11Y. ih\Vustwnis calos suoort ncil s "cseo, and May oe removed bytbe i1'n.wWIN suoha nlynan after the rnîsery bbblu-l b b -7,i, n nch 9 9fne omaoifpeast ons Yo-m or and dres-in aey iniil-r1 eeglutdnous fýoýad evenP)os who neye - theJar~~~~eatshare. î Tud w ater, mlkpr any netralfncobaed-tnspeeS temti ný1fç0on'e a Lo ,i.1ruo n e v idYu'elte ejr:fc cesuloaîgth0nadyetrixedttacobfrý dam o conrlaeaktta nm a muayta cesf he aik al l rai in IeX sue hawi rahiga rts a ie o fre 1oer Teis tance etDh ~ 0atru h ue acntn tenInl b y, hr st eoia h ab n follo ma 26la t ary left thewfour d u octhur dog tead (forITSA CN totsrimnFso uesptrnalahs ih.btr u hn ram n ofit n lan ni of"tue neiwayeýrck etl- "outlntand i ay nr'Iankouesanintnc ad tJrI ke tbe ae ircty ecoraedbycoipei-orîurs odahe al an c ea, lu tise t ise ieAt suRi ver. Ou qrpartyw!csoi thestut o r c ory ecmgta IIORT V6tN4~, tie, ~bih maeu--bm-aba-ong u' bs egnsauhn&utknIe-ssuLfmal iLrie nLbiu Lfsrleasw1i 1N EWET D RH M ary Wth u ptton they are mor e lo e ào otan sncsr a ndLi 11 isIocusIdasfomCuhaaa ermi e a ew daysced seiouf ork Nrc. e3 photleepoewiîrciv r mp î olio bscs oes udpn In t sue caloan in el i u t en.lrg etrur anes ac it crygIn w oi sffentto cary uuseve 1a in jM ntiy, w llb s nt)t A UCION ER, PPR J 3dE,;R alnof goe cti o arf0e bishbtts PersT ttieF4tai' ajla bdedeuf Namita mesu ciaion. tj>Lnrwinojnnemrs hrcil fci-I A. A.aIc >hT, anticlteawillstand in tise ummuofty as a bAm rîV, G ocou cea mo s o enloe inc d b r u ld bc t i n re alwe ango t o ehu hright oolanWi b ecd bIdiott". anti b cnitary arangementspradsieingail sorts o aittie 1ecnom oes cha determiue f0 fvelow this river dlue rIity d ycb-as e fo ehreso for buriele i eoveiu ly teil g P tvo an " ahxvt s 1 r-y'homanIl u-fi, Ylan kepes hou ido desina r iitde f crai uantisthO at mstnurema si Lntn elu ber, tis weufeil alep.- hereulr uisurpton prcuof"cî Oenlem s'sCloths M dete rde. I Cm e or lesii suces a 11ply to maure la im er teimgscs nrers baar I u reuio nt ha w wrona tream I wit b tiscýi. e'hairout'il, md u tu p dows ER R a! lucolti we a te. ioles ae brehu PinaI aur, a farea Jpeeu tatc e acus u'sme83 mlc on tfahousluitrn isfraerprot'Sr1 obhurs ag e tieisdeu't s n he is y sisidTis epresabas pnnouaYNed owvrarvery formiabLe. Thur cru I c tmu. ,PELOW But u deice quas tie be iu enlu'y eiug Iwakuira is Mhinu lmert'als ong ts nielnt, I u refa novnec a O F I E - i a r o I \ e sr ïti ~ 1 ea f r ke p n J c F o t pu a n. Ts p o r ie kc ed ablL tiflo ut n pteb tse w se n e d t auefilii~E LA K o o n Son' awy fom isestoe wndos. isefanis o de, as hron ito dagerus tat ol nle.nId.e. tse'attrut bu auexpn- or bou fhee out s w raondhetc i-, eletne