Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1894, p. 8

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IN TISE MRADR NI RA L .~ ~- (Adv't Gomnpa-ny No, 39J) WILL B~LOCTEA P2 COMMEING- L IBIT O t Pnlp;Se.Tîeaa, A. Ui. sehon', and laMr, o -ahM. Bail fT rS. S.1 No. .. . M . W.A.Whhan bride haîive m-oved into the',r -w lhou 0.... M r. Rt.Jacks-,7 M.W.Sme1 con- -LIN G te-pate uili ng barïna xext somjmer and MmI, D ivid Maacoi ew bouseý. ..... Mr, -r~m rrr~dm TTT1 Jhn acko of Moýto and Mr. S. W. INbii TEk 1J Fergiu, I la ofHoick, olid Carîigh by have bueen elected deputy re~so - : :----t-ir toýwnaia. Lcine free of çoESt .ýfrt {brr s. idr r, l. or dn>tn uil ~ o]Masr AturloarPrgîn;, Vi .T. Dn, c 5eUlTr- *e- intehaIll from 10 to 0 a]. Ler. i ie gnywihtt e jok Mil 'n'l Lý""Ifl'liurance ompi Jfor4h-'t1 ri-ory w ad 1 o f pu lor- TED FREE 0F CHAIRGE h ieoott h bour Sînday'.0!;i, nd hIl suce r ot- ,mder a positive Guarante.,e. e ca~rLa~.h oeCircle ithia lcehs- eubî. The 4offi ccr~for 181 r adê--.îaehClt- 1v rtly; Vî ire 1 r-R.K te o;Sec, i~\EDNSDA an SAUUDY Wrde-('.~s I-r; uadJoseph iWar'd; SeaI;htne-T. J.Clike; Tute MS SIO0N is lct.-EI. T euouîhrl, TonR>e w lier Js l ldy suid Wife V!site VIi A TIESfN ra~s* er î-t (j ti bis daîor1.rrnx at cdt e .Jame Gîý,eiphto Ubkea uc oj itl diry ~~~~i>d ~ ~ ~ ~ ci Fralrtc-iB!c o sbool. F anik wili bu n jei ontsl o'~ ~~~~~~~~~~iik . ne I, y r ur, i- . . kebutter as soon as r -l- -il pot, M~s u' F, insvc l. . . Nin. Merrlli, Lna',, v si,Ii M, S r~Coh n i d.Parr'S... . . .3 l-Cîylernîa, yooeauaclingoffther Ldie' da', b -w O tTho Hampton Cheese Co. reciv 1 aa Jet- andsom ifthen a hat :ice dit,î~ter fromn a large dealer lin epol stat'- r %~i~.oO ' p wn ailIr wtftlej i , h i ha was hlaniiïng thieir an k e of iît~fa~ap. e gabl crrapýî o ceese snd il wea sturniog cut le.. Iw;îdiiCîry aho e tin Mr . oh Eliiott has beeau Very i1h buit j n ,rx ou~ot i W a D>lxo, ci ') cnV a 1les;i0 1 . V, .1Mis. 1H. E1",i Coît ,jr%, 1hîts kirdti~ ~1~Z -n is ustep l ifah ah m. ceeevitngfiliends inoi avil. 'yicr 'I-. Edwsrd Tren, uth and son have t, pe.fctiV Elecurs f WeI D~rhai, yor viinth, colae to boucildargehouai3 for tbcy~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~T a1-1t' hle ~n.y rcme . El ilIlibai retumned toTorootoc I aril . ri. F-e . l1mjon bas reîý)urn- , vlii't ~ ~ ~ . adt- Ruc ter, ýN. Y. . ..Ms ni i-r ~d he ixos1 ,tiZ i ~ Stnholeias gue t o -ive inOtawaýV ig 0 wa -w sie r.-îîx ral Sie fy wiIbewitfi ber f %hr...MlT. 1B. loid=ge, Il llt- thoa-o. ý-lrer Kidneys The Catuse. POOR PEOF given Med Advicé n d fe Gîven Free ofChr TEETH EXTRAC Remedies sold u every vnnexep W4a v imswhe AIn Aut, geidetcf ors ds li t f t #fl&d t aL 5.d yc r sous aI edsoo omnv e th o txel]is pn r chs or XMoatey alu su gd aI Rbea d'a that rxre t'et ng b er t oe A l A air of GoI,d etacls the hnMest h inas prt n: 'NEWCASTLE. The Presbyterians of Nwaaehv P-xtend!ed a hieariv and unanimous cail teý 1euv. J. H. Courtezey ofSt, Th'masa 1 l-- P aas --in' raïýduatýe o t K'xn C,;lg Mr. Corcty is abean ulue the caI .... 1%1. VW. T,>kht. .P.