiilamants, iberefoe,if you visiteS 12 58.41) tus isiend laber bien Isi etfJuly, euS 13 0.27fond ne eotice from mero nceruing esy 143. voyage Ota te Dceieh setilements I sol 78.30 eryntch obligal1 if you would go io 15 7I3*00GClrence HuaS (fit ty miles herefront), 16 7787 hure 1, in a cairn on the uist castern 18 76 peint, siail leave a notice cocerning rny 87M ced my pertys fabeas uring chu wîutcr. 127AtlstIwilbeg yen t e snS ail notices 210 I 910.23 rocs me ce Professer Barons A. E. Nordun. 21 j107,267 alli, Steckholmt, Swedee,or te bbc neaet 2 111.93 Swedish consul, with cieteni et itie anS 23 .3 place where they wara feueS. Our pro. 24 116.80 visions will, if I canuet reaeh the Eiqirnos, i-5 19-1,67 nou lasi longer bbct heIto Jnay 26 126.53 witbeut snppiying fn ia lat et.TeParty !27- 131.40 uow censistiug cf fiva rmen, ut which eue is 28 1.36.27 Sying. -S. E. Cary Island, 2l2isoe Octeber, 29 141. 13 1899.(inl)Je.BioL-G wdt 30 146M 00 (lsgnd)J A JRIGSeil 40 19467Nareii 50 243.33 60 292.00 Getting .Efflent Jediol1 Attenu'co. 70 340 67 As acoe as bbe Eti peror cf Chine is aide 80 389-33 Ib is a notification te bis physiciens thai 90 438.00 thair salssry ie cuteif bill ha is perfactly 100o 486.67 1wuhl again. Tis a pssionate zeai with wiicIc -~~~~ une___- b reculera cet bis majesty bacC cvhera The Riaht Feople. "The reeson tisse Arie ex. fail le bucause biey dou't take the et ofmen.5', L." W5hont would yen bake?" epi eperabors, of couirse." ff sy tieus VI is tbey eau gai front poe te poe ons are nie widow plants in .rvi'ng welle aiola 0 icting-rooro, ed lne csusnlight euS givengood e Wildser, a pînle eue, euS Lizziu el awhite oe, are favorites witi ho grow thetr largely. ý--l-1 CBstorla-,, t teir salaries wili bagin again la saiS ce ho sornething cstouudieg. The reunlc is thsat thc esuqerer la about tisa bealtuleat tan standing on bbc placet, aed bis pisysichans scidont lese a Say's seievy. 111W TO CURE sAIL SXEIN DIEASES" SiMply apply "SWAcvsE'S OINTlIENT." No internai medicine raquired. Ceres latter, uczeîne, ilcis, al cruptione one thc face, banda, nose, stc., leaving the elle clear, white and healbliy. Ibe gruat lice]- ing euS curative powel-s are possesoaed by no ethur rurnedy. Ask yonr druggisî for SWÂx'svE"s OeNcTsEINT. LymneSorus ' Co., Montreal Wholesaluse &ae,ýs -I k Wfsare Bertltandcuti sItCoisnniOEetsMat VIseur Ft IDorala cuments DIS* cuveted Int a Cai-n on Carey Islandt. 01,tche i7ils et June, 1,S93, Captain Mc- Kay, et the SS. "Aunera," visiteS Carey IlandeSfer the purppese cf finding traces, or tidiîsgs, et the "'wedish pcrîy. Ou appreach- in., The isleud Captcin McKay (whe was lu the crow's Ciecà i.)scctvered a stnail schoon- er iyiug ashore. Ru despatched searci partes te the isiand. "The schooner (e - meli "foreaneuS ftcrv ") waa fennd pertiaily hurled in chu ice. Slse was iying heehani ever vary mucis ote c tarhoard, ced wiih ber sie;e iaudwcrd. Souce manuseripi notes ounuscîcral hisiory-penîions of scicu- iSic bocks, ec.c -weve picked cp, anuSeuh- saquentiy brouglit ou board bbc "Anrena," ccd dlivured ce Gaptelu McKay. The SuaS body cf a man sorne 32 or 33 years cf cge, wcs feueS ashsîort distance cff, ou a stoey, ehvatad regicu babieS the vassal. The SecS tan wcs carefuiiy covered over widli atones, but ne marke or inscription was oh- served. Tic atones wevu net rerneved lvom bbc body cvhiic I waci preseni, but there xvagu indicatiens thai chu deceased was clotaS. A atone wcs stuck ucp et bis hieSd hy visitrvaromtchu "lAurore" and c ned hendkecciet wes tied te lute serve as a guide Ce subsequent visitera, lIbthe en- tinte papers lied buen Sîscovered ti ithu cairne ced ihuse, bogeuhet wicisChu