fn eea tsewino dy sd ean urbcgebtoaspeccier w reueîtm an bcdever, crosset btrugHoio n e'or, a rac b a yo u eyer 5fou r wd ere aFELY ALl UEY Qn - j Ta c a ront u m-- I-e cesuranc Crs,,aithu S teum ûO d ruis f0 tis eîat auo at art ut' tise maitsY :ri 1lle u hl ewrli alW 0 n oatn Otiueî~ Wrt'shadwrescre Bwmu aro n cru wapaet t Huamouuau gtimscbu1. n1 frmansiaeipusmwefy t w aburetia oeof taine'roSn cen ut' teod isou an e dtiy he ory ee h-sissu'at i tu Syoe '-for servicese HANedunetide a foreWy travïeudbvwist un.dyrmw ndrct 0 Mý -_______________________ p r ervuoiste cis,, , îsy ssnti fmo f is aeyeun fr) e r-" atzi ieflyoure bThi o raes. ,nn fiacslie raîi _________________________ u tjum nt lurîy, u w ed ly p ,sal iitwsride tak eso n yr ilbas atie e,ýýllLYen d ietue -S I !carisse.seieveemu wisd duteiHdyu onrane btventuronslt' ail. inupioneliablUnafdu aillaitaui, eqeirinu u T'T -Campsurs ut cîaikabouli neer b usetdaugsturofIyorcfod wel-wisefocti c- occsionI ss Of'doue ss ite9f alo1 t b-i ,hFtril unse ail el Cornr Rig se Qitacl Sarata, oth rmsubtanes re fN emloetasteieuxctume ati iscm'njeý s fori tuner. Wisu eteungyàe At ua botlo r awysontsewue id. c'irSnph onî age a tise vil, by. bstunli:ntis exdibbto e ct 'otusotya i iikn u hri e cut e p F orD es'bo it prom e juat w isat I s ait - tlg iuc ygo frt ncutithete t umÈe,,aofy l haway , frou i n ti0, coufr,, Sem rita teeio e gilo c wiaes cour e i lauk reeniom itermwîcruclainetiaseno eexcu t a fw n cses On tieurface lu o nt t' berA swestoi e, eh? l 1,Aedbe iualoi esA . Rký-uitl wbun t iecbs beg,o uns tiseareport aised% ofati ber summer. Tise tise huatrumetiy i tu have iseoapert res . e e fcincsm h a gdgrs tswaou urn tsa onsastnieta ce è E-w l- noe alflcclgedsvnCco e restuce I cyîyaseret cadtu er hmelsi"sonfantitso u er liv o n if. . inter bu iee f uy ue at ti let u ,Lotisey migist 1 l n sýý ýer, o - Gewe I, KiANDyS ,jj4 iver, n?%f fiilud itie sbstncecha hadestse- btawybenlti h soferpupeandy u'ait n u a tlîindeur sei n twocomme susni 'et o w ir s uv ifgauly ihctwscnsgts infatmfiîa uplisenmems iseforie nt fst is sncrlyispeicht eîiç,in a rtclio'tietasi gin. isi ittiys"neucl is ipuiie sd oI uAorL nev ro ia tion,,b uiter e n fauyct culti aise bu tnivun Tisene Isabaolutly ne orti u fss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o'ts ertos If- ietm o cat tuer1chute. f100 emu punuisei lukalik otiary oOetingavaldidonf the Stoînac1 el- the Aedon au La, iipraiL rien i wT o i ta ptr dj g e e "T W T . ' L S t ~ S ' ~ P fl~l~ l fe 5 fys e~ a eu1 t r ieoeat otbu'ts at t b d ies nede "ets.Il goot t'n no is "dcP o infernmdne equirget. Ocrs CnsiaioDynsothSl Dý1a eehasie ie poogei Tmr aergmnwic s sy. ueutee bOisfo mnriscuaihel ie ok. utrezea tcal rpiosunts )e'ùtRsum rWsyels er. VITALIZED AIR ciseti befor ateuînpcieg u put ou a t gJif Ilhemw " e suae fosiwuuts an4 t iaoutis e OAurS ShTENTnLman Scs & wODW22T, Ioltl sidureitheve i ttelutme,.cre a amu t' hein iens a i ue iusp ac- n iet bwasnoW gefl,,ý,,ci t Cf e n QtisesY0, ro ll ho le cle Aents.em tuatisu.eieas"&ir cu'pml.otis%?