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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1894, p. 3

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r, La Grip'pe, fhough eccaSionnlîy api- demithi aays m reasa prevalent. Th alramady for tlis comp-lairaI hi -yr' Cherry Pectoral. LatSpriîug, I1n'as taken dem nith L'adGrifîpe. At tinta Iwas-coinpiele-y oe- traiculandl se iflueitn'es uny breaaiing thal ýy rasttseem..e as if coehhusad le au iree cage. 1 procurtul a betile o etayc' Cherry Pactoral, ansd tic sooner lad I began t?iigittb.n relief' cllowed. I tosSdntbe- cure s comp te. lii î-ly a sroetn ul md- tcie.u~W,11.Wse-Ii <'ouk Ci *S.D ONTRIOLADES'COLLECE WIIITBY, ONT. Stirty It-diasin ail itEi appiniants seuý -(f,-tîonal adyteutas. PrevLsien madE f'or »i- i tIse aclstrB'cantitlcatai anus fot Un Ivasiu casesthrougb th!) freihuvan. soushu ment ted ofart txsar ess ciToroni( Uveii.Tha Iiitrary staff comprises il( lareisnumîrof University spe-ialisti 0 la ni,tl etin d commnrcial depante are aqahy 'e sustainel by the usait giltu( 1,Lfjot. hsicat sutura lu tacight byé speci-slsi ron lBoton. A ne, gynnasun havI ;e toîusiemieity cf heaain; tht grea e!Ltrst iai vsil Toronto. Appuy for informatioe 10 Clyr pRiLNClII '4 IRim'hl tiI Sickne§ssCornes PE,WY DAV 1S' àiou,,l,2j77need It to-nght. Lbbrty Bell on a Tour'. itbs ht nnucdthat tht famons Colmbin ~~setyBll, whieh fignred prmieniyaith Wtld',S Fait,,is te lie !aken on a touraoun th world. Alter a vip ýthe, i M .retet Exposition at Ste rac i hwilIlia ý taken te Eegbtnd te ha rnug onlht hsîîic îcl- iaadow cf Rennymede o Jue11, ai a celebration cf tht aeivnar f tht signieg cf iMagna Cliarta. Atter ý iha i i will ha taken te France to patcpij aniversaries coeeected witli pelitical freedoin, end te Germaey for tht siepurpose, iii naxi destinatioe beieg ,,t. Ptenslirg, where il wilI ha s'g negc tht aoierrary cf tisheaeipatiee cf tht srs. . rom there is prograis wil ha etet t Italy, Constantinopie, Jerosa- i,eCniAnîtralia, ledit, China, Japan, ted haek the Pacifieceao3st.i. I 15 inette- ]y ta lebcop. thaýt it wiIl prove ilsaif, tquaî 1te tht ruask cf tunefuîly ieging ont is message te civiliztice ted banb.arismn. " Lihenty eîlighteeing tht wod " is a faniiar phrase; tht cligltecinant is te lie continu! witb a musical accorrpaniment. WHAT IS CATARRH ? Frein tht Mail (Can.), Dec. 15. Catrtb le a muco-purlent diEscharge canied by1tht preseoce and developesent oftavcgttrable parasite-,;u ntho linternailiing membrancetfthe 1eet.This arasite je enly devlopti. coder favouirablec ircumîsttisces. and these are oobdstt f tht blcod, as tht highted cor- oufle t tbercle tht germ ptoliceof syphilis, -i'-or, oomoa, from leretestion cf the afet mtercftieskie, spreedperspira- other pisons that arc germiiLîated le tht blood. 'Ietpoisons kcep the internai lining ieei oian f the net le a conestaurt sta te et irrita- tio, ver ready for tht depoit cf tht seeds of ths emwhicli apread up thtecîottils ted doive - iihe tances, orbhackofet thireat. cauing niac mc thethIroat and Hay Fever na 't utein tubes eaîlcng deafnrsq; but- rowîn in tht vocal cords, causing hoarececs; nuîîgtht proper tructure cf the bronchai tb',cdin upuimcnary conisumpiticu ted Many at/emli avo heen made te cure ibis ilrsigdiseuse hy tht use o inhalents,odut- meul, mdicýated i apons ansdochier ingî.nicus dctcbt nqoettheslrcaasets caoddo a .ati ,et)od until the parasites are cubher (,uc~tt i removed trous tiee mucus tissue. Sema t isnco a wecli keew e pbhsician et fty ycrr' ,taadiug. ater nîuch experinsent- in, "eede d lu discovetiiîg tht cccessary ombicatof e ingredients which neyer fail lu abol nlytd permnanently eradicating this horbedisease, whether standing for cee, y&r os tnyyars. Those who mny ha suffeting from <ý 'ata,ýrih. tfay Fever os-Catarrîsal