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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1894, p. 1

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7 I k TERM :-L50Pui N~ut. UR TOWNÂAND, OouNTY J7ST: GrSuIa BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WE 17 WOULD TRWDS M. MEHRto ê, 3D ÂY . A U R 2 , 1894. V L M L U B i $ ~ MER/CA ISTYLE S The Perfection of Fit, aud * Style wlit Solifi, Suit- * stantial Weariug Quabities. Posers * Seleo M1- wilI SeOlanythi"ng in Ladies Mý-,anties at and, under aud quite E EXAý also the bali FTTRS will be ed prioes. Cali and secur Ba,-i-rgains while t] Creditors' Noice. L /em(ttei. cf the Estate of WillUiam Cridrmnlae f ihe town of-Bo hmian- niia ireConty of DrerhaÀm, rîetîred Notice i rey iven p'rsua",to Chapter roint the estate of WM RD MAdN, laedthe tom ut of manvlle. a th Couty ! Orha, rtird J'arerdeceased, mms req uested te deliver or. sendyby posi r pai o or before the tenth day0f February, 189, ~theundrsinedSolicitor. a tatement ta rxtng ontinig fliParticnlars et heir 1elafin1S and 0f the nature of tFhesecurlties(it any) '-Id by thoem againsýt the estateO Ofihe laid A&nd notice is herebûy trhe i nt aerthe said tentl1 day et February189t, theExcutors of the 1%,t Will aud tast ment eo"! the 9aid deceased mili prOceed. to distr'ut thýe assts ef the said esltate thereoef among th 0Parties entitled thereto having readonly ào uc aims as thley shahl have, notice of a aoere.quired, and the said executors Wiis nto bl e for th e assete or any pat ihioo eo lsriutdto any erson or Perlons o whes dams h ~bll Ut have recelved ious a the t1ile of sueh distributio. ,UCýy CRYDERMÂN. ý1i>. I forW SjM .ecON, Executere. MITCITFLL'S COR!v EMRS. Mr. Albert Washingtonl and:IVIies Eliza Arnot have returnel from visiting ini the Yiaitro-E, cer G. Black 1 M M â4 UVU- a _wUn-WU .-"ia-0 tf Niagara; Miss M. Witharago and Miss dla Witherage et Long Sauît; Mýr. Fraudas 9, nuPbrkiateofOwen Sourd, ~~~~o A OME TESTIMONIAL. -Gnlmeie have toi yu IIIEUMATISM is the only disease .0 LjI Tire years age my hu3baud 3u!i«,ered heom' Sh rlief. severe iudigestion, but iras ecompletely WOca puliyre-ceivino' immediate rle cured by tire botlesiofetBurdock Bloeel Bttens. I cen truly recorrmnmer ite i itomnt ata oitvl u d Ai eaki sufferers from thie disqease. frraoh Hlurd, 13 Cross St., Toronto. . on arti ý o?!have ïnothIiny to lose vrth a an -HAMPTON. Mro. Wm. Elford fl sud broke henr A arra Friday... Mrs. Thos. Elliotti visitedS j nBenanvîlle asat moak. . .. Mr. C. N.S - Ruse is couauctiug a singing scool here .... Miss Annie Rowe, Toonto, in viit. Nt in Atmrica or miles away,' but iru 'Empire" staff ia viaiting bie parents..'.. llamnpton Home Circlo meets Jan. 3Oîh r T 1~T ii Just thiuk it over! wheu a full atteudanco in deiable..B VV LLct.VJ.1.L....s. skth-gatfu parties. ~,. Miss Ntllie Pecoe is viiting East Whlt- a e of ne rby friend .... Tueeday eve»Ing a veryl M atI,;IýL0( nDa:'Ç eiding ins thiq towii min pnhlicly tetdfrre. 