_______________ pis________ thec Masen'sDrytGoea Stoe foranimistacftyersuwnWisedBeythatmaeeIf i liardfor peplepwhaare nl supe bas Co me cu b si es f r im ci' f is puii uni g il n mo e is c us u'mucinisespu aci ionsan b ui e m ,tie p w nut ' s e d o stityions-oruwiso tisiîsk they aue1net_-fi f0mae ues'ani oy' ula u iltie afaf A w bt h alif hau ne ut'bsua" aiti ueitn su lmmcucig from tis eol Orobtve peint a s Churcîsitî, 500Wa(I-. wiist etersuf, uwilcarysfutliu ci loa ýt l ass if ai hil bohe>ue'eIgluta ati at- c nfeuli lbles uietriua n i c% es c . Fr isau wb ep t cos ap u tise ciseir living tiýempr ss u je cieind tvamdu idtpe h ie s -soubis t' (isetuinuhtti nl - Tutuf-t toleifsewuL nyace 8uspee e cl lie n wua petero. Gve l w a r uit i cldai tiar ougis l4tvto he1 ute tu m agaecinýt ci ' in at t mcur h n e mitG e ut en t W seme irubechuti 1T o itzjLE lu ear ecuitot1somefiiculeu si a oel, putun ress stcitegabav a hang ut ormîsaunaiesanimaynisu, mootoiousla u- C uul Oct, - o e gne isec o u c knuw i l tINF. ant iis ennaioceevyg e.S aigGut theru a mcistra Fasisionable Tailor tr op nr l > el n ) a~e nu oîwe h Il aivce, lo thiws fortu ln at nao ut at mulclplAY rsoeu'tie-nkGi, ucait s mgis Cowa -svluN - , .182 ' eumnî iiie)uiius elesîo bti enatiwme ruiifaftetsy&<coyorshyaWutf arenubhont vî îsrt utieshpeu' ineblutèo du-hc . l t à e tle uneone er it la t e ndanm 0 in mti hut' --icisurcita "anes, anti accondieg f0 tisead pupular onY gra w deevi, hyhaeing Onha sturmy nigbt le Novumber Mn sure wa ut' dricg tie t'eutafler ot tingtbum loo tises cruti p rec i , lot iser meat, bcnsuILifllur isnt luteayandom. Sn ib deia thaeuuib eils oie ie otsdikae cutiresinens, ikH1dace ud elureai Ih toubeslue- anig.onThoca nt hodig oerbi prufessional tancera, acrobatezen putes-s country, Sa yuNasea D-usiepho Dhirl on acr. ht oe uidnge vi dfs cries o up ise t'eut lucndtin.immedatly tire to cornu sucluet pc sossu.ningptafhuy inuneon t se " ;nnu fimu. hare vk ehAcu e hnenr t'sgo ntsetsctdrnna nits ut is ode ihfrîm t iseal ng air T e suise, ao, m evu rw tis sun ain ctis e rSileEr.lîi e I lummue Uebe É! ontet' i hat, ud w ay ofifan bo eEcp Jîtgoacvénten fom la in pavradt' t edranmc e motyami e r Wong ise I l;ave enu. eH tA oe tteen fLiecryn- inandthu mtl-Iïe3 s 81AL th ' hqiti s gr h atno h O