Deafnes huiwithout delay, commisîicate witb tht busýýwinesmater. M. A. H. Dixce. Nos. 41 ted ',!a Bcor 8ta., Toen te, Canada, anS d cc stanîp teo ircular explaciug ibis newteai- lien .B hufferers frein Calarthal troubles bihecîfi caretnlly rend tht abus . A Sure Exception. Pratcher-"1 Younou s lould navet go e a plaice where tliey wcuid net take thr sitns s there a youîîg man n ibis audi- tec wlo hini ie ayaatlybreak this Young mac ou e te a[lîry sansUp. ied l vinsýàiig and yet te %ouli enwouîd zet thnkoettaking your dr Yeug Mn-"Thab er slipsi. ,1~ ~~sLES PILS! TCFINGPILES. Svenos-Misluro; intaîsse itchleg aîd t-sîn;inlt at niglif; woree by sctthiog. If allcwtsdte c mlu tuni- cî (ri, lich cf tan bleed tanS obeetý-atP, becigvery sere. AXNE' -OIT- MENT toustht tchiîg td biedic ,liafis uleent ,-id se inel ý casesraest tiss-ou A drggitiorby mdlfor 50 -aSleDr Swyss &S e, Pihuade4 la-î, ,n ,,Sono A <s cc- ! 1 Whciî eîsïp Agents. DPUTIZED AS WVOODCIIOPI'ER. Its greunI wera alway3 spacsmes for priecipiest i t rounca I aeyhew. Thtasih tht pupils geeeralby had ail oucltiers te îeg, therefore, was liii liold for seau pay in there baing, as a mile, neo ieclosind, ieg not ocly tht respect aed ebsiienca, bu tance, a tact always greatly te tht adran- aise tht t'fe-,tioeate tegartt cf lii pupil tage of sttcliieg swine, thit, whe the but ie facetious oi3nts ha wauld Som. bousebai a fleur, as it somatimans h3Adtom. lias devisae milder pueishusets, socliz ed a coiforiabît esti nceetiifer iteStaeding ilu',ho cerner, sandling a bey te sakeeof tht shelter aed warih, and cf tee, a7eeng the girls, or a girl te sit ameeeg il bytheir eoiîy dispu tes as te which shonbd i oys,a procesding that was -crtaie teo %u hava tht leside place le tht -pile, disturbed îtht sheepis s seiarer naucl tegulul cf ,uin whatittlt pretense of enSet existed amnoeg ted resuiteclienlidieg the face behini ti the pepils. Tht seheni house was betated upraised elbow, a gesture that lias cet y, as utar as possible le tht conter of tht dis- passaScl ul et use in eut seheels. trict, but always close tu a spting, as freili There watt ne Il frilîs " on tht old ped wattt was a ntceisity, for no topeor that gogue's eareicg. Hes taught thet hree 1 avenlit atbankeee f h ncne rsig, wiiug, ted aritimtie-othE drink aven spartea clahinsi hlaIgosevgaets wisc ani mort frequenîîy keown as "l ciP as that which existe5 amoeg the pupili et eriîs," lu tht eariy StyA cf ilsis cadt, a district school ce a artiliciai appltauces for eduicationai purpol WARM SRING AFTEP'-,OON, wece few le eumbar,and il avery two cf t ted tweocf tht beys watt always dtiiy yoeegtr pupils,tht aliecedlarians,as they daputai te maketrips te tht spriing tor call, iaS a spelng book, tht supply W waîar. Ie tht winter tine wogd wtt a Seemied quite adeqeate.' ueeesiiy equally great. Ir was choppad R gi I nuits of praciluts wara laid doç ie sticks cf ceeveiut leegth by tht big for spliing. Tht word in stble preecune boys ted carried in by those cf legs advance- cearly after tht master had given it c ment, a roarng fine lieieg deemed cnt cf ted each syllahla must lbe reigioslyi thenaecassitias of educatilonal progreis. And peaald, wltb idietie precisine, afier iiih beau spelied. Net csîby se, but with et( evariy peedieg syliahie inuit aise liecc jointS or tht remîlt would hieaa"ms, ~ malter wbethar tht word hadl beau cornaci - - X~ ~ ~ a-~-.' spelled or net. Thus, IlConsttetinop N~7 / ~7Thd ~ C-e-n Con, s-t-t-e stan, Consian, t-i -,Constanti, n-c ne, Consianitino, p-i-t p Constantinople 1" Tht cempetition iccit -~-by thaît spelîing matces was very b, ted as there was nsuaily seme sinail ueo: me-~nint besides in tht way of lioeorary in ~ i ~ r~ ice or occasîionally even a prize at thsecs] ~- ~ ot the tarnin, tht interest was geuenaiiy tene. - ~ ~ ss% e