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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1894, p. 4

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a -a 4 BOWMNVILEJAN. 24,184 During the week7e have sa long taIk 7with an intelligent niember cf the Patrons cof JIndustry and are pleas.ed te learu that the Order aime at scmething ancre wortliy than bcw te obtain tes, augar sud cc;ffee s cent or two a pound cheaper thnthei regular price. If this tountry isw te epesee there mut lie anutual intercourse cf trade between ceun-,try aud town. Mer-chante must make cone profit ou what they àeellcr they canuiot continue -In buiness, 'aud a town without merc1ianits or tradesmen te Lake Clie products cf the farm would lie cf Iitevalue te the surrounding farmers. Wee depeuideuit 1poýn 1eue anothier aud i-nut co)ntinue te trade ,wth oaci he for 1utua1l advanitsge. The Patrns accerd àiug te) a ïstatemeit pulislied in the Mail nojw numinber about 175,0)00 aud as that Journal very truth- fully remarlis, the poirfer sud influi-ence cf sncb an organizat ion i a puitical conteet eai, scsrcely be estimated. WYhile, liow- ever, the Patrons have in Out'arie a great numiber cif candidates in the fied-thirty for the Legisîture sud tliirtyý-five or forty for P>arliament-tliey do net aspire te ti.potion cf admnn atThe mevemeont is rather away frcmn the part- ies, for tbe organization liepes te ioild the balanýe cf power, wil can alone be d1oue by those w,,ho pjvèrerve an attitude of iindep-endenice. That the presence cf independent mem,,ibere in Parliament will have a goci. effeot ce long as tliey are in- corruptible eau scmrely lbi dubted. The leavon cf indepeudenice is spreading, aud te the Patrons, is dlue oul f the credfit. __________ PATRONS PRESE1NT. ouiJan. î1,-Tbere wa;s e big gatliering cf the Patrons at the r sideuce of Mr. John Van Nest, jr., in ttus villm'ge aset iiglit, the object being, ffist, te rec-' oDgr.izm ýthe g ol ofices cf Mr. sud Mrs. VanN i te the Order, and secendly, to 2pend1 a social evenîng. The Pothsriug was a comploes surprise te th' ý emly ex- cepting cite member. After i clxty had enýjoyed one cf the. exceliiii,:)ers forwhc the ladies cf this sec'bo ~e8 clebrAted, on motion oh M.. A luej ue--ràded by Mr. W, B. Goý,rrî ,i i. , Itor of TiirL STATES!M,ÀN wý ÏAS Chi -,, hair- mari, snd atter briefly referri,, 1tL>,tbe aesembil;, cilled on 'Mr. H. Arge ho resd the foleowing addreýss; DEM'R BROTH'ER Â ND SIsvTER,-We have assembled a,, your liospitable home te- nigliýtote clsnowiedge the ob ligation we are nunder for the prompt, wifling and assîdueous servies ýyen have both render. 1d te aOslogesu cmmulty. Mr. Vaicryen lucrve çe f med th,- ardu- eus duitiem' of Fitin.t- .1 Seretary iu s anct efficient mauriner, suid we desire te exýpre!ss our speito f your efforts i. a imore tangible a-urthn 1b:7more wordsp, audterfreesetuy ask yen te sccýept thikNomindwritmng dccli su We hope yo wili ec(ept it with the l, est wisbes cf yoor as ci'.' S' wbo trus t tat 1'stereetiug you0 fsmily Ud th c ready ite)rns'pond te clbfor cervice la -mk o ur gait;erin1ý- eaan sd on- tertaiuning sud yoar rre msca2if tearia acconpliairneus hae ,-Outruted often aud nmuoli te our 4elighl,, ved we reque t you