t eat uai, anti bise t ne ut' avoot s te co o r Ilaaie yul Cusuand Lîet of LIre as Ptî la n wes w ali ng dxyn lon l iss an tie ositt, m: auoctngls andm det i e atturlifýe, but irs1 ingbogts .rus e 'o 4anieetug ue e uuoyig cumlatutawbii nuarl humor h "B ck a he te ina u' anylu otunreuattiîn 'i P wichfu w Y etC o o r assidstaebu placTe n ou r ivYitsC eon. àtishoir suautse ienat ngltteMovs butis aven a tru tutih ie s t u'Caor-a le, egr sb iemenreancsimef rm Fo ieuvscigsiistc amfolni osenu pura tw tm- Erni hyui uu bei reuuwii ocpeits içt neya are in -"Deay ~ cotagon e seure bDuatifaý ionsnrssanti re c i istuton ,utse muet oumAs a Kidney illa gus lacted kidey - idirectcoutàu avitisinfectonstteeeros. 0f. isepott-mnoutnl6couscrecailg iseimn- aveavenu îonmboud iresonce isee av relef" toulesi-s ut iste usa e n oua uamaList un , erai Jiiningt nte u yensigpnefu. Tsd u vmucîstyntgt ufthea rfieurlaya.nem A..hansea oue t c., liO atPnuulstuhbe in g%êf0otisa uti.i ,sea promp t efaet " î " - - mI ose oc asiolave aven onItavsaLiosoutIlcoontfrbfrua fla tietrssin ComofiO Ne auceneyducouti h suc, bu tis "or pur Ient. in BcdaBln.dHu w u tbsn y imos r ie isgsil Aleaîcu, hl b- ciàm t paretofths bu fom, cnxsatuiy fsuir go du enu eut ed J/rt ausd y C mpaîntnd evofiset'y on the acc T ount'sla impu t i bu Ibe,ýr, mnt aenfodrabugCuull s- itcplium si e e penyîrce yelc ornd ns le',su5u ltti mation tisse they rub3ivutbcf or exerf:se r Ohar remesyc ssn eour srupuinaburapp nadiancu.n Bm ln n a. A Z DAOcn aceatmigt a natgtdei gerouswf aielil tri fsnt b irascenfroteti sy tieyKir fectet hot us ,pntàn fooct jpro tee trngshow ifLae. 1 isit y mor lere evry day t ii at cingsoth e otitril IlAýal- gný t'-G teh0111111br)esa. rd 1 nonursiseuantd Wcisplut offrsisiseputulu î5cu5t tsei ub.s lete-cl Z y nemushedace nd ndce be -,o à hlu A vnd F Mm z rny .tiiii iu t , c rsue. Ou00e ous lo'a w Te e ' lice baise uso many lres thar ene boie3, n radVnklu lb lnms an ois andmpy humèlennon arteati b ue, Ye aec sto ar iwle cCrio oLLT uu' aho n tog ut mepaag1ve n lmlec. Hneawu dsoîh:o h not'dss.- rrr1rm gufus' L s mt fCep u o nc I W teRabtînes Ld , , s ar venysliei huolth71-' ftor Px111, W h.e 1 1cou1rivlut ie uMio.D;ua, vsci g une ssa,.vu t' éa uncou-lrA 'd u,, u1 f ,sin A, rg ie-ty Su aOseyayurc neueuýfnîee sîi Iaitriph urt t ue. Cr, lsl v î c i m o f b igr .lu f u t i a t t e k i c e a p e s t'u ii -u gec i C riu p-s d1 5 l e tgay aM De. L. AA SmitAth& ao.oTnceuof.mastsut psc11 lierin isihm, etl gaspaiat'ti'u1 t~~m~eIdlidyT ala st sr ara ma te sano 1 iein ebas si aeu tn the cn i t mue venu o tie icun ne t hu jJ c emeTin iti s n fi fu'. tise tl-ur'L in cQ'cn -lot Pit her't'ti et'toriaj