Arimtie was tanglit frei n eebo -~ ~ ~ 77-~- g, tht teacher's. Eteli pupil who baS ~» ~~s~~-'- fat previded himsaîf wltli a h ~ qulrcet commun ltter paper. TMAs v tolded le hall anS saetd ai hme y one f i î-41~~' is sisters. Tht teaclier anuouned1 ~i ~rulc under which tht axamples, or "son týý ae c dupil wrote tht words as diret Jliy the inaster. Af ter tht tube had b claarly wnitaen ai thetotp cf ap 1the "unnder tisai nuit watt alse gi) TISE FýAVORnITE vUs'IL. 7ouited cie nture placad le tht aoat -1--- -bock1. At tht conclusion cf tht erne, se it was ;for nmut cf tht pupiIs Watt coin5- popil thue aSbis ewe arilhmetic, iliat pelleS te walk a considerable distance an 'as fat as lie lad gene, for casfcte oreSet take their daily dose et binai ted almosi unown, ted in a sehL,)c f tWei educatice, aed muccl direct warmtliwa Ipepils ferry classes watt by n emates1 needed. Ne anthracite steve ftilai, with comnion. Writieg -n'as dont fnrinac( isý slow, aven radiationi; abat ihe'y wanîad Sotlthbt n -str, ihe ortegetc( was a heat thas n'ai ,lmost ce Ugli to tom coks hine ' ci tht sainýe narnt s Iain, ath1 m in ,thetehatwsna plnmdfrpntdn'e -A I ietC t Pe dnt aan- ric lte p ph, ta att unufa crured eo' as nunciie~of in iiN eulnili FWhsn thtc satras a in ii3wasetie IIt~t altJ iLî soma farme'rs su fheeilbtio,'e LU blaidetarminr "tt i ls 1 -w, -rt t liow Our Granfat's" da 'es siieas eoretosheUteei)o Tauli tosàn. li thpsrpî)ss of iup)prtmiiag, hiýnî until it Taught teteS fer the gracticaet bh;isproies-ýi. Wm -- ente aash2r ae neut in tavr, thara liniega T'he Old Teatiier-HisIa lMS Psîî prevaie't ' de' that ths'y ivaranot -t'o ing Mîai. eougli tt rhstalice ors as th2 be)ys ought To tht city-brel yoaag p2o0Že et tht e i's shrasihed, ai sueivara egrlte tht present ganeration tht oid-slima scu "l and tttchieg et sain-udr tarins n'hieh watt ai- sehoolmasier are absoiutly uukr-oîve. Tht eedned e"uly by litilg boys n'hosa bile braîh- presetssysteanofe ducaîien lis h strae,an ta-s "ame ai wsrk on the taras, anS uitile evoluticu, bt tht pecesliasi liseserapi, irls itîose o1ldar sser etd wat a lons lilp- iliai tht weli-.ligtýitd, nti am anS i ter..a hral hthîî~ek e avery sray comlortable and co-syeiessaiu raiilau-etof thte cighibotheei te ais scot neoin et the prisent lia;stl lsrîu m-e ucationai hune,bowar, n'as sema cid biaùce te the leg or traînclieus-s. with île feleow n'ho liaS cons down rum alutiner cnt ron and uttaer absence of comfort,fnem - eueration -as a taacher,aei n'ho, 'like GelS- whici tht sahlof utot-day say lia saiS te snîtîl's pcdagog'îe, n'lhwords cf learnedl have eprnng. But jusi as a civîlized nation lengili nay fieS profit in lcckieg liack en theýtepsAxe TTaUxoDERsxt SOLND liy which it emerged train barlainsn,se tht could ausaze aveu the olS farinera cf tht educatons anS tIs etducats-d et tht present neiglilothol ani cause thaîn te assigu lin may take pleasume lu îaeieg tht adraiscoe- a place cf biner cnly a little iowser tin ment tiar lias taken place in a profession tuai recierved ton tht circuit preaclier n'ho, thal jatertîts avarybedy, au adranceet oece or sn'ice a meth, cane roui te et that lias beeu realized le tht mtnaory cf thair chiekees ted edmintter a dose of men stibi living.. Cospel. Tiseaitrty g tiSes up tht hlI cf Durng tIse finit tiird of ibis cetory sulicol lieuses watt not abuedant, le ibis country, nom watt they haltniîli a vian' cf admieistring te tht ctonic f thte~ puipils. The majoity et tht peupla itd î le ne greassdegreeaofcfteintntthamîtives se they diS net dearn i necessary te pro- - vide their chljdren wili aoy supefleities, lier te estahuiîli tht achocol le any botter edifiice than tisat ovnd by tht majenty ef ized is educaticeai establishiment. Gen- - araliy, iharefore, tht district eclicol lieuse" - n'as of logs, et, ai bail, cf