1 ~ iParsouage ... . A lerg3 number ef frienida ihu n rcricýadennt idwrnt xrýah2giiu so:o. aU rectiic joilied un'it Mr. and Mrp. Wia. Affin wtot~n roucadeuntfn od eepesbsgaiue FridsLy oveuing te cel bo h fo!tieth MP RICHIMRD BRIAC0M34E aIse a mail knoiru citizýe-n atte&r of suf. annivîmrsas-y (f mhelraried lit e. After 1 -- frrle rlibsPii aIl had partq!ken <î¶ tifeniimptueus repar tern tttfu propared by thu e .t, Rov. JamIles ~e son. f the e Lidy irs caled ecaisd aftr' a re ,sonip, of hesE) f'eîw"fspîceyyintroductory ' -11emankaCU -r L S here is a good hac. priateaddrs oMradaMtt . WLJ EECUESfJAT pnesenting tittur mitit a besutitul han9 Lat wek w published fthree testimoniale te answer ju!st such .a iug lamp aud a tea set. Mr. Alunr madeý N~ift UHDERAN~ a suitable réply in behaýf f ethîmsîf asud question and BOWMANVILLE. bride afterwirici thtit couple more led te feeble he, h liad teo se sosme caution in r T 1-IT ~ HA-RMONY. getting ov.e hi&mt Ms. Aluin cleared it like a four>) e:r cli. Short speeches irere -c: s ho officers for Hermouy Division Sens md yU litEnW.Eod of Teraperauce for current quarter are: ruadi. y L . E ls, ott., ydrc,, Gm. KEor W.P., A. J. Smih; W.A., David Moore; F.L; , .B C Mmn Go e. ~~TfTfALYY ITli R.S., ~ ~ ~ ~ Y M.H rw ... ..oe ke, Edward Hastinge, R.Katarion, PRONOUNCIU INCURABL E.D1 i iIrLyrseYefl F,5., M. HMoore; TeeNS,. reir ; apjesseSalter, Josaph Ward, T. J. Clark, ' o - J H Bke; on.C.Baer A..Ce . ~[.Brown snd ochers, The evening nuinnlng Sores. oryears unauie Lo A. Wa'ige; 1 S , W. Farewell; O S., '8 spent tn gaines, music and social chat ... Master Colin sud Miss Jenci oWok ikpo aw n av a R. Rome; P.W. P., L. H. Dreis; D. G. Lean visited Iheir frieunis tiis weekkpo ag aan Sle W.P., T. May. ~~Mr. John Born, late et Pickering, iiiq'~r xy g'g~ - sAA very ill with la grippe,.ceceiua TA UzN To. T ld er Black prenehed 0a stirring zsrermn in Taunton Hall on F4rida-y eveniug By 4 ~ requeSt ho preaches a egain Feiday evenaing _________________________next ..Mr. Jacob rk died seddel cny ou Thurscdayand wss buIried on ra. If terevr was aý speciflo for a7ny on. KN are cifLo orsik headlacha, sud every woma-n sheuld kueir this. cOnijy eepi1 ads.Try thom,. T E E The Epvorth hsgu eld, thoir umon h. Iy iiterature meetinz Wedniesday a P E O IUP L E .proramir as gîven. The interest in titis tieparimount of mork seemis te be increas. ig...The Literary Society held a very \/\7 h xvilI o i fair meeting in the Hall last Tue8day. Entertainment corssisted of readings, r6. hbesitate longer? ciain n uia *band .... Thxe Te ue Blues had an cys-ýter supper~ in the Hall Fidaysd reporta A'5 ' A P (ijflI gcol time .-..Mr. D, Bell la reüoverilng rv AT t "N ' fron la C'rippR. PLzEtnvDAVISî ÂiýRaE, ,E ~ ~1NTE1tNýALLY, it e- lie ves instantiy the a t Mr. J. D. Storie je presideut et the Board et Managers cf thte Presbyterian Chuncht, luceme fer Congregatienal purpos se a$1587,_47; expenditure iras 81522.45. Raieed for missions, $423.47. . ... Mir.Thos. é,Jcnaîut lott Saturday week for the lIoly Lae( nd ud ....... Roev. John S. Ciarke, Brighton, has been in- vitod to e Mtoît street Methedist citurch te aucceed Rev. C. W. Watch, mho bas beeu invited te Bighttea.... .Mr. Geo. R ing, for years with the ]Piane Factory prominently, ii about te return te hie oid h.ome in Eugland ... Mra. Joseph Luke, of TVileouburg, died in thit town on Wed- aesdey la,'t. The deceased lady was the ieter lu law cf frsr. J. 0. Guy. I ~ U L SWlN ~ H2cx'K,' COL' II CUrED.