« P., attendcd thLe BodofTrade bal qet iTcroo TAKE NOCTICE. urng the year the space devoted Ao S acl e tiLinrg 1111N A 1> D 'S L iN I M E N T wEilc anexrain f nounetn son rmpeople 0who 'Pým.!z from per. sonal eprec as to the meaill of Io AHAPPY N EWYEAR la ha we wi'sh you il, big. littie old anld young.0a;te Icr J ut-t dawned be thýr'hap e nfues And ~ ~ ~ t ayw aaet adj te its and ballter than eVer ef-tW sbart out in Our pinceî- t1ildi that d1rection by placing o si the balnce o! our winter go iC, na gratlýfy redu.Cpri prices Ae think, ià Mettrteulose a Eus11erallir Ihaît cr-y goods ve.We wilIi mention perfec itting. We r ci-î di ane, o, these latîc at excedi2lylow p-es e -u ha a t-n dhed when you see these ceate and Cear the pîIcies Single a-nd double fold &tlese3 ihnmanuafacture rs - Wve bave qoite a dtock at present on hand vwhich weare 1bound t,,i disposee of if low pnes twi I du il Lds'Capes> CollarI-, Mi Weve ý-,had a large sait- -t-t goods 01ib seasonîItl- Lumberoetgocd a-tc t-sne ha-lta Willyba soud-neaia gnat sacrific stock for h h-c.oon the dollar, tm'-,-ceh ctru afford l silcheap ant iîd",lil ,,yThcIpuis loivîtt y i aicr n-rkFur Seveont-)YetYr3 Ms.RePanly was tondaGlu'shardwîte lsto P The Uppy PorLur EV~YWr-EE. ex-oatg honght rang" 1 »a wi -Perî r uMte nd ifoine Iroubis, withc'st with a amai locd alaie iia aat rs wrd bnt.Dda Kduy lUs gtoele bsinss f lcoa Srsaanlj ue ocuianîorusseooet b Àil. p. coSI3hemiA semeend'cil a ilg r ham1'et;in 0'l"Ui'- l pa a1 mo-insfotlhu ii Hooda Smpmriiis sandi tOe -db! d.The mis if i'îi aGOre, sUîIy, oi 21Il Eist Third t.. li h eii~ o-d umdi prot-I Ayîrj Sirepaiilts Jaep, y - m iuu Ashliar, iswritesapauintaeîu îr varnîl o i r-tne îr-.i' ucfI te iFresaPr, s. She'ay- h bas pamty un nyeÀ 1 i ment b'y hbu edtat t oUh r 'aji 1,d -ae' tue t-týiuci su "a, d i'- nsic for sevalîeen yeas; that th, of wood es ompCtor. [as a a1ý;ig. -hsiiasah ouulc t df-mk Asieri- thnPnrth- omdcnebefem. j - paces in Aue Vtited Staas sud canada Axemca pblcaîd roaby rete- POULTRY W SANTED acîbdhem ltoa l eblogs, emt than aIu ohem csmaparillas ad 'od- -vrsomcbo m-l h ems %bo mumiescîbndSc esaproveart igevuj-rrecad aI *A.WMct-E id eltCe%'ar suggesd tIhe kidneyr. A- matit. f ou a o r sck i knmr -hv lou',B m.iice, for Riltt qi-owed 1the phyesicanepescrpions and patent pmaiCforu o t r3.o& Srs îutr.iediinashe L tokaid to h'p heran i ah etgrowin- Worse Ab Mt two- ___________________________________1-inontha go site mad cfDd'aKue ibbheFrea pu"auni sent for sema Ncw the i - scu-c wD ubl as IhYsraua nauiýy Pîhrs sui i f mkcydiàsasGe but ILxeM:ls. Reauy, do Iont knjowwhatj A s pymnltethsowh otan tn Yary ubcrbea orTr~ TAEa CASH FOR POULTRY ~ a ywerake die follwing rmewtarkattalractive o04wa :To any une sndig Tendriu- apea-- a uWithi s one aubripton for 1194 ue aWtal new Yeamiy Suebpin ta Ta tPe lmghz-t c rcw foue py q-ity of ArTEiAN, (other than the sandorw own) aI l.O, wvwiî1 make al.present Of a yarv'l iiý dîscdl1t 'h1wiigm-unr 74w, IHYlui'.bv d 1u-pckcd, a. di(d1 wo itona as notad in A.ra Wilputae a pres cf a yesryup- -ip-o -rny (ji, buîto'r, and] - rusoi hqua twou ("f the papars mntioncld P S-Fo'sl at, aI leasa llweitfy- Fo !,r thre acuel0ct0'yeamy esbcrpt ol ataI $.011nach.nde t sr e w ou- , '- iurs belote heCiu-g kilied. K'ill I! lA éditons Yaicioed ln A, wewSul 1raye a pulsétOF aa rciy subsription a the lcoedn ',Weiliin the nek; do ft wrîng -iSoA.til-ce W"knwMa'~'~~- thre United Stles. Ask aery manyou mattebaubibe forruTan SMTCystnun yen sUccaedl .Divîde ta