boards, anS lt by the cemoson labot cf thtecmnity. A SEFuiE TUNiIMEyT -But ilian, as non', whai was evryliedy's business was nohudy's business, anS as tht science watt alays, igbIy honore I for their -jwboie district waî lîsiertîted le kaapixîg abiîy to presî.rve enSet in their adeca- tht acholohese ien epair, nobody dl thet onnali nstutons, n'hseha tlay Sud by an n'ork, and lu course cf tint, anS genanally unsparng use et tht bircs. Il Spirethîe iso long linie at tliat, it'feul inte a condi- ted ted spoil tht chilS," was a maxiue ton- tstien net farn reinoved froue muinous. Tht aven ce their lips, ted no cbild aven ssuilcc ane "lmaster," heieg eueployed oniy by tht ce their hands torwattof its observance, 0-tarin, anS feeling n panticulan intarest le A iliraîlpoît abiout six fat leng stood con- .ht ulig geueraiîy torbore te conpîtie, staetiy je tht corne-r oethte rooni telia ap- or lest bis patrtons sisouîd ceecaive that lie petitS te in extrema casas, bunt for ready use 0, n'as Ilstuck up," so naSe ciy senob napalms a lighten weapoun'as always le baud, They 't as n'ere absebutely eecessary. \'theu a log n'erechiceinseitstiee. Ptaelitreasn'itcbaý udroîled avay, Icavieg a largeboIle ntht wat tttda ee telnrl 'lo in n'ail, lie anS se-na cf the eider beys filleS as beieg ftee linher , a gued stout lunch, Ll it niti muS ; if tie lieuse watt trame, atid or,1 in dletauli cf ht, a plein snitch, n'eulî lt a hoard ctteked on a keot feu onut, lue utileS cel1 aruned tIse legs of tht offenSer anS cxý abit of huard frein tisa ted of a fleur-bar, tract tht most ear-splititng yaibs anS heal rai, or a bannel stars, or a claplicard, or a without leavieg mucli impression cil lb iseileovver the aperture te keep out tic cuticule. This instrument of terturen'a Wi --oI aig bis ternusof office. Whtn tht appiied en any provocation tsa al, onth log ihat liad for a genration doue dety as iii ory that anythieg thie yeungster did du a step gave eut lia sioved a large sîcua jute serveS a îhrashing, ted that if lia baS et position, and thus, litile by hit, thtelieuse doue aoythieg lie might at any i -)ment di gui olS tnd shabby. somerhing anS ibus deservad, ou ganenu un- 'Xvii,"nepiadthe disgusIsted Irialima opy 'ien'Sotsyar onour thinkI 1cane O- opy rm Oitlan--iei a waggen 2 ilief r,ý n hae -Aveh ttsasnc ttya wbom a 1 ty ii apile cfpassaiat "weuid nosf rre~an eeqnlynec ,lad un- uneat ateni. Pomesie cipîerieg" saldupa aet furuhath ,, tisare out rlrea, ted ht pteln aiee sdborlats aa3 te the mni t aitlsia ù] legenamal n'as Vary aplexpttsiied by a bilb cf doggeral: M iil-atien isi a ve'raA s1, Divruisosis ts bil; -ras Reu-ut Estres s it zîci And Pr:,ice i in 3 a, i s. Th îul day bagîn Iiwlicanahtmiîta guil teji1ia lin etisa inernng tatel- aaet"liua h, y sue." inordes, ihat, 1 tht Înîmilt bave uina ta gaili ufaid th, t sto â,-wrttht ho-ýssand miuk listera nsh."Tar ag oet tle mistsr" n'as ptacffed avn le atter cousnîssiiti8l, as a recauîzs ins 1 o f obtsie'usg a hleitiy, teansei ocions tht oldest boys w-uit aa'-i te chruieteaSand barra I tht deer agîuis th peagoue nctil ha mailstrtins. Tht elSsimalmtiieii watt rongli anS readv, ted ýtht people cf tha preaet sai it t-isait impliciry, but tluey Imata sturdy inutia int e, wle kîîaw litae o(. boojs, but liaS an inmmense stock cf IseLiLi anS WHâO 118 TE RE IR ? A Tlesuur it îirusp Auer ThityYtears- A iiarestiig stcry il e railite n'as broouglt te ighs ibue ether day by a suit ueîsîiilnteîi as Osoode Hall, Toronto, liy illet et Rochester, N. Y., agains Mn . M\ann ut tht township et Opa, Viýci a i ocety, ted lier Satighter, fI\ra. Sl, (cf 1tht saine place, -fer thteeovary cf a ta rin7. Tht srcry loiS liy Millet is seli- stitiiy sfclîows. n:,Robas tuo nas a tanutirii lhatosyn- shir et Opi), Victeuja, and Li 1817 lia ditS Ier ingilretuî(fidren, a Seat umute son, Wîhi11ý ians, anSdsn'o Sangliers, Margaret and - Cathanrine. Tht tarin ha resided cen was r 'Ia te William for biq life, anS upen liii 1cSc-asen'as ru neyent t,>'Iussiiter MNargaret. To ariainhla lati tiotser tarin. THEltBIRTU OF lTUE i'hn. S (so'tly aftei r a tarhr'a deatis Mar aret n'aat ýte Roceite a, w hart ut marrie-S a inm maued Millet anS subsequently gave -bir'Lii o a chuS, a boy. fier husand died anS l e hersait telîowad han îc tht grave le y1860.