-GLeNT.EMN, u~ ~ ~ ~M bo Lh lfI 0Ylad s se vero hacking cougit, ndcould inet ae'ep at night. I tried Ilagy ard's Pt utoral Balsam for hlm sud HIEIR'SOLD STANýD. ha iras auevd et onca. Mrs. J. Hackett,- ~ -~ !- Linwo,-d, Ot Cali at the Gallery, 1 LERO . -BENNETT'S HOTEL. 1Mra. A, H. Peck, daug-ittro f the lat. wOrk Paant < ed. ie. Samnuel Armour, the fîiret rector et il rk arl a n t ey e dl . bn ýP t erboro, sd as'er et Chiet Justice s tOe atedisye l aet Armour, died at the famfily reýidence s' ntc1 sud e hm. hi lea. bew ning out fine mork. j hr ie.Steia 2 yeaofetago F J, CARL~S. in Tlady lheld ir i oteezn. Site ias benu __ FJ. C RLESS. i cToÈnte, sud dame here when very young mtither parns....Rev. john McEwein, for eight yeisrs paof etthe S 0oIfa la Lakefeld Presbylerianïchurch Ibas resigu- trvlîgnormfal teicheýr cF the Ontario iPo li hE-eiScots bes -1tCnîay be ioî t-, at,-cotc.EI ti cea a teod as mou à8a a modicine, bild a ing u tew astdIansd rester- Bsi cu maut a nc nmsuit sud Reok' fatls 500 Phirlifer preer.tfreeocaîl at MsîsCohn idren's fiîne Biot r dS, s~oc e dt eserve tholato adec vea poMeh Mle Fsatin,ý -For teroft , , GerCaoShrt 0,,ofvearcei __ lege, Toronro, Ont., and Siraîford, Ont. Lt il probl]Y flot the co!dest weather you ever knew ini your lîfe; but tha, je how You feel jeest nom, because paet Fsuffe-ringo are soon firgotte, and b-cause youir Ibleod need.3 Iho euriehin, ,vgoa ting influence of Ayer's Sarraparilla- the Suporior Medicino. IMOTIIES 1MOTIIERS i To know tixat a sinigle applica- tion of the Cutieura Remedies wilI afford instant relief, permit rs and sleep, aind point tlo a speedy and eceniomjcal cure cf torturingf, d-î-figuringithng bringand Scaly h13e01an ntoteUse thxe mwihota omntsdelay is te fail iniyu duty.Cre made inicilliodare speedy, ClliaM. Cern'-, sle p otoro ,.oton. s-" i babyrsespenrdb utcr ap C7 v c u"uifurr, sarregto, andi SIX PONTHS AFTER TREATMENTU TRx:NToN, Ont., janjuary 5,18. Agen0ts na and IGGiNs (Kickapoo Co.), God blouye for the kindness you have showu me. 1 amn noir able to earna liveljhiood. SovoPral doctors advised nie to hava niy Ieg eut off, It is noir well, and my cuie ýq fromn usirg the Sagwa and Salve whicli y ou gave me free of charge. Onýce moq)e God bletsyu. Yours Thankfully, DAVID H. BROOIçS. On th~e brink of the Grave. A mnonstroùs lTape Worm eating hîs very life away. 7 doctors failed to remnove it. One treatmenit with the Kickapoo Tapeworm Secret and Health returns. reciovo Ch. W EL INGT 0IN, Ont., Jan. 2, 1894. %IPN- l'or the pmst six months I1 have constantly gained in hoalth. - fail-d t,)rmv f tape wrmyu completely remeved with one ;ha neer fergot Your visir er.Nor mili hundreds Who were cured ns t, otr de'-se. Yur s',crey, JOS, BROWN. arly seven months ago Mr. SCGtta elnrowle hiscans; L~ W Fee rom matie P0ai,as