te acot his5 big lamp as a sidl 1Mmento cf eur e t%- ci appre- ciation cf y-onir knua ma fri(and san neiglibor. We hopdtat bemm-hh sud otrowngtha-y lie given yenthet yen May for ni ny long sdbiapp-,,y years lis apared te cher s ice 1s yoiur *eIiýFrtiLble homo aud tesoe hi in jecb~ u are sud a ;u active p ebr To bc(Jcfyen we 1deaire te expre eur îincere u d itdthinks for -yeur malny aë, "Bcf kindeese su ad ascsitanco. Signed o1 n behaît of Solina 'lGdgo No. 1371. F. 3MîaSON, J. PASCOF, W,.fiGoRRILi, f.ARGuE. The presentat&Linwa made Iv Mr.W H. 0Gorr1îl aud Johin Ps3.A uitablio respouse wac made by-ý Mr.VaKt and asîamilar acknowlegeen by Mrs. VanNeet, bath making neat Gpeechei. Brief speeches wre then made by Mossa D. Montgomery, S. J. William"1, T. W. DaiA.' logarth, D. iLeddoa, T. Short, 11. Pascce, J. T. Ru-ndle, R. 1Burns, Ml. B. Cryderman, J. Saltar, A. T. Pasec, JuePfisnoid,itW. Ashtûr. PATRONS 0F INDUST'RY.' The writer liasdecdedtocomee tiiese piagiaristic eak n onciu with the present political siuaio , bre- iterating the sa1yî1ngthlat "eeis noth-l iug niew unider the u," as luiCe i crtain' ltat the Ïintelligene of your readers haýve created a miemory thant would convict any suthor of plagiarisini any Court of liter- ature ini the world, and lie ol be d- lighited if the wcrds receive such c1 oid- era':'tion', "u , dawforth attention te theautorsfro ivom1 th1e synsand ideas3' have been gleaed. ,At the carne tim1e, hie pd that there is nothling -o powerful as truth, and often nlothling so strange, a-s trutli is as impossible te b zoiled by any outward to)uch as the sun- beam, and if truth uniderlies the rerniarks lis justification is comlplete. The writer's thougyhts hore collected have been drawn forth by the present position of the plitical parties as effeecd by the new elemeuts wbich have arisen, 7 ýd psrticularly withthe Order erinently needful whichi is raisiug, its head in our midst kniown as the Patrons of ludust ry. This Order f romn its respectability can not be in any sway cotrasted n ith that outcome of the imagination of a cobra- headed fiend who first devised the noces- sity for war of religeýous intolerance. The Canadien p npoflo are not cowards by in- stinct, and will no, be slow te recognize the iniiquity of the whole scheie aud or- der aud t àti is the direct outcome of a wicked mind and icmagination. That it is clothed with the gr of religion, inakes it alliche ore voui and helliali. t must be rernmbered that "where God hath a temple the Devil w111 have a chapel)l" han becoî1ne almost 'an axiomn amongst us, sud thie people of West Dur- ham would dIo well to calmly inspect the principles of the sect below the smootli and enticing covering witïh whieh it hss atteuipted to arrayite. The Order, hewever, wlîich bis attractod the thouglts of the writer, is one s) diffrent, is as before stated se respectable and neces- sary, that it is a matter of regret thiat the birthday of the two <i'iculd be se close, as to cause thiem to be thouiiIt of often- times tnegether. The need of the intelli- gent farmiers teo rganize te tLry te raîse the cloud snd mist from the great majority of their elass is to those who have the good wislbes of our country at heart, most ap- parent., The condition of