ý, n'han thle bey n'as cnly about 4 ycamu Cidl. Whilîle n'as sick, and joît prerlees ~ elier dleari, lier brotiat William aent ti Rc'-lýibsen te set lier anS ilsse an'thtehboy. , t that tint she n'as eut seîioesly 111 anîd - VilanretenueS te Canada, leaving lieu an te tt ey at 1-oclbsier. Suinet ime Satrarwards W\illiam returced te Rochester 'a bot toueSt hbis lister n'as SetS, atedthh hid cuS aS dalsappeared. ýA TUE iF5551 CLIE. lo Y tht uueutina 'tle chilS baSgrean lu alillnalioci anS anxicus te, lette soinething aotbsparautaga lie reternueS teRoches- 1rr ted begae a statuAs for bis relative?. Whiîe engaged lin sis scatels ha accident- ally mci a man n'lo n'as acquaintd n'iu bis nrer's relatives le Canada. Puces rJii sehe beatueS cf their wbarealionts, anSu cane oer to Canada to visit tieus. Aliliugli they received hua imto tht boume tai lo wcd lin te renaîn for a short tins, thay n'cud net aitegeibuet racegeize hum as a reýlative. They vary preperly saiS that hn'sa total strauger te tIen, ted that baS ne preof that hean'as tiroir sisier's M1;illet renained aI Wiliti's place for a sotiitues, hn'ho lcnterned le tht States. Slioýrtly atter bis Sepature Willia.m Rob- artin tht déaf mute, ditS, aed CaiharinE tcok pession et tIc tarin ted uded i to lier ale, Mmi. Cela. hlinsît psteSt thiie ltivs je Caad ted on eaiug et bis uecle's caatli li c an( te Cý anada te iaim île tarin, n'hicl, if lia ii Maraits in, as lie ceeteeds, n'ouI bc bis 1)y dasceut ilirougli bis nolIser. On au iisgai tht piase lie feueS bis autue, svl iinen a widen' naineS M Maun, in passes sion et the pmoeary. At Osgoode Hall yeu tird-,y suit n'as enteraS agains unorler ané Stoýgliter fer tht racoveny oethtie saint. CALLLHsAI AN hIrO. Ou thte ther hanS Mmi. MeMan daim thiai Millet isa au lesposier n'lo lias by scie nmates heard tht siory anS is trying te chiaii a tarin wulieut payiisg for il. Sha aditj thbeir brother William telS bar wheus h reuedfrein bis finit v1i tc Recliestu h. thai lie liaS sean thaur sisier Margaret an( r. t chuS*. She says that she diS net keoý ilwliather the cilS n'as lier sister's or net s,;lie diS net aven keen'liweilir ber îiiiu n'as nantrieS or nut, ted aven if sic wa as marieS ted liaS a chilS she dots not baliea it Iliai Miller ià thtonea. ýe litera7 & Day, 18 Kieg-slneatt ait, n'I s 1 Meiaedlieg the case ton tise plaintiff, an, aS wiýUhavite te prove thai Margaret Rohanîsoi hae n'as- marrieS, that she liaS a chilS, ted lia et Joseýpli Millet, tht pialitiff, is titi chili wiliIpnebahly have a let cf troubla batcu la hey do se, for i isne easy mattar te trai Ra ' nan,8 hislory up frein tht tint cf hi sr- > ili neitil lio beicnmes 30 years et age, teý )h i1y every luk essahuîslî bis identlry,,cîtat]' -y ted bayonS a donlit. 'ts lie, Murs. (Jo-sande's Eider Brother. ir Mn. Corisanda n'as bore ouly two year ras alier ilian han brother Tomn. When Tcr irtun'a tee years old she gloried becanît sI n'awi. ýtneiva. When Touc nas known ta t trtenaulsie contasseS te m'a-h sixtet: oUt, Whee i.