h hsile te,- night ho was first tÙ>reated, DAY8 MORE~-7- ryecienalesubtace aiud see the Kiekapoo Agents.1 best Liniment i h fttl almoatinttaeuaori rlf frein he n st intense pi.L ote th-e ilrriý,te or inflamcod part, aud vives quiet sur-a et te t ho aufrer-. !t is etineuItlY theo Ple,)'s ïfriond, ai)d evcry oee should lta, e it, with thenri, or where, they can put their bauds ou it iu1 the daijk if need ha Put up i large otis TYRONE. Mr. Edward White, WIasten, aun old Dailington boy, is visliiig frIinds hc-me after a quarter cf a coutury'e, absence.. *. Messs. Geo. Lace aud J. Dames, O,èkwood, Mariposa, were here last waek Long Sanît Epirortit Leaguers visited a siéter League et Potitypool Mouday .. Rev. J. Harve y Strike's @ermocn on Sab- bath iras full of intense lite and earnest- nasai.. .. The open Division mIll be held to mctrow (Thursday) evexuiug. A god progratu sud everybmdy elom. ..Mr, E. Hsmwkey apent Sabbath nt hm.. Tho S. A. Capt. expecta toj fareireil next S'abbath. d le, Mass., wrlteS: "I re,-omumend KR. ? Q very stre»tgly; in my cas. it h'a proed nothing el-o te give rei i ir 4 ro reoeedy. 1Ishou]d ho uwiln oowt ont. .t. F o ., nleamild'lo y addrýs .Di.0, ad., N w G.laegow5 -N. S., and'127 State St., Boston, Maes. EIVPIELJ) R c04,nt Visitera: Mr. sud rs.G, Hea, lie, Long Sauit; Mise M Hogarth, T.isemrburg; Mr. Jefféry, Toronto; Misa C. Mutch, Brookliu; Mr. MU J. GibEon,, Ohawa; Mrs. G. McCulloch, Wellugtop- Mr. J. Formyth lest auother hors. lest v eek.. .. Mies Jonnîe Ash con gave a. pleasaut, birthday party ta lher school-. mates Friday. . .. Mra. W. J. Orm'iton and Mno. S. B3ray have recovered fromi sovere attack ef la grippe. . .Mr. G. O. k preaches in Che Sons' Hall Jan. 24 at 7.30 p. m. on the Se-cond Oomiug eor Christ, Trni CzNT.urY , 3 at t t New Yorir, have juat iptiued "Puddc'nheaci Wilson's calenda'r fol, 18,94,'" 'conaiiug humorous ex trac ta from AMark Twain's lateat story, ",Pudd'nhetçd wilIF3on,now appearlng lun theCenitury. They offer te îend v copy cf the calendar free te any one who mill Inolose themn a stamp te pay pesage. XNOWLEUNE l3rngecontot al!improvenrbslla tende tea eronlenjeymont when riglîtiy ueed. TÈho a îny, mite lire bet.. ter titan etlî ers suId ejo Ite more, mitl les expenditure, by moýre promply adaptîng the s ýC'>4beeýt producta tce thte needs o etphsca big, attest the. value te healitoet the pure liqulic latxative priliciples ebaa ntr rcme,ý-dy, Syrup of Figs. Its exicellence ije due te,,tspre2entiîng in the frmincaot acpal u ls. a r i t e t h e t a s t e t h e r e e e h i n g s un d t r u l y dispelling %ndIeaahaa dfoeiýrs3 aird pe netycirgContip)ation.ý It hias givonaisfcion te-) iIllio8 nsud met Muiti i te povafetthe zmedical' professionj, bcueit qCcte(on tyKi. o n i n ti e n t s u d it ije p er fe c t ly r o f r o n facturied by tire Clifori-a Fig syrup Ce. oiy, mitose naiei" s priutedl on evaxyv packiage0, aIse t'rthnmeSyruip et Figg" and biuiroî ifored yu miin u I Ail aeyen: Stol pal.t"r Ureetina Y lui Î-M --l 1 1 1 1 1 the Town Hall in B-ow,-ý

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