the farming community, leaves no denial from, sny of the class that embarrasement is among them, rich and poor alike, and the future holds ont little hope of relief. The f ar- mer koows what it is to workli ard sud live scantily, for from choice or nocessity lie las tried it for years. Every spring ie lias set to work with all the hope that is inseparably connected îýih the turning up of the mellow soil with the plow sud the new birth of nîature, and, yet every autunîn hie chef barvest has beon disap- pintment. liHe finds hinîeelf in surnnwr with a mortgage on his lands, sud, eîther tlirougliaau îal cliattel mortgage or ac- cruing liabilities, a lien on bis stock and growing crop, while prices are quocted at less than the cost of the production Hie is no, sItheoretieal eeonomist; indeed lis ides of economînce are often as crude as thecerudest raw material lie produces; yet lis knows t'hat hne cannot go, on long year after year without 1in1n1u in the hiands of the shierif or bailiiff Hence hie restiessue(sa, is WllingnIeS3 te listenl to any planl of redemlption, provided it bias nieyer been tried before. He lias beard enougli li think of the old wsys. They cannot lbelp liim. If lie las toiied faitbfully ail these years, as niany farm- ers have, and is yet penniless, or lias not made any advsnce, or lias not received a fair return for bis labor, lie f eels thst mis- fortune bas come througli lus renissness, but i3 the result of cerne extriusic bane- fnl influence. There in injustice corne- where; corne one is walking off with the surplus that lie sees accumnulatingl and i- lieves should be lis. The next stop is to ca.tcl he thief. flu niauly in.stanc"es lie believes lie lias f ound im skulking in Boards of Tradle, or Lidiug behind moinu- factering institutionrs, orluringl in the(_ vaults of boan socities Thec plutocrats cf the lu eaudth dauh edandf bamnboozled'" politicians have se însuý1aged the Federa;l Gvrmnanld maniipulat' ed thelie s that the poor man lias no chanee. ie lias seen lea ing oticianis enter polditical life as" poor mie, obtain a Cabirnet office at a caarof $7000 per an- num sud retire nfter futenyears cer- vice the posseasor cf oser 92,000,000 and s costly mnansion provided and maintain. jed etthe expnse cfth c -untry, sud sim- 1iliar ninstances cfJenailler yet princely ac- c iiuultionis. iuor iaie corne telin c f CabinetMiits having sold their in- fluence for buigebres in one inctiuce cf $1,000,000O. Theù wasIng of rnillionm rfor the yeerisnitead. t bn fý: fcfail new sdJ e'ahe aretie& il Flcwera Fruits, Vg aabnesdSe& 'sGrainq, ag n-il as Poeýt , ï-ud ail acces eo cries for fzrm- or garîen, ir ( t ina 501 e illustrationsg,,.sisisld fact s sa intending b-yoi, -ws c emmeýrud y, o. te cendl for acp.Tr iicereli snd tte cedýI we GAIETY GALORE. Evznv on vira Saasen--- TuE Ica CAIRNIVAII. A fiLon Succasa. -r H. 11. Saunders, l7dh Century Cent W. J. Jeffery, Lieutenant (Con clu4-~i ou nt.ct page.) k At.