ênTon proudiy lotîteS et ighteee il referring to Earl Spencer'S herd Ofr Jer.,ey cattle at Altliorp park, Nortlîamp- tonshire, wasracently reperted to the Royal0 Agricultural society. Xithin the last few years severai cows in the herd have pinel away and died, and early in theantomu cft the present year two cows which appeared likely te die were killed at different dates, and botli were fo-and to ha aflicted witli1 tuberculosis. Lord Spencer thereupon took steps which resulted in a visit bling made te the herd by Prof. McFadyean, cf the Royal Veterinary college, who applied the tuherculin test te the entire lierd, in- c!odîog calves. Every animal t1LereopOni showed a considprable rise of temperature,i wlich, if the test were trustworthy, meant1 tolierculosis lne acli case, It was decidedz tos saugliter the herd, consiting of more than a score of animais, and to make care- fnl post mortem examinations. The resuit1 proved that ail the animais, with one J doubtfnl exception, had tuberculosis, tnd1 somne of them very badly. When a newq bard is commenced, it is proposed te have1 eacli animal tested as it is brouightin , with, the object of discardineý it if it slieuld give1 the temperature reaction. A. U. S. TEST. A bulletin cf the Agricuîtural Experi. ment station cf Virginia, United States cf Amerîca,which bias justreachedthis country, containis further evidence cf the vaiue of, tuherculin : I When we stop to censider that onc ont cf every seven persons dies of tubercelosis, tnd that parhaps the great ýest soorce of infection is the flesh and milk cf tuberculous cattle, the importane c f zan earl'y diagnosis impresses itself ponWo. It isstated1 by varions authonitieshath mjori;ty of the deaths cf infants i he citics is caused by toberculesis, as a resui cf einig fed on tubercelcus milk." The tuberculie test was applied te the entire herd cf cattie, numbering 54 head, ce the Station farm. Only eue animal, a cew, gave the characteristie reactice, lier tem- perature having risen freim 102 deg. at 6 p. m., the time cf injection, to 104 deg. at 3 a.m. She was apjîareutly healthy ted showed ne physicai symptcms cf the dis- 3tase, but a post mcrtemi examination te- vealcd the presence le the longs, liver and iintestines cf nombers oci rubercles varying Sin size frori that cf a pea te that cf a wal- e ut. On another farmi a herd numhering r38 head cf cattît was similarly tested, and 1again one animal, a cow, gave the condem. Vnatory sigo, her temperature rising from 1102.8 deg. at 7 p.m., the tiim-e cf injection, rte 106.2 deg. at 7 a.m. But for the use ot 3tuberculin the disease in this case cold net ehave been pesitively diagnosed. A post motem examiettion, hewever, cenfirmed othe existence cf tuberculosis. Tht bulletin 1adds: "Wlien animais de netreact after 1the injection cf tuberoulin, it canble said twith almost absolute certainty that tliey 1are free from tuberculss,since net a single ecase has been tinquesticnably establishe.d e i which animais affected with tulierculosis 8did net react. On the ether hand, if a 1 reactice takes place, it may be said with yabselute certainty that the animal lias tuberculosis." üTUER EVIDENCE similar te the foregeing lias bec furuished bnth le the United States tnd ie Canada. S At the -Dgcember couincil meeting cf the n Hi,,hlanul and Agricuirural society of Sentý e laud PRofessor W illiais, thse censultieg eveterinarian, had no liesiation in saing frocsbis ewn experieuce that tuberaulie ewas a certain test wliee an animal had ttubarculosis, and hie did not recmmend a the society te institute freili experimeuts is upon wliat was an established tact. Hes had carried eut the test salisfactcrily both witli ccws and with pigs, an l incidentaily ýr lie stated that tuberculosis was rare amog pigs in Setland, but cemmon ie England. 