cruiches pre- vioualy meubsouad as havheg beun picked up ai the vsel, wcra duiy Selivered te Ccp- tain McKcy its aceondeuce wth tbe wish ex- presseS je Mr. Bjorling's ltter addressud, "fe theuvisitors of '.E. Carey Ilandt, 1893. "1 Ceptain M cKay eteured for Claence HuaS with chuehinention oetrbying te learu semai- tbît'g feniher rugardieg îthe fate cf bbc parcy. But on the lOuh cf June, wbun wUin uabout thiriy utiles ef Ciarnn eHaS, hec waa encoîseterud, which rendevud a close approach te the land impossible, ced Captain McKay, avas, qb h.,s gruat regret, compellud to tom hbavI, StRE RECOVEtRED DOCUMSEN TS. The tollewtng notes have lieeu copiaS frorn visiîing carda buariug the nante J.A. Bjovliug, Fil StuS, Stockholmt. Thesa carda anS a laîcer wera found le chu cairn on Carey Island. AND THE CURE IsmoRE SUDDEN THAN T-ru CH Q;, LOZE S.AIway9 prompt, reliable, safe mif pleascet, ou;,ùIrg na afier suadicine. Neyer faiiing. Leave ne bad atur effects. PrIPce, 25 cents Per ]PoX Utnlock; %!;the o1oggea avenuez of thà EZ-els, Çdeys and Liver, fyfl oùf gradlually witbout aic.' Isy. tom, ail the impurities a-ad fouiÀïinniors of the secretions; ' t jjzi same t'imc o. reetiixg Aeidîly cit M tolall cu1'lig Billousiless, Dyspepsia, HeaaohisDlzziness, I{eartburn, Consipa)tirm, D')2kflflss of'the Skir-, Dfropsy, Dîmnea-s of Vision, Ja-uu- die6, Sait Eheuni, Erysi-oelas, ScrÏ- ftîla, Flatt(cring &f theIeart, Nr vousness, andi (i-surai Debilîty ; al thase ancd n'arey oievimilar eüoMpintg yieid te te happyufiuen-csef BUDOÇ0 BLOOD BITTERS. Fcr Sets iv ail DeaZes's, dent to a butnssa t ii i tn, 'isch an; Dizzines, Naurv.Dowtsslt.esafter ecting, Pain in ChtSia, c lietiteis'mose renmarkable succ( sl'aOe a s in veu ,riug Ileadachu, yet CARrta LImLZLîvEa Pscc aroe quaily vialuabie iunsts-pation, e'ie ced lprevertiug Cieanuoying ,onîlaint. wil thry ao correct ail disorders etfthe stoinacch stimulsite thaeil;-r cdai- te cbowel Eren if theyoeuly cureS Acheu theywocld be airo tpricels0 tos@or V ho suffer fraie ibis distressieg cetpitee: I ut fortunatelv iheir goodneso doees tet n liure, and tisose ho oce utry ftien, Éu'iPei ti'ese lie pillq Vcliibul e reey -sca c tîtey n iii otne v seilling cedeo ceu îeo Lut cIter aIl sck LbeCS Is the lianecof se nmuY iveg that hure to w'ia', Nvu made Our gseat boast. O0cr pilla coin il w hile others do net. CaRser .LLTTI L [tycîtPILrS are very emal sud very easy tet-lI. One rt' il ek a dose. Thuy nie qtietly vegetai;le aeil do ne t gripu or purge, h"tI by their ,entie aetior Picase al Who lise thintIn itsat utl") cents, fî'a for $1. Soiti ever.vhere, s-i iet hy m O niL'EDICITlC. îs ch y=1 =V , 71 0f MASTIîFfPLU6 U but have you tried i1f your.self? It iS maK'sîný new-friendi every day, indeed if di3appoint.s nobody. It i5 31W ay5 even better [han épeoIe ex pect. , B.PACEI TOBACCO CO.,RICLIMONý, VA, and MON TREAL, CAM. - AND - "T o adies' Journial OrF TORONXTO, A large &3 -Pa.gBIIlu3 tra -- -1P& * 3 io onthiy, will be q- t lb any address 5I o nlyonue dollaruand fitea.~ * ucents for the tue, paper. l Cal ndsc a sample copy of "The Ladies' Journal" It la a publication that wil tuterest every eoman in the lanS. Tlie regular suibnç-iptioni prie'cf e"lu Iitides, JOUrl"',andtihIpper, i. ?2 Pol year, Yoiiget thuo twoi, bienfi yeur rooney and addrass to tht'.office. A T TE COMMNEE or AN ATTACK TAKE J \.i , -ï EASPOONFUL Oç R rVD V Wback ! I Iii-ca n" Gonsultiug bbce utboities, froro Selili- in e jiffy.' eraca purpese te--" t %Vhack ! Cernati j IDo cvii, but soely trom----" Winer, thr Whack 1 Whack 1 vhen place( Il Hcrcdiiy. Ouch ! Merder I retsoil.Grae Scott, Stop, dam ii, stop That's McGowcn, anough 1"ferlis-, iwb q