±t~IUU LjTU 1~k&La bUU1ti~i±flib. AGRIuvivnIRAI CF2 2-11,- cicimma Sc y ia 1- î-îOuse cearilalth atblusbeiedfBW- as aliUncunced( amwae an ïinmïueuSe uce Th--icen-a nsleddcnitionsuth rink iicely d vraedsih Chinese l Lanterna saudevergreeu brainches. The ycuulg pel he hmevahatl juite the iwrrk cf poaainfortlhe gan eveut sas cneqeneth cauno worve iman,, vre u bnem.Then the eldr izens (cf the town 8dbowed their apprýciti)incf(À leuseffrt,, te prvie citalam 'usemient for thle youu pool urting thedi omenllithe 1,y atdn,g the Caruiival i;o large nmb- liberally lby luying sasontickets sud auy week rugîlt when thle weathier is cuiýt- abiýe thj,ýecl" Drill Sbied mmay be s-een alve with flitting figures msiu;lg sawiftly ove-r the cexpansive shoot cf ice beneath thile 'rilliant electric liîts rv.Allen iste lie cougratula'ed ou lue great qcucýceses a carnival manager sud we aepesdte hoar that le jes rrauigiug for aie similar occasion betireen the l1-4 d Ot cf February. The judges in the conteet -,-ere er. W. fi. Gamrrett, Jas. 1!icl sud Wl \. fi. J)tmtau aud they avaî-ded tIc mczs a foîbows: 1 Lady's Fancy Costuiiuen,MisKtEl liott,1 Phctegrapl Albm. Geut's Fanicy 3ot'nRos rzi Newcastle, lbaviung Set. Girl 's, under 15, pcilpize for 1bedt costume, Ethel »isynlard,ý Pair uVas2es. Boys, under 1.7, EFast SainA. 40es borne, Magic Lauiterui. Girls, unider 14CencCsuo, ar Lyle, Dcli Beys, undcr L12, CcCtmeDA Beith, Sîcigie. Lady'c Fancy SainMise Duct an, Final Case. Gent's Faucy Skal;ti, T-,, 1. Mc2CuL-iugh, Box Cigare. Best Cieoin, F. Gret aigSet. Beet Gop OlasDarkto'e Baud, SuppJer .,afteýr eCana. Time folowinig is s partiaýl liat (cf the persone taking part sud the characters ne- pre.sen tod by tbem. LLra. Ethbel Maynard, Zingara Mise L. Keith, Clotrnesceý Mary Lyle, Mother flublard, Annie Lyle, Turli Gentie Giover, Grl Effa Giover, Wintor millie Glover, Greek Girl Ethel Joness, Queen oficf larta Shirly Merricon, Stars suld Stnipecee Mena Be th, Daughter cf Recgimenlt L. McSoriey, Nurse Mrs. E, L. Fcrtt, Bag cf Gi M. Grigg, Popcern Kate Elliott, Southeru nics Aggie Lyle, Tepsy Ada Osborne, r Gertie Lyle, Summer Mabel Borland, Maggie Climiie, ~ Red,White sudBine Mabel tJoucl, Kate Murdodli, PsflYugKte Winnie Osbiorne, Wiuter Msy spariing, Autumuli Annie Stephenson, Nuirse D Monri-ion, Nurse Carnie Ductan, Lady St. Clair Zella Brimacotube, Niglit E. S. James, Boston Trained Nujrse K. Edsall, Japanese B. Edsaii, Swiss Maidenl IL. Ieil, fHighland Las A. Heekin, Hlouseuisid E. King, Winter F. Edsall, Yatching M Reid, E. Malnmiumg, Damne F. Mayer, Cips"y E. Ile Id, M. Bouge', G. Laing, L. Lsing, M. WYright, Rosemaýidl A. Osborne, Smiow Mrs. F. Fleury, Frost Dl Alice fHi, Flowver Girl 3 E. Muir, Quen c f Faînies J ý. Fraser, Nighit E. flullier, Laidy cf tie Lk Ilattie Key, Mrnu Star A. Sh1aw, Old Lady Chapenonle Mis Chniiistie,. Younig LadyDoutut X. loak1en, Union Jc B. Gage, Lady of Spain T-1. Beth, Gipsy -ilhL e fi I, Non R. WiE.vening Star a b Potter, Flower G;irl e MicaMcLuhln Baby n Mimss Fse , ay. MabelNorthco)to, LotteLckhart, r Floreuce üTiiIley,Et aeIHaki ýt Daiay Walbridge $2hePoiry, 9 0; aiy pduo, 37 Inîpmemne , $1 ieat,$ 0 ~is 'los.hîami O$12; pril, 0;mntyc- Wh,,itue 'i; ic -'e _"1et, u - Co4 ; :itle l""cret;Sm-y , J 1î-- P. ; ri , $1 t->, luit; trcctoc,;W1)i - nomitj , J Jas., B2ley, J tie. Writ, $10.t-5 tlp, A.iai, XV,,arP Clark'- '1",Cmanî). bas$883 mu tc ttocD-. Reo-ipT. $34; dsiry ?150 .......0........ 9450;I Mreet', 7f-ui.. mne55t00 Gaek, $45 5..........p.iz.e . 1S 4 7 :-> fient.ofiground, s c , et5 .0; , tk".g)c:M pei nse s tock ........ .......s 175 8 Baaudue lba; tc e. . . 1488.21 Bilnder.i -J. D a--,At yTr .by683P. Staiksron . Ja"k -on,... ..c..,8G9o0 LeIlatîvegrwnan $800, ..... 37c0p agrant 15..............$ 9750 0 Mmmr'fieas...............'î56 0 Donatins.............. ....10 25 Paonpsdto.........a.......7 550 Mmizsel of reeipt yas .........215 O Balrtandicunk............4881 21 .$433031 P Of th sepr hat e............able37r60 e pmgg ta...............nh 51 00a mqinoe tdarýtyrodct....39O C n11.d eies...............47 60l e miordlard garon. 13950 ve m inep arts............36 63iOr1lia beci eU lde ok....102 Oey ai Iad euohr objeîs13 4 Prize cf pogves yeas.........15 si60 vlutothesudndiachmt.........671 64 Ligliin d failti grou s 133 62 Wrerkintgpenteen lsalsry sEc'y Bla2e9 hav epRion t that tl rai mectfaorale aso, the oiegty. h sscain isp $300 more tia8 locet yoarin priesdoamager caucdby cmîs te,r sud te sua lis, sudiîstli$30 eti - 'he a er go. EThodeatuenof the xhiitio, nda bon eil cto aiu,,ed. tut.L naýovs boN AG5icULTUer aLoffcrae 6a aby nefator g specsi prihe cf aie raieFte toia heomaofluad uiialt.h secres the cst ebesumai h A goodpId3e jeted 'ect a e cALn bavegirn hla rst w e onhe fends cf tprovocty.Cm1yFaraigasteMs imotantdii, Fol. 17the Dirctors c ietDurbamScet y wibhlf, neoft t ppit dhedf 'nthe d:atcofaie Sprnaa,ýiiug d aexhibitions, sud ceeide thor im IThe system ofelveciegthe Ontaicosasd, DuarcSrcetyureouty eoîety munil rnatons b. nd6o o eaofie ad ia Ou tckms oe reduced be,,,fore February lst., JOHN MoMTJRT RY, Is GOE And Maynard. the Jeweller is stil! leading and doing the trade i hi li ne. If you wa-nt a good and. nice WAICH',CLKJELY $IVRÂE RFAYARCE for a nice present for your Father, Moüther, Sister, Brother, or Best Girl give nie a ea.1. You can buy goods cheaper and -et a better quality for Iess rnoniey than lYou.11.jl pay others for cheaip -1 h Jalways-md it my aiîin life to k-ep no1thiîîg but wat 1 ceuld guara-ntee. Tli. stok ws oughlt ,at 50C. on the $ andl must b( &ld ina ver shrttine, andwill be sold at Our stock is imuch larger than iomeotes so you ha-ve a mudli better chance. Corne in and get my prices at e my stock and you will be surprised. Ail kinds of wr do e on the prcni,,:es and. warranted to give satisfaction or no charge. "~BIG 20." THE BE1-ilST 0F AL OMPOIJND SRUPô OF l-IRHO[1NDU ~REP..ASRE~D ?y CIIEMISTS adDRUGOISTS, i£owman-viU"e. O.pI? R. Ticketu and Telegraph Office. oi 0,-ALN L'SM ARBi 8LEAý%ND9 GPiAN T E WOlK$S, BOWMANVJLL, NT. <Etablishs i 185M Finï,sbed Granite Monuments in sok rm$1-25 to$0 1AINDSOME DESIGNG AND BIS MTEJÂS IED PE VERIHE AD AND GRAY RIJBISLAW,ý7 SCOTCH RO-SE, REO AND PURPLE SWEDE..........- fjl1 BTE IPEAR3ýL AD RAD PEARL,.,... FINIsHED MAUBLE M0Oý:UMENTs in stock fren345t o $200 IN ALL THE BESI K!i îS 0F MARBL1E AND LAîES' DSINS UBefore placing your orler, CALL AND XA UN YST and SE04 WIAT YOU ARE BUYING.4 i-t,- E. R BOTjNSALL,Pxpitr j -s 1 On Fi idav nicht tte lil2sE Pý%lleyAir-089 1 . p. ý-w q,ý. ,>,-ý-- ttýiýýý,ý5ý-ý jl -eQ. ý ý 1119 ; 1 1 - 1 ý Il 1 -'l 1 1 i,;" We take Sto2k-à during January,, If you are afteý,lŽl. Bargains gîve us a eau.. gardless of cost'. X M-A q2

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