7- Tuherculesis is net at present scheduled d as a disease under tht provisions cf the ,, Contagions Diseases (Animais> ats, the ýg want of a means cf effoeting a correct 7s diagnosis heieg, ne doulit, oeeof tlie rea. ,S sons for this state cf thiegs. But, if in the forthcoming report of the Departmental 'committes, the tuherculin test shouidhi 1-recommended as safe and reliabla, a strong argument would lie placad ab 'the disposai cf the very considerabie number cf people [y who aiready a ivocate tlie scheduling ef , the disease. The difficulty tlien te lie faced 'iwouid lia a financiai one, for compulsory slaughter wonld inivelve a very large ont- lay in the form cof ccompensation. France is thteuly country wliich lias inc1di! tubercuiosis in caftte among the contagions e dliseases under rgaticus, the law hav;i1 d beau poassd six d4oag. la 1 1 -;D>ie-T at c\i x IaITI il polaiyle ecdl ythe recom. I ~ ~ i Cedion ute rprwhicli is uci ir aexusv waited. Tismoch, however, ay libe taken for granted, t!iat a couetry î,7 w1iich lias soccessfnlly freed itîtf from the rdread n s(courge cf the cattý ýýieag, lîie liasmoretlan once sup1iprcssed the rýavrgi fcf oo-au-d-montl disaî, edwhchh iow rought peno-o trunA dow ti ansigpoint, wlli oct ,cesitate wli1-leet tm coeste grapple lýi ule aamewlo sale fashion wi h avn e nieraniea TUERU1JJISIS IN UATTLE. Kooflis Efforts to isne a Remedy for the IJDiuvae. Invsdîaiis'sby IiriiibhàAlIthêsittes- A Tibercssllse Tst and its Itesuuit. The ildious diseaser kncwn as tobercu- asys the London Times, is prebably causiug the stockcwners cf this country greater loss than any other animal disorder, As is ivell knwe a departmneutal cemmittee lias lisen eugaeed for the lasttlireeyeasil making a sei cf experimantal £1Cquines loto tuberculoise, and the report of ibis body inay sliortly be expected. The possibflity cf tlie trausmissi of disease to, thtelieman sobjeet who may consume tlie flash or milk of tuberculous an imais snvests the question with an lîterest whieh is well nigli univer- sal. For a long time the grati obstacle le the paili of the specialist was the lack cf any trastworthy nietus of datermîninLy wlietlier a sospected animal was snfferîng frons tubereulosis, or, wlixt is the samne ihing, consomption. Evideuce freinvarices sources, would secin to indicate, liowever, that tiis difficlty lias boeenremoved, Tee years have elapsed sînca Koch first isolatefi the micro-organisrn wbicli liebelleved te lie the germ cf the disease, and to which lis gave the namne cf hacillos tuberculosis, Thre vears teeo the samne investigator an- noeued that lie had discovered a matanlal whicb wculd praveni the growth et tlie tubercie hacîllus, not cclx' in experimettI cutivttions made in the laboratory, but aIse ln the liediesof animais. It censisted cf a glycernue extract cf pure cltivatîons cf tlie hacilli of tubercîe, and 'the cames cf "1tuberculin" was given teit. Wliether or not it inay pomsss the qualities which Kacli claims lor it, this is the materit1 whlch bas heen em'ployed as an aid to the diagnosis cf tubecreulosis, a rusele the teesperatuire cf an animai following upon tht injection cf tub- trculie being regarded as indicative cf the existence cf the disease. The Artof 2otg A brawuy fariner presiA*ted hlmacifatI a country seheel, draging an overgrowle boy reluctantly ihrough tÎhe door. "XVhtats ver limiit, herel This boy's arter an iddicatioe," lae demanded. The îinîld teacher oïplied that tht er colm "emirsceid readiiog, arithmetie, bisý- tory, tîgebra, trigcnometry-" ",That wiil de,' interrupted the fariner, "lcoad hlm lieavy with ttiggernonsetry, he the onîy puer sloiel tht f amlly." Young, old or nmiddle agedI, who diith-in selves nerveus, weak tend ahusWlie are brokee down freon exeess or everwor-k resoliteg le many cf tht fellowiîîg sym'3 ptomns ,Mental dLpression> premateeo1l age, ioss cf vittiiy. lo,8s cf memory, bad dreanns, dimneas cf sight, palpitationcfi . tht heari, emission-s, lack cf energy, pain, le tht kidutys, hleadaches, pimpies n tht face ted body, itciig or peculiar seno--- tomn about the scrotum, ws.stieg cf the organs, dizziness, specks befere the eyes4, twitching et tht muscles, eyeiids tndtie where, basbtuluess, depesits ie tht urine, less cf xvili power, teederneesscf tht scalp ted spine, weakted flabhy muscles, ed' sire te sleep, failore te lie rtsted by slepn, constipation, dulleess cf hearing, lois8 c -ýeice, desîre for solitude, excirabuiIty cfo tiemper, sunken eyes, surreunded ih LEADE cIicLErs, oiiy leoking skie,et. are ail symptoins cf nerveus debility, tha t leafi te insaeity ueless cnred, Tht spr;ing or vital force having lesti us tension c\very func;tice wanes in ceesequence. Those whoc thrcugh abuse committed inigo rancee, mtaylie permtnetlycre.Send seaîie . dress M.V. L UB1O11 124lMac' donel Ave., To)ronto, Ont,, Caada. The Lessont. Teachr-" What -%re we tauglit by the stcry cf tht boaves tnd. fishes ?" .Tolinit(whose mother keeps boardars), _.&Tîsat there's sema bearders dcîî't waný i pie thrae times a day." How to getal'Sunight" pictur3. Seed 25 ý'Suulicht" Soap wrtpper.zs (wrapper beiaritug the w. ris " Why Dots a WomnuL-iok Oid Sooner Than a Man ) te LEVER Baos , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Torente, ted yen wiil receive by poil e, pretty picinre, fret frein advertisieg ïted weli wcrth framnin g. This je an easy tway te decorate yor lieute. Tht ep tis tht hast je tht market, ted it wi.l 1cnly ceat le. pcstage t e ed iii tht 11wrappers, if ycouleave tht enda pen rWrite yenr address.carefully. She Neye outd t I-Ie-" Yen are tht mcii ýbeauif u wei ,s-n She-"'You are trying te fi? tter m. Ile-"'But lndeed, it is truc. " aSlie-"Oli,I keow it is trua, but 1 douIt,- cd whetlier you really iteant it."1 Lî"or O-ver .t"ifty Years Mats. 55,slow s 'ScorirNxoSvauv has ebeu sed hy millions cf rmothers fcr- Itheir childrtn whle îeething.Ifdtrb 9cd at night and brokaîs cf your t ' y a. n ack child sotferiug ted cryiug wiîh paie- ift Cetting Teeth eend aI oceanatd gel a dbott'e of "M's Winsbow'a, Socthi'ig eSyrup" for Clildren 'l'eethilsg. It will erebieva the poor litIle sufl'erer immeditte- hly.' Depand upon it, snothera,there is ne ymîstake tbout il, Il curos Disrrboe,2i 9reaulates tht Stomach ata Bliitea, cures dWind Colic, sottens tht Geis nstd re- ýduces Infisinmatiori, ted gives touete an e energy te the wh>le systen. '"Mns. ,tVieslcw's Soothing Syrup" f ut chiliren itaethinug i plessent te tht, taste aed h the npr'escriptionî cf oeeof tht oldesi ad hst il female physicians tnd nurses l ttUnit- i6 cd SI.ter4, Price twentyffe nsa ig botle. Sold by il dtuis-ts 4t1rouhu the world. Be sorte çeîkfu "M , 7yA industani work on ,espeaking very in ea iiul ole. A 1 Titis is tht i e t fatt îen t-'ýe mar k et as ail your surplu5stoc i-k. Look ver th 19luk carefîîiîy, mted put-nett atoe 1- or ithat ae etware ifr etti _Ug. e 1n ry1 he 1 ,,,a y i as- i, w e gave h e, -1 o r a î5 billsL, ill., bill.. cui. as tbereut :c1cîz. a;s Do rernedy. *ý, reacty tiniie or tne master, beiorf, s Te eaars cf agie, but n'bo declinePs te givce bts Diant to tht publie, nakas ibis tuthOtizedC Confidetial.siatanant te us: "WhenlwI n'aety anold, myminmmnadIEu! cf ceesumuption. Tle dociter said that T, tee, n'euid soos die, ted alor neighbuns- iiosuglut that evan if 1 diii net die, I1n'oulut nevs t habtule te n'aik, hecatsa In'as sus n'eak and puny. A gatlîering formeS edn broke uîîdear may au-m. 1 hurt ny fingea m ht gailîcred andl ilraw n'et piett of boune. If I burt myseif so a te break the skie, it n'sa sure te become a ruening soe. I hadl te Lake losuf etndui-aus, huit netuung bas doua nie su uuiuhgcod as Ayer'î Sarsapa- tilla. It liasade aise nell anS streng.- T. D. M., Noretatur, Kaiis, Pnprdby Dr. J. C. Ayat & Co,, Lon'tll, Mas. CurLjes Cthers, wil cure you. 1 , - - pflifi. , ijvffiali oulim LV, iu,)LIuiv-u

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