pramioma wihm if yoo hoe An addreaa e anoesud blair-i forrnfor remittarceartecncs e: mthis pipr " Lven aets i -r-arsn u"-"ha sent dircectte-, M, k.JAMES, Publisher, Vowx-'. vat'M O 'rC . JAME-S Mi F iranditeclcf Bannai 47-3tlA> BoIw.a I 11er-oi.i'. as en s FIurnishings, S1hrts? à1cBmteu ;sînce ha U derxvearriTiTsn draceV. gel1110 psitonwhec he ubic ao No roble tc;ho oos so corne i d brin g your friends he actîmtudted asiy ao] prmpiy. wtl 'u. il inds of furs altre ad epijd lie bias jUat Pmoved imb othe a xrs buidir jut vcatd 'Mm. Oshlorna wbherebebasa I> M tock(If tnae lainternaï, etc_, whicb bela0i't:-g Y,,1, RCICLFRIE>BwîÂvLE Sivery Chaaïp that ha0ies ure ta do e ar busnes. m. cBr-nis a as er u' - chaule isud, ail hasso rpîigii i-OKES-, ou u i1e CouerTeas ýcontinue le give Che best laf lins9 will re. vepi-om Pltteto.E aATR S ye tdsat>mfaktion. Try (-Ur 400. 2ou-gHy work ii I ri5 1aic alm-atity ap,111à, pJLyician scMeihiag nw and oe iu'Iy good rece[ve caraeful %ud Upronto teto.r-niicd ir 3 fvleCwc &Ti>IegoýtBt Caîliioi bLî, fCMBELS U NN E AIE MvlO__________ Lovera of a oodcup of cofawl e ý'- ~ -hiVy~ ni~atac. SrcesBwanvila j -CO 8 ec A TR HRSTM 38 -,LE always Bargains but tis yea r greater Bargains than ever. Look at the following iist: ME'SOVERCOATS. J Fojrm1er Pri ce Present Price 650.......>...500O o750,......7 5 1 000...........50 i200o................900à BOYS' OVERCOATS. Forimeri Price Present Prico $2 0,,,...,.,12 00 350...... .. .. ..7 40li"............32 4 50. ,....,3 50 5650,.,.,.. 0 HlAPPI T1UG HIBNR OVER 45,000 NOW IN fjUE'lIN C4-N A DA. ~J Thoe l"H IPPY7 THOuGHT"- range is diffýematly constructed te any other. Ttli has been ranufaectured ',fýor thepat we years, and is the saine now ir ontutio sa frî t a theonly rangethat las steadijy mr ni popularty or such lengli f tinne. llunîdreds of Other *ilWida'of rangeî have corne and lPaSsed> only te bei emrbered as aiUre.Th 'Hapy hought'> ran-ge xiiipositiLveiyv hum niglijt n inav, saninea a s ef- eedr The f éle ia ecnsrcedt it will qoil urj tbe ab'oie six hLesat thlesaine limaa with the lre box ouiy blalilfoufil Jcoal. iO - h-cnly rmanxge mdewitbii he rnsaet vn whieh yen cau vt-" t fod cookiug w v.itbout opeuling lOie e vendo. TH~ "RADINT ~.j ft P hand paricer sio~a lhsdShnmti, va. singla and 4' 1 Tî"ýl ýJlfiE ouble heater, h 3býeau n nfactnmed pÀastiwenty ;eala end hae "via y,3 been ea d. seld OOil St t i Al Menl's ready-made BUITS AT OOST (for cash onily) for thirty days. Robes, Fur Coats, Heavy Underw,,ear, Overshoes, Feit Boots, at sa-7le prices, Boy' Sitsat pecalP-rices, aud a Sýzieigh, Knif,- %ie rse, or -Lather Sehool Bag rfree with each Suit over $2.50. OrdredSuits and Overcoats at our usual satis- factory prices with special discountusfo cash. MASN'SCLOHI STREfor Bargaiis, BOWMANVILLE. FUREUÀ Notiuglike the Ilurs a V.May er's Fur Storwhere you eau fi-ndC the larg- e'and be-,,t1 selected stock in thIe coun- ty, comuposdof ROBSCOATS, JACKJETS, CAPES, CODLLARS and CAPS of il esriptI'ion and size andî lie is dIe- te-rrnInýe seil as cheap as the cb.eap- est for cs Also a large and well selected stock in JNO. J.mASONà DRY GOQUS 1) J KWEFL Y VHOiu SEp. e;ný% At, - verv cheaD. tle boueZht- IIIE; 1 Id ar [ne saIILý Puur